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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.1

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.1

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.1

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    Why do posts about toplane fluctuate between: "Toplane is the least impactful role, even if I get fed it means nothing" and "The enemy toplaner got fed and killed my entire team, gg"?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Basically the title. It might just be that I'm noticing more posts like that, rather than it actually being the case. Either way I thought this would be a good time to ask: how to be more impactful overall in the Toplane? Is it really just an island, or can you make plays even without a competent jungler

    EDIT: It seems that the consensus is thus; Macro and Champ style decides the Toplane. If you're a splitpusher, do so, if you're a Darius, be in the fights and be at the objectives, don't be a KDA warrior. If you're a tank... Be oppressive I guess, there's not much advice for tanks

    submitted by /u/Pastel_Witch_Bitch
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    The actual reason for why one should first become good a small set of champions

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    I wanted to make a reply on a comment, and it became so long that I decided to give it the space of a post in hope to give some beginners/intermediates clarity regarding what the (less obvious) benefits of maining a champion or one-tricking, gives the player.

    "The actual reason however, is not merely that you become "good" at a champion, but that playing the champion to the point of habitual action (mastery) allows for your brain to process subtler elements of gameplay which will inevitably vary from game to game.

    Such information involves processing what junglers you can adapt your lane pressure to, what type of team compositions would favor your ability to roam, what type of vision wins you most map control. Even subtle hints of information may be processed in the early stages, your brain might understand that you getting a Shaco with flash indicates that he is not confident enough on the champion to rely on his toolkit to survive, which would allowed him to play with ignite, exhaust or even TP (more of a risk).

    Needless to say, the list goes on, and the main key of maining one champion is that it eventually allows your brain to process the game as a whole, with your main champion as the focal point of each game. It gives your game a stable foundation, like following the main character of a movie plot gives coherence to all the other people in association with the main character.

    Think of it like this, you can measure/predict your own game awareness by observing what you are doing in the Loading Screen: are you googling how to lane with "< champion >"?, or perhaps looking at what skills this champion has?

    If you play several champions each day, it is like game can never be deeply understood by your brain because playing a new champ; that's four new abilities with so many possible combinations along with flash and ignite, cooldowns to take into account, wave management with spells + lane pressure. A common signal is that you will most likely not initiate a roam on a new champion, and the cause for that is (obvious) natural.

    So it is not merely becoming good at a champion that allows for your growth in the ranked ladder, but the ability to process the game as a whole and not having to focus on how to use your character. Imagine you are zoomed in, looking at your character/champion standing on midlane, from a top-down (bird's eye) view, that's when you just bought the champ or are new to it. If you expand the view (zoom out), now your awareness is set to cover the whole map, the two team compositions, predictions as to who got the early-late, ideas of how to possibly help out your jungler etc etc, list goes on.

    To truly enjoy league, from my perspective, is to understand atleast the basics of mid, jungle and botlane - then when you look at the map, you see more than someone doesn't. Knowledge is power. For example, if you look at your map and there is no vision on dragon at lv4 - a beginner support might think that they are being ganked, while an experienced player might even suspect that dragon can be sneaked. "

    TL:DR > One-tricking, or maining (few set of) champions gives your brain the freedom to examine and recognize patterns outside the dynamics of your champion's mechanics. It is fundamentally related to muscle memory and could be viewed as someone who does physical exercise, it only "sticks" and becomes second nature when done repeatedly (into subconsciously stored information).

    I apologize for any unreadability and poor grammar, wrote it in haste.

    EDIT #1

    For everyone lower than diamond, the trick is to find a champion that appeals to you, not one who is listed on a "Season 10 Champion Tier list". The very minute details that playing an "officially" viable champion only benefits you when reaching the higher ranks, because it is only then that your team will have knowledge which can make use of those details.

    Seriously, I started playing Viktor in season 7-8 before people even knew he existed, because something appealed to me, which was mainly the laser. Then as you play the champion, insights accrete, I started using Barrier in combination with his Q to make baits, along with Seraph's Embrace and Phase Rush.

