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    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    League of Legends I deciphered the math behind Omnistone

    League of Legends I deciphered the math behind Omnistone

    I deciphered the math behind Omnistone

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:31 AM PST

    So ever since it was mentioned that Dark harvest stacks amplify the power of all keystones, it definitely caught* my interest but I couldn't find any information on it anywhere so I decided to do the math myself. I'll add all the details in the end, like math formulas, charts and examples.

    Some might think that I'm crazy to waste so much time on a nearly useless keystone but I'm optimistic that eventually it will be a viable keystone; I'll drop a separate post in the next couple days on an interesting and fairly simple idea concept which would solve the core problems omnistone has without ruining it's identity.

    For those who don't know, I am challenger TF main on EUW and I'll be testing the worst keystone in league history at twitch.tv/jebsu1v9

    Edit: Europeans use commas for decimals. :)

    Edit: Confirmed to be accurate by Riot [ https://prnt.sc/qjgi9d ] BIG shout-out to GreaterBelugaWhale !!!

    Edit: I took all the official info from League wiki and NOT leaguepedia, my bad (careless error thanks to overheated brain).

    Quick rundown of how it works:

    Dark Harvest (DH)

    Every DH stack increases it's damage by 5 like normally and also amplifies the power of all other keystones.


    Every DH stack increases Conqueror's base power by 2,5% (both AP and AD). 15% healing at 10 stacks doesn't increase.


    Every DH stack increases base resist buff by 2,5% and also the item bonus resist percentage (80%) by 2,5%.

    Aftershock's damage gets increased by 3,75 for each DH stack.

    Grasp of the Undying

    Every DH stack increases damage and healing multipliers by ~ 3,333334%. (Check details for more information.)

    Every DH stack increases permanent health gain on each grasp proc by 5%, previous ones too. (That's why it might seem like DH stacks would increase maximum health sometimes.)

    Phase Rush

    Each DH stack increases base movement speed bonus and base slow resist (75%) by 5%.

    Lethal Tempo

    Every DH stack increases base attack speed percentage by 5%.

    Glacial Augment

    Every DH stack increases base slow percentage by 2,5%.

    Fleet Footwork

    Every DH stack increases healing by 5 and also the 1 second MS bonus by 5%.

    Hail of Blades

    Every DH stack increases base attack speed percentage by 5%.


    Every DH stack increases damage by 10. Exposure percentage doesn't increase.


    Every DH stack increases damage by 5. Bonus MS percentage doesn't increase.

    Summon Aery

    Every DH stack increases damage and shielding by 5.


    Every DH stack increases damage by 5.


    Every DH stack increases damage by 5.

    Omnistone's "smart" logic

    Probability to roll a 'priority' keystone is around 5% ~ higher compared to the non-priority keystones, at around 11,5% - 12,5% depending on how many keystones are available & prioritized based on 5000 rolls with different setups.

    I can't say for sure how it is calculated or if it's always some flat value (11,5%, 12%, 12,5% etc.), but formula below seems to give very accurate values.

    (100 - (5 x amount of priority runes)) / amount of keystones = probability for non-priority keystones

    probability for non-priority keystones + 5 = probability for priority keystone

    Example with 2 priority keystones: (100 - (5 x 2) / 14 = 90 / 14 = 6,429% ~ (non-priority) + 5 = 11,429% ~ (priority)

    I'll try to answer to all questions, you can dm them on twitter too. twitter.com/Jebsu1v9

    Details, charts, math formulas and examples for skeptics and brave souls :)

    I don't expect almost anyone to read this part through but it had to be done for credibility and to show that the math actually works. I spent probably closer to 150 hours on this project, mostly on double checking the numbers so all of this is based on huge amount of data and not just couple runs in practice tool. I had to figure out some of the key game mechanics because most data in practice tool was very inconsistent and wouldn't had formed a clear pattern.

    All stats are rounded down before point 5 mark (75,499 ~ 75) and rounded up after they reach point 5 mark (75,5 ~ 76) except health, which rounds up at any decimal rate (3400,01 ~ 3401).

    Damage texts are rounded down in every scenario at any decimal rate (73,999 ~ 73).

    Even though most stats are rounded, the decimal values remain same so they have to be taken in account whenever doing calculations.

    Most of the formulas on league wiki page are rounded to 3 decimals which can result in calculation errors but very rarely, practically less than 1/1000.

    (AP) Conqueror

    The single stack value formulas on official wiki page are incorrect, mostly because everything on the site is rounded on 3 decimals. AP stack formula is 1,824 + 0,176 x level on site and there were ton of mistakes with it but the formula shown on 10 stacks is 18,235 + 1,765 x level and dividing it by 10 to get the single stack value formula ended up giving the correct values in 99,999% of the cases. I am also 100% positive that it runs even deeper than that based on what I found but that is irrelevant here. Bottom line is that the base values are increased by 2,5% for each DH stack.

    (SS from official wiki page how "same" formulas are different: https://gyazo.com/8152077d10bca3fa4ea896a44a6c9d52)

    (wrong formula vs 'right' formula: https://gyazo.com/9fb0b536fa0e3c0ec443bc8690f5ffac)

    Stack base value: 1,8235 + 0,1765 x level (League Wiki)

    Math formula: (Conqueror stack + (Conqueror stack x 0,025 x DH stacks)) x amount of stacks

    Chart: (not rounded) https://gyazo.com/366c2d58876a829cfea3d5a54214d669

    (AD) Conqueror

    Stack base value: 1.0941 + 0.1059 x level (League Wiki)

    Since most champions don't have a flat base AD, I had to take the decimals into account to form a pattern and even if they had flat base AD, it changes on every champion in the game as they level up. The difference can be very small but it can ruin the correct pattern and calculation.

