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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    LoL Guide Hey, I've just hit GM as a Janna main, AMA!

    LoL Guide Hey, I've just hit GM as a Janna main, AMA!

    Hey, I've just hit GM as a Janna main, AMA!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    I main Janna, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have about the support role/the game in general/mentality etc.


    submitted by /u/aaetv
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    I can't seem to get the right mental anymore regarding my losses

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Last season, I tried my best. I learned a lot more about my role as support and what I should do along with how I should improve my macro. My goal was to get to Gold, but I ended Silver. The highest I got was Silver 2 before a series of loss streaks brought me to Silver 4 and I just gave up.

    The beginning of this season honestly felt good to me while everyone else was complaining, but now I'm constantly going in and out of Silver 3 and 4 and the games are starting to take a toll on me. I started dodging more in attempts to win more games, but that still doesn't ensure I win the games I don't dodge.

    Some games I am trying so hard only to see my teammates make weird mistakes and it starts putting thoughts into my head, like "What's the point?" "Why even play?" I get even more negative thoughts now because both of my hands are in pain all the time. League is probably the only thing I was excited about the past 2 years of my life, but the past week or so I can't even enjoy it anymore. I get so angry if I lose. I feel like I'm putting my health on the line to play these games. The thing is there isn't much about my life I enjoy. I work and have two hobbies, but outside of that I can't do much else.

    I know the logical thing would be to quit the game, but I feel like I invested too much into the game to do that. I tried quitting last year and I did for a few months but eventually came back to the game and it's like I know if I end the game knowing the highest I ever got was Silver I would always have this feeling of regret.

    How do I get better at the game without literally killing myself?

    submitted by /u/eustoma01
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    5 steps on how to jungle

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    This is based off of a guide from youtube which I'm not sure I'm allowed to promote so here's my takeaway from what I learned. I'm also not going to go into detail about each point, this is more general, and I'll let you figure out how to implement each point as you play.

    1. Consistent and Successful opening route
      1. Analyze lane matchups and path towards most volatile/snowball lane to gank first
    2. React to Enemy Jungler being on opposite side of map
      1. Instead of attempting to contest late and wasting time, look to take objectives on the opposite side of the map.
    3. Play around winning lanes, avoid losing ones
      1. Ganking the losing lane often leads into all of you dying. Gank the winning lane so you both can snowball. Use that snowball to gank more even lanes to use your lead wisely. Then the players with leads can help the behind players get back into the game safely.
      2. In early game, actively avoid the losing lane if you are without your winning lane.
    4. Always fight for 3'rd and 4th Dragon
      1. trading the first 2 dragons for herald and the top side of the map is fine. Don't let them take three dragons for free. If this is the case, make sure to take top objectives (tower) so you can rotate the winning lane to dragon for a 5 on 5 fight for dragon.
    5. Group with team when they're pressuring and farm when they aren't
      1. Don't farm while your team is pushing up mid as 4 or 3. Stop your camps, and help them look for picks and team fight.
      2. When your laners back for items and no one is in threat of dying, farm it up safely.

    Feel free to grab the bullet points and have them open on another monitor while you play to remind you of what you should be thinking about as you go through the game. Happy jungling everyone!

    submitted by /u/chadlyalan
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    If you are a jungler, 2 of your lanes are losing hard. What can you do to help them or win the game?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:27 AM PST

    For example, When I play jungler, I completely destroy enemy jungler (of course not all games, just some games) Then, both of my lanes start feeding even without the help or gank from enemy jungler. What can I do in that situation?

    Another example, their enemy jungler are as good as me, but my bot and mid lane are being stomped. They are forced to tower hug, enemy bot lane help their jungler to do drake while my bot lane stay around the bot tower. What can I do in that situation?

    submitted by /u/Relaxationing
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    Clash/5v5 as ADC

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:26 PM PST

    So with clash coming up I've been looking to improve so that my team can win. We won our first and have lost the next two finals we played in so we all kinda want to win again. What are some things to keep in mind while playing? Are there certain things I need to track or any subtle things I should be doing in/out of lane? (I'm a gold adc and my team is roughly the same, I mostly play cait, jhin, xayah, kaisa, varus but I can play most all ad's to a similar level)

    General tips for team play are welcome too! Thanks

    submitted by /u/ShougoWasRight
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    How do I deal with being hard camped?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    For example earlier I was playing ori versus fizz with a enemy Khazix jungle. The fizz and kha were partied and I was ganked 6-7 times by 12 minutes. They weren't very effective for the most part as I only was actually killed by the gank once and khazix died to tower giving me a kill but I was forced to back from being in fizz kill range a couple times.

