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    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Vision mechanics you might not know!

    LoL Guide Vision mechanics you might not know!

    Vision mechanics you might not know!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    • Destroying a Warding Totem with Oracle Lens physically eliminates it, but the vision endures for 4 seconds. The vision range is reduced from 900 units - to passing really close to it, almost as stepping on it. TIP: Destroy the ward, walk past it and wait 4 seconds. The enemy will think you're going in one direction, but you can feint and walk backwards to where they now have no vision at all, and catch them by surprise.
    • You can use Warding Totem at level 1, recall, and come back to lane with Oracle Lens with only 30 second cooldown. This uses 2 trinkets instead of 1, but maybe Oracle Lens isn't for every Support champion, specially Lee Sin (where my monk main's at?)
    • Attacking a disabled Warding Totem will reveal the attacker and nearby units around the attacker, like BARON and DRAKE. Leave the wards alone, they're useless anyways because of your Control Ward disabling power.
    • Control Wards have 4 HP, and when 1HP it takes 12 seconds to fully restore it's health. Every 3 seconds it regenerates 1 point, but only after 6 seconds of it not being attacked.
    • To put a ward in the tri-bush below Drake, if you're inside the Drake pit, aim for the outer part of the wall and put it exactly on a SNAIL. If you can't find the snail (sometimes isn't there), you can aim for the smallest circle, of the two circles that are touching each other. They're distinctive in size, you can't miss them. Figuratively speaking.
    • Here's a tricky one: Place a ward on top of Thresh's lantern to stop the enemy from clicking it. It is hard to do it, but i highly recommend it, makes the ADC look like a Looney Tunes cartoon.
    • Here's another tricky one: When you see the enemy taking down your Control Ward, put another on the map so they can't get the 30 gold from it. But if you are in a bad place to put Control Wards, don't do it. You will be wasting gold trying to be an asshole, which is economically not viable. It is 75 for you, and only 30 for them, think about it.
    • Control Wards are cheap. Like... really cheap. 10 Control Wards = 2.14 Long Swords, OR less 125g than the cost of one Pickaxe which costs 875g. In the average match, you'l find players put around 3 Control Wards, while Supports put 10. Even though Supports are living in poverty, they still manage to buy vision... well now you know why.
    • If you place your ward on top of Drake/Baron, when they spawn it makes the ward move.

    Widest Vision Area:

    1. Zombie Ward (1100 units, comparable to Flash distance + Jax Q distance)
    2. Warding Totem, Control Ward and Stealth Ward from Support Items (900 units)
    3. Farsight Alteration (500 units, but 4000 units of range)
    4. Ghost Poro (450 units)

    Read This

    Can someone confirm this theory?

    "If you put a Control Ward in front of Baron, Warding Totems are disabled, BUT if you put a Warding Totem behind the Baron Nashor then the Control Ward doesn't detect it."

    I've edited this post too many times, someone confirm this with video source. Need one player on the other team, or use 2 accounts. I don't know, get it done. It would be REALLY appreciated by this community.

    JOKE: Why did Twisted Fate get deported?




    He doesn't have a green card.

    submitted by /u/SupportPersonality
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    Why is Caitlyn recommended for players learning to ADC?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Annie is recommended for mid because she has easy mechanics and teaches the fundamentals of mid lane. I don't think Caitlyn is a very fundamental ADC at all:

    1. Her E is the most counter-intuitive gapcloser dash in the game.

    2. Her Q and R reduce her DPS out of lane and should not be used in teamfights. That's a very strange lesson to learn, to not use your abilities in fights.

    3. She is strong in lane. Most ADCs are, by nature, scaling champs who are not strong in lane. Dictating the lane is uncommon for ADCs – usually that's the support's role.

    4. She has much more range (650) than the majority of ADCs (550). Drilling 650 range into your mechanics, then working with 550 when playing anything else is like playing on a different sensitivity.

