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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    LoL Guide Avoid aram (in summoners rift)

    LoL Guide Avoid aram (in summoners rift)

    Avoid aram (in summoners rift)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Hello, i'm an old player that came back to league in december, and I noticed that people are grouping mid way too early in the game. Usually it goes like this: a side lane takes down a tower>they just group mid for some reason. LOSING A LOT OF GOLD AND EXP IN THE PROCESS

    Back in my day, the usual would be to take down the first turrets in every lane before grouping, if you took first tower you probably are stronger than the enemy laner, so you could use this advantage to force other objectives, because it makes no sense to share gold and exp from minions when there is nobody farming in a side lane

    Avoid arams.

    Its not uncommon to low elo supports mistake "roaming" with sitting mid after the turret bot is gone, then the ADC overextends and keeps dying OR goes mid to share farm.

    Sharing gold and exp isnt the problem, losing gold and exp in another lane because everybody mid is

    After I noticed this, I just walk to the lane where nobody is and farm while they aram waiting for the next dragon, I usually become the strongest person in the game now and started to climb again.

    submitted by /u/cenzala
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    Completely new to the game. Leveled to 30. Started Ranked. Everyone hates me. Help.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:54 AM PST

    I learned the game as I played and seemed to do fine. We won some matches, we lost some, I even unlocked all my available chests with S ranks on four different characters. Normal was getting boring because no one took it seriously, so difficult to know if you were making progress or learning or not, so I started ranked.

    Ranked I am constantly getting flamed. I do not even disagree. I am new, I have a lot to learn. But no one tells me what I'm doing wrong. They just say "go kill yourself" or "this ____" etc. It's strange, one of reasons I chose to start playing LoL is it has so many players and has been popular for a long time. I know I will never be great, but I enjoy playing "to win" against people of similar skill level. I can do this in Chess, even though I am not great. I can do this in Overwatch, even though I am not great. But I start playing Ranked here, and maybe their placements are just messed up, but suddenly everyone hates me.

    I simply want to learn to be a better player, without letting my team down. This seems impossible in normal matches because no one takes them seriously. But how do I quickly get down the basics of Ranked so not to be hated? Are there some guides or sites or similar? (I don't like videos, I like reading).

    submitted by /u/ahmama
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    How to die less as an adc ( or other roles ) mainly for ADC

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:18 AM PST

    I made a guide detailing how to die less as an (mainly) ADCarry but still helpful for other roles

    If you prefer to listen to audio here is the video I made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIEBeYWeBww

    Text in brackets are things I have forgotten to mention in the video but included them with on screen captions.

    If you prefer to read heres the full script of the video;

    - Respect fog of war ( missing enemies on map means they are coming for you )

    Respect fog of war, whenever enemies are missing from the map, its safe to say 9 times out of 10 they are coming for you because ADC is the easiest prey in league of legends. How often have you died while farming in the side lane to the enemy camping in a bush? How often do you actually pay attention to where the enemy mid laner is ? ( If missing, then play safe)And where is their jungler right now? ( If missing, then play safe) If you have no vision of the enemy jungler or midlaner and that you have no idea where they could be, you should almost never engage or fight and be ready to run away from any skirmish. Because often times, your support may land a sick hook but it ends up with you and your support dying. Thinking it was a 2v2 but in reality (it is a 2v4) their midlaner and jungler was waiting for you to make that mistake.

    - Do not hit towers or objective without a reason

    Do not hit towers or objective without a reason, by default you should never be hitting towers or starting objectives unless there is good reason for it. Because, when you are hitting the tower it makes it very easy for the enemy to predict your movement hence landing skillshots or crowdcontrol that would otherwise be difficult to hit, for example with something like an leona flashing over the wall hitting her ultimate and chain ccs you even if you have flash, you are guarateed dead 9 times out of 10. Similiar concept applies to objectives, when you are doing baron/dragon it makes it very easy for the enemies to engage on you and your team and not to forget dragons can almost counts as another enemy player and for baron not only does he does a ton of damage it also decreases your defensive stats during the fight.( a good reason to start is when you know enemy have recalled or you have just killed them)

