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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    LoL Guide Duo Partner/ S/O thinks he is in the same elo as me.

    LoL Guide Duo Partner/ S/O thinks he is in the same elo as me.

    Duo Partner/ S/O thinks he is in the same elo as me.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:48 AM PST

    My significant other loves to play ranked with me, but he is Gold 4 and I am Plat 4 (Finished last season Plat 4 and Plat 2, respectively). We played placements individually and I promoted myself to platinum while he is hard-stuck gold. He always asks to duo and my win rate has considerably lowered since(65% to 55%) due to lack of consistency. How can I help him get better while making sure he doesn't feel guilty/patronized? He does not realize 1000 games in platinum 4 is a sign he is not improving at any rate and I want us to grow as a duo.

    TL;DR duo partner does not learn from mistakes, what can i do to help make them better without seeming condescending

    EDIT: I do not think he is bad in any circumstance, nor do I think he is weighing me down. I genuinely want to learn in league and I want him to share that same mindset.

    EDIT 2: I am reading EVERY comment and I just want to thank you for the suggestions!! I feel like making an alternate account is an easy plan B if it ever comes to that(which it probably won't). I want to clarify that rank/elo/mmr matter enormously LESS than my relationship because League is a hobby that we both enjoy playing together and I would not change it for the world. :)

    submitted by /u/Suuyo
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    The reasons why everyone claims their role has no impact, and an analysis of how you can increase your impact. Episode 1: Top Lane.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:12 PM PST

    As I'm sure you've heard, every role (except maybe mid and to a certain extent support) has countless people from all elos complaining that their role has no impact, from "being underleveled" in the jungle to "bot focus" by toplaners. Now of course, while the standard answer is that it is possible to climb in all roles and the only constant factor in your games is yourself, not your teammates, I thought I would take a deeper look at the impact each role has during each stage of the game in an attempt to break down why people feel like they lack impact and how they can maybe have a greater influence on the outcome of their games, starting with the role I main, top lane.

    There are two disclaimers: first of all, these are all my opinions, and I am not someone with omniscient knowledge of the game. If anyone has something to add or a disagreement with my points, feel free to bring it up. Second of all, this is discussion impact, which means that I am assuming that you are the better laner and are able to get advantages during various phases of the game. While this obviously isn't always the case, that isn't the point of this discussion; I'm mostly looking into how you can transform a skill discrepancy into an actual win. Finally, it is not possible to win every game, no matter how good you are. Sometimes, no matter how much you communicate, people won't listen, and regardless of how much you want to scale, people tilt, force fights, and run it down. Nonetheless, my suggestions are a possible way to exert your influence and perhaps raise your winrate that little amount to jump up a division, so please don't discount them all even if they aren't guaranteed to be effective.

    Now, down to business.

    Top lane in an interesting lane which on one had is commonly called an island by those who inhabit it, and on the other hand is complained about as a lane decided by the jungler half the time. Top laners constantly cite these factors as reasons why top has no impact, while other laners constantly point out the fact that quite often, it is top diff that decides the game as a Darius/Jax/Tryndamere/Irelia that gets monstrously fed and completely 1v9s the game. The reason for this dichotomy is the simple: top laners are both one of the lanes that least influences other lanes early, and is influenced the least by other lanes early. The only real early interaction top laners have outside of TPs bot is with the jungler or occasionally a mid roam, and at a certain point that doesn't even matter as many champs can get strong enough to 1v2 with a lead of a few kills. In that sense, top lane is truly the role of Lane Kingdom, where on one hand you have great agency in getting yourself ahead but on the other hand have little agency in the overall development of the earlygame if the junglers choose not to play around topside,

    On the subject of the jungler, many people claim that junglers have a disproportionate impact on top lane, but I would actually disagree; with proper wave manipulation, it is fairly easy to thwart ganks unless it is literally a perma-camp, in which case playing defensively is usually enough to win the game, as perma-camping is really not a viable strategy for a variety of reasons (lost cs/lvls from jungler as well as from laner due to inefficient clears/taxing, potential to get killed by the counter, giving up dragon, mid, and bot control, giving up jungle to invades, risking a dive bot, etc.) In addition, if you are able to get yourself advantages in lane, many top laners have huge 1v2 potential against junglers, or at the very least relatively easy escapes. Morde and Trynd have inherent 1v2 potential in their ults, Darius's q heal and ridiculous ult at max stacks allows him to suddenly turn around fights, etc. A two-level lead (which can be gained off one or two kills) is generally enough to make the lane completely ungankable. As a result, top laners often end up being the strongest individual characters in the game, capable of easily 1v1ing anyone else on the map.

