• Breaking News

    Monday, January 6, 2020

    League of Legends The same Amumu silver friend (now on Shen) pulling off a HUGE taunt flash

    League of Legends The same Amumu silver friend (now on Shen) pulling off a HUGE taunt flash

    The same Amumu silver friend (now on Shen) pulling off a HUGE taunt flash

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Swifte withdraws from Twitch Rivals after being drafted by Trick2G

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST


    Swifte was picked to support Horsey, one of Trick's friends. Obviously Swifte wasn't happy with the pick (Horsey is D4 if I'm not mistaken) so he withdrew. Pretty spicy stuff, especially after all the trash talk from Yassuo.


    ^ Screenshots courtesy of u/AFK_Crying

    submitted by /u/anthonyterms
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    Insane Lee sin insec at lvl 5 (never seen before)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Rek'Sai knockup is a little bit stronger than I remember

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:11 PM PST

    How to slay teemo as akali

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:05 AM PST

    At the moment 117 champions are able to slow other champions. This fact makes it absurd, that Kalistas is nearly useless when slowed because of her passive Interaction.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Riot tried to make Kalista a viable pick in the meta again, without being too dominant, by giving her base stats buffs while ignoring her main problem.


    Revert the baste stats buffs and just remove this backdraw from her passive which was introduced in a way to stop her dominance. But League has changed since then and Kalista could be viable again in Pro play and SoloQ wile not being a meta defining pick. Maybe I am just salty over the fact that riot hates this champion more then everyting else or that I just lost against a team on which every champion had a slow..

    List of champions with slows according to the wiki:

    📷 Aatrox, 📷 Ahri, 📷 Akali, 📷 Anivia, 📷 Aphelios, 📷 Ashe, 📷 Aurelion Sol, 📷 Azir, 📷 Bard, 📷 Braum, 📷 Caitlyn, 📷 Camille, 📷 Cassiopeia, 📷 Cho'Gath, 📷 Corki, 📷 Darius, 📷 Diana, 📷 Draven , 📷 Dr. Mundo, 📷 Ekko, 📷 Evelynn, 📷 Fiddlesticks, 📷 Fiora, 📷 Fizz, 📷 Galio, 📷 Gangplank, 📷 Gnar, 📷 Gragas, 📷 Graves, 📷 Hecarim, 📷 Heimerdinger, 📷 Illaoi, 📷 Irelia, 📷 Ivern, 📷 Janna, 📷 Jarvan IV, 📷 Jayce, 📷 Jhin, 📷 Jinx, 📷 Kalista, 📷 Karma, 📷 Karthus, 📷 Kassadin, 📷 Kayle, 📷 Kayn, 📷 Kha'Zix, 📷 Kindred, 📷 Kled, 📷 Kog'Maw, 📷 LeBlanc, 📷 Lee Sin, 📷 Leona, 📷 Lissandra, 📷 Lulu, 📷 Lux, 📷 Malphite, 📷 Maokai, 📷 Miss Fortune, 📷 Morgana, 📷 Nami, 📷 Nasus, 📷 Nautilus, 📷 Nocturne, 📷 Nunu, 📷 Olaf, 📷 Orianna, 📷 Ornn, 📷 Poppy, 📷 Pyke, 📷 Quinn, 📷 Rakan, 📷 Rammus, 📷 Rengar, 📷 Rumble, 📷 Sejuani, 📷 Sett, 📷 Shaco, 📷 Singed, 📷 Sion, 📷 Skarner, 📷 Sona, 📷 Soraka, 📷 Swain, 📷 Sylas, 📷 Syndra, 📷 Tahm Kench, 📷 Taliyah, 📷 Talon, 📷 Teemo, 📷 Thresh, 📷 Tristana, 📷 Trundle, 📷 Tryndamere, 📷 Twisted Fate, 📷 Twitch, 📷 Urgot, 📷 Varus, 📷 Vel'Koz, 📷 Viktor, 📷 Vladimir, 📷 Volibear, 📷 Warwick, 📷 Xerath, 📷 Xin Zhao, 📷 Yorick, 📷 Yuumi, 📷 Zac, 📷 Zed, 📷 Ziggs, 📷 Zilean, 📷 Zoe, 📷 Zyra.

