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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Players can be "fed" without having a ton of kills

    LoL Guide Players can be "fed" without having a ton of kills

    Players can be "fed" without having a ton of kills

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:44 AM PST

    I always end up with players in games who are 50 or more cs up on their lane opponents. So many times, that person is 0/0/0 and 90 CS at 10 minutes versus the other laner who is also 0/0/0 and 45 CS at 10 minutes.

    So many people think that just not giving away kills makes sure that nobody gets fed, but that's really not true. I play a lot of Ornn, and if I get out of lane up 30 or more CS, I would say I am fed. It is possible to be fed without anyone feeding.

    I just feel that many people think kills are the only way to measure power levels when CS is generally a better way to determine who is strong and who is not.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Don't walk straight to your tower or afk in the fountain,help your jungler and team get early vision.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I think this is something we all know, yet still don't do. I'm in low plat elo and it's rare that I see all 4 other players come out of the fountain and cover all the entrances to the jungle. I think people underestimate the power of that early vision in my elo and lower. Too many times I have been invaded with no backup or successfully invaded the enemy because no one was there to get vision. We all kind of assume that they won't invade.

    I think this season it's more important than in previous seasons since your jungler can end up 2, 3 or even 4 levels behind in a game where no one invaded. Imagine how much of a set back it is for your jungler to be 3 buffed in the beginning. Now you can't really expect ganks or much jungle control after this unless played right. But how tilted would you be after 2 minutes into the match you're already behind?

    I can't stress enough how helpful that early vision is. Please don't afk in the fountain or run straight to your tower. Help not only your jungler, but your team spot those early invades so that your team isn't already a step behind the other.

    submitted by /u/Strange_Confidence
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    If you go into a game talking shit about people in your last game, you're queuing up to lose.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    If you start a lobby with 4 people you've never played with before, bitching and moaning about the last game you played, or how you're having bad luck, or how this game sucks, or how you always get bad team mates -- just hit alt+f4.

    Your mental is fucked. You're queuing to lose. Your shitty garbage attitude is going to carry into your decision making and overall play, you're going to play like shit, and you're going to drag 4 other people down with you.

    Just take a break. Take a breath. Go do a lap around the block. Do some push ups, browse reddit for a little while. Watch a movie. Make lunch, grab a snack. Do SOMETHING other than league for 30-45 minutes.

    You're tilted, and you should never play when you're tilted. Ever.

    You ever go on 5-6 game loss streaks for this, that, and the other reason? "My team afk'd" "My bot lane fed" "Everyone sucks but me"

    THIS is why. You're playing when your attitude is shitty.

    Stop it. (Slaps your hand) NO.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Ultimate matchup library.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:22 AM PST

    Hey. I am working on a website that will allow players to quickly and easily search matchup for any champion.

    And I need your help. If you have a list with matchups for your main, send me a link, it would really help my project.

    When user searches for matchup, they will get a list of tips and some extra info. (It can be a video, advice, runes, item build, anything.)

    And I already have a demo for Quinn-Darius matchup, if you wanna see how it will work.

    submitted by /u/btvoidx
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    50 tips to help you climb ranked in Season 10!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Hey guys, Josh from Blog of Legends here ready to help you guys all get ready for the Season 10 climb! We have a new post up today with a bunch of tips for players at all elos and positions that can help improve your ranked gameplay next season. This is just a (very) brief start to the gameplay guides we want to start doing more of this season. All of these tips were taken from sources like the main League subreddit, Summoners School, streamers, Youtube guides, and the like and it's organized into sections.

    Feel free to provide any feedback or ideas for other types of guides/tips you'd like to see! We're hoping to put out a lot more strategy/guide-type content this week for the start of the season so stay tuned!


    submitted by /u/PGP_Josh
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    Double/Triple Doran’s

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Title basically. Sometimes I see double, or even triple Doran's Ring or Blade. Never Shield though. I see that people do this strat when ahead OR behind, so why do people do it and what is the purpose? When do I get double or triple? Is it worth doing it or is it just a waste of money? Please help me figure it out.

    submitted by /u/Pingukii
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    How do I apply pressure early ?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    I decided to pick lee up again after watching a few chinese lee clips, im decent at the basic combos but I need help when it comes to applying pressure early on. I know lee fall off late, so I am constantly pressured to apply pressure on the map, especially against comps with late game carries.