    Math formula: (stack base value + stack base value x 0,025 x DH stacks) x amount of stacks

    Chart: (not rounded) https://gyazo.com/cf9e836efdd5a20290f54d1e0a5e787b


    Every DH stack increases Aftershock's base resist buff by 2,5% and also the item bonus resist percentage (80%) by 2,5%.

    Base value is 35 for both armor and MR.

    Math formulas:

    base resist bonus: 35 + (35 x 0,025 x DH stacks)

    bonus resists from items: resists from items x (0,80 + (0,80 x 0,025 x DH stacks))

    Example: Level 16 Kennen, 83,28 + 40 bonus armor & 37,24 + 25 bonus MR, 4 DH stacks

    armor: 35 + (35 x 0,025 x 4) + (40 x (0,80 + 0,80 x 0,025 x 4)) = 73,7 armor (+ 123,28 armor = 197,98 ~ total 198 armor)

    MR: 35 + (35 x 0,025 x 4) + (25 x (0,80 + 0,80 x 0,025 x 4)) = 60,5 MR (+ 62,24 MR = 122,74MR ~ total 123 MR)

    Bonus resistances are capped at 80 - 150 depending on your level.

    Aftershock's damage base damage: 19,412 + 5,588 x level + 8% of bonus health. (League Wiki)

    The damage based on different total health amounts didn't increase in any way no matter how many stacks I had so it can only be that the pattern is 3,75 damage flat per DH stack. I have no idea why it is like that considering how other keystones work but it just seems to be right.

    Grasp of the Undying

    It is impossible to pin-point the absolute correct value because of total health limitations but I managed to narrow it down to 5 decimals, between 0,033333...34 < [multiplier] > 0,03333342. I'll be using 0,0333334 as the multiplier since I didn't find single mistake with it out of hundreds of different calculations. Riot probably had some kind of simple way to calculate the final variable like 0,04 / 3 or 0,024 / 3 but I can't say for sure. Likely there is a mistake but it would be lower than 0,000001 and practically it won't affect the outcome. I don't know why it has very different formula compared to other keystones but it just seems to work no matter what health total I pick with different amounts of DH stacks.

    How I arrived at the numbers above: https://gyazo.com/753297461256ba213eab109999e107fd

    Healing values fluctuate a lot because sometimes the bonus health is added before the healing text so instead of healing 47, it might show that grasp healed only 42. Also health regen seems to affect the numbers because I did a run without single DH stack (so only flat values on grasp) and it would still fluctuate like that. I got values like 46, 51, 52, 46, 51 in row; the bigger jumps are from permanent health 'bug' and smaller (52 - 51) changes can be explained only with health regen but it is always ½ of the damage dealt so it's easy to calculate and all the data supports that.

    [Melee] Damage (4%) and healing (2%) percentages are increased by ~ 3,33334% for each DH stack.

    Math formulas:

    Damage: total health x (0,04 + (0,04 x 0,0333334 x DH stacks))

    Healing: total health x (0,02 + (0,02 x 0,0333334 x DH stacks))

    Example: Level 11 Amumu, base health 1350,22 (+ 2000 health), 3 DH stacks & 10 grasp procs

    total health: (1350,22 + 2000 + 10 x (5 + (5 x 0,05 x 3)) = 3407,72

    damage vs 0 resists: 3407,72 x (0,04 + (0,04 x 0,0333334 x 3) = 149,93... ~ 149

    damage vs target dummy (50% resists): 149,9397072618 / 2 = 74,96... ~ 74

    Every DH stack increases permanent health gain on each grasp proc by 5%, previous ones too.

    Math formulas:

    Grasp bonus health: 5 + (5 x 0,05 x DH stacks)

    DH stack bonus heath: grasp proc amount x (5 x 0,05)

    Total bonus health: grasp proc amount x (5 + (5 x 0,05 x DH stacks))

    example: https://gyazo.com/2304fa6942dfb9753cb7650659017612

    [Ranged] Damage (2,4%) and healing (1,2%) percentages are increased by ~ 3,33334% for each DH stack.

    Math formulas:

    Damage: total health x (0,024 + (0,024 x 0,0333334 x DH stacks))

    Healing: total health x (0,012 + (0,012 x 0,0333334 x DH stacks))

    Example: Level 16 Teemo, 1830,75 base health (+ 1300 health), 6 DH stacks & 6 grasp procs

    total health: 1830,75 + 1300 + 6 x (3 + (3 x 0,05 x 6) = 3154,15

    damage vs 0 resists: 3154,15 x (0,024 + (0,024 x 0,0333334 x 6)) = 93,71... ~ 93

    damage vs target dummy (50% resists): 93,7195512398 / 2 = 46,85... ~ 46

    Every DH stack increases permanent health gain on each grasp proc by 5%, previous ones too.