    So why is Caitlyn recommended for players learning to ADC? It seems like she teaches all the wrong things, or at the very least unusual things.

    Edit: I wrongly implied E should be used to close gaps. It's usually an escape. I meant it's counter-intuitive as in you aim it one way and you move the other.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    How do you use attack move properly?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I main Support but like to play ADC sometimes so I've watched a few guides on the role and apparently the attack move command is important (particularly attack move on cursor).

    I've got it bound and a faint blue circle appears around my character, and then my character proceeds to attack. The problem isn't so much what it targets, but rather, how do you optimally use this feature? After attack moving once it seems you cannot use attack move again and have to manually click, and so forth.

    submitted by /u/OSRS42
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    How to get into Higher ELO with Midlane | Videos organized by difficulty

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

    Hi, I'm Zen a self-employed - self-proclaimed "coach" who hits diamond playing FILL and has played Jungle to masters. I have made a post to organize some videos that I believe may help the good people of Reddit to improve at the game at a very quick pace.

    The jungle concepts are still relative even with the map and EXP Changes, however "Accelerated EXP" / "Rubber-Banding" does not exist so please be mindful of that. Thank you.

    • Basic - Iron - Gold 3
    • Intermediate - Gold 3 - Diamond 4
    • Advanced - Diamond 3 - Challenger

    Quick few steps on how to use these videos:

    • Step 1: Watch the videos and understand the CONCEPTS - Not the situations
    • Step 2: Use the concepts discussed in the coaching & attempt to cross-reference them while watching professionals
    • Step 3: implement the concepts and be able to perform them in your own games
    • Step 4: Play a lot



    Midlane Basics (Mid 101)

    Midlane Basics (Mid 101) #2

    Midlane Basics Speed VOD

    Midlane Low elo coaching #1

    Mid Fundamentals with Faker

    Midlane Low elo coaching #3

    Midlane Low elo coaching #4

    #1 Annie VOD


    Master Midlane Coaching

    PowerofEvil VOD Review

    Diamond Midlane Coaching #1

    Diamond Mindlane Coaching #2

    Diamond Midlane Coaching #3


    Challenger DOPA VOD Review #1

    Challenger DOPA VOD Review #2

    Challenger Faker VOD #1

    Master Midlane Self-VOD

    Korean Challenger VOD

    DOPA vs Nemesis Twisted Face Advanced VOD

    Advanced Midlane VOD (recommended for Master/Chall+)

    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    As an ADC, what can I do better when I have a low presence support?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I've been transitioning from a Jungle main to playing ADC for the last few seasons and I've been taking seriously of my own errors and decision making and I know there will be games where what my gameplan/style in lane doesn't match up with what my support is doing.

    I know I'm not perfect and I'll be the first one to point out when I mess up and there's probably more that I'm not seeing. So rather than just calling the game a loss because me and my support aren't on the same page, what can I AS A PLAYER, do better?

    The goal of this post isn't to climb but to make myself more consistent, regardless of the performance of my partner.

    I've been finding myself in the following scenarios a lot (and what i think I'm doing wrong):

    My support is a hook champion (Pyke or Blitz) playing into a poke lane that doesn't know how to apply pressure by being in a position to actually hook people. (Maybe I should be pushing so he can get into a better position instead of attempting to freeze on my side?)

    My support is playing a poke champion (Brand or Zyra ) but standing behind me, missing skillshots and being ineffective while I'm being zoned. (Again, maybe being too passive in lane. Maybe I made a mistake at, say level 2 or 3 that put me into that position?)

    My support is Teemo. (I've been getting a lot lately, I dont know why, I need to start dodging them.)

    I'm willing to also make adjustments to my champion pool to practice whatever advise given. I've been playing a lot of Kai'sa, even if she's not in the best spot, she's versatile .

