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    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.4

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.4

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    Challenger Player Wickd goes super on Shen vs Tank matchups

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:32 AM PST

    The guide can be found here: https://youtu.be/_Iv0gNFs3ew

    Last time I made a post on Summoner school people said that they wanted content that was more in depth. I tried to make a Shen vs Tank matchup guide that's insanely in depth while still keeping it somewhat short. I only want to post content that you guys actually like so give me your honest opinions :)

    submitted by /u/Wickd
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    Could someone help me create a plan on how to improve/climb?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I'm not sure whether this will be considered an acceptable post on this sub or not so feel free to remove it if the moderators see it as unfit.

    I feel hardstuck and I'm looking for some help to break out of it. I know there is a ton of information available on this sub and elsewhere but there is so much of it that I don't know where to start or what to focus on. What I'm hoping someone can help me with is creating a concrete plan that I can follow which'll help me see actual results.

    I have been around since 2013 but I've had long breaks since then and whilst I have a lot of hours on League I have never played a full season of ranked. At most I have perhaps had 100 ranked matches completed. With that said I have around 3000 normal draft matches done so I have no doubt developed a ton of terrible habits. At best I've been G4. I'm silver now. I have a lot of free time over the next 6 months and I'd like to hit G1/P4 in that time however rank is not that important as long as I'm improving.

    I am not focused on a role or a champion at the moment. I feel comfortable in all of them and have a wide pool for each. I know I should pick one but I'm having trouble settling.

    I'm aware of concepts such as wave management, trade minions & lane pockets however that does not mean I always use them well.

    I know what most champions do but I do not necessarily know how to lane vs them. For a few champions I have found spreadsheets with matchup tips but even with this in hand I often lose.

    I watch streamers but often find I don't learn much from most of them (actual coach streamers being the exception). When I have trouble with a matchup I'll watch a domisumReplay of it, but here too I don't feel like I know what to look for.

    On occasion I'll load up the practice tool to work on last hitting but I don't think this has helped much if at all.

    I currently play 8-16 games a day and have been doing this for a long time which on it's own doesn't seem to make me a better player. It is clear to me that I need a different mindset/process but what this looks like I don't know. League is extremely complex and whilst there are an incredible amount of aspects that I could improve, I don't know what I should improve. What I mean by this is that I imagine different ranks would benefit more from working on certain areas and others are perhaps a waste of time for now.

    As I wrote above I have a lot of free time at the moment and little else I want to spend it on so if someone could help me create a bit of a plan to help me improve I would be immensely thankful.

    submitted by /u/Peachesforelo
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    How can I win more games in low elo as a jungle main?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I'm currently a Master Yi jungle main stuck in silver 2, and I have a few questions which I can't find any updated answers to,

    1. How do I close games when I have the lead? Currently the only thing I really do is attempt to split push lanes for towers/inhibs, but what can I do if my team has no pressure? For example, my team is behind but I have a lead. I don't want to group since the enemy has an overall lead, but I can't split push as they will quickly collapse on me. Should I look to make picks? I currently tend to maybe pick up 5 kills in laning phase, and then I start throwing my lead to the enemy, as I try and get towers since my team won't. The only time I can 100% close games is where I'm stupidly fed, and I can run down any enemies that try to stop me taking towers.
    2. How can I diffuse my teams tensions? Something like teammates blaming other teammates. Is there anything I can really do to stop teammates from trying to tilt everyone else? This happens in 70% of my games, and I feel there must be something I'm missing or else the enemy team would be throwing constantly as well.
    3. Is there much point in attempting ganks on ungankable lanes? I get a few games where absolutely no lane has reliable cc, or every lane is constantly pushing, so the enemy jungler can snowball their laners. This puts me in a spot where my entire team is behind, and I don't have the resources to carry (not that I could close the game anyway)
    submitted by /u/MrSpike_
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    When to take Doran’s Shield on ADC

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:51 AM PST

    In promo's for Silver ADC main. Still semi-new to the game (Been playing since August) I've been seeing in pro play some ADC's taking Doran's Shield as opening item on occasion. (Misfits vs Fnatic yesterday, Rekkles took it on Aphelios)

    When should you be looking to take Shield instead of Blade? I play a decent amount of Kai'sa and could see it being an important item to help get through laning phase against poking champs like Cait and Senna.

    submitted by /u/Blackout28
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    New-ish player trying to adapt to the Jungle

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Been averaging about 3-4 games a day for the past 6 or so months, while only having delved into ranked a few months later. I've also tried a few games in every lane/position but found the jungle role to be the most interesting and engaging, especially after finding myself struggling when playing on any of the lane roles.