    This freedom of expression is what makes us unique and can only really be expressed as we want it when we put energy into it. Choose what you want to be.

    Imagine your custodians telling you to wear something to school for a month that you don't even like. And not only that, when they get dirty, you have to wash the clothes that you don't even want to wear.

    Roughly, it is the same principle, play what you like, wear what you like, playing game is an act of self-expression, an artform when mastered. Only consider "sheeping" to the meta when you're playing for monetary gain or in a seriously competitive ranked team.

    submitted by /u/MeaningOfMaps
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    Free Coaching for you all! (Discord coaching Community)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    A few months ago I had this idea of creating a discord server with the goal to connect coaches and students together and all that completely for free. Meanwhile we are more than 100 active coaches on the server and a total member count of more than 3K people!

    I am aware that many people have concerns of whether this is truly free so I took a screenshot of the review channel https://imgur.com/a/2g9Kstw

    There is no hidden paywall and it is really important to me that everything stays for free, people who don't follow that rule are strictly removed.

    invite link: https://discord.gg/eAxUVdK

    I thought some of you might be interested in this so I am welcoming you to join as well =)

    Also, coaches need to be at least platinum 1 and have to go through an application system to get approved. We are working closely with the coaches and want to help them get a good experience as well by collecting feedback of their sessions and more!

    Here is a video of me introducing the server: https://youtu.be/f9aB9g-2Yqo

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask me anytime :)

    submitted by /u/SwaggyBone
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    Expanded Flowchart for Low/Low-Mid Junglers looking to better Macro play

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    After feedback from the previous flowchart, I decided to expand it to more encompass basic macro play rather than super duper mega basics. If you want the super duper mega basics (If youre new to the game or super low elo) you can find that here.

    To avoid having to explain and make an extra large amount of information most people already know, this flowchart is designed in mind that the one who is reading it:

    A) Understands their build path correctly

    B) Understands when to recall with their gold

    C) Understands what gank potential means (Having CC, if people are in lane, having ult or red buff etc.)

    D) Is actually in a state of being able to do something (Good health recently spent gold etc.)

    This is the basics of jungle macro play. It will tell you what lanes to focus on when things don't go well, where to be when objectives are/are not up, etc. If it seems very much focused on Rift/Dragon, that's because it is, If you control both consistently in low to low-mid elo you will consistently win games.

    Feedback is also appreciated, I'm not great at doing these but I also enjoy teaching lower ELO or mid ELO players how to play.

    submitted by /u/FlyingRep
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    Please use hot keys to level up your abilities.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I see to many streamers/youtubers/friends clicking on the little plus to level up their abilities or just not even leveling them up in the middle of a fight because they dont have time to click on them.

    Using shift/control then whatever key you have your abilities on to level them up instead of clicking on them will seriously save you so much time and win you so many more fights.

    Ps: do the same thing for self casting with alt + button. Especially on champions like kayle and lissandra.

    submitted by /u/cowpiefatty
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    Quick <5min Guides for Champions

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a diamond mid laner, who has been playing since season 1.

    I know one of the hard things about starting to play league is learning all the new champions so I plan to make quick <5 minute video guides for league's champions.

    I'm still working on my format but the guide usually covers skills, tips and common combos. I have three out so far: Brand, Leblanc and Ekko.

    I will also be uploading a Zed one this week.

    Check it out if you want to learn something new!


    Let me know what champions you want me to do next as well.



    submitted by /u/pingspong
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    The Pros of Being Positive are HUGE

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    This advice has nothing to do with gameplay, mechanics or macro/micro it's all about the mental. I think, as a lot of people know, players who tilt and troll can be hugely detrimental to the game (hello d4- i swear so many losses due to tilt) and most advice is "it happens" and just move on to the next one... But I think being positive in game can be a huge help!

    While not typing anything is fine, I find saying a few positive things can have huge impact on the game. Just saying things like "we got this :)" and general positive things related to the game while not being overtly generic / phony sounding has helped me make comebacks in game, and have less people troll. I've been complimented a lot saying my positivity has helped keep their mental in check and focused on the game...