    Edit: spelling mistakes.

    submitted by /u/Offbeatalchemy
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    Beginner's League of Legends Glossary; Abbreviations

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Hi! If you're fairly new to the game, then you'll see a lot of different abbreviations said in chat and in the game, so I wanted to make a glossary to tell you the meaning of these. Please comment if you need any more explanations, or if I've missed out any key ones.

    Beginner's League of Legends Glossary: Abbreviations

    AD = Attack Damage (or just Damage in the shop) - Physical damage dealt by auto-attacks and abilities with orange text.

    ADC = Attack Damage Carry - A role played in the bottom lane, usually with a gunman-like champion, that scales (steadily increases in strength) in the game to become a high-damage dealing part of the team. Examples; Miss Fortune, Tristana, Lucian

    Auto = Auto-attack - Your champion's basic attack, done by right clicking an enemy. Some champions have melee autos, some have ranged.

    AP= Ability Power - Magic Damage dealt by abilities with blue/turquoise text

    BE = Blue Essence - In-game currency that you earn from levelling up, champion shards and hextech chests. It can be used to purchase champions.

    Bot = Short for bottom lane ( a 'bot' is also a CPU that you play against when first learning the game)

    Blue= Short for Blue Buff - A buff given by defeating a blue sentinel monster in the jungler.

    CC = Crowd Control - When you are stunned, rooted, grounded, airborne, asleep etc Most champions have abilities that deliver these special effects.

    CDR = Cool Down Reduction - Reduces how long you have to wait between using abilities

    CS = Creep Score - The number of creeps/minions that you have last hit, and so gained gold from killing them.

    EZ = easy

    FF = Forfeit - To surrender: press esc and a surrender button can be pressed if you think your team can't win at all. Your team will then vote to surrender or not. You can only start a surrender vote after 15 mins into a game.

    GG = Good game - Usually said by either team at the end of a game

    GP = Gangplank - A champion usually played in top lane who shoots barrels

    JGL = Short for Jungler, a role played in between lanes. The jungler will kill monsters in the jungle between the lanes and 'gank' lanes ( come to a lane to try and kill the enemy). Examples; Warwick, Master Yi, Lee Sin

    KS = Kill Steal - When you are about to get a kill and a teammate steals it by getting the last hit.

    MF = Miss Fortune - A ADC champion played in the bot lane

    MR = Magic Resistance = Resistance to ability power

    OE = In-game currency used to unlock skins from skin shards

    OP = Over-powered

    RP = Riot Points - In-game currency that costs real money to buy and is used to purchase skins, champions and loot

    SS (?) = MiSSing = this is the question mark ping (?) to signal that an enemy is missing from your lane.

    TF = Twisted Fate - A card-wielding mage usually played in the mid lane.

    TP = Teleport - The purple Summoner Spell that lets you teleport to an allied creep, tower or ward.

    Ult/Ulti = Ultimate - Your champion's ultimate ability, usually bound to the R key.

    Examples of some item abbreviations:

    IE = Infinity Edge

    QSS = Quick Silver Sash

    RFC = Rapid Fire Cannon

    T- Force = Trinity Force

    BORK = Blade Of the Ruined King

    Mercs = Mercury Treads

    Mobis = Boots of Mobility

    Sorcs = Sorcerors shoes

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Does it actually take Master Yi 40% more time than Riven to land a basic attack when they have the same attack speed?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST



    Looking at the attack speed section in base stats, the wiki claims that champions have different attack windups for auto attacks, and that Yi must finish 24% of his auto before it goes through, while Riven only has to finish 16%

    Perhaps it doesn't matter as much as I think, but it seems insane in certain "niche" situations.

    It could mess up my Yi 1v1 "combo" that I like to do where I auto -> Q -> auto -> meditate reset -> auto

    If it works as intended, I auto them and barely cancel their auto with Q, then I auto them again before barely reducing their auto damage with meditate reset, which lets me start the fight with 3 autos + 1 Q vs their 40% damage auto.

    submitted by /u/andreasdagen
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    Basic Attacking Champs as Jungler

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Edit: For clarity

    I have my 'a' key bound to "attack move click", as that's what works best for me and is my default way of attacking enemy champions and when I'm farming minions playing as a laner. I also have "auto attack move" bound to 'z' and "target champions only" on 'x'.