    I'm not completely new to the MOBA genre, having invested a good chunk of time into Dota 2. I'm also aware those skills don't really translate into the LoL scope, but it's helped me with getting into the habit of map awareness, understand basic power levels, farming and objective control at its basic core.

    I'm currently stuck in Silver 4 where it feels like I lose 3 games for every 2 that I win. I'm not entirely sure what I should change about my playstyle or approach to the game, but I know it's something I'll want to resolve as soon as possible since it takes me quite a while to adapt.

    I've tried a few junglers I thought were interesting (Ekko, Graves) but only really found myself comfortable after playing Warwick, where it felt like I could truly control objectives, due to his healthy clears. My early game (while not perfect) typically tends to go quite well, where I would usually attempt a lane gank on mid or top to (at the very least) burn a flash, then grab the scuttle, then eventually the drake (I would often tell my laners to push while I attempt to sneak/solo it). If the game goes well, and I feel the enemy jungler isn't a threat, I would also solo the rift herald.

    It's usually after that where I feel directionless, and unsure of what exactly to do, outside of drakes. One common advice I get is to pick up meta junglers, but I feel the ones that are considered S-tier don't really appeal to me as much. I'd still be willing to change mains if it is considered a good move even though I'm lacking the blue essences.

    (Sort of new to this subreddit so I'm unsure if its needed but my IGN is Kamencide on EUW)

    submitted by /u/Anonalish
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    Question regarding Tryndamere mid

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    So lately I've started playing Trynd mid with Phase rush since it seems a lot stronger and I felt I didn't have the impact I wanted in the toplane.

    I'm new to mid as a whole and the problem I have is pretty basic, what do I do after taking first mid tower as Trynd?. Should I splitpush? Roam and help other lanes? Keep pushing mid?

    In toplane it was always pretty easy since I just kept pushing top to take more towers but in mid that's a lot harder to do since I just get ganked from behind when I'm that far forward in lane. After that, I would just brainlessly splitpush sidelanes, should I do that in mid too?


    submitted by /u/Datcrazycreeper
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    How to play against Vi?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Can I just get a few general tips on what Vi's weaknesses are, and how to play around them, because I've lost every single game where there has been a Vi jungle, no exception.

    My problem with her is that she's pretty tanky, while still being able to deal lots of damage. Not to mention her ult just being annoying af to deal with. She isn't that big of a problem early to me as I can just avoid her, but later in teamfights/skimrishes she just becomes a huge hassle that I don't have any clue on how to play against.

    Edit: I'm a midlaner if that changes anything

    submitted by /u/Jany_G
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    How to deal with CC in bot lane as an ADC?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:41 AM PST

    So I hardly ever play ADC and I'm still somewhat new to league at 5 months in. All of the champions I play are melee and I hardly ever touch ranged champions, so playing ADC I've got quite a few things to learn from the start. Anyway, whenever I try out a new champ I always take it into intermediate bots first just so I get a quick understanding of what they do before going into a game. I went 23-0 as Varus and thought I'd be fine in normals.

    So the normals draft starts, I choose Varus, and get a thresh support. The other team has Draven and Morgana. Idk what it was, but it was the record for worst game ever for me. Morgana kept me CCd for days with her evil snares while my Thresh stayed behind me, landed no hooks, and before I know it I give first blood. Long story short I must've went 0-9? It literally was my worst game ever. I kept getting CC spammed and it felt like I could do literally nothing. As 0-9 is an ungodly amount of feeding, I'm sure there's still something I could've done. I HAVE played Jhin several times when ADC and I always did ok or well on him. How do I prevent CC from wrecking me in the future?

    submitted by /u/WeepingKhazix
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    Attack move click + attack champs only weird interaction

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    So I'm trying new settings to get better at kiting and played around a bit.

    I especially liked attack move click on left mouse button and move+"attack champions" only on right click, but these two seems to have a weird interaction.