    Fizz ended up getting that first kill and a kill off a roam when I backed. I tried to just safely cs and kept around 20-30 behind him because I didn't want to push at all in case kha said hi again and fizz was a bit much for me to easily deal with at this point. This also prevented me from punishing his roams all that well. Kha was also coming around the jungle entrances to midlane so warding river didn't work very well.

    I asked top and bot if they were getting ganked and the answer was not at all from both so he was focusing on his duo buddy.

    Is there anything particular I could have done beside try my best to cs and ping when missing? It seemed like I just had to hope everyone else did good because they weren't being ganked

    submitted by /u/nocturnal-nugget
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    A new jungler to try out

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:35 AM PST

    Hi, as a jungle main I always like to try out a lot of things in jungle and try to make it work. Most of the time I easily manage to play well with almost everything I come up. So in around February 2019 I started playing Shen jungle and to be honest it was really hard to find a good spot with him and after all the trouble and weeks of playing Shen and trying out a lot of different rune pages and item sets I came up with a great way to even CARRY most of my solo/duo and flex games. Feel free to take a look at my Shen guide I posted on MobaFire also if there's anything you would like to know feel free to ask.


    Note: guide says good in patch 9.23 but I've updated it for 10.4, hope you like it :)

    submitted by /u/Ahrigato36
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    How to climb from top lane starting in gold?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    I'm a top lane main know how to cs wave control ect but can't seem to carry any tips would help along with champions I should play I'm good with most too laners but want to narrow my pool down to 3 any tips welcome I wanna know what champs I can first pick or what champs I should pick into certain comps and things of that nature I'd appreciate the advice

    submitted by /u/hmay1234
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    Changing roles as you rank up: good or bad?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I saw a youtube video by Mobalytics(.gg) that talked about the best role for each Rank Tier (Iron, Bronze, etc) and the whys.


    I am coming back after a long break, placed Iron 2, but getting good LP per win. I main jungle, but am finding it difficult to find enough win conditions to pursue often enough. read: once in a blue moon I find a random teammate who is engaged with the jungler. So...I'm playing around with Top as Mid/Top are arguably more impactful at this low rank. Jungle comes more into play around Silver...so they said.


    Thoughts? Am I being silly here? I'm still running Dr. Mundo/Trundle/Volibear as my 3 mains, just top not Jgl, so I'm not getting away from a small champ pool.

    submitted by /u/VonHenry70
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    [Bot lane] I am an ADC player seeking advice. I struggle with decision making following the laning phase. I have issues with farming, teamfighting and pushing my lead after moving out of my lane, all of which are addressed further down below.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Hello! I am a low to mid plat ADC main, and I recently started taking ranked seriously, but I seem to have hit a wall. I have major decision making and macro issues that I don't know how to fix myself, leading to me feeling useless despite any leads I might have accumulated during the laning phase.

    **Farming*\* - I seem to be able to win lane consistently enough, or go even at the very least (most of the time). My farm is ok to average early on (about 70 to 75 at 10min, 115-125 at 15min), but it starts decreasing heavily the longer the game goes on. I do not know how to farm past 15 minutes in a solo queue environment. The right thing to do, or what people have advised, would be to join my team mid for objective control after the bottom turret falls, but how do I keep up in farm by doing so? Often times I would go mid and there I would be... just dancing back and forth, resorting to splitting the farm with our midlaner, both of us getting 3 cs per minute. And so the game reaches the 20...25 minute mark, and I've gained 30 additional farm in the past 10 minutes (now sitting at 150-160 at 25min), I just don't know how to explain it any better than I already have, it happens in about every game and I don't know how to get more without missing important fights happening on the other side of the map. Which leads us to my second point.

    **Teamfighting*\* - I often times seem to be late to join teamfights. Teams here in plat seem to take many very unnecessary fights. For example: drake is up in 1min20sec, Baron is going to spawn in 2, but here they are, brawling it out next to the enemy blue buff while I am trying to catch up in farm mid. Should I be at the fight? Is it the team's fault for being there and I should just forget it and keep farming? How do I make it to fights in time without aimlessly walking around with my team and missing out on a lot of gold worth of farm in the process?

