LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.2 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.2
- Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.2
- If the enemy is taking an objective (like your tower) and you can't get there in time to defend... take one of theirs!
- I feel like 80% of the reason I don't improve is because I'm unable to listen to myself.
- Ornn Combo (LS)
- Regarding "X ROLE / LANE / CHAMP IS BROKEN posts or "How do i play against Y"
- Why are some players naturally good?
- Relatively new player looking to learn jungle
- Don't sweep if your team is not there
- Question about a specific scenario for wave management
- If your hard stuck this season here's some advice! For players in silver-plat.
- I want to learn support properly, what resources would you guys recommend?
- questions from a Dota player
- Jungle After 10 Minutes (What To Do, Where to go, when I have a lead)
- Sett Jungle - Iron ELO
- Wave Management Question
- Kai'sa build?
- As a toplaner I rarely have enough vision, so jungle camping is a problem
- Playing against a longer-ranged support?
- Ping and adc role
- I recently started an ADC coaching Youtube channel. Feedback is always welcome!
- Yasuo Gragas Bot vs Miss Fortune
- Should i play ranked?
- What did I do wrong? (Kassadin)
- Support in LoL
- What happened to Olaf Top?
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.2 Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:44 AM PST Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer. If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST Please do not reply directly to the thread.Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.
Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here. For all the previous weeks: Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses. Teacher: Summoner Name: Previous Week Threads: General Guidelines for Students
General Guidelines for Mentors
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Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:09 AM PST If you can't defend your objective, take theirs! Example: In a game I was in, the enemy had 4 champions mid taking the outer tower, and I was botlane and couldn't get to mid in time to stop them. So I took the bot tower! Running to mid, only to be halfway down the river when the tower falls, wouldn't have accomplished much! This is just one example to try and illustrate the general point I'm making here about not letting the enemy get something for free. Sometimes, you may want to run mid to defend your inner mid tower. Every game and every situation is different - use your brain. It seems really obvious, but some people (like me) didn't realize this until today. I had read the following piece of advice, but didn't actually realize how to apply it in-game. I saw this bit of wisdom posted here a few weeks ago: whenever something is done on the map, something else is being given up. Whether it's a tower, dragon, or just farm, if the enemy is taking something, it's possible to figure out what they're giving up, and take it. Again, this should be obvious to most people, but I'm posting it here in case anyone else needed to have this spelled out for them. EDIT: I edited the example I gave to try and make it more clear that this is just what worked for me in this particular game. Like some have pointed out, in the example I gave, sometimes you will want to go mid to stop them from taking another tower. In this particular situation, I could easily take bot tower in about 30 seconds before anyone from mid came down to contest it - all I had to do was clear the enemy wave and push my creeps under their tower. I was able to easily take the tower and then reset. Also, with the way the creep waves worked out mid lane, the enemy wasn't in a good place to push and take another tower. Also, I had teammates in midlane and near midlane who could defend the inner mid tower. If I had run midlane, it would have accomplished nothing - the outer midlane tower was down, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. The best thing I could do in this situation was to punish them for grouping mid by taking one of their sidelane towers. Do what makes sense in the situation you're in, which is what I did in this game. League is about using your brain! Don't do what worked for me in one very specific situation and think it applies everywhere and at all times, but rather just see the one specific example as trying to illustrate the general advice I'm giving. Another piece of advice to take away here, is to always be thinking, "How can I be most useful for my team right now on the map?" I think when you are not doing this, is when you are playing on what people call autopilot. [link] [comments] |
I feel like 80% of the reason I don't improve is because I'm unable to listen to myself. Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST Other 20% being me just being bad, but we ignore that part. I'm sure that a good amount of people can relate to that experience, that you know that what you're going to do is not a good idea, but you do it anyways. "I'm getting ganked, if I flash now I will still be at full HP and I can keep laning without problems... but what if I hold it instead?"
"If I use this spell here I'm gonna mess the whole wave and I won't be able to get all the CS"
"I'm pushing pretty hard, if the enemy jungler decides to show up I'm dead"
"I'm Malzahar, my team is on the other side of the dragon pit trying to fight for it, what am I doing being positioned on the other side, with all the enemies inbetween me my team?"