    Math formulas:

    Grasp bonus health: 3 + (3 x 0,05 x DH stacks)

    DH stack bonus heath: grasp proc amount x (3 x 0,05)

    Total bonus health: grasp proc amount x (3 + (3 x 0,05 x DH stacks))

    example: https://gyazo.com/02a5f89b17206a0aaf4b493db0fe542d

    Phase Rush

    Base value: 24,118% + 0,882% x level (25 - 40%, League Wiki)

    There are two soft caps for high ms values, they are applied only after slows (League Wiki);

    1st soft cap: when MS is 415 ≤ but ≤ 490, the soft cap formula is (raw MS x 0,8 + 83)

    2nd soft cap: when MS is 490 <, the soft cap formula is (raw MS x 0,5 + 230)

    Math formulas:

    (MS): base MS x (1 + phase rush bonus + (phase rush bonus x DH stacks x 0,05))

    (Slow resist): 1 - (slow percentage - (slow percentage x (0,75 + 0,75 x DH stacks x 0,05))

    (Full formula): (base MS x (1 + phase rush bonus + (phase rush bonus x DH stacks x 0,05)) x (1 - (slow percentage - (slow percentage x (0,75 + 0,75 x 0,05 x DH stacks)) and x 0,8 + 85 if the MS is 415 ≤ but ≤ 490 or x 0,5 + 230 if the MS is 490 <

    When slow resist goes over 100%, slows start to give you more MS based on the slow percentage instead of slowing you.

    MS bonus chart: (rounded) https://gyazo.com/54f8738ea2a5019143b09e0260d4655e

    Basic MS calculation example: Level 7, 355 base MS, 6 DH stacks

    Raw MS: 355 x (1 + 0,30292 + (0,30292 x 0,05 x 6) = 494,79758 (because raw MS is over 490, we use 2nd soft cap) 494,79758 x 0,5 + 230 = 477,39... ~ 477 (final MS)

    Example with slow resists and 1st soft cap: Level 13, 335 base MS, 5 DH stacks, 15% slow

    335 x (1 + 0,35584 + (0,35584 x 5 x 0,05)) x (1 - (0,15 - (0,15 x (0,75 + 0,75 x 5 x 0,05))) =

    335 x (1 + 0,35584 + 0,08896)) x (1 - (0,15 - (0,15 x 0,9375))) =

    335 x 1,4448) x (1 - (0,15 - 0,140625)) = 484,008 x (1 - 0,009375) =

    484,008 x 0,990625 = 479,470425 (raw MS) (484 ms before slows and slow resists)

    soft cap applied: 479,470425 x 0,80 + 83 = 466,57... ~ 467 (final MS)

    Example with slow resists and 2nd soft cap: Level 15, 370 base MS, 8 DH stacks, 30% slow

    Raw MS: 370 x (1 + 0,37348 + (0,37348 x 0,05 x 8)) x (1 - (0,3 - (0,3 x (0,75 + 0,75 x 8 x 0,05)))) =

    370 x (1 + 0,37348 + 0,149392) x (1 - (0,3 - (0,3 x 1,05))) =

    370 x 1,522872 x (1 - (0,3 - 0,315)) = 563.46264 x (1 - (-0,015)) =

    563.46264 x 1,015 = 571,9145796 (raw MS) (563 ms before slows and slow resists)

    soft cap applied: 571,9145796 x 0,5 + 230 = 515,95... ~ 516 (final MS)

    Lethal Tempo

    Base value: 35,882% + 4,118% x level (40% - 110%, Leaguepedia)

    Math formula: (LT's base AS + (LT's base AS x 0,05 x DH stacks)

    Chart: (rounded) https://gyazo.com/e05e5412e22dbdc8091f761a6bfc8074

    Hail of Blades

    Math formula: 110% x ( 1 + DH stacks x 0,05)

    Basically you get extra 6,5% AS added to 110% for each DH stack, simple.

    Glacial Augment

    Every DH stack increases base slow percentage by 2,5%.

    Slow soft cap: If rawMS is below 220, then slow soft cap is applied (rawMS x 0,5 + 110, League Wiki)

    Base values:

    [Melee] 44,412% + 0,588% x level (45 - 55%, League Wiki)

    [Ranged] 29,412% + 0,588% x level (30 - 40%, League Wiki)

    Slow from item actives is always 60%.

    Slow is calculated after raw MS but before applying any soft caps (if needed).

    Math formula: enemy rawMS x (1 - (base value + base value x 0,025 x DH stacks)) if MS drops below 220 then x 0,5 + 110

    Example: Level 14 Nunu (Melee), 5 DH stacks, target has 375 MS.

    375 x (1 - (0,52644 + 0,52644 x 0,025 x 5)) = 375 x (1 - (0,52644 + 0,065805)) =

    375 x (1 - 0,592245) = 375 x 0,407755 = 152,908125 (rawMS) and because rawMS is below 220, we apply soft cap --> 152,908125 x 0,5 + 110 = 186,454… ~ 186 (final MS)

    Fleet Footwork

    Every DH stack increases healing by 5 and also the 1 second MS bonus by 5%.

    Base MS bonus is always 20%

    Math formula: 0,2 + (0,2 x 0,025 x DH stacks) and soft caps if needed

    Rest of the keystones didn't have anything else other than flat damage added for each DH stack.

    Like I mentioned before, I used so much time on double-checking the values and I'm sure that it is all at least 99,99% correct BUT in case there is something that could be improved in some way, for example simpler math solution / formula or even in the way I wrote or organized this post, hit me up and I'll adjust / fix it.

    submitted by /u/Jebsuwu
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    It's fine guys I'm dead..

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Riot Cactopus on the Strategies They Used to Announce Controversial or Risky Video Games

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    /u/the_cactopus tweeted this thread on how Riot handled messaging behind all the announcements during L10's stream:


    Early last year, there was some fear/concern at Riot about our plans to announce a number of mobile games and a card game.

