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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.1

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.1

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.1

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread.

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.



    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Yo! I'm SLC. A CHALLENGER Master Yi OTP who has achieved 90%+ Challenger on EUNE,TR and MASTERS on EUW (97% Winrate) abusing FUNNEL (Yi/Taric). AMA

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Yo, what's up everyone,

    You can call me SLC or Silencee or whatever, I have been playing Master Yi since Season 3 and I have been very succesful with the well known "Funnel" Strategy since season 6! I have been involved with this champion since Season 3 and have created/adapted many playstyles/builds along the way. I also have built up an somewhat big audience around my funnel playstyle. One of my recent accomplishments is winning 33 games in a row in EUW.

    [OP.GG - EUW]
    OP.GG - EUNE

    [OP.GG - TR]

    U.GG - EUW

    STREAM - TwitchTv


    Also, I have encountered many pros on my way to the top, here are some clips vs Rekkles:


    Here his reaction after realising that he was playing vs us:


    Vs. Ex-pro Kevin:


    I also used to play Master Yi soloQ - here's a clip vs Gross Gore:


    If you have got any questions regarding my person, Master Yi, buildpath, playstyle or whatsoever please do not hesistate to ask me. 8D I also stream a lot so don't forget to drop by and ask me questions there my gz.


    submitted by /u/NotSilencee
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    If you see these champions at champ select -- you need to buy grievous wounds.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:35 AM PST

    EDIT: Soraka is at the bottom of the post, since apparently people make comments before actually reading the post.

    I can't tell you how many times I've seen the following champions spiral out of control and 1v9 a game simply because my team refused to buy grievous wounds items. If you see these champions at champ select, you should already be planning where you're going to squeeze grievous wounds into your build.

    Not halfway through the game.

    Not after they've already 1v5 you 6 times.

    Not after they get baron and they're pushing down your inhibitors.

    AT CHAMP SELECT you should be thinking about buying the items.

    For those unaware, you have three options for grievous wounds. AD champs have the cheapest option, Executioners Calling. Tanks have the 2nd cheapest option in Bramble Vest, and AP champs have the most expensive option in Morellonomicon.

    Plan accordingly.

    Here's the list off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more and if this post actually gains any traction I'll edit them in as I see them in the comments section. These champions you MORE THAN LIKELY want to build grievous wounds against:

    Who How
    Aatrox all physical damage dealt on his ultimate, builds self healing items.
    Darius per champion hit by the outer ring on his Q. Sometimes builds Spirit Visage, but not usually. Runs conquerer.
    Dr. Mundo his passive, huge health regen ultimate, amplified by Spirit Visage in core build path
    Fiora through her passive (vitals), ultimate heals her and all allies in the zone, builds self-healing items. Runs conquerer sometimes.
    Hecarim on his W from all damage sources, sometimes builds spirit visage.
    Illaoi on all tentacle strikes. Huge burst healing due to this on her ultimate. Sometimes builds spirit visage. Runs conquerer sometimes.
    Kayn (Rhaast) from all physical damage dealt as soon as he takes the Rhaast form. Will sometimes build spirit visage, death's dance, etc. Conquerer.
    Maokai from his passive for spell casts in his vicinity, triggered by his auto attacks. Also builds spirit visage more often than not.
    Mordekaiser through his W shield, the more damage he takes the more he can heal himself. Builds gunblade.
    Nasus on his passive (up to 24% life steal at lvl 18), builds spirit visage sometimes.
    Olaf on his W, builds life steal, builds spirit visage sometimes. Conquerer sometimes.
    Renekton on his Q, empowered Q. Conquerer.
    Swain on his ultimate, which drains all nearby enemies per second.
    Sylas Inherent self-healing through his W, increased by his AP and based on his missing health. The lower his health, the more he heals.
    Trundle Heals based on anything that dies near him, based on a percentage of the dying unit's max health. Amplified by his W, and sometimes he builds spirit visage and life steal items. Conquerer sometimes.
    Vladimir He's vladimir. His entire kit is built around self healing.
    Volibear His passive heals him for 30% of his maximum health over 6 seconds. Basically a little mini mundo ultimate.
    Warwick His passive gives him life steal, and his Q gives him a big burst heal. Also known to run conquerer and build life steal items, spirit visage. His ult applies his on-hit life steal passive.