    **Pushing my lead*\* - Sometimes there are games in which I win the lane hard enough to have a sizeable gold lead. How do I push my advantage as an AD? There are a lot of games in which I win lane hard but throw the lead away bit by bit by falling into the 2 points mentioned above (Too late to fights to be impactful, be 6/3, group mid, but miss out on a lot of farm over the course of being grouped for extended amount of time, giving the enemies breathing room). So my question is - how do I extend my lead to other lanes as an ad carry outside of teamfights? There are times in which I am far ahead, but my mid for example is falling behind. Do I roam mid and sacrifice turret plates and farm? Do I just accept that my teammate's doing poorly, stay bot, and try to carry teamfights later on? I am at a loss.

    Thank you for reading and giving advice if you do, I greatly appreciate your time.

    P.S. Sorry for making your eyes bleed with my horrible formatting.

    submitted by /u/dinis553
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    Warding when I'm losing or threatened

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Yesterday I played a game as Nami against a Shaco support. The ADCs were Aphelios (ally) vs Ashe. While we didn't really lose lane, more like went even, I couldn't go ward, because Shaco was a real threat both to me and my ADC if we wandered too far from the tower, resulting in a lack of vision botside. What do I do in those situations?

    submitted by /u/Coraz28
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    Auto minions to get the most lifesteal? (SKT VS GEN)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:36 AM PST


    At 49.09, Skt teddy said that he intentionally auto minions at the right side for more life steal instead of auto attacking camille, anyone may enlightening me why...?

    Its not a misclick, why not AA camille?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/backstabber898
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    I am an Iron ranked ADC willing to take the pants off my head and learn

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Some background, I have played league on and off for years, not to date myself but I remember lux being released. I'm more of a casual player, I'll play a couple games now and again but nothing serious.

    This year I want to change that. I want to become a more competitive player. I would like to really learn how the game works. I have googled and there is so much information about this game on the internet that it overwhelms me. I can not figure out where to start learning.

    There are 1000 YouTubers, who is right? A bunch of people make guides, none of them really focused on playing the game right. I know I need to last hit minions, I know I need to take dragons.

    I have been pushing myself lately. I have been trying to improve, but in sort of a directionless manner. So far all I have really gotten down is defusing my teammates so we don't go on tilt.

    So where do you start a journey like mine? When I go into each game what should I focus on. Honestly even being told what NOT to do would be helpful. I want to win and I want to improve.

    submitted by /u/TheMeta40k
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    Does Anyone Climb Playing Multiple Roles?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I'm wondering if anyone out there (that isn't smurfing) actually climbs by basically bouncing around all the different roles every game? I currently do not have much free time to game anymore so when I do get a chance to play a few games, I like to play Mid or Top one game and then Bot the next. I find myself getting bored or losing interest if I keep playing the same role game after game. The benefit to this is, I feel like I'm generally having more fun every game because I'm always learning and doing something new. The downside is that it is very hard to climb because not only are you changing roles game to game but you're usually changing Champs each game and not learning the full strengths of said Champ.

    I got to Plat IV a few seasons ago when I actually had multiple hours a day to play, and also committed myself to grinding it out playing only 1 role. The biggest reason I'm asking this question is because even though I bounce around roles each game, I'm pretty solid at all of the roles and end games with good k/d/a and stats at end. However, it seems like 90% of the times I lose it's because at least 2 other roles got stomped and I cant carry hard enough to pull us out. So I'm thinking maybe even tho my stats are good each game, I'm doing something wrong.

    submitted by /u/RichieG2007
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    What is the support's job in a split push composition?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    To give you some context: I'm a low diamond support main playing with my team in a local amateur league. My champ pool consists mostly of pick/engage type champs like Thresh, Rakan or Alistar, but I have some experience with almost all traditional support champions (playing since season 2). We mostly play pick comps focussed around Thresh/Elise, but we want to get a bit more versatile.

    Our mid laner (which is most of the time our main carry threat) plays almost exclusively assassins, so we figured why not try some split push compositions (1-3-1)?

    Now coming back to my questions:

    • What's my job exactly?

    • Which supports fit well into these compositions?

    My current understanding is that my job is to disengage in case they try to collapse on our group of 3, aswell as providing deep vision to see them rotating.
    Going from there I plan to play something like Janna or Karma. Any suggestions?

