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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:01 AM PST

    In case anyone was wondering how the new Voli got his cool braids for his update. [Comic]

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST


    Everyone says that the new Voli looks a lot like Rengar so I decided to draw a silly doodle to show why they're so similar.


    submitted by /u/Z0MBGiEF
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    2020 LCS Format

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Season 2020 Teaser | League of Legends

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Here's my Janna Assist

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Insane Tyler1 2v4 Base Defense in Twitch Rivals Scrims

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Fast Food Delivery Gragas ults Lux into Cho'gath R

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    In the eyes of myself and others, Sylas is now a different champion

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    With the removal of damage all around on his Q and W in favor of putting it all into his E, he is now essentially a one shot assassin. AA resets removed, smooth chaining of abilities removed- his best waveclear tool nerfed against wave clearing. He no longer is fun to play (at least for me). I mourn Sylas today

    submitted by /u/jk0187
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    Tried Vietnamese ranked server. Met with the geometry 'geniuses'.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Wickd's Sett Guide in under 5 minutes - hope it helps your first games on him.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Your Life with Volibear as your Boyfriend

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    You're tossing and turning, wound up in some ridiculous nightmare that you know is fake. And yet, frustratingly, your mind keeps you in the limbo of perpetually flubbing the lines of your upcoming job interview. It would be fine, better if you simply forgot to wear pants. Then it would feel less real.

    You only wake up once you decide it would be better to wistfully dread the future from your balcony, staring out at the AM so early the sun hasn't risen--except it already has, and squinting through your groggy vision, you see you woke up a minute before your alarm anyway. You groan and throw your head back on the pillow, allowing the trill of your phone to break loose.


    You notice a roomy crater next to you, where someone should have been. This confuses you enough to sit up a little, yawning and finally turning off the alarm. There's a wonderful smell wafting from the wide sliding entrance to your bedroom. Savory breakfast meats and sweet syrup.

    The floor of your second story apartment creaks, the sliding door shakes a little with each resounding plop of a foot against the hardwood floor...

    And in bursts Volibear, nudging the door open with his muzzle because his paws are carrying a tray of food. It looks comically small held against his chest, which contracts in as he scrunched to fit under the doorframe, then expands out large and strong once he returns to full height. A plume of steam follows him from the cup of strong coffee fitted into the tray's cupholder.

    "Morning, sleepyhead!" He says, in his gruff, early-morning voice. He called you a sleepyhead despite you waking up on time--in fact, you were a minute early, and you let him know as much. Or you think you do: all the words come out in a single, jumbled string of grumbles.

    Regardless, Volibear can translate you easily, and the air seems to rumble as he chuckles, as if you were feeling the bass of a wonderful and powerful song. Before handing the tray over, he trudges over to the windowsill and throws the curtains up. You whimper loudly and complain straightaway.

    "Come on now," Volibear chastises, "today's the big day." He sets the tray over your lap, and waves a paw in a gesture that means eat.

    You take up a piece of bacon. It is perfectly crispy, each bite explodes with the flavor bacon should quintessentially have. You're turning squirrely while eating it, scrunching up and nibbling away as you maintain approving eye contact with your boyfriend.

    He wiggles his rear a bit, steps back, and lays down on the floor. He's large enough to comfortable move his top half onto the futon and spectate, both paws wrapped up and propping up his muzzle. His eyes are twinkling with mirth. He smells a bit funky, having skipped a shower to make you breakfast, but it's not like you mind his dander anymore. He's so large, with snowy white fur that tapers off into opulent blue chitin at different intersections. The chitin can be hard as rock, or--if Volibear willed it, as he did now--soft enough to bend itself against the comforter rather than rip it apart. The bed does creak, though!

    "You looked dismayed when I woke up," Volibear says as you eat. "Nightmare?"

    Yes, it was a nightmare, you explain. A really real one where things were awkward and hopeless.

    He smiles reassuringly, cocking his head to the side. "Hm, realistic? Then, in a way, you've gotten some key practice on what not to do!"

