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    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    LoL Guide Don't give silver players diamond tips. Give them gold tips, wait until those behaviors stick, then worry about the next level.

    LoL Guide Don't give silver players diamond tips. Give them gold tips, wait until those behaviors stick, then worry about the next level.

    Don't give silver players diamond tips. Give them gold tips, wait until those behaviors stick, then worry about the next level.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Hurr durr' "fundaMENTALs" except this time the problem child isn't the s3 katarina main it's the d2 player trying to teach the silver 3 to suddenly boost to his level like that's something you can do with a "gameplay review video".

    So, to reiterate, don't give low-elo players pointers and tips revolving around a high-elo mindset and gamesense. Though existing on the same framework, the soloqueue experience between the two differs so dramatically that teaching bronze-gold to play with a high-elo mindset will leave them struggling to mimic those behaviors, both because they're missing the fundamental backbone that establishes those higher level plays and the fact that they don't have a high-elo team to rely on.

    You have to walk before you can run, so you have to focus on the rudimentary, basic shit before you ever worry about teaching a young S4 about high level macro play. Their lens hasn't zoomed out that far yet, unless maybe they play a global ult champ or a hard roamer. Junglers typically pick up high-elo tips the fastest because they have the most rounded exposure to the map in general, but your solo laners in their hardstuck days are as tunnel-visioned as their lanes themselves. Instead of teaching them the full repertoire of deep vision tactics, maybe start by getting them to reliably ward bushes when pushed up. Instead of trying to teach someone the ins and outs of evaluating a good roam, maybe work on their awareness of where their laner is. Before you show someone how to properly set freezes and when to do so, maybe focus on teaching them the "push past river" rule.

    Rushing someone ahead to the "ideal" behaviors before you give them any of the less than ideal behaviors that created them isn't impossible, but it's much harder for someone in game to focus on making large-scale gameplay corrections when they don't have any of the basic knowledge that builds those habits and strategies. Sure I can tell you how to shoot a target with a sniper rifle from hundreds of meters away with pinpoint accuracy, but if you don't even know how to hold the gun correctly, how on earth can I expect you to use my expertise correctly? (example, i am not a navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills)

    Furthermore, a lot of high elo gameplay and thought processes revolve around having (typically) 3-4 teammates that have the same responsiveness and map awareness that you're trying to teach this new padawan, which in low elo soloqueue is about as common as yasuo hitting his 0/10/0 powerspike. You can't correctly teach your assassin mid player to zone for baron if their jungler is a level 10 amumu powerfarming gromp because top flamed him at the 2 minute mark after he missed his first wrap throw. It's simply not going to pan out, and as a result most of your advice will fall flat, not because of any issue with your advice or even their gameplay, but factors simply outside either of your control. In low elo it's much more critical to get the really simple, braindead things down pat. The stuff that high elo players roll their eyes at thinking "yeah duh dumbass everyone knows that" when in reality, there is a huge population of players that really doesn't know any of that stuff.

    Lastly, lots of high elo tactics and strategies simply don't work in low elo because you're trying to predict what the enemy team wants to do, and you're assuming they're smart and coordinated enough to follow your logic patterns. Using game knowledge to track a jungler's pathing really only work if the enemy jungler *actually knows what his pathing is*. Predicting where the enemy team is moving when you don't have vision only really works if the enemy team is even on the same page. Low elo is chaotic and unpredictable, which is part of the reason why even high elo players can get duped in the land of silver streaks. Ya can't outplay someone stupid enough to completely ignore your reads in favor of doing something entirely different.