    These champs all rely on self-healing to stay alive in a fight, and many of them can just straight up 1v9 a game if left unchecked and able to get their lifesteal items along with their inherent lifesteal in their kit. Buying grievous wounds can be the difference between being able to kill them, and them being able to just face tank your whole team through self healing.

    Also notable, because they either help heal their team, or they like to BUILD lots of lifesteal, or they have some secondary lifesteal mechanic that might help them out (but not really as pronounced as the champs above) is the following list of champions. These champions you might CONSIDER building grievous wounds if they become a big enough threat:

    Who How
    Ahri passive healing on Q, based on stacks
    Akali gunblade
    Cassiopeia conquerer, gunblade
    Draven bloodthirster
    Graves conquerer, death's dance
    Irelia on her Q dash ability. Conquerer.
    Jax conquerer, death's dance, wit's end
    Lucian BoRK, Bloodthirster
    Master Yi Loves self healing items, meditate, sometimes conquerer.
    Neeko Her on-hit build has a lot of life steal items
    Nocturne on his passive, builds life steal items.
    Pyke GW guts his passive healing
    Rengar on his W, which can heal him for a percentage of all damage he's taken in the last second or two.
    Twitch BoRK, bloodthirster
    Udry Healing on his W (turtle), sometimes builds healing items, sometimes builds spirit visage.
    Xin Zhao Healing on his passive, builds healing items, sometimes runs conquerer.

    These champs don't necessarily mandate grievous wounds, but if they're turning the tides of the game and becoming a problem, grievous wounds might be the push your team needs to win the game.

    Last but not least, if the enemy team has a dedicated healer like Soraka, Nami, etc. -- consider building grievous wounds if you notice your damage isn't sticking, or if enemies are walking away from fights often with 5-10% health when they should have died. its likely the healing that's keeping them alive, and if you can cut some of that healing it might make all the difference.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Basic ADC questions to ask yourself during load screen

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:39 PM PST

    I'm not the highest elo player but I mapped out some questions for myself to help me from auto-piloting and developing a plan before the game even starts. I felt like it might help some of you. I'd love if you guys can add to the list, maybe there's something big I am missing that I can learn for myself!

    Analyzing Loading Screen As ADC


    • Which Champions abilities kill me
    • Are they tanky enough for LW (when should I get it)
    • Do they heal enough for Executioners (do I need it in laning phase)
    • Is there any CC that requires QSS

    Lane Dynamics:

    What is their lanes win condition? (Trade, All-In, Catch, Poke)

    What is our lanes win condition? (Trade, All-In, Catch, Poke)

    Does a gank kill us? (ask with and without flash)

    Can we maintain priority in this lane?

    Mid Game Dynamics:

    What lane do we want? (are we going to be safe to farm a sidelane or do we have to split farm mid)

    Who on our team can sidelane?

    Late Game Dynamics:

    Do we want to group? (Are we pick or teamfight comp)

    How do we win? (Do we need baron or can we siege)

    What abilities are game turning and how do we play around them? (On both teams ex. Maokai/Malph R)

    submitted by /u/SaltDoctor
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    Focused Coaching on Back Timings, Aiming Skills, and General Mechanics (Spell Usage)- Platinum Akali Top with Challenger Coach

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:20 AM PST

    Hi, Fas Scriptor here again bringing you another coaching VOD edited down of one of my platinum students. In this game he plays Akali top and almost carries his teammates, but can't quite carry due to some critical mistakes.

