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    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to /r/Summonerschool's best of 2019 thread. This is the time of year where we reflect on the best contributions to the sub. Not sure where to start? Trying sorting top by the last year!

    This year we're going to have 6 categories - the winner of each category will recieve a reddit platinum, while 2nd and 3rd places of each category will get reddit golds.

    This year's categories

    • Best Overall User (in Contribution/Attitude/Comments)
    • Best Overall Post
    • Best Overall Comment
    • Best Written Guide
    • Best Video Guide
    • Best AMA [AMA Archives]

    All nominations must be links from /r/Summonerschool and from 2019. Reply to the appropriate parent comment with the link and a brief explanation for your choice. All other comments will be deleted.

    Do not nominate yourself, and try not to nominate things that have already been nominated.

    This thread will be set to contest mode. This means that all comments will be sorted randomly and no scores will be displayed for non moderators.

    You are allowed to nominate one item per category, which means you can only nominate 5 things in total.

    Moderators of the sub can not be nominated.

    We'll be leaving this up until January 10th and the awards will be distributed soon after.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Lohpally's Support Matchup Infographic

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Hey guy's my name's Lohpally I'm a support main and today I have an easy to digest infographic on how matchups go for some common support picks. Hopefully you find this helpful!
    You can also find all my socials here
    www.twitch.tv/lohpally www.youtube.com/lohpally www.twitter.com/lohpally

    submitted by /u/Lohpally
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    How is bounty implemented in league?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Hi, I'm a silver jungler. I started playing in Sep 19. I watch streams to learn and read champ abilities and stuff online. I believe my understanding about game macro and Lane macro is pretty much in place.

    My question is about bounty. I recently had a game where I was playing SA Kayn and I did well in the game. In the beginning I was 0/2/4 around 10 min mark. But I had a 200g bounty.

    I would like know how bounty is set in the game. It helps me understand how does the game balance importance of Cs and Kills etc. Does the game pick up other stuff (for ex if a jg steals the drag by smiting, does the bounty take that in account)

    Thanks for any game tips as well!


    I had the most cs on my team when I noticed the bounty.

    submitted by /u/slickblack_A
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    If you really care about winning, don't call out teammates for screwing up their abilities

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    I consider myself a generally confident player as I've played for a long time. But something that always will make me play worse and get in my head, is someone calling me out for screwing up an ability or an obvious mistake whether text or pings.

    Eg: If I were lux for example and I miss a snare, calling me out in chat for it is only going to make me play more reserved, self conscious and significantly increase the chance of missing more. Do you really want that out of your teammate for a petty jab?

    I'm starting to play muted because of this, but it really can make a big difference for some players even if meant as a joke. Completely changes my normally aggressive playstyle. Just thought I'd mention as some may not realize how much it can drop ones performance.

    Edit: Feedback on macro mistakes are one thing, because they can have differing opinions and one may not realize. But no one thinks a skill shot is supposed to miss.

    submitted by /u/loomedin
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    Are there high elo Support streamers who give good commentary?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Hello! So I'm feeling comfortable with my main position as Support, but I feel like I need to watch a streamer who explains what they're doing and how they play each match. There are some great streamers who are Mid and Top who do this, but I haven't found one for Support.

    I don't want just any Supp streamer. I need someone who routinely gives good commentary and/or explanations as to what they're doing.


    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    A couple ranked questions from a first-timer

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:51 AM PST

    1: Should I dodge auto-fill games?

    2: how many games can you dodge before getting more than a 6 minute penalty?

    3: is having 3 main role champs and 2 backup champs suffice?

    4: I have done ~3 placement games during pre-season, do these count towards my 2020 seasons placement?

    5: Do you have any suggestions on what games to play and what games to dodge?

    6: Any tips you can provide would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/waconcept
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    As an adc, what kind of comps do I not want to go for level 2 first and just concede the wave push?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I know as an adc it's really important to push for level 2 advantage and slow push the wave to eventually have it crash and bounce back to you (depending on matchup). But I never know if there is a time I should just concede and give level 2 advantage immediately. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    Playing with a low elo / newbie friend. A matter of friendship and sanity.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I've play League for over 4 years, and I rarely play ranked (too stressful). In fact, I reach Gold I every season and stopped there to play normal games (my elo is pretty high I think, +30 LP for each win and -8 for each loss, constantly for the last 3 seasons). Now I just moved to university and got a roomie who has just started playing League, so the routine when we play is he picks Ekko, goes into game and I have to guide him step by step.

