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    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    LoL Guide A tip I learned a long time ago to improve your gameplay in general and avoid autopilot.

    LoL Guide A tip I learned a long time ago to improve your gameplay in general and avoid autopilot.

    A tip I learned a long time ago to improve your gameplay in general and avoid autopilot.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:21 AM PST

    A lot of people tend to have an issue with League where they stop actually playing an thinking about the game, and instead go on autopilot.

    I learned this tip on here long, long ago, but it has served me well. If you've ever watched an educational streamer, they always talk about what they're doing while they do it; doing the same can actually be incredibly helpful, because it forces you to really be paying attention to your own gameplay. As an added bonus, if you say you're about to do something really stupid, often times you'll catch yourself because of how it sounds.

    I was just using this in my last game and I was dominating a Tryndamere on Fiora, so I went, "Okay, got lead, he's low, I'm gonna tower dive this Trynd even though I know he's probably close to 6." As soon as the words left my mouth, I stopped and just went back to farming. I realized it sounded really dumb, and decided to ignore the urge.

    submitted by /u/RTSUbiytsa
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    Briefing for the new champion Sett + Combo Video

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:41 AM PST

    Hey r/summonerschool!

    I'm Chris aka Flügerl; some of you may know me for my High Pace Champion Guides.

    Today/tomorrow is Sett's release, and i've prepared a bit of information if you want to play him or if you end up facing him in the game:

    Playing versus Sett:

    • he is an immobile juggernaut(like Darius or Illaoi)
    • thus can be ganked and kited easily
    • he probably tries to catch you out with his E
      • It's a pull similar to Darius' E
    • he has no resources. So you need to play trades around his cooldowns.
    • however his resource bar is an indicator how big his shield gets once he uses his W
      • his W is the cone shaped area effect, which deals true damage in the middle part.
    • if his W is down, he is susceptible to burst.
    • in comparison to Darius, Illaoi or Renekton he has no self heals.
    • his ultimate is point and click. And he can flash on you to use it. Don't get caught out!

    Playing as Sett:

    • Proper attack moving is crucial and may be the difference between a kill early game, or a win or lose late game.
      • You are super immobile and quite fast hitting, so staying on top of you opponents is something you may need to practice.
    • Timing your W is important if you want to get the maximum value out of it. You probably end up with one of two use cases:
      • You want to maximize the damage: then you W very late with huge amounts of Grit
      • Or you want to maximize the mitigated damage: then you try to estimate when your opponents did half of their damage. Pretty similar to Tham Kench's E.
    • Use E to catch people out. Even if you dont get the stun, the W afterwards is not avoidable without Flash.
    • You can use Q's movement speed or Phage passive to close the gap and hit your E or R.

    Also i did a combo showcase/guide video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKT821mIPKI


    submitted by /u/boostedFluegerl
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    How Do You Abuse Duo Que?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Me and my good real life friend are both D4 mid laners and want to start new accounts and play mid Jg to see if we can carry more games by playing these 2 influential roles as a duo. So I have 2 questions, first is mid jg the two most important roles for 2v5ing a game consistently? And if so what are the most important aspects of the duo and what should you abuse to win? We don't care about KDA or being flashy or anything but winning. Hope to see some good discussion!

    submitted by /u/SamBladee
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    Olaf in low elo

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I've watched Tarzaned's most recent jungle tier list, and he doesn't recommend using olaf in lower elo brackets, opting for Warwick or Trundle instead. My question is, why do many consider him suboptimal in silver or gold? He is not terribly difficult mechanically, has amazing early game dueling potential, amazing clear speed/health, and great invades to boot. I've been spamming him myself and find great success with him.

    submitted by /u/TheLiGod
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    Is it okay to take the opponents raptors as a midlaner?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    If I ever get ahead in a lane to the point I know the enemy laner can't do anything against me, I often shove the wave in (if I know raptors are alive) and then take them

    Of course I make sure the enemy jungler isn't close first

    So my question is, am I damaging my own junglers pathing in any way with this? And if yes, does the bonus of putting the enemy jungler a bit behind outweigh that?

    submitted by /u/Jany_G
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    What is it about what us Bronze/Silver players do that make you Platinum/Diamond players look at and say, “This is not how this game is played.”?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    So I was coached here a few years ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ILruvYEbqv4&t=2520

    And I just linked to the segment above where he (a Diamond player at the time), just blatantly said that mid-late game it gets idiotic in Silver and that this is not how you play the game.

    I forgot to ask him to elaborate at the time, and it's been years since I've been playing again. But in terms of decision making and not mechanics, especially mid-late game (as opposed to laning phase), what is it about our Bronze/Silver play that you Platinum/Diamond folks don't like?

    submitted by /u/Silveresquemania
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    Toplaner with smite?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    So, latelly I was watching a couple top laner streams and found some weird shit happening on the summoner spell choice: smite instead of TP, most of the time on Teemo. How viable is this strategy and why it works?

