• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Stop saying that "if you get hit, you're already dead" when giving advice to carry players.

    LoL Guide Stop saying that "if you get hit, you're already dead" when giving advice to carry players.

    Stop saying that "if you get hit, you're already dead" when giving advice to carry players.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    I see it here all the time. "don't build ninja tabii on an ADC because if zed/talon hit you, you're already dead". "don't build mercs on Lux because if you get hit by LB, you're already dead".

    This is horrible advice. Everyone knows that one defensive boot choice isn't going to make you tanky enough to 1v1 a fed assassin at any point in the game. But what it does do, is force that assassin to take an extra second to kill you. That extra second is an extra second used for you to flash towards your peel, or for your team to react with CC. One second is a LONG time in a teamfight. And we all know that teamfight wins are how you win games in league because they snowball into objectives.

    Advice I got a from a guild leader way back in the day: "I don't care if you need to sacrifice damage for some defensive stats, a dead mage deals no damage anyway".

    submitted by /u/basicxenocide
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    I was wondering if there any disadvantage to playing mid as opposed to playing top?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:11 AM PST

    I personally don't play mid because my champ pool isn't really mages and assassins, I usually prefer safer, tankier picks.

    But then again I probably should start to, even if that means taking juggernauts or tanks mid.

    As a midlaner:

    -your lane is shorter so you don't need TP, you can run ignite or barrier or whatever

    -minions always reach first and you never have to leash, so you are always highest level in the game

    -safer against ganks, you either have mages playing far back or assassins escaping with 1 button; mobile champs can escape through jungle if they can't reach their tower

    -objective control: can impact both Rift/Baron and Dragon pit

    -ganks: can help the jungler 4 man bot or 3 man top or even just sologank with mobility boots after shoving the wave

    -snowball potential: a fed midlaner, beside impacting the map like I stated above, can just start pushing towers mid with Rift; mid is always shortest path to victory if you have free reign there

    Like seriously, the is no drawback to playing mid, except you need mechanics to play the meta champs, but you can try off-meta as well.

    submitted by /u/ChristianTheOne
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    How to not get tired of the game ?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I usually main a champion untill I get about M6 and then I start to feel like I'm not improving that much and it gets boring and I feel like trying to main another champ until I learn it fairly well

    I'm the example of the rabbit that goes on hopping to get a new carrot every time without finishing the last one.

    Any tips ?

    submitted by /u/SerineuV7
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    If you’re Caitlin ADC, please stand in the brush while leashing...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Just a tip, since your headshot stacks double while you're in a brush it's incredibly helpful to your jg if you stand in a brush while leashing. Not only does it get you to lane faster, caits leash WITHOUT double stacking her headshots is pretty lack luster and slow.

    submitted by /u/SemiterrestrialSmoke
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    I'm literally probably the worst player in league. Iron IV, before was Bronze V when Bronze V was the worst. Played for years...Statistically speaking, I'm so bad that if you put all ranked players in a tournament, I would get literally last place out of millions. How can I be this bad?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Like, what are some tips for the worst player in league? I ward to not go deep in enemy territory blind. I pick champs that I am ok at. I've played all roles, only play a top now.

    Every game that I lose, my enemy laner comes out strong against me in lane. I'm literally getting crushed by iron IV top laners. Do I just lack any sort of talent at this game to just uninstall forever? I've played for years watched pro lcs. But my natural ability just places me at literally the worst of the worst competitive players. I feel that Iron IV is filled with good players, people don't troll here (insert cringe)

    People ward, follow popular builds, play well to punish your mistakes. If there was a tier below iron IV, I would fall into it. Like..I'm just the worst player in ranked! I just can't understand how I can be so bad. As Faker is good, I am bad. But I try to win...I'm just seriously untalented in this game. I don't think tips anymore can help.

    *play easy champs

    *play safe

    *dont feed lane

    I do all of these, and I get destroyed.

    submitted by /u/treeWinterRoo
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    I tilt everytime my premades tell me how to jungle. How to deal with this?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    (Sorry in advance for my bad english)

    Hello everyone! I'm a jungler main who reached D4 last season and my objective for this season is D2.