"I got autofilled jungler, the last time I could play something in the jungle was before Warwick got reworked (note: I can't play the new one, his ult being a skillshot made it too hard for me), just dodge dude, or at least ask for someone to trade roles with."
"Dude, you're not in the mood to play a game right now, don't queue because you won't be focused."
"If you position yourself right that in this teamfight the enemy Malphite is just gonna ult you and you will die, what are you gonna do, trust that you will be able to react-flash that?"
I could go on and on but then not even myself would bother reading this post, but yeah, I feel like my ranked experience is a constant barrage of surprisedpikachu.png where I know that what I'm doing is dumb but I will do it anyways. The key to climb the ladder is to perform consistently good in the matches, but all I see myself being consistent with is at throwing games out of very poor decisions I'm 100% able to avoid but I won't. At this point I feel that the only thing I do great is not blaming my teammates when we lose because I'm fully aware of how many errors I make that lead to deaths (either mine or of my teammates when I could have just gone there to help out but I was unsure if I should), the opposite way with me not killing someone, potentially not making me fed enough to win things later on, lost objectives, and quite some times the whole 50 minutes game we all worked hard to win all for this MetaThPr4h dude deciding to push mid with everyone missing and died. Well, not sure what else to say, if you can relate to this feeling, try to listen to yourself more, most of the time it will help you out, now I just need myself to listen to this, bookmarking for future self-reference. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST Ornn is seeing a lot of popularity now, so I figured I'd share this combo that LS typed out earlier. Useful for playing as or against Ornn, and especially good to know if you don't play against him in lane often (many people don't respect the E hitbox; its bigger than you'd expect). Word for word: "Q at max range and while the Q is heading towards them, if it'll connect then cast R. E immediately. As the head of the Ram hits them it'll apply brittle, immediately move back 1 click and then issue an autoattack, it'll proc the brittle and give you enough space to re-cast R and knock them up again, re-applying. Hit them one more time and then cast W clicking into them, auto-attack for a CC chain they can't react to." Personal addition: If you have a dash, you'll nearly always need to use it to avoid E if his Q hits. This will in turn give you the chance to respond to his ulti (with cc, flash, disengage, etc.) if he has committed to the combo. EDIT: Traditional Ornn Full Combo is very similar: Q-R1-E-R2-AA-W-AA . E must be timed to proc the brittle from R1. You miss one AA's worth of damage but get the same amount of brittle procs (3) compared to LS's method. [link] [comments] |
Regarding "X ROLE / LANE / CHAMP IS BROKEN posts or "How do i play against Y" Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST Do everyone a favour and put 5-10 games on whatever champs roles lanes you think are broken/weak/unfun before judging them. When I coach, often players find themselves at odds with certain champions because they don't know what that champ actually does. For example I had a student that had insane trouble with tryndamere, thought he was a disgusting stat check spin champ. Lo and behold i made him play trynd for 3 games and after reading the abilities and playing as him he realized trynd's crit reduced his e cd, w slow could be dodge while facing him. and that trynd is prone to getting kited if he doesn't let trynd auto him, and that trynd gets a fat stack of ad from missing hp / and just q in general. Either you learn that the champion isn't as good as you made them out to be in your mind, or you go 50-0 in your games because they are broken. Either way, problem solved. As well, it makes my job a lot easier to help you improve since you will actually have experience as and vs the champ so it helps clear up a lot of biases so that I can teach instead of just trying to get it into your head that the champ isn't broken. Thanks for coming to my tedtalks [link] [comments] |
Why are some players naturally good? Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:36 PM PST How is it that some players can play 1000 hours and be diamond, and others can play 1000 hours and be iron. Why are some people just worse. Practice helps, but this idea that people can improve is a scam. SOME people can improve. They have special brains designed to notice things and improve and adapt. They are better designed to process information. Or have reaction times that arent 0.5 seconds like mine. And have good mouse coordination. "Oh that comes with time" BULL SHIT. especially when i know people that have climbed from silver to top100 in overwatch in 2 years and i cant get silver in 4 in leeg. There is no point sugarcoating it. I was not designed to be attentive, or awake, or cognitive, or have any ability to better myself. And alas I sit, bad at every game ive played. Being laughably bad at every hobby ive tried, while people sit at the top of the ladder laughing about how easy it is to climb when ive got no fuckin hands... [link] [comments] |