    Full Youtube Link - 1 hour coaching session edited down to 15 minutes of quality info.

    Just honestly, some of these concepts are repeated in pretty much every elo, and even master+ players mess up the stuff on back timings all the time.

    The most important thing I was able to show him and hopefully everyone else here was the importance of proper back timings at 6:30. Directly due to not backing on the tower and letting the minions finish the plate, the student loses first tower to the trynd getting back to the lane before him despite having solod the Tryndamere multiple times. While still ahead, he loses a good amount of his lead, and the ability to gain first tower himself later with how much stronger he was in the 1v1. The advice here is to think about how long it will take your opponent to get back to lane, and decide your back based on that. Don't give up waves or plates or a roam due to being greedy, I see that mistake so often. Think about what you actually need from this base (what you'll buy before you base). If it only saves you some time on the actual back, that's fine.

    Another really important point I want to bring up is deciding when to roam against trying to continue to snowball your lane. There are diminishing returns to trying to kill your opponent over and over. The primary purpose of splitting after lane right now is to gain priority and roam, not to take tier 2/3 towers. The student attempts and dive on trynd and fails, but even if he didn't fail the dive, it wouldn't have been worth it as to snowball this game - he had to roam to bot lane. Clip is at 11:24 - but the summary of it is that you need to ask yourself what the win condition of the game is. Is it you killing lane 10 times, or is it shutting down more than just the one person you were put in front of when the game loaded in?

    One more quick tip because its a pet peeve of mine - please aim sklll shots at the base of champion models (their feet or shadow), not their head or body. You'll hit a lot more abilities and you won't keep asking yourself why stuff is missing nearly as often. Its also not really worth it to predict movements in early game, people don't have the movespeed to dodge most properly aimed skills. Explanation in video is at 3:27

    Full table of contents for those interested

    0:13 - Start of game

    1:08 - How to outplay early gank

    3:27 - How to aim skillshots

    6:30 - Back timings and their importance - Not snowballing off solo kill

    11:24 - What you should do to snowball / when to roam after stomping lane

    12:38 - Walkthrough of how mechanics should have been played in a mid-late game fight Part 2 coming soon (same student, different champ)

    Proof that I am a challenger player and have been Challenger - https://imgur.com/a/4YdazdF

    Anyone with questions feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Champion Base Stat Gold Efficiency (10.1)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Hey! My name is Rime and I wanted to find a sleeper OP solo lane pick going in to season 10

    Solo Lane EXP got buffed pretty hard during preseason and most people sleep on how much stronger this makes certain champions. I made a google doc with some charts to show how much each champion's base stats are worth at Level 1 and 18 to show how strong they are in early game skirmishes and late game (CHARTS INCLUDED) . Champions with high base stats at level 18 (specifically solo lanes) got buffed because they level up faster and can snowball their lead harder in season 10.

    some key takeaways I learned while gathering this data

    -Talon is the king of First Bloods for a reason

    - Some champs with "weak" early game like Kayn really aren't so weak

    - Champions with low base stats tend to be mages with high AP scalings ex. Orianna & Kennen

    NOTE: A few champions have skewed data because of their weird mechanics/passives ex. Mega Gnar, Senna Passive, Aphelios leveling etc.


    submitted by /u/YT_Rime
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    Any help on getting real good at the game

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Hi guys I'm a pretty new player (3 months old). I'm silver IV rn, really low Elo lol. I've been willing to be really good at the game but I still lack a lot of knowledge and don't know how to progress.

    Wondering if this the right place to get some good advices on what to focus and get better at. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Masterwyll
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    How do you practice new champs?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Silver IV for reference, playing since S7.

    I frequently have issues where I wan't to learn a new champion, but I'm afraid to take them into a game for a few reasons. I'll use Jhin as an example. Jhin is such a fun champion to play and I want to learn him. I have troubles with last hitting minions with him though, so my farm is usually bad and I fall behind in lane. This usually ends with me getting flamed, my team gets tilted, we lose, and I learn nothing. Either that or I get carried and everyone reminds me that I did nothing to help with the win, again not learning much about the champ. My problem is: of course I'm not playing great because I'm still learning the champ! How DO I learn?

