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    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to /r/Summonerschool's best of 2019 thread. This is the time of year where we reflect on the best contributions to the sub. Not sure where to start? Trying sorting top by the last year!

    This year we're going to have 6 categories - the winner of each category will recieve a reddit platinum, while 2nd and 3rd places of each category will get reddit golds.

    This year's categories

    • Best Overall User (in Contribution/Attitude/Comments)
    • Best Overall Post
    • Best Overall Comment
    • Best Written Guide
    • Best Video Guide
    • Best AMA [AMA Archives]

    All nominations must be links from /r/Summonerschool and from 2019. Reply to the appropriate parent comment with the link and a brief explanation for your choice. All other comments will be deleted.

    Do not nominate yourself, and try not to nominate things that have already been nominated.

    This thread will be set to contest mode. This means that all comments will be sorted randomly and no scores will be displayed for non moderators.

    You are allowed to nominate one item per category, which means you can only nominate 5 things in total.

    Moderators of the sub can not be nominated.

    We'll be leaving this up until January 10th and the awards will be distributed soon after.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Finally hit Diamond 4 as support main with Tourettes syndrome after starting from Bronze 2 this season (past seasons Silver hardstuck Jungler). What I learnt from the 1 season journey.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Hi all, my current IGN is Yuugana. I main support due to Tourettes syndrome and I can't cs properly due to my hands and head shaking a lot. I one tricked Zyra from bronze 2 to plat, played Nami/Lux to P2 before demoting back to P3 and then played Morg with a 42-20 score to D4 just few days before the preseason ends. This journey has taught me a lot and this post is about what I did to improve as a player since I was hardstuck silver for many seasons.

    1. Blame yourself for losses even when your team cost the game, there's always something you could have played right.
    2. Ask questions, ask your high elo friends or the summoner school discord if you have doubts and always try to keep yourself updated with League stuffs whether its guides or the current meta.
    3. Mute all, as someone with anxiety, I get emotionally affected easily when someone flames me for playing badly and I always fear misplaying because of it. I was stuck at P3 for few months because I would always tilt fast and I started muting all since last week and it helped me hit D4 today.
    4. Have a small champion pool, I like Morg so I just focus on learning her. Sad thing is she gets banned a lot so I lose like 70% of the time if she gets banned. So you can try dodging if your OTP champ is banned/picked.
    5. If you duo, see if duoing with your partner is worth the harder games in exchange for better communications. When you duo, your opponent MMR gets higher. And Junglers can duo with anyone but its better for everyone to duo with a Jungler unless you are ADC/SUPP duo. I personally think it is not worth duoing with someone who is hardstuck at their rank because they might not even be able to carry themselves.
    6. Take a break when you're tilted. I lost a lot of games for no reason by thinking I can win back my LP.

    These are what I can think of currently. Here's my League stats in some weird phone app because my region (Garena) doesn't have any API.


    submitted by /u/MoaMetalDesu
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    Your jungler needs your help

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:29 AM PST

    The mentality that most people have is that they enter game, go to lane, maybe they leash or ward, and for the next 10-15 min. it's their jungler's job to help them. Even players with good awareness that understand that the jungler can't be everywhere and can't always help them specifically, tend to think 'we're in lane, and it's the jungler's job to help us get through it without getting fucked by the other guy'.

    This is not the case this season. It was the case at some point, but right now the junglers are the weakest dudes on the map. People who catch onto this still tend to think 'ok, so the game comes down to which jungler sucks the least' and while that is partially true, it more often than not comes down to who gets the most help.

    It is so easy to abuse junglers on this patch. If you wander into their jungle and run into them, they are going to have a very very bad time, often even if they're ahead. They're fucked whatever they do-stay and fight and probably die because they're down levels or back off and lose what meager gold they do have from camps.

    The solution is to help your jungler out, and abuse the enemy jungler. It can be tempting to see your enemy leave lane, headed towards your jungle and think 'sweet, free wave'. You should be trying to follow him and collapse with your jungler. It can be tempting to get mad at your jungler for taxing after a failed gank. But if he goes back to the jungle empty handed after showing himself on the map, he is going to be even farther behind and have even less impact. The best thing you can do is coordinate and try and invade, counterjungle and kill the enemy jungler. Instantly turn the game into a 5v4.