    submitted by /u/ShapinCS
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    top lane is so miserable when counterpicked

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:10 AM PST

    seriously, what can i do against a lucian as darius, or fiora as mordekaiser? hope these D1 players are bad enough to misplay at a very small window early game to have a chance of playing league of legends?

    its like getting top lane should let you free dodge once a day

    DISCLAIMER: i dont claim being good, or even enjoying top lane, but sadly i have to play it every once in awhile when i dont get mid lane, i understand you can mathematically outbrain your opponent by manipulating the wave and setting up ganks, but i dont know how to do that, nor do i have the patience.

    submitted by /u/vicktoriously
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    Saving private Cho'Gath.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST

    I tried playing Lee Sin, I think i am getting pretty good at it. This is one of my best Insec kicks.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    "if I zone out this Jinx she wont be able to steal it"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Swain's guide to absolute Chadness

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:55 AM PST

    Tired of girls running after those you deem jocks? Tired of your rare precious girlfriends cheating on you with the cute rockstar chad? Tired of having Tryndamere syndrome?

    Well, look no more, because Swain's guide to absolute chadness will help you achieve the alphaness every man needs to lead a fulfilling love life!

    Chapter one: Changing your speech.

    Words make a man, and you, my friend, are no exception. Girls see you as a total loser because your speech pattern reveals you have never stepped on the battlefield or conquered an empire. How pitiful! But worry not, here you have some examples to get started on your new life:

    -Instead of "Good morning/evening" try saying: Empire above all.

    -When a girl asks you about your hobbies, just respond "How tedious". This will give you an air of mystery ladies love to fall for.

    -When asked about your job, you have tailored responses for some common professions:

    Instead of saying you are a teacher, try: "I do so enjoy explaining things to idiots"

    Office job? Just tell her "I am surrounded by incompetence"

    Veterinary? Give her some wise advice: "Never make a bargain with a demon you intend to keep"

    If you are a Journalist, just tell her how things really are: "There is always a choice, truth is no exception"

    -When she is with a group of friends, don't act like she is the only one for you, instead, go in front of them all and ask: "Which one of you is Beatrice again?"

    -When she tells a bad joke, just let your inner sociopath respond: "I am not smiling, i am threatening to smile. It is still a threat."

    -She talks about politics? Shut her up with ""People often ask for a hero, when a villain is what they truly need"

    -Still discussing politics? Just resort to good ol ad hominem: "The mind is the weapon. You are unarmed"

    -She wants you to met her parents? A brave man chooses their fears carefully, my lad: "It is not the visions that haunt me, but what i do not see"

    -She has narcissistic tendencies? Bring her down with a simple: "You can sit on a throne, that doesn't make you a ruler. It only means you have an arse"

    -Caught her cheating? Get out by the front door like a king by laughing and exclaiming: "It is just as the spies described. A pity I had them executed."

    And thats all for today, folks.With these tips, you should at least land a date or land in jail, a calculated risk that's no risk at all!

    Next issue will deal with using demonic powers to attract previously immobilized girls and learning to lose a hand to win the battle.

    submitted by /u/jal243
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    I made a low quality Season 10 card for my favorite champ

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I would love to see more art like Season 10 cards. Art style is just so cool. Mine is just OK

    submitted by /u/Craneteam
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    Free Permanent Mystery Skin with Twitch Prime

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I saved my Ahri with an insane(ly lucky) ashe ult

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

    For those of you who’s been considering getting the Ranked Reward Clothing, don’t.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    I just got mine. Reading some of the posts by redditors I already have a pretty low expectation but boy am I still disappointed. So here's my pros and cons (mostly cons):


    1. It's expensive for what it is - I paid 115 USD/152 CAD for a cotton jacket and T-shirt. Onto the value part later.

    2. It SMELLS. They were like soaked in vinegar or something, the acidic smell is so strong I can't even try them on.

    3. It's really poorly made. The material feels very cheap, the printing is inconsistent - jacket is fine, T-shirt has very smudged printing.


    1. I guess it's kind of low profile, the printing is not too in your face making the wearer look like a complete nerd for embracing his or her league rank. Some say the summoner name and emblems are too small, I'd say it's fine, people who know what it is will appreciate it and it's not too much of a show-off.

