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    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Does anyone else feel like they know mechanics but just don’t perform?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    To get it out of the way, I'm silver. I've played since season 2, but only started playing more than one game a week in season 9. I got to silver and that's obviously where I belong right now.

    I just can't perform like I think I should. I main jg and always get compliments on warning people of ganks and tracking opponents. I've been told I have excellent game sense, but I just can't do well myself. When I watch games that are silver (even replays of myself) it feels like I'm watching Iron 5 or something. I take notes and try to improve but I just end up playing the same or making alternate mistakes.

    Edit: I've read all your tips. Thanks. For those of you asking for op.gg and stuff, that's the problem...I can't perform in game. People say I'm a carry just by calling plays and being oppressive, but I'm not that good at my own champ.

    submitted by /u/lawble
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    Is Jungle the most punishing role?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:23 AM PST

    What I mean by this is as a jungler, I feel like if I make one mistake I am behind for the rest of the game. The only exceptions are if Ialready have a level lead on their jungler.

    Is this just because I tend to play more early game champs like Vi and Jarvan? Or is this just how jungle is? It seems like if you get a level lead you will have it the entire game and the enemy jungler can't catch up. Thoughts on this?

    When my early game goes as planned I end up stomping the game. But if I have an early death from an invade or people collapsing on scuttle, it is so hard to have any map pressure after that. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/HBack27
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    Using F keys

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Hey I'm a silver jungler main trying to get better and people say that I should use the F keys. My question is how and when do I use the F keys and also what keybind to use on them? Maybe this should be on simple questions but I don't know if the answer is that simple.

    submitted by /u/Chora123
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    is playing late game scale champs bad if I want to climb out of silver?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    every game seems to be a stomp one direction or another. I like to play scale champs like jax/ryze but it seems if I am simply going even in lane/slightly winning by farm isn't enough.

    almost all the games will have 1 lane that stomped super hard and people at this elo doesn't seem to have the idea of playing safe when losing so the feed just continues.

    I am skill wise probably closer to players at this elo, i dont get hard stomped but also doesn't hard win lanes every game like the smurfs do.

    should I learn more early game champions? i feel that if i am not stomping with them then i lose late game and I am not skilled enough to stomp lane every game even on early game champs.

    submitted by /u/kick53rv3
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    Why do people never play jungler in unranked games?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:30 PM PST

    I recently started playing league and I tend to play ahri mid lane. Anyways in queue ill let people know I plan on going mid, yet someone always goes with me. They steal all my farm and play super agro and then feed the opponent and ruin any chance I had of maintaing some type of control by playing defensively/not aggro.

    submitted by /u/melwfsn
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    Need some advice on adc laning phase + keeping cs numbers high later

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Hi guys, im a former support main and I'm learning adc. For season 10 I'd really like to try one tricking Lucian, picking him up I find him very enjoyable to play with a nice skill ceiling so i won't get bored - I know he isn't recommended to newer adc players because of bad habits (having such a nice dash) and mechanical difficulty but so far hes the only adc aside from aphelios that i havent turbo inted on (plus i got a skin for him from loot xd)

    So I have some questions: firstly the laning phase. I've just been pushing the first minions, hitting a spike lvl 2 and getting a favorable trade with an e auto q auto. Usually my support doesnt' follow up whatsoever (many suport and adc playres alike dont abuse the level 2 spike in gold) so im basically jumping in 1v2 but it usually works unless they have easy to land hard cc

    My question is this the right play? When is a good window to trade aggressively with enemy adc? When support is warding/theyre lasthitting correct? should i be taking the positioning of both my and the enemy support into account?

    Also cs. in gold elo everyone jsut goes aram clownfiesta mid and if i farm sidelanes i get collapsed on. How can i keep my cs high in the mid to late game when everyone is going apeshit mid

    submitted by /u/Senna_best_waifu
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    Diamond Struggling in Low Elo

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Hi. So I'm a Diamond ADC/marksman player on my main. I decided to create a smurf and I noticed that I am not stomping in "low elo" like I should be. I can't remember exactly what win rate I had when I hit Platinum IV but it certainly was below 60%. I would expect a Diamond player to be able to do unranked to Platinum with at least 75% win rate, if not more.

    For my playstyle during laning phase, I notice that I rely a lot on my support to set things up for me. That is how I play in Diamond: I let my support, who is normally skilled as Diamond is a very small percent of the entire playerbase, do most of the set up and I follow up and play around them during laning phase. For my playstyle during team fights, I position safely and normally play front to back unless I can somehow safely hit their carries, and I rely on my teammates to peel, tank, and play around me. That being said, when I play in high Gold and low Platinum, I find myself struggling with supports who are, frankly, bad compared to the supports I get matched with in Diamond.