    An interesting counterexample to what I mention above are scaling toplaners who have little kill pressure in lane: this includes both tanks like Ornn and Malphite and mages like Vlad and Soraka. These champions only have to survive the early game so they can contribute to teamfights in the mid/late game, and while they are generally less popular than the bruisers I previously mentioned (unless they are gigabusted like Soraka), they honestly have it relatively easier, as it is always easier to play defensively with the knowledge that you outscale than it is to rely on your opponent's mistakes while playing offensively. Nonetheless, the main reason they are in toplane is because, like I mentioned earlier, it is the lane influenced the least by other players and with the least map influence early, meaning that they can comfortably sit back and scale without worrying that they will lose the game because they can't get prio and as a result jungle has to concede dragon the whole game.

    So what does this mean? Now that I know this, how can I increase my own impact?

    There are quite a few avenues for significant top impact. One is to use your advantages to get other lanes ahead. If you have priority early and the your jungler is pathing top, HELP HIM WITH SCUTTLE CRAB/INVADE. Top laners, as I mentioned, can generally 1v1 junglers due to economy dynamics easily meaning that if you're ahead you are almost guaranteed to win the 2v2, or even 2v1 if the enemy top is trapped under turret hitting minions. If you are able to stack a wave and crash it, perhaps it's a good time to look for a tp bot after recalling, either as a dive, a counter-gank, a flank tp, or perhaps to help contest dragon. It is important not to overforce though, as dying can often result in a massive loss for you if you don't get back to lane in time.

    Another is, if you're playing a scaling champion, to simply sit back, farm and eventually you hit that item powerspike and just win the game. Vlad is a pretty good example of this. In this case, your main job is just to not die, meaning that you want to pull the wave defensively, avoid dives either by asking for help or by trimming the wave, and praying to god that your team doesn't int too hard. Overall, while you have little agency, you also have much less pressure, while the enemy is basically on a clock, meaning that its a lot easier for them to overforce and make a mistake. In addition, you always have a change of scaling enough to catch up, while if they make a mistake and you get a lead you will shit on them for the rest of the game.

    Finally, of course, is the legendary top kingdom, where you put the enemy down 3 deaths, 2 levels, and 40 cs. This is what most people want when they think about top impact, but problem I see is that they assume that they can accomplish this just by winning trades and superior micro; "oh that Renekton q'd the wave and is at 10% fury? Time to go in and shit on him!" And at lower elos where people don't really know how not to fight (or if you're hashinshin), that can work out pretty well. However, these are the same people who mindlessly shove as if they can somehow kill the enemy under turret, which again can work at lower elos where people walk up for a caster and get chunked for half their hp. Overall, though, it is generally a bad idea as you are not making the most out of your advantages and you are opening yourself up to getting ganked, after which you rage and type in all chat jungle diff, as if the fact that you managed to win 3 trades levels 2-4 somehow entitles you to automatically win the lane.

    The reality of the situation is that if you get ganked by jungle while winning lane, you have fucked up majorly. The reason is simple: wave manipulation. This is the magic that enables all three of the things I mentioned above. The number one way to win top lane (or any lane for that matter) is not by landing those sweet spots on Darius/Aatrox, but rather by pushing and pulling waves according to item breakpoints, jungle pathing, and objective timers. If your jungle is pathing top, you might want to push for a dive, to get a free recall, to help him invade/take herald, or to bait into a counter-gank. Alternatively, you might want to pull the wave and freeze to set up a free kill, or zone your opponent off of enough xp and cs that you get an insurmountable level and gold lead. If the enemy jungle is pathing top, you will want to ward and pull the wave such that you are in an essentially ungankable position; not only is it unlikely for your opponents to get a kill, if there is a countergank it is basically a free double kill for you. Even wasting the enemy jungler's time can generate hidden advantages; the enemy jungler showing top can let your team get free dragon and allow your bot lane to play more aggressively, as well as enables your jungler to invade and counter-jungle. Making these decisions can be difficult, as what you want to do depends heavily on the context of your matchup, the jungle matchup, and the state of your team as a whole.