    You vehemently assert that it's not so easy for you to be confident, like he is. You don't weigh three fourths of a ton and pack enough muscle to flip a hummer. In fact, you're quite weak, and if that dream was supposed to be practice, all it did was make you feel worse.

    His eyes soften at your self deprecation.

    "Hey... you're stronger than you know." He slides up a bit. "Not to describe myself as quite the catch, but I am Freljord mythos, in a way... and rather than run around roaring on top of snow peaks or smacking around star children every day, you drew me in, made me want to be together with you--and smack around star children on the weekends. I love you. These people at work, they only need to like ya. This'll be a cinch."

    You chuckle, but also tear up. The stress has really made you emotional. So has this dumb, lovable bear who's moved in... to the apartment and your heart.

    Easily and carefully, he steals the tray away hardly-touched, setting it on the nightstand for later. What's needed now is not food, but cuddles. He nestles up against your, his great furred cheek brushing against your head, coarse yet impossible gentle. Each hair feels like a needle on a hoar-bristle brush that's perfectly scratching an itch you never knew was there. Your hands reach out for him, curling around his thermal body that's hotter than breakfast, than morning coffee. He comes up even farther, and presses his nose into your forehead. Strangely, the job interview doesn't seem like a problem anymore.

    The reverie is broken, however, by a loud knock at the door. Volibear whips around, listening to the unique way the knocker alternates between slams with his knuckles center-mass and slaps against the frame.

    "That bastard, not today," Volibear snarls. He launches out of bed with a deftness you've rarely seen, and takes a comically tint aluminum bat from the open closet. He's thumping towards the knocker, before you can even think to pull the covers up to hide your disheveled pajamas.

    The donor's latch flicks and a gust of yells follow.

    "A bear, in a middle-income contemporary relationship?! PREPOSTEROUS!" The senile old man yells. "This fantasy is so hamfisted--"

    "This is the last time, Zilean, you old bat!" Volibear then takes his old bat up into the air with a woosh. It comes down with a thud and the time wizard cries out, falling to the ground before skittering off to lick his wounded pride--judging by the sound, Volibear simply demonstrated his strength against the carpeted living room floor.

    While your boyfriend hurls insults at Zilean, your phone rings.

    A deep crackling growl almost shatters your eardrum the moment you answer.


    (Hello? Have I reached the heartbreaker?)

    Your palms go cold. How did your ex, rek'sai, even get this number?! You calmly state that you have no interest in talking.


    (Of course you don't but I am the new CFO of an interesting little company...)


    (Where a certain bastard's application flitted across my desk.)

    It couldn't be. You raise a hand to cover a yelp. Rek'sai, your crazy ex... is now your new potential boss?! You stutter out a question, desperate for clarification.

    Of course, she just chitters and goes:


    (See you this afternoon!)

    Volibear, now panting, stumbles into the bedroom. He gives you a clueless look.

    "What's up?"


    submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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    I'd love to see an intermediet bot play ranked

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:32 AM PST

    I think it would be really fun if Riot put one intermediet intermediate bot, or maybe even a more advanced bot, in the ranked queue just to see how far it could climb.

    They could even have a 24/7 stream on it showing the progress. Have donations on it where viewers can put messages that the bot will type in the in-game chat(obviously moderated/filtered). Any real player that loses a game with the bot on their team is prevented from losing LP or promotion matches to keep the bot from ruining ranks for them.

    I'm sure there are tons of other downsides in doing it but I still think like it would be a fun thing to see.


    submitted by /u/43915
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    Mord vs Teemo match up

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    New Volibear *.*

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:35 AM PST

    New Volibear.

    This guy looks totally awesome. Like the wildest beasts out there mashed into a Viking Gods body. Hope he retained his jungler heritage with run+throw otherwise he needs supernatural abilities and an event with Ornn. He will be released soon with Fiddle following him in the upcoming months. Top laners get all the treat nowadays.

    submitted by /u/Kordben
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    Pobelter "may be" the starting jungler for TL if Broxah's Visa doesn't arrive on time. (Probably a joke by them)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST


    Video by Team Liquid "announcing" Disguised Toast Pobelter as their Jungler.