    I'm curious what you guys have to say. I believe in playing champs that I enjoy rather than being a meta slave and grinding the same champs forever. I have to learn them somehow, though. I don't really want to play with bots, and the practice tool can only do so much. Should I just /mute all and concentrate on farming? Should I stop playing champs that I have troubles with? Thanks in advance for your responses.

    submitted by /u/Ragingdomo
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    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.1

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    Looking for League 201 - Intermediate League Info for Top Lane and in General

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Hello, so I am fairly newish to the game (ok, so I'm actually not new, but it's very recently that I've actually cared at all about trying to improve, and I'm still new by many people's standards) and I think I have the basics down. I am a Top main at the moment. I have all the mechanics of the game now, and I've finally moved past the point where I'm losing lane every game. It's so nice to be able to win lane and it doesn't feel like a fluke.

    Anyway, I'm trying to figure out where I should go next in terms of improving. When I play a champion, I look up item and rune builds for them, and I think about the purpose of each rune and item and why it's good on that champion, and I'm able to adjust the build situationally. So I think my builds are good.

    My vision control is ok, at least for low elo. I buy control wards, and I place all my trinket wards and control wards in decent spots, or at least I think they are decent.

    My early game could obviously be much better, because while I can win lane sometimes, I still lose it to bronze and unranked players sometimes.

    But I think my mid-to-late game could be better. I know the basic strategy of: win lane by getting their tower, then rotate to other lanes and get their towers. And then once all outer towers are down, I either keep pushing a sidelane or group mid with my team depending on the situation and what champion I'm playing. If I'm behind, I generally group earlier and just follow my team around and try to help however I can.

    But surely there's more to mid/late game strategy than this? And from what I've described, are there any good ways to improve my laning phase?

    Basically, if any of you have any advice on any of this, or if you have any links to good "intermediate guides" I would love to see them!

    submitted by /u/JohnathanBottom
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    How do you take full advantage of people throwing games?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    For reference, I played my pocket pick Chogath into the top lane. We played correctly and all together, we had a lead of 6k gold by the 25 minute mark. However, one thing lead to another and we surrendered our gold lead and ended up losing and surrendering the game during the 35-40 minute mark.

    How do people (and especially pros) close out games so efficiently. They know the perfect baron call and when to fight and know when to back off together. And especially, know how to fully abuse their lead to the fullest potential. And know how to exploit the enemies despite the gold advantage

    Thank you and gn :D

    Edit: Spelling and thanks for the tips guys :D. I am sure we helped someone out here.

    submitted by /u/iDelta6168
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    How to effectively play control mages?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    I love playing mages mid, Neeko and Malzahar are my favorite. Usually I win my lane and help the others as much as possible; I don't die a lot in game, normally I'll die 5 times max in a 30 minutes game. But still I lose a lot of games.

    I'm currently gold and I climbed in mid pretty much just pushing the wave to deny farm to my enemy because they didn't know how to farm well under tower, and then I'd look to help top, bot or jg to get a kill.

    But it's not working anymore. I talked to a friend who is a top main in diamond about it and he said that control mages requires a lot of knowledge to be played to their full capacity, and that I should look into it if I want to climb.

    I'm wondering if there's any guide about it?

    submitted by /u/im3ns3
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    Gold Support main wanting to move to the Jungle after a long hiatus

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

    As the title says, I am a support main who's taken a year-ish long break from League. Now that I'm returning, I thought now would be the best time to try and break free from the support role and really grow as a player. Jungle has always interested me but I feel like it's just soooo different from what I'm used to. Every game I go in, I feel completely useless and/or fall behind and have zero positive image on the game.