    As an example, lets look at a matchup where you are playing Sett on red side versus Malphite. While you could probably win trades off just running at him and beating him up, that will be rather counter-productive overall as if he plays defensively he will eventually outscale and have a greater impact in team fights (although it does depend on the overall team compositions). The enemy jungler is Khazix and started bot, while your jungler is Kayn and started top. The first thing you want to do is identify your win condition in the lane, or rather the area you want to get advantages in. One of the best ways to screw over Malphite is by attacking his mana pool; he uses a lot of mana csing under turret, so perhaps you want to slow push waves one and two and then hard shove wave three (the cannon wave) to force him to either miss a lot of CS or go OOM. Meanwhile, you get a free reset off and come to lane with the wave pushing towards you, allowing you to get a freeze as Kayn comes back to his top side camps, enabling a free kill. However, you also have to consider the enemy jungler; how likely is it that you will get ganked? For example, if Khazix three buffs red-blue-gromp and kills you, you have not only died but gifted your opponent a freeze and enabled a repeat-gank, causing you to lose a favorable laning matchup. As a result, you might instead want to hard shove the first two waves and pull the third, putting you in a safer position. However, you might also consider that with such a large minion wave and a level lead on Malphite, you can 1v2 the enemy top/jg, which is risky but also puts both of them massively behind if you succeed. As can be seen, a lot of factors go into your final decision and a single change can make a big difference; once Malphite hits six, for example, you might want to set up a defensive freeze until your jungler is topside, as it is much easier for him to force an engage and set up a gank. As the game goes on, there are even more factors, such as item breakpoints (I will be able to complete trinity with 200 gold and we are currently on a cannon wave; I should probably slow push), objective timing (I want to have tp potential for drag), setting up dives, etc. From this one can see the complexity and difficulty of wave management, which is why even pro players can make mistakes in this area.

    A quick note on the distinction between fast and slow pushing: fast pushing is doing as much damage as you can with optimized aoe abilities, while slow pushing is hitting at the very last second possible. When setting up a crash, you generally want to slow push the first two waves and crash the third (which is only possible if you last hit very precisely during the slow push), as it gives you the most minions meaning you have the longest time to recall and get back to lane (as well as the fact that the minions are closer to you so they're easier to clear and you are less exposed to ganks).

    Now that I have explained the the factors that go into deciding how to handle wave manipulation, I will quickly go into some of the technical aspects of wave manipulation. The following factors will cause a wave to push:

    1. A numerical advantage (duh)
    2. The minions meeting on the close side of the lane, meaning that reinforcements will arrive sooner. The number of extra minions for the numerical advantage to equal the reinforcement timing advantage right in front of the tier one turret is four caster minions, which is why it is generally the method used to set up a freeze (you don't want to use melees to freeze because their aggro will occasionally cause them to kamikaze under turret for the enemy ranged minions, breaking the freeze)
    3. Grouped minions (this is how you can pull the wave lvl 1, assuming you win the fight; you walk up, get the aggro of the three enemy melee minions (ranged is technically fine too but you don't want to take unnecessary damage), then walk into bush. The minions will be grouped, meaning that they all attack the same minion while the enemies focus different minions and take longer for all the melees/ranged minions to get into range).
    4. Hitting the minion wave with aoe (a good way to cause the enemy to push if you're in a disadvantageous matchup is to bait them into trading into the wave; hitting the wave with aoe, as well as the next point, will cause the wave to push into you)
    5. Hitting the enemies with autos and targeted spells (this will cause the enemy minions to aggro onto you, meaning your minions are damaging their minions while their minions aren't damaging your minions, causing your wave to push).
    6. Cannon RNG (the cannon hits whoever the fuck he feels like hitting, and if he decides to hit the enemy casters your wave will push).
    7. Minion pushing advantage. (your minions deal bonus damage for each extra average level your team has over the enemy team and takes less damage for each turret you've destroyed. Formula here: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Minion#Buffs)

    As can be seen, there are a lot of ways to influence the wave outside of just hitting it. These steps are by far the most important steps you can take if you want to succeed and make an impact in top lane.

