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    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    LoL Guide How To Use Team Compositions To Win Clash Tournaments

    LoL Guide How To Use Team Compositions To Win Clash Tournaments

    How To Use Team Compositions To Win Clash Tournaments

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Hello again summonerschool. You may remember me as the guy who correctly predicted 69% of professional games in 2019 utilizing only team compositions to determine the victor. With Clash being released next weekend I figure that now would be a good time to share what I've learned about team compositions so you can get all that sweet, sweet Clash loot.

    This is the method I used to win the Hextech cup multiple times during the Clash global beta:

    1. All players on the team rate all champions
    2. Determine which champions can be flex picks
    3. Create champion pools for each team composition type
    4. Pick two compositions that are not adjacent to each other
    5. Find picks that can fit into either comp that you also feel comfortable blind picking
    6. In general, delay your support pick as late as possible
    7. When possible, draft at least two winning matchups

    I go over all of these steps in a ton more detail in my "Clash Guide" video but here's the cliff notes for each step.

    Rate all champions:

    • Recommend ratings 1 to 10
    • Be honest
    • Don't put all champions 10
    • Don't put all champions 1
    • Limit champions at each rating to 15-20
    • Champions you would be willing to blind pick should be highly rated
    • See my "Champions Rating Template" tool for a example template you can use

    Determine what champions can be flex picks:

    • Find champions that two or more players rate highly
    • Determine if that champion can be flexed in those two roles
    • Don't be turned off by off meta picks
    • Flexing a champion to an off meta role can completely surprise enemy teams
    • If you can play that champion effectively in an off meta role it makes that champion very threatening to enemy teams
    • Flex picks can be picked early in draft and allow you to get more counter matchups and force bad picks from your opponents

    Create champion pools for each team composition type:

    • Be very broad in what champions you include in each champion pool
    • Prioritize flex picks
    • Prioritize champions you feel comfortable with more than the "perfect" champion for that comp
    • Discuss each composition with your team
    • Rate how strong your team is with each team composition
    • If possible, play a few games with each composition to determine how natural they feel
    • You will often be limited by the player with the smallest champion pool
    • Team compositions are defined in my "Team Compositions Guide" video

    Pick two compositions that are not adjacent to each other:

    • Results in your team:
    • Being strong against four compositions
    • Being even against one composition
    • If you pick two compositions that are adjacent it results in your team:
    • Being strong against three compositions
    • Being even against one composition
    • Being weak against one composition
    • If you only pick one composition it results in your team:
    • Being strong against two compositions
    • Being even against one composition
    • Being weak against two compositions
    • All team composition matchups are discussed in my "Team Composition Matchups" video

    Find picks that can fit into either comp that you also feel comfortable blind picking:

    • Jungle and bot are usually good roles to blind pick
    • Proper jungle pathing, warding and lane priority can negate bad jungle matchups
    • The support pick can negate bad bot lane matchups
    • Flex picks are very powerful for this
    • If you intend to use a flex pick, don't pick the other role the champion can be flexed to
    • More information on which champions are good in which team comps can be found in my "Champion Classes, Videos & Team Comps" tool

    In general, delay your support pick as late as possible:

    • Support can wildly swing a composition one way or another
    • Support position has the most versatility
    • Leona as opposed to Janna
    • Taric as opposed to Vel'Koz
    • Plenty of off meta picks that can be played support in coordinated play
    • Zac, Swain, Shaco, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Teemo, etc.
    • If your support has a very limited champion pool the strength of delaying the support pick diminishes

    When possible, draft at least two winning matchups:

    • Matchups meaning top, jungle, mid and bot (support included with bot)
    • Team compositions don't matter in the early game
    • Easiest way to lose when you have a team composition advantage is to get destroyed in laning phase
    • You need to have winning, or at least even, matchups to ensure you can enter the mid game even or with a minimal deficit
    • If you have one or no winning matchups play extremely passive and avoid fighting early at all costs
    • If you don't have a team composition advantage you should draft strongly for early game, fight as often as possible and focus on snowballing a lead

    Here's all the videos and tools I've released to help people identify what champions they want to play and learn how to build team compositions.