    I think there are some streamers and characters that do a really good job of explaining low-elo fundamentals while also acknowleding some high level play tips, mainly SRO I think he does a fantastic job of just walking through everything he does from top to bottom. For the most part though when it comes to smurfs or a lot of the "replay review" channels I see a lot of high elo players "schooling" low elo players by sort of presenting a bunch of factors and things that you couldn't reasonably expect players at their level to be able to do.

    but yeah. Don't try to teach a silver to be a diamond then wonder why your advice isn't sticking.

    submitted by /u/TheLoneRook
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    a message to all adc's from a support main

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:09 PM PST

    trading exists, when a support lands a successful bind/knockup/etc... you don't have to go all in and waste your summoners to try and get a kill

    this is something i see often in lower elos "where i belong :(" whenever i land a knockup on alistar for my adc to get some winning trades in, they keep thinking they should keep going until they get a kill, most of the time they end up killing themselves

    if you see your support landing some good cc, get a bit closer, get some damage and back away before their support does the same, plus minions still do damage, for some reason people don't consider that in a 2vs2 lane and stay around the enemy miniond when trading and get chunked quite hard

    so please from the bottom of my heart, try to trade from time to time, and if you end up dying because of your all ins then at least don't flame your support

    submitted by /u/TheNavyGamer
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    Cheesing Top Is Free LP Until Diamond

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    If you play any of these champions in the top lane, you need to take full advantage of cheese: Olaf, Darius, Riven, Irelia, Vayne

    Disclaimer: I'm only D4 on my main so I can't advertise this working in Dia+, but I can guarantee it works up to at least mid - high plat MMR.

    You ask your mid to help watch top side jungle and then sit in the farthest lane bush closest to the enemy tower. That's literally it. So simple, but I never see anyone trying this against me when they're piloting these champions.

    • On Olaf when they walk up to farm, you land your axe and run them down. I've done this in every single olaf top game I play, plat and below usually don't seem to know how strong Olaf is level 1 and they fight back. Even if they flash away, you can usually catch up because of the slow and 90% it leads to first blood.

    • On Darius, you start W and when your laner walks up to farm you go in, get the auto reset W and walk with them towards their tower. Your passive makes it nearly impossible to lose even while taking minion aggro. You can burn flashes super easily like this / get your laner low, and if they underestimate your damage combined with ghost/ignite it's first blood.

    • On Riven you can wait until minions meet in the middle, then use q's and extend them as long as possible in the bush. Then right after your 3rd q you come out and start autoing the enemy with your passive stacks, and your q coming back up for another strong rotation. I usually only do this on ranged champion matchups like gp/teemo/kennen and if they let you full combo them, its a kill. (Saw this done on Adrian Riven's stream).

    • On Irelia I whittle down the wave as much as possible without last hitting so that they're all ready to q. Then you q them all within enough time to get your ionian fervor and jump on them immediately and auto them to death. It's a pretty surprising amount of damage off the bat, even more so if you can pop their boneplating beforehand.

    • The Vayne cheese isn't so much a cheese as people don't expect you to have much damage Lvl 1 with just tumble. I've first blooded a lot of non-tank champions that keep fighting you not expecting you to just run them down with your passive and q autos.

    • If you start on blue side, you can sit in the tribush with a ton of champions like jax and mini-cheese for some free damage if they walk through there to get to lane.

    These are just the champions I've been trying, I'm sure you can find success with cheesing on other strong Lvl 1 champions like rengar and possibly voli (?). These cheeses pretty much rely on the opposing player not knowing the power of a lvl 1 all in on these champions, or not expecting you to be in the bush. Worst case scenario, they're ready for you to be in the bush and you play the lane out normally. Best case, first blood/summoner spell/free damage. It's not going to work 100% of the time, but it's been working for me across a large number of games.

    submitted by /u/symplr
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    What’s the difference between a gold mid laner and a plat mid laner?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm a jungle main currently playing in the plat 4 mmr. For the new season I want to main mid on my secondary account. I understand that in the jungle, players need to analyze which lane to gank and track the enemy jungler. But how do you define a good mid laner to a bad mid laner in terms of macro?