    My question is what method of basic attacking works best when jungling camps and for skirmishes.?

    With someone like Nunu it's ez enough to just use 'a'as his attack speed is pretty slow. But, when I play Olaf, especially mid to late game, his attack speed is so fast that it feels like if i click 'a' somewhere around enemy champ I might, instead of a quick consecutive second aa, move a bit and miss some autos.

    Should I instead use target champions only when fast aa'ing as Olaf? I have trouble kiting with the enemy as they are running as it seems I miss more auto attacks than I should.

    Should I perhaps only click the enemy once during his roid rage attack speed boot, when close enough to do and making sure to pick up axes, and not try to stutter step with his attack speed like an adc to efficiently land the most auto attacks?

    Was curious how other junglers manage high attack speed champions.

    submitted by /u/chiproller
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    Why are so many high elo players saying that Akali is the best top AND mid laner?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    I most recently saw Hashinshin tweet about this, but I've also heard other pros on stream say akali is one of the strongest top laners at the moment. If this is the case, why isn't she played more in solo queue? I play a decent amount of akali and I never really feel as strong as I'm seeing her made out to be. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/ScubaSteveMB
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    Red frame on health bar when low - what does it mean?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    When playing cho'gath for example, when an enemy gets low their health bar gets a red frame with a vertical line in the lower portion. Does this indicate that my ultimate would be lethal? Does it indicate something else? Does it only appear when you are playing certain champions?

    submitted by /u/RabidPNUT
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    Couple of Yasuo questions

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    I feel like I play Yasuo fairly well on a mechanical level and average just above 8cpm and always have a decent lane, whether it's scoring a kill early or freezing and managing lanes on unflavored matchups.

    However, I always seem to have a hard time influencing the mid game if I do have a lead. The enemy laner turns extremely passive and I can set up a freeze and deny him that cs and xp, but I feel like I'm handicapping my opportunity to carry outside of just my lane by only putting their mid laner at a defecit rather than influencing the whole map.

    Roams feel long and dragged out, and the enemy mid laner begins to crash waves into my turret and take plates and catch up on the lead I gained while I attempt roams that can't be considered guaranteed.

    Basically if the game gets past mid game without the other lanes spiraling out of control I've got a good chance at winning, but I'm looking for tips to help influence that mid game so I don't have to hold my breath and hope to see late game.

    Also, I'm not confident in my itemization as I've seen a number of different paths. I basically always follow the same path which is as boots>PD>IE then from here it's game dependent, qss/stopwatch into GA/exec/Deaths dance etc. Could anyone shed some insight on the correct item pathing for Yass and what's strong where and why?


    submitted by /u/iSpeilz
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    When do I use Sorakas Ult? And should I be attacking minions?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:06 PM PST

    I always seem to use it too late or way too early. I usually wait until more than 1 or 2 teammates are low and then pop it but should i use it for myself sometimes or what? Also, I been yealled at for auto-ing minions. I know I shouldnt be when fighting but ive been told never to attack the minions due to something with waves? what do i do?

    submitted by /u/IonicGold
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    I have a lot of flawed fundamentals in the mid-lane and I can't seem to identify the right fundamentals.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Hi all!

    I placed S3 in placements, this is the first time I'll play a full season from start to finish so I'm quite excited and I'm aiming for medium gold/high platinum- but that's beside the point.

    I understand that I'm asking a lot out of someone, but I honestly think ironing my game sense/knowledge will do wonders for me anyway as my mechanics are okay bar a couple of skillshots hitting the moon now and again. Whoever can help me out, I will be forever grateful. If you could answer in a similar format to what I've put below and just sort of give me a few pointers to help me out - I'd love it if other people could chime in as-well and together maybe we can help out another player with flawed logic/way of thinking about the game.