Relatively new player looking to learn jungle Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST Hi! I lve been playing league for a little while. At this point I have a basic grasp of the game where all the camps are etc. And have been playing almost exclusively support (have mastery4 on a few champs and mastery 5 on my main champ). Lately though I've been kind of underwhelmed playing as support and always sort of wanted to learn jungle but was always sort of afraid of the responsibility and the flame that comes with being a bad jungler. So with that being said I'm finally attempting to learn and play jungle and would appreciate any tips on tracking enemy movement, good champs to play jg atm, or really just any useful tips that anyone learning jg should know. Tldr: fairly new to game former supp main looking to learn jungle and get good tips. [link] [comments] |
Don't sweep if your team is not there Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:01 PM PST These days I find myself trying to be more deliberate about my vision and vision denial, and so I found myself unintentionally running it down because I'm clearing vision. I get engaged on when my teams not there, dying for free. However, I just realized a simple rule of thumb can fix this -- do not sweep if your team isn't there. Just wanted to share this with the rest of the community also although it's really simple and intuitive I think applying this ingame will be quite challenging as it will be a new habit. The exceptions to this are of course if you see all 5 members of the enemy team or if you see 4 members and the 5th can't kill you etc.. [link] [comments] |
Question about a specific scenario for wave management Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST This happened recently in my game and I was wondering what the correct play is. So both bot laners and supp are full health have been staying in lane for a while building up enough gold to buy. The enemy bot laners decide to back right when the second wave (wave before cannon wave) is about to hit each other in the middle. I have about a quarter mana left on Jhin. What should I do in this scenario to put me at an advantage? Is it best to just back the same time as them, clear the wave, or clear some minions? Ive been struggling with wave management and wanted the know the best manipulation to put me at an advantage if poss. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
If your hard stuck this season here's some advice! For players in silver-plat. Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:04 PM PST So I recently got banned on my main and had to start from Iron and climbed to gold in 3~ ish days. During my climb, I was astounded by the number of low elo players that just non stop flame even when they are 0/8. Their egos are so high, they refuse to learn, and are so insecure in their abilities that they start inting in order to not confront the fact that they're terrible. So if you've been in the same division for 6 seasons here's some advice.
This isn't all of the things you need to learn but if your silver/gold/plat this should give you the boost to diamond. [link] [comments] |
I want to learn support properly, what resources would you guys recommend? Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:38 PM PST Websites, youtube videos, streamers, what do you recommend for learning the support role to climb. I'm mostly interested in learning caster supports like soraka, janna and sona, but i do also want to be competant at supports like blitzcrank and nautilus. I'm not ashamed to say, I'm Iron II, and have a lot to learn. I've been playing the game since last april, and this season I want to play more ranked games. Specifically, I want to learn how to: Manage minion waves for my adc: freeze waves, know when to help push the wave. Effectively use vision: which places are best to put control wards, how do I use the wards from upgraded spellthief's edge effectively. How early should i switch to oracle lens/sweeper, and when should i use a blue ward? Roam: Can I roam even if our lane is behind? Which supports are more built for roaming? Zone: I understand its important to stay parallel to your adc, when should i be more aggressive when zoning, and when should i concede lane pressure? Sorry if some of these questions are very open ended, and i understand that a lot of these things are situational per game, so any advice or suggestion of resources is much appreciated. Stay awesome guys (>'-')> [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST I have recently switched my main game from Dota to League (for about a month now. Though I have played league sparingly before). I switched mainly because a bunch of friends played League and I thought I could be better them. I mainly play Nami support and have a fairly high win rate (around 67%) with it in Bronze 2 elo right now. Some questions I have about the game: Is constantly pushing waves good after lanning phase? In Dota, you want to constantly hard push waves, I feel like this is also good in League, but I'm not sure. Why do people seem to 5 man or aram mid so much? What I mean by this is that in a lot of my games my team and the enemy team just face off mid trying to poke and look for engage. I feel like it's a lot better for one team to show some presence mid while the rest of team pushes lanes and farms. If the enemy team starts to push, then your split pushers can back and fight or continue to push. Finally as a support ( specifically nami), should i go in on team fights or should I sit behind my team and just heal them? I feel like some times I go in and die, but my team wins the fight and sometimes I stay behind remain kind of passive, and my team dies, but I live. I feel like it's better for the enemies to go on me than the rest of my team, but I'm not sure. Here's my if anyone was wondering: [link] [comments] |