    So now you've done it. Through wave manipulation, you've gotten your jungler ahead with invades, secured objectives with tp, wasted the time of the enemy jungler or even turned around and killed him, and weathered the storm as a scaling champ or dominated your opponent with a lane bully. You are now the strongest champion in the game, and are in prime position to 1v9. Now it's up to you to figure out how to teamfight/split push your way to victory.

    EDIT: there are a few things I would like to say after seeing the responses to this post. First of all, I am not trying to say that top lane is or isn't impactful compared to xx role. The main purpose of this series is to show that every lane has an ability to influence the development of the game as a whole, and instead of complaining about all the reasons why your role is useless, you should focus on the endless avenues for skill expression and map influence, most of which are set up by wave manipulation, which is why it is such a large part of the post.

    Second, I didn't really talk specifically about counter-matchups because literally all of the things I mentioned in the post are matchup-independent; they work on any champion and they work against any champion. Counter matchups only really represent the fact that you lose trades and can't win in a straight-up fight, but like I said there is much more to league than just fighting, which is why you WILL be able to get a lead in the counter matchup if you follow the steps mentioned.

    submitted by /u/chenerei
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    looking to pick up a new role?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:51 AM PST

    So I bet we've all been there.

    Our main position sucks because of reason xyz and that's why we try out new stuff on other lanes just to kinda get demoralized.

    I've been a sup main for ages now and I always wanted to jungle. It seemed terrifying and fun at the same time and you know what they say; "if something terrifies you and but makes you have fun at the same time, do it!"

    So in my case jungle.

    Let's state the obvious: Most of us suck when doing that.

    But I realized something: I started giving zero fucks about me being bad, me telling myself that will never change a thing about me being bad. I started learning and I started improving little by little.

    I would Still say I suck in the jungle and I hope for all of you that you don't have to experience me in your games practicing but what I want to say is:

    When you try something new be aware of the fact that you might not perform the way you want to perform and you will only learn it if you endure everything bad to accomplish your goals!

    Hope you all have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/OnesEKKOnd
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    I feel uncomfortable while playing ADC

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Hello everyone, ive been playing league since season 9, and I got pretty interested in playing Zed, Jhin, Draven and Diana, I have some experience and knowledge from the game because I play often with my diamond 4 friend and he usually helps me out with anything that I struggle with. I must say ive been enjoying the game so far and pretty happy with my current champion pool, but I have one big problem while playing ADC, it feels just really uncomfortable playing the role. I definetly enjoy the role and im not looking forward on stopping to play it, but during a game I just feel very weak, I reach about ~70 CS in 10 minutes, and it just feels very stressful playing the role, after 1-2 games I immediately swap my roles to mid primary and secondary ADC and I dont know why this is a thing. When I play mid lane I feel very comfortable and confident in my ability to win the lane, I feel no pressure from any support like I would when id play ADC, since its my own lane. I just cant really explain my problem since it might me a mental thing and I have no idea how to actually feel confident while playing ADC. Funny enough I have played many more games as ADC instead of mid lane. Sorry if my english isnt good, just seeking for advice. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Medusa1207
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    Slumped. Dropped from 60% WR G2 to <50% s3 this reason

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Hi all, this is more of a general call for assistance, may things I can do to improve or retrain myself.

    Last season I started out in Iron 3 after finishing in Silver 4 the season before. Last season I was able to push all the way up to Gold 2 with a WR of around 60%. At the time I was mostly playing mid champs like Diana, Sylas, Anivia.. support champs like Leona and Janna, and on the side I would Jungle Sej. and Diana. This season though.. I have a WR almost below 50%, I am constantly bouncing between S4 and s3 after getting a recent demotion from s2. I took a break for the first 3 weeks of January and the last week of December, but since coming back I feel like I've lost my edge. I don't know if I've mechanically gotten slower or if the champions I play have changed too much. I generally feel less confident and get bullied 100-0, playing my mains like Diana, Sej., and Sylas all feel weird and awkward to play, laning is a bullyfest, and jungling has just gotten too frustrating to want to play.. especially when I am flamed for being the sole reason bot and top lane feed off a weak laner. Yesterday I got so fed up after a lose streak I decided to uninstall the game just to prevent myself from getting further fed up.