    Saying all of this, it sounds like I have a super bad mental and that I'm blaming this on my support and teammates. However, I do believe this is my fault that I am struggling in low elo and not my support's fault. As a Diamond ADC main I should not be struggling in low Platinum, so I am doing something wrong and I need to improve. This is where I need help/feedback: what do I need to do to be less dependent on my support during laning phase? What do I need to do to be less dependent on my team during team fights (in low elo, no one peels for the ADC)?

    Thanks for the replies. And something embarrassing is that my win rate on my Diamond account is 57% while my win rate on my smurf currently is 54% at Platinum III 0 LP. I would say the laning phase problem is more of an issue than team fighting; on my smurf, I have a <50% win rate in lane but with "Diamond-level game knowledge/experience and mechanics" I can sometimes carry team fights and therefore have a win rate >50%.

    submitted by /u/tempaccount00101
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    Questions about playstyle in the jungle while climbing and Ekko

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hello, I've just recently climbed from bronze 2 to gold 4 very quickly playing only Ekko jungle, but as I face better people my weaknesses seem to matter more, and I was wondering how I could address them

    1. I feel most unsure of what to do as a jungler in the early game. I'm not sure what route to start off with (Do people skip krugs?). I also feel like ekko gets easily counterjungled/skirmished pre-6 and before runic echoes. I seem to give a lot of early leads to the enemy team in my games because of this and I'm not sure what to do about it.
    2. What do I do about idle time as a jungler? I often find myself with no camps to farm and all lanes pushed, and I usually just end up wandering around getting nothing done, I don't know where the enemy might gank cause all lanes are pushed and they could go anywhere so I'm not able to countergank either.
    3. When I was playing bronze-silver I usually tried to get fed and carry, but I'm finding that harder to do against higher-ranked players, should this sort of playstyle be avoided as I reach higher ranks?
    4. What kind of playstyle should I adopt as Ekko jungle, he feels like a champion that makes his biggest mark in the midgame, but I'm not sure what to do with that
    5. Lastly, I'm not even sure why I'm climbing, I make so many random mistakes and I play against junglers who secure more objectives early game, but I find myself much bigger lategame for some reason, is this just because Ekko is a lategame champion or something?

    Anyways, If this is too many questions, sharing any up to date jungling guides I could look at would be just as useful as answering my questions.

    opgg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=vbcnxm

    Edit: Also, when should we make baron calls, and after aces, should one go for inhibs or baron?

    submitted by /u/BelowGold
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    Some questions about the rune "Demolish"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:24 AM PST

    This thought came to me randomly.

    Will the effect stay the same if everyone on the team brought the rune "demolish", and just push straight mid together.


    Will it only work for a tank and everyone else won't deal "Demolish" damage? (Or it wouldn't work for anyone.)

    submitted by /u/HalfMoustacheJellal
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    How do I play vs Bard?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Title. Any tips? I'm a gold support / adc main and I didn't really struggle vs Bards 'till matchmaking system started to put me vs low plat opponents somehow. These guys seemed to know what they're doing and I just lost 3 games in a row as an adc. I mostly play an immobile ones (which obviously caused the problem too) so I'll be grateful to hear some advice. I kinda can figure out how to deal with ganks, but laning vs him was surprisingly hard even though I had an utility supports in all these games.

    It's a lot easier as a support 'cause I main Thresh and can follow his roams / counter ganks setted up with his E by warding, but I believe I need some help with both of these roles.

    sorry for broken english

    submitted by /u/darthjealous
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    midlane smurf streamers/youtubers who don't play assassins?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:12 PM PST

    I'm currently watching Pekin Woof for educational high elo midlane (he's a challenger) and Zwag who is a Xerath one trick but smurfs with ranged mostly AP champs of all kinds including Nami mid and AP Miss Fortune.

    Asking for smurfs because I want to see these good players play around my own elo, silver through gold. Iron smurfing is useless but high elo games though very interesting seem to have a pretty different atmosphere.

    I have a high-ish ping which screws up a lot of right-clickers especially melee, that's why the limited champ selection.

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    Please for the love of god, if you lose your tower in bot or top lane, don't just come afk mid lane.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    I have had an exceptional amount of games where people just want to afk mid after losing their tower. This has so many negative effects on the state of the map and the game:

    • You leach EXP from your midlaner
    • You leave your lane to be freely pushed and your opponent to CS without being contested, giving them free EXP and gold causing them to be further ahead than when they took your tower.
    • If you're a bot laner, you probably drag your support to mid too, furthering the exp issue, not to mention their tribute stacks may not go to you, the could go to the mid laner, which isn't ideal. That money is for the ADC.
    • If you're a top laner, you sacrifice pressure on rift, as a bot laner you sacrifice pressure on dragons. You cannot even dream to contest these objectives if you don't have your wave pushed.
    • Without pressure from both bot and top chances are you allow the enemy to get significant vision in the jungle, which means your jungler cannot farm. Jungle loses EXP and gold and falls behind leaving him disadvantaged because of your poor macro choices.