    Overall, I think the jacket is somewhat worth it if you can get it for cheap shipping (living in Canada doesn't help). Getting both the jacket and T-shirt is definitely a stupid purchase. But hey, I get to show off my diamond rank to strangers.

    Edit: also, for these overpriced merch I hoped Riot would give me some kind of pat on the back saying "Congrats on x rank, keep it up next season" or a simple thank you for buying our shit. But nope, everything arrived in a plastic wrap like the 3 for $5 boxers I got on Amazon.

    submitted by /u/BleachGummy
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    Tilting the enemy team with tons of healing

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Patch 10.1 Patch Preview

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:01 PM PST

    My thoughts:

    1. More melee champions that are faster by half the ranged ADCs/Mages. I just wonder if there's no worry that these champions will end up super kiteable?

    2. Sylas - damage is less guaranteed, flows less smoothly, but if you land it all, the damage is sick. Will need to see how fast you can unload it all though, now that it doesn't flow into one another - with the removal of shield and such, he feels more like an assassin, and such a delay can be significant.

      W not resetting attack is gonna feel crummy. Moreso than E2 > Q to most players, who would expect that to work like other players.

      It really feels like he should be a jungler to get to scale, but he has lower armour till level 5 where it equals live, less HP till level 3 where it equals, and MR equals only at level 14. I know they want to make him susceptible early so he could get more power budgeted to late, but where exactly is he supposed to be able to farm till he gets levels? For a melee champion, his base stats early on are trash. Irelia and such get better early armour, Talon better early MR, all of them better early HP...?

    3. Dunno about that Jax buff. Yes, it buffs him, but in my day we called that a bug-fix :P

    4. Good to see buffs to Azir, Corki, Kalista, and Sejuani in particular. All of them have been not the greatest for a while. Sejuani got butchered due to pro-play, so this will be nice.

    submitted by /u/tundranocaps
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    [ESPN] North America and Europe take different paths in League of Legends free agency

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Expectations of my teammates in Season 10

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:17 AM PST


    I saw the 5 days left countdown and decided to create my own masterpiece reflecting my feelings on my future teammates. I am pretty the same felt by everyone. Good Luck everyone in Season 10.

    submitted by /u/Malell
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    Wouldn’t it be easy to make Ahri’s tails move according to her movement ? Like Aurelion Sol, Cassiopeia, Zoe’s hair, Galio’s tail etc ?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    I mean, taking into consideration a lot of champions already have that kind of "physics" wouldn't it be not that hard to apply it to Ahri's tail ? When she moves it's just one tail, so it shouldn't be that hard.

    This would be a great improvement on Ahri, she would feel smoother in my opinion. I feel like a lot of people want it and it would be a smart move since Riot just keeps pumping out Ahri skins anyway.

    Let me know what you think, this should have been done a long time ago, stop postponing it .

    PS : I'm genuinely curious, it might be harder to do than I a lot of people think. Still think they could do it if they really wanted it though.

    submitted by /u/X-irrelevant-X
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    I love these little steals

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:43 AM PST

    Suddenly, a wild Warwick appears

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Does it seem like ARAM is the same like 40 champs over and over?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST

    I thought it did, and I wanted to test it to prove it. I used Riot's API to query the last 100 matches of a summoner and then go through them all and count the champs that appear in ARAM games. I ran a couple of my friends and I'll include the results here. You may not believe the numbers, I didn't either - so I ran my last 20 games and compared the results by hand. The numbers were correct.

