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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.4

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.4

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread.

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    When do you CS mid game as an ADC

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I've picked up ADC recently and have been doing decent and I am able to win or go even in my lane early but I struggle when it comes to mid game I stop CSing to group with my team. I feel like I should be CSing more but if I go bot lane to farm my team engages mid. Is there a certain window I should be looking for to farm?


    A Silver 3 Scrub

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_PUNCHKID
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    Can someone explain why each boot is important

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:22 PM PST

    I always see people talking about the importance of boot choice. Could someone explain why each boot is important and why one boot is better than another. I get that they give armor or mr but I just don't understand why that small amount of armor or mr would be so important

    Edit : Thanks for all the responses I didn't think this post would blow up like this. I am currently bronze 2, last season I was silver 1/2 and I am trying to get to gold this season. Boots have just never been a concept I fully understood.

    submitted by /u/big_goofs
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    Always keep in mind the longer you do something the more dangerous it gets.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    A prime example of this: Have you ever done the pink ward dance? You or an enemy places a pink ward and you both dance around it one trying to kill it while the other tries to defend it? The longer you both dance the odds of someones jungler showing up increases dramatically. This applies to pretty much all plays that one could consider risky. The longer support roams the higher likelihood the jungler shows up and dives the ADC 3v1.

    submitted by /u/SequestrGrundleplith
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    As a support, what factors go into making a risky decision, eg. “Sacrificing” yourself, or abandoning a bad fight?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:06 AM PST

    I'm not a risk taker in nature but I heard my friends advise that edging limits and finding out how to smartly take risks is tied to improvement. But I want to know exactly what factors I have to take into account in a clown fiesta teamfight when it comes to sacrificing myself or abandoning a fight altogether. Anything I need to watch about wards? Team comp or when to engage? Spell rotation? Etc?

    I've had two incidents that I was flamed hard but was not sure what I should have done (apologies if it sounds like a mild rant):

    1. Baron contest. Enemy was clustered and we were trying to collapse on them but they had higher overall damage. I was Nami, enemy Katarina flash ults my ADC so I decide it was all or nothing. I flash-bubble (didn't ult because it would have only gotten Kat and wanted to hold onto it for hitting multiple), ADC escapes with a sliver of health, then I ult backwards and redemption to disrupt enemy and allow the rest of the team to jump in. We got a few people, stopped their baron, but I died in the process due to my risky positioning from dealing with Katarina. Cue flame from ADC for the rest of the game saying that I inted (even though I saved him). Team was split on whether I "inted" or played well. We were able to get some kills and take top turret. I thought I made a decent play so the flame hurt a bit- of course, it would have been better to not die.

    2. Fight around dragon, we were about to take it at 1/3 health but enemy malphite ults in. I was Nami again and had just enough time to bubble him and ult the rest of the enemy, but Fizz/Talon dodged my ult with mobility skills and killed ADC and mid, both who were our main source of damage. I'd exhausted my spells, 2 were dead and enemy was all alive, and enemy ADC was zoning me from getting near my jungler, so I spam ping caution and abandon. A trail of question mark pings followed me but there really wasn't anything I could do to save anyone by the time I used everything and got chunked to half health. I'm wondering if I should've considered staying- assassins also used their spells (Fizz/Talon's CD might be shorter than my bubble CD), Malph didn't have ult anymore, we still had a tank and jungler left but not much damage. My redemption was on CD.

    I'm not asking step by step detailed "what should I have done for xyz" because I understand there's too many factors to take into account- so that's exactly why I'm asking what factors I should take into account when I make a kamikaze play or run from a downhill teamfight.

    TLDR: Want to know what factors (eg. CDs, vision, team comp, baiting, etc) to take into account as sup when I might die but can really turn a fight in our favor, or when I should just leave and abandon fights. Gotten flamed for saving ADC/helping team stop enemy baron but dying in the process, and for being unsure how to save people from a losing teamfight due to CDs/bad hp and abandoning it.

    submitted by /u/cheezyhamster
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    When, who, and where to ward

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Map awareness wins games. I just don't have a good feel for why wards need to be placed in certain places outside of the obvious spots like drag, baron, and the primary ganking bush(s) of lanes. I hardly buy wards, so I'm usually riding out games with only the trinket. Who's job is it primarily (supp?) to provide the most vision, and who's is it to sweep for enemy wards?Timing in this game is everything, so are there periods of time where areas absolutely need to be warded or is it all situationally based?

    Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/richardandballz
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    What do plat players need to start doing to climb

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    Jungle player, currently duoing with top main and were going strong. Ive been plat for 3 seasons or so now and i cant get that final push into diamond. The highest ive peaked is plat 1 which sent me back on a huge loss streak back to plat 3. That was also when graves was strong and i was spamming him but last season the highest i could get was plat 3. Im really aggressive and assertive when i play, that being diving in on a carry the second they position bad.. either results in a win or a loss if the team doesnt follow up. The aggressiveness i have either carries the game or results in a loss so i dont really know if its a bad thing. I just wanna know if theres anything i might not be doing that i could start doing to climb high

    submitted by /u/ifingerblastedyourgf
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    Should a team 'abandon' a laner?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:44 AM PST

    I've transitioned from ADC to Top recently and I've noticed that it's like night and day. I had heard the saying 'Top is an island' but I never actually realised how much so. I've won a couple, lost a couple. What I wasn't prepared for is that teams tend to just forget about toplane, or just intentionally ignore Top. I understand that current meta is all about Dragons, and thus you want to prioritise Mid/Bot, but one could argue an early Rift Herald can swing games by taking two or more towers.

    So that leads me to my question - should a team ignore a lane?

    I have a Jungle buddy who says that a jungler should never gank a losing lane and instead snowball a winning lane, but isn't that seriously risky to just abandon your teammate who is 0/4 and getting bent over, losing their towers etc etc?

    Would like to get some input from Jungle and Mid mains especially, as they have the most power to affect the map through roams.

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    Mid mordekaiser player here- posting again with a little update!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    So last I posted here I was iron 1, now I'm bronze 3 and still climbing. I started rushing hextech protobelt, as was suggested, and I've found lots of success with it. :) When I watch YouTubers however, and other sources offering guides, it is suggested to rush lyandries first. I totally understand why lyandries is amazing on Morde, i was just looking for a Reddit opinion on which is better to get first :). The seperate pieces of lyandries is awesome, as are those of protobelt, and I'm wondering if the minidash is worth it over immediately getting that burn DMG and 10% increase in extended trades. Thanks for the feedback and see you on the rift.

    submitted by /u/ScionOfD4rkness
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    Camping is actually valid, right ?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:09 PM PST

    I see ppl raging and calling me nb for camping and forgetting the other side of the map (from both teams)

    but camping is actually good, right ? you'll get your laner and yourself fed so you can beat the fed top/mid/bot lane

    I don't see it as being bad if you see that one of the laners is ridiculously bad you should ignore him and help the players that know what to do right ?

    submitted by /u/SerineuV7
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    Best (preferably long) written resources?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I know grinding games is the best way to get better, but what are the resources you've found for learning nuances of the game when you aren't at your gaming station and only have a web browser? Champion guides can be somewhat helpful, but vary in quality quite a bit. Ideally, something with long-form articles would be easiest for me to use.

    submitted by /u/IronGears
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    How do i play the meta inmobile Juggernauts ?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Im just trying to learn some more meta champions and that is mostly juggernauts like Sett Darius or Morde but i just feel so useless, i have no outplay potential, no engage and im heavily reliant on my flash to do any kind of play.

    I feel beyond useless past the laning phase and even in the laning i feel like i have a huge ton of stats that i cannot use because the enemy just plays safe.

    I have always played mobile champions like Camille Jax or Irelia and i just cant do anything while playing the meta

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    What is a statistically significantly win rate? A brief calculation using the binomial distribution

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:45 AM PST

    I recently posted a thread about soraka's win rate this patch, every response was something like it's too early and not enough data

    Soraka support has 865 games recorded right now at win rate 47.8, or around 414 wins

    So let's do some high school maths, trying to work out if sorakas win rate is actually 50%.

