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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    LoL Guide How to Optimally Roam?

    LoL Guide How to Optimally Roam?

    How to Optimally Roam?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Hello, I am a mid main in Bronze 3 right now, was Silver 2 and Silver 4 in S9 and S8. I don't practice much tbh and mostly play ARAMs because I work long hours.

    I've realized my biggest problem is just not knowing how to roam. Feel like even when I push in the wave and go to other lanes, the opposite laner always wave clears faster than me and I end up losing CS anyways / they then roam also and we end up losing a ton.

    Any tips would be appreciated. My most played champions mid are Veigar, Swain, Malzahar.

    submitted by /u/RekedAgny
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    A new approach that made me change radically the way I play (midlane / support)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    I was focusing on "winning lane" most of the time, but I just realized that it doesn't really matter.

    I was up against an Anivia, and it's kinda hard to kill her with her passive, also her jungler could come out at any time right?

    Then somehow something "clicked" inside my head and I realized that I was thinking about midlane in the "wrong way".

    Instead of trying to kill my opponent and pressure him, I started to follow MY jungler into his objectives. Around the time I get lvl 3 he has his scuttle to take, so my lvl 1 and 2 are not anymore about trying to get a "cheese kill", they're more about getting enough advantage that I can get priority so that I can then go support my jungler.

    By playing like this, I'm realizing that I'm not scared anymore of the enemy jungler ganking me because I am the one ganking him (with the help of my own jungler too).

    The game became more something like "Track the enemy jungler at all times and help your own jungler securing objectives" rather than "KILL THAT MOTHAFUCKA"

    submitted by /u/xelhark
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    How to play Safe in the first 10-15 minutes?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Hi everyone, i'm an Iron 1 Top player and here is my op.gg.

    When playing top I get usually destroyed by the enemy top in front of me (usually 0/3 before 10min) because I don't know how or when I should be focusing on the creeps or on the ennemy top.
    I read that I should have 80-100 creeps before 10 minutes but i end up over-focusing on the farm and in a real bad situation.
    At that point I try to stay as far as possible of the ennemy or under the tower, but i end up getting attacked under it and at the end, the top is a lost cause, my jungler doesn't gank top and the enemy Top starts being on a rampage.

    What should I do to play safe during the lane phase?

    Should i stay away from the farm to not get killed? (at the point of having very little CS at the end of the lane phase)

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/HeyItsAnim
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    Irelia guide by GenG.BDD & ex-JinAir.Lindarang

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Hi! Video can be found HERE.

    Every week or two I release a new guide and this week isn't an exception. Today I present you another translation from Naver series, now it is a guide on Irelia. Interestingly enough this two guides in one. O_O Naver done a guide for top irelia with ex-JinAir.Lindarang and for mid lane with GenG.BDD. I've decided that rather than releasing two 5 minute videos I will do one for 10 minutes. Especially since guides complement each other very well.

    If you're an Irelia starter I highly suggest to take a look at this guide. I've never played Irelia in my life and simply watching this guide greatly accelerated my acclimatization to Irelia. Because of this video I was able to understand what are my goals for laning phase and what basic combos I need to know straight away, rather than trying to understand them myself.

    Video is short, crisp and goes into what you will need straight away. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Just hit level 30, have a few questions

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:13 PM PST

    I just hit level 30. I did it playing blind then switching to strictly draft normals when it became available because I liked how much less chaotic they are. Anyhow that's only relevant because my first question is do I need to play more normals before I do ranked or is it okay to jump straight in with the experience I do have?

    The other question I have is I need two more champions to play ranked, I have 18 need 20.

    Should I just buy 2 random cheap ones that seem ok or wait and play more normals until I naturally find more champions I enjoy as I did with the first 18? Though realizing that process could take weeks until ones I like are released in the free rotation.

    I appreciate any and all answers you guys can give me

    submitted by /u/Wagabo
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    I’ve been playing for 7 months

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:47 AM PST

    I've been playing for 7 or 8 months and I just hit level 72

    I started with yi and teemo (I was horrible with them ) and now I am playing Diana and talon

    Should I go to ranked ? I am not that good maybe decent but still don't know how to act in most situations

    And what should I start with ranked flex or ranked ?

    submitted by /u/man-i-hate-eggs
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    How to deal with Ekko?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Without actually having to jump into 10 games as ekko myself, what are some tips to handle him? It feels like even when he is behind he is always a threat. His sticking power is very strong and it feels like his ult makes it very difficult kill him post 6. I tend to play cass, syndra, malz, or viktor. If I know I'm vs ekko I lean towards syndra and malz to give myself a cc option, but it's a rare day that we can actually kill the ekko.

    submitted by /u/karatelax
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    How to get a lead without killing your opponent.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Hey guys its Proto again:)

    In this clip i have prepared for you guys i show you how to get a lead without actually killing your laner as example when you lane against tanks or matchups where you struggle with.

