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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    LoL Guide Playing easier champions

    LoL Guide Playing easier champions

    Playing easier champions

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Most high elo streamers/pro players have great mechanics, but sometimes you see outliers like Trick2g, Foggedftw2, Cowsep or Sirchez who play mechanically easier champs at higher ranks. Does this mean that easy champions are perfectly viable in any elo from iron to challenger, or that the players themselves are extremely talented enough to make it work? I personally don't have the time to learn new champions and was wondering if I could climb to at least plat this season by solely improving my game knowledge/macro. Is it possible when I only started playing league last year?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    A few days ago I posted a Nami coaching video that went super in-depth wich you all enjoyed. This time, I take you into MY mind and display exactly how to carry lower elo games as enchanters through proper Roaming and macro techniques (Timestamps included!)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Hello everyone, ya boi #2pinks every back enverOwnz here :) So the other day I posted that nami coaching vid which broke down the many mistakes that lower elo players make. Many people struggle with carrying games in low elo as an enchanter with the excuse that "you don't do damage", or "you're too team reliant." etc... I was asked to create a video on this so I took my Janna into a lower elo (silverish/gold?) to demonstrate exactly the way you should be playing in order to carry your teammates to victory.

    Link to full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUaKgC23zRg

    Now, this isn't like those videos where it's just me smashing the enemy, I am literally showing you HOW to play like those smurfs you see in your games who utterly destroy their enemies. It's not like a diamond smurf just has some magical armor rune or takes his diamond damage that riot gave them to carry a game. There is a reason smurfs are able to do what they do and hopefully, this video going through my thought process and explaining everything out can demonstrate how to play like a smurf in your own elo.

    Enchanters are NOT I repeat, NOT supposed to be played passively, you should NEVER be behind your adc or team especially in lane. It is YOUR job to poke the enemy out NOT your adc's period. If your adc does poke then that's a bonus.

    However, the most important takeaway from this is understanding how important it is to roam. 6:40 - 7:42 illustrates how by roaming at this exact time I am not wasting a single moment, it is physically impossible for my adc to ever die and I am able to prevent a gank from happening saving not only my teammate but in return getting a kill instead all in the time that my adc is walking back to lane. Roaming works on EVERY champion no matter what, there are always opportunities to roam where your adc simply cannot die. I NEVER get flamed for roaming but at the same time, i'm only in the lane for about 40% of the time. Why? because I roam at the proper times and being able to spot those opportunities in your own games will really help in climbing.

    Another aspect is positioning in teamfights, I can't stress how important it is as an enchanter that you play BETWEEN your team NOT behind them, you MUST weave in auto attacks between each ability, there are ALWAYS pockets for you to stand in where you wont get hit but at the same time able to reach each of your teammates as well as the enemies. Pay attention to how I position myself in both fights and skirmishes, I never sit behind my team.

    Here you all go with the important timestamps :) Again, I really hope this helps some of you all out in your season 10 ranked climb! If you guys enjoyed this and would like me to make more of these with different champions please let me know below!

    0:00 - quick little Intro to whats happening

    0:26 - Optimal Janna runes

    1:41 - getting level 1 poke

    1:54 - pushing for level 2 and its importance ADCS PLEASE USE SUMS BE CONFIDENT

    6:27 - Why crash the wave into the tower


    7:13 - 7:42 - how to predict and prevent ganks just by having presence from your roam (IMPORTANT)

    9:16 - constantly getting your poke and dodging abilities


    10:02 - Another roam opportunity which ends in a kill

    10:29 - USE YOUR SUMS to SAVE TEAMMATES always pay attention to surroundings

    10:57- CHANGE YOUR BUILD ORDER BASED ON STATE OF GAME (why redemption first here)

    11:26 - How to properly flank and land nados more accurately

    12:10 - Another ROAM and

    12:44 WHY your ADC will never flame you and then easily ganking your OWN lane

    13:43 - pep talk on roams

    14:20 - PATHING DIAGONALLY from base to go to pick where you will go next

    16:14 - Pay attention to my positioning this fight and DONT over chase, weave in your auto attacks and play BETWEEN your team NOT behind them.

