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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    LoL Guide I inted my first game as Karthus and went to practice tool at 3 AM. A Guide to all other new Karthus players who struggle with their first clear.

    LoL Guide I inted my first game as Karthus and went to practice tool at 3 AM. A Guide to all other new Karthus players who struggle with their first clear.

    I inted my first game as Karthus and went to practice tool at 3 AM. A Guide to all other new Karthus players who struggle with their first clear.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Karthus first clear example

    Made a quick video of an example clear after getting tilted because I first timed Karthus and finished first clear at 10% HP.

    This clear shouldn't be too hard to execute since it took me about two hours to go from first timing Karthus to this.

    If anyone has any questions I'll try my best to answer them.

    submitted by /u/Fudouh
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    Rank 1 EU Bwipo explains how to improve your SoloQ mentality

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Although the podcast Crackdown is mainly about the Esports scene, a recent episode gives us Fnatic top laner and current rank 1 EU SoloQ opinions on being a better SoloQ player.

    op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=FNC+Bwipo

    I don't need you to watch the video, but the main, helpful points I would like to highlight are:

    • Don't blame the game, blame the player

    It always feels good blaming a loss on the balance of champions or how strong "insert role" is. Saying that your role is too weak is simply a road block to your improvement and ultimately achieves nothing. Bwipo argues that although streamers like Hashinshin moan about how weak top lane is, he managed to get rank 1. How does Bwipo do it? Leads into the next point

    • Transfer your advantage

    This is obviously coming from a top laner but it can be applied by all roles. Bwipo states that there is no one champion that can 1v9, and trying to only win via 1v9 is an unreliable way to climb. He says the main way he wins is to try get a lead, and when he does, he looks to get another player ahead/secure objectives (like getting multiple dragons). By doing this, you create a win condition (e.g. if you get 3 dragons, collectively trying to get the dragon soul is a crystal clear path to winning the game). What if you don't win the early game? On to the next point

    • Learn how to be carried

    Bwipo states that even in the highest tiers of challenger, you can encounter very typical soloQ situations. He mentions this specific scenario: You and your jungler win top side, get 5 plates but you lose because your bot lane is running it down while whining about how little jungle attention they got. If you are losing, being able to not break down mentally and accept the fact that you aren't going to be the main carry will allow you to win more SoloQ games.

    A lot of the points are reworded/extrapolated but the messages still stands. For those that are interested and want to find more nuggets of info, you can watch the podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yh3dd5ot7g

    Hope you have gathered something new or have some existing knowledge reinforced. Best of luck climbing!

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    Is there a problem with one-tricking an AD mid?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    It seems like the meta is so strong and often revolves around having an AD bottom, and very often jungle and top are AD as well. And almost all normal mid champs are AP.

    If I one-trick an AD champion mid, will that make for games that are often really AD heavy on my team, leaving us vulnerable to being countered by armor builds? Or is this something that isn't as big of a concern?

    submitted by /u/highphiv3
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    need help with attack move clicking

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    i've watched several in-depth videos about this and looked up on all these reddit posts and practiced a lot and like, i understand how kiting with attack moving should work and i have tried changing my settings accordingly, but no matter what, be it a real game or a practice tool, it doesn't seem to work the same as in any of the guides i've seen.

    i've tried it with mages and adcs as i like longer ranged champs (or so i thought as this is getting the best of me), so i don't know if it's because i don't have all my attack speed items yet during laning phase on my adcs or i just suck, but the attack moving is so so slow and no matter how slow or fast i click away with a move click, i tend to almost always cancel my aa/attack move.

    in csing or in close combats it seems to work, obviously, as i don't have to actually move around much, but as soon as there's a fight and i try to kite even a little, things get really weird.

    with attack move i either turn around to auto and not moving even after a normal click and, even if i wait and don't click away right after, i somehow still end up canceling it and thus getting myself killed. if i want to stay in my preferred area/move to a certain point, attack moving changes my direction to get closer to the target(maybe as i'm not in range there? but i can't see my range so i don't know how to go around it) and that might kill me and just overall mess up my positioning.

    kiting is mostly just me going front and backwards without actually attacking until i die. makes me look and feel very good!

    i feel like i'm playing a lot worse now with attack moving than i was without it. i keep dying, my mindset is also a bit all over the place as the simple mechanics don't seem so simple anymore and... just yeah.

    is there anything in what i wrote that i should fix/is wrong or what should i do? also is attack moving supposed to attack also minions/turrets right away even if i don't click on them first? i swear they said somewhere that it only attacks champions.. anyways, i try to practice kiting in practice tool before games but it just lessens my will to play and overall games just don't seem so fun with using it. even if it should be something so essential to playing better...

    this might be very obvious to advanced players but feels very frustrating to me, haha. hope some of you could help

    edit/ added a bonus question, fixed spelling

    submitted by /u/functionmess
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    If Mordekaiser ults Illaoi after Illaoi ults, will Illaoi's W trigger the tentacles outside of the death realm to swing?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:41 AM PST

    I know the pre-existing tentacles do not follow her into death realm. But if they stay in the regular map, and Illaoi W's morde while in the death realm, will they swing and potentially hit Morde's allies?