    I prefer playing control mage instead of assassins. So how do you deal with weak 2v2 scenario in the early game where you can't provide much help to your jungle.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    How I practice League

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    -HI! So I have come up with a training regime that in just 4 days helped me significantly improve my fundamentals of league. It's about 1 hour of practice a day. I have adhd, and have trouble focusing on long training regimes, so I found a time that worked for me. Its 4, 5 minute drills. Then 2, 10 minutes

    Before hand make sure when you load into the game you add a bot (annie is the best one) And open your web browser, and go to a website called loop countdown (https://www.online-stopwatch.com/loop- -countdown) and set the timer to 10 seconds.

    Everytime that timer hits 0 look at the minimap, when you get used to it, you can Lower it to 3-5.

    Drill 1: load into practice tool, go either top or mid (to avoid annie bot) start csing with nothing but autos, and wait until the last second to take it, do this for 5 minutes, or the first 7 waves (reset game)

    Drill 2: reset game (go either top or mid) do the same thing as before, but you can use spells this time

    Drill 3: reset game (go either top or mid) alternate between shoving and freezing,

    Drill 4: go bot lane, where the bot is, and try your best to freeze wave and harass the bot. The bot isn't allowed to go past half health, since they suck.

    The first 7 waves is 44 CS. The goal is to get around 90-95% of it. So 39-41.

    (After this you can end the game)

    Now for the 2 10 minute ones

    Go to a website called aim booster, click on training. Then click on speed. For 10 minutes play this game, it will greatly increase your apm, your movement, and kiting/orb walking. You're going to suck at first, but through repeated playing you slowly improve.

    After the 10 minutes is up. Go to a website called loldodgegame. Play the dodging game, preferred hard difficulty, for either 10 minutes, or you can do 5 minutes dodging, and the other 5 minutes playing their kiting simulation.

    After this you're training is done.

    Now I will say I took inspiration from jeremy on youtube. But I dont have the dedication to do it for 10 hours straight. But I wanted something I could just do once a day, so I shortened it, and added some things.

    (I didnt add this because alot of people dont do it, but for the 10 second beeper, on top of looking at the minimap, I also shift through my f keys. Your f keys allow you to instantly moves your camera to an allies position. It greatly improves your map awarness, and it's way faster than clicking on the minimap to look at something. Make sure you go into settings and unbind yourself from the F keys, and rearrange them to be - F1 F2 F3 F4. Instead of F1 F2 F3 F4 F5.)

    Optional: you can add a 5-10 minute drill practicing a specific mechanic, like ahri e flash, or vaynes e flash, or just kiting, Lee sin ward hoping. You get the point. Just make sure you do it atleast for 5 minutes.

    I hope this was helpful! Peace

    submitted by /u/Mr_Roombastic
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    Master Yi seems OP

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    So I was watching a few cowsep videos because I was bored, and his playstyle interested me so I tried copying him. He takes ignite and builds BR - RB - boots - wits end/DD into defensive items. I don't think most people expect master yi be strong early, but with ignite you pretty much win 1v1s against most junglers. It also helps with towerdives, early ganks etc. His clears are fairly healthy and fast enough, but where he really shines is objective control. Master yi can solo drag early, and if the enemy jg shows up you pop r, kill him with ignite and go back to the drag. Once you start scaling you pretty much one shot drag with e, get the soul and the game's halfway over, not to mention that he can solo baron with 3 items. What do you guys think? Is this strategy only viable in lower elo or can in work in high ranks as well?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    How important is Wave Management?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Im a silver 2 top laner who didn't play much ranked throughout season 9 but I'm looking to make a change for season 10.

    I main champs like Camille,Fiora, and Darius(atleast its not vayne top).

    Basically as I said in the title how important is wave management?

    -Does freezing waves matter? -How do you know when is a good time to recall? -Rotating to help ur jungler or ward cause you don't want to lose a large wave.

    these may be hard to answer in text but any informative video is welcomed^

    -Does it even matter at my rank and will it help with climbing?

    submitted by /u/Stuffv5
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    Can Aery outperform Comet in damage?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Is there ever an instance, or a champion, where Aery could potentially outperform Comet in damage?