    This is where my problem comes, how to I increase the pace of the game ? here are some of my questions

    do I just ignore my side of the jungle and start ganking as soon as I hit level 3 ?

    how hard should I be forcing gangs ?

    do I just force early dragons or something ?

    I shouldnt just be sitting back and waiting for an opportunity to present itself right ?

    submitted by /u/Barrels_
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    What do you think is missing from the current suite of online LoL tools?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:36 AM PST

    I am interested in your opinions, as I am going to be taking on a web development project and I would like people to actually use it.

    This definitely doesn't HAVE to be a big idea, I am thinking about making a site that contains simple and fast loading web pages, as much of the current stat sites load 100s of images per page and hefty ads.

    submitted by /u/JustABallaG
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    This is a repeating topic but I just found old patch answers for this. How to lane against Morder, Illaoi and Nasus nowadays?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:27 AM PST

    Hi, I am trying to improve on toplane and I never can play well against those 3 champions. They seem too OP for me and I if I don't pick them I will definitely loose which makes the game be so boring, I can't pick the champions I find cool and like the kit because they can't beat those 3 beasts. At the moment I feel like stop playing the game if I don't switch lane.

    Mordekaiser: Whenever he hits an E he can almost for sure hit an Q with magic penetration, this surely hurts a lot and if he hits an AA in sequence he will melt me half of my health in a instant with this combo plus passive. I get that if I stay into the minion wave his Q will be less powerfull but it is not like I can stay forever inside a minion wave. As soon as he gets lvl 6 the lane is over.

    Illaoi: Same as morderkaiser, I can't get hit by a single E without loosing half my health. The game can't be just about dodging E to not loose, I can't scape all of them. If I try to fight back I take double damage by the spirit and the direct hit on me. After lvl 6 is over, and she can penta kill the team if they try to gank. The only way to win the trade is if I try to bait out her ult and engage later when i am able to dodge her E, if I managed to kill all the tentacles around, and I am health enough and are not in high level disadvantage to fight back after so many Es before. So many conditions.

    Nasus: Ok, he is not so opressive as the other 2 at start. But wtf is this champion late game. He can just crush everyone and even if I play denying him early he will eventualy outscale unless I get one of the other lane abusers. He ignores tower damage after 6.

    I feel that playing the game at the moment is just too unfun if I don't want to play those champions. Not to mention the Ranged ones, which are another topic. I will end up just picking akali forever to be able to run away from them faster or just to keep hiding on the smoke.

    submitted by /u/vexkov
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    What should I do when I have a bad start?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I'm very new to the game and I've tried expanding my champion pool a little bit, but every time I play I end up going 0-3 in lane and start feeling really discouraged. Is there a way to come back from this? I started off playing jungle with Master Yi and I am not terrible with him, but besides that I can't play any champ with success. Last night I played three games, total spread was something like 6-33-5... I want to get better and I know I'm making mistakes somewhere but hitting a bad start demoralizes next for the rest of the game.

    Also I definitely get tilted by chat, but I dislike turning it off because I ask a lot of questions during dead time. It's my best way to communicate for now until I learn how to tag certain things with intent. My least favorite thing is when teammates ping my location with question marks. I know I'm bad but I need constructive criticism, not a roast session.

    submitted by /u/xBrayJay
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    ADC item rationality; what core items to buy and when?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    I play a lot of Jinx and Cait. I was buying things in a fixed order (IE > small boots > Runaan's > Berserker's > AS Item > GA) but changed recently and this has seriously improved my win rates but I still feel there are holes im my choices. What items do you buy, when and why?