    1. You cannot take Thresh lantern with "attack champions only"
    2. If you use attack champions only with attack move, you can hit minions but you cannot hit jungle monsters and plants

    Are there any other weird things going on? Is there any method or reason behind this or is this just a bug?


    submitted by /u/bigbaffler
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    Need advice for climbing to gold

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Ign: Blood Bank Lord Server:EUW I feel like most of my ranked games are just a coin flip. My winning streak is due to my better teammates but whenever I get a feeding bot lane or a jungle who can't secure drakes, I find it very difficult to carry. I already know I need to improve on csing and buying more control wards but what else can I do to help win a game since my main Vlad has a bad early game so the enemy midlaner usually gets mid priority over me and even with 1000 pings to bot, they stay and end up dying.

    submitted by /u/WizardLizard567
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    Mid lane tanks

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Been following the pro scene quite closely this season and with Doinb's success at Worlds last split along with Ornn's popularity in the middle lane, just wanted to ask which tanks are viable in the mid lane and what playstyle do we employ when we pick them?

    My understanding of this is very basic, as far as I know tanks are mainly being used to shove the lane and roam.

    My question is threefold:

    1.) Which champs are viable in the current patch? With Sunfire being buffed, I'm guessing some champions like Ornn/Maokai/Poppy are going to be good?

    2.) What do I have to be careful of in the laning phase as a tank vs mages or assassins early on in the game?

    3.) To utilize the shove lane and roam playstyle, which areas do I roam to and which jungle camps do I ward?

    submitted by /u/YWStation
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    General Advice For Mage Main Wannabe

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    So I've always been interested in playing mid lane mages. Alot of the kits for for mid lane mages, especially the control mage archetype, it has always felt the most fun in the late stages of the game. However I personally have some trouble dealing with the downsides of playing these types of characters and I'm looking for some general tips for playing these types of characters.

    1) How do you deal with the increased number of gank paths that junglers can take to gank mid lane?

    2) How do you play immobile mages against other characters with lots of mobility and damage? It used to be that assassins were high risk high reward for players with lots of micro play skill. Now it feels like it takes more skill to simply not die as an immobile character.

    3) What are some of the mages that people suggest picking up? What are some mages that people suggest staying away from?

    4) What can I do to improve my mid laning as these characters without feeding/ruining other people's games? xD

    5) Any other advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/ChaosScythe
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    what to do against long range back line?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    so this was the scenario Jinx ADC full build. I was playing Olaf threw my Q on her and ulted in to reach her but she basically mow me down running to her (rockets to mini-gun).

    what can counter a long range adc? It seems I will die regardless if it takes me 3-4 sec to close the gap.

    submitted by /u/wazabiix21
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    Should I just embrace the mentality that I won't win large majority of the matches where I am not playing good?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Intro: I've never ever had a W/L ratio is low like this season (33-40) currently my last 10 games are 2 wins and 8 losses. I solely play solo - my friends don't really play the game or not around my elo so I can't play together with them due to the large gap. I would love to play duos with someone but I get home from work pretty late and there's only like a 2 hour period each day where I am free and still not tired too much so that I can potentially carry. I usually kick off by using "/mute all" and I honestly know that this is straight up the best way for me to play. I don't want to engage with people and I don't want to waste time trying to explain stuff.

    So, on weekdays I never ever really play outside of that 2 hours period. I don't go into useless games or when I feel like I am absolute dogshit but lately I've been losing a lot, basically each of those games where I am playing shit. Even when I manage to get some crazy lead early, it is very hard to build upon that as I usually main Zac/Seju in jungle and I feel like in my elo they are like good but not as good as if I was on the same level with let's say Ekko or Lee Sin - that is all considering the fact that people play aggressive without ever really thinking a couple steps ahead. They just really don't care about outcome, just feel like they can 1shot the enemy team whilst being in 1-11 (actually happened).

    My question towards higher tier players or those who just smurf/climb as a hobbie or maybe boost a lot: How do you go into a game regarding mindset? Do you feel like you 100% need to carry otherwise lose or do you ever consider the potential outcome of a team mate going ham? Do you actually try hard in scenarios when let's say in 10 minutes your top 0-4 and he's a Garen so he probably won't come back to the game and the enemy mid is roaming around getting all those free kills probably 5-0 by 10 minutes - they are just better right? Do you try harder and harder on these games or just stay cool, calm down for the next game and don't really make a big deal out of that current hard losing game. Should I just embrace this whole mentality that if I won't do 150% then I shouldn't even go in?