    All the announcements ended up going really well.

    ITT I'm gonna share some strategies we used. >🧵1/22


    So the first game we announced was Teamfight Tactics AKA @TFT. At the time, there was only one other game in the genre: the OG Dota Auto Chess mod. Frankly, we didn't want the reaction to our announcement to be "lol nice DAC clone."

    The solution here was to be honest and talk about TFT with players the same way we were talking about it internally.

    Instead of trying to dance around DAC, @Riot_Beernana called it out by name in our announcement.

    Players liked that we didn't try to bullshit anybody about it.

    Tangent: It was important to introduce a name for the genre. The existence of the concept "autobattler" gave us and others permission to play in the space.

    I believe using "autobattler" in our post and our press releases led directly to the term's widespread adoption. Example: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENcuJX5U4AA_qgb?format=png&name=small


    Sometimes, you just need players to know that you "get it." Playing with a spicy meme is one powerful way to do that.

    TFT Mobile was the first mobile game announced by Riot, and we were nervous about it. Mostly because of memes.

    If you don't already know, a couple of years back, Blizzard suffered a lot of backlash (unjustly imo) to their announcement of Diablo: Immortal, a mobile game. One line from a dev bewildered by the response ("Don't you guys have phones?") became a massive meme in gaming circles. Over time, posting "dONt U gUyS hAVe phONeS?" became a way for gamers to signal displeasure with ANY studio making a mobile game. It's a way for players to mock and punish devs who try to expand to new audiences beyond their core audience of PC players. Devs hate this meme. I agree with @draggles's theory that this meme was a product of a particular moment of heightened anti-mobile-gaming sentiment, which is now starting to recede as more good AAA mobile games come out.

    So for our TFT mobile announce, I wanted us to PLAY WITH AND SUBVERT the meme.

    This idea was not super popular internally at Riot. Everybody felt sorry for the innocent Blizzard dev who'd gotten caught in the crossfire, and nobody wanted to attract any of that heat to themselves.

    Nonetheless, we decided to announce TFT Mobile this way:

    The line was a hit, we avoided backlash, and players are hyped for TFT mobile. The takeaway here is: It's hard to weaponize something against someone when they've just taken the weapon and done a funny dance with it.

    Subverting a meme in this way strips it of its power.

    One downside: Dancing with a meme that caused pain to other people—in this case, people at Blizzard in paritcular—caused some to interpret our subversiveness as us taking a shot at Blizzard, which wasn't our intention. (Would love my Blizz friends' perspectives on this, btw.)


    TFT Mobile wasn't the only mobile game we announced. The bigger news was @Wildrift, aka "proper" League of Legends on mobile. That team did many things right w/ this announce, but I wanna point out one particularly powerful segment.

    Wild Rift's collection system has tons of fun animations for champs and skins. There's no functional reason for them to be there—the animators just wanted to make something cool for players.

    Devs poured real love into these animations, so we decided to show off a montage of em:

    The basis of SHOW THE LOVE IN THE PRODUCT is: People are more likely to respect the thing you're making when it's clear YOU respect it. When you made something look good just for the sake of it looking good, there's integrity and honor in that. People dig that stuff. So show it.


    The fourth and final "risky" game we announced in 2019 was @PlayRuneterra. A card game, in 2019. Like our mobile games guys, this team felt sort of terrorized by anti-card-game sentiment and memes online. You know the ones.

    The way we introduced the first footage of @PlayRuneterra was wild. Instead of dropping it on its own, the first glance came at what players THOUGHT was the end of the "League 10 Year" celebration. The clip was like only a few seconds long and also revealed THREE OTHER new games:

    A longer, standalone trailer would've made players say "What is it? What is–?! Oh. A card game..."

    Instead, we got reactions like this: [insert gif of Tyler1 reacting to L10]

    Not all of these games are exciting for every League player. But almost everyone will be excited by AT LEAST ONE of those games. By showing all four at once, the takeaway was "Riot is making something for me."

    Your core audience NEEDS to know you're gonna take care of them. So when you make something that'll appeal to only one segment, consider bundling it with something that'll delight the rest. That's why we did all of these game announces alongside the League 10 year celebration.


    After hitting players with the "surprise and delight" reveal, the @PlayRuneterra team sealed the deal with a video message that nailed all four of the strategies above, along with one other big one.

    Here's the key part imo: Everything here screams "I am one of you." The childhood photos are instantly humanizing, and @RiotUmbrage's list of the genres problems grabs your attention if you're a CCG player. It proves he's worth listening to, unblocking him to deliver a successful pitch for his game.

    Okay, that's the thread! 🧵

    I'll close out by pointing at an example of another game studio totally nailing a pitch for a game that could've been controversial.

    The @pathofexile team REALLY knows how to talk to their audience and it shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_YjBTYHhug

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Viktor's Hexcore mana values have been bugged since patch 9.20, long post with evidence.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Yassuo 1v1s a viewer on his stream who claims he has “Challenger mechanics”

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    UPDATE: League of Legends esports culture is spreading to high schools fast and I love it.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Edit because I forgot to include original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9x8msa/league_of_legends_esports_culture_is_spreading_to/

    About a year ago I talked about how esports was spreading to schools rapidly and how (as the title nods) I love it. It was posted on this subreddit, it still remains my top post to this day.