    17:20 - 17:58 how to force your team to followup without typing but using pings and positioning


    19:34 - 19:57 - Waiting and chaining cc and why it's important to hold onto your abilities

    20:00 - how to get DEEP vision WITHOUT dying

    22:15 - more about optimal building

    22:55 - how to get people to group, works 100% every time

    23:44 - playing confidently and understand the fights you can take


    28:20 - Wait out abilities don't be impatient and you'll get kills

    29:57 - damage graphs and wards

    Any feedback is appreciated good or bad! As always I am open to discussion or any questions you guys may have! :)

    submitted by /u/enver0wnz
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    Help getting out of Iron - What did I build Wrong

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    So I played a duo queue game with my brother cause he kept losing and we went adc/supp. I haven't played league since like 2015 so I don't really remember items and such. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=rspect This is the game we played last night and I was getting my ass beat by nasus, swain, and warwick. In teamfights I struggled to do damage and I didn't feel confident winning a 1v1 against any of them. I had items and gold but my damage was not good. Tips to help me and my bro climb out of iron/bronze and what to build on Lucian. I realize now I probably should've bought GA or some other defensive item also some armor reduction stuff but I don't know which items are good. Also is blitz/lucian even a good combo bot?

    submitted by /u/FogInTheBog
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    How do I play Annie at a higher elo ?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Ive played Annie for a while and I'm still at a point where I get many kills and I don't struggle too much. My problem is the fact that I'm scared that when I eventually get to a point where Annie is difficult to play because her simplicity is so detectable that it's easy to counter her. 1) is this true and and 2) does anyone have any tips to play her an a higher elo ( I'm sorry if this sounds ridiculous or stupid but I'm scared that playing her will just become overwhelmingly difficult as I reach higher elos)

    submitted by /u/cryoconjurer
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    The How and Why of Laning Bot lane (ADC). My guide to setting up the wave and playing vs different lane types.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST


    I know it's a little long but I think it is reasonable given the amount of information. Any guide going forward would be 10 minutes or less. I made this guide to teach players how to set up their wave according to what type of bot lane they are playing.

    submitted by /u/Drengar
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    What is the best way to use my lead as a Toplaner?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    This is undoubtedly the biggest issue I'm having as a player right now. I can usually get lane leads on champions like Ornn but I don't know how to best use that lead and actually close out games. What are the best ways to use a lead as a toplaner besides grabbing Herald with my jungler? Should I be trying to make plays mid and then look for dragon?

    submitted by /u/CLG-Rampage
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    Ranged top lane is not an instant win- How to win vs one

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Quinn main, here.

    Ranged top lane is an annoying lane for many, yes, but it is not a guarantee they will win every single lane phase. Especially in low elo's, mistakes are going to be made. The teemo, quinn, vayne, etc. will eventually get cocky and do something they shouldn't. That is when you strike. Learning to capitalize on mistakes is the easiest way to begin beating ranged top laners.

    Here's a list of a few things I've found through many a game as a Quinn and Teemo main. (ik, ik, I am the definition of cancer)