    Am I just starting to slowdown? is my chair crap? Are the changes to my champions throwing me off? Has anyone else been in this slump?

    submitted by /u/Treemoss
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    How do i "stop caring" in ranked?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:15 AM PST

    What i mean by this is the infamous ranked "jitters" as soon as i load in a ranked game i don't feel or play as my usual self, start questioning everything i do (not in a good way) and get put 10x more value on everything that happens (mid gives first blood is gg etc.).

    I know people say just play more games and i have done that before but as soon as i go on a say 3 or 4 loss streak i get scared i might drop a ton and quit ranked, while for example in normal draft i can lose 8 in a row and not give a shit. Ofcourse i understand i have too care about ranked in some way but right now it feels too much honestly. I know i could just keep playing normals but for once in my life i just want to reach gold which just doesnt happen on its own :(

    Quick add on question: Having gone to supp after a few years of toplane what supports do you recommend? Currently i play braum and thresh but i feel like blitz would work well due to awful positioning in silver.

    submitted by /u/Jenserino11
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    Far too few people actually change their build based on how the game plays out

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    This isnt a cooking simulator, yet there are cookie cutters everywhere. People who build the same build, in the same order, every game. Because they saw it somewhere, and it works with decent success, plus everyone else builds this, so it must be good.

    Except that you are missing the point. The biggest group I see with this is ADC, who under no circumstances will stop to pick up an item in their build. What do I mean? Your 0/3 Trist ADC still doesnt have enough to pick up her opening BF sword. Yet on this back trist will have enough. But trist is 0/3, and keeps getting poked out in lane by the enemy Cait/Zyra, and then dying when the enemy jungler shows up. So instead of getting boots+BF and hoping that you can scale, maybe pit stop for bilgewater, so you can have 62.5% of BFs AD and 10% lifesteal to help you heal up from that poke, and a nice slow for when the enemy mid/jg comes to dive you.

    I dont care if you will do 1,000,000 damage in 10 minutes, you deal 0 damage while you are dead and we lose teamfights and objectives because of that.

    Same can be said for mages pit stopping for stopwatch/armguard against talon/zed, or a NMM to turn into a Banshees Veil. You dont have to finish the items, all you have to do pick up the component part that you need at the moment and then sit on it until you get your core items.

    Look at your opponents and alter your build accordingly. If you are going to go defensive boots, and you are against a Fiora/AA champ, but the rest of their team has tons of CC, make your choice of boots depending on what you are going to be doing that game; are you going to sit against Fiora? Then its Tabis, but if you are just looking to play for teamfights later, then Mercs are probably your go to.

    And while I brought up Fiora, their are items which you should build vs champs 99% of the time IMO, even if it slows down your build. Bramble vest is 1000g that reduces the 1v1 capacity of Fiora/Renek/Tryn by 100%. You dont have to finish thornmail ever, but especially vs champs that are trying to stomp lane so as to take that advantage later into the game, its more important that you dont lose than it is that they win. If you are down 10 CS but 0 deaths is better than dying and having that snowball into them outright winning the lane.

    Unless your champ is 100% damage (assassins, ADC) if you fall behind, consider shifting your build to more of a tanky/utility build. For instance, some junglers, if they get early kills, can buy damage items and push their lead. But if they fall behind, please, for the love of ELO, stop building fucking damage. When the 0/5 J4 is building nothing but AD, the only damage he is providing the team is brain damage. If you are a mage and you are having a bad game, get spooky shadows. Get CDR for your utility spells. if you are a bruiser, go tank. Even if you are olaf, and you somehow lost the early game, ~~alt F4~~ just go full meat boi, get a stoneplate and righteous glory and be your teams engage. The enemy wont realize that you deal 0 damage 99% of the time, they just see an Olaf charging at them and the ADC will shit their pants. Just be useful to your team. If you are tanking damage and CC, you are useful. If you are alive and dealing damage, even if its barely hurting them, your are useful. Enough slaps and you will eventually take them down, but if you are dead it doesnt matter what your optimal DPS would have been. Quantity has a quality all its own.