    Well let me tell you about the results a year later. I was one of the founders of the team. We had one team at first, my coach only had a few students to work with since he didn't announce the esports program to our school yet. At the time of 2nd semester, we had about 7 students to work with and we fought a neighboring school in our district, who smashed us due to have Plat average players and we had Silver average players (I'm only silver rip.) That didn't last too long though, we publicized our esports program to the whole school and two teams to satisfy the amount of new members we were potentially getting. My spot as a player on the main team was soon gone as we got two diamond players and a gold player, which added on to our already gold mid laner and top laner who was Plat in Korea before he moved here (Literally Korean Import LOL.)

    So that was cool, after the year was over we had a bunch of summer practices, my teacher established both of our teams as Varsity and Junior Varsity and when the year started, that's when everything got groovy. A few months after school started, the season started and we started competing with playvs and CHSAA holding the season. Our Varsity team proceeded to go 16-0 against 18 other teams in our entire state state, yes our entire state!

    Proof: https://imgur.com/a/FMckRjF

    As you know from the picture, we're 16-0 with our amazing Varsity teams who are now going to playoffs with a bye. (School names were hidden so we don't get doxxed lol.) Our Junior Varsity (due to financial issues on the players side) is not competing unfortunately, instead we are readying to get on the Varsity team which have 3 seniors.

    I think what makes this so special to me is that our school is not the best. In fact, not a lot of people like it. It's considered to be in the ghetto and many students in our attendance zone choose to open enroll to rival schools to get a better education. This makes for poor funding and a handful a fights. I find it amazing that we managed to get to 2 diamond players in an underpopulated school that was about to shutdown more times then you could count. It's also unbelievable that the school who was previously 14-0 with us is one with 5x as much students as ours (5000 of them!) They have way less minority and is sponsored heavily, an NFL players' kid goes there! There were also rumors that they had 4 Diamond players and we still beat them. It amazed me that my school who is heavily looked down upon, (often my school is used to insult me and my friends by others) is currently the only undefeated school in our state.

    TL;DR: My school's (considered to be in the ghetto) varsity team is 16-0 out of our whole state and going to playoffs.

    submitted by /u/ilikecamperz
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    Dead Tryndamere spnnning bug

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    TLs sub jungler in action

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    PSA: Don’t fight hentai lady in a choke point.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    What's the point of mana anymore?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:58 AM PST

    None of the top tier champs have mana issues anymore because mana management has mostly gone out the window.

    Weren't Mana pots removed so that you could better balance mana regen?

    And also because they made it really hard to balance some champs to the point where they had to keep their costs high in case someone was stacking pots in lane?

    OG players know the terror of Yorick who walked into lane with Crystalline Flash, two health potions and two mana potions.

    Our decision to remove mana pots goes along the same philosophy as starting items. 100 mana tends to benefit certain types of champions over others (with mana costs being balanced against individual champion kits) and can wildly shift from being a mediocre purchase to a very cost-efficient one. By removing mana pots, we can better balance champion ability costs with the mana regeneration stat while also streamlining the 'sustain game' of League.

    And with the start of preseason Presence of mind was changed so that it also increases your maximum mana by 100 on kill or assist up to a total of 500...

    With Corrupting Potion and Biscuit Delivery covering early game, and Manaflow Band, Lost Chapter, Tear of the Goddess and Catalyst of Aeons covering the mid game there isn't a single point in the game where mana is ever an issue.

    So here i am asking, what is the point of mana anymore?

    Edit: A few people are making the case of "It's only fair because manaless champions get to spam their abilities without consequence so why shouldn't mana reliant champions be able to do the same?"

    My answer to that is BECAUSE THEY HAVE MANA and are balanced around not only having mana but also managing it, but if you don't have to worry about managing it then you just get to reap the rewards that being mana reliant brings and not suffer any of the consequences...

    If having mana is going to be reduced to a minor hindrance in the beginning and then you never think about it again i don't understand what the point of it is!

    And yes "there isn't a single point in the game where mana is ever an issue." is a hyperbolic statement thought i'd clarify because there were people grilling me about it.

    submitted by /u/BubblyEvening
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    [self] Star Guardian Lux

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Y'all liked my Taliyah post a few days ago, so I decided to post my Star Guardian Lux cosplay! Hope you guys like!
    I did this one a few years ago, and I was still a beginner at cosplay so be nice.

    Lux Cosplay

    submitted by /u/itchysquid
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    Assorted trivia about several champions' developments you might not have heard of!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    I am fascinated by champion design and am excited to learn about what champions didn't become as much as what they did, not because I believe that their initial designs were better, but there's just so much damn creativity and awesome ideas that I believe should've been allowed to exist to some degree in a better world.

    I don't have trivia on every single champion because Riot doesn't publicly disclose every idea they tried out (they "icebox"/"put on hold" rather than outright cancel, as some ideas may be revisited in the future, so they like to keep their better ideas under wraps), but here's a list of some of my favorite ideas from the champions Riot has spoken up about.

    (note: these might be common knowledge to some, but I felt like making this post on the offchance you don't because chances are that nobody's aware of all of these. If you do, congrats!)

    AATROX: For his 2018 VGU, a few abilities were tested:

    AHRI: From Riot's ORIGINS post:

    • An early version of Ahri had no fox ears and her nine tails were really just suggestions from the shape of her dress. They thought it was too lame, and so they focused on making her a proper foxgirl instead of an "artificially unique one".
    • An early version of her ultimate had her dash infinitely over time, basically turning herself into an Ezreal ult. Senior game designer Colt "Ezreal" Hallam claimed "We had to change this ultimate due to its interactions with the Dominion map, which is easily one of my biggest regrets on the character."