    Based on the nature of the video, I can't tell if it's seriously going to be Pobelter if Broxah's Visa doesn't arrive or if they'll use Shernfire, their academy Jungler, or if they'll use TF Blade. However, again, this is unlikely to occur.

    submitted by /u/memesarenotbad
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    Janna's HUGE Assist

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Thresh Visual Effect Update Comparisons - All Skins

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Heard Azir got buffed

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Revert Sylas

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    for the love of god revert sylas

    removing the shield, removing the aa reset mechanic to 3 spells, removing the eq combo and making his wave clear (early game anyway) far worse at the same time ?

    and what we get for it is more damage on q2 and e2, W is only a damage increase above 40% of the enemy's health, so basically it sucks too now and is only useful for the heal on shorter cd


    all of his current weaknesses essentially pushes him out of the viable status for good

    imo he needs to either have a more reliable source of damage (reducing delay on q2 or something) and better wave clear. Either buff the Q2 reduced creep damage to something decent or make the passive deal full damage to creeps would be good changes to help this joke of a "rework" survive

    if i'd have my way though i'd just revert the whole thing, as it stands this is by far the worst mini rework released to date.

    submitted by /u/tiphess
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    Setts welcoming to toplane

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Sett : Look out! There's a new Boss 'Round Here- huh?

    Darius approaches Sett and gives him a hearty handshake.

    Darius : Welcome to Top Lane! It's time for your orientation!

    Shen comes up and hands Sett a Doran's Shield he has Jerry-rigged to be an umbrella-like contraption.

    Shen : Here, you'll want one of these.

    Sett : I don't want no shield! I'm here to punch people in the face!

    Jax : What's all the yelling about- Oh, it's the new guy.

    Sett : You my opponent? Well, your face had better get ready to meet my fist-

    Jax suddenly gets a Silver-Bolt jammed through the side of his head, shocking Sett, but Jax seems completely unfazed. (Visualize something like the "Arrow through a Cowboy Hat Costume")

    Sett : What the?! Where'd THAT come from?

    Jax : Oh, that? It's just the-

    Sett doesn't listen however, and looks, and across the way, he sees a Vayne tumbling and shooting.

    Sett : Fighting from a DISTANCE?! That'd never fly in my pits!

    Darius : You got a lot to learn, newbie- hmm?

    Shen taps Darius on the shoulder.

    Shen : Sorry to interrupt. Looks like a spot of rain.

    Darius : Oh, you're right. *Holds up his Doran's Umbrella*

    All around them, silver bolts, crossbow bolts, Twin Fangs, magic runes and all sorts of other ranged means of attack start falling all around them like raindrops.

    Sett : What is this!? I thought Top lane was where people fought up close and personal!

    Darius : Those were the old days, newbie. *Smiles wistfully as he recalls previous seasons*

    Ornn approaches them.

    Ornn : Hrrm, yes. Times have changed since then.

    Jax : Yeah, now it's all about being-

    However, Jax is cut off when an frustrated scream erupts, and everyone looks.


    Garen activates his Q, running at the Vayne. She points at him like from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"

    Vayne : *Banshee-like Screech*

    Out of the brush comes every Jungler in the book, and they bash and push back Garen until the Vayne stops screeching, and then she resumes farming.

    Walking back around behind his Tower, Garen assumes the fetal position and starts crying.

    Garen : *Sobbing*

    Ornn : Poor guy. Still seems to think Top's meant for Melees.

    Ornn walks off, as do Darius, Shen and Jax, who still has the silver Bolt jammed in the side of his head to join Garen in hiding underneath the turret from the downpour of Ranged attacks. With a displeased expression, Sett promptly raises his Doran's Umbrella as he takes his place.

    Sett : This sucks.

    Other Melee Champs: WE KNOW!

    submitted by /u/RammusUltedJapan
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    Sylas feels so slow and clunky now

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Not only were the Auto-resets and animation cancels removed, but all of his damage was put into his second E, and second half of his Q.