    Find Your Ideal Champion: https://youtu.be/X0ta-2Q9wyE

    Melee Champion Guide: https://youtu.be/DMu4Ym2Pj8c

    Ranged Champion Guide: https://youtu.be/ABMqgpG0FSQ

    Team Composition Guide: https://youtu.be/i4tPKWt5pBY

    Team Composition Matchup Guide: https://youtu.be/0ym6SX_qjsc

    Clash Guide: https://youtu.be/UD17oTuE4rA


    All of these tools are "view only." If you want to edit them you either need to download them or save them to your own google sheet. This is done to ensure no one messes up the master copy.

    Find Your Ideal Champion Tool: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_ZMh-ysFN6aTm9ZzsSVQd4OT4kK4iRI/view?usp=sharing

    Champion Classes, Videos & Team Comps: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y4YRG_tdz0IgCSVWR8z0pLdT93rIEnU7fIxBzq8PgZk/edit?usp=sharing

    Champion Ratings Template: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16e8CZoQl6AWWESvR0X3MjqvK3Wm2PDLfwSdMPEfmWn8/edit?usp=sharing

    Pro Team Comps Raw Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ih2X-qcwNVpQTESGY1WdxgtPahqZ_FrakfP5qmUsSQw/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/RandomoniumLoL
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    Why is Kindred low on tier list

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:51 PM PST

    I was wondering why kindred is ranked has a c tier because lately i have been able to carry the team last game i went 27/5/7 what is reducing her placement in tier lists. I am iron 4 if this helps in why my games are going good any advice helps thank you.

    submitted by /u/Cohnen_the_barbarian
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    Things I wish i'd known when I started started playing the game

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:53 PM PST

    -Don't play ranked unless you are prepared for a long ride in. Ranked is a hyper competitive environment, and can bring out the worst in player behaviours. Play with someone you trust to support you through your wins and losses.

    -Mute chat; 85% of the time, chat is used to harass, bully or hurt other players. Negativity like that never made anyone want to improve.

    -The LoL community and scene is very masculine-driven.

    -If you don't like the energy or attitude of someone you're playing with, you don't have to play with them. It rubs off. It's usually best to stop playing and take a break

    - It's okay to fail and make mistakes. We're all learning and are all at different levels, it doesn't make you any less of a person to fail, through mistakes we learn and improve.

    -Lost games can be fun, learning oppurtunities. Games are long, so if it's quite clear that the game is lost then use that time to practice farming, landing skill shots, using vision etc

    -Only press that play button if you are sure in yourself of being able to handle the worst game. Not meaning catastrophize, but remember that a game can go bad and you need to be sure that you can cope with that for the amount of time you are in game.

    These things are personal to me as a player, but you guys might relate

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Coaching- Diamond ADC

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Part 1 (Game)- https://youtu.be/9CTz5OYGVNI

    Part 2 (Review)- https://youtu.be/HT_v-RnGrfQ

    This is my first session with the player so there's a healthy focus on the basics and what I consider the fundamentals for improving (playing with intensity, reducing noise in feedback loops, etc). The stuff discussed in the lesson will also help anyone around this elo range (mid-high diamond).

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    Is blitz app wise to use or are there other apps that works better?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Is blitz app wise to use or are there other apps that works better?

    I haven't been playing for a while and I have never used any of these apps. I find myself going to op,gg a lot and I think an app could help. So yeah that's basically my question and have a good day or night :]

    submitted by /u/Cute_Bubble
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    Top lane issues

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    So I mainly play sett or ornn, but I seem to be having a lot of issues top-lane. For example, I pick sett and the enemy top gets to pick after me, so he picks Kled. I get hard countered and can't do anything because he can literally walk under my turret and kill me. If I'm playing ornn, I usually have a problem against more champions, but the main question is, how am I supposed to do anything if I get counter picked and I can't play defensively?

    submitted by /u/DistortedCookie
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    How to lane with lux supp as adc against engage supp?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    My duo(lux main supp, G4) and I(adc main, G4) have been struggling winning lane although we do end up catching up mid game. We struggle against engage supports(naut, and leona). I normally try to hard push level 2, but if we don't get a good binding on the adc or supp then the enemy laners get level 2 and our wave is pushed up in a bad spot. Then the leona/naut just engages onto one of us and we just die. Should I be pushing this hard, and hope we get a catch? Or should we just let them get level 2 first, back up, then poke and farm near our tower? I know there a lot of factors when making these decisions, but I just want to know what play is the best in early laning phase. Thanks in advanced.

    submitted by /u/D-trece
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    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    On my 2nd Account(My main account was made in 2016 and I havent played the game in years so I made a smurf to practice) I've been buying a lot of champs on a whim.