    - Dealing with Assassins

    Try TO Stay with ally that can peel for you or stay at your own tower especially if the enemy team has an assassin like an evelyn or rengar that can pretty much hunt you across the entire map , sometimes, even when you are next to a tower or ally they will still one shot you and may very well get away from it which can be very frustrating. If you are ahead, it would be useful to build something defensive early, like a hexdrinker with merc treads in some extreme cases, or a chain vest with ninja tabi. For some specific ADCs you can even go hourglass, like varus and kaisa, essentially having hourglass is like having a lower cooldown guardian angel. But if you are behind i would not recommend building defensive items early on because since you are already behind meaning you lack the gold to do damage in fights, whilst the enemy assassins will still one shot you even if you go defensive and the fact that you do no damage and still get one shot can be depressing so you can only rely on better teamplay and positioning. For example, dont show up to a fight unless you know exactly where that enemy assassin is ( or they have used their cooldown ), of course if you have a plan in your head to counter him then by all means go for it, otherwise you will simply die for nothing.

    - Good and bad fights to avoid ( fight with number advantage or one shot enemy without retaliation, count enemies missing from the map as part of the fight )

    Knowing good fights to take and bad fights to avoid, a similar concept with respecting fog of war, but on a bigger scale during mid to late game. You always look for fights where you either can one shot somebody straight away without retaliation or fight with numbers advantage where it is a clear 5v4 or 4v3 etc. but how do you know what are bad fights to avoid ? A good example would be, you are fighting a 4v4 around an objective, whilst your top laner is split pushing without teleport and the enemy top laner is missing, often times in low elo people are too focused on what is going on in front of them, they do not take into account of players missing from the mini map, next thing you know, your team engages the 4v4 but then swiftly loses even after you played out of your god damn mind, because of the enemy top laner showing up and turning the tide of the fight unless of course if someone is mega fed then the outcome may vary. Another good example would be playing against a fiddlesticks, we know what a fiddlesticks player love to do, at the start of the fight you dont see him, so you forget about him but then next thing you know he uses his ultimate from fog of war, jumping out of nowhere and one shotting you, giving you no chance to retaliate. so the general rule of thumb here is to count any enemies missing from the minimap as another player at whatever current fight or skirmish you are currently in, and play around it with this in mind at all times.

    These tips may seem trivial at first but even in high elo people will make these mistake, once you understand it and apply it in your ranked games you will find yourself dying a lot less which results in you being able to stay alive to do more damage, have a much bigger impact overall, hence climbing the ladder.

    submitted by /u/C0c0nuthard
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    I give up games too easily when playing solo, and can't seem to change my mindset - help.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    As the title says, i give up too easily in my ranked games; Each season since i started i basically just aim for gold. I don't really care much about ranked, and only want the skin from it. I main top lane, and usually (90% of games at least) win, or go even in lane. My aim is always to go at least even, and just try to lessen my laners impact on the game if i'm behind (ie; make sure i don't die, even if it means giving up gold).

    Lately i've been having big issues when playing solo, where if my team feeds a few kills early i just give up and don't even try to play the game out though. I find it super frustrating having to play from behind because other people can't play safely.

    The 2 games i've played today, at 10 minutes my teams have been 4kills / 19 deaths, and 9 kills/18 deaths collectively, not including my lane which has been 1/0 and 2/2 as Sett & Yorick respectively.

    Once i see this, i just give up and call the game quits and want to get into the next. I'm not sure how to change my mindset. Am i wrong to do so? Is there any point in even trying to put effort in to play out the game, when in my opinion all we're doing is stalling out a loss?

    games are being playing in high gold/low plat elo btw.

    submitted by /u/Brennay
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    Have we figured out the correct way to play against Sett, yet?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I just noticed that rhymed, haha. Seriously, though, how do you engage with and 'win' against Sett, assuming you have roughly equal gold and XP?

    I'm talking about in lane, mostly. I'm getting absolutely smashed by Setts. His numbers are likely overtuned as is Riot's habit, but still, the kit is there and it should still be doable, but numbers aside I'm not seeing the 'strategy' at all. He seems to have very little downside (he's more mobile than most juggs, honestly, especially with his ability to split the fight up with his ult, or use it to 'dash' back to his turret if needed).