    His passive had it's wave clear gutted a while ago, but now with his Q changed he has an even harder time with it. It used to be a safe last hitting tool, but with the damage being removed from the first part it's awkward and messes things up most times. And in a fight you miss out on so much damage. Especially since you can't E2+Q.

    And then his E2 is all his damage. It's not terribly hard to hit but if anyone smart See's you dash they have plenty of time to dodge the E2 chains. All his damage into it removes a lot of creativity from him. You can E2 onto a tank as to go into the backline, or use it on raptors to save yourself. This is now a damage ability, and if you don't land it, you most likely won't be doing so well.

    Edit: Also with his autorets removed and his Q damage nerfed last hitting is much harder without any clear.

    Sylas has changed for the worse imo. His base stats are nerfed, his shield removed and heal nerfed. And then his damage is put into all the awkward parts of his kit.

    submitted by /u/ArnoTheFox
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    Do you think Riot doesn't fix the client because they plan to release a future Riot launcher? So any work done now will simply be pointless?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:43 AM PST

    League is 10 years old and jesus christ that client is garbage, it's obvious to many i'd assume as issues occure on daily basis. So i thought it's really strange that there are no announcements on that matter or updates.

    So maybe Riot plans to release their own launcher in the future that will include League of legends and any other game they have in development.

    submitted by /u/Dreadgear
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    Why SoloQ Sucked In Season 9

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Satisfying CS Farm

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Faker gets hit by the Omega Bugsplat

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Aphelios as a whole simplified in a very "league" way

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Literally playing versus the guy and eating his kit every game legit makes me think this way when playing against him :

    severum : hello I am draven

    severum Q : hello I am urgot's purge

    severum ult : hello I am low cost hemoplague

    calibrum : hello I am Caitlyn

    calibrum Q : hello I am karthus ult on a right click

    calibrum ult : hello I can cast my karthus ult on all targets I hit

    infernum : hello I am jinx's rocket launcher

    infernum Q : hello I am annie's incinerate

    infernum ult : hello I am brand's blaze on an immediate flavor

    gravitum : Hello I am frozen mallet

    gravitum Q : Hello I am twitch's contaminate with a root

    gravitum ult : Hello I am ranged thresh's box that setups my root contaminate

    crescendum : Who tf am I even

    crescendum Q : hello I am heimer's turret

    crescendum ult : hello I just produced more mini-myself

    And then DEM combos :

    severum Q + infernum : hello my urgot's purge shoots jinx rockets

    severum Q + crescendum : hello my urgot's purge produces mini boomerangs

    severum Q + gravitum : hello my urgot's purge can slow you

    severum Q + calibrum : hello my urgot's purge can let me karthus ult you after

    infernum Q + severum : hello I am literally a frontal vlad hemoplague that works on minions/monsters as well

    infernum Q + calibrum : hello I am annie's incinerate that makes me able to karthus ult all targets hit

    infernum Q + crescendum : hello I am annie's incinerate that makes mini boomerang for each target hits

    infernum Q + gravitum : hello I am annie's incinerate that setups roots contaminate

    calibrum Q + severum : hello my karthus ult is a global transfusion

    calibrum Q + infernum : hello my karthus ult can shoot rockets

    calibrum Q + gravitum : hello let me setup my contaminate root with my karthus ult

    calibrum Q + crescendum : hello my karthus ult will make mini boomerangs

    gravitum + anything : what do you want I don't do anything else

    crescendum Q + infernum : hello my heimer's turrets shoot rockets

    crescendum Q + gravitum : hello my heimer's turrets now have frozen mallet tech

    crescendum Q + severum : hello my heimer's turrets now are shooting repeated transfusion

    crescendum Q + calibrum : hello my heimer's turret now can let me karthus ult at every turret shot.

    crescendum + many many mini-boomerangs : hello I am rengar

    This champion put it simply : hello i am DESTRUCTION UNCHAINED

    submitted by /u/Dopp3lg4ng3r
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