    The list goes ON AND ON. PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, don't afk mid lane if you lose your lane. It only makes the state of the game less winnable and more throwable.

    submitted by /u/PupPop
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    Buddy wants to learn Pantheon

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    He wants to play pantheon but he sucks, mostly because he is a new player. Not being a panth player I can only tell him to "E whatever they throw at you in retaliation.". Even then, he'll E Garen Q instead of his R, and Akali R1 instead of her R2 when I practice with him.

    He struggles the most with nasus.

    Any tips for him?

    submitted by /u/BenLegend443
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    Advice on having a stronger mental game and avoiding tilt

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Hi, I wanted to share a few pieces of advice if you're struggling to stay cool in game:

    1) Have you ever died, and then straight away looked at the map to see whether any of your team mates could have come and helped you? I do this all the time and it's a not a good habit. Try not to focus on what your teammates could of done, but focus more on what you can do. Yes, if you've been ambushed or are under attack, your team should try to help if they can, but rewind and think 'how did i get in this position in the first place?', were you out of position, too pushed up in your lane, roaming without sufficient vision etc. Basically, try to just focus on what you can do better. This helps me because then I'm not obsessing over someone else's mistakes, whom i have no control of.

    2) If you have the choice between playing a comfortable champion vs playing a better matchup, play the comfortable pick. It's better to play someone you're confident on than play someone riskier just because it seems like a better counter. Unless you want to challenge yourself of course.

    3) This is down to preference, but I advise to turn chat off completely. You won't have to go into the menu to mute people, you won't even have to remember to type /mute all. If you can't see the flame, it won't affect you because you won't even know it's there. Flame never made anyone have a better game, this goes into my next point.

    4) Don't flame. It's not worth it. The more energy you put into being mean to someone, the less you put into playing the game. There was a post here before that said 'the second you flame, you've lost the game', and this is definetly true for the mental game. Don't fight against you're own team.

    5) Pay attention to how you feel after a game to avoid burnout. Don't jump straight into the next one if you're feeling agitated or stressed, it's better to take a break.

    6) Put on your favourite music while you play. Mute the game music in settings and put on spotify or whatever you want to listen to.

    7) When the fun stops, it's probably better to stop for a while. This goes back to point 5, but if you find that you're not having fun anymore, it's probably a good idea to put the game down for at least a few hours.

    How do you guys stay cool in game?

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    How do you carry as a fed jungler when your team won't listen to your calls?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    I recently had this game where I went 11/4/8 as Trundle, got the first three drakes, got the first herald, and helped my team to take down all three outer towers. This was all pretty quickly, so really good early game. Mid game gets a little rough, I get caught out once when trying to kill their adc, but things still seem to be cool. That's until we're sieging... Everyone is low because we just won a fight and I ping everyone to fall back--nobody falls back. I run over to a bush, sweep it, and recall as an example--still, no one is backing. By now I know that if they don't back within the next 10 seconds they're going to get stomped and we'll be nearly aced, so I try screaming in all caps in chat "RESET FALL BACK FALL BACK RUN". Still nothing. They all die, this happens a few more times, and soon enough our entire lead is gone. Other team has great scaling comp so before we know it they burn through our towers like a knife in warm butter and we lose. I legitimately need to know what I can do if my team won't listen to calls in mid and late game, because it's losing me games regardless of how I perform.

    submitted by /u/DraakLangue
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    When should you shove/push the wave as an ADC?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:42 PM PST

    I'm currently in Plat 2 and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get out. I understand how to control waves by slow pushing/freezing but I do not understand when to hard push. Whenever I watch professional games, it seems as pushing is often the best thing to do in bot but I'm not sure how why it is. It seems as having your lane shoved up is just a way to invite the enemy jungler to come and gank your lane.

    submitted by /u/Vanxsquad
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    Guess I just suck LoL?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Started playing ranked in season 8 it was going pretty damn smoothly reaching gold then plat around the preseason for season 9. Once season 9 started I was still climbing fine no problems was on my way to d3 and when I got there was close to d2. Now this is when disaster struck the second I lost my d2 promos I fucking hit rock bottom and starting dropping and I mean dropping hard I was d4 0 lp and have been stuck at d4 0lp for months and can't climb. I've gotten coaching etc tried playing other champs and stopped onetricking that only made it worse eventually my mental was so bad I just stopped caring. I already don't care about winning in ranked i'd rather play to improve but the quality of games is just so bad it's demotivating from afkers, boosted accounts, and overall just people not giving a fuck. Most games are just coinflip at this point and I'm losing more lp than I'm gaining. I dug the deepest god damn hole I could ever dig that shit is huge! Literally playing with p3-p2s what happened? Bad mental? Bad player? This may seem like a rage post that's because it is lol and i honestly have lost all hope in ranked because my normal games are more high quality. If you have any comment just put them below.

    submitted by /u/Main-Swimmer
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    How do I learn to flank teamfights as an AP assassin in low elo?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:27 AM PST

    The lack of warding makes it really hard to know where each of the enemies are coming from, and people never ping when they see the enemy dropping wards so it's hard to know where exactly my sweeper will be needed.