    I'm a strong believer of the 'Annie Stratagy' when learning the game, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work in the jungle haha. Are there any champions that would let me focus on improving in the jungle? And is there any advice/resources availble to help me?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CrowBoyIRL
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    Wavemanagement and counter wavemanagement

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Heya. I'd like to get better at wavemanagement and have a few questions for that.

    I hear a lot about shoving/freezing/slowpushing but have a problem actually doing it.

    Like to freeze a wave i need to have less casters as the enemy (basically i need him to slowpush and then stop before my tower). But how do i get more enemy casters? I can't kill my own so i need to rely on the enemy to do the right thing for me? I still need to lasthit or i'm gonna lose the cs that i'm actually trying to get out of it. Then after i have the wave at the tower, how can i keep the enemy from just shoving it in? I read that i can tank the minions in front of the tower but like that i'm basically getting poked by minions and the champ can poke me too, without anything i can do(if i try to trade, the minions will just trade me back). And the jungler ganking him is also bad with the minions in my junglers back.

    What is the advantade i try to take from this? How do i prevent the enemy from just denying my freeze?

    submitted by /u/MrHazard1
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    Lethal tempo vs. hail of blades on squishy champs

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Heya, i'm wondering why every build prefers lethal tempo over HOB.

    With squishy champs that rely on AA (kayle/vanye) it feels like those 1,5sec delay is the time you can make the teamwinning pick and after this, the enemy can get to your squishy ass. Also quickly stacking on hits (attack speed etc.) early into the fight seems crucial.

    On the other hand hob is only for 3 AAs while lethal tempo works for the rest of the fight(repeatedly).

    Question: is hob viable if i want to make fast picks and trades or is it simply useless compared to lethal tempo? Should i try to trigger the delay early before the fight starts so i have it ready qnd/or look more into outplaying bruisers in the first second of teamfight instead of AAing without LT up?

    submitted by /u/MrHazard1
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    Hit plat last night as yorick

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:16 AM PST

    I reccomend this champion, he doesnt really have many bad matchups. He is very straight forward, and reminds me of xerath because he comes down to whether or not you hit you combo: stack ghouls > hit e to slow > hit wall

    Another KEY mistake I see yorick players make is that they do not respect the maiden. They will get a kill top, then push tower and allow maiden to die completely needlessly. This is a GAME THROWING mistake. You should almost always I would say 80 percent of the time, miss tower damage in order to preserve your maiden.

    Think about it this way: maiden allows you to shove lane forever with no chance of dying to the laner or a gank, and she increases your ability to take objectives like herald easier, and increases your ability to kill or maim the enemy laner and cause them to lose CS.

    So in the end, maiden staying alive will almost always generate more gold than if she is pointlessly sacrificed for a meager tower plate.

    Let me repeat, once again, that letting maiden die for no reason is a literal game throw.

    As yorick you always rush triforce as you should be winning lane most of the time, I usually go steraks second if I am winning more, but if the enemy team has a ton of ad, then dead mans second is pretty good, otherwise spirit visage is good as well for the healing. If you are the main frontline you should treat it as such and build resistances, otherwise trinity steraks into resistances is the typical path. In general, triforce plus resistances second is a great build vs comps that lean heavily toward one type of damage, but if the enemy team has very mixed damage, then steraks second is better, I find that tri steraks plus tier two boots is enough survivability and damage to allow you to do well in the mid game, but lately I do build tankier as I find they simply cannot kill me if I go resistances second, time will tell though what is the best thing to do.

    Split pushing is the name of the game most of the time, and you cannot be 1v1d or 2v1d usually. So if you ever have tp, then you should be splitting, otherwise you should be with the team trying to pick people off with E > Wall and force objectives (which you take easily).

    Whether you should be splitting or team fighting depends on the team comps as well as how the match developed as time goes on, but I would say I spend 60 - 80 percent of my time splitting, because you can simply ping your team/type your gameplan, and force enemies to match you, putting your team in a good position.