    The data is laid out as Champ: # of appearances, overall %

    Friend 1 Aatrox: 3, 3% Ahri: 11, 13% Akali: 16, 19% Alistar: 3, 3% Amumu: 2, 2% Anivia: 3, 3% Annie: 10, 12% Aphelios: 3, 3% Ashe: 10, 12% AurelionSol: 3, 3% Azir: 7, 8% Bard: 4, 4% Blitzcrank: 13, 16% Brand: 11, 13% Braum: 2, 2% Caitlyn: 14, 17% Camille: 1, 1% Cassiopeia: 4, 4% Chogath: 8, 9% Corki: 6, 7% Darius: 8, 9% Diana: 6, 7% DrMundo: 4, 4% Draven: 5, 6% Ekko: 6, 7% Elise: 5, 6% Evelynn: 8, 9% Ezreal: 11, 13% Fiddlesticks: 5, 6% Fiora: 0, 0% Fizz: 5, 6% Galio: 2, 2% Gangplank: 5, 6% Garen: 10, 12% Gnar: 2, 2% Gragas: 4, 4% Graves: 11, 13% Hecarim: 2, 2% Heimerdinger: 9, 11% Illaoi: 6, 7% Irelia: 5, 6% Ivern: 1, 1% Janna: 3, 3% JarvanIV: 3, 3% Jax: 1, 1% Jayce: 4, 4% Jhin: 12, 14% Jinx: 5, 6% Kaisa: 13, 16% Kalista: 2, 2% Karma: 4, 4% Karthus: 4, 4% Kassadin: 3, 3% Katarina: 4, 4% Kayle: 8, 9% Kayn: 3, 3% Kennen: 9, 11% Khazix: 3, 3% Kindred: 11, 13% Kled: 2, 2% KogMaw: 3, 3% Leblanc: 7, 8% LeeSin: 7, 8% Leona: 7, 8% Lissandra: 3, 3% Lucian: 9, 11% Lulu: 3, 3% Lux: 13, 16% Malphite: 9, 11% Malzahar: 5, 6% Maokai: 1, 1% MasterYi: 5, 6% MissFortune: 13, 16% MonkeyKing: 2, 2% Mordekaiser: 10, 12% Morgana: 10, 12% Nami: 8, 9% Nasus: 11, 13% Nautilus: 7, 8% Neeko: 14, 17% Nidalee: 5, 6% Nocturne: 2, 2% Nunu: 4, 4% Olaf: 3, 3% Orianna: 5, 6% Ornn: 6, 7% Pantheon: 5, 6% Poppy: 3, 3% Pyke: 3, 3% Qiyana: 3, 3% Quinn: 3, 3% Rakan: 2, 2% Rammus: 0, 0% RekSai: 0, 0% Renekton: 4, 4% Rengar: 4, 4% Riven: 3, 3% Rumble: 3, 3% Ryze: 7, 8% Sejuani: 0, 0% Senna: 5, 6% Shaco: 4, 4% Shen: 5, 6% Shyvana: 4, 4% Singed: 3, 3% Sion: 1, 1% Sivir: 14, 17% Skarner: 2, 2% Sona: 7, 8% Soraka: 9, 11% Swain: 7, 8% Sylas: 5, 6% Syndra: 3, 3% TahmKench: 3, 3% Taliyah: 7, 8% Talon: 4, 4% Taric: 2, 2% Teemo: 9, 11% Thresh: 12, 14% Tristana: 6, 7% Trundle: 1, 1% Tryndamere: 2, 2% TwistedFate: 5, 6% Twitch: 5, 6% Udyr: 0, 0% Urgot: 5, 6% Varus: 8, 9% Vayne: 8, 9% Veigar: 8, 9% Velkoz: 9, 11% Vi: 2, 2% Viktor: 7, 8% Vladimir: 5, 6% Volibear: 1, 1% Warwick: 9, 11% Xayah: 5, 6% Xerath: 4, 4% XinZhao: 2, 2% Yasuo: 3, 3% Yorick: 6, 7% Yuumi: 5, 6% Zac: 1, 1% Zed: 9, 11% Ziggs: 12, 14% Zilean: 6, 7% Zoe: 7, 8% Zyra: 3, 3% ARAM matches played: 81 Friend 2 Aatrox: 2, 6% Ahri: 8, 25% Akali: 2, 6% Alistar: 1, 3% Amumu: 2, 6% Anivia: 1, 3% Annie: 4, 12% Aphelios: 0, 0% Ashe: 4, 12% AurelionSol: 0, 0% Azir: 3, 9% Bard: 0, 0% Blitzcrank: 2, 6% Brand: 5, 15% Braum: 0, 0% Caitlyn: 2, 6% Camille: 2, 6% Cassiopeia: 2, 6% Chogath: 2, 6% Corki: 3, 9% Darius: 3, 9% Diana: 2, 6% DrMundo: 2, 6% Draven: 0, 