    I play Volibear and Garen and usually they can both hold their own against other Juggernauts (except perhaps Darius and maybe Urgot), but I'm having a very difficult time understanding how to beat him, besides just "not engaging".

    He nearly outsustains Garen, and out duels Volibear as his shield is better than Voli's passive 30% HP regen because it's instant (and on a very short cooldown comparatively) which is usually how juggernauts kill each other - that last few hundred health is deleted (Garen/Darius/Illaoi (kinda) ult, Voli bite, etc.). Obviously dodging the true damage is where a lot of this comes to play, but his stun makes that not very possible all the time unless you are just...TERRIFIED of your minion wave at all times, which he wins anyway because you're not CS'ing.


    How do you beat Sett, assuming both of you are playing correctly? What would a pro Sett vs. pro-anything (you choose the kit (besides ranged, cuz fuck ranged tops, haha), maybe he just counters the fuck out of juggernauts, idk) matchup look like?

    Is it just short trades so he doesn't build up grit and counter with a massive shield? But then I feel his regen kicks in hard and he ends up outsustaining you. I can't think of anything else, though.

    And please, no "just dodge literally everything!" responses. That's not a counter, that's 'playing perfectly.' He has no mana costs at all, that's like saying to dodge literally every Yasuo tornado. That's not viable over several (hundred) trials, eventually you will fuck up unless you vastly outskill him, and focusing on dodging means you're not CS'ing properly, not trading effectively, and likely running out of mana while he is still fresh because he doesn't have any.

    submitted by /u/LedgeEndDairy
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    Jungling with scaling lanes

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:29 AM PST

    Hi guys, i'm a jungle main currently D3 and lately i'm really focusing on understanding my games properly from a macro point of view, so every time i enter loading i'm searching for winconditions given the 10 champs in the game, how the early lanes play out, my matchup, what their plan should be too etc.
    Thanks to this i improved a lot and i can feel it while playing, but there is a rare situation dat i struggle to analyze.

    So... what type of champ should i pick and what should my plan be if the comp is:
    Losing matchup/scaler top with bad/no gank utility.
    Losing matchup/scaler top with bad/no gank utility.
    Scaling bot BUT with good gank chance if vision control is proper.

    I rly struggle in this, cause both times i played this today the enemy jungler picked up kindred feeling safe in his solo lanes priority to abuse me! invade lvl 2, deny both crabs and more invades. After the first clear i'm already behind and the worst part is dat i find myself having the same clear he has, meaning i can't go to gank my "decent" lane cause he can countergank and get even more ahead!
    So i ask you advice on the type of champion i should pick and what's the proper approach to this situation. let's use a comp as example (left side is my team):

    Kayle vs Darius
    Kassadin vs Cassio
    Senna vs Kai'sa
    Leona vs Thresh

    Please don't flame me or think i'm an idiot, i just want to learn and i feel no shame in admitting my lack of knowledge. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Di4mond4rr3l
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    How do I become more consistent in ranked?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I went from being close to Bronze with a 70% win rate, to Iron 3 in less than 2 weeks.

    I've had games the last couple of days where I popped off and carried my entire team, but I lost anyways and then I've had games where I just went 0/6 and felt like I couldn't do anything. I feel like I'm playing the same as usual, but I'm getting completely horrible results all of a sudden and I don't know why.

    Things that I realised myself so far are, first off, that I am dying too much and so I tried getting better at map awareness etc., but a lot of times I still tunnel vision on my lane and get ganked. I mainly play Diana and I was playing a pretty agressive build for a while where I just rushed Nashor's Tooth, which gives me a lot of AP and CDR, but no Mana or Health. I started to build RoA instead, which made me play better for a while and I felt like I was dying less, but now I have the same problem again.

    I also tried improving my CS to make sure I at least get my items even when I'm losing lane, which mostly worked so far. I went from having barely 5 CS/min to around 6-6.5 CS/min.