    Also, this is something only Teemo does or there are other champions who are able to achieve some success with this strategy?

    submitted by /u/Rammion
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    I lose a lot of games where I'm 30-50 cs up on my opponent

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Low plat MMR, I tend to win lane a lot, mostly playing melee fighters. I'll maybe get one or 2 kills on my opponent, but sometimes they'll just hug their tower and willingly give up a ton of cs over the course of the first 10 minutes. In any case, it seems I can never really get the ball rolling past that point. I'll stack the wave to deny as much as possible, then crash it for either a dive or giving me a bunch of time to roam either into enemy jungle or mid. The champions I play are pretty poor at stealing camps, but I'll take scuttle when it's up or try to find the enemy jungler.

    I'll have a huge item spike right after laning phase, but it seems I'm not able to capitalize on it. I join Drake fights, try to split for towers knowing I can 1v2 or at least get 2 to come to me, try to set up deep vision to catch someone out, but something will happen. Another lane will be losing, a support will engage poorly resulting in a bad fight, the scaling Jax/trynda/vlad who was half my CS and 3 levels down is suddenly killing my carries.

    I can be very far ahead of my opponent, and it will still feel like I need to pull out a miracle outplay to make a dent and get the rest of my team ahead. Maybe their mid has been spoonfed kills or they have a bot duo that counter my champions, but since I'm always playing melee carries, it doesn't feel like I can just run their team over like a fed botlane or mage, but instead like the smallest misstep will negate every lead I had up till that point.

    I know I'm doing something wrong. Those games are supposed to be un-loseable, yet I somehow manage. What do I do when I've had a free farm lane and effectively removed someone from their team?

    submitted by /u/ModularSpaceGirl
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    How to counter Tryndamere

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Hey there, I'm usually a silent reader, and viewer. I'm doing my best to learn and improve but I have a question right now after my game. I'm mid main and actually OTP Fizz. The ennemy mid was Trynda and Kha'zik jungle against Fizz mid and Shaco jungle for us. Early on, Shaco gank a few times and we managed to put trynda to 0/4 really early and no cs lead for him. At the mid game stage, I'm 8/1 and Shaco is 10/2 or something like that when Trynda is 3/8, going to splitpush. No one in my team is feeding and we're getting objectives and everything is going fine. The trynda start raging on chat and goes for 1v5 and die a lot, but we wasn't able to close the game. After 30 mins mark, the trynda was splitpushing all day long. The next teamfight and every others was mostly trynda suiciding himself, ult and kill someone or two during this time and we managed to get one inib. The game ended by the 45 mins mark, I know that's a lot of time but we lose the last fight 5v5 at nashor.

    After all this context, my question is : How I'm supposed to win against this monster? He wasn't fed at all before 30 mins.

    I'm already banning Zed all the time but this mid is too much for me ^

    Thanks for your time reading this and your answers :) See you in the rift!

    submitted by /u/Vyrium
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    Is playing a "weaker" but more comfortable pick better?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:28 PM PST

    I've been getting really beat up lately, I like to play alot of basic tank style champs that are seen as inferior and who show only average or slightly ok winrates at best. Mundo being one of them( made a post earlier so sorry for spamming I just couldn't shake this off my mind). My question in more detail is, what is better, to play a pick that sees success in every elo and has a high winrate across the board, or to play a pick that doesnt really see any amazing results but not necessarily bad either, and isnt touched by pro scene at all? Whenever I go on u.gg and see mundo 50% winrate and then see Elise has like a 53-5% winrate it just discourages me from playing mundo, am I just being stupid? Any tips for not thinking like this aswell? Aha

    submitted by /u/rsjss65
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    Is Viktor Top Tank still viable?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Hello, I love Viktor, he's the champion that made me start playing Mid. But, my favourite role is probably top, I've read that some time ago you could go Viktor Grasp with a tank/bruisier build. So, my question is, is it still viable at least and not completely troll?

    submitted by /u/gh0statiC_
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    Losing a single game destroys my mental, no matter if it's ranked or normal, and I've tried everything and I can't seem to not feel awful after a loss no matter what

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Title says it all. I've seen people talk about how mental is everything, but no matter what I do, the second I lose a game, in any way, my mental goes to shit. Makes it impossible to play consistently because the second I lose I have to take an extended break, and then if I lose the next game everything just gets insanely worse. I'm not sure what to do at this point, so some advice/help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/idontlikeredditbutok
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    Is it bad to start W on renekton?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I told my friends I always started W on renekton and they were super confused and asked why would you ever start W. If you start W you get a free trade and the enemy can't hit you back, plus with 50 rage it deals an insane ammount of dmg. I don't see how Q is any better at lvl 1, is there something I'm missing here?

