• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    League of Legends ForestWithin's response to Riot Lutzburg's twitter posts about the playtest team

    League of Legends ForestWithin's response to Riot Lutzburg's twitter posts about the playtest team

    ForestWithin's response to Riot Lutzburg's twitter posts about the playtest team

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:00 AM PST

    I hope Riot continues adding skins that a relevant to the lore

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Sylas is currently a hot topic of debate givin the recent balancing dilemmas, but seeing him in his Frejlord skin in the new Warriors cinematic gave me goosebumps. The skin market has been completely oversaturated with "alternate universe" or blatant money grab skins and it is so refreshing to see content that ties into the immense Runeterra universe. The world that the Riot team has built is amazing and so detailed and I look forward to more content in the core game that further explores it.

    submitted by /u/bqx23
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    Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. 2WEI and Edda Hayes)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

    It looked like I destroyed the terrain with Qiyana ulti!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:23 AM PST

    [RANKED] It's not fair that someone can literally say they're going to int/troll/afk/ because they're autofilled/drunk/bored/tilted without getting punished for it.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Someone going 0/10/0 after saying they're going to int isn't having a bad game.

    Someone leaving the game after saying they're going to leave isn't having connection issues.

    Someone going AP Riven after saying they're going to troll isn't breaking the meta.

    If Riot's chat system can recognize someone calling my mom a whore in a local Mongolian dialect, they can recognize someone leaving the game after literally saying they will.

    What's your opinion? (How) will Riot fix this?

    submitted by /u/Obamoose
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    I know in game Sylas has lost his identity but LORE Sylas is the best thing thats happened to the story in ages

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST

    As a quick preface I am not a Sylas main, I have played him a little but he isn't my type of champion and every iteration of him makes me like playing him less and less.

    I know that this sub is chock full of threads about how Sylas hasn't got an identity anymore and he isn't the same champ that made a lot of people play him upon release. Personally I would love to see him revert to a more bruiser type of champ but what will be will be with Sylas on the rift.

    Sylas in the lore however, is a totally different animal.

    His entire backstory, fleshed out in the Lux comic (read it if you haven't, it's very good) and the lateset short story of him in the Freljord (here for anyone interested https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/shackles-of-belief/), has added some much needed context and colour to not only the story of Demacia but that of Lux, Garen, Jarvan and how 'magic' in Runeterra works.

    His inclusion into the universe has added a wonderful ambiguity toward previously established ideas, namely that of Demacia being 'good'. He has added really concrete examples of big themes and ideas like bigotory, justice and identity.

    He has done the same thing that Swain did upon his rework, he has added a different dimension to the story of league and if you're like me and that kind of thing interests and entertains you, then the way Riot has handled Sylas out of game has been an absolute success.

    Hopefully in time they can reconcile that success with his in game counterpart.

    submitted by /u/LukeyPhooz
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    Team Tyler1 of Twitch Rivals will be facing off against Mad Lions of the LEC in a showmatch on Saturday 11AM PST/2PM EST, as per IWillDominate

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Dom's tweet:


    The tweet from MAD Lions that started this whole idea: https://twitter.com/MADLions_LoLEN/status/1215361597658542090

    Team Tyler 1 vs Mad Lions LEC team


    11AM PST/2PM EST

    I'm sure we expect Team Tyler1 to lose this terribly but they have nothing to lose by accepting this challenge from Mad Lions. But let us imagine the memes if an LEC team does somehow lose to a Twitch Rivals team. They have the most to lose here in terms of reputation.

    No confirmed details yet on where this will be streamed. Probably Twitch Rivals channel and the individual players streams.

    MAD Lions confirm their perspective will be streamed on from their account and casted by Stress and James MacCormack, MAD Lions head coach

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/Lvl81Pikachu
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    Riot Games KR CEO Park Jun-kyu passes away due to Liver Cancer after a year of being at helm of Riot KR

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:35 PM PST

    4k screenshots from "Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic" for wallpaper

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Hi guys! I haven't seen you for a long time!
    I saw that someone is already asking for screenshots to put them on the wallpaper.
    Take and download images without compression in 4k resolution. Choose the screenshot you like and put them on your desktop.