    Even as an extreme example the other day, in champ select we had someone flame our jungle because of how they performed in our last game... and he went on insta tilt saying he was gonna troll... I was in promos so I couldn't dodge and nobody else did so I just tried to stay positive- just say things like "jungle can you just mute [person who was toxic] we got this game :)" and like "pls no troll, I couldn't dodge because promos" and what not, so our jungle ran it down twice but top was winning and us bot were doing okay, so i said "see we can win jungle :) pls play" and he was like "yknow what i'll try just for you raka" and he stopped trolling and we just turned around and won the game!

    And while thats definitely been one of the best examples of how being positive helps me win, I can always tell that when players are tilting / being toxic that me being positive helps people's mental out and not check out of the game... Being positive to specially toxic players can help derail their tilt and increases chance of winning and keep team moral good... It may not seem like much, and obviously there isn't statistics I can point too that say this helps, except personal anecdote and feelings that it DOES.

    And while yes, being a babysitter to toxic player's egos can seem bad, and IK most people dont like the thought of having to dick suck negative players, so this strat may not be for everyone, I just think fuck it... I'll take the better chance to win !

    submitted by /u/SatanV3
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    How can we play melee champions against ranged champions?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I'm a midlaner and can play akali,Diana,qiyana and kassadin decently but i cannot play against ranged champions like Cassiopeia and in cases where people flex senna or aphelios in mid i feel like just quitting. The major problem is the don't let me farm and by the time they hit lvl 6 I'm stuck on 5 or even 4. It's like i only get 2 options either to miss cs and play safe or take cs and play risky which mostly turns bad.

    submitted by /u/electricnuke084
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    As a JUNGLER how do i know which lanes will be more impactful in late game

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I want to ask: is there a way to know which lanes are going to have more impact mid-late game to give them a higher priority?

    Lately i been playing jungle a lot to climb, i have a set path and gank lanes fairly often. But lately it doesn't matter how many kill advantage i gave a lane, they still end up feeding or fall behind by staying in their lane until late game.

    *Gave top 2 kill advantage*: doesn't help with objectives and feeds trying to destroy the second tower

    *Gave mid 2 kill advantage*: still gets wreck because he doesn't ward his lane

    *Gave adc 2 kill advantage*: jhin decides the best option to start is shiv against a caitlyn, and dies to the difference in range and poke.

    submitted by /u/danberhe
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    Warwick Movement Speed Question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Does Warwick get the bonus movement speed whenever there is a blood trail, or do I have to walk along the blood trail?

    Like there is a low hp at bot, blood trail is activated, but i want to gank top, do i get the movement speed bonus?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/braveheart0707
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    What to do when team flaming?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:56 AM PST

    So the past few games somebody on my team has started flaming another person on my team for the entire game. It's really annoying because I'll be doing well and then somebody's bad attitude makes the game go downhill so fast. Like recently my bot lane was flaming jg the entire game and kept trying to fight without jg and then flaming jg for not being there, or flaming jg for targeting wrong person, or flaming jg for not going to herald for a 1v3, and just kept flaming jg for their own mistakes aswell which made jg go in on the 1v3 at herald, and go into an already lost team fight. How can you stop a player from just flaming the jg for the entire game without making the situation worse?

    submitted by /u/MosesaurusRex
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    As an ADC, wouldn’t it be better to just duo with a competent top laner rather than a support?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    I play Jinx in the bot lane and either go even in lane or I win, but there usually isn't any feeding at all unless I get camped by the top and jungler. I've checked my op.gg and literally 90% of the games I've lost came from my top lane feeding. It only takes 4-5 kills for enemy top laner to completely destroy my entire team and my 8-10 kills worth of gold (+CS), I'll barely tickle top.

    Even if I lose bot lane, I think it would be infinitely better to have a top laner duo than a support duo. The game is controlled by two lanes rather than just one, and I can just scale after lane phase. Even if my support is bad, I don't mind as long as I can damage the team and let my competent top laner do work on enemy team.