    1. Focus on their primary ability.
      1. Any ranged top lane that I can think of right now has one ability that makes them so strong. Quinn, for example, has her E to leap away whenever you get too close. This is incredibly tilting at first, until you realize that her E is on a 12 sec cooldown level 1, and she wont upgrade it during lane, so it's ALWAYS 12 sec early. Save your champs combo until she uses her E offensively, and if you can get onto her, its an easily won trade.
      2. For Teemo, his Q is also the obvious main ability he relies on. The cd is 8 sec early, and usually they wont max it. Overall, finding that one ability on any ranged top lane and then playing around it's cooldown is a great way to begin to do MUCH better in these situations.
    2. Give them wave priority
      1. Over half the games I play in gold/silver, I find that most people just run into the wave to farm, and try to shove it in, all the while getting wrecked in health. If you do this, you'll be below 50% HP before you even hit lvl 3.
      2. Instead, you need to understand they will poke you out. You can often stay close to your tower, and wait for them to waste their primary ability before running them down, now having the entire lane to do so.
      3. Another obvious reason to let them push you in is that if your jg is smart, it is free and easy ganks. any sort of cc hit on a ranged top will, if not end in a kill, end in a blow of flash-- transferring to a kill a few minutes later.
    3. Just chill, everything is ok.
      1. Just because they get first blood on you in an early game duel they only won because they got level 2 first doesn't mean the lane is over. A ranged top can get easily fed, but a bruiser in that matchup can easily come back and wreck. Mistakes are crucial in these matchups, and there are usually atleast a half dozen mistakes you can eventually learn to capitalize on that the ranged top will make through lane.
      2. If you hate going against these types of champs, and only have that one ban that you can use, it helps to realize that you aren't going to win ahead of time. I personally don't think it is a bad thing to go into a game thinking "It is going to be near impossible for me to win lane, so the best I can do is play safe and just chill under tower".
      1. A solid 30% of matches I end up winning as Quinn, my opposing laner ran dorans blade or some other offensive starter item, and therefor have no sustain in lane. A garen, Jax, Trynd (especially Trynd) and most bruisers in lane that run dorans blade, and only farm when it is SAFE, can easily go without dying in lane and only be down 10-15 cs.
    submitted by /u/cdevaney66
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    How do you lane against xerath mid?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    I have a 0 procent win rate against xeraths. He just pokes me down with his massive range. I try and sidestep his qs, but those few that he land will still get me low because of how much damage they do. His push is insane, he has infinite mana. I cannot trade with him because I cannot reach him. I often try asking junglers for help but they seem to be helpless agaisnt him too most of the time.

    I tried finding his weakness out by playing him myself, and then I got camped under my tower by enemy jungler shaco. Is his only weakness in lane enemy jungler? If so what do I do when my jungler is useless?

    submitted by /u/NotSoSuperHero2
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    Aphelios beginner Guide !

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Aphelios Guide

    Hey guys,

    Hello, I'm CalQina, a EUW Masters Jhin main with around 2 million mastery points spread across all of my accounts. I peaked at Masters 180LP in Season 9 and ended in D1 due to me losing interest in the game, thus decaying out of Masters.

    I came back to playing the game actively again once Aphelios got released as I found it refreshing to play someone who is a lot more in depth than Jhin.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them below.

    Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the guide !

    submitted by /u/CalQIna
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    New habit forming trick I found from reading a book that's useful for me in Solo-Queue

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    From the book, Atomic Habits, there's a great passage about "pointing and calling", basically a technique train conductors and engineers in other highly technical jobs use in order to not make mistakes while on the job.

    I found that playing league I can use the same ideas to my advantage to make sure my mind stays completely aware on the current situations, and make sure the actions I am speaking aloud are things that I actually want to do, and not things my brain has been incorrectly trained to do over time.

    Key here is that you aren't embarassed to speak aloud while you are playing. You can do this while recording your game and then check back after the game to realize that certain callouts are right and others may be off or completely wrong. So you mark a 'plus' or 'negative' to each action you called out depending on if it was a good choice or not.

    • Leashed jungle level 1 +
    • Went safe route because of enemy cheese possibility +
    • Hit enemy champions (supposed to push for level 2) -
    • Freeze the lane if I'm in control +
    • Recall to base after killing enemy 3v2 (Did not get free dragon) -

    Here is the passage in quotes:

    "Pointing-and-Calling is so effective because it raises the level of awareness from a nonconscious habit to a more conscious level. Because the train operators must use their eyes, hands, mouth, and ears, they are more likely to notice problems before something goes wrong.

    The more automatic a behavior becomes, the less likely we are to consciously think about it. And when we've done something a thousand times before, we begin to overlook things. We assume that the next time will be just like the last. We're so used to doing what we've always done that we don't stop to question whether it's the right thing to do at all. Many of our failures in performance are largely attributable to a lack of self-awareness."

    submitted by /u/mememagic420420
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    Popping guardian rune when Mordekaiser is in his ult

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:22 AM PST

    I noticed the other day that when Mordekaiser ults someone, and you have the guardian rune equipped, you can stand near your teammate in his ult to pop it and give him a shield while they are in his ult.