    Because I don't have a strong mentality and I get mad when people blame the jungler for their or mine mistakes, I've recently decided to turn off ally chat, by far the best decision I could make.I'm finally enjoying again my main role, in these years I've swapped a lot of times from jungle to top/support because I was tired for all toxicity around my position (and for the constant jungle changes made by Riot); usually I don't care about opinions on my gameplay, but jungling for me means to have A LOT of responsability (I truly believe "better jungler wins") so everytime I fail my job or people don't understand my gameplay I feel very bad.

    Sadly I suck hard at other lanes or I don't have enough fun (except Mid which I can't play because 80% of the times I get filled on my secondary role), so I always get back to main role and now I resolved this problem (at least I hope so) just by muting everyone...

    ...however, I still tilt when I'm premade with others (duo/flex/normals).

    I play much worse when I'm with friends because most of them want help for snowballing, and when they got camped because they're pushed I get easily tilted from their desperate whines and SOSs in order to recover their lane.

    The worst sensation happen when an importan objective (Baron or Soul/Elder Drake) get stolen by enemy jungler...

    Everytime I feel like I'm being dragged into an endless well.

    Just to make clear that I'm on good terms with my friends, they are just gold/plat average people that don't have a good knowledge about map pressure and jungler's job. This thing also happen only when I'm jungling, if I'm playing other lanes I don't give a shit about other complaints even when I'm making big mistakes.

    So, how to deal with this? I don't want to avoid jungling when tryharding in Flex, neither appear like a bronze jungler who just get boosted to diamond.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/shDauntless
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    Is teleport Ezreal still a thing?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:56 AM PST

    I remember a while ago hearing about how some pro player took teleport bot lane as Ezreal for maximum efficiency on tear stacks. The strategy was something like:

    1. Take teleport
    2. Get 850g
    3. Back and buy tear of the godess
    4. TP back to lane with a tear.

    Is this strategy still viable? I know Ezreal isn't that great right now but I really like his kit.

    submitted by /u/Hawaiian_Shirt12
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    I need help vs Garen

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I posted something like this a week ago and took it down because all the replies were, 'git good lul'. I know I'm bad but thats why I'm here.

    I'm trying to play Renekton, and I can't ever beat Garen. Everytime I play this matchup, whenever I try to trade, he just silences me, gets armor and takes no damage while doing a third of my health. I can't go near him at all, and then if I go for minions, he chases me down with q and w and I almost always die to his ult. What can I actually do against this? I just repeatedly die in lane and get stomped.

    submitted by /u/Ha_Ree
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    How to jungle properly in S10?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Hello there.

    I used to deal with jungle autofill in S9, but preseason changes made me unable to jungle. Since then I decided that trying jungle is a lost cause.

    But now that jungle exp got buffed and Riot's making certain champions being able to play there (looking at Talon primarily) I'm thinking about trying to finally learn jungle. So my question is: how to start? Which routes should I know? I've seen advices to go buff-camp-buff then permagank.

    submitted by /u/truetichma
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    What are some good tips and guides for playing in a losing lane?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I've been trying top lately and really struggling. Because I'm new and not intimately familiar with all my match-ups, I'll often start with a few bad trades and give the opponent a small edge early (whether its a death or an early recall).

    I've found myself thinking "Okay, they're stronger now, they got an extra wave of CS they have better items, and are a level up. I should play very carefully under-or-near tower and try to level this out a little bit and not feed and create a problem for my team"

    But implementing that feels nearly impossible. How do I do it? Even just sitting below tower most heroes seem to have to problem chunking me the moment I go for a single CS, and then after level 6 or so they can dive me. Overall I feel very out of control. Is League just such a snowbally game that games are won and lost in the first few minutes? Or am I missing how I should be playing this?

    Does anyone have any tips or guides on this? I've of course done research of my own but I feel like I mostly just hear "play conservatively and under tower". I must not be doing that right because it only allows them to get more ahead and eventually effortlessly dive me.

    submitted by /u/highphiv3
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    Does DuoQ give you worse teammates?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Hey, i know this question probably was here already, but in my games, when playing soloQ, i find it much much more easier to win, than when playing with a duo. I have the feeling that my opponents are just way better than our teammates.

    I searched and found that there actually is some sort of ,,mmr balance", so when you are duoqing, you are going to get better enemies and worse teammates. I wanna know how relevant is that information today?