    I've been brainstorming, and I suppose it all depends on how frequently a champion can proc each respective damage tick. Aery takes a few moments to return to the player, whereas Comet's CD is reduced by hitting abilities.

    When I compare, I look at a champion like Orianna, who can activate both the defensive and the offensive capabilities of Aery. But Orianna also benefits from Comet as its very simple for a champion like her to consistently procc it and utilize the cooldown benefits.

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    Season 10 Top 5 Junglers for Gold Climbing to Plat?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Hi, I am a Gold Jungler looking to get to Plat this next season. Any advice on junglers I should add or subtract from my arsenal going into Season 10? I'd like to learn 1 or 2 new junglers really well to add to my list.

    Current Core:

    Volibear, Jax, Rammus.

    Solid with but unsure if viable:

    Malphite, Master Yi, Amumu

    submitted by /u/SuntanStan
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    Clearing Jungle and Soloing Drake/Herald, What am I Doing Wrong?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I started playing maybe a month or so ago, and I have become addicted and am excited to learn and become better, however I am having trouble with some things and tutorials haven't been helping me much. For this post, the problem I am hoping to solve is how to jungle effectively without losing HP. Whenever I jungle (Usually using Ekko, sometimes Diana) I seem to take a TON of damage from the jungle camps early game, and have to pot up before moving to the next. But when I watch videos of good junglers, they seem to be able to take them out quick without taking much damage at all, and can just fly through all the camps quickly.

    Here is an example of what I can't seem to do

    When he is hitting the jungle npc's he is running back and forth, is there a reason for this or is that just for looks / fun? He also seems to do way more damage to the Drake / Herald and is able to solo them without taking basically any damage, but when I try, I have to run away or else ill be dead before I even get them to 80% hp. I have this problem even when I have the same items and level as the guy in the video.

    I know there are a bunch of jungler guides out there, but I cant seem to find one that addresses my issue.

    What am I missing / what are some things I should be doing in order to quickly clear jungle camps without losing so much HP? I am currently in practice mode repeatedly trying to get it right but I still cant seem to get it.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Ray_Mang
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    When should I leave TOP LANE to help? When shouldn’t I leave?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:18 AM PST

    Hi all. I'm still a very inexperienced player. I love playing ARAM and I don't cringe at my KDA. I want to play and improve in playing Top Lane. I feel like I get nervous and I just stay top because need to farm and guard tower. I'm not sure am I missing any opportunities. Any feedback is welcomed. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/yunie_c
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    A Few ADC Questions

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:00 PM PST

    Hi there! I am a Diamond ADC main and there are a few questions that have been on my mind lately. I feel like I should know the answers to these rather simple questions, but I just can't get it through my mind. I usually play Jhin, Lucian, and Caitlyn.

    1. I feel like my trading is god awful. I try to do all the correct things for trading and it just never works out. What are some good ways to improve my trading abilities so that I can even compete with my enemy and have a sliver of pressure in the lane.
    2. Following up to the first question, due to poor trading, I end up behind in lane and just can't grasp what I need to do to catch back up. It seems like things are just impossible to recover from. I want to be able to have the knowledge to play from behind and have a plan if that were to happen.
    3. Lastly, farming after lane seems impossible most of the time. I can do very well farming during laning phase, but once mid game hits I start to struggle to keep up with my opposition. Where do I go? I like to think I have a decent understanding of macro play since that is how I managed to break through the Plat 1 barrier. It seems like wherever I look either someone is taking farm there or I can't afford to leave the team to get some gold to hopefully come online and be a champion.