    submitted by /u/Comotix
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    I have kind of a skill shot problem

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    So ngl I think I'm bad lol but I used to hit skill shots a lot more back in the day, but then for some reason I started playing Janna and Lulu, and like everyone knows they're quite easy.. and eventually for some reason I started getting matched with like high mmr people, so when I tried getting back to skill shot champions, my opponents would always side step, or whatever and I read online i should try to predict it and I do try to, but I've gotten so scared that the people that are versus me are so much better, that i make predictions at the wrong times, like when I'm not supposed to, or it's just my aim has gotten so much worse, I even took like a huge break from league so my mmr should be on level now, right? But my aim is just so horrible now and I really just want to play champions I enjoy, could anyone tell me any tips on skill shots, or to just keep my cool, because sometimes I can even feel my hand shaking and it's so annoying. I don't want to like climb in ranked, I only play normals, so I don't want to just keep playing Janna, or Lulu, because it gets boring and I want to have fun :d

    submitted by /u/oO0Bubbles0Oo
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    Why is jungle Qiyana so bad in soloqueue?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Jungle Qiyana has a winrate of only 43% in soloqueue https://www.op.gg/champion/qiyana/statistics/jungle, the lowest of any jungler, despite being a staple jungler in competitive. What explains this huge gap? Is the champion just too hard to play for low elo? Or is it that she needs good communication to work effectively?

    submitted by /u/beanyadult
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    Talon in low elo

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I have almost 1000 games on Talon (ya know, the classic low life talon main), yet I seem to lose a lot of games in gold, I want to understand why. My game knowledge as to what enemy champs do, and want to do is good and I know talon in and out, is all fine as far as i can tell. My guesses are as follows

    Game length- gold elo players drag the game out longer than needed, in which time talon falls off. I think this is the most common explanation, but I MUST be doing something wrong if i can only win 50% of my games.

    Splitting at the wrong times

    Forcing fights

    Losing cs for a gank, which allows the enemy mid to gain an xp lead (especially if the gank goes south)

    Ranked Anxiety/Getting in my own head/Tilt

    Please help, I'm sure there is more but even knowing the problem doesn't help me fix them. Thank yall

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Inspector%20Talon (ignore the azir game, we dont talk about that)

    submitted by /u/MeforPlays
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    My ego and personality lose me games and is 99% the reason I am hardstuck. I can't figure out how to fix it. Any advice?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Please read everything. I'm a gold ADC, but I have the knowledge of a high diamond player (i'm serious). I can't even describe how much I research this game. I notice so many mistakes that low elo enemies make. I know how to manage the wave correctly. I know when and how to take trades efficiently. I know macro. I know how to team fight. I actually have pretty good mechanics. BUT.... big but.... I have an ego. Now why does this lose me games? I will tell you.

    I'm inconsistent. I hard stomp half of my games WHEN the lane suits my ego. But if I play a lane where I'm Kaisa/soraka against Draven/Nautilus, I HAVE to win lane for some stupid reason which results in me feeding. I don't like how they are so dominant and aggressive. It pisses me off. I have to be alpha for some reason. It's like I'm hypnotized. So I take stupid trades, I get hooked, I die, I tilt, repeat, I lose. I have determined that this is 100% the reason I am hardstuck because nothing else is wrong with my gameplay unless we nitpick really small things. It causes me to be inconsistent, and I end up with a 50% winrate. Why am I like this? It actually upsets me. Like I said it's like I become hypnotized and I can't control it. Also, I don't really want someone to say "well just play dominant lanes then" because that doesn't fix the issue. I don't want to be like this, but for some reason I always have to be the alpha in lane. I'll even start taunting them in lane even though I'm getting shit on. I'm honestly really embarrassed posting this.

    But yeah... any advice on being a less shitty person?

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    Orianna vs leblanc

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:55 PM PST

    (Scroll to bottom for point of post)

    Background: I'm an orianna main, gold last season, confident I will get there again pretty quickly. I have not seen a leblanc in probably 30 games, and the last time I did, I remember absolutely shitting on her. I just froze the lane under my tower spam pinged when she roamed, immediately 1 shot the wave followed her and picked up a couple double kills bot. Ezpz.

    Well recently, I played my final placement match. Leblanc got locked in and I figured ok another ez win, freeze wave follow roam. Well my kayne had other plans. He decided to invade a level down. I ping him and say in chat "don't no priority". He ignores me, leblanc roams, I put as much damage on the wave as I can while I move to assist. Leblanc and kayn both half hp when I get there. I get some damage off then here comes the green fucktard himself, zac. Kayne says lol naw fuck dis leaves, I die, they chase kayne down "enemy double kill". Leblanc now 2/0. She lives with a sliver of hp. I say whatever mistakes were made. I go standard ludens echo>zhonyas>morello build. Which is where I think I fucked up.