    Right now I start out building IE or Stormrager depending on what I see as efficient item choices on my first 2 backs. I've been taking Runaan's Hurricane when I have opertunity to clear jungle camps for faster clears, RFC when poke range is needed and I may complete boots before or after this point but I'm not really sure when I should be doing this.

    Please help me improve my itemisation.

    [EDIT: Game I just played I had IE > Phantom Dancer > Berserker's > Stormrager. When I backed I had 3800 so I just bought another IE, is this bad?]

    submitted by /u/chetmanleysbrother
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    Please help me grow/better my list of things to improve on!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Hello everyone, and thanks for taking the time to read my post. I decided to pick up soloq during preseason to get a feel of soloq. I've only played a few games so far. I'm making it a goal to play constantly, unless I feel tilted. I'm Silver 2, but I'm afraid that I might be getting stuck. I've decided to play only Soraka and Nami, my 2 best champs.

    I know I should probably be working on EVERYTHING, as I'm silver 2, but I thought it would be more efficient to focus on a few things at a time.

    I'm working on a list of things I need to pay extra attention to:

    Jungle tracking

    Warding (I ward jungle entrances and exits as well as drag pit)

    Positioning in lane (I watched CoreJJ's video about it and it was really helpful)

    I have a lot of trouble positioning during teamfights. I also have trouble when we get flanked.

    I'm planning on watching a few of my vods later on.

    I notice that when I ward to try to track the jungler, I often get caught and often killed. Should I only be warding when I know for sure where the jungler is?

    What else do you think a silver 2 player would best benefit from?

    My playstyle:

    I'll basically q and auto as Soraka whenever I can. I only heal my adc if he is below half-health, as a rule of thumb.

    I use e defensively, or very rarely to secure a kill.

    Am I doing this correctly? Is there anything I should change?

    I take barrier and flash always on Soraka.

    I understand the SUPPORT matchups on Soraka, as I have been playing her for a while now. However, I think I need to work on respecting different ADC's limits and powerspikes.

    Thank you SO much for reading my post. Here is my op.gg:


    submitted by /u/DaifukuP
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    Why don't I have fun in ranked ?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Hi. So basically I've played Lol in normal draft until I get to lvl 30. I mained Singed all the time because I think he is a very fun champ, and can heavily snowball. Then I went in ranked, and saw that my MMR was Gold IV-II, certainly because I won almost always in normal. But when I play ranked it's not fun anymore. First you can get hardcountered a lot in top lane, and my 2 first matchup were basically that, so I learned how to play Ornn, because he doesnt have very hard counter and now I feel forced to play him if ennemy toplaner picks after me. But even if I play Singed, if I want to win, most of the time the only thing I have to do is just to wait under my turret for 10 minutes, because else I could give a kill to my toplaner and then once slightly more fed he just wrecks me even under my turret. Like how is it supposed to be fun ? I dont find AFK farming fun, so I can not even resist but to proxy or to attack my ennemy top, and depending on the matchup it can just end very badly. I'm not playing LOL only to afk farm for 10 minutes each time someone decides to play Darius, Aatrox or Illaoi.

    Also, I feel like teammates are playing a lot more selfish than in normal. For example, when I play Ornn I love to engage, CC and see my team killing every airborne foes, and it works very well. But in ranked, (and like gold elo so not the worst elo), each time I tank and CC the ennemy ADC, my team just fall back and let me alone, without any damage done. Like they dont want to take a single, even calculated risk, and so they end up flaming me for the whole game.

    Basically while I have fun in normal, even when I was inting hard, in ranked I can not figure out how I could find the same fun because teammates are selfish and playing ultra safe and nobody want to have fun (How do you have fun playing a champ like Illaoi except by the joy of winning ?). I could only play in normal, but the competitive aspect looked exciting for me, and motivated me to reach lvl 30, but now I feel like I will just stop playing lol because it's not fun anymore, even when winning.