    In my last games i literally had the same impact on the game trying to carry as hard as possible:

    In solo i got 4 games winstreak, then my partner joined, and we lost 4 in a row. I think i played the same, but it just seemed that our allies had no brain.

    My question is if this balancing is actually a thing and what do you think about it? I would personally prefer to face another duo, reather than giving you silvers, while facing plats.

    submitted by /u/kyanidos
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    Counterplay against Talon as Yasuo

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Hi all. First time posting here. I just lost a match where I was matched up against Talon mid as Yasuo - and I got stomped. Really hard. I quickly fell behind on CS and we eventually lost. I was wondering - am I doing something wrong? Is this matchup supposed to be in my favor? Or is Talon just a counter to Yasuo? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/yutuyt01
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    Yasuo players that are constantly pushing.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:05 PM PST

    I am plat 4 and playing Twisted fate and Orianna exclusively. It seems that whenever I play vs Yasuo he will just push every single wave and I won't be able to move from mid tower at all, unless the jungler is wary of this and shows mid a couple of times, which very rarely happens. I was thinking about banning Yasuo but I am really terrified of playing against Kassadin.

    submitted by /u/PlaneCorgi
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    How to play Zoe end game?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I was told that casters get better as the game goes, but the fact that all of Zoe's abilities have collision makes it next to impossible to hit someone I intend on hitting with anything when everyone is grouped up/around minions.

    Is she just a weak end game character or can I somehow get around this?

    submitted by /u/Jigglybuff99
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    Transitioning from Top to ADC

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    So I have always been a top lane main throughout my League career, and I really haven't touched adcs in general. I've been wanting to pick the role up but have been struggling quite a bit. What are some of the major differences in mindset and playstyle that one needs to grasp in order to succeed in the role, and how do I get used to the drastically different champ mechanics?

    submitted by /u/fanemizi
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    How will my farm vary in higher elos?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Lately I've been focusing on farm. I'm in silver I and people don't really care that much about farming. They just want to ARAM mid all game long. So I've been getting 9.5 CS/minute consistently, just by farming camps (enemy and ally), and catching some waves in the 3 lines. I feel pretty good about it but I don't know if this is the right thing to do. No, I'm not missing objectives or teamfights to farm, I just roam to farm when there is nothing else more important to do so. I just want to know if I'll be able to do so in higher elos (Diamond+). Because if everyone does what I do, I won't be able to farm as much as I currently am. I watched LWC and everyone (besides support) managed to average 10 CS/minute every single game. How did they do that? If I get all the farm to myself (and never miss a lasthit) and get the 10 cs mark, how is it that 4 players (that would theoretically split the farm by 4) can also get to 10 cs? I know that while I'm roaming, inevitably some minions will die in other lines, but I don't feel like that would make up for the lack of minions for the other members to reach 10.

    submitted by /u/Robot_lux
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    Penetration purchasing (LCK spoilers)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST


    I have some questions about building % penetration items.

    I know that flat pen comes into effect after % pen, which is why full mpen builds are so powerful. Accordingly, I do see professional players using sorc boots, orb and void pretty regularly.

    Why, then, do I almost never see professional ADCs building Last Whisper items? It's something that has irked me for a while (as I build it 3-4 item every ADC game) but I figured they had like Secret Pro Maths or something.

    But in watching HLE v T1 game 1, I just don't get it. The HLE team has 4x mountain drakes to get soul, the Sett has Deadman's and the two AP carries both have Zhonyas, with Diana having tabi too. Because top lane fell so far behind and mid stayed even through laning, the game is on Aphelios' back. But he didn't build a last whisper.

    He was limited in his itemisation, yea, but I don't understand why he has QSS AND has cleanse when their hard cc was uh, Shen, in lieu of getting a last whisper against such a tanky team.

    So what's the decision making behind continually opting out of LW into buying a 4th crit item or, as here, buying defensive items but maintaining the 3 crit item core?

    submitted by /u/ButtercupAttitude
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    how to play top against he cheese ranged picks.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    I don't understand how to do literally anything when people pick top laners like Quinn or Vayne into my pick. Assume I am first and I pick a normal top laner. Bruiser or tank usually and they pick Vayne or quin. They freeze my lane so hard I can't even get XP. How am I supposed to play against this at all?