    When it comes to the actual game, I think I'm VERY critically misunderstood on a lot of things and there are so many gaps in my knowledge that lead me to do random things - it's frustrating me because I don't understand, it's not that I'm not "smart" enough but at the same time I don't think I've taught myself to play correctly. I'm thinking about the game wrong because like I said, there are many gaps in my knowledge. I'll make a little list of something I don't understand and I'd seriously appreciate it if someone could confront me about these and just iron out my knowledge in these areas of the game.

    1) When I get the first blood and I'm sort of low on HP/Mana - do I still push the wave out to his tower or not? I always thought this was the wrong thing to do because the jungle could just come and kill me and I'll basically lose out on my lead.

    2) How do I roam and not lose out? My timing is so bad- I literally would just randomly run to a side lane when I think it's roamable, not thinking about the wave crashing or losing a cannon minion.

    3) I always seem to concede CS and I don't understand why but every single game I end up putting myself at a CS disadvantage in the lane against my opponent.

    4) Why do I EVER push as a midlaner? This for me is probably the biggest one - I thought the gameplan is always to freeze the wave on whoever you're against to secure the CS and poke him down if he walks up - this is regardless of the champion your playing and I know this is very, very wrong.

    5) When do I freeze as a midlaner? When I feel he's weak enough for me to either kill or force a back out of him when he steps up for the cs right?

    6) On the first levels(1 up to 3), do I let him take the CS first? Or is it about who can get level 2 first so I should CS as fast as possible in the early game?

    7) What do I do if I get the first blood tower?

    8) When do I establish when we are in the mid-game phase?

    9) Should I always be following my enemy midlaner to his roam?

    10) How do I establish a CS lead over my opponent with Twisted Fate?

    To whoever takes the time - I thank you so much. I know it's a lot to ask of anyone, in the meantime I'll be on League

    submitted by /u/ErenM13
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    When/who to buy Zeke's Convergence

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Basically I'm just curious as to which champions and pairs of champions do best with Zeke's convergence. I've built it in a few games as Leona with a Miss Fortune ADC and noticed that she can't take great advantage of its buff. Which ADC's is it worth building for or is it worth it with just the 40% slow?

    Also, are there any alternatives I could build for champs who can't take advantage that well?

    submitted by /u/the_best_dude
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    How do you get better at Aatrox?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Been a while since i transitioned to top lane , and most champions i've played were quite boring to play for longer periods of time, all expect for Aatrox. I love everything about that champion and I really wanted to one-trick him (until a better/cooler version comes out)

    So far i've been brutalized outside of the laning phase, which also doesn't go that smoothly in certain scenarios, but, the main problem i have is that i don't know how to push my lead towards mid game

    Usually i just end up underfarming some 150+ minions and dragging my ass down towards mid, which gets me killed, more often than not.

    I would just like to get some tips for getting better at this champ, throughout the entire game. Any tips really would be highly appreciated

    submitted by /u/ArkinKain
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    Doing bad on ranked

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:57 AM PST

    I'm new to league, like 5 weeks, and after levelling up and getting a basic idea of everything (bot main) a friend suggested I go into ranked to improve. I've done a fair amount of draft games and I seem to always do decent in them, winning lane more often than not. However when I go into ranked, I am always the worst person on the team and just cant seem to do anything right. Can someone please help me with this?

    submitted by /u/ViceroySkull
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    How to get insanely high KDA like RatIRL

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    I've been watching RatIRL recently and even in like diamond and below games, he will have insane KDA even when hes soloQ I dont know if it has to do with his champ being semi cheese and the fact that at a few items twitch just runs away with the game especially in lower ELO.

