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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.4 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.4 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.4 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Getting top lane should instantly put you into the new fighting game once it comes out

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Just think about it. It would be so much better for everyone. I mean top lane's fucking useless anyways so let's just stop giving top laners the illusion of impact.

    And let's be honest everyone who plays top just wants to duke it out with the other guy. This way it's just a pure 1v1. No pesky junglers coming to double team your ass. No annoying towers for the enemy to cower behind. Just a pure 1v1.

    And then after the game for the other 4 players is over just give the dude on the winning team the lp and go on. If you really want to try to at least regulate how fast you climb give a 20% increase/decrease to the winner/loser.

    I mean why go on pretending when we can just be upfront about it?

    submitted by /u/PopeksLoL
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    Just a reminder that attack move click has been knowingly bugged on Kalista for 1900+ days

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Kalista has 2 major bugs with attack move click.

    The first bug causes Kalista to walk back toward a target when using attack move click to dash away from the target. It's easy to see how this could have major gameplay implications as it would cause Kalista players to walk to their death when trying to kite away.

    Here is a video clearly displaying this bug:


    This bug has been known for 1911 days, since November 28, 2014, only 1 week after Kalista's release and still hasn't been fixed.


    The second bug involved Kalista having lower attack speed when using attack move click for kiting. This is particularly important because it affects raw gameplay mechanics and numbers like DPS output.

    There is a very good video by Ajoscram with evidential proof of this bug (through frame-by-frame analysis) here:


    This was first reported 1547 days ago, on November 27, 2015, on this subreddit here:


    It's kinda ironic how a such a core gameplay mechanic is so broken on a Champ who's entire identity revolves around that gameplay. It's also really disappointing to see that no work has been done to try to address these issues. I've personally submitted 5 tickets to riots support team (once every year since 2015) and always receive the same generic response: "Sorry that this issues hasn't been previously officially addressed. While I won't be able to give you a time frame of when this will be fixed, rest assured that we'll be working on it".

    submitted by /u/AndreVallestero
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    As Silver I can't group with Platinum players, but I am allowed to play against Platinum+ - Working as intended?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Basically title.
    I mean, there has to be a limit of MMR increase related to your cosmetic rank. I am seeing so many posts of people experiencing weirdest matchups. Even saw a screener of some guy facing a challenger and grandmaster in his Promos from Gold to Plat.

    My point is just: I can't group up with these people by intent, thus I should not be facing them in my native cosmetic Ranking. It is hard enough for anybody playing Bronze 4 facing Silver 1, Silver 4 vs Gold 1 and so on. These gaps are hard enough for players already.

    Cause this season causes a lot of frustration regarding the matchups. I don't see people complaining so much about the climb taking too long. Unfair or just weird matchups make up the most desperate complaints. At least that is my perception.

    What do you guys think? Is it okay for a Silver player to play vs Platinum+?

    submitted by /u/Just_An_Ic0n
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    Server issues on EUW, potentially others

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Riot has confirmed they have taken Ranked down for a potential issue impacting games.


    Edit: It seems there may be far larger issues at hand with the servers and client. Please be aware that we only are able to confirm what Riot puts out on the server status page but many people are claiming all queues are out and log ins are becoming difficult

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    Yuumi and Singed against the world

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:18 PM PST

    “Just to clarify something - we did not slow down the ranked climb for season 10 to combat smurfs Currently s10 should not be different than s9 in terms of matchmaking and climb. We do have ranked and matchmaking improvements coming throughout the year” Mark Yetter

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Mark Yetter on Twitter, Lead gameplay designer.

    Just to clarify something - we did not slow down the ranked climb for season 10 to combat smurfs

    Currently s10 should not be different than s9 in terms of matchmaking and climb. We do have ranked and matchmaking improvements coming throughout the year


    submitted by /u/zSalsy
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    Vulcan: LCS is really weak right now, the weakest it's been in a long time

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Slowing down the climb to hurt smurfing is the exact opposite of what should be done

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:43 PM PST

    This season Riot introduced a way to counter smurfing; everyone starts in lower ELO and climbs much slower. For some reason this is supposed to work as an incentive to prevent smurfing. It has the exact opposite effect. Think about it, smurfs are now longer in low ELO, and can stomp them even more before having to make a new account.