    Imgur gallery | .jpg:

    Google Drive| .png, download:
    Google Drive

    Have a nice day and enjoy!

    submitted by /u/alterhouse
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    4K Wallpapers taken from the newest cinematic feat Lux, Urgot, Ezreal, Kai'sa, Sylas, Vi, Cait

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Made some wallpapers from the video, all in 4k, some may be a bit blurry due to movement.

    If you find any scenes where I could get another good shot from tell me the timestamp and i'll add them.

    These 2 are my favourites: https://i.imgur.com/Lk2DdNt.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/BNMTxJA.jpg

    Happy to see garen: https://i.imgur.com/l744GeT.jpg
    Angry: https://i.imgur.com/lA0nlhO.jpg

    His people: https://i.imgur.com/AAdGhbL.jpg
    The chonk: https://i.imgur.com/3IopS7o.jpg
    Vs Vi: https://i.imgur.com/Lk2DdNt.jpg
    Don't wanna be him: https://i.imgur.com/HIKXblP.jpg

    Altar: https://i.imgur.com/IInm0rz.jpg
    Regrets: https://i.imgur.com/kl3ZgT1.jpg
    No-Regrets-Angry: https://i.imgur.com/78i52bl.jpg
    No-Regrets-Cheeky: https://i.imgur.com/bWRjTI1.jpg
    Feat Kaisa Flashy: https://i.imgur.com/aeswyqv.jpg
    Feat Kaisa Not-Flashy: https://i.imgur.com/hNuryXV.jpg

    Super Hero Landing: https://i.imgur.com/BnaoAxB.jpg
    Reveal 1: https://i.imgur.com/WuqpvaP.jpg
    Reveal 2: https://i.imgur.com/t9X4k4v.jpg
    Reveal 3: https://i.imgur.com/5uIdiUn.jpg
    Q-Skill: https://i.imgur.com/sa39Y8R.jpg
    I got help: https://i.imgur.com/BNMTxJA.jpg
    Feat Ez Flashy: https://i.imgur.com/aeswyqv.jpg
    Feat Ez Not-Flashy: https://i.imgur.com/hNuryXV.jpg

    Reveal: https://i.imgur.com/vbPXwCM.jpg
    The Army: https://i.imgur.com/heIyxHS.jpg
    Vs Garen: https://i.imgur.com/ixMCkxY.jpg
    Sword: https://i.imgur.com/BAQ8NoI.jpg
    Sword2: https://i.imgur.com/ztKpW7A.jpg
    Defeat: https://i.imgur.com/chxlWeO.jpg

    Vi & Cait:
    Reveal Cait: https://i.imgur.com/xpWTYtH.jpg
    Reveal Vi: https://i.imgur.com/eeHGZ4t.jpg
    Without gloves: https://i.imgur.com/Lk2DdNt.jpg
    Knockout: https://i.imgur.com/HIKXblP.jpg
    Caits sniper: https://i.imgur.com/OOOE12T.jpg

    Garen sadly didnt give any good shots

    submitted by /u/SidiaStudios
    [link] [comments]

    I seriously miss monstrous champions

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Are human champions really selling that well? In the last 3 years we've had 1 monster champion, Ornn (I'm not counting Yuumi since while not a human, she's still a cutesy UwU cat and not a monster). All the other champions were different flavours of human. Not even humanoid races, just straight up humans that sometimes have special parts like hextech legs or a chameleon tail and accents.

    I remember being so hyped and praising riot for being original when I saw that the new addition to League was an armored undead ghastly centaur, or a catfish gluttony demon. Nowadays it's just "oh look, it's another human, but this time she has a gun!"

    submitted by /u/Riegerick
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    Lux's beam in the Warriors cinematic

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Remember that "3rd Nexus", in the background.. near the mountains?