    Probably of success 50%, number of trials 865, number of successes 414

    Using the binomial distribution, there is a 9% chance of this reported win rate or lower occuring on a real 50% win rate, dropping to 3% chance at 51% win rate, increasing to 24% chance at 49% win rate.

    So what does this mean?

    865 is not a small number of games and you can easily pull out data trends from it.


    When we get up to a full day, if everything was multiplied by 24 and we still had the same ratio, the chance her real win rate was 49 not 47.8, so the chance the data is wrong by a little over 1% is only 0.05%

    This is slightly complicated and not so useful with new champion releases as people are learning the champion and average skill on the champ goes up, but win rates rarely change much from the initial early data is the take away here .

    submitted by /u/mazrim_lol
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    How to be better than your elo?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I want to ask you guys for advice on how to be better than my elo? I understand than you need to be better than your elo in order to climb but for example iron 4 need to have the skills of a bronze 1 to reach bronze how can he do that?

    By say by playing many games , watch tutorial practice etc. Wave management but than I want to ask is can that one person carry his team if the skill gap on both team is vastly different? Can one person vs 5 fed enemy or can't ? I mean league is a team game. For me climbing I find it hard not only because of all these factors but literally how can one person carry most of the game?

    submitted by /u/calvinyip1105
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    Is there any website that have every team with the last drafts and strategies broken down ?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    i'm an lec fan, i was an lck fan, and i love lcs too. However, it is just too overhelming to watch all 3 with the time i have. i was wondering whether or not exists a website that collect the drafts from each team's last 20 games or so, show their strenghts and weaknesses, maybe links every champion to it's own lolwiki page or smthg, show why they lost or why they won, and maybe some highlights from every game...

    If this doesn't exist, is there anyone interested in the concept? (i'm a programmer myself and if this doesn't exist and if there are enough people interested, i Will try my best to create it in the upcoming month)

    submitted by /u/Kuuhaakuu
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    how can i win vs caitlyn bot lane

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:37 AM PST

    hello i play a lot of bot lane and support and occasional jungle. one problem i always have bot lane is with caitlyn. FYI (i understand matchups and whoever is supporting caitlyn will change how we go about the lane, i can and do change up the playstyle but the common denominator always seems to be caitlyn. i also get losing fights and trades vs caitlyn when one of us, (ADC or Supp) stands in a trap and results in the headshot, or getting hit by her net. the headshot is a lot of damage. when we get hit by those abilities its 99% of the time our fault)

    Aside from her being able to poke and farm from a relatively safe distance (a.k.a just caitlyn things) i always have trouble laning vs her, let me explain where and when:

    1. she gets kircheis shard on first back because she couldnt afford BF sword. trades feel really one sided with the exception of having an ADC like lucian who can really pump out a lot of dmg in shorter trades

    2. when she successfully gets the BF sword she just hits like a truck

    3. and finally when she finally finishes storm razor her autos do 1/4 pretty much every time the passive is up and if its a headshot it can feel as much as 1/3 to 1/2 our hp.

    most of my games tend to be sort of aggressive vs caitlyn pre first back because we can win trades and play our cards right but once she get parts of, or the entire first item it feels like a lost cause. the buff on 10.4 probably isnt that big at all but im worried itll be the final straw for winning bot lane vs a cait. i admit i play her here and there and i feel as i imagine caitlyns do when theyre playing against me. i feel powerful as if no one can touch me and if they get in my range they better prepare to run or lose a fight because she truly hurts A LOT.

    submitted by /u/DamnAnnieTHICC
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    How to win after an awful early?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    I just played a horrible game as evelynn against a leesin : my teammates got destroyed the whole early

    I tried a few ganks but most of the time they would die before i even get to join the lane

    result : at 15 minutes we were on 18/2 kills with most our turrets down

    I played super safe, warded a lot, tried counter jungling but it wasn't enough, the enemy team got too fed from leesin's ganks and it felt impossible to catch up

    How do you win in this type of situation?