    Even if he isn't fed, as long as enemy top laner isn't fed either, I won't get clapped in 0.2seconds

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/jackksouth
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    Why doesn't Senna ADC go Fleet Footwork like Caitlyn, Corki or Jhin?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Fleet Footwork seems to become the default keystone for ADCs who can't use Press the Attack/Lethal Tempo very well.

    However, what about Senna, who goes either Glacial Augment or Dark Harvest?

    What about Senna's kit makes Fleet Footwork so bad on her? On the flipside, why doesn't Caitlyn, Corki, or Jhin go Dark Harvest? (I know Jhin used to go Dark Harvest when it was OP but he doesn't anymore)

    I understand why Caitlyn, Corki, and Jhin wouldn't want Glacial Augment because they all build Stormrazor, but I figure if Fleet Footwork is so weak on ranged champions (which is evident because even on hyperscalers like Vayne or Kai'sa, players still don't pick up Fleet Footwork), why can't they go Dark Harvest?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How are you supposed to lane top against Nocturne?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I started playing the game a couple of months ago so I'm still new, bronze 1 after placements, so this could just be my limited skill or game knowledge. I just had Nasus top going up against nocturne. I tried to play as conservatively as possible and just farm q stacks, but his kit has constant harass and pressure. He could clear entire minion waves at lvl 3 almost instantly and then would go roam and I either had to keep farming my stacks and letting my team know hes missing, or try to follow him and not get stacks/ die in the river. I chose the first option and ended the game with 750 stacks but nocturne had 20 kills and their team won. Please help me

    submitted by /u/HarrySonofHairy
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    Off meta picks for top lane

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Are there any off meta picks that works wonder in low elo (gold)? So far I had tried amumu aftershock w/ liandry and frozen heart, grasp teemo and senna and vayne top and they are working pretty well.

    I just wanted to try more variety of off meta champ that is fun to play while, also able to contribute to the team like with hard cc or raw damage.

    I find myself winning more games with off meta champs in the top lane than try harding with riven(which is my main).

    submitted by /u/PlsGutRivenNOT
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    What is the best between magical footwear and biscuit delivery ?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    So I was looking at op.gg for Nami and Leona, and I noticed the highest win rates/picked runes for Inspiration as secondary runes are Cosmic Insight and Biscuit Delivery.

    But why taking biscuits instead of footwear ?

    From my point of view, Biscuit Delivery will give you 3 biscuits by 6 minutes in the game. By that point you probably will be under 1k life. That means biscuits will each heal max 100 life and 10% of your mana (or missing mana, it's not very clear) so even less than 100 life. They sell for 30 gold and increase your mana by 50. The mana increase can easily be compensated by Manaflow Band, so if you now a minimum how to manage your mana and don't keep using your bubble or shield (still speaking about Nami and Leona) then you should run out of mana quite late and be able to back without the enemy team causing a problem. As for the health regen, well you take 2 potions and you will regenerate more health with that. So by around 10 min, you'll have spent 300 gold in boots, maybe more if you take potions because these biscuits are not the best at sustain, and have a bit more mana and that's pretty much it.

    If you take Magical Footwear, you won't be able to get boots before 12 min (but considering that this threshold is reduced by 45sec per cooldown, you should get them around 9-10min, which is fairly reasonable for boots). But in the other hand, you get free boots and a bonus MS that last until the end of the game.

    So with biscuits, you get a bit more mana and save 150 gold, or not, depends if you need potions, whereas with footwear, you save 300 gold and get a permanent bonus MS.

    So why do people mostly pick a mana/small life sustain over minimum 150 free gold ?