    Here is my op.gg

    submitted by /u/xlumik
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    When do I start ranking?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:01 AM PST

    I've not ranked yet. I'm level 31 and got 19 champs, can easily but more. I've played Lux relatively well (with her I get occasional friend requests and loads of honor) I've played Kayle ok (none of the above though, but that makes sense I guess) I've played Riven a bit too.

    I'm not great, I know. And got much to learn. Do I start ranking, ending up Iron I would say. Or do I train more and more until I'll get bronze maybe. Cause climbing is way harder than starting higher up right?

    submitted by /u/Orange-tall-psycho
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    What to do on control mages after landing phase?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    I constantly find myself coming out of laning phase even or slightly ahead of my mid opponent, then bot lane swaps to mid but I don't feel strong enough to solo lane. Usually I try to group/force a neutral objective, but if that isn't an option I don't know what to do.

    I try not to stay an aram mid but if the sideline towers are already gone I usually don't feel comfortable farming there.

    Any advice for keeping a gold lead once dirty adc players come take my farm?

    submitted by /u/nickel_face
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    How to aim global ultimates

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Hi guys. I play mostly adc. I would like to know the best way to aim global ultimates, for example Ashe's R. Do you aim by putting cursor over the minimap or do you aim by hovering over the area you want to hit by unlocked camera?

    I'm asking this because I play a lot of Ashe and Senna, and annoyingly find myself missing long range ults by only a small margin.

    Was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to improve my long range ults.

    Thanks guys.

    Edit: I'm pretty good at landing Ashe's R at close to medium range. It's long range, for example bot lane to snipe top lane. Or from my fountain to somewhere on the other side of the map.

    submitted by /u/lukereddit88
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    Most reliable website for stats?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:11 PM PST

    What are the best websites for stats? I've been lurking and I've seen lots of differences in opinion regarding the several stats pages I know.

    1. op.gg
    2. u.gg
    3. lolalytics.com
    4. leagueofgraphs.com
    5. champion.gg
    6. counterstats.net
    7. Any other site?

    I know op.gg, u.gg, lolalytics, and leagueofgraphs all cover similar stats:

    • Overall Champion Winrate -> split into different divisions: by Elo, by Game length, etc
    • Champion Tier lists
    • Recommended build paths

    Why are stats on op.gg different from u.gg, etc? How is op.gg getting different data compared to lolalytics? Is one site just using a larger dataset than the other? Or are there differences in the population of games that these sites choose? I noticed that League of Graphs uses Ranked + Normal instead of separating the two queues, so I'm wondering if that is one of the factors that makes such a difference. I also noticed that some sites competely remove outliers. I know that op.gg showed that Volibear had an insufficient number of games played sometime last season and wouldn't provide stats for him. Do any of these sites have an option to look at these outliers?

    Are any of these sites more accurate in reflecting the professional meta over the rest? I know that the meta in professional games can be considerably different from the traditional solo-queue meta. LCS meta can also be completely different from LCK meta. Is there any League stats websites that separates data from these professional games? I know the data pool for this would be very small, but these stats would still be great to look at.

    For the sites that are more game-state specific than champion specific, how accurate would you say their stats are and how would you read them? counterstats.net is a website that my friends and I use to help gauge whether a lane will win or lose. I know that stats rarely tell the whole story, so I'm wondering how good of a metric this website is when assuming the lane is played between two players of even skill.

    TL;DR: Which stat sites are most reliable for which stats? Is there anything I need to consider when using specific sites?

    submitted by /u/LapisNightRose
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    LPT: As a jungler you can get a lot of free health regen by tagging camps while running past them.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Something I don't really see done much and not mentioned either. The health regen on jungle items can be used to regenerate a little bit of health from jungle camps you are walking past without intending to kill.

    It's only really is a benefit on junglers that start Hunter's Talisman but there's probably exceptions too, just look at your champion's kit and think if it'll be of benefit.

    The best use of this is definitely as Ekko going Red buff to Blue buff, you can throw a Q on the raptors when you walk past them and you'll pretty much get healed to full, even if you were quite low from not getting a leash. You could also then let you your bot players start in lane to get better lane control early without any detriment to your own clearing ability.