    (I'm an evelynn jungle main that just got to silver 4)

    submitted by /u/walloa
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    Talon Counterplay

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:33 AM PST

    Ill start off by saying I am a Bronze player, Newish to league but not new to MOBA's in general. I play Azir/Rumble mid mostly but was at first a ADC main, Now that i have moved on too mid, I have zero complaints about any other Champs BESIDES for talon. He literly feels like he has zero counter play, If im not being aggressive and Staying away from his Rake skill he will roam which leads me to shove in mid and then look for a possible gank in whichever direction he didn't go, Ex. He goes bot I move top, If top has just secured a kill ill look to possibly help bot, But in no way shape or form can i keep up with him in his rotation, This leads to either the bot or top flaming me hard saying i have to keep up with talon, Even with Teleport by the time i get to bot (after killing missing and spamming fall back to whichever lane he goes) my team mates are dead by Him, I am open to ANY Advice at all when it comes to Winning against talon as he is the ONLY champ I regret not banning every time he is picked. And once he is ahead no matter what i do except for buying an early stop watch it is an INSTA death if he ults me under tower, All he does is flip from raptors ult and its 100-0 with armguard and tabi's.

    submitted by /u/AKA_BIGMAC
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    What is the best thing to do in a losing game to try and save it as a toplaner?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Hi, I have been maining top lane for about 3 seasons and last 2 seasons I am plat. Recently my champion pool is generally sett,yorick,illaoi and against some matchups vayne. I am usually able to get a farm lead and some kills and plate during the laning phase against my opponent, and if my team is doing well I will group for objectives and team fights or split push. The problem is when my team isn't doing well I feel like I don't know how to impact the game in our favor. If I split push the enemy will usually ignore me and instead start a 5v4 teamfight that results in my entire team dying then they will start taking down our base and I have to recall. If I try to group during fights we will usually lose it too and again they will take down our base. If you have any tips or advice what to do when your team is behind as a top laner i will be glad to hear it. Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/itaicool
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    How do I improve voice comms in-game?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Hey everyone!

    I have a bad habit of staying quiet during games with my friends. They recommended I speak up during games so we can improve our coordination. I (adc/supp) am starting to call out summs blown or where their jg appears on minimap, but that's about it. I would like to ask y'all how do I improve in communicating, especially in team fights?

    submitted by /u/oKamja
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    Cull during laning phase?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Yeah, it doesn't give you great stats (only 7 AD) and its cost 450 gold, but the 3 health on hit might be good on champions that scale with attack speed like Tryndamere or Camille. Also heard that effect triggers while attacking a tower.

    Besides that, is very gold efficient. You get 350 gold plus 1 extra gold for each minion, making 450 gold total from the passive. And you sell it for 180. So you get a 180 gold proffit.

    So, is it worth it buying a Cull during laning phase?

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    Cho mid scenario I had recently against a fed fizz

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Hi, I have been enjoying cho mid recently but I've been struggling a lot since I don't really know what to do after I miss q. My enemy fizz in one game got fed and perma roamed. Their jg also being really fed discouraged me from pushing up to deny cs, so I froze instead at my tower. I got criticized heavily for not pushing up, so I'm unsure what the right thing to do in this situation would have been. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/IdioticDaedra
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    How do I come back after losing lane?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:14 AM PST

    This is pretty frustrating. I main adc and every time I fall behind in lane it seems like there's no possible way to come back. If I farm bot, I'll get 2v1 despite warding around. If my midlane or jg comes, he pushes in the wave and just leaves so I can't get any cs. If I go rotate top/mid I instantly get jumped by their team 3v1. Is there any plausible way to farm safely as an adc after losing lane?

    submitted by /u/SwiggitySwootyBoi
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    What should mid do after the first bot tower falls?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    So Im under the impression that after the first bot tower falls they should go top and try to take that tower, but in soloQ they never do they always beeline for mid and the adc starts competing with the mid laner for CS. Whats the right move in this situation for the mid laner? Stay mid? Go bot? Tell bot to go top?

    submitted by /u/SequestrGrundleplith
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