    Sorry if these questions seem kinda basic. I honestly feel a little embarrass about not knowing things like this. All help will mean so much to me. Thank you all, and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Muzzik48
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    How to play with Magical Footwear?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:37 AM PST

    I see often that Boots+Biscuits is a very common secondary rune choice, but I have a hard time understanding why. Every time I take Magical Footwear, I seem to wish I could buy boots off a good early base with a weird amount of gold, or get frustrated that I can't get early boots to aid in dodging skillshots, or if early T2 boots are warranted based on matchups, I can't do that either. Why is Magical Footwear such a common rune choice, and how can I effectively play the early game when I can't access boots?

    submitted by /u/JPAzS71121
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    How to fight Quinn as kat?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Idk if this is a meta or Smth, but recently I've been seeing people counterpick my kat pick with Quinn. For the record, I don't die, but somehow I always seem to be unable to do anything since if i try to push the lane, it ends up with me taking too much damage. However, if I don't push the lane, the Quinn just roAms. Further more, if a jungle comes to camp me, I am forced to either back off to my second turret and gain 0 exp or clear wave under my turret and let Quinn roam. Any way to fight this obnoxious pick?( granted I am terrible at trying to engage a Quinn)

    submitted by /u/Meanakushi
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    Control vs assassin/sustain

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Gold 2 player here. I've been flexing between assassin's in the mid (akali, zed) but I've been also gravitating to a control/battle mage recently (Viktor) because I really enjoy the kit and he is just so damn fun. I seem to be having issues dealing with assassin's and mages in my lane as Viktor. If I'm against a Vlad I feel like I can never poke b/c he will just sustain and when I'm against assassin's they just gap close and abuse my shitty early game once they lvl 2 spike. How can I compensate for that? I understand how wave manipulation is important against assassin's (I just don't know how to execute it) and against mages or sustain champs (vlad, Cho- which is terrible, etc) I just can't hold them off until "possibly" late game. Any tips for this low all boi?

    submitted by /u/apollard810
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    Question about Tabis VS empowered AAs and anti crit+sustain items combined

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Does the Ninja Tabis passive reduce the onhit damage of Nasus', Yorick's, Draven's (etc.) empowered AAs? Or do they just reduce the base AA damage and apply the ability (and Sheen proc) damage entirely without the 12% mitigation? Not taking the bonus/total armor into account, just the passive of Tabis.

    And another unrelated question: is Randuin's and Thornmail good against heavy AD, crit, and sustain teams? (On tank champions ofc) I know the reduced AS onhit passive doesn't stack, but sometimes I feel like GW, Tabis, and Randuin's on a tank like Ornn are absolutely necessary to shut down a team with Olaf, Yasuo, and Jinx all at once. If you think it's too big of a waste combining the two items, which would you recommend instead?

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Entrooyst
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    Protobelt on Nunu?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Im having a lot of fun with Nunu and Willump, probably my favorite jungle champion. One of my friends has been telling me to build Protobelt after I finish cinderhulk, which I get gives health and AP, what nunu scales with, plus mobility and CDR, something nunu needs, but I really like building merc treads into Dead Mans after Cinderhulk.

    What do you guys suggest I do?

    submitted by /u/Hawaiian_Shirt12
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    I need help CSing as a fizz mid laner.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Long post because I don't want general advice here as I'm not a new player. I wanna give an exact picture of where I am currently and what I do and don't know:

    I'm a diamond 3 top laner who made the switch recently to fizz mid due to my champs becoming utterly obsolete to the game the last year or so. I'm sick of being a disadvantage to my team before the game even starts because of the role and champ I enjoy, but thankfully I really enjoy fizz too it turns out.

    Started an alt and started practicing right away, I so far have a 75% winrate over 40 games with fizz, and a 6.88 averaged KDA across those games, currently in plat but obviously going to climb a bit higher with that 75% winrate. I feel like it's going amazing so far, I been able to carry my team through some impossible circumstances (AFK's, everyone going 1/7, you name it) just by playing slow and steady with fizz, something that would never be possible on my trash tier top champs now that teleport is garbage and you get hard-punished for roaming and playing the real macro game due to turret plating (cool right?).

    However with all that salt out of the way and now that you know where I currently stand in elo, there's one issue which I know is going to cause me huge problems as I climb further: my CS skills. Leagueofgraphs rates me high on everything except CS. Mobalytics rates me as perfect on everything (top 0.03% of players) for every major area except farming where I farm below average for fizz.