    Could Lux's call for Galio have something to do with this?

    What if it's a game mode where we defend the fort from the waves of winters claw soldiers or you could also take the their side and fight to capture the fort

    And even better yet, what if this is a huge event where community decides the outcome of the fight and lore advances in that direction?!! Holy fuck that would be something

    submitted by /u/NocaNoha
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    Season 10 Countdown Fan Art [Bard]

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Season 10 Countdown Fan Art [Bard]

    Hey everyone c: I made a Bard version of the posts Riot has been making to countdown the new season!

    Hope you like it! c:


    submitted by /u/Diazex
    [link] [comments]

    Ornn's Wet dream

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Gnar can ult twice with 45% CDR and two cloud drakes. You can also do it with 40% but you need to R into the rage and spam it as it comes off cooldown.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I think that Renekton has seen better days

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:25 AM PST

    The league cinematic is actually just an example of a typical game in iron

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:50 AM PST

    1.) starts off with noob Garen over extending trying to 1v1 a sylas, dies by ignite as he is running back to his team

    2.) Noob Ezreal grabs an item without knowing the effect

    3.)Noob Sylas walking up to 1v5 rest of the team

    4.) Noob jung and Adc somewhere else entirely

    4.)Noob Lux gets killed by minions

    4.) Noob garen respawns and tries to 1v1 fed sylas again

    4.) Kaisa top comes in and steals ezreals farm gold

    4.) Noob adc taking jungs camps

    4.) Better jung wins

    4.) Fed sylas steals Garen ult instead of lux ult for a fight

    4.) Lux throws her ult in the wrong direction

    4.) Ezreal stands up to his top laner and starts stealing last hits

    4.) Weak jg and adc work together to kill fed urgot

    4.) wtf noob jung stole kill from adc?????

    4.) Top and bot still fighting over cs

    4.) wtf galio where were u

    TBH i rank this cinematic 9/10 needed more jhin

    submitted by /u/frizzykid
    [link] [comments]

    I could watch this gif of Vi and Caitlyn from the Season 2020 cinematic "Warriors" all day.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:24 AM PST

    I could watch this gif of Vi and Caitlyn from the Season 2020 cinematic "Warriors" all day.

    The Riot animation team have really stepped up with this season's cinematic, there were so many cool moments in there but this one is by far my favourite, especially as a Caitlyn player!


    submitted by /u/enochtai
    [link] [comments]

    Zoe outplay

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:03 PM PST

    74% Win Rate Swain Support to Master Tips/AMA

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Exclusively played Swain support from d3 to master (all solo) and am currently ranked best Swain NA (leagueofwhat?). Thought I'd make a post giving some Swain tips and more general support tips and answer any questions.

    But its preseason???

    Yeah Yeah, I know. I original got to master for the first time when I picked up Swain support in October with a 63% winrate over 56 games but had my "friends" convince me it was a fluke and didn't mean much, so second times a charm i guess.

    Why Swain and why support?

    I liked the direction Riot took with his rework both thematically and his game play, but as a jungle main, playing Swain into counter matchups in solo lanes feels like I have no impact on the early game. I saw people talking about support being his strongest role and picked him up and it seemed to fit my playstyle . Always wondered how people one-trick champs till it just clicked with me on Swain.

    Swain Tips

    -First and foremost, DON'T BUILD Rod of Ages on Swain, specifically on support Swain as he does not require any mana, but I believe that it shouldn't even be built on him mid in the current meta (see Alamanders protobelt build). I could see it being built on top Swain in some matchups, but for support Swain either rush Liandry's or build Zhonya's first into Liandry's if enemy has heavy dive and you your team has good damage.

    -Electrocute > Conqueror . In my opinion, current Conqueror just helps Swain at what he already excels at which is all-ins with his ult and teamfights. Electrocute on the other hand gives Swain kill pressure in lane and allows him to play more aggressive without his ult. Again this is mainly for support Swain (support Swain should ALWAYS run electrocute) but I also see mid lane Swain prioritizing electrocute while top Swain can make use of conqueror.