    I'm also glad about any additional insights regarding splitpush compositions, especially from people that have experience in playing in a competitive environment (doesn't have to be support focussed).

    submitted by /u/Thyloon
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    Doran’s blade or Doran’s shield

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    How do you know when to build one or the other? Is it only Doran's blade if you're an adc and shield for top champs? Or is it okay to take shield on an adc or blade on a top champ? Does it vary by champion? Is it dependent on your opponent? I was thinkin if you think you lose early trades you go shield but I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/ImATardigrade1
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    Void Staff efficiency on AP Split-pushers

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:06 PM PST

    So, I've been constantly hearing from different analysts when I watch pro-play that the percent magic pen that void staff gives is inefficient unless a certain amount of magic resist is present (I think approximately 60 MR). However, inner turrets and beyond typically get past that amount of MR the later the game goes. So shouldn't AP split-pushers (e.g. Ryze) still be capable of using this item efficiently in order to increase the speed of taking objectives, or is that not efficient enough. Maybe for turrets it isn't as important because you can only auto-attack them, but epic monsters like baron and elder should also have more than 60 MR, no? Is Void Staff a good purchase for better objective-taking speed?

    submitted by /u/Sparrkky
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    Why is Syndra only a tier 3 on op.gg but basically permabanned in pro-games.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Are there a lot of mediocre Syndra players, is her skillcap super high or is there something else happening? Just like how K6 is a hypercarry etc. etc. and yet you only ever see Gragas everywhere. Is pro play so very different from dia/plat/challenger?

    submitted by /u/Mouwsraider
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    Being behind by 10 kills is not "unwinnable". A quick rant about bouncing back.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Playing this game on and off since the start at different elos i've noticed this mentality has gotten a lot worse in the past half year or so especially with the dragon rework. The enemy team has such a strong lead by the 15 minute mark that you say "well GG next, x fed too hard unwinnable".

    The thing people need understand is that this game is not an equation that compares stats and decides who wins. There is a game going on here too, in fact there are multiple games going on here.

    Everyone talks about which champion are better at laning/midgame/lategame, but let's talk about the player. A Player might be really good at laning mechanics, but actually have very poor understanding of the Macro play, objective priority, team fight positioning etc etc. Sure if you and the enemy team are equally skilled at all stages of the game the fed team will almost always win, but you shouldn't assume you're equal.

    Let's say enemy bot gets fed 5/0/0, mid 3/1/0 and their jg top each have a kill. Obviously they will have farm and XP advantages as well, as well as a drag and first tower.

    Your team has only 2 kills, both to your jg.

    Is this a bad situation? Yes. Will they have a much easier time winning than you? Absolutelty. Is it GG? No.

    It's time for the midgame.

    Let's even say they have champs with the scaling advantages, they have jinx and you're lucian. Not only did she stomp the lane she scales way better than you as a champ, this doesn't bode well for you.

    But only one thing has to happend for things to take a big turn: Say her jungler fails to ward and she gets overconfident and hooked by thresh then you and your midlaner pop her (her flash/heal are down because she used those to get a kill earlier). Her support jumps and and tries to save her, but becaues of how fast she dies (a fed jinx is still jinx) the support dies as well. Not only do you get shutdown gold, but for the next ~30 seconds those five kills she got in lane are a non factor. She's out of the equation, as is her support.

    Now your team has a 5v3 advantage and they have no carry, you use this pressure to get the next drag, a tower, and farm a few lanes. Because of the shutdown gold, the fact that minion gold goes up over time, and the level requirements for XP are smaller at lower levels, you are now only a BF sword and one level behind her, instead of a legendary item and 2 levels behind her.

    This is how the one occurrence of thresh landing that hook caused your team to take back a lot of ground stats wise. You still aren't even, but you aren't so behind. One kill at 16 minutes can be worth so much more than one kill in the laning phase, not in terms of gold and XP but in terms of objective pressure, and XP requirements for levels.

    This can happen in so many ways, maybe they go too deep on a tower dive, or tried to take drag while low HP and without smite, or just gets CC during a teamfight.

    The point is there are so many more factors that come into play in this game than the stats that the computer keeps track of. Getting stomped in the laning phase is bad, but it does not guarantee a loss by any means.

    Some people get overconfident. Some people just get downright lucky. Some players are better at teamfighting than laning. Some jungle players are better at midgame objective priority than ganking. Some toplane players are better at splitpushing than trading.