    Could someone give me the fundamentals of what he is doing to just like 25/3 and just destroy games? I assume I would need to be playing a super hard 1v9 carry champ so if you could give some recommndations for that too that would be great!

    submitted by /u/Sofruz
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    Kayle Question

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:38 AM PST

    I have been trying to learn kayle recently, i do well when i get going in the late game, but in early i keep getting destroyed. I keep under tower and try to farm but as soon as i leave i die. i never win trades and get almost zero farm. i know kayle scales hard but i cant when i have 50 cs after 20 minutes. how do improve my early game as kayle so that I can actually win trades and fights?

    submitted by /u/Jiminybiminyb0b
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    trading on champs that have good extended trades?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:22 PM PST

    How do you know if your extended trade will be worth it?

    Burst trades: I do X damage, I use Y to avoid retaliation.

    Extended: I consistently do damage, but often times it's hard to predict just how much u can do, and including lifesteal and conq healing, etc. it gets really weird with minions and stuff. Since they'll prob kite back into their minion wave, an if they're burst, they just go in and out, barely any minon dmg, while ur trade has to go into theirs, but u know that their cds are down, but then it becomes a game of whether u can kill them b4 rotation 2, cuz if u back off now they can just kite back with rotation 2 up, so yeah. Is there like a general rule for this or do u just keep on playing the game?

    submitted by /u/LakePale
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    Irelia help needed.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:47 PM PST

    So I tried her today and I was wondering if anyone had some advice for a new irelia player. I tried finding a video but they were all how to stomp low elo type stuff as a challenger. What are the basic things I need to practice with her and any nuances about her kit that isnt exactly explained in the tooltips.

    submitted by /u/madwolf898
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    In Shop, Categories Keep "Combining", instead of Switching. Started This Patch, Never Before, Help?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:40 PM PST

    NOTICE: I am aware you can click the little "checkmark boxes" next to the Category name to combine categories, this is NOT what I'm doing to run into this issue. I'm simply clicking the NAME of the Category, and the Shop is wrongly combining every Category I click.

    So it may sound confusing but hear me out:

    What's happening is that when you click a Category in the Shop, and then click a different Category, it just shows the items that are in Both categories.


    • You open shop and click "Armor", you see all the items that have Armor.

    • You then click "Critical Strike", but you see nothing because there are no items that have both. However, normally, you should have seen all the items that are in the "Critical Stike" category.

    This isn't how the Shop is supposed to work or even how it worked just before this latest patch. What's supposed to happen is when you clicked the other category, "Critical Strike", it's supposed to show the items that have Critical Strike, obviously. But this isn't what's happenning in my shop.

    Another example:

    • You open the shop and click "Mana", you see all the items that have Mana.

    • You then click "Life Steal", but you now see nothing, because obviously there are no items that have both, but this isn't what is supposed to happen. You should have seen all the items in the "Life Steal" category.

    If this really is a bug, how do I let riot know?

    If there's actually a setting to change this patch, what is it?


    submitted by /u/derpmcturd
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    How to farm against bullying matchups ?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Hi everyone , i'm a low gold midlaner that used to play top .. mainly urgot/jax/irelia , so i decided to play irelia mid but i always got stomped by mages like zoe or neeko I cs well comparing to other champs but i notice that they scale better than me .. any tips ? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Pi-16
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    Damage on Kayn

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    I've been playing Kayn recently and getting really good grades A- through S+, but my damage is always really low...

    Is this normal? I feel like I don't do much other than farm and the occasional gank when they have low HP (since Kayn is so squishy).

    Is this normal? Thanks y'all.

    submitted by /u/NoahFrosty
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    Does anyone have some in depth experience of using a 3rd party addon with the game that they can share?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST

    (Legal ones, not hacks, obviously)

    The main one I've seen mentioned before is the "Blitz App" which can apparently provide all sorts of insights into team compositions, and automatically set your rune pages, and other things like that.

    But I'd also be interested to hear about other ones. What do they do? Is any of it actually helpful or worth having?

    submitted by /u/Snowchugger
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