    Also, if she gets ulted in the middle of tentacle swinging, does she get the heal in death realm?

    submitted by /u/gallardoelise
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    i feel like rage is not a good item on kai sa anymore

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:44 AM PST

    ( Hi I'm a kai sa main, with more than 1 M mastery points. I made a few post in past weeks discussing my ludens kai sa build, this is my post if u want to check my build, that was inspired by SnipyOCE kai sa mid build. )

    If there is one item that is always in all kai sa build since her release its rage. But after the rage nerf, and the game being quicker and quicker, kai sa got pushed more and more at the bottom of the meta. Today sitting at a 46 % WR. But imo, rage could be a big part of the problem. WHY ?. Well rn most popular build is

    Manamune—> Rage—>Nashor/Runnans.

    the problem with the build, is pretty simple, u need 3 items to be able to do something on the map.but like games doesn't last long, at the moment u get 3 items the game might already over. But the item that cause the lack of dmg, is simply rage. The item just doesn't give enough stats to make a impact. The on hit effect was nerfed to each 3 autos , only 25 AD, 25 AP, and 25 AS. And penetration , but penetration as a second item doesn't really make sense, bc at the moment u get rage, the enemy doesn't have defensive items or only 1 ( expect tanks obviously), rage as a 4th items ok, but not as a second item, is just hurt ur dmg.

    Now if we look at ludens second item, it gives 90 AP, 12 AD (manamune), 600 mana, 20 % CDR, a on hit effect. At the moment u get ludens u can up ur q and w ( with a extra 450 g book) . And we turn a 3 item power spike kai sa to a 2 item power spike. Bc the dmg output from ur w is just too big. U can one shot enemy adc, u have really good poke, and u have a impact on the game .

    Now of course ludens is not the only second item u could go for( for example zonhyas) , But bottom line, Rage is hurting kai sa dmg more than helping her. In this meta its better to get more burst early, than consistant dmg, if u can one shot the enemy adc, after u get 2 items, u can impact so much the game and figths

    Remember kai sa W is the only abilty that was never nerfed by riot since her big buff in 8.11

    This is just my opinion, but i would recommend any kai sa player to at least try the ludens builds at least once in a norm, u might be surprised.

    submitted by /u/alexandre040
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    Help with jungle

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    I am a jungle main with a main champion pool of rek' sai, elise, evelynn and rengar. I have been trying to help out my lanes a lot and do ganks pretty consistently but a lot of the time, I will tell my laners the enemy jungler is ganking but they will still die or just get solo killed when I can't be there because I am ganking a different lane or happened to be on the other side of the map. Even when I do snowball and get at least 3 successful ganks off on every lane (as an example from an evelynn game I had today) my laners still end up somehow dying even without enemy ganks. I am not sure what else to do in order to ensure victory because a lot of the time I feel like I am doing the most I can but some of my teammates just don't take advantage of their lead or are just not very good. Any suggestions on what to do better? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    submitted by /u/GalaxySizedBrain
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    Heal midlane in LCK?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Hello all, got a quick question for you guys:

    I've been seeing a lot of midlaners in the LCK take heal in their games. I can understand the advantages: a movement speed buff to escape ganks (or whenever), a short heal against burst, and you can put it on a teammate. But why take these over teleport, even when you have phase rush? I understand it's a versatile spell, but Im not sold on it over teleport yet.

    submitted by /u/Graapefruit
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    OP.GG Says I'm Consistently One Of The 3 Worst Players On My Team Win Or Lose

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    I have no idea what to do. I've been playing the game since the end of Season 7 I've dappled in JG/ADC/Support. I play a lot and I KNOW my reaction times aren't the best I'm not trying to get to plat I'm just trying not the be the worst player in the game I play 10 or more games a day the only thing I've noticed improvement over the last 6 months is my vision score and I was working on CSing better I started at 4 CS/M now I hover around 5.5CS/M still not good even for Silver but better then it was.