    Just, take pity on your junglers. Obviously this is all my personal opinion-if others disagree, I'd love to hear how other junglers have been approaching this season!

    submitted by /u/orangemars2000
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    Realization: Warding doesn't protect you from ganks. Warding tells you where enemies are.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:31 PM PST

    This is something that I realized recently. I'm fairly new, around level 25, and I fell into the newbie trap of poor warding.

    A lot of top/bot laners ward the bush right next to the lane in river. Problem is, a ward there is pretty darn useless.

    Why? Several reasons:

    • It helps your jungler and other teammates about 0%
    • Even if you're staring at your minimap, a ward that close to lane physically doesn't give you enough time to walk back to the safety of turret, especially if you're pushed up (lots of supports ward that bush then push without a care in the world. The jungler literally has time to stop, clear the ward, then come kill you). If you happen to check your minimap more infrequently, it's even less helpful.
    • It's very easy for enemies to clear, because it's obvious

    Instead, put your wards deeper in. Further up the river, deeper into the jungle, etc. You need the ward to be far enough away from your lane so:

    • You have ample warning to start retreating if you see the enemy jg beelining for your lane. (Many junglers will just path straight for you downriver like a ADC-seeking missile when they see you pushed up)
    • The ward is less obvious, so less likely to be cleared
    • Even just randomly spotting the enemy jungler pathing around helps your jungler massively

    I had a game where I did this in bot lane. Not only did we never get ganked successfully, but the enemy jungler got counterganked by our jungler because the ward told our jungler that we were getting ganked early enough for him to come help and make it a 3v3 vs a 3v2. Our Sivir got fed, we demolished. (We also stole elder dragon (aka auto-win dragon) and yall know how that goes)

    Yes it takes more time to walk a bit up the river/into the jungle. However, you get so many benefits in exchange. Plus, doing that can bait the enemy into following you, which can open them up to ganks or just waste their time.

    If you're low elo/new to the game, start warding farther away.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Jungle. Start blue or red?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Can someone exactly explain me what side should i start and why? I watched video about jungle paths and in this video author said, choose the most important lane to gank early and then start on the opposite side of them. Next time i rode, start with buff which help you farm early. Maybe i donkt know about some rules, for example start blue if your oponnent start red for fast help teamates when he will gank.

    Sry for my english.

    submitted by /u/Foodi69
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    The absolute raw power of the mute button.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Long time lurker, first time poster, just wanted to share something that's really been helping me in my games in Solo Queue lately.

    Recently at the beginning of each game I make sure to get essential information from my team (I.e. do you need a leash? Which camp are you starting? Etc), but then I immediately MUTE EVERYONE. I keep pings unmuted because that's obviously really essential for team communication, but for the most part I ignore everyone and just focus on the game.

    So here's the rub, tilt can be contagious. If someone is flaming you a lot, chances are you're gonna get tilted. But what I found is that I was getting tilted by flame that wasn't even directed towards me. I would see that my top laner and jungler were fighting in chat and it would stress me out. Sometimes I would try to break it up I.e. "just focus on the game guys, mute each other", but nobody wants to get told what to do so my efforts weren't often effective, and most of the time counter productive. I started to realize that my performance was suffering because I guess I'm far more emotionally reactive while playing League than I thought.

    So let's get a little in-depth as to how muting everyone can be helpful.

    You are NEVER wasting time typing on your keyboard. Losing a few cs is not worth sitting under your tower for a few seconds to tell your mid laner they suck at the game. Doing that is probably the most counter productive action you can take in the game because you are losing CS while also potentially making your team play worse. NOBODY is going to start playing better when they are getting flamed, it's all about keeping your cool and keeping your mind focused and clear. You are way less likely to get tilted if you never see any of the chat to begin with, and in turn perform better.