    Do I just turn it on when I am flanking regardless to hide myself in case of wards? How do I keep track of counter-flanks?



    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    Playing agressive

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I'm a mid lane player that primarily plays Yasuo but I also try to play other aggressive champs as well. I don't know how to effectively play aggressive in low elo. It seems most of the games I'm the only one that wards anything outside their own river bush. When I say "play aggressive" I don't just mindlessly run at them I try to trade when its favorable and always contest CS. Even if I don't contest the CS I make it a point that the enemy knows I could at any time I wanted.

    With very little wards other than myself all I have to go on is intuition for knowing where the JG is and in low elo that doesn't always work seeing as the enemy JG kinda just does whatever Like ganking mid then bot the bot side JG then mid and bot again for seemingly no reason.

    How do I deal with this to allow me to play more aggressive without fear of the JG just randomly ganking if I can't know 100% where he is. When learning League I had it drilled into me that if I don't know where the JG or support is don't fight.

    submitted by /u/Sofruz
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    Kayle Jungle (a simple and pragmatic guide)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Level 1 Item Choices:

    • Hunter's Machete for single target - Blue → Gromp → Wolves
    • Hunter's Machete for multiple targets - Red → Krugs → Raptors
    • And of course Refillable Potion

    Random Note: Kayle is at her weakest in the early game, you must have a BIG leash at level 1, and constantly do the Jungle to get items. (EX: Gromp → Krugs → Recall & Buy Items → Gromp; maximum efficiency is important)

    Full Build:

    Ability Upgrading:

    • Q reduces defenses, but it your basic attacks only do 1 extra damage point to Blue Buff and Red Buff.
    • Priority lvl 3: E → Q → W
    • After that: Max Q → E → W

    Random Note: Kayle is not that great at pushing turrets, that is a job for Rammus or Yi.

    Proof that i play Kayle Jungle without inting:

    submitted by /u/TrustMeIveGotAPlan
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    Unique Item Passives

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Item passives are always listed below the item's base stats.

    There are two types of unique item passives: Unnamed and Named.

    • Unnamed passives list only the effect.
    • Named passives have an in-game title attached, written in all caps.

    The difference is in how they stack. For clarity's sake, "stacking" is when two or more effects apply at the same time. The item's stats above its passive(s), for example, always stack with other sources of the same stat. Including other copies of the same item.

    However, unique passive effects from the same item never stack, whether or not they're named.
    Now, let's get into it:


    As stated, unnamed passives from the same item do not stack. But unnamed passives from different items will stack even if the effect itself is identical. This is important to remember because there are several items with identical unnamed passives.

    • Most of them are on Advanced items (the middle row when you look at a finished item's tree).
    • The most common effect is 10% Cooldown Reduction.
      • Which means you could in theory buy one each of Fiendish Codex, Caulfield's Warhammer, Kindlegem, and Stinger, and have a total of 40% CDR. Though this is not effective in practice. Don't do it.


    Named passives, conversely, do not stack even if the item and/or effect differs.

    • Most of them are on Legendary items (what would be considered a finished item).
    • For SPELLBLADE specifically, there's a priority: Lich Bane, Trinity Force, Iceborn Gauntlet, Sheen. Having an item further to the left on this list will make its Spellblade override any others.
    • Some items have multiple named passives.
      • Iceborn Gauntlet has both SPELLBLADE and ICY ZONE. While Spellblade can be overridden by Lich Bane or Trinity Force, Icy Zone will still apply. (Though you wouldn't want to build any two of them together since buying a different item for the stats you want is usually more efficient)
      • ENERGIZED items all have both the Energized effect as well as their own named passives which activate when Energized does. The damage actually comes from the other effects, SHARPSHOOTER, ELECTROSHOCK, and PARALYZE, which is why it stacks.

    And some other notes:

    • Rod of Age's over-time stacking is unique, even though it doesn't say so.
    • Nashor's Tooth's CDR will stack with Stinger and Fiendish Codex, but not itself. Which means if you're buying two (which you shouldn't do) you'll have 40% CDR until you finish the second.
    • The HASTE passive on GLP, Luden's, and Archangel's is only half of those items' total CDR. The 10% from the stats will stack, but the 10% from Haste will not.
    • The unique Active effects of Hextech items share a cooldown, though that's stated in the item description.
    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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