    Lastly, I'll leave you with the wise words of GZA


    submitted by /u/DeusVultGaming
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    Why do meta Marksmen feel extremely weak but "viable but not optimal" Marksmen feel extremely strong?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    I will take into account the fact that I don't exactly know powerspikes or damage output as well with meta champions as I do others who I have played for a very long time. Basic ADC skills such as lane phase, macro, and team fighting translate no matter what. It's just adapting to champion-specifics. Champions like Kai'sa, Xayah, and Vayne ( whom were meta for a long time ) were my main champions for a long while. So I know their output and power spikes. They feel good to play, despite having fallen out of meta and out of favor. Being told I need to play meta champions to climb... is just confusing to me. I don't win with them.

    Champions like Senna, MF, and Ashe feel... so bad to play. Just to name a few -- also, we aren't talking Aphelios here. He's personally my perma ban and not part of the discussion -- and it might be just me because I don't enjoy playing them. I don't really like their kits. MF has never been a marksmen I enjoyed. I've played Senna ~30 games and, similar to Ezreal, she just feels very un-interactive. I might be Bronze as fuck, and thus not playing her correctly, but when I see the enemy make a mistake, I want to punish the living hell out of them. Senna, as well as Ashe, do feel good early lane when it comes to trading stance and punishments but Senna's all-in isn't there for me. LVL 2 Kai'sa or Xayah I'm getting a kill or at least both summoners... practically by myself. Get LVL 2 with Senna or MF and it's just waiting for my AFK support to do something, but they're an enchanter who's under tower. shrug there goes that.

    Is it just the type of marksmen that they are? Perhaps it's that they don't suit my playstyle of calculated aggression. It could just be that I don't know how to play them. Are they just "hyper scale" and thus don't have as much oomf as others who are more early game bullies and self efficient?

    I'm serious about climbing and want to do so properly. Really don't mind being a meta slave but god damn I can't win with these champs xD

    submitted by /u/hxc3800
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    With the constant bickering about Grevious Wounds. Would it be smart to just start buying Executioners on your own even if you're a mage?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    On the earlier post about Grevious Wounds from u/Cyathene, someone mentioned that if their adc refuses to get Executioners they'll just get it themselves as a Sona support (sorry for no credit, couldn't find it again). And I was thinking maybe that's not such a bad idea even as a mid mage main. Get a quick 800 for EC and start saving up for Morellos after, it does sell for 560 so thats only 240 lost. I mean I am just low elo trash but is this worth it if people seriously refuse to buy such a cheap and useful item?

    submitted by /u/buenoskiddoosh
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    When is it okay to start taking your jungler's camps?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I've heard varying things about this, from "literally never touch camps on your side" to "start taking camps on your way back to lane at like lv 7-9 if you can".

    As farming jungle late game is a good constant source of CS and income, it's a good thing to do especially on champs that can take it quickly (good wave clear), but I worry sometimes that I deny my jungler that farm.

    When should I start collecting camps while moving around? Do I wait for my jungler to get their fully upgraded jungle item, do I wait until they're able to farm champions? Straight up ask "ey bro you cool if I take camps?"?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    What do I do when I’m being HARD camped?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Just played a game as Tryndamere vs Riven. Lane going good early. Outfarming her, zoned her, blew her flash level 2. Once I'm level 3 and the waves froze in the middle I get ganked by A level 3 Warwick with double buffs and I spin away just to get flash feared and then chain CC'd by Riven. I die, my level 2 Lee then walks from blue buff and tries to fight them both and dies giving Riven double buffs. I go back to lane, freeze just outside my tower, and the Riven gets cocky and tower dives me when she's level 4 giving me doubles. I then get dived when she comes back to lane by her and Warwick. Kill Riven again but Warwick lives. I carry on farming, slow pushing to stay safe and get gold for my next item. Once the wave hits her tower I recall, walk back to lane and as soon as I get past the first brush Warwick and Katarina jump out the brush and kill me. I return to lane again, sitting just outside my tower waiting for the wave so I can try and freeze. I get a freeze and after maybe 20 seconds Riven jumps on me and surprise surprise Warwick and Katarina are here too. Nobody dies as I have ult and just run to my tower. This just carries on all game. I'm talking I cannot go 60 seconds without Warwick or Katarina roaming top lane and just stopping me from farming or forcing me to base. Eventually lost the game at 20 minutes with an FF and finished 6/3 and Riven 1/6. Don't really think it was winnable as my jungler was 1/5 and my ADC 2/9 so the enemy bot just forced mid with Rift and ended. But what am I supposed to do when this happens? Do I just forget the lane and go help other lanes? Or do I just stay there and take the punishment? I feel like I took so much pressure off the map by having 3 top all the time yet my enemy mid/bot did pretty much nothing and the jungler just afk farmed all game. How do I turn this bad situation into a lead for my whole team?