    TLDR: Don't get so caught up in the numbers that you forget about the players.

    submitted by /u/HEV_tux
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    Jungler: Ganking

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST


    So, I have just returned to league after a year break. With the new jungle changes I find it very hard to gank without getting far behind in the jungle. Anything I should know about the jungle changes, that would help me not to get far behind. What jungle routes to take if you want to do an early gank?

    submitted by /u/Dumbo0
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    Looking for Help

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Hi, I'm completley new to leauge and am trying to find my feet in the game. I have a feeling i wanna play jungle but have been reccomended to start learining how to lane before even attempting jungling. I am not too sure who i like yet but i have got some of my best (bad by other peoples standards) gameplay playing as Kayn. I was wondering if any of you more experienced player would help a new guy like me out?

    submitted by /u/JDm2705
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    New “Jungle Picks” Ranked

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

    So this is opinion based but just want to see what everyone thinks but out of the new "junglers" I would say the strength goes Diana Talon Garen Darius Zed Gnar Diana is already played professionally on occasion in former patches so this will just boost her up a little. Talon with dark harvest is just a better blue Kayn at ganking since his wall hop isn't visible plus decent early pressure. Garen with the buffs he's recieving other then the jungle buff will make his performance decent but still hard to gank with. Darius same concept as garen but no other buffs to the champion. Zed will have a weak clear plus no pressure pre 6 then even after 6 only good on select situations. Gnar. Well that's it. What does everyone else think?

    submitted by /u/papastones
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    Is it possible to carry from top?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    I am a top lane main who plays jg whenever im duoing for freelo. Anyways I have a serious problem that I personally don't know how to fix no matter how many guides and high elo streamers I watch. And i have been hardstuck gold since the mid season 9 so its getting pretty bad.


    I personally think that I am a pretty good laner and can consistenly generate leads 1v1 and sometimes even 1v2 (depending on how bad they camp). I find myself most games getting super ahead of my laner, roaming the map with my jg and my TP but I simply can't seem to get my teammates ahead. I play bruisers like irelia darius and camille which, for the most part, fall off at as the game goes on. By this I mean that they can't frontline and reliably deal damage late game. So I try my best to make things happen early and mid game.


    The problem

    Time and time again I find that my teammates are consistently doing worse than their counterparts in terms of damage cs and pressure. At first these were just excuses for me to blame why I'm losing these games but I feel like I have a real problem with converting my leads into leads for my team. To have a better understanding.

    >> I play fairly aggressively in the laning phase but I know that I have good map awareness and I only play forward when I have wards. I regualrly am able to solo kill my opponenets because it's solo queue and people tend to play sloppy but my struggle begins when I'm around 2/0 with a 10-30 cs lead and I have taken their top turret at around 15-20 minutes max.

    Normally I like to call my jungle over to take the rift herald and possibly use it to crack mid or bot and then go for dragons. This goes well only when the jungle listens and follows up.

    >>But in the times that they don't I really have no clue what else to do so I just split push top and roam if it's too dangerous to continue pushing. This type of play style normally leads to me losing my lead slowly and the enemies winning around the map. I honestly am not typing this out of tilt or anything I just need help because I have faced this issue in about 60% of my games in the past year and I'd rather be called trash and explained how I'm playing wrong rather than have people just tell me "you gotta convert your leads around the map, thats how you win from top"

    My opgg link if it helps: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=thebozz800

    I'v got some games on mid and jg but the majority are top.

    submitted by /u/thebozz801
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    Protip: don't play Hecarim.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:24 PM PST

    Hecarim is absolute trash. Needs items to be relevant and can't even outsustain jungle creep damage after building his jungle item.

    I see why he has a < 50% winrate in the jungle for this patch. If you look at the top winrate junglers, anyone in the top 10 can chain gank while clearing with no problems.


    submitted by /u/stardust4891
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    Playing against Yasuo

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I for the life of me can't not play against this champion. I play mostly casters like Lux, Viktor, Rumble, Brand etc. And I can never seem to beat this champion. He always snowballs and just runs train on me. I've tried constantly poking him and trying to keep his shield down so he is vulnerable to damage, I've tried shoving him in. I've tried letting him keep me under tower and just safely farm. What best tips do you have to play against him? I usually ban him every game but diana is dumb as hell right now lol

    submitted by /u/Ccummings625
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