    AKALI: For her 2018 VGU, they considered letting her "ride" projectiles from other champions (say, a Jinx rocket), but it was too impractical and annoying to work with. They also made it so her smoke bomb created a dragon-shaped billow in the center (which was shown in her rework's teaser image), but it was cut for clarity.

    APHELIOS: From Riot's Champ Insights post:

    AURELION SOL: As some of you might know, ASol was originally planned to be a different champ: a long, serpentine storm dragon named Ao Shin. He was reworked because Riot had a lot of trouble with the technical aspects of the idea -- He was apparently "10-12 Teemos in length" and they wanted him to be able to wrap his body around enemies, but this made it hard for him to hide in bushes, and it consumed a ton of his power budget (he needed to be fast enough to move around enemies and tanky enough to survive them fighting back).

    AZIR: Lotttttt of stuff from his ORIGINS post, too much to include here. the tl;dr version was that he was envisioned as a sand mage named Seth since 2013-14, and was reworked countless times due to technical and creative issues.

    BARD: Originally for his passive, Riot gave him the ability to go through several different color versions of Meeps that would boost his abilities, and they would all continuously follow behind him like Pikmin. Testing made them prefer simpler upgrades to basic attacks over his abilities, resulting in his passive's current state.

    DIANA: Yknow how that recent rework where they made her Moonfall (circle-surrounding ability) her ultimate? It turns out this was (kind of) the original plan when she was first made: it was a channeled AoE that dealt true damage based off a resource called "Scorn", but was replaced for being "toxic and nearly impossible to counter."

    EKKO: They wanted to make his ultimate be able to properly rewind enemies along with him, but no matter what they tried, it was considered too busted and confusing. Also, they were developing Bard alongside him, and during a phase in playtesting, Bard had an ultimate where he would globally silence enemies, making games with both of them being globally annoyed no matter what.

    EVELYNN: From her Champ Insights revolving her 2017 VGU, Riot originally wanted to make her scarier and demonic, with "spider legs, cracked porcelain skin with shadows pushing their way out, the cavity of a missing eye you could peer into and see three eyes within." They thought it was too much.

    GNAR: Originally, Mega Gnar's ult had him swallow a unit whole, and was directly said to have inspired Tahm Kench's entire "devour" mechanic. This is a case of a good idea being reused for later -- the ability tested well, but they preferred it be the core mechanic to a new champion than tacked onto someone as uncontrollable as Gnar.

    JHIN: From his Champ Insights, Jhin was originally envisioned as a "mysterious robot cowboy bounty hunting sniper" codenamed Deadeye. His design was fragmented, but while Jhin became a new psycho artist gunman, the design inspired his High Noon skin.

    JINX: From her ORIGINS post:

    • Originally they wanted her to be "a weapon-swapping ADC, like a ranged Udyr" (or a primordial Aphelios, lol) where her abilities just switched to a different gun for her basic attacks. Riot found this pattern pretty boring after a while, so all she has left of the gunswap is her Q.
    • They tested out a bunch of different ultimates. My favorite is "Circle of Cats", fired a bomb across the map that surrounded the first enemy hit with magic smoke, causing enemies who crossed it to turn into harmless kittens, but it's just not as direct as making them explode outright.

    KAI'SA: She was always meant to be a marksman, but went through different ideas in ideation. Concepts included an ex-Purifier (Lucian's faction), a Vampire hunter that became a vampire, a Zaunite life-essence-drainer, and even an idea that she was part of a new breed of void monster trying to imitate humans.

    KAYN: Originally they wanted Kayn to be Xayah and Rakan's nemesis (and was codenamed during development as "Nemesis"), but they decided to cut this because his relationship with Zed and conflict with Rhaast was more interesting.

    MISS FORTUNE: Riot toyed with giving her a new voiceover around 2018 (around the same time they recorded the voiceover for her Gun Goddess skin), but it was scrapped after they tested some lines out and internal feedback was mixed; nobody could really agree on what they were looking for from her characterization, and they concluded that changing it was a worse decision than leaving it be.

    MORDEKAISER: Lots of really cool ideas were thrown around for his 2019 VGU:

    MORGANA: For her dual VGU with Kayle, they tested some new abilities on her just to see if there was anything worth changing. One significant ability was making her ult have tiers like with Kayle, with each rank giving her new stats, but the only one that stuck was giving her bonus movement speed.




    RAKAN and XAYAH: The two were conceived as a "botlane duo", so different ways they could do duo mechanics were tested:

    RAMMUS: The reason Rammus is so quiet is because when Riot (very early on in the game's life, to remind you) did try to give him a proper voiceover, but it sucked and they recorded a new one in 15 minutes. The rest is history!

    RIVEN: From her ORIGINS post, Riven went through a lot of kit experimentation, especially with her ultimate. The descriptions of what they tried with her are much funnier than anything I can relay.

    RYZE: Not exactly to do with the champion himself, but for his "Call to Power" short, there exists an unused model of a Zaunite assassin and concept art of him with a little girl (who I believe is Daisy from Annie's short?)

    SHACO: Sometime around 2017, they tested giving him a rework. One of the tested abilities was an ultimate where he turned himself into a missle that fired in a direction. When he collided with Yasuo's Wind Wall, he never came back. "The entire design team stood up and gave the Yasuo player a standing ovation."