0% Ekko: 2, 6% Elise: 1, 3% Evelynn: 2, 6% Ezreal: 4, 12% Fiddlesticks: 0, 0% Fiora: 0, 0% Fizz: 1, 3% Galio: 5, 15% Gangplank: 1, 3% Garen: 3, 9% Gnar: 0, 0% Gragas: 1, 3% Graves: 4, 12% Hecarim: 1, 3% Heimerdinger: 4, 12% Illaoi: 1, 3% Irelia: 3, 9% Ivern: 0, 0% Janna: 5, 15% JarvanIV: 1, 3% Jax: 1, 3% Jayce: 1, 3% Jhin: 3, 9% Jinx: 5, 15% Kaisa: 1, 3% Kalista: 3, 9% Karma: 4, 12% Karthus: 3, 9% Kassadin: 0, 0% Katarina: 3, 9% Kayle: 5, 15% Kayn: 6, 18% Kennen: 0, 0% Khazix: 1, 3% Kindred: 3, 9% Kled: 1, 3% KogMaw: 0, 0% Leblanc: 5, 15% LeeSin: 4, 12% Leona: 1, 3% Lissandra: 3, 9% Lucian: 2, 6% Lulu: 1, 3% Lux: 6, 18% Malphite: 5, 15% Malzahar: 1, 3% Maokai: 4, 12% MasterYi: 6, 18% MissFortune: 2, 6% MonkeyKing: 2, 6% Mordekaiser: 2, 6% Morgana: 6, 18% Nami: 2, 6% Nasus: 4, 12% Nautilus: 1, 3% Neeko: 2, 6% Nidalee: 5, 15% Nocturne: 0, 0% Nunu: 1, 3% Olaf: 1, 3% Orianna: 3, 9% Ornn: 2, 6% Pantheon: 0, 0% Poppy: 2, 6% Pyke: 1, 3% Qiyana: 0, 0% Quinn: 3, 9% Rakan: 1, 3% Rammus: 1, 3% RekSai: 0, 0% Renekton: 1, 3% Rengar: 2, 6% Riven: 2, 6% Rumble: 2, 6% Ryze: 3, 9% Sejuani: 1, 3% Senna: 2, 6% Shaco: 2, 6% Shen: 2, 6% Shyvana: 1, 3% Singed: 3, 9% Sion: 1, 3% Sivir: 0, 0% Skarner: 0, 0% Sona: 3, 9% Soraka: 2, 6% Swain: 1, 3% Sylas: 3, 9% Syndra: 2, 6% TahmKench: 0, 0% Taliyah: 3, 9% Talon: 0, 0% Taric: 0, 0% Teemo: 3, 9% Thresh: 4, 12% Tristana: 4, 12% Trundle: 0, 0% Tryndamere: 2, 6% TwistedFate: 3, 9% Twitch: 1, 3% Udyr: 2, 6% Urgot: 3, 9% Varus: 4, 12% Vayne: 1, 3% Veigar: 6, 18% Velkoz: 0, 0% Vi: 0, 0% Viktor: 3, 9% Vladimir: 3, 9% Volibear: 1, 3% Warwick: 2, 6% Xayah: 4, 12% Xerath: 3, 9% XinZhao: 2, 6% Yasuo: 2, 6% Yorick: 2, 6% Yuumi: 5, 15% Zac: 1, 3% Zed: 2, 6% Ziggs: 1, 3% Zilean: 2, 6% Zoe: 5, 15% Zyra: 3, 9% ARAM matches played: 32 Friend 3 Aatrox: 10, 10% Ahri: 12, 12% Akali: 10, 10% Alistar: 4, 4% Amumu: 2, 2% Anivia: 4, 4% Annie: 9, 9% Aphelios: 8, 8% Ashe: 15, 15% AurelionSol: 5, 5% Azir: 8, 8% Bard: 4, 4% Blitzcrank: 12, 12% Brand: 9, 9% Braum: 1, 1% Caitlyn: 15, 15% Camille: 1, 1% Cassiopeia: 4, 4% Chogath: 9, 9% Corki: 8, 8% Darius: 8, 8% Diana: 4, 4% DrMundo: 8, 8% Draven: 5, 5% Ekko: 8, 8% Elise: 1, 1% Evelynn: 4, 4% Ezreal: 15, 15% Fiddlesticks: 7, 7% Fiora: 3, 3% Fizz: 6, 6% Galio: 4, 4% Gangplank: 8, 8% Garen: 9, 9% Gnar: 5, 5% Gragas: 2, 2% Graves: 8, 8% Hecarim: 4, 4% Heimerdinger: 8, 8% Illaoi: 7, 7% Irelia: 5, 5% Ivern: 4, 4% Janna: 6, 6% JarvanIV: 6, 6% Jax: 6, 6% Jayce: 4, 4% Jhin: 8, 8% Jinx: 7, 7% Kaisa: 14, 14% Kalista: 1, 1% Karma: 13, 13% Karthus: 3, 3% Kassadin: 3, 3% Katarina: 6, 6% Kayle: 8, 