    What should be done to avoid smurfing is greatly accelerate the climb based on one's individual performance and winrate, so that anyone stomping in low ELO would rapidly climb to higher ELO's and leave the low ELO people alone. This would benefit people in low ELO by making sure there aren't as many smurfs stomping them, and this would benefit those who "had to" (e.g. new region) create a smurf and want to get to their own ELO ASAP. The only people this would hurt is those who want to stay in lower ELO to stomp for longer.

    submitted by /u/__mahi__
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    [Fan Art] Ezreal in Ionia

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:43 AM PST

    [Fan Art] Ezreal in Ionia


    I've made this piece in summer 2019 for a little League of Legends project wtih some other artists that was cancelled. Since it won't be printed I thought at least I can just show it to you guys! I kinda like backgrounds even tho I'm not very experienced with them but I really love Ionia colors and creatures so I wanted to draw it.
    Since I don't have any other big pieces with LoL, I guess I shouldn't post a link to my gallery.

    submitted by /u/Melisaenn
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    The Eternals are not only paid achievements, but uninspired achievements.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:17 AM PST

    I was looking at the list for the Eternals and it's actually ridículously boring. Most of the Eternals (the 'unique' Eternals, at that) are extremely boring and don't feel particular to the champion at all.

    I'll be honest I was thinking about buying one or two of these for my mains just for flexing purposes, and I went to check them, to see what I could buy. My favourite champs at this point are probably Garen, Sylas and Ekko.

    Ekko has: - 2 or more champs stunned with parallel convergence. - takedowns 5 before or after using the ultimate. - Passive triggers

    The passive triggers are just straight up dumb, you do that shit all the time, and I play him jungle so I immediately get many less triggers than lane people. How does it show skill level with the champion at all?

    The ultimate thing is just weird. I don't understand what the point of it is. It doesn't show any skill either. Killing people with ult is hard. Killing people before or after ult, that's around half of the kills you're going to be getting aren't they?

    The parallel convergence thing is the only decent one, I guess. That's actually hard to do, and something you need to learn how to do to master the champion. Alright.

    Garen has: - Damage dealt with Judgement - Champs killed with R - Damage mitigated with the shield of W

    This is terrible. The R one is fine but it was the most obvious thing one could ever choose for Garen, if they hadn't done this it would be ridiculous The E and the W must be the most boring, less skill expressive things I've ever read. It translate in "how much have you stayed near opponents" and "Did you remember to press W while trading?". In no way to these show your skill level with the champion.

    Sylas has: - Enemies hit with passive - Healing done with W - Enemies killed within 6 seconds of hitting them with their own Ultimate

    Honestly the third one is good although I'd like a lower time threshold for it. The other two, though, are absolutely abysmal. Both are stuff you get by casting point and click abilities, one of them being AUTOS.

    I haven't checked all of them but just checking these three champions is enough. Those are incredibly uninspired and they are mostly just "hit the enemy with this ability". The whole point of this were achievements where you have to be good at the champion to get, but 2/3 of each of the champions require absolutely no skill to perform. I can understand this with Garen, being such a simple champion, but they don't even feel unique to their champions for the most part.

    EDIT: I made an example of eternals i would like to see for these champions instead in the comments. Of course im sure there are many more ideas that are possible and exciting, those are just the ones i came up with.

    Garen: The W one could count the number of times you have reduced enemy CCs, instead of damage, which is a much more skill expressive way of using your W. The E one could count the amount of times you have dealt all 6 ticks of damage instead of just hte damage you have caused with it, which is much harder to accomplish.

    Sylas: I think the R one could use, instead of a lower timer, a different thing that was able to reward you for using non damaging ultimates in a good way. I think every champ has an eternal linked to their ultimate. Make Sylas copy that eternal for his eternal and keep track of the number of eternals he has gotten with other champion ultimates. The W is just dumb, at least change it to the number of times he has landed his E2. The passive one is also dumb and has no skill expression, but at least rewards you for hitting multiple champions with your passive, i guess.

    Ekko: Numer of times you have ulted while at 5% HP or less is probably a more skill expressive way of using his ultimate for eternals. The actual one is just linked to kills which isnt really the way you usually want to use Ekko's ultimate. The one with the passive is also stupid, change it to the number of times you have hit the go and the return of the same Q.

    Those are just from the top of my head. Please dont make it sound like its hard to come up with ideas. The actual ones are simply lazy as fuck.

    submitted by /u/AngronApofis
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    LS and Atlus absolutely lose it on broadcast

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Plat players matching with Challenger and Grandmaster?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:31 AM PST

    Honestly, how is this acceptable in any means? Not faulting the high elo players, clearly they didn't have a choice but maybe riot needs to do something when the bottom 100,000th of players are playing vs rank 17 ?