    I wonder if this also happens with other runes/spells and if this is a feature or a bug?

    submitted by /u/bverhaar
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    Kai'sa Neewbie with questions.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:52 AM PST

    So, I just picked up Kai'sa (Gold 1) and I had heard a buncha stuff about her being hard to learn and play but being super rewarding, my kinda champ, but I was wondering if people are just bullshitting.

    She feels like an easier vayne with way less risk.

    I realize that I sound like I'm coming off as a dickhead who is bragging but I wanna get better at her but I dunno what to focus on.
    She feels super safe so my CS is always good.

    Itemization is usually just look up a guide.

    What should I max first? I've been maxing Q first because it seems to just blow any squish the fuck up.

    I wanna keep playing her but like, is the skill floor for her just very low with a super high skill ceiling or?

    submitted by /u/KyoSempai
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    How to play from behind in Jungle? Was Plat4 in preseason, looking for tips to reach higher rank this season

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I am a rengar main who one tricked him for a couple of months until I was able to get plat 4 in preseason on one of my smurf account. I usually stomp games when my early game lvl 3 invades work out, or if my laners have prio to rotate for early game skirmishes. I understand the concept of tracking enemy jungle, counter ganking and counter jungle. Have a decent win rate (67%), currently placed in silver II.

    However, I've always struggled to play from behind. It's difficult to play with teammates who lock in scaling champs with no CC such as kayle, Vlad and Gangplank. And if I am playing against a jungle who is really good at 1v1, I am forced to play passive since the success rate of counter ganking is low. Yes I can always go for counter jungle whenever the enemy jungle is on the other side, but the amount of exp you get from a successful gank is so much more than three jungle camps.

    That's why I am wondering, for those of you who are able to carry through plat to diamond with high winrate in the jungle. What's your mindset when playing against comps that counter you and your teammates are playing late-game scaling champs. What's your focus in the early game to keep you and your team in the game until your teammates start to do damage?

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    Climbing out of bronze

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Hi everybody! i've been spamming soloq for more than a week now and I've been struggling in a lot of games to get late and being in a good spot to take the victory for our team. My main roles are support and jungle (I prefer support cause it has been my main role from the start). Most of the time, when I pick nautilus or rakan support I feel powerless: let's say I manage to land a good combo with Rakan flash + R + W and we get a kill on the lane phase from it. I keep trying to zone the enemy adc from cs and meanwhile our top and jg have died 2-3 times up there, making the game extremely difficult in the early-mid stage.

    As Rakan I can roam mid and help our mid laner getting priority and even once in a while, a kill. Our top lane at this point is just being destroyed by the enemy and our bot lane is just slightly ahead. Because our jg have been camping top unsuccessfuly, their team now take drake and roam towards bot to make a potential dive and take tower. At this point (let's say 15-20 minutes into the game) I feel like we're behind on every aspect of the game. The only thing I can do is put vision in some key points and try to warn my teammates to avoid teamfights and keep farming.

    I like to play tanky champs like naut or blitz, but lately I've been spamming Cho'gath support with good results (most people don't know how to lane against it and his late game most of the time is the winning condition). Lately, though, when the other lanes fall behind, I can't manage to get us into the game again with this champs, so I've started to play Brand to carry these games.

    What should I do at this point? Stick to 2-3 champions I feel confident even though I might lose some matches because of it? Maybe keep playing support mages with high damage and carry not only lane but most of the game?

    submitted by /u/AlexNihilist1
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    What to do when forced to share waves?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    In solo queue I run into a scenario a lot where I stomp bot, we grab tower and drake, make a rotation top or mid and the laner just sits there farming with me. Is it the right play to be inefficient and farm with them because that's where the objectives are or should I force bot lane because it nets me better gold?