    Every time I get a great winrate on a champ (Between 60% & 80%) I wake one morning and I'm total shit at them. My Ex mains so far are Eve, Rakan, Sona, Xayah, Kayn, now my best champ Janna isn't working out for me anymore either so I've switched back to ADC on Varus.

    I was hoping to get to Gold this season had a few good win streaks pretty easily made it from B4 to S3 with a 62% and then it all went to shit now I'm down to a 55% WR.

    I ward I try not to die I try to be where I need to be I try to get dragons I try to get towers I try to stay in a place I can deal damage in fights but not get blown up.

    I've had supports tell me I'm passive in lane but when I go into a game saying I'm gonna try to be more aggressive and try to trade I end up getting 100-0 or 100-50 and then have to play passive or recall anyway.

    This is my OP.GG https://na.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Zyniya if it could give any surface info I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/Zyniya
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    Getting demolished as ADC

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Hey guys, since quite some time i'm just getting demolished as ADC by every other laner there is.

    So i gotta ask, how can i carry my team when the enemy midlaner is as fed as i am early on or how can i play from being behind when a laner is fed already?

    CSing is obviously one way to go, but how can i farm mid to lategame when everybody is grouped up and the fight for CS in the team begins? How could i compete as Senna adc against those wave clears?

    Besides that, what should i focus on improving? I'm just gonna link my op.gg here and hope someone can help me with that.


    submitted by /u/xKaired
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    How come Ruler goes Cut Down most games? + other rune discussions

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:05 AM PST

    I've been looking at Ruler's op.gg and his rune setups in the LCK games he's played and he often takes Cut Down over Coup de grace, what's the reason? I assume it's better on average vs tanks, but it seems he takes it against most teamcomps regardless if there's a tank involved or not, which makes sense cause there are non-tank items that give a good amount of HP, but if that was the case why don't other players take it as often? What do you guys mostly take?

    Also, what do you guys think of Absolute Focus? Is it garbo after the nerfs long ago or is it still okay to take when you think you can consistently be above the HP threshhold? I've been thinking of taking it on MF, since I think her synergy with stacking Doran's Blades and lifesteal in general would make it quite easy to keep up. However, I think it would only be worth if you are 100% sure you are stacking Doran's, which if that's the case, you should probably pick something different.

    submitted by /u/luwuke9
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    League Theory | How to get into high elo / mentality & approach to the game

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

    League of legends theory sessions with clients. Hope this helps.

    Good Luck.

    LoL Theory Session #1

    • How to approach the idea of improvement
    • How to deal with tilt & teammates that don't cooperate
    • How to know if you are getting better
    • Aspects that define higher level of play vs lower level of play

    LoL Theory Session #2

    • How to space out your practice
    • Drills to improve on the fundamentals of the game
    • Which fundamentals are most important vs. least important
    • Comparison to challengers
    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    Constant low damage as ADC

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Since I got the Project skin on Ashe which I love I spammed some games on her since I already liked her kit in the past. I already did some progress on Csing, kiting and macro play but my damage is literal garbage every game. I don't know what my problem is. I don't know whether I can't find my right click button or if my positioning is garbage. If I try to change those things ingame and I look at the damage charts again, nothing changes. For 10 games in a row with focus on doing maximum damage, my damage is always 3th-5th, rarely above that. I don't know if there's something in my head that stops me from being an ADC or I just miss something big. I'd appreciate some advice or even a VOD review but I think that's too much I can ask for free.

    op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=TheSanato

    submitted by /u/TheSaas
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    Gnar Jungle - What do you guys think?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:09 AM PST

    So of all the champs that got jungle buffs this patch I feel like Gnar was talked about the least. As someone who loves the champ but hates top lane I was pretty excited to try it out.

    After 20 or so games on it in gold elo here are my thoughts:

    He doesn't really have a place in the jungle meta. He needs megagnar timed just right to gank properly which just can't be reliably done. So maybe you think he can farm a lot instead, but his farming isn't too quick either, it's not terrible but you can't compete with real farmers like noc/karth/shyv. He also can't duel most junglers in the early game, so you get bullied off scuttles and buffs regularly.

    His strength is showing up big in mid-game teamfights but it's hard to do that reliably when your early game is so weak. A lot of times enemy junglers like elise/zac/grag will just blow the game open long before your power spike. I have actually been trying him top the last few games and the difference is night and day, I feel so much stronger and safer in the early game. Contrary to his jungling, his early laning is quite solid. I'm disappointed to say it but I see no reason to play him in the jungle at this point.