    SYLAS: He was envisioned as a "copycat" champion since the beginning, but went through different ideas:

    TALIYAH: From her Champ Insights:

    • Originally they wanted Taliyah's abilities to be much more destructive, with an ultimate that could outright remove any natural terrain. This was cut because nobody really knew how to make this look right, and the ability felt more a support champ than a self-reliant mage.

    • One idea to go along with her "weaver" concept was to give her a "spool" that could gather up rocks that she could fire back onto her enemies. This implied that she had abilities that she could charge up, but she eventually ended up with none.

    URGOT: A few, kind of wacky ideas were tested for his 2017 VGU:

    • Riot initially toyed with Urgot being a waaaaaay more theatrical, Batman-style villain (think Joker or Penguin) where he'd toy with his enemies with deranged playfulness before killing them. His taunt was a full minute long, and his ultimate had him pull out a pipe organ to play a song and give an evil monologue as he dragged his enemies to death -- the only reason this seems to have been cut is because gameplay is too fast for it. (ngl, I want this REALLY BAD)

    • One scrapped ability had him fire a cluster bomb that created a minefield which feared enemies. "Unfair" doesn't begin to describe it.

    VI: One early stab at her "Piltover Enforcer" idea was that she was a steampunk capoeira fighter with dreads and robot legs. It apparently sounds cooler than it actually looked.

    WARWICK: One idea for his 2017 VGU was to be able to turn other allies into werewolves, allowing them to roam around the map as a wolf pack. Not exactly "Warwick", but very cool.

    YORICK: One ability was tried out for his 2016 VGU where could resurrect allies, with one version of them exploding like Kog'Maw. It was cut because 1) there wasn't a way to make it fun, and 2) this meant Yorick's power relied on his team dying.



    submitted by /u/Number9Robotic
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    Jensen Goh: "Splyce had custom-made balls made of dates, nuts and cocoa coated with coconut and salt...we beat Origen with superior nutrition." | Game Is Hard

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Dragon being a bro

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    K1ck Esports, Portugal's Oldest LoL Team, Just Moved to the Polish Ultraliga

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    It's 2020 and Your Team SUCKS! - Cloud9

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Some people are fans of Cloud9. But many, many more people are NOT fans of Cloud9. This 2020 LCS team preview is for those in the latter group. This is meant to be a parody of Deadspin's WYTS NFL team previews. I'm a salty LCS Redditor who's near the end of his rope watching these teams shoot themselves in their collective feet, so I inhaled a few markers and made this. I might make more. Enjoy.

    Your Team: Cloud9, aka the esports equivalent of Playboy magazine. Seriously, how many people have busted a nut to stuff like this? You know who you are, I just want you to know I'm silently judging you from behind my sticky keyboard.


    Your 2019 Record: Before I start shitting on them mercilessly, I'll give C9 a bit of credit. No team in the LCS is better at developing and using talents to their max potential than Cloud9. Unfortunately, they have a bad habit of being the LCS equivalent of the Tennessee Titans: A glorified farm system designed to grow then sell off players to teams desperate for slightly above average NA talent because they can't be assed to do it themselves. Jack won't tell you this, and he hasn't won any titles in years, but you know what he's getting out of all of this....



    CASH CONSIDERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Anyway. Jensen, probably the League's greatest coattail-hanger of all time (yeah I said it, shoot me) got fed up of all the C9 craziness and losing in finals because he can't press buttons in key moments to save his life. He skips off to TL, so C9 is forced to look for other options. Goldenglue? Fuck no. Simple math: Goldenglue is NA and NA is bad, therefore Goldenglue is bad. It's math, can't dispute. C9 says fuck it and picks up some random mid from Europe, Snitsky.

    Friendship ended with Jensen, Nisqy is my best friend now

    First clip they show with him is a clutch Zhonya's play. Cloud9's shade is on point.

    I am glad that Mesut Özil found a team

    No more import slots, so the rest of the team is back on board for 2019. Spring is here, the team abuses strong roster continuity while occasionally swapping in Glue & Blaber to flex on weaker teams on the way to a 2nd place finish. Things are looking good, they're up 2-0 on TSM in Semis, then Bjergsen goes b-a-n-a-n-a-s on Akali to reverse sweep C9 and send them home early.

    Game 5 in the playoffs and Reapered lets his star top laner pick Ornn into Braum. It's also blind so he gets fucked in fights AND in lane

    Coach of the split right there

    Okay summertime is here, that series was a fluke that we only lost because our coach forgot what a counter-pick was. Aside from a few hiccups (RN-Jesus claiming Licorice's wrists for a few weeks, bringing in Deftly for a few games because Sneaky's patreon was losing subs and he needed to get it back up) they finish 2nd because NA has somehow gotten worse. Fucking NA man. C9 quickly dispatches CLG and meets up w/ C9 for their long awaited re-match. This is the year right? TL is looking weak after their 5 game set with Clutch, so this is perhaps their best chance, right??


    It goes to 5 games, but nothing is more representative of DL vs Sneaky historically than DL giving him a hard ass-pounding in a super-important series. Hashinshin is rolling in his grave.

    But it's okay. C9 always gets their revenge at worlds, no matter how bad the circumstances, C9 will get out of groups and at least be competitive. Then the group draw happened. I won't waste time describing how C9 did in groups, this video is already plenty descriptive enough. 2-4, out in groups, NA's suffering continues.