    Feel free to ask questions :)

    The clip ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40F6t5iyjUw

    submitted by /u/PrototypeRiven
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    Coming back after 5 years, afraid to play.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Hi guys, so here's the thing: I used to play a lot of league ever since late beta up to s4, but due to some circumstances I had to quit. Now I am back in the game... kind of. You see I stared with couple of AI games to get the gist of the game again. After that, I went to normals, and that's where the problem had started. The first game went alright, people were understanding and helped me play,even the enemy went out of their way to explain to me some of the new runes mechanics. Unfortunately, next games were... Terrible. I remember the toxicity of the league, but not to that level. Teams flaming, enemy with no respect and sportsmanship whatsoever. It just disgusted me and I just played URF the whole time. However it's gone now, and one can only play ARAM so many times. I tried to play normals, but had to dodge because of lobby flaming and shit hitting the fan before even the game began. I couldn't take it. It's not fun to play like that, forced to a role you were NEVER comfortable in and getting flamed for not performing. I want to play normals, and improve enough to get to ranks, but I just can't force myself through unfairness of potential teammates. And if I can't play normals I can't get back in shape. The cycle. How do I get through that wall?

    submitted by /u/Magolsky
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    How to carry games as mid lane low elo?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Hello, I am an Iron player and I have been having some trouble winning games. I play Glacial Augment Cho'gath mid and cho'gath is the only champion I've really mastered. Winning lane is no problem, it's really easy in Iron, but for some people, it can be hard. Everyone has experienced a fed bot lane or top lane.

    Even in games where we are winning, there is always at least 1 or 2 people on the other team who is fed and ends up smashing our team. I don't understand how 1 person can carry their whole team, but I've seen it happen (aka fed tryndamere split pushing). After laning phase, I usually have picked up a lot of kills and is fed, but I'm not seeing the same results as a fed player who can carry their team. Is Cho'gath not a good champion to carry teams? He is a really good teamfighter, but my whole team ends up dead and leaves me to get gunned down by their ADC+rest of the enemy team. Is there ways to prevent a situation like this from happening? Cho'gath also really sucks at taking turrets+he has no mobility, so split pushing is not an option.

    I heard that Roaming was a big part of mid lane and I've been wondering if that could help my teammates win their lanes. I just feel like Cho'gath isn't a good champion to carry games with, but i want to get that mentality out of my head because any champions can carry when fed.

    submitted by /u/MJ_Yellow
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    Where did the gold go?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I'm currently a silver 2 player and I'm helping a friend of mine learn how to play league in low Bronze. I want to address a problem I constantly see throughout all of my games currently and I think it will help low elo players understand the game state a little better.

    The scene: you're playing mid and the jungler ganked your lane and got a double because the enemy jungler was also there. Great! He just got a double kill and made your lane a little easier because the opposing mid has to play more safely now having missed some experience and gold from waves. Something I see far too often is that the recipient of the gank did not receive the gold but still plays as though they did (aggressively pushing, trying for a solo kill as though they are much farther ahead than they are etc.). When a gank happens or kills happen its so important to understand where the gold went after everything is said and done. If you did not receive the gold you need to understand that and play accordingly. Please stop playing like you're 600 gold spent up on your opposing laner/jungler.

    I consistently see players playing as though they're ahead without the aid of the person on their team that is actually ahead. Stop that. Ask yourself: where is the gold? Then play accordingly. If the answer is on x person then play around that person and help them push your lead and get some leads of your own. Just because someone on your team is ahead does not mean that you specifically are ahead.

    It's also important to mention that unspent gold does nothing for you. It doesn't give you stats. Spent gold is what you need to be thinking about. An 0-2 adc with a BF sword beats a 2-0 adc with nothing but doran's blade given even levels. Always check inventories before fighting.

    Sorry if this was a bit rambling. Its been in my head for a while.

    TL;DR - Play around where the lead is on your team.

    submitted by /u/melior3
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    Are tier lists reliable?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Are tier lists reliable? For example, this one from Mobalytics seems to be accurate in a lot of its picks. Like I've been playing Yorick top in unranked with over 150 games and I have a 60% WR on him, so S seems like a fair grade for him. And based on what I've seen some of the other S tier champs seem to do quite well in games if the player knows what they're doing.

    But some of the others are weird, like Amumu S tier? What? A really good jungler on YouTube, Kingstix, put him in C tier for Season 10, which I have to agree with. And Sett jungle as S tier doesn't seem right either, every Sett jg I've had has done worse than Top Sett's and usually ints. Maybe it's just because I play unranked though.

    Also, I think I have the meaning right, but to double check--"S tier" means the champ does well in majority of games (if mastered), "A tier" means most games, "B tier" means many games, "C tier" some games, and so on?

    submitted by /u/WeepingKhazix
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    Jungle CS

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I am just looking for some jungle mains in reachable mmr like maybe low diamond to tell me what cs per minute they typically get or shoot for in the jungle. Someone in another thread was telling me 5.5 average is pretty low and I should be around 7. That just seems so high unless you are taxing or split pushing. When do you find time to gank or team fight if you are getting 7 cs per minute in the jungle?

    submitted by /u/RauschHouse
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    Always -20 CS from my opponent whether I'm playing jungle or top within 10-15 min

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Looking for mindsets, strategies, tools, ideas or memory aid that you guys use to stay on top of farm as best as you can even in tough situations

    Does anyone have memory tools or strategies to ensure they keep up with farm? Sometimes this happens to me if I get bullied and then I miss out on late game stuff trying to catch up to stay relevant.