    -Always max Q. Yes Q is pretty weak in lane but around levels 8-13 when mid game fights and skirmishes happen, having a 4 cd Q is way more impactful than having all your cooldowns on 10~ sec cd.

    -Start E and try to land an E pull auto combo to proc electrocute at level 1 (the 2 parts of E count as 1 stack of electrocute). Take W level 2 and try to land E place W between you and the enemy and pull them into it to proc electrocute. Try not to use Q much early game outside of procing electrocute, stack of spelltheif or pushing the wave.

    -E>W>Max Q>Max W is what I mostly did.Currently experimenting putting 2-3 points into W early for the lane but not sure how well it fares yet.

    -Basically a Swain lane looks like this, if the lane is in a state where when you walk up the enemies walk back then you will snowball and dominate lane as it is easy to land E, but if the lane is a in a state where when you walk up the enemies run you down.... go next. (note: Draven)

    -Learn the ins and outs of E. Its arguably the most important skill for Swains laning phase. I can make a whole post about just this ability. Try to get a feel for it in practice tool.

    -W, on the other hand, is probably the most underrated skill. Learn how to place it to cut off enemy escapes, between your teammate and an enemy to stop a chase, get assists half way across the river, and secure double buffs from jungle skirmishes and even get vision of bushes and objectives.

    -Best ADC to lane with are Draven, Jhin and Xayah (Caitlyn if she can consistently trap of Swain pull). Worst ADCs to lane with are Vayne and Ezreal (depends on the player but like um most Ezreals are uhh questionable).

    -From my experience, Swain is more dependent on the ADC he is paired with more than who he is against. A Swain Draven lane can win almost any lane 2v2 assuming equal skill. But if you aren't paired with Draven then there's this.

    - I always ban Morgana or Draven. Morgana because on paper she basically counters Swain. To be honest, I only had the privileges to play against Morgana once so I'm not really sure of the matchup, Draven on the other hand....

    General Support Tips

    -Vision Vision Vision Vision (I can repeat it 100 more times to emphasize its importance). If you are pushed up and see enemy jungle on top side of map try to get deeper wards in their jungle.

    - Always have presence in lane. This can be by simply walking up towards the enemy ADC when they move up to farm.

    -Sometimes holding onto your hook/CC applies more pressure than actually fishing for it.

    -Don't be afraid to use summoners proactively. If you think you are going to all-in, drop ignite before the heal. If your jungler comes for a gank try to setup the gank with an aggressive flash. e.g Thresh flash flay, Naut flash auto into Q, Blitz flash E, Morgana flash point blank Q. Not only does it make the kill more certain, but if they do flash away it I found that showing the jungler you are willing to flash to setup a gank will make him more likely to repeat gank while their summoners are still down.

    -Most importantly, as a support I don't see myself as a bot LANER per se, but I am responsible for the bottom half of the map. Any skirmish that occurs around bot I'd try my best to be the first to react. Even if there is a huge wave crashing bot, If I feel I can contribute to a fight I will ping my ad to farm it while I help out. If your ad recalls and you don't have a base then look for a roam mid.

    General Ranked Tips

    With season 10 starting tomorrow here are a 3 quick tips:

    1. DO NOT TYPE. Pretty straightforward, anytime you type in chat you are distracting you and your team for the game. Only type if its about timers or objectives.
    2. Do not stress the climb. You have A WHOLE SEASON ahead of you, take it easy focus on improving and you will climb. Imagine if you played 1000 ranked games and had a whopping 70% winrate, you'd still have lost 300 games which is a lot if you stress your losses.
    3. Focus on YOU. Constantly ask yourself what you are doing, what you should be doing and why you should be doing it. This will help you focus and stop you from autopiloting. That Fiora that you want to to type to so badly, well first of all she isn't going to listen to what you have to say, and on the off chance that she does, chances are you are never going to play with her again so whats the point?