    This might be normal if it hadn't been 3 months and I see no inprovement in macro / decision from the guy. He doesn't know to position in combat, who to burst, who to cover, when to roam or respect the opponent laner who is fed 10/0/0. Almost every game, he just has dive into the 5 enemies randomly causing everyone in the team to follow and just ultimate out then back with full health and mana, leaving everyone else in a 4v5. I tried playing jungle to provide him a safer laning phase but every advantage I give, he throws it away in some tower-diving or 1v2 situations.

    He always pleads for ranked games, onetricking Ekko, saying that he has to ban Yasuo (no, my server doesn't have normal draft), ending up losing lane, losing impact and evetually, losing the game, no matter how hard I carry. I believe we're sitting at a 30% winrate. I tried to persuade him to test out a new champ, a new role; but no, Ekko onetrick mid or feed it is (seriously when I asked him why Ekko, he just replies "because Ekko's got True Damage skin and the skin is great"). He does know that he is the main cause of our defeat almost every game but refuses to change. I tried my best no to be rude to him and keep cool but this may not last for long.

    Recently after about 20 games winning streak and me reaching gold 2, he reaching silver 3, I just can't carry the games and his lost lane anymore. Here's my question, should I, as League player and a friend, try to sit at my iron elo friend's lane and hope that he gets so fed that no one can kill him, or is there any way that I can talk him out of ranked games or persuade him to try out a new potential role/champ that he may be better with but not in a way that will insult him?

    submitted by /u/Hisenseuser69
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    How to take the S10 ranked reboot in the most efficient way in terms of timing ?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:25 PM PST

    I am currently S9 plat 3.

    If my placement games go even I'll be placed around mid silver, just like many other plat / diamonds (who may have had unlucky placement games).

    It means that if I start climbing right now, the silver division will be saturated with those plat/diamonds trying to climb aswell, resulting in challenging games / slow progress.

    Isn't it better to wait for a month for things to settle, then climb through a majority of actual silver players who climbed from bronze ?

    Please let me know your point of view and your strategy !

    submitted by /u/BlorkChannel
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    Can you build two items simultaneously?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I'm talking about buying the basic items for the build path of two items. They don't have to be the same but that'd make it easier. Is it okay to do this? Or is it better to just finish the item you need the most rather than delaying it?

    Super short post but I just want some of your guys' opinion.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Having low dmg output as an adc a lot of the times.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Hello guys.

    I have been recently started playing as an Adc coming from supp.

    I am platinum 1 but most of the times play against bigger ranks opponents in low to high diamond (flex most of the times) It's going great and I'm enjoying the role a lot but there is a problem I have been struggling witch is my damage output and I would gladly take some advices you guys could give me.

    I mostly play caster carries such as Lucian and ezreal and even tho I very often win my lane or go even, I am often getting lower damage output compared to the enemy adc even tho I have more kp, farm and objective control.One thing is the fact that I have been relying a lot on my support early on to put some damage output. I follow their leads everytime but I'm just too scared sometimes to go for some more aggressive trades on my own other than a ezreal or Lucian Q and depend too much on my support to set up for me. Another is the fact that I'm seriously having trouble playing when I have no front line and especially when playing against assassin's because then I have a hard trouble on what to do.

    In cases like this I usually just go for clean up after the fight and I very rarely die during this fights but I'm just not the one putting out most of the damage because I'm just scared the fed khazix is going to jump on me and we are going to lose it because I will be instantly destroyed.

    For example in this game , i was playing against a Master Aphelios and my support was filled but even tho we still did go even in laning phase and i was able to pick up some kills with some help and able to control the objectives, he still was able to put up a lot more damage than me to champions.

    Even tho both our CS was pretty horrible, i was just having a lot difficulty on how to play this game, i had to be constantly playing defensively and watching out for a lot of stuff and when i had opportunity to farm i just didnt have much to do considering my supp was constantly away from me and trind/akali had a lot more freedom on the side lane than me and i thought it was too much of a risk for me to do so since i was needed for the constant fights and fight for objectives even tho i tried to manage the wave to the best of my ability.

    My question is what i can change in situations like this one since they happen a lot, i was able to pick up some important kills in fights both on kha or on some of their backline but i just dont know what the efficient way would be to play fights in this situations since we didnt have any CC and our frontline was naturally on top of their carries while having to worry about flanks from both poppy, fiddle and kha or some burst coming eventually from aphelios and lux.