    While there might be some drawbacks to muting everyone, I think that the benefits outweigh them. League is such an intense game with so many things to keep track of and honestly the chat box is the least important of those things. Focus on your gameplay, focus on keeping your cool. This isn't football, getting angry doesn't make your Q do any extra damage, it just makes you make stupid decisions.

    submitted by /u/Klemint
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    3 Questions about ADC

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    I know ADCs are very gold reliant and their early items are important. My first question is if the enemy bot lane has a lot of healing, like a Soraka, Yuumi or a marksmen building lifesteal like Draven, is an early executioners good and at what point should i buy one? Obviously i would buy one eventually but how early should i get one if at all? Would you ever take an executioners on your first back or before finishing your first item?

    My second question is what is the purpose of a lane swap? Is it simply about getting more tower gold or are there other reasons to do with the toplaner or the game state in general? Apart from dragon being up are there other factors to consider when thinking about lane swapping?

    My third question is do i value dragon or turret plating more if we kill the enemy botlane? I've heard both arguments and seen in-game my support wanting the plating and the jungler wanting dragon. Trying to do both never ends well.

    submitted by /u/MattJobbers
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    How to manage gold as a mage champion

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:13 AM PST

    I just started playing mid and mainly have been sticking to mages. The one thing that I can't answer myself is how do I go about spending my gold when I have odd amounts ?

    Example: let's say I'm forced to back. I have 600 gold in my pocket. But I need 1050 to finish ludens. Do I just buy a pink and save the rest?? Or do I buy another component for another item?

    submitted by /u/Soloralphlauren
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    The Importance of Wave Manipulation -Fas Scriptor Coaching Platinum ADC

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Pretty much this is a coaching vod of me coaching a platinum adc that I edited down to just grab what I think of as the most important parts of it.


    Important Timestamps

    0:00 - (wave manipulation) - Freeze/recall Instead of push

    2:37 - How to think about skills/jukes / micro walk-through

    8:28 - (wave manipulation) Farm and why we lose it after lane

    As a general rule of thumb, try to think of how many seconds it will take people to reach something, and plan fights or pushes around how long it will take to return to the lane or area of relevance. It takes 37 seconds to get to center of lane from base in bot lane.

    In early game its almost always better to set a freeze (4+casters) instead of trying to get a wave to tower, because death timers are so short. Death timers increase by 2 seconds per level in pre-6.

    When trying to dodge something, just think about the hitboxes and walk in the faster perpendicular to the skillshot.

    Any questions feel free to let me know.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    I cant seem to farm with mages. (more specifically ahri)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Im still somewhat new to league, im silver 1 and account level 60. Im a mid lane main with my main being yasuo, and on yasuo i can typically farm quite well, to the point of where in a lane im either even in, or winning, i can average 8-10 cs a minute. However, with some of my other champions i play, more specifically ahri, i cant seem to farm at all. i never use her abilites to farm until mid game or when i get lost chapter for the mana sustain, but before that i cant farm at all with her autos. it feels like im just tickling the minions and barely even doing damage, which results in me either timing it early, leaving barely any hp on the minion that another minion finishes off, or i underestimate the damage and do it late, which results in me starting the auto animation while its alive, and it dying before the hit connects. later on i can farm much better due to ahri having quite good wave clear when she has some items and mana, but other than that i always miss minions, and i especially miss cannons, i usually on hit 1/2 of cannons in my lane, and i average about 4-5 cs a minute on ahri, which i personally feel i should improve asap.

    TL:DR - I can get like 8-10 cs/min on my main in a good game, but ahri i can only get 4-5 cs/min due to me struggling with last hits.

    submitted by /u/Forgeblazer
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    What's the maths on Coup De Grace vs Cut Down for an ADC? (particularly on "onetap" carries like Caitlyn)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Most builds will recommend Coup for the bottom line of the precision tree - but if you're doing a bursty build where your goal is to eliminate most of a healthbar ASAP then wouldn't Cut Down do more damage? After all, Coup does absolutely nothing until the target is already low health!

    Is this just one that's dependant on the enemy team's composition and Cut Down is better vs a tanky comp? Or is it literally never better for reasons I'm not thinking of?

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    How to play against a team comp that desperately needs hard cc on every single one of them? (Yauso, yi, vayne, X and Y) (five 1v9 champs)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Just kind of a shower thought, but I did encounter this team comp quite a few times. This team comp, everyone is a 1v9 champ, notably vayne, master yi and yasup these three. Insane consistent damage, have some kind of armour shred and true damage. No matter you're a tank, bruiser or squishy, they either shred you or one shot you if they don't get chain cced. If they have these 3, I go even with them in the mid game, I lost if they have a brain.