    Sorry for the wall of text, just trying to give specifics so people can give relevant advice.

    submitted by /u/zR6efyKqN7if
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    Looking for Overlay/App to teach a new friend

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Hey guys,
    while I'm a veteran myself a friend of mine recently started playing league but due to the skillgap and her beeing to shy to interrupt our talk by asking "dumb" questions she prefered playing tft with us, to teach her the very ground basics of a moba/lol I saw an add on yt for an app that was basically an overlay with a voice that told you absolute basicstuff like "you're veigar vs ahri you scale very well but are vulnerable to ganks, try focusing on farming and stand safely behind your minions so she can't charm you.
    But I can't find that app anymore. Anybody has an idea of what I'm looking for?

    submitted by /u/c0l0r51
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    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    In the recent past, I remember streamers and shit saying this is pretty much a must buy 2nd item on basically all mages and it was hella gold efficient blah blah. However recently, everywhere I look, people say dont buy it, it's not gold efficient anymore. I play mostly orianna. My question is what do I build as a second item after my ludens now, and why is morello all the sudden bad.

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    Should I pick Sona or Janna?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Hey everyone, lately I've been thinking about playing a few support champs, and I can't decide between Sona or Janna. Can anyone tell me what is the difference between both of them, and which one I would be better at considering I got into the support role just recently? I'm not a new player, but I'm considerably bad (or average, I don't really know) and I used to main Irelia toplane. Now, I'm playing Morgana and Senna on support more often and I wanted to try a new champion for this lane. I'm also open to suggestions for any other support champion. I'm low ELO for sure (most likely going to end up in Bronze or Silver if I continue playing ranked) and I'm still learning how to engage properly.

    submitted by /u/EliiTheElf
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    Questions about Kayn's forms

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Hi, I'm pretty new to Kayn. Bought him a few days ago, so please be gentle.

    As many know, after dealing damage to enemy champions, Kayn has the ability to turn into a Darkin (red) or Shadow Assassin (blue), blah-blah-blah. When the meter fills, one of the choices is locked for a certain amount of time, probably a few minutes or so. I've heard the Darkin form is great for frontlining while Shadow Assassin is better if the team lacks in damage.

    So that leaves me with a few questions: How should I play both forms? Is one form better than the other? Should I transform as soon as I get the option to? Should I master one form before the other?

    Sorry if these are stupid questions.

    submitted by /u/Zerknox
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    Why is everybody advocating ashe to learn ADC when she is hardest champion to Play in low elo?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:11 PM PST

    She is probably most team reliant adc - no damage till late game, use of her vision is wasted in bronze, global ult requires a lot of skill to hit and its a huge part of her strength. Kinda hard to use and unrealiable self peel without ult

    Id say starter adcs are more like Jinx/miss fortune hypercarries why people still claim ashe is noob friendly?

    Half of her kit doesnt really suit low elo gameplay where differences are too huge between two teams to such a nuanced thing as extra vision change the tide of battle or even her ult is better exchanged for more aoe damage of jinx to carry team of bad players.

    I wouldnt Play here down there but damn i got a championship skin from a chest but its so tilting compared to kayle top or jinx

    submitted by /u/mrreow5532
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    How do you improve movement?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of guides on macro, micro and general tips - but how do you improve in game movement? I utilize the training tool a lot to practice micro, for example last hitting, animation cancelling, spell sequencing, and to learn the ins and outs of animation and spell timings. But I have a strange attraction to walking into skillshots, especially if they are charms or stuns. I'm very good at farming and wave manipulation relative to my MMR, so I'm able to brute force stat check enemies in fights, but I still eat almost all skills, when most of my opponents and teammates even at the gold-plat MMRs have better dodging ability (and I know that gold-plat players are pretty terrible at movement).