    Because even tho i felt i didnt play too bad this game, aphelios just was able to put 13k more damage than me in same fights and i would like to improve this aspect of my gamplay as awell as any other advices you guys may have for me!.

    submitted by /u/Mister_Unicornio
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    Does playing harder champs make me improve?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I currently play mostly mages or champs with range, ap and cc like karma, neeko, veigar, vel'koz and sometimes rakkan, i play mostly support but i'm getting into playing mid and improving my individual skill, for now vel'koz is my go to option bc he's great damage range and cc with his q and e, i enjoy playing him but i feel like it's too easy or op. My friend recommended me to play harder champs like qiyana to improve my reaction time and map awareness bc of her ult and her abilities, both of these depending on the terrain. I enjoy playing utility champs but i want to improve other skills too

    submitted by /u/LampEye
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    pre-made 5man flex TIPS

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Hello, Summoners

    Me and 4 other friends are going to full team flex this upcoming season and we've always played normals or solo/duo when we're not all together so we're not really sure how to play 5-man seriously.

    What are so go-to rules to always think about? What are the basics of champ select for example to build a decent comp instead of just locking what we feel like playing?

    Our ranks are the following:

    Top: Plat 4
    Jungle: Gold 4
    Mid: Plat 3 (me)
    Adc: Gold 3
    Support: Gold 3

    Any advice is welcome! :D <3

    submitted by /u/Lanzohan
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    [HELP REQUEST] Support to one trick - duo and solo ranked

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    TLDR: Which support could I one trick which is solo-queue friendly and gives me options for more advanced play in duo?


    I'm looking to one-trick a support this season - S9 was my first time playing LoL and I only play support (usually with my bf as an ADC). We generally do pretty well (he's former Plat), and as I started partway through S9, I want to give this one my best shot. I'm proud that in my first season I got to Gold! I climbed out of Iron with Maokai, out of Bronze with Tahm Kench and out of Silver with Nami (after TK was nerfed). I've got a reasonable champion pool, but am happy to expand it. I'm comfortable with off-meta stuff as well if it gives me what I want. I would prefer to one-trick as I think I get a lot better with that, but I've been frustrated a lot lately by the enormous variance in quality of others with the same MMR as me when I'm soloing. I literally cannot tell you how many people have died rather than click my Thresh lantern, or walk over a Bard healing shrine. I put this down to the whole solo queue problem. I've been trying to address this by roaming more when I just feel the lane's potential is exhausted, and I feel there's been some success there.

    Choosing My One Trick:

    There are a few problems I feel I have in deciding who to one trick for this season:

    1. Enchanter - it doesn't matter how many times I get them out of a gank or how many times my carry lives, if they don't use that advantage I'm just wasting my time. Carrying can mean different things (not just damage) but when people are spoiling for team fights rather than objectives, it doesn't feel like I'm being effective. I don't feel I can heal/shield my side to victory (whereas when I play with pre-made I know how effective that can be).
    2. Tank - so I go in, I lock down the ADC and... my carry sits there watching me. Now on a case by case basis I'm certainly wrong to go in. But my experience is that people at my ELO are much more defensive. Like, if my enemy Blitz misses its hook and I put Braum passive stacks on someone in the next 5-10 seconds, chances are (lane position, Jungle location aside) it's a reasonable time to go in, right?
    3. Mage - no mobility, so squishy, necessitates me taking kills from my carry, which is fine if they're rubbish but punishes the whole team if not. They're also often played quite frequently so more likely to be banned.

    What I'm Looking For Ideally, A Champion That:

    • Can directly support allies - heal/shield/bonus tank stats/similar aoe effect (e.g. Shen W)
    • Can CC - one main skill, Ult optional
    • Can reasonably reliably (skill dependent) get picks OR can engage OR can disengage
    • Preference to be tanky but this isn't required.

    Current Champion Pool:

    • Enchanter
      • Nami
      • Janna
      • Soraka
      • Bard
      • Senna
      • Yuumi
    • Tank
      • Braum
      • Taric
      • Rakan
      • Thresh
      • Tahm Kench
      • Galio
      • Maokai
      • (Edit: forgot Shen!)
    • Mage
      • Morganna
      • Zyra
      • Fiddlesticks
      • Neeko
      • Zilean
      • Lux
      • Veigar
      • Swain

    Making The Choice:

    As I said, I'm very happy to expand my champion pool, even this close to the new season starting. I can play Pike and Shaco (I think those are the only Assassins that support) and they're fun but I'm not sure I have that killer instinct, and I don't think they can offer the direct support that I enjoy.