    That's all from me for now. Ill be answering anything you guys have to ask. And most importantly GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN in season 10.

    EDIT: I'll be answering the rest of the questions in the morning. I do plan on making the detailed post/video about Swains E in the coming week. For those who wanted to catch me streaming this weekend, I'll be doing some informative streams during my placements this weekend. You can catch me over at www.twitch.tv/Rank_R

    EDIT2: Upon multiple requests, I'll also make a video going over me laning in one of my games in the morning focusing on Swains E.

    submitted by /u/TIChaozRevo
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    Riot Lutzburg response to high elo Wukong main Harambe's negative opinion on PBE changes

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Harambe responds to PBE changes on twitter with complaints that Wukong is lacking damage with the new changes, whereupon he's told that:

    "Not a single person at Riot believes Wukong's damage is too low. I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't know what to tell you when 20+ professionals are confidently saying otherwise."


    Personally I think this is a weird way to respond to a player opinion, basically telling them that despite their experience with the champ in question, there's no way they're right.

    submitted by /u/LordMalvore
    [link] [comments]

    This happened in one of our games yesterday. Herald goes where he pleases i guess

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Season 14 Top Lane Features

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Hi, I'm from the future. I've come back in time to tell you guys about Riot's new game, Top Lane Legends.

    Towards the end of 2024, top lane will be unrecognizable. Aphelios, the most popular toplaner, has been pushed out of the metagame by several champions including Kai'Sa, Teemo, and the newly released TurboAatrox. As the outcry from veteran top laners grew more and more heated, Riot had to take drastic measures or risk losing a large chunk of the playerbase. So, in Season 14, a rework to the top lane was announced.

    To play in the top lane, players must now select the Top Lane Legends™️ Client in the Riot launcher, where they will be paired with an opponent and play their match. Afterwards, a replay of their game is uploaded to the League of Legends servers, where 8 players queueing for Summoner's Rift are matched with a top lane replay. Replays are assigned according to the players' MMR and the toplaners' Hashinshin Score™️, which dynamically provides bonuses to either team based on the top laners' performance as the replay progresses.

    In Top Lane Legends, players must battle it out in a fierce 1v1 along the greatest 90 degree angle a strategy game has ever known, the top lane. Each player selects their favorite Top Lane Legend, including Jax, Shen, Darius, Malphite, and Kayle, however the Kayle player's client is uninstalled at level 6. Both players fight for experience, creep score, gold, turrets, and kills using their autoattacks and the Mastery emote. But, beware, as one small miscalculation can mean doom for your lane. The players must carefully calculate their attack damage, attack speed, armor, and health versus their opponent's, lest they lose the grueling battle of autos. Fortunately, a calculator is available upon pressing R. Once a player destroys an inhibitor, the match ends and they are free to play another match or launch their League of Legends client, where they will be autofill protected.

    As much as I enjoy TLL, I have to wonder what it must have been like to play a truly honorable top lane back in Season 10. I'm happy to answer any questions about the future of top lane, but then if you'll excuse me, I'm going to start up League and lock Vayne before my time machine runs out.

    submitted by /u/noderinode
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    Riot Employee losing 40+ minute game in the most tilting way possible

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Lux is screwed after the music video

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Spoilers if you haven't seen the new music video Riot just released, but Lux is in a demacian base, presumably in the Freljord, that gets raided by Sylas and a Winter's Claw tribe. At the end of the video, Lux shoots out a huge beam of light to summon Galio to the battle, then, infront of a formation of Demacia soldiers starts hovering and channeling her ult at Sylas.

    So like, after that video Lux is going to be killed or at least captured, she just openly used magic infront of a group of demacians, and since Garen was there as well I'm going to assume its members of the Dauntless Vanguard, so I'm going to assume at least half of them aren't looking at the kingdom's prejudice, discrimination and straight up torture against mages and going "you know, maybe we shouldn't do this"

    The music video if you haven't seen it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-KAldshAE&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/Rambling2
    [link] [comments]

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