    What do you guys think about Gnar jungle? Do you agree with me or have you been finding more success with it?

    submitted by /u/sneakerseeker123
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    A Short Guide for Playing With AP Shyvana

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 04:03 PM PST

    AP Shyvana is becoming more than just a cheese pick and as somone who has begun playing her quite a bit I feel like nobody knows how to play with her or against her. Whether you got beaten by a Shyvana, had one on your team that frustrated you or think you may want to try her this guide should tell you what you need to know.

    Abilities Passive - Shyvana deals 20% extra damage to drakes (making her early dragon taking quite good and fast despite poor ganks)

    Q Shyvana gets an auto attack reset and strikes twice with the next attack, no crits, does apply on hit (matters for nashors damage) this also acts as 2 AA for rage generation and the CD is lowered by 1 sec per basic attack

    W Shyvana gets a decaying 30% movespeed buff and does aoe damage around her for 3 seconds. Each auto attack during the duration increases the duration by 1 sec up to 4. so a 7 second aoe at longest

    E this is the only ability that really matters for AP shyvana. Shoots a fireball, only in ultimate form it explodes on first champion hit in a large aoe and leave a fire circle on the ground that deals damage over time.

    Ultimate. Shyvana jumps forward in a line dealing damage to anything she hits (about the same as an ultimate form E for reference) and gaining 150 + 100 per ultimate rank health. She also gains some unmentioned effects to her Q and W but they arent super important for AP shyvana. Shyvana has no mana or ultimate cooldown time. Instead she has rage. For information on how much her fighting power increases with ulti and rage generation numbers check ulti importance.

    Early Game First off dont expect any pre 6 ganks there may be some if they're free but Shyvana has no cc of any kind at this point so laners will have to set up the gank. Despite this shyvana does have acceptable dueling potential and rotating from a lane for an invade or scuttle 1v2 is still very much in the favor of the 2. Shyvana's drake taking is better than almost any other champ in the early game as far as speed due to her passive 20% extra damage to drakes she should be sneaking one early if possible.

    After 6 Shyvana should begin a ganking pattern of farming a few camps until her rage is at 100 (her secondary resource that functions as ulti cooldown and duration) and then ganking any available lanes. Ap shyv has only her ult cast as a form of cc (it's similar to a hecarim charge) and she is reasonably squishy so expect her not to stay on top of an enemy for extended fights. In dragon form Shyvana's fireball outranges the tower. Even if the enemy gets away if they're low shyvana has a good chance to pick up the kill if they are right under tower backing. Shyvana has issues committing to a fight without an ulti as that is her only gap closer so dont always assume that a counter ganking shyvana without 100 rage wants to fully commit to a fight

    Late Game. After her sorc shoes tunic echoes and nashors tooth shyvana is extremely dangerous to squishy targets. The real limiter on her ability to fight is her ability to generate rage. She can fulfill the role of an AP carry if fed and is essentially a burst mage or artillery mage depending on playstyle and circumstances AP shyvana plays almost exclusively around her E (fireball) and will have little purpose in a fight other than to deliver that spell to as many enemies as possible

    Ultimate importance

    Shyvana uses rage instead of ult cooldown meaning everytime she has 100 rage she can cast her ult. Rage is passively generated at 1/1.5/2 seconds per rank and also increases by 2.5 per auto attack. This means that letting her hit minions may be a good idea if a teamfight is looming. Shyvana without ulti is several hundred health down, with almost 50% less damage on her fireball and the range is reduced by about 30% because of the lack of aoe. So remember that her ability to fight is weakened in virtually every way when she is without her ultimate. Shyvana's ability to chunk or burst squishy carries is extremely valuable for sieges, stopping them, and for fighting over objectives. In ult her fireball is stopped at the first champion hit but has a large aoe radius on explosion as well as leaving a damage circle that ticks dot worth almost 25% as much damage as the inital explosion each second. A decent shyvana will ping when her ult is down and people want to fight, a good shyvana will rarely have her ult down when a fight is near. Thanks for coming to my ted talk I hope you learned something useful!

    submitted by /u/idontwantto66
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    Transitioning from Dota 2

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Hi, I've recently found myself playing more and more League of Legends and while I've been really enjoying it I often find myself lacking a lot of game knowledge like getting killed by Kindred or Trynd for diving and not knowing what their abilities are etc. I was wondering if you have any tips for improving or is it literally just spamming games and getting punished. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/a1l1
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    I'm never consistent, I'm either on a win streak or a lose streak.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I started league around middle of season 3 and I never really cared about climbing. For a couple of seasons I finished plat 5-3. But I thought this season I can try climbing, maybe try to hit diamond. So I started playing ranked. I climbed normally from gold 4 to gold 2. Then 10.3 came and for some reason, whenever I was on a win streak I always ended up losing like 8-10 games in a row. You may say tilting is the problem but I tried not to continue playing when I got 2-3 losses in a row and I don't think I tilt very easily. So I am going back and forth from gold 1 90 lp(It's funny how the lose streak always starts around here) to gold 2 0 lp. (I have a duo btw, we usually play mid/jung.) What do I do? It's really frustrating.