    More than once have I pulled two people down to stop my push, my team kills the remaining 3, and I also kill both players that tried to stop me, this almost always results in an ff, or a game loss for the enemy.

    Do not underestimate yoricks teamfighting however, it is pretty average, not outright terrible like some assume.

    In summary, yorick is a good toplaner, you should be winning lane hard most of the time, then transition into a split push, looking for tp plays late game, and keeping maiden alive AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. gg

    submitted by /u/azitah
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    New Nami e and dots/persistent aoes

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:50 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Nami got a change on her e, which now also procs on damaging abilities. At first i thought that it would empower the next 3 damage instances of the buffed champion, but it really applies to individual spells, which means that if Nami e-s herself and w-s offensively with 2 bounces, then both enemy champions take her e damage BUT it only consumes one charge. Same with her own q and r, if they hit multiple targets it is only one charge. This means that she can now help her partner push harder (self e and q creeps, even with the reduced damage for pve it is more overall damage).

    But my question is: how does her e interact with dots and ground targeted aoes? For example Rumble/Anivia/Kennen ults, Malzahar/Karthus e, etc?

    Does every tick of the damage apply Nami e?

    Edit: i played a game, Nami+Anivia, for Anivias ult it damages everything inside it once, but it only consumes one charge

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Rune pages

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Do you know how you have to buy rune pages if you want to play more than 2 champions without completely changing the runes every game? Do you know how there are apps like blitz, etc. that automatically change ur rune pages? My question is is there any app where u can save rune pages for an easy import?

    submitted by /u/Chora123
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    What do you do in an unwinnable match?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    I've played many games that go for over 30 minutes, although the outcome was set in stone by the 15th minute. So what do you do in these scenarios? Especially when my teammates refuse to forfeit, I will get really tilted in these types of games. Everything I do feels hopeless. Is there ever a way to win these games? And if there isn't, how do you cope with the frustration of sitting there, helpless, for 15 minutes? I quit the game because of these scenarios, although I enjoyed it in all other regards, and I'm wondering how to get around it, because most of the time I did enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Leolionholo
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    Any settings that can help keep sight of your cursor?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:36 AM PST

    I just got a new PC, and its far and beyond what I'm used to. Significant upgrade, am playing on max settings on nice new monitor.

    May sound silly, but I am now having trouble keeping an eye on my cursor during team fights, something I've never noticed before. Is there a setting that that can change its color to like, neon green or something? Open to any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/ChelseaSensarmy
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    A good resource for learning to macro/micromanage?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:04 AM PST

    The new season is starting soon, and it's going to be the first one in which I am planning to start playing ranked seriously. Problem is, I haven't learnt how to micro and macro at all. What were some good resources for you guys to improve your gameplay?

    submitted by /u/DewlinTheDerp
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    Sweepers and when to take them and at what timing

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    This is some aspect im not 100% sure on. I see high elo junglers go sweepers early on into the game (5-10 min). However in my elo (plat) I find sweepers aren't very useful until mid game (15-20 min) at least and a ward gives me much more knowledge of the enemy jungler. Also in some instances, I see high elo player not even go sweepers for some reason.

    Is the sweepers situational or is there a good rule to follow regarding the item and its timing. The only champion I know for sure who does not go sweepers is lee sin

    Edit: Forgot to mention in title this is from a junglers perspective


    submitted by /u/Detailiskey
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    Why does Ashe build Infinity Edge?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Just started branching out into playing ADC and Ashe is one of the champs I like so far. I see a lot of pros on probuilds building IE but Ashe's passive states her crits deal no bonus damage and slow instead. So why would you build IE on Ashe, isn't the passive useless? Or does it increase the % slow applied?

    submitted by /u/Martinifc
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    Keep on Playing

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Mid fed the Cass, bot fed Vayne, everyone fed Yi. KEEP PLAYING.