    At this point I just get shit on the rest of the game, I'm talking like North Korea levels of oppression. Tower dives, 1 shots from bushes. And eventually we lose.

    So my question is against a leblanc that gets ahead should I opt to go for a tankier scaling mr type build? Im talking like roa>mercs>>abysal mask>banshees veil? Also should I just expect to always hard lose this lane and take like aery>nullyfying orb with bone plating>revitalize. Double mr runes,Max my shield and take barrier?

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    Closing out games

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I am a tank top/jug/slope main in Silver III. I enjoy playing tanks the most, but cannot depend on my team to do damage or go in on my engages.

    I am playing twitch JG to get to play so i can have semi decent teams.

    Every game I go 6/1 at 20 min and still have a 50% win rate, not because my team fed even, just because bad team comp and i don't know how to use my lead to win, ensconced though twitch is "late game".

    Build tips would be nice too, i usually go: JG attack speed AS boots Runnans IE

    bloodthirster/mortal reminder/ PD/ GA

    submitted by /u/idk-what-2-put-here
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    Wanna counter overpowered champs? Foc em!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Hello fellow Jungle and Support mains, and fellow Duo SR players! Lately, with the last few releases, such as Senna and Aphelios, as well as certain special other overtuned characters, like Zoe, Yasuo, Veigar, etc, there has never been a time when a wombo combo of a Duo counter has been needed.

    Feeding teammates or not, using one of the oldest ships in the game, Nocturne and Fiddlesticks, you can use a couple of B tier champs to counter all those S Tiers that all of your favorite clickbait content creators keep making videos about.

    Fight overloaded cheese with nonoverloaded synergetic cheese.

    This may seem dumb to a few of you, or like I'm going into a sarcastic rant, but really, Nocturne and Fiddle work extremely well together. And with Fiddle's rework soon, keeping the two tools that makes him synergize with Noc, keeps you Focing your enemies for years to come.

    Nocturne's dives are guaranteed past level 6, and his burst makes the work easy.. No more unlimited dashes and jukes keeping you JUST out of range to do much. Not only that, but a good Nocturne ultimate goes hand in hand with Fiddlesticks. Before the enemy knows it they have to turn to the Nocturne killing their Veigar mid, and all of em are just bunched enough to take the full brunt of Fiddle's ult, making for an easy surprise dive that can turn the tide of most battles, and eliminate the overloaded champ immediately.

    Even if Noc is in a bad spot in a 1v1, against an Aphelios, Senna, or Veigar ult he can insta block. The massive burst. He can eat a Zoe sleep no sweat. To top it all off he takes dragons by himself, his W can block the damage from a shot.

    Nocturne moves faster at feared targets, and the only ability easier to land that Fiddle's fear in the game is a Karthus ult, meaning 9 times outta 10 you'll unleash a double fear and zoom at the poor guy trying to cs in peace.

    Since they hardly get played, most of the time, the spoop squad will likely remain in power for a while, and it'll only get better once Fiddle's rework hits the servers this summer.

    Try it out. It's practically freelo at most ranks, vs the squishy overpowered trash people seem to never want to stop playing.

    Except Morde. There is no safety from Morde, nor will there ever be.

    Tl;dr = Fiddlesticks and Nocturne for easy 2v8ing. Works so well your 0/20 Senna mid will type "ggez" after the game

    submitted by /u/TheAdamant0
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    Newish to the game

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Hey guys! As the title says I'm pretty newish to the game (started playing around the release of Xayah/Rakan but dropped it after a while for other games) now I'm getting back into it!

    I really would like to know only a few basic tips for a few champs that's all!

    These champions would be: Lucian, Ekko, Darius and Warwick! Might be a bit much to ask but it would be really nice to know a few tricks or interesting builds for these champs!

    Already posted this on r/LeagueofLegends and got redirected to this subreddit! I appreciate every kind of help even if it's just an absolutely basic thing!

    submitted by /u/Granit2506
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    Any tips for climbing as support main? [serious]

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:41 AM PST

    It's easy enough to get wins when I know the bot laner, and sometimes even when I don't. But often I find it hard to climb as support as there's a sort of synergy in gameplay style you need with the adc.

    I feel like in top mid or jungle you can roughly follow the rules or standard gameplay tactics to climb, I don't really see how to climb with a strat if you're not playing a similar style to your adc.

    I.e if they're comfortable playing safe while you roam, if they're picking or you're picking a champion aligned to the adc to use an combo between the two etc.

    submitted by /u/Xeripha
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    Fastest way to improve Laning phase?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Im in platinum the problem is clear to me. My Laning phase is definitely my weakness. When I'm ahead, I know how to keep the lead. But I'm always behind because of my Laning phase. I'm not experienced enough with matchups to know what trades I win or lose. How do I go about it? I main zed

    submitted by /u/EmeryBall
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