    Also, how should I play when a mid/top laner CAN'T sidelane or take bot after me because they are considerably behind or for whatever reason.

    submitted by /u/SaltDoctor
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    Been in silver for pretty much 5 years

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:27 AM PST

    Hi guys, I've been in Silver for pretty much 5 years, and I play a loooooooooot. My main role is mid and I tag MID/TOP , I am an AP MALPHITE one trick(here's my OP.GG https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=mom+of+kodoku ) I first started playing League 7 years ago and I think I have something like 70 days of played on all of my accounts in total. I also tryhard the shit out of 90% of my games and I'm a solo queue player, no normals. Recently, though, I've reached Gold 4 in Eu NE. I was very happy because reaching Gold was my goal, no, an obsession. I've raged a lot trying to hit Gold in Eu W. I had my shot at around 3 promos for Gold 4 and everytime I got sabotaged by afks, trollers and heavy bot lanes (I also was so tilted that at some point I truly was playing badly). I don,t really recognize Eu NE as a good server (sorry it's true) so unless I hit Gold 4 in Eu W I won't be satisfied and I sure as hell want to be platinum rank too.

    I have many questions I hope you guys can answer so that I can become a better player. I guarantee you that I try my best everytime I play, but I have no natural talent and I really struggle with abstract concepts or learning on my own in some fields, so it's really hard for me to progress

    1. How do you carry heavy teammates if you are playing a hard match up ?
    2. The lane is frozen in the middle but the enemy mid laner roams to piss off my jungler. Do I come to help or do I shove my lane so that he loses creeps ?
    3. How the hell are you supposed to win games where you have an insane K/D/A but a single death = you lose the game because your teammates are way too heavy, so you permagroup with them and babysit them ARAM style so that they don't fuck up but they fuck up anyway, die and you can't carry the teamfight. How do high elo players carry low elo players ?
    4. In a team where everyone is very very very bad and keep dying when you're not here (because you're depushing lanes and warding objectives because of course the support doesn't do it) what is it that you're supposed to do ?
    5. How do you win lane when someone plays a heavy counter against you ?
    6. Is watching your own replays overrated ?
    7. What's the difference between a pro and a low elo players ? Their gameplays look exactly like mine, except that they die less and do a lot of subtle things. What are those subtle things that are game changing ?
    8. How the hell do I slow push a lane ? I kill the 3 caster minions then cannon, leave the rest yet it won't slow push
    submitted by /u/footsniffer6969
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    Lord Dominicks % armorpen is essentially just a 10% damage increase on anything with over 100 armor.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Am I right about this?
    I've been wondering for a while how to determine when LDR is worth it over other damage items, and the more I think about it against anybody between 100 and 300 armor it basically just means you will do 10% more damage. The % increase gets lower as you go beneath 100.

    100 armor= 50% resist
    -LDR Negates 35 armor
    65 armor= 39% resist

    150 armor= 60% resist
    -LDR Negates 53 armor
    97 armor= 49% resist

    200 armor= 67% resist
    -LDR Negates 70 armor
    130 armor= 57% resist

    300 armor= 75% resist
    -LDR Negates 105 armor
    195 armor= 65% resist

    Am I thinking about this correctly?

    submitted by /u/HEV_tux
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    Improving when diamond and above.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Hello summoners. I'm a top lane main who hit diamond 4 last season. I watched proguides' videos and youtubers and sometimes streamers. I would learn from them and it really helped me climb. But now most of the videos are things I already know like lane priority and split pushing and wave management so videos do not longer help. Streamers aren't always doing an educational commentary. It's kinda like you're on your own and you need to find out why they did this specific thing instead of this. So learning from these things aren't an option for me anymore. What are some things you did that helped you climb to high diamond and above

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Honest Question: What am I suppose to do when things are going very badly.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Im honestly trying to learn here. My past dozen or so ladder games have been appallingly bad.

    What do I do in these situations / what can I learn from them?