    Pantheon looked really cool and I ended up buying him, I played in jungle and went 6 4 and got an A+, and really enjoyed his kit.I looked through tier lists and he wasnt listen on top or single where I played or the weird new Korea pick mid.Is Pantheon a bad champion, like I couldn't find him on some tier lists.Also does anyone know how to get the most out of your ult since it felt a bit clunky and weird.

    For the build I went with stalkers ghostblade,cleaver GA and Steraks.Any General Tips of things you want to say to help me

    submitted by /u/ControlOnly
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    Losing lane as adc

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I main sivir in mid silver. If I win lane I'm a force to be reckoned with, but when I lose lane I have no presence and usually cant even farm a lane without dying. I have tried to just stick with team and team fight when applicable, but I just get bursted and fed the enemy team more. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/thefrenchfri
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    ADC main: I'd like some advice on how to transition to top lane

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Hi! I've been playing league on and off for a while now and have always preferred the adc role. However, i would like to branch out and learn the top lane. I'm planning on focusing on a tight champion pool of champs i enjoy playing. My 2 favorite top laners are Kayle and Irelia. The former I'd pick if i was against a top laner that won't bully me too hard, otherwise i feel like if I get good with irelia i could play most top matchups, and survive against bullies like darius or renekton. For my last top laner I'm not too sure what to practice. I'm looking for something versatile that can lane ok and scale well later. Would yasuo or ekko fill that void?

    Finally I'm looking for some general tips to improve as a top laner. I have trouble building or maintaining an advatage, and i seem to always be pushing or freezing at the wrong times. Lastly, i sometimes have trouble transitioning from solo laning top to joining the rest of the team and fighting. Is there a good way to know when i should be joining my team?

    submitted by /u/aiphrem
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    A new Senna player!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Hello! I started to play Senna (support) recently and i wonder, what build and runes should i have on her. I think that Glacial Augment is nice on her but i am not really sure if it's actually the best rune. And items? Is full lethality the way to go? I don't really know. :/

    submitted by /u/Smiithiik
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    I need advice for top lane

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I've been maining top for a while, with tryndamere and cho'gath mostly, but playing all kinds of champions as well.

    Lately I'm having a lot of trouble playing top and performing well... but mostly, playing top and enjoying the game.

    I feel like I keep ending up against either Sett, Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, which I'm having a lot of trouble laning against. They all end up outdamaging me, having more sustain, and even sometimes killing me and my jungler in a 1v2 when they come to gank.

    I'm at a loss for what to do. I can't ban them all, and often I pick before them and can't counterpick. I'm not sure if there's something I'm doing wrong. The games where I do best against these is when I play it safe, letting myself get zoned and not die. But these games have super boring laning phases, and they make me want to quit.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there a character that would counter these well? Any constructive advice would be good.

    submitted by /u/Courteous_Crook
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    New player cant get good

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Ive been playing this game for about a month now, ive been playing chogath jax and darius and i have no clue how to get good. Im constantly doing bad unless the enemy laner is just terrible and i feel like im never playing anyone truly in my mmr. I dont know what to do, ive tried watching pros, reading guides and im still behind 30 in farm and always negative. I truly want to get good at this game so i can enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/duggy609
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    Should a support Senna be out-damaging the ADC?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    As a support main I've been playing a lot of support senna lately to try and climb. She offers a bit of a contingency in case you end up with a poor ADC as you can basically just become the ADC yourself.

    Almost every single match I finish the game with more damage than my ADC. If these were 15min games then I'd probably expect that to be the case as you're poking and trading, but it seems to be pretty much every game, including 45+minute ones, whether we win or lose. In fact it's not unusual to be 3rd or even 2nd in damage. I don't feel like I'm specifically playing for damage and mostly focus on healing and peeling/catching people with my W, just getting in autos where possible. I also spend a tonne of gold on wards, no less than I normally would as a support.