8% Kayn: 1, 1% Kennen: 3, 3% Khazix: 2, 2% Kindred: 12, 12% Kled: 1, 1% KogMaw: 6, 6% Leblanc: 9, 9% LeeSin: 7, 7% Leona: 11, 11% Lissandra: 3, 3% Lucian: 7, 7% Lulu: 3, 3% Lux: 8, 8% Malphite: 3, 3% Malzahar: 9, 9% Maokai: 6, 6% MasterYi: 9, 9% MissFortune: 9, 9% MonkeyKing: 5, 5% Mordekaiser: 6, 6% Morgana: 19, 19% Nami: 8, 8% Nasus: 12, 12% Nautilus: 9, 9% Neeko: 12, 12% Nidalee: 7, 7% Nocturne: 4, 4% Nunu: 4, 4% Olaf: 1, 1% Orianna: 4, 4% Ornn: 8, 8% Pantheon: 4, 4% Poppy: 5, 5% Pyke: 9, 9% Qiyana: 3, 3% Quinn: 6, 6% Rakan: 5, 5% Rammus: 2, 2% RekSai: 3, 3% Renekton: 7, 7% Rengar: 2, 2% Riven: 2, 2% Rumble: 4, 4% Ryze: 6, 6% Sejuani: 1, 1% Senna: 6, 6% Shaco: 5, 5% Shen: 10, 10% Shyvana: 5, 5% Singed: 3, 3% Sion: 4, 4% Sivir: 12, 12% Skarner: 6, 6% Sona: 4, 4% Soraka: 17, 17% Swain: 11, 11% Sylas: 12, 12% Syndra: 5, 5% TahmKench: 5, 5% Taliyah: 4, 4% Talon: 3, 3% Taric: 3, 3% Teemo: 12, 12% Thresh: 12, 12% Tristana: 7, 7% Trundle: 1, 1% Tryndamere: 4, 4% TwistedFate: 4, 4% Twitch: 9, 9% Udyr: 2, 2% Urgot: 8, 8% Varus: 12, 12% Vayne: 9, 9% Veigar: 12, 12% Velkoz: 8, 8% Vi: 2, 2% Viktor: 2, 2% Vladimir: 10, 10% Volibear: 0, 0% Warwick: 7, 7% Xayah: 16, 16% Xerath: 3, 3% XinZhao: 2, 2% Yasuo: 8, 8% Yorick: 6, 6% Yuumi: 10, 10% Zac: 1, 1% Zed: 9, 9% Ziggs: 8, 8% Zilean: 5, 5% Zoe: 11, 11% Zyra: 10, 10% ARAM matches played: 96 
    submitted by /u/reshenerate
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    I have been studying why Tyler1 picked Methapor as his support and this is the facts I found and my conclusion.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    You might think why would Tyler1 pick a jungler as his own support? I thought that too. But it got me curious and made me do research and what I found will rip your heads off.

    I looked up old rivals and found out that Methapor played pretty well especially with Rengar nothing interesting so I kept digging.

    I opened up my well trusted database (opgg) and discovered things that made me lose my mind. I found that Tyler plays IVERN from time to time and Methapor plays Rengar with good mechanics.

    Do you know what this means? Enemy team will ban all Tyler's champs except IVERN.

    It's doomed Rengar and IVERN bot lane. This tournament is finished im done im fucking losing it it's over

    submitted by /u/gencgello
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    +700 Stack Quadra Nasus with new Elder Dragon Excecution Buff

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

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