    I feel like its one of 2 major weakness thats going to stop me from climbing at some point and crash my great winrate so I wanna fix it in advance. First weakness is the fact that I don't know by heart how much damage I'm going to exactly do to who yet and which matchups need to be played which way, but that's something that will come on its own as I keep spamming fizz. CSing however I am just at a loss for. I been watching challenger fizz games to try and take note how they roam without losing tons of cs and tower health but I'm just not getting it. To me they're roaming the same times I would and missing out on CS too. Since I don't know what they're thinking its hard to notice whats different. I always end up with a major cs disadvantage. It gets mitigated by the fact I'm getting kills, but just imagine what I can do if I had gold from both like all the good players manage to do so well instead of trading 1 for the other like a noob.

    I know a few things so far:

    1) always going to have to give up lots of early cs before you have trade potential at 3 and 6, something that I been doing fine so far

    2) I know basics like hard shove the last wave before cannon wave when recalling

    and yeah thats pretty much it. Every time I roam I'm punished big time with cs missed and enemies getting plate, and I cant always time it properly since important fights break out I always feel like i need to run over to ASAP to start snowballing and save my team.

    I've tried the korean method of rushing mobility boots for all my early roams but its such a lack of damage early on and makes it hard to take kills for myself or hold my own ground. Still open to try it a few more times.

    submitted by /u/FunFault4
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    How do i deal with marksmen top?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    When I play someone like tryndamere, I usually get faced against someone like quinn or senna. Senna just zones me out of exp range and getting on top of her just lands me with a point blade root and running away with her free movespeed steal. If i can't rely on help from my team, is beating her possible? Or any marksman honestly? I'm sick of facing this scummy lane.

    submitted by /u/KiroLegend27
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    Lethal tempo with heavy AD on Caitlyn?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I know the standars build is fleet footwork, but I was wondering what people think about lethal tempo? I take bloodline/biscuits and feel like thats more than enough sustain to make it out of lane since Caitlyn trades so well. I feel like the lethal tempo makes trading in lane much stronger since you can hit them with a q then walk up to get a few autos off in the time they get one off or are just running.

    With lethal tempo I also usually go Stormrazor->Boots->IE->ER. This is 700g more expensive than the standard build with rfc/pd but this makes her head shots hit for a ton(!!!!!), and with lethal tempo in teamfights you do much more damage with the three AD items. I almost never see Caitlyn with that build so was just wondering what people thought about it.

    submitted by /u/fscottfitzgerry
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    Need help on jungle!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:05 PM PST

    So here's the thing. I've been playing Jax a few games now and I think I'm pretty decent on my clear. I was able to kill the enemy jungler on they're blue or red side after hitting level 3 or 4 I think. But a few minutes past I see my team 1 or 2 levels higher than me but I knew I cleared my red, blue and know to counter gank but I still fell short, what did I do wrong? ( I'm new to jungle role so pls dont flame me UwU )

    submitted by /u/Izaya101
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    Is Sivir a worth while investment?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I'm unranked, mostly played support (Zyra, Alistar, Sona) so far but I've been wanting to play ADC for a while now. I've tried a few AD carries so far, and found that I like Sivir the most out of those that I've so far tried, I love the damage she can deal and how quick she can slaughter the little freeloading minions. I'd like to know, however, if she's a worth while investment of my time to learn, or if I should find another character to play instead. I'm not the most experienced ADC, so I'd figure I'd ask the experts first.

    submitted by /u/IoTheGreat
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    Naut jungle?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    So I restarted the game in the preseason from s5 era. I played naut jungle a lot in 3 and 4 but mainly played adc.

    When i get support roles i play naut currently but i main jungle and i am gold 3 currently. I know the jungle does not appeal to slower clearing tanks but is the ganking potential of naut enough to make up for it in this meta or will it be such a bad pick its not reasonable to play to anymore?

    submitted by /u/durrellzz
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