    What about strategies to catch up without losing out on ganks if you're jungle or teamfights? If I get behind in farm jungling when I try to catch up it takes me further away from fights almost inevitably which puts my laners at risk.

    submitted by /u/Oldmanwickles
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    How do you know when to switch lanes in game?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    New player. How do you know when to push another lane in a match? Example: I will be successfully laning bottom and then mid to late game I will notice it's 1v1 and everyone else is mid lane. Should I be switching lanes and joining these team fights or should I stick to winning my lane? I've become more comfortable with roaming the map but I'm curious about the timing, when to do it, and if you should do it.

    submitted by /u/TheEasterbro
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    How to play Kassadin?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST


    I've tried to pick this champ up a few times but I always feed. One of my strengths in LoL is I rarely feed but with Kassadin I just cant seem to stop it.

    I've played three games today in Mid. My three opponents were Nasus, Riven and Morde.. weird picks for Mid I know but I just found myself completely unable to survive the lane.

    At one point Morde was under my tower just spamming emotes whilst I was wailing on him. Honestly I feel like I could have used my entire mana pool and done less than half his health. I had RoA and he had Rylais. I was up on farm.

    He would shove wave with Q and I couldnt waveclear to stop it. Then he just Q and E spam me under turret and whilst I dodged a lot I felt like I was just getting beaten the hell up with no way to retaliate.

    Are these just terrible match ups?

    At what point in the game can you start Ulting on to people and be confident you will do damage?

    What's a good item build for a new Kassadin player?

    Best burst combo?

    General advice for laning phase?

    Sorry for all the questions but out of all the years maining so many champions I've never struggled so hard not to go 0/5 in lane...

    submitted by /u/Fiesta_machine
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    Jungle otp

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    what are the best champion otp for jungle?

    i'm trying to reach platinum this season and i'm

    just wondering what junglers you think are best for

    climbing. im currently learning kayn but i'm still not

    guaranteed if i should otp him.

    here are my stats https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/coconut+is+a+nut#championsData-soloqueue

    submitted by /u/get-yeeted
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    Farming junglers vs. Ganking junglers

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Hi! This is a bottom-feeding Iron 2 player here. I've been trying to rank up, and was just wondering if anyone had any tips about what kinds of champs to play in this ELO. My champ pool consists of Master Yi, Evelynn, Kayn, Ekko. I mainly play Ekko because he's good, but I haven't been finding much luck with it. Any suggestions on which jungler to play/how to best play them in Iron 2?

    submitted by /u/6ninja08
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    Why is it so bad to start four faerie charms on Yuumi?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    I've played with the "new" support items, (if you even consider them new anymore), and on Yuumi especially I feel spellthiefs edge is really underwhelming as you don't get that many procs off of it, because of cooldowns and mana, and especially against someone like brand, naut or leona who makes it very risky to leave your adc to auto. Because my first items are ardent censer and Athene's, I eventually will need to buy four faerie charms. Both q and e require ungodly amounts of mana early on, bad matchups become worse when I go oom after 2 E's. It makes sense to me, but I get question mark pings and people tell me that I'm trolling. Am I misusing the support items?

    Have I discovered an insane new strategy, or am I trolling?

    submitted by /u/HatesWeezer
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    How much should you play to league to improve

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Yesterday and for the past few days I have barely been playing League, and I'm a newer player.Not too say I haven't been enjoying league, in fact I've been reading through this subreddit, league's subreddit, mobafire.I really love the idea of the game, and really do like the game and am ready to play some more and improve.

    But my question is how much should you be playing league to constantly improve, so how much should you be playing a day.On weekdays should I aim for like 3-5 games, and weekends some more?

    submitted by /u/ControlOnly
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    How is Blue Essence better?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

    After idk how many it's been the change, I still am not seeing how this is a benefit. instead of IP for every win, upon every level, you get a chance at some blue essence and maybe a random shard to get a champion you may or may not want slightly cheaper?

    submitted by /u/ItsukiNakano
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    How do I counter build,and counter a counter build?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    For example, if i am garen and im going up against a teemo, and i start building magic resist really hard and start winning lane, but then teemo builds void staff and magic pen, whats the play there? keep building magic res and hope he doesnt catch me? Do i build health even though its not as good? do i build damage so that i can squash him faster than he can squash me?

    another example would be, if i was ADC, and the enemy was poking a good bit, when would i want to build health vs build armor vs build vampirism vs ignore it and keep stacking damage?

    im still trying to build my flowchart and these two scenarios always get me

    submitted by /u/thefancyyeller
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