    Let say the enemy team has a top jax, mid yasuo, jg yi , ad vayne, sup ap malphite. How am I gonna deal with this? There is not enough cc to chain cc all 4 people (jax yi vayne yasuo)in any team comp. Yes there's maybe Leona has a five man ult, but that is not enough. What if they all have qss other than malphite? If this team comp is not completely stomped early game and they can somehow not get caught and do a five vs five normal team fight, with a master yi late entry of teamfight, I cannot think of a way how this team comp can lose.

    submitted by /u/dumbdit
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    Good habits to continue farming into the mid/late game

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    As a mid laner I always find mid farm being stolen/me not being able to get in a side lane to get creeps in the mid to late game. My early farm is usually 8-9 cs per minutes but in the end it ends up 6/5 per minute. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=xXSucculentXx here's op.gg been doing mostly norms with friends because preseason. I kinda wanna otp A Sol

    submitted by /u/mtgsucculent
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    Teemo vs Jax MU? (as Teemo, Plat+)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Is there any way to make the laning MU of Teemo vs Jax (as Teemo) not hell? The only strategy I can think of is running Fleet/Celerity and rushing boots, but smart Jaxes will either all-in before my first back or even cheese brush me (because I watch my jungler's entrances) and force flash

    Laning phase is usually I harass Jax and he jumps on me, and since I can't outrun him without full boots, he just all-ins me and attack moves and either forces flash or wins the trade, and if that happens twice, that's a guaranteed kill on me.

    submitted by /u/rajikaru
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    How to deal with a Fed Kassadin as ADC?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST

    So I started playing ADC in preseason and reached finally Plat (which I understood is full of smurfs). Even though I mostly win my lane and have at least 6 cs/min (I know it's not good) i lose every time a match Kassadin is on the opposing team. He always goes stomping everyone and oneshoting everyone.

    So my questions is how to deal with that freaking champ? Atm I prefer to have an enemy akali fed than Kassadin.

    submitted by /u/eNRogue2
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    Explain that op.gg score card to me please

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Hey summoners!

    score card in question - https://imgur.com/a/kCW4HaZ

    This was my first (ever?) top lane game, usually a support main. I had pretty lousy KP %, didn't feel I was CSing very well and overall felt like an OK game as a first time new role game should feel.

    On the other hand, I felt like our mid Lux was doing all the heavy lifting that enabled us to achieve many things on the map.

    Checked the opgg, I'm the MVP.

    How come? Should I lose trust in opgg?

    Many thanks <3

    submitted by /u/Timetwister_
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    I have highish MMR (for my level) in pre-season. What should I do, play more or leave it here for the start of the season?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Hi, so i've been playing my preseason games. I was Silver 1 and lost two promos in the regular season but I didn't played again since I had the skin from Flex. I did my promo again in preseason and got two free wins for it, got the dub on the firstr match and went over.

    Now I'm Gold 4 (which is my peak since I just play for rewards) but when I won my first match on Gold I got 30 LP so to my understanding that means my MMR is high for the division I'm in right now.

    Should I use this 5 days left to keep playing, taking the risk of losing for the possible reward of getting a better MMR or should I leave it here until the regular season? Thanks.

    here's my op.gg for memes (not really a fan of rankeds, they're a headache) https://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=unclesototilto and my second acc that looks like it has a similar mmr too https://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=anisconfrigurt

    submitted by /u/sirsotoxo
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    How to play ADC when going up the tiers?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    So I got plat 4 last season, basically just by spamming Jinx every game and smashing teamfights. But the thing is I don't know if I can replicate what I did last season considering I have no real clue how to properly play laning phase, how to manipulate waves and how to not slack on the farming later in the game. I know I have the mechanics to climb, I just don't know if I know enough about the macro to do so. Any help or tips would be highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/snooxie
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    Questions about Ashe ADC

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    1- Do you go BotRK first into IE? Or BotRK first into Runaan's Hurricane?

    2- What are the third, the fourth and the last items?