Jungle After 10 Minutes (What To Do, Where to go, when I have a lead) Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST I am a Gold ELO jungle main trying to make a push to platinum this season. I play mainly snowball champs like Kha'zix/Olaf (mainly Olaf this season). And I notice more and more as I gain large leads that I am question how to most effectively end games before we either throw or get out scaled. So far I have been just trying to control objectives and stay ahead in farm but if their is any other resources that people know of to help me better learn to snowball. I am open to any suggestions. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:40 AM PST Anyone having success with Sett in the jungle, and also any tips on how to better utilize the kit to advantage in lower ELO games? I'm realizing that he is reliant on the gank for the laner to help setup since his thing is to Q-speed walk and hope to E-stun. I'm thinking about turning away from Conqueror in low ELO with him and going for Aftershock, and taking domination as the secondary or sticking with inspiration (free boots and cosmic). If anyone is having success with him in the jungle, I would love any shared wisdom or advice on how to setup the gank, building items and runes, and then on how to better macro manage with him around the jungle in general. Thanks from A low ELO Sett player with big dreams [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST How does wave management help us into winning the game? I understand that u can freeze the lane so it forces the enemy into overextending the lane and leading to a gank and so on... Im curious what are the more perks of understanding the wave management and what u can do with it; I want to know where do I translate the perks (Taking dragons, heralds, warding enemy jungle, etc) of managing the wave. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST Hey guys, I'm an adc main who recently started playing Kai'sa but I was wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to build her. I've seen a lot of different build paths on her and I like her versatility but I almost always just build either crit or hybrid/max our all her ability transformations. In what situations would I go something like on hit or ap heavy hybrid? Any help is appreciated. [link] [comments] |
As a toplaner I rarely have enough vision, so jungle camping is a problem Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST Whenever I play top I usually get ganked very early and maybe even camped at times. And I like to play defensive and not push exactly because junglers have this habit of ganking lv 2 or 3. Red side means you get ganked from behind with no counterplay. You can't step past the middle of the lane or else Lee Sin ward-hop- kicks you into his toplaner. Control wards work partially, they can be cleared too easily. I try to get deep vision instead, ward the river deep, but then again once the ward expires, it recharges too slow or the jungler ganks a different path and is not spotted. Considering how midlaners are either mages that play at tower or assassins that escape with 1 button and botlaners have double wards and the possibility to peel for each other in case of ganks, toplane kind of has a big disadvantage inheritantly. So is it ok to give up pressure at all in fear of the jungler? Or should I insist a lot with pinks? The assumption here is that my jungler never helps or always ganks at a bad time( I swear playing Nasus top they always want to help me lv 2 when I am useless). Another assumption is that I am not good enough to track a jungler. If I don't see him right away I can't anticipate a gank. [link] [comments] |
Playing against a longer-ranged support? Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:15 AM PST I'm a bot player and I've gotten used to basically all roles of support and how to counter each of them, except for the long range, high damage supports I'm talking about the xertah/velkoz/brand type supports In the p/b we chose xayah/rakan and their last pick was their support, who took brand In the game it was just a case of him spamming his stun combo and absolutely deleting us, their adc wasn't even a problem, it was entirely brand (but if we engaged with the rakan E W Q R combo they still came out on top because, by the time we were 6, they were 7 etc.) It just denies so much CS and even if you dodge 60% of his abilities, those 40% will still leave you low enough that you can't CS as effectively I tried the whole 'play the role to learn their weaknesses' thing by playing Xerath support and every time I do, I win lane (at the expense of my ADC getting no kill opportunities because the enemy just sit under tower safely, losing out on CS like we did as xayah/rakan) I'm sure that the most obvious counter play is a burst play onto either the adc or the brand because they're both relatively squishy, but when the support is able to poke you down to 50% health before you can set up for the burst, what do you do? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST So iv been playing this game since season 2, just casually. Iv never had ambitions to really climb that much, my goal when I first started was to get gold but I wasnt really trying to work towards it. Anyway, I started maining adc probably 2 seasons ago and have been climbing steadily, and last season I ended gold 3. Now even though that was my original goal, I didnt really feel much satisfaction from it, and I'd like to try climbing to plat if I can. However a problem I'm running into is my ping is quite high. I usually play between 85-93 ping. Skill shots arent usually a big deal as I'm used to it, but poking in lane with say, Caitlyns range,I get hit by theirs anyway. and just general kiting iv noticed are starting to get capped by my ping. Such as lucians lvl 3 combo, I tend to over apm it and end up just wasting auto attacks. Would it be in my best interest to just switch to a less apm roll, such as like, top bruiser/tanks or mid mage. Maybe even support. I'm not hard set on playing adc, it's just what iv gotten used to for the last few years after getting angry that my bottom would constantly lose. I know very good players came from east coast such as wild turtle, but I'm not anywhere near his general skill level and probably never will be. [link] [comments] |
I recently started an ADC coaching Youtube channel. Feedback is always welcome! Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:23 AM PST Hi Everyone! Some of you may remember that about a month ago, I created a post saying that I coach ADC mains and whenever I get permission from my students, I upload these sessions on my Youtube channel. This is the channel: I am trying to make these videos as interesting as possible. These are things I know I should work on:
Apart from that, are there any things you guys want to see in order for this channel to be more interesting? Maybe face cam? reviewing my own games every once in a while? I do have an intro coming up for every video, and I am working on improving my end screen. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, as I would love to make my channel as interesting as possible for everyone! Thank you in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Yasuo Gragas Bot vs Miss Fortune Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST So with the rise of Miss Fortune I've been wondering if Yasuo + Gragas would be a good pick into her considering they're known for their pick potential and MF herself having no mobility nor items that can counter their strategy and Yasuo himself already being a pretty known counter to MF considering a good placed windwall can block all of MF's ult and his playstyle being that he can run up to your face as long as there's minions with his dash which is a problem for MF considering her only self peel is her 3rd and maybe her 2nd if she doesnt hit Yasuo. Not only that with the rise of dragons being more important in S10 and with Elise being a top pick which has synergizes with Yasuo + Gragas's pick potential and allow for easier towerdives since Yasuo's waveclear once he gets his 1st item is disgusting and also top lane being more of an island than ever before with almost no junglers playing around top side in S10 now with Ornn being more played than ever before, I was wondering what you guys think of this counterpick and if could ever be picked pro play as a counter to MF. Also I'm not only talking about pro play I also want your ideas of this in Solo Queue and if this could at all work if you're duoed with support. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST So, ranked for me was kind of interesting when i started playing the game, and that lasted for about 4 games. I have never played a single ranked match and my friend who has played the game for about a year and a half says it's not worth it, that it's basically the same thing but 10x more toxic. My team arguing with each other in normal is really the worse thing for me, so i can't imagine that but with ranked, if you could share your experience with ranked i would appreciate it, also what do you even get with ranked? because i think to most people it's just "im plat fuck u lol" [link] [comments] |
What did I do wrong? (Kassadin) Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST My jg started flaming me for not being able to kill the 14/1 caitlyn. Whenever I would go in I would get cc'd or killed by the enemy fizz+urgot. Even when I could get to the caitlyn she would just e and I was pretty much dead. I'm not sure what to do in these types of situations. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:16 PM PST I recently started playing league (I'm only level 19) and I soon realized I am crap at the game. I rarely got a kill and I lost almost every 1v1 I had in lanes. I couldn't play jungle at all I had no idea what I was doing even after all the YouTube videos and guides I've read but then I unlocked draft pick as a game mode. I decided to try out support and played as Soraka. I ended up getting a B- rank and went 1-6-16. I've started playing support a lot more and noticed I died a lot less, got way more assists, leveled my character higher, won more games and have gotten multiple S+ grades. Is support easier than the other roles or am I just better at it? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:17 AM PST Hey SS- I am G2 curently and have been experimenting around with playing Olaf top more and more. But I am questioning myself because I really don't ever see it anymore. He seems to have been sent to the jungle and is pick/ban there half the time. Is Olaf top just bad now? If so, who is a better iteration of him? I am looking for that early game in-your-face champ that wants to trade and fight early through mid game. [link] [comments] |
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