    This sounds like a humble brag, but it's really not. My win-rate on senna isn't particularly high and it's taking a long time time climb out of silver (I'm normally a mid-plat player). I'm actually worried that maybe I'm not playing her properly, dealing damage at the expense of healing or CC.

    submitted by /u/CapableWizard
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    I free win early jungle but cannot carry the losing lane, what should I change?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:36 PM PST

    I started in Bronze I and one tricked Rek'Sai to Gold IV with a 61% win rate over 108 games and an overall 58% WR.

    I'm now hardstuck with a 50% WR and I'm on 12LP gains and 28LP losses, which obviously makes losses incredibly frustrating and wins feel pretty futile.

    In most games, I straight up win the early jungle. I get first drag, first rift, and usually first blood or at least an early kill. If all my lanes go even and no one goes 0/3 in lane, we usually just win purely off of a resource advantage.

    However the way I'm losing is usually in the mid game where I want to press the advantage I get early but don't know how.

    When I get the early herald, which lane should I drop it in?

    When the enemy team has a champ I cannot deal with (Trundle, Tryndamere etc) how do I still attempt to solo carry if I feel I have been totally shut out by that champion?

    How do I deal with hard split pushers?

    How do I start developing a game plan that extends beyond clear > gank > dragon > herald > first turret?

    Honestly I know a lot of these games are winnable, and I'm past the point of blaming my team mates except for when it's just a blatant intentional loss, which has probably only realistically happened like a dozen times out of 250 games. I just desperately want to get to Plat and the way my progress has absolutely stalled is really lame.

    submitted by /u/Bishopped
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    Comps for Clash?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Since Clash is coming up again, I wanted to als the League of Legends experts at reddit: Which team comps would you suggest for a team of about silver elo? Since this is one of the few chances where we get to play as a team, and coordinate beforehand (while I have some friends who play with me, most of them don't have that much time for the game, which is why we almost never make up a whole team) are there any specific comps or at least some guidelines on what we need in our team to win?

    submitted by /u/ArthurPhoenix
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    Fiora vs Shen?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Im a fiora main and for my last 10 games ive been doing great, getting upwards of 20 kills and very few deaths almost every time, however for some reason, I always lose vs two champs: Urgot and Shen. But my question for now is how do I beat out Shen? He seems to always control the wave much better than me even when nothing out of the ordinary is being done, and then he sits at his tower eating cs all game, and if i ever come close to killing him he becomes invincible then dips out.

    TL;DR: Shens play way too passive for me and i can never cs or control the wave, even though I usually can, so what do

    Any tips? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Kilstic
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    How can I help my bronze/silver friend? He has rejected all advice given to him, but still spams ranked games daily

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:25 AM PST

    I've tried everything I can think of. Any advice I give to him, he ultimately brushes aside. I've tried explaining things the best i can from macro, lane management, simple mechanical things, what to build and when, even just trying to get him to focus on csing is a hassle. He's been playing every season since season 4 and hasn't gone anywhere. Last season he played 2k games and peaked silver 1 (with a duo whom I know is much better than him), and ultimately ended silver 3 after the duo got gold and stopped playing.

    I'm honestly at my wit's end (pun intended?) with trying to help him, but he doesn't enjoy any mode aside from 5v5 SR. Only occassionally he'll play normals, and never ARAM/FGM so if I ever do play with him it just feels like I'm boosting him. How in the world do you help a player who refuses to learn but will adamantly only play ranked? So far this season, he's hard stuck bronze 3 with 200 games played

    submitted by /u/nomemesinmylobby
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    Why do i always lose to junglers mid lane?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:00 PM PST

    When I play in the midlane against "normal" champs I have fun. Sometimes I'll feed but I'll always at least understand what I did wrong.

    Other times, I'll play the stupidest off-meta matchups and lose horribly, usually junglers. I played against AP Nunu mid once, as Azir. Why isn't Nunu played mid more often? I got one good trade on him early, and 5 minutes later he's at full health thanks to his Q. His W annihilates the wave, and he fucks off to my sidelaners to gank. Another time, I fight Skarner mid as Irelia. Forget his ultimate where he drags you under turret, at level 2 I'm hitting everything but he's still outtrading me with his shield.