    3- If the enemy has an assassin who can oneshot me, when exactly do I build Stop Watch into GA?

    4- Do I go with the Dark Harvest rune because I'm in low elo G3, and all the games are so bloody?

    5- Do you ever build ER on Ashe?

    I posted all those questions on r/AsheMains/ but nobody has responded yet.

    submitted by /u/OzieteRed
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    how to deal with ashe

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    it seems every time I play against an ashe they curb stomp, regardless if it sup, mid or jungle. her kiting ability due to her built-in 20-30% slow feels unfair to play against. am I just getting too stuck on the slow fact to think about how to handle her? appreciate any and all advice. ive seen people say to just hard engage but ive had a very mixed bag of results due to her previously mentioned kiting

    submitted by /u/DrJerryTeSquid
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    New player need some help

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:08 AM PST

    Hello, I finally did the level 30 and I started to play ranked, I did around 18/20 game and I climbed from bronze to gold V. I am a main mid laner and my champions pool is :Katarina, Ahri, Diana, Lux. My 'main' is Katarina' but sometime I'm not really able to farm CS when I'm against some opponents like Lissandra and basically I just play under tower trying to farm more CS as possible. On a Perfect match up My CS farm would be around 75/80 in 10 mins but against for example Lissandra, my farm was 45 in 10 mins. Do you have any tips for especially Katarina against these laners? If I go under tower at the early stages I can't farm every CS because I don't have enough damage to do it but If I would try to do not do it and to push or take CS they will just poke me everytime I will try to get close to the CS. As far as I read from the guides my ideal game would be to push waves and to roam but I can't do it against some champions.

    submitted by /u/Arigatoh
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    Can someone explain to me why this top 20 KR challenger fizz mains always puts 2 points into W pre-6?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:16 PM PST

    Title - he does this vs every matchup, not only vs meele ones. Any ideas or reasoning why he does this?

    op.gg link: https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=BJ%EC%84%9C%EC%A4%80%EC%84%9D%EC%82%AC%EC%83%9D%ED%8C%AC

    submitted by /u/oppaolofoppa
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    Get What You Need From League: Janna Support

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Hello there,

    Today I'd like to share a Janna video profile/guide.

    Including stories and a fully commented match to showcase what she's all about, by a seasoned player to help you see if she's the champ for you to have a good time while get better at LoL at your own pace. The gist of it: Powerful peel for teamfights, powerful lane if you're up for poking people with E and last but not least there's bonus movement speed for yourself and allies to play around with.

    Don't forget to leave helpful or encouraging feedback and stay compassionate+mindful and I hope you enjoy the show!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Never sucked so bad at a game like I do at League (Unranked)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I'm really persistent and hate quitting, so I guess that's why I've stuck it out like I have with this game. I've been playing on/off for a year but now consistently a few times a day for the past couple weeks. Even tho I started last year it's only been this past couple weeks I've actually picked up some fundamentals of the game.

    I started off and played 90% of games with my main, Warwick which is jungle. Which I've heard is bad, because lane's are what teach new players the fundamentals of the game (e.g. CS, wave management, split-pushing, etc etc). Anyway, when I started a year ago for some reason I'd do real well with him (despite not knowing as much about him as I do now), then started doing terribly. Recently made a post here, checked out some guides, adapted my playstyle, and for the first time in ages had some games where I carried and got S's again. Then something just "un-clicked" and I started getting stomped other games. After spending so long on him I've just started trying to learn top lane w/ numerous champs and I get crushed even worse.

    I do work with and communicate with my team, HEAVILY. I know it's a team game. No matter how frustrated I get, and holy hell this game can do that, I never get toxic like so many do. I always give out good vibes to my team. But I still just seem to suck so much more than others on average. Even a guy who said he's had a week on it seems to be close to my skill level (but he's a wildcard, most new players are 10x worse). In fact, I've always seemed bad at MMO's compared to other games. I do really really good, in literally any other online games like shooters etc. Hell even hard RPG's like Bloodborne which I guess could be related to an MMO I do much better on. So TL;DR: How can I expect to see steady consistent progress if so far it's been non-existent? Esp. for top and jungle roles?

    submitted by /u/WhattDoIDoDood
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