    My bf tells me I want a champion that can do everything, and perhaps I'm being too greedy/ambitious, but I thought I'd ask. I should also note that I would prefer to one trick a champion with a combined Played/Banned ratio of under 10% where possible so that I can actually play them, but I can stretch that a bit if the Played is high but the Banned is still low.

    Currently Leaning Towards: Janna >> Rakan >> Thresh

    Thanks in advance for any help, my bf said this is the best place to go and you're all friendly so I thought I'd give it a shot :D

    submitted by /u/jamesaknight1
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    Know when to slow push and how to do so!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Slow pushing is very simple to understand and perfect. To slow push a wave, all you need to do is kill the caster minions in the enemies wave. You can do this with your basic attacks as well as using your abilities to take them down faster. Another way of setting up a slow push is just by having a minion advantage. Whenever you have a minion advantage over the enemy, the wave will slow push.

    If the minion wave is crashing on your side of the map, you will need to have around a 2 or 3 minion advantage over the enemy, whereas if it's crashing on the enemies side, you will need a 4 or 5 minion advantage. Basically, if the enemy has a total of 2 minions alive in lane, you want to have 5 if it's on your side. If it's past the middle of the map and on the enemies side, you want to have at least 6 minions alive for the enemies

    Source: https://mobalytics.gg/blog/wave-management/

    submitted by /u/swisher_69
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    What specifically makes Akali pick/ban at challenger level in soloQ? (Mid lane)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:02 AM PST

    First of all, I play the champ a lot and I know full well shes still overpowered, not trying to argue otherwise. My question is what in particular makes her a top 3 ban rate champ in Challenger. ESPECIALLY mid lane where on paper she doesn't sound like she has anything making her blatantly overpowered.

    Shes a gunblade abuser but so are ither champios; shes an assassin with decent waveclear but she needs demats and gunblqde to 1 shot casters; she can almost always get a kill with R but so can most assassins and hers is a massive CD; she shits on melees in lane but some of her early laning vs ranged can be a little sketchy.

    I can't tell what it is putting her head and shoulders above so many other champs; what is it that Akali is amazing at mid lane?

    submitted by /u/foxglov3s
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    which adc best goes with pyke? or should pyke be adc and a separate character support?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:07 AM PST

    me and a friend are playing league together, and we thought that, since we sit a lot on discord, we should try bot lane (communication and the sort). he plays pyke, pretty well as well, but i've been kind of juggling between each character? my go-to has been mainly ashe. i main mordekaiser top, but i honestly can't decide on someone who would suit pyke bottom.

    if you guys could offer characters you think are best, that'd be great! thanks.

    submitted by /u/southlandxxx
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    How to learn champions with fundamentally different playstyles?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Hello I'm a hardstuck diamond player who wants to play other champions than my bread and butter, vlad gp or ornn.

    Some backstory: I picked yasuo as my champion to otp at level 12 during season 6 (yikes) and played him for the entire season reaching plat at the end. Then I realized I'm not a 12 year old edge lord and moved onto gp. Got to diamond s7 and s8 and picked up vlad as they are semi similar imo.

    Now after a year of this combo and OP OP ornn I realize I'm actually just really bad at league on any other notable toplaner. If the toplaner doesnt have super simple and easy poke and doesnt want to farm sidelanes until he can 1v9(viktor was in my pool for a bit but now klepto is gone) I actually just suck. I have tried renekton, pantheon, fiora, quinn, and jax. Most of my games have lots of deaths and I fall into 1 of 2 categories: afk farmer top who groups too late and game is over, toplaner who dies too much and topside rolls the game and it's over in 23 mins.

    I have tried watching games of masters+ players or otps of these champions which do help with understanding some stuff but I generally still do lots of egregious errors. I have tried playing on low ranked accounts and it's a mixed bag because most of the time it's either the enemy top doesnt know what he is doing and just rolls over and dies or the enemy top claps me with his jungler when I'm over aggressive because I feel the need to make an advantage with these type of champions. Even if i do get ahead i consistently throw leads by going in too far thinking I'm stronger than I am (or just plain messing it up). I dont have nearly the same carry type feeling i have with gangplank or Vladimir. Granted I have hundreds of games on these guys.

    I'm frustrated at my own play and feel rather bad that I have ruined so many games for others. What do you guys suggest I do?

    submitted by /u/Ajnh17113
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    Change your “I’m better than my elo” mentality.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Something I struggled with while trying to climb. I've noticed a lot of players who feel they're more skilled than their current elo use a certain playstyle that really handicaps them.