    It feels like junglers have elements in their kit that provide them with free healing (for camp clearing) that mid-lane champs just cannot match. How in the hell do you fight against one?

    submitted by /u/KerbalDeadlock152
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    Looking for help top lane

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

    Hello, I'm SirJonjo a season 9 gold 4 top laner. I play in amateur fives league with a team, ranks varying from Silver 1 to Plat 1. I used to play in a silver - gold league and got to the finals. But for this split I've moved up to the Gold/Plat league to face better players. I mainly play tanks such as Shen and Ornn but love ranged tops like Gnar, Kennen and Rumble kinda. I've been struggling a lot with my laning and my team mates have suggested I look for someone like a coach to help me, although I don't sadly have any cash so anybody who could help me out would be greatly appreciated. I use discord and I'm happy to send over my games where I've inted. I haven't got the greatest self confidence in myself at the moment so please don't be to harsh on me.

    submitted by /u/SirJonjo
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    Jungler friend keeps asking for advice and why he’s stuck in iron.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Hello everyone I'm a silver 2 mid lane who honestly has next to know experience in jungle and is struggling to improve my own performance let alone focus on my junglers. Sure I can watch and take guesses at what I think their doing wrong such as "bad jungle pathing" or "poor engagement choices." At the end of the day though I have no idea if my thoughts are actually correct. He says back in season 2 he was plat and while they might be true the game has changed tremendously. His summoner name is mrpolliester on NA servers if you all need that to watch some of his games. Anyway if you all could give me any sort of help with this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/Umbraous
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    Taric can passively give one of his ally 41 armor with the correct item and runes at level 9.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:15 PM PST

    That is around negating the armor reduction that both Ghostblade and Duskblade provide together depending on its user level. You nearly double the natural armor that your carry will have by the time. All of that just by staying somewhat close to them with your Bastion link.

    Here's how: Go for Conditioning as runes and take both of the armor shards. In-game, rush the newly buffed Frozen Hearth and maximize your W. You will have around 250 armor at level 9 with and will be giving around 41 armor to the designated ally. Obs: With the Shield Bash rune, You can receive some extra armor by using bastion active, further giving 1 extra armor to the designated ally while you are shielded. OBS2: Mountain Drake can further increase your armor and consequently your ally as well.

    I just wanted to share this information about my favorite and one of the most underrated supports in lower elo. Of course, Taric's real potential only shines when the enemy is only or nearly only full AD comp. At the same time you tilt a Zed, Talon, Lee or Khaziks, a LeBlanc, Nidalee, Sylas or Orianna can make your life hell.

    Funny observation: Taric can have at a maximum 991 armor by making 6 FH and conditioning rune(without after-shock being active and without any mountain drakes). You can give 165 armor to an ally with this amount of armor.

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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    Mid Lane Matchups Notes (Neeko, Syndra, Ahri, Qiyanna, etc.)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Hey r/summonerschool,

    I went very tryhard in s9 and did daily VOD reviews for a while. I analyzed a lot of different matchups from 72 matches and compiled them in a spreadsheet. I'm a diamond mid laner and mained Neeko last season. Naturally the most reviews come from Neeko games. There are lots of other matchups too, as I play a large variety of champs.

    Anyways, I figured I would post my notes here for anyone who might be looking for insights into a particular matchup or maybe looking into how to VOD review a match. If there are any questions I would love to answer them.

    I've included a google sheets link and a pdf of the reviews. The pdf is a little more readable, but if you want to add your own comments or play with the file, the sheets is available too. Feel free to make your own copy if you wish.


    opgg for those interested

    submitted by /u/AmateurNoob
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    Kennen bot lane?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    He's probably almost a troll pick, and I'm not sure how he'd compare to shit like Kai'Sa, but I'd still like to try him out. I know he's been meta at some point. I'm silver so he'll probably be alright lol. What do I build? AD or AP like in top? For runes I was thinking regular ADC rules with PTA if I do go AD

    EDIT: Also, I won't be doing soloQ, my friend will be supporting me

    submitted by /u/LeaguePornAccount
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