    1. As ADC, my support is not doing anything. Follow me around, not warding, not roaming, not attempting to make plays. Just following me. Should I be the one to be aggressive? or should I simply keep farming and hold until I'm strong enough to help other lanes?

    2. As top lane, I'm doing decent. Not smashing the lane, but farming well and holding off my opponent. Meanwhile the rest of the team is being repeatedly killed. Do I leave lane, sacrificing my tower/gold to try and help? Do I keep going and hope I can become strong enough to be impactful later?

    3. As Jungle, the enemy jungler is non-stop ganking and chain killing my team. Do I farm hard including counter jungling? Do I gank the lanes they are not ganking? Do I try to gank the same lane they are ganking?

    This is not a rant post. I want to learn and grow.

    submitted by /u/Gul_Akaron
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    How to improve my farming?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I'm currently Silver IV and I really want to improve this season, but my farm is terrible. I think that's one of the main reasons I'm stuck, sometimes I'll kill my lane opponent 8 times and still only have about 15 cs advantage.

    Normally I'll get 25 cs at 5 minutes and 70 at 10. My CSing gets a bit better after a get my Lost Chapter because I can spam my habilities more. But it's still far from being good.

    I've seen some people saying to use practice tool, but is it really helpful? And how should I do it? Only focus on last hitting? Using a bot?

    submitted by /u/xxraven_
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    Mindless Midlaners: How do I beat them?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST

    So I have a problem. Every so often, I'll find what I call a mindless midlaner. They typically play extremely safe midlaners (Anivia, Malzahar, sometimes Lux). All they do is shove waves, not even roaming. They'll waveclear and wait for the next wave. If you roam, they'll shove you into tower, autoattack the tower and simply just leave when you arrive.

    Mindless Midlaners almost never do anything aggressively. After level 3 or so, any engages I put on them will fail because they usually build semi-tanky for the express purpose of winning these engages. Malzahars will block your engage (or any gank engages) with shield and just vomit their cooldowns on you while walking away. Anivias will wall, stun, run.

    They aren't always like cs prodigies, either. They just clear waves until they have the items to be very difficult to kill, then they actually start playing the game. I call 'em mindless because whereas most players seem to be trying to make something happen in the lane, these guys don't seem to care. Most players will shove their wave to look for roam potential, or powerfarm so they can make plays around objectives. These guys don't give a fuck. Goal seems to be leaving laning phase with 0 deaths and mediocre cs.

    I typically play shit like Qiyana whenever I happen to get one of these matchups, and I always lose. I can't roam because I'm shoved in often and actually killing them is difficult going on impossible. I need some advice on what to do with players like these. Thanks!

    High plat-low dia elo. Also, if you could just give me a build order for qiyana v malz that would also be OK.

    submitted by /u/Qwertdd
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    Can someone explain omnistone for me?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:46 AM PST

    I do not understand this keystone rune, why would I choose this and get random runes all the time which can be very unreliable when I could just choose my own rune and not have to hope that luck doesn't mess me up? For example: on kayle, some guides are telling me to take omnistone, why would I take omnistone when I could just take something like press the attack or lethal tempo?

    submitted by /u/The_YellowBacon
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    Spreading Priority

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST


    A bit more advanced of a concept. This will help more for those who play in 5s, but there should be a practical takeaway for everyone here even if what I'm talking about isn't immediately applicable in your elo.

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    As an engage support, when should i NOT buy Zeke's Convergence?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I've been playing a ton of Leona, Nautilus and Blitzcrank lately, and i default to buying Zeke's Convergence as my first item in the vast majority of my games. I'm starting to think if the item is okay to buy every game, or if i should try to branch out in other itemization directions.

    Another thing is that i also seems to default into Knight's Vow as a second item in most games. After buying Zeke's convergence, the health is great as an addition to the resistance on top of the CDR, and the active/passive (however you wanna spin it) feels really good in most games as additional protection for your ADC. Since itemization obviously is game dependant, can you give some pointers as to when i shouldn't go Zeke's first item and which items are good as a second/third buy in different situations?

    submitted by /u/MonDew
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