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    Looking for streamer/YouTuber that plays Zoe

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Hi, d4ish player there, with new season I decided to learn how to play Zoe, the problem is that I really can't get how to lane as her properly, if someone knows any good Zoe player making any league content that I could watch to get the grasp of how to play her, please leave it in comments, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Escev
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    Looking for Coaching VODs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    So I've watched coaching sessions from both LS and Neace on their youtube channels.

    It seems like a lot of these coachings are single coach sessions. I was curious if anyone knew of any coaches that put up vods somewhere where they possibly run a longer term coaching. Like say, with the same player but over the course of time to actually see the stuff they coach be applied and how it helped those players in their games.

    If something like that doesn't exist, I'd still be interested in learning about some coaches that post vods regularly. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ricky_Joes
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    How to slow push for objectives?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a high gold (last season plat) top lane main. I understand minion management during laning phase decently enough, and how to time backs, etc. One thing I struggle with is side lane wave management in the midgame when objectives are up. For example, let's say baron is about to come up. To my understanding, I would want to slow push a big wave botlane so that by the time we fight around baron as a team (once I get there), ideally a big minion wave crashes at their bot tower so they forfeit waves and potentially we win a free tower. What is the best way to amass such a wave? Does it depend on which towers are still up (aka tier 2 and inhib towers?)

    submitted by /u/trolltest123
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    Do what I love or become more complete?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:38 PM PST

    I've been playing about 6 months and am still pretty lousy. Like, Iron 1 lousy. I'm a jungle main and while it is my favorite role for sure, I definitely struggle at it. In one of my many posts looking for guidance, I got an interesting comment. Basically it said that I shouldn't be playing jungle until I'm ranked plat so that I can learn the game better. Intrigued I asked my friend at work today who's a plat player. He said, while plat is a little high or a threshold, that learning the other roles will make me a better overall player, and that will translate well to the jungle. Solo lanes will teach me matchups and micro, bot/supp teach map awareness and when to engage, mid when to roam, top trading, etc....Brilliant or bollocks?

    submitted by /u/ksunk92
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    What does top lane do to carry a game?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I'm currently a B3 Morde main. (I was S4 last season but I placed B4 this season. I also just recently started a couple months ago.) I constantly find myself winning lane by a considerable amount, but eventually losing the game due to other enemy lanes getting fed or just overall bad team coordination.

    What can I do to improve my win rate? Should I maybe pick up more influential roles like Jungle? Should I choose another champ to learn that can more easily carry?

    submitted by /u/flypitch193
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    I want to learn the game efficiently but I don't want to one trick

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Would it be a good idea to focus on a role and not a champion? Most of the posts out here says to one trick or learn a small pool of champs and playing a lot of the is discouraged but there is a lot of champs I want to play

    What I'd like to do is learn the mid lane by playing only Annie until I'm confident as an Annie player and as a Mid laner.

    Then start adding champions to my champion pool, but always waiting to be good at the new champ before adding another one.

    By doing this I feel like I'd get most of the advantages of being a one trick by being able to think at the game macro wise and not focus on my champion mechanics (except when I'll be learning a champion to add it to my champion pool of course but those games will be dedicated to learn those mechanics)

    Even though I will probably never get as good at those champions as an OTP. I might learn the mid laner role better and more importantly have fun with the diversity of champions I'll be able to play.

    My goal being to be good at the game and not to get to the highest rank possible it sounds like a good idea.

    The champion pool might looks like that :

    Only Annie for something like 1 month Annie + TF for 1 month Annie + TF + Orianna for 2 months Annie + TF + Orianna + Viktor for 3 months Etc...

    (I'll try avoiding adding complex champ at the beginning)

    Did any of you did something similar? And how did it go?

    Any advice about my plan will be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Wetz12
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    I'm back, <5 min Tips/Combos videos for Champions

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a diamond mid laner, who has been playing since season 1.

    I recently made a thread here detailing my <5 minute video guides for league's champions because I felt like new players are easily overwhelmed when learning new champions.

    I received a lot of love as well as great feedback from this subreddit.

    I've since uploaded three new videos for Zed, Orianna and Diana.

    I would love to hear addition feedback on what you think would be useful for me to include/not include, etc.