    They believe they are better than everyone in the game and take on this 1v9 alpha mentality. They've got this chip on their shoulder and feel like they have something to prove to the nine other players in their game. Whether it be forcing bad fights, encouraging risky fights, going for unrealistic plays even when they're snowballed etc.

    It might sound silly but you've got to change the way you perceive being "alpha" in game.

    I can't count how many times I've seen a dominant top go 5-0 in lane then proceed to emit this cockiness like they're untouchable and throw their entire lead in the trash by late game turning that 5-0 into 8-8 or worse.

    The skilled and revered player isn't the one who forces unnecessary trades and fights to hopefully turn a profit. It's the player who makes calculated decisions, knows the outcomes of fights before they take place and only commits to those he'll win.

    Come with the attitude that you're untouchable and you don't need to have your fingers in every chance of a fight, but the fights that the enemy does see you commit to makes them worry.

    A score of 8/1 is more respectable then a score of 12/9.

    submitted by /u/iSpeilz
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    Gnar ?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I main top and i am low elo (gold 4) currently more and more ranged matchups have come my way and i play mordekaiser urgot and garen and morde has a way of dealing with them with his e but if i miss it its like i invite them to poke me more. The other 2 struggle a lot with ranged matchups especially when i dont have flash to make plays. I have started to play gnar in normals amd 1 or 2 ranked games to get used to him. I have played against teemo with him and i obliterated him in lane but i do not know how he fairs against other ranged matchups (just fyi i always ban renekton when i play him) . Should i start to play him more at ranked games ? Is he a good solution to all these ranged matchups ? Is there a better champion than gnar that i should take a look at ? Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/JustANiceBoi
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    How can I be a more patient adc?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:08 AM PST

    I ALWAYS feel the need to do something. I find it so hard sometimes to just farm safely, stay behind my team, and hit what is in front of me (also I'm not interested in playing a different role). Do you guys have any advice on being a more patient adc from a mental stand point and not just playing something like Draven? I hate conceding things and have a bit of an ego problem I guess. I finally get impatient enough and then take the dumbest trades in the world and just end up feeding which usually results in a loss.

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    Keeping my mentally

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:14 PM PST


    Top lane main here

    For the past weeks I've been trying to climb from silver 4 but I just keep losing and losing. I've had 8/10 games feeding botlane/jgl/mid or a troll(nasus jgl with no smite)(ADC's going 0/5 and afk)(2/13 jungles). I understand I cannot control what my teammates do so there's no reason to flame them(and of course, I've bad games too, everyone has them). But my god I'm really getting sick of it. I've been playing norms for now.

    How can I somewhat turn around the odds of losing while playing champs like Aatrox/camille/yasuo.

    I know everyone says I should play champs like garen/darius/morde but I just can't have fun with those champs how much I try except sometimes with morde but he's always banned.

    My cs'ing can get better but I average around 60-70cs at 10 min and 140 at 20 min. But I don't know what to focus on else.


    submitted by /u/Carrymy8ss
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    How to avoid feeding?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    I am kinda new (level 51) to the game, and my main role is support(Senna, Blitz,Malphite) and when i go to other roles I always die infront of the enemy, thus feeding them, and potentially losing the game, I know that "Just dont feed " isn't enough to prevent the issue. I need to know tips about how not to feed and where to position myself during teamfights.

    submitted by /u/Nxccraft555
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    I need some advice about playing as a jungler

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    I primarily play Master Yi, I have a general idea of how to play him but I often struggle with keeping up with leveling and gold. I think I have a decent path but I'm not sure when as a jungler I should try to get kills or how much time I should spend ganking. I think this is the problem. Also could someone further explain the dragons (or drakes not really sure what their called).

    Thanks! All help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ABFunkyMonkey
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    Looking to take my gameplay to the next level. VOD reviews of pros and myself is what I am aiming to do but need help.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:21 AM PST

    There are 2 parts to this question.

    Part 1:

    Obviously I can watch my own gameplay straight after my game by just going to match history. However I don't know how to watch pro players solo Q vods (on the actual league client, I know about youtube). But ideally I would want to go on their Op.gg and watch from there as then you can watch exact matchups instead of searching everywhere on youtube.

    Part 2:

    What is the best way to VOD review in general? I've watched a few games of mine (just the laning phase for now) and have noticed mistakes such as standing too far back, not playing around cooldowns etc. But does anyone have any good experience for watching VODS and improving.

    Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/Fncrs
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