    Practice hasn't really worked for me. I've been at high MMR before (around top 0.7% with a 58% WR) and I still had very poor ability to run away from spells and relied on my farming capabilities. I'm not sure if ping plays a part in this (I currently have about 60-70 ping with fibre internet) - it could theoretically mean 60-70 ms less time to react to spells. I'm very bad at proactively moving away and dodging - how can I improve?

    submitted by /u/4333mhz
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    How strongly does talent correlate to speed of learning?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Been playing for 7-8 years for ranked (played hard every season) and only around d3.

    Many people who have played around the same amount or started later are higher rank than I.

    So my question is are they more talented or just faster learners? Or both? To be gonest d3 in this long is somehwat slow actually... Makes me think Im not that gifted at this game.

    submitted by /u/Zandela
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    How do I improve my overall gameplay (macro/micro, etc.) to rank up?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    How do I improve my overall gameplay (macro/micro, etc.) to rank up?

    I am looking for videos/guides/suggestions on how to become a better player. My peak is only Gold I but I would love to reach Platinum/low diamond eventually. I have been playing this game since early S3, and this is really the first time I would like to improve improve and actually become a better player. I am not sure where to start due to being overwhelmed. I am not sure my weaknesses and strengths.

    Overall, the most important thing I would like to learn is situational awareness, and when to do specific things at specific times and in specific situations. I.e., if we are super ahead, where do I go from there, super behind, if 2/3 or 1/3 lanes are winning/losing, when to prioritize herald, when to push, wave management etc.

    It might be a lot but any suggestions would be useful. This does not just include in game, but out of game stuff (i.e., videos etc.)

    I main support, but I would also like to play mid, but I suck at roaming as a midlaner as well as knowing what do to in certain situations.

    Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/idkusernameswhoops
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    So how does Rakan deal damage?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    I would like to start off with saying that I am not salty about Rakan, but rather curious. I have always heard that Rakan is one of the best AP characters in game, but I have always been confused on how he does so much damage. His Q looks to be hot garbage, his E is good for utility, his W is his only move that can deal significant damage compared to the rest of his kit (which isnt saying much), and his R which charms people. I do know that items, runes, and the damage buff from charms can play roles in this, but with all that I dont think he can nearly one shot champions with just his W and Q. Anybody know where all his damage from these clips of him just plug walking into teamfights and getting an easy kill come from?

    submitted by /u/YungSkeltal
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    Going the Same Form with Kayn

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    I want to start playing Kayn more, but is it bad to always play the same form every game? I know the whole point of his character is to be able to go between the forms and adapt, but starting out is this bad practice? I do prefer his Red Form over the Blue, but I can't help but think I'm hindering myself. I know people say you should know which form in champ select to pick runes, but wouldn't it be safer to always try for red and keep the runes the same?

    submitted by /u/SouthLime4
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    Ive improved recently, but I dont feel like ive gotten better.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST


    This season ive hit the highest rank ive ever been with the shortest amount of games and time along with high win rate. Feels great, but the only thing I feel like ive improved on is looking at the map more often and playing smarter. My Micro and Macro needs some work, I play top lane and normally try to just play meta champs when I feel they fit well into our comp or good into the enemy teams comp.

    My biggest question for now is teleport, ill try using it for objectives or to split the map in the late game. However when I play Fiora ill tp into some fights when I could have continued to push and gotten a tower or two which sometimes will be worth and sometimes it wont. Obviously if I TP for baron fights and such thats worth, but what about smaller fights like scrims in the bot lane when our AD is strong, or dragon fights after the lane phase. How do you figure out if you should TP on a split pusher in the splits seconds as a fight starts?

    Im aware league of legends is a loaded and dynamic game, and that there might not be a right answer to my question, but im looking for some thoughts on it anyways any help is appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Elitecyro
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    Ninja Tabi as ADC?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:16 PM PST

    I know the goal of ADC is to basically output as much damage as possible, at least in team fights. But I die so quickly to all AD teams. Is ninja tabi worth to buy as an adc even though I'm losing out on max damage? Also my positioning could probably use work yes, but nevertheless I feel the buy could be beneficial.

    submitted by /u/Yanks41
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