    Source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERNwnIeXkAIvBiF?format=jpg&name=medium


    submitted by /u/IslayedGod
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    Elitists United Episode 29: Unforgiven (feat. Odoamne and Innaxe)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    The Crack Down S01E05 - Bwipo's thoughts on Forgiven and Solo Queue as the Rank 1 Player on EUW

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:46 PM PST

    #LEC Match of the Weak Team Vitality VS Schalke 04

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Soraka, Sona and Immolate Item Hotfixes from Riot Scruffy

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:09 PM PST

    /u/RiotScruffy tweeted:

    Some hotfixes coming today for 10.4 to make sure everything ends up as intended. We expect to sometimes have to follow up on changes and want to react quickly.

    -Immolate mechanic slightly too strong

    -Soraka top nerfed correctly, support too weak

    -Sona top still too strong



    -Base AD reduced to 45 from 49

    -AD growth reduced to 2 from 3

    -E self MS reduced to 10 to 14% from 20% at all ranks.


    -W cooldown reduced to 6 to 2 seconds from 8 to 2.

    -W mana cost reduced by 10 at all ranks.

    -W heath cost reduction increased to 60 to 100% from 40 to 100%.

    Immolate items:

    -Bonus damage cooldown increased to 12 seconds on all items from 10.

    -HP ratio on all items reduced by 1% bonus health

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Tomorrow is Fiddlesticks birthday!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I am not a Main of his but I was always a fan of his premise and what he could be in the future and his rework is nearing pretty rapidly.

    I know I might get hate for saying this but It would be kinda a shame and a bit sad if Riot wouldn't actually release his rework onto PBE tomorrow as a birthday surprise.

    You know I wouldn't be surprised if Riot even forgot that his anniversary is tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/CylaxK2
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    TB Skyen makes an interesting argument against the monetezation of Eternals

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:14 AM PST

    The Sunfire New Immolate Proc is too unnoticeable

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I don't know about you guys, but I expected a splash of fire or something far more noticeable when using sunfire's new proc. At the moment, you barely see a small wave come out. There's little to no feedback that the proc went off except for the timer activated in your item slots. To add to this, being able to see how much damage was done from a proc rather than overall burning would be a nice addition to the tooltip of sunfire cape. I currently have no idea how effective this new proc is.

    submitted by /u/Cdore
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    Sneaky Aphelious Play Twitch Rivals

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:18 PM PST

    TF Blade hits masters KR with a 70% winrate

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST

    https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=r1blade he was down 0-2 in promo but came back to win promos 3-2

    a) mental fortitude isn't not being frustrated with your teammates; it's continuing to play well despite being frustrated

    b) he consistently killed morde 1v1, flashing over the Q to just barely win the fight multiple times, he really knows his matchup and makes highlight duels as typical plays

    His team was getting fucked in the last game though. And I'm not sure he'd be able to put as much pressure in a sidelane as he could against morde if he was against a challenger top. And a few times he got cced by the enemy thresh and taliyah roaming early which might make it hard for him to pop off like he wants to as jax. Who knows though I hope he has a good climb

    submitted by /u/tankmanlol
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    This or That | No More Yuumi

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:03 AM PST

    ALL Champions' ETERNALS

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    ALL Champions' ETERNALS


    Full Champion Eternals List >

    /dev Eternals >

    Eternals Explained >

    In addition to this post, I've also posted short GIFs summarizing each champion's Eternals in their respective subreddits. Easily accessible in alphabetical order from here.

    submitted by /u/JohnnyH2000
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    The Queue | Meteos - "There's times when I'm Meteos. There are other times I'm just Will."

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Rank and MMR are 2 different things. Smurfs wont ruin more low elo games than last season.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    Just wanted to clear this up, since most of the people confuse them. Yes Riot did indeed make rank of smurf accounts lower, but not their MMR. This eventually means that they might be silver instead of gold, but they will still play gainst plat-dia opponents. This new change basically made it slower to climb for smurfs, but they will play still in same MMR as last season so their smurfing wont affect low elo as much as u think. This might actually make smurfs make less accounts. Just wanted to say this because most of the people commenting on these new changes dont know what MMR is.. :)

    submitted by /u/PMme_ur_nudes_boi
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