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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    How good are Tanky (Tahm Kench, Braum, Taric) supports at the moment?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:23 AM PST

    For a Clash team I'm currently trying to pick support back up after not having played it from season 4 onwards. Most of my support roster includes tanky champions however, but I heard that the meta is currently favouring champions like Janna, Nami etc. How true is this, and if so, what is the reason these tanky champions do not work as well as they used to in the current state of the game?

    submitted by /u/Munchlars
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    Should I just play usual champs everyone else does in lower elo?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Right now I'm a bronze 1 top laner and I really enjoy playing Gangplank but I always get matched up against pretty much the same kind of champs, tanks, and ranged. I really want to get good at Gangplank but whenever I get matched up with the same champs that run circles over the top lane I just end up getting smoked. Should I just pick the champs like Darius or Garen, or hell a....ranged champ....and get the basics down for the lane before jumping to the champs I enjoy playing? Or is this more of a "get good scrub" kind of thing and I'm just playing bad because I'm bad kind of scenario?

    submitted by /u/bloppydough
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    Thinking of maining karthus; am I dreaming?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Sup! New player here, been grinding up to 30 over the last month or so (currently 24) and recently discovered karthus on the frees this week. I love the way he plays with skittles and that insane ulti and passive, and I've had surprising success so far in draft (60-70% wr) with fairly high kills and deaths (but usually 1.0+ KDA). In the current meta is an off-meta pick like this viable for climbing when I hit 30? Fyi I've been playing him top lane mostly

    submitted by /u/Blurbleberry
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    To late for me ?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Is it to late for me to get "good" at this game

    Some back story. Im a super hardstuck in same elo sense season 3 i started at gold 5 and im still lowest of low gold every season. I have extremly thick headed + lazy personality that im well aware off, i tried coaching ect but nothing helps me. I have been "Zombie gaming" league for 10k+ games doing same mistakes over and over again on top of being so i can no longer see what is wrong and what is good even with coaching ect i just forget it 1 hour after and do same stupid shit over and over again.

    Im not gonna quit league but i wonder if there is any hope left for me

    I tried taking a break for 1 year but i just ended up being worse and eventually ended up in same rank at end of season anyway.

    submitted by /u/__Momo__
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    How do I Teamfight?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Hey, I usually play toplane bruisers like Jax, Darius, Garen, etc. and I'll usually be ahead or even with my laner throughout laning phase and then as soon as their first tower goes down, my macro play goes to absolute zero. I'll be good in skirmishes and 1v1s across the map, but i usually just resort to split>die>split>die because all lanes are pushed up. Also, in teamfights as a bruiser, I usually engage as im the tankiest on the team, but i instantly get hit by a cc chain and die, while my team cleans up the kills. Any tips on how to live in teamfights, and what to do when the first few towers are down?

    submitted by /u/kingferriswheel
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    Help with clear on Qiyana jungle

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Hello, I'm pretty new to jungle, and I thought that trying out Qiyana jungle would be good. I'm aware that she wasn't made to be a jungler, but that it works okay. The clip here is my 2nd game with her, my first game was decent, although I didn't really do that much, but the game that this clip is from might be my worst jungle game ever. And it's not because I fed my ass off or anything, quite the opposite, I literally didn't do ANYTHING. I felt like my clear was so shit, that after every camp I had to recall and ending up being a WHOLE 5 levels behind the enemy jungler.

    In the clip, you can see my desperate fight with the blue buff, as it almost 100-0s me. I thought that some of the hits that it landed on me were quite strange, but it is what it is. I'd like to know what I did wrong in this clear, and what I could have improved.


    submitted by /u/HoboSenior
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    Can we set up a game to see the decisions being made between bronze and diamond?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I think it would be good to set up a game Gold v Gold but have 1 jungle be bronze and the other diamond. To see the difference of the impact. Pings would have to be muted for both junglers so that the decisions are their own. I think it would be interesting to see.

    submitted by /u/rbeach1
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    Can you explain 'on-hit'?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:35 AM PST

    Everywhere in descriptions, I see the wordings 'on-hit' and I am having trouble understanding it. Does this mean that the on-hit effects apply when I attack a particular enemy on every other (alternating) basic attack? Or does it apply on all basic attacks or from the second basic attack?

    submitted by /u/chidambaram-3
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