    submitted by /u/ramisra
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    How is Ignite useful?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Sorry for this dumb question, but am I the only one who can't see the uses for ignite? I feel like TP is so much more useful, and the other summoner spells also is more useful than ignite. I only take ignite mid lane because everyone else is doing it, but I can't see why? I play Cho'gath mid glacial augment. Is ignite only good on some champions? I feel like it does so little damage. Am I using it wrong? I always use it to finish off enemies which is the only way i've seen it ever be used. (also i always forget to use ignite in teamfights -_-) Ignite seems like it would be a good summoner spell for like a 1v1 game mode, but you have 4 other teammates that other summoner spells could be so much more useful. Please I need to see the appeal of ignite.

    submitted by /u/MJ_Yellow
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    How do I outjungle someone in low mmr?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Recently any games i try to jungle in low mmr (bronze - silver) none of my teammates know how to respond to an enemy gank, nor they have any clue of how to freeze or push their waves. They take realy bad trades which in turn makes them very divable and they usualy get killed. I myself can play a majority of lanes decently but in jungle I don't know how to counter someone that ganks at lvl2. All of my jungle games ended up with someone who knows these low tier players like the palm of their hand. And It's not as if they respond to danger pings. I usualy know whos gonna get ganked, they get pinged and ignore it. I guess I'm just really bad at jungle.

    submitted by /u/stabutello
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    Mentality need help

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:47 AM PST

    I am gold 3 jungle main I love playing jungle but sadly I really dont know how to interact with my team when playing bruisers like volibear and jarvan, im used to playing around the team like nidalee graves and kindred and shyvana, graves as my main pick, I never can trust my teammates to follow up with me which leads me even if we won im still useless, mid game and late game as a bruiser i have no idea what to do engage you die because teammates dont follow unlike graves, you side split push force someone to come to the lane and then go 4v5 mid and it always work on enemy teams cause they are FORCED to defend the objectives, you dont need to trust your teammates you just play around them and i climbed from silver this way, JUNGLERS I NEED SERIOUS HELP.

    submitted by /u/Hahahajo
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    Would you ever take Death's Dance over BT?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:29 PM PST

    I was wondering if there's ever a reason you'd take BT over DD? DD seems better considering it doesn't have the hefty cost of a BF sword in its build path, you get healing from AD + magic dmg and true dmg so from autos and abilities, and you get an extra 10% cdr for the same AD? I know BT gives you that shield and 5% more life steal, and to be honest I'm not great at crunching numbers, but is there ever a point where that is more valuable? From a glance it doesn't look like it, but I see BT way more than DD when I play.

    submitted by /u/_tyrannosauruswrekt_
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    How to fight zed, not rlly sure how he works.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I'm low elo, just started playing a few months ago and trying to learn all of the mid matchups. Atm I mostly play Zoe or Katarina, and the occasional Diana if I know i'm going against a mid i'm not good against (almost always go like 20-2 with her but she's so incredibly boring).

    I've learned how to fight other assassins mid like Talon and Kat, but Zed gives me SUCH a hard time. Can never rlly understand what he's doing and what i'm suppose to try to avoid. I'll get poke him in lane alot but then I suddenly get killed in 2 seconds and fail to kill him back bc he's teleporting everywhere.

    How do I fight this thing in lane??

    submitted by /u/Jigglybuff99
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    just rip into it. Support main

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST


    Kinda wanna get into gold. Been flipping from gold promos to silver 2 and its making me sad.

    I know leona and naut are op but im not bothered enough to master them since i heard enchanters are getting buffs.

    My vision score is horrendous. It used to be the only thing i had and now its the worst and i dont know why. Any tips on being better at vision?

    I also dont really know which items to build depending on the situation. which is why i like building zekes. I basically dont know if my items are ok.

    Also are there any tips on wave management and identifying when to go in and when not to. Im terrible at it. Also how do i stop getting cucked when im rakan. It feels like when i go in ult w something is always there to cuck me. :(.

    I also have a question. Is it better to stick to the right call, or int with the team when brawl. Also is it the right play to sacrifice urself for teammates every time?

    Is banning cait everygame ok. I seriously have no idea how to counter that shit its absolutely disgusting.

    another thing to add is im playing on 140 ping. So i literally dont know whats happening in team fights sometimes.

    submitted by /u/AngelAsLan
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