    Your Coach: Reapered, Westrice, Rapidstar, and GameOver Reignover. Close call for Reapered. He was on the verge of getting Fortunate Son'd by the Korean military before getting an extension, so he'll be here for the immediate future. Aside from probably costing a shit ton and inexplicably troll drafting during key games, there's not much to complain about. Hey, and Reignover's back! Back from his Korean exile after mercilessly absorbing millions from CLG, RO joins up on C9 to teach Blaber how to play Olaf and...that's pretty much it.


    What's new that sucks: C9 fans, it's time to PAY THE TOLL. In today's LCS, you can't have your cake and eat it too. TL has won that last 4 LCS titles in a row, and it's clear that Twizzlers & Snitsky are itching for an LCS win. So that means it's bye-bye to to poor Sneaky. At least we'll have this great spank bank material to remember him by. Oh, and both Sven/Zeyzal gone too, off to whatever the hell EG is doing (Jiizuke, lol. Enjoy NA soloQ). Jack's getting paid tho, so it's all good.

    "Did somebody say invade?"

    • C9 Blaber, every fucking game

    Fresh from a disastrous split on TSM, Zven is here! Jack is back it Wolf of Wall Street style, buying low on disgraced Europeans that came to NA to cash out. Provided Vulcan can keep Zven from choking on his food (or DL's dong) long enough to let top side carry, this is actually could be a scary roster.

    "I would have paid $2.5 million for Vulcan, but don't tell DIG that"

    • I shit you not, Jack actually said that in Twitch chat

    What might not suck:

    >Me and the boys in LCS

    Enjoy C9 fans, this is what you signed up for. At least memes are opioids for the soul.



    I hate life

    Who cares about winning NA right guys?

    It's all about getting out of groups!!!


    Any bets on which superstar Jack lets walk this off season? Tired of barely being good enough for worlds

    Bro why do we keep giving away all our players when they are at their peaks? Is it just for money? Impact, Jensen, Sven, Zeyzal, with all the talent C9 has had I'm amazed we haven't been able to win LCS for the past 6 years

    oh you.

    They've stopped doing that for years now apparently. As a long time fan of the original roster which C9 stubbornly kept together even through tough times, you can really tell the team building is different now. They're just there to act as a talent agency and don't care about winning major events anymore. They just want the squads to reach Worlds every year and then sell them off after since they essentially have a "Worlds quality" team. It also helps that their history as an org makes any players, no matter how bad they are, automatically gain value in the eyes of others, after all, they're the clutch master and the meme team, what's not to love :/

    C9: ok guys, for game 5 we do what we did game 4. stand around with no plan and wait for TL to take all the objectives then have no hope of ever coming back. ok?

    Maybe one day I will learn to stop wasting my weekends watching this team choke away the LCS

    Yeah, idk about you guys

    I've been a c9 fan since the quantic days... I think I'm close to swapping to another team.

    I've spent over FIVE years watching C9 have great regular seasons just to play like morons and have among the DUMBEST drafts anyone has ever seen.

    Yes, we do good in worlds but I dont give a fuck anymore. Even making semi finals last year didn't really excite me because it's not winning anything.

    I didn't even enjoy this season because I KNEW that we should somehow shit the bed in playoffs and of course they did.

    I went to FOUR of the finals in person just to watch them lose horribly, I honestly don't see us winning anything any time soon. I think I'm gonna take a break from watching league and come back in 2020. I really have no interest in getting my hopes up again just to be disappointed.

    I'll see how I feel after a 9 month break from all this disappointment

    This article is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, so don't get pissy at me about it. To be honest, if you get mad at a random redditor's opinion, you've got bigger problems, lol. lmk what team you want me to roast next.

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Very nice Urgot artwork ft Viktor for season 10

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Mystic tells he left LPL and joined Afreeca Freecs for "my wife and kid", describes how AFS found its teamwork so quickly: "Our top, mid and jungle are actually all solid. We take turns to give up resource for one another, and every lane has the potential to carry the game."

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    ChronoCuck Zilean Rebooted - KBVTV

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Qiyana's W gives her bonus range but her W tooltip says nothing about increasing her base range...

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Qiyana's W gives her 25 bonus range. Yes, it does, and it's not written anywhere in her kit. I'll show you.

    This is her base range: https://prnt.sc/qjgsg5

    This is her range with W on: https://prnt.sc/qjgrqj

    And this is her W's tooltip: https://prnt.sc/qjgswr

    I know it's not thaaaat important, but sometimes it can be helpful, specially to new players and since she is a relatively recent champion.

    submitted by /u/zKyonn
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    Ornn PSA: If im lvl 13+ pls consider buying items i can upgrade for you. Those are free stats. Also you dont have to stay near me for the crafting animation

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:50 PM PST

    So many times I have games where people outright refuse to buy "Ornn items"

    At the start those items were very limited, but meanwhile there should be an item for everyone.

    Also same as Zilean. Once I started the crafting, you can move. Dont waste time and get on the map asap

    Hope that helps

    submitted by /u/Zhados_Twitch
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    Thorin's Thoughts - Perkz is LEC's Tom Sawyer (LoL)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Game of the decade League vs Minecraft - Very interesting debate by MatPat

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Every year our family makes a gingerbread “house”. This year we made Summoners Rift

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:21 PM PST


    Our family makes a themed gingerbread creation every year around New Years. This year we tried our best to make Summoners Rift. All the kids and I play League and had fun making this year's gingerbread.

    submitted by /u/CorbinOpies
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