    Here's a link to my channel:


    Let me know what champions you want me to do next as well.

    Thank a lot!


    submitted by /u/pingspong
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    Becoming an Annie main and need advice

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Hey all, I've decided to play 100 games of annie to try and improve my macro and micro, but I'm struggling to push my leads into wins... I'm really hoping to hit diamond before the end of the season as I normally climb about a division or more a season... I've gone at least even if not super fed, and still lost. The ones before that I did win however, I'm on about 7 or 8 games of Annie.

    My typical runes are as follows:

    Dark Harvest, TTB, Eyeball collection, and ultimate hunter (Allows me to use tibbers off cooldown at 20% cdr) then presence of mind (As I find I have enough mana with it to not need ludens) and coup de grace.

    My builds are... Different depending on the game but it usually goes like this.

    darkseal refillable start, proto belt, (revolver then kindle) into either zonyahs, morello, or deathcap, mejais pretty early if i feel comfortable. Liandries, rylies, and spell binder are options as well for late game.

    As much as Annie is an easy champion, I'm hoping top break the diamond thresh hold this season... I seem to be playing well but can't win despite having a 3.3 k/d in the past games i've played as her. Does anyone have any tips/tricks item/rune options or just general things I need to know while playing Annie? I appreciate it guys, wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Accenix
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    is it worth it to build bramble vest not for grevious wound but for the damage?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:07 PM PST

    I see high elo players top sometimes building bramble vest early in lanes where they get poked a lot but the champion they get poked by doesn't have healing or won't heave healing for quite some time yet.

    Does that damage really make a difference in the laning phase?+

    submitted by /u/JustJohnItalia
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    Meta Supports Low Elo (Bronze II)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Is it just me or playing Meta supports such as Leona, Braum and Rakan is harder in Low Elo?

    I climbed out of Iron IV to Bronze II just playing hard damage supports (Zyra and Lux) but i like those meta picks and Tanky champs, but everytime i try those, i get a poor game with little to no control of the bot lane and become just a engage machine that dies because the team doesn't follow (Just after i die)

    Does it happen to anyone else?

    PS.: Sorry for the bad english, not native tongue!

    submitted by /u/PlUndv
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    kai sa ludens build

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    ( im a g1 kai sa main, with more than 1 M mastery points on her and 62 % WR over 600 games with her)

    I made a post last week, talking about playing kai sa mid lane. And even if the idea of kai sa mid, can be a bit controversial. I find that that the ludens build is extremely strong on kai sa even if played adc.

    So the build goes like that :

    Runes : The normal kai sa runes


    Situational items Lich bane ( more dmg ) / Zhonya ( sustain )/ death cap (dmg)/ banshee (sustain)/Liandry ( anti tanks/hp )/ Morrelomelicom ( anti healing )/ Glp ( more mana and slow)/ gunblade ( healing ) ect..

    Example of a final build :

    manamune/ ludens/ nashor/ lich bane/ death cap

    The CORE will give u the 3 evolve , q 1st / w 2nd / e 3rd. So u max q first first followed by w and finally

    As u can see i ditched rage blade, and the reason why is simply because after the rage blade nerfs, i dont find the item that worth anymore. the biggest reason we picked rage blade first was for the on hit effect , bc it stacked our passive quicker. But now, its not that interesting.

    Now compare that to ludens . It gives 20 % CDR. 90 AP, 600 mana ( scale with ur manamune ), and a spell effect. So not only it gives kai sa better poke with w, but also better one shots , and it boost kai sa ability dmg. its has just more stats for only 100 gold more expensive

    The only thing the rage blade does give more for kai sa is attack speed., that need to be stacked. With ludens u can poke for a mile away, and deal 250 or more dmg per hit , that can really hurt in a seige when both team are grouped and waiting to figth. And with the CDR u can use ur w quicker. But it also help ur one shot. If at the start of a figth u can kill the enemy adc in a one shot, it can easily put the figth in ur favor. This build remain a hybrid build, u will deal the same amount of AD than AP in a normal 30 min game. Making it hard to build around for the enemy.

    Give it a shot in norms. Its really worth a try

    submitted by /u/alexandre040
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