    I started this preseason in bronze 5 and have slowly climbed to Silver 3. My advice to all those players out there like me who suck shit at lol but still have a good time is keep playing.

    Out of all of the "ff at 15" games I still only win like 5-10% of them, but I gain more champ experience that way. Plus I think the biggest thing low elo people can learn outside of champ mechanics is how to play from behind. Learn how to farm well under turret, learn to turtle and to catch the enemy's fed nasus taking your red.

    Also it really helped me to play every role. I played ~15 games in each role and settled on mid/bot, but know I kinda know how to play each when auto filled.

    The goal is to minimize losses.

    You get auto filled support? Ok well I have a 48% winrate on pyke. That's winnable.

    Autofilled jungle? 15 it takes like 4 youtube videos and 3 games to have a 50% winrate with Warwick at low elo.

    The point is to minimize the situations where you are so out of luck its auto gg.

    This is because bronze and silver are dumpster fires. However you can be the 5% increase it takes to climb. So as long as you are having fun, just keep playing.

    Hopefully in season ten I can finally get out of gold. (My highest placement was gold 2).

    submitted by /u/DrButtonmasher
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    Kai sa manamune vs Storm

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    So with the new Stormrazor, ppl more and more have started to use that on kai sa, at the point it's todays the most played build in U.gg.

    Personally i played kai sa since her release, and i have more than 1 M mastery points with over than 700 games and a 61 % WR with her. So me personally i play Kai sa with this build /runes :

    Press the attack - Presence of mid - Bloodline - Coup de grace Inspiration - Boots - biscuit delivery

    Build : Manamune/ Rageblade/ Nashor or Runnans. ( the rest is up to the situation, kai sa can build pretty much everything)

    Now i go ONLY Storm first when . I have a heavy AP team, AND when i pretty fed , and i get more than 1,5 k at first back. Because otherwise i go for manamune. The reason is because of the new Presence of Mind. Manamune scale with MANA. And each 500 mana represents 10 AD. presence of mind gives u 500 mana after 5 takedowns. And ur manamune upgrade. At lvl 18 the item will give 50 AD at 2,5 k mana. SO a 85 AD item. ( if u take no mana item ) ( 2 % of ur max mana in AD ).

    When u get Muramana, u get more AD dmg in function of ur mana. Each 500 mana represents 30 AD. So at 2,5k mana ( 1k from normal kai sa mana lvl18+ 1k maramuna + 500 presence of mind ) At full mana u get 150 AD on a basic attack. ( maramuna takes 6 % of ur current mana and converts in AD). —— Now the only big reason storm is strong is because, his power spike is really good, U get a slow, more dmg in early/mid game. Now in late game, storm will fall off bc of the only 55 AD. Storm is pretty much a snowball item. That's why i feel, u can only pick that item when ur team is AP heavy AND ur are fed in lane. So u can snowball, and get to strong to be stoped. —— When u have a bad macthup, u get a early item quicker, and more mana so u can spam without caring to much. And its a incredible mid/late game item. Even in bad early game, a kai sa can carry ur team when u get 3 item and maramuna. And its cheaper.

    Storm works fine, but its situational. But if the lane or the game doesn't look that good early, picking Manamune is IMO the best choice.

    submitted by /u/alexandre040
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    I want to learn how to die less as a jungler

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:04 AM PST

    As the title point, I'm currently playing Elise a lot. In the early game I'm way ahead of the enemy jungle, and my botlane/midlane are hard-winning because of me. But in the mid/late game I find myself dying a lot and idk if I'm taking bad decisions or I'm face-checking or idk what.

    Anyways I'm winning a lot but I would like to Learn from my mistakes and become a better jungler in the future.
    https://gyazo.com/1014cfea7d25b92fbfd49bd467fb685a Here are my last games, I'm currently D4.
    Thanking you in advance, RoShojo :3
    PD: Sorry for my english, It's not my mother lenguage.

    submitted by /u/RoShojo
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