    EDIT : skipped some lines

    submitted by /u/A0Zmat
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    QTPie playing Veigar as APC bot

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I see QT has been playing a ton of Veigar as an APC in the bot lane and not supp. Is this viable? Or only something he can get away with bc he's well, much better than me. Normally it's not great to take mages in a duo lane bc they scale with levels, but Veigar passive is where his scaling comes from. So is it viable?

    submitted by /u/goku332
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    Looking For Unconventional Picks

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Hey guys has this game been getting stale for you?

    It has been for me and my friend who play together a lot.

    One way on how we get rid of this is playing stuff that isn't played a lot botlane that has potential to work(in norms of course).

    So far veigar with a stun support seems pretty strong( Véigâr v2 in challenger elo that got there by maining it)

    Also yuumi + wukong is also very enjoyable(donghuap made a video on it recently)

    Have you guys been running anything else? Honestly it doesn't have to be bot. Me and my friend are just getting burnt out on the game and are looking for ways to enjoy it again.Cheers

    submitted by /u/WarioFanBoy
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    am i the wrong one?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    i'm plat 4 and i just played a ranked game, i searched mid/adc and got Adc, no big deal, as we had an AD top, an AD Mid and an AD Jungler, i picked Zoe (my main) as ADC, obviously building AP, my support said - Zoe Adc? and insta locked caitlyn in the game all my teammates flamed my for not having an support, as i bought dorans ring and cait bought doran blade, i ended up getting fb and carried the shit out of this cait, and as my darius also stomped their malzahar it was an easy victory, but then i started wondering, should i have picked an actual adc or i was right in picking an ap champ?

    submitted by /u/nexthi1709
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    Assassin and splitpusher is the best duoQ IMO

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:14 AM PST

    I love roaming and ganking. The champions I play the most are stuff like Talon, Fizz and Qiyana. If I get my offrole (jungle) I play Ekko, Kayn and Jarvan.

    I have had about 60-70%wr playing these champs, however after I started playing with a friend who mainly plays Fiora my wr has been insane.

    Together we have played 15 games over 2 days and only lost one.

    I think the main reason why this works so well is that we help with eachothers biggest weaknesses. My biggest weakness is that I have a hard time closing the game, getting inhibitors and stuff like that. While his biggest weakness is that he can't affect stuff like dragon or overall map pressure early game.

    I am not an expert league player, but after I started playing with him we have had an insane winrate and I wanted to share my experience.

    submitted by /u/feelsbetterman
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    Countering Zyra Support

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:19 AM PST

    I've been having issues playing against Syria recently. I played one game against her as bard after she got 2nd pick and she straight up bullied me from being able to do anything. So the next time around I locked in alistar but it just got worse.

    How in the world does the mage support counter alistar? Did I just play it completely wrong or is there nothing that can be done?

    submitted by /u/GizoIt
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    Best way to position yourself to remount while playing Kled

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Kled for a long time has been a champ I wanted to learn. He seems tremendously difficult to deal with but same goes for learning him. I understand he's strong early game and I try to play it that way but when I try to push for an early game all in I get dismounted and cant find my way back. One tip I got is to save my W because it's ciritical to get my courage back, however there is not much control over this ability, when you attack and its available it goes off. Any tips to always put myself in an optimized position to remount?

    From what I understand Kled is good for those long engagements because of his passive and I am really struggling to master it.

    submitted by /u/lolRoz1
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    I'm not sure what to do.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST

    I am stuck as to what to do next. I know my csing needs major work, map awareness and game knowledge/game sense. I went from Iron 3 to peak Bronze 1 50 lp the last month of season 9. I'm currently sitting in Bronze 2. I constantly change champions almost every game, but this season I've decided on 3, Diana/Kassadin/Orianna. Also, Ive never made it past bronze in my 7 years of playing this game, and it's because of all the reasons I mentioned and then some.

    TL:DR: I would like to know, besides improving cs, where I should focus on improving and with said champions.

    submitted by /u/DemonicNord
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