    Also realized I should have said "How do I play against..."

    submitted by /u/kingreaper504
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    Mid lane when to roam when to push lane into tower?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Having a hard time knowing when to push into tower or when to roam with opponent? Should I just be pinging missing ward and hope for what's best or just immediate push get some plates and chill. I know it's all subjective but it happens ALOT in solo duo and I usually just roam and nothing comes from it but just curious what others do thanks

    submitted by /u/fexuntv
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    Will having a higher refresh rate monitor give me any sort of competitive edge?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I'm currently using Dell u2515h 60HZ 1440p. Will upgrading to 144hz give me any sort of advantage or is it mostly just aesthetics?

    Character count Character count Character count Character count Character count Character count Character count Character count.

    submitted by /u/Rnee45
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    Smite damage buff after power creep

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:59 PM PST

    Wanting to start a discussion about (opinion) smite needing a buff because of increased health pool of objectives and the amount of raw damage everyone is capable of putting out anymore. I find it harder to secure objectives late game as a jungler with some abilities and in some cases autos in the game doing as much if not more than smite anymore.

    submitted by /u/The-Sad_Sack
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    How to be better at League of Legends (tutorial)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST

    • Before the game


    Look at how your champion is meant to be played first to save time on trial and error, and prevent on developping bad habits.

    The important thing is to play the game in your mind at the same time, and whenever x player does something that you would not have done, reflect on why.
    That's why videos are better than streams as you can go slower or rewind.
    Focus on early laning at first, as you become more experienced work on analyzing map movements.


    Even if it's informative streams/videos, if you're not doing that, in my opinion you're wasting your time.


    This phase does not need to be extensive.


    • In game


    -Everytime you die, think about what when wrong on your side, even if the fault is objectively only 5% due to you, along with every "mechanically intense moment".

    -Everytime you get "surprised" by a jungler gank, think about how you could have known, and how you could have warded differently.

    -Everytime you feel pressured by the ennemy jungler (you can't trade because you don't know where he is) try to remember that moment

    -Everytime you leave base and go on a lane (moreso mid/late) think actively about why you chose that lane


    It does not matter whether you're right or not, and it doesn't matter if it makes you perform worse at first.



    • After the game

    Look at your replays, (client with only your team vision on is fine, but if you can record your screen through shadow play or w/e it's better.)
    Check manually now that you have time, if your assumptions were correct
    If you got the causes of your death right, if through a better jungle tracking, with informations that were avalaible to you, you could have avoided ganks and play more agressively on timings where the jungler could obviously not be there.
    If you warded right, if you chose the right lane etc.


    • Meta advices


    Restrict your champion pool, play at least 5 soloq per day on average, (unless your goal is to gradually improve over years.)
    There is no magic if you're only reading and watching but not actually playing the game, you will not get better.


    • Going further


    With experience, work on adding more things, to the "before game", and "in game" sections.

    For exemple as a midlaner, while watching better midlaners especially early laning, I need to focus among the rest, on basically every aa/spell they put on the minion wave, and try to guess why they did that, as it has a purpose for the wave management.

    Similarly you'll have to actively think about how you're managing the wave yourself.


    One thing to remember, and the reason why I say that it does not matter wether you're right or not while playing, is that as long as you have an active thought process for an action, if it's bad it's an error and you can correct it. If you do not have one, then it's just inattention and there is nothing to draw from it.

    submitted by /u/sukazu
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    I'm playing as ADC and I crash the 3rd wave (1st cannon) into tower. Next wave comes and their melee minions took some damage(3/4 hp), while the wave is in front of the tower. Do I bounce or push?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:23 PM PST

    In this case, bouncing is me doing as little damage to the wave as possible, as the next enemy wave is going to meet the wave sooner than my wave, and it will push back into me. Though I'm not 100% sure it will because the melee minions have suffered some damage and the wave could freeze in front of their tower.

    On the other hand, we can keep pushing and make their adc keep csing under tower and they'll be bound to miss some, and I will have a cs lead. I have to make sure I can get away with it though without getting engaged on or ganked.

    submitted by /u/-ElBandito-
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