    When it comes to work and games where I play competitive modes, I've always had the mentality/mindset of not blaming anyone else besides me and when things go wrong I will solely focus on improving myself, thus potentially being able to reach a better outcome of events. Focusing in others is an absolute waste of time - large majority of those players 1) absorb any kind of help/advice 2) that time could be better spent elsewhere 3) relying on people will fail but hard work will never fail you

    Now, I never really played a lot of games - I like the game but I play like ~150 matches each season or maybe even less and I just pull myself into mid plant each season, however this season it's just so weird - the games in gold are absolutely mad, there are some really really good players and some really bottom tier ones. I feel like in the past, players were kinda distinguished based on rank but now it's just a huge mash of a large variety players (based on skill level).

    Thank you if you read this through

    submitted by /u/tvr_god
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    How much does KDA matter when playing champions like Zoe?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:42 AM PST


    I am brand new to League and only picked it up less than two weeks ago, I try my best to stay behind minions in mid and play quite passive, but I do find myself dying often in matches.

    A lot of it probably comes down to learning what match ups I can take with Zoe, but being something like 2/6/1 in KDA makes me feel a bit useless.

    I'm only summoner level 21 so I still have so much learning about this game to do, I do find myself losing track of where I am in a team fight, due to all the effects and abilities being used.

    Sorry if the question sounds a bit silly, I'm new to MOBAs.

    Thanks :)

    My op.gg profile - https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Magisch%20Meisje (Sorry if I'm not meant to post it!)

    submitted by /u/CaptainJaneway_
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    why would you take umbral glaive when you can just go duskblade sweeper?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    As you all know duskblade actually let's you know when you're near a ward . And then sweeper let's you just clear it. And duskblade gives way more damage in general so why would someone take it over umbral glaive? Does umbral glaive have something that makes it better ?

    submitted by /u/riptransgenderheado
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    How do I learn jungle?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:18 AM PST

    I am a lvl20 player so I am really new to the game I mostly play pyke support but would really like to learn lee sin jungle because it seems REALLY fun. So I have a couple of questions.

    1. How should I know when to use what pathing? Should I start red buff or blue buff. Should I do krugs or raptors. When should I take scuttle?

    2. When is it a good time to recall to get items so I don't fall back?

    3. When should I invade?

    4. What to do if I fall behind in level and gold?

    5. Where should I place my wards? Should I place the wards or use them for ward hopping with W?

    6. How do I know I can gank successfully and not waste time?

    7. Should I buy a sweeper when ganking to check if it is warded?


    submitted by /u/bufferow
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    Support in bottom lane

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    I'm quite new to the game and i always have this one friend who would ask to queue and only play the same adc (jinx) and not really letting me play my main adc so i play sona as support but every now and then in game i rotate lanes to support other lanes if they are getting pushed back but the jinx complains i dont help even tho i tank all the damage so is there a better way i can play sona and support bot lane better ??

    submitted by /u/kronchynoogets
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    Coach Curtis - Mid lane Fundamentals - How to win trades

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Great breakdown by Curtis providing an insight into trading in the mid-lane. Felt he deserved some props because his recommendations for improving micro has helped me immensely this past week!

    He is a challenger player and ex-coach of Dire Wolves.


    submitted by /u/NothingButMilk
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    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Hi i'm relatively new player and im playing at garena sea server.When started playing this game i was really into jungler role mainly because i often watch Nightblue3 videos on youtube.But the problem comes when im trying to learn jungling.Every single game there must be 2-3 smurf here and there and needless to say i always got stomped so bad.My teammate? They aint helping much by flaming me.I really wanna become good at this role.How am i suppose to get rid of this problem?

    submitted by /u/irresistiblepotato
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    Question about some unorthodox high rank gameplay I was watching

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:45 PM PST

    So I was bored and saw 2 interesting replays on the challanger replays youtube channel and both of these were EUW masters

    There was Thresh bot vs Ezreal

    And there was Nautilus bot vs Aphelios

    In these replays both naut and thresh had senna support and it went a little bit something like this:

    Thresh/naut builds their usual support build (but no support starting item, senna builds that)

    and while the Thresh/naut farm they make sure that senna gets kills

    Can someone explain the point of this strategy? (any upsides and downsides)

    submitted by /u/Pudding997
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