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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    LoL Guide You might be using the Control Ward wrong

    LoL Guide You might be using the Control Ward wrong

    You might be using the Control Ward wrong

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:57 AM PST

    It should go without saying that you should basically never do an objective without a Control Ward in the pit if the enemy team is ready to contest. Vision denial makes map movement dangerous and fights disadvantaged, but I won't go into why vision denial is good because that part should be obvious.

    The point of this post specifically is the underrated role the Control Ward plays in this. It's not just a 'permanent' ward. As I smurf through low elo I've noticed I average around 6-9 ward clears a game depending on length while nobody else in the game even reaches 2. Sure, not everyone takes sweeper but everyone does have access to the strongest item in the game: The Control Ward.

    The vision denial on a Control Ward isn't just a nice bonus feature, it's the main strength of the item. If you're not using them aggressively to dominate hotly contested areas of vision you're not getting full value out of them. It's a misconception that the value of a Control Ward increases with how long it stays on the map, especially if it's not providing you with much information.

    Common advice for supports is to grab a control ward and put it somewhere deep, leave it there and collect information. I disagree with this completely, and outside of the first 10 minutes of the game it's not how the pros use them and it's not how you should use them either.

    You'll often see pros use a Control Ward as, quite literally, a second sweeper. Immediately denying a trinket ward the enemy just put down in vision of them. If you see someone place a ward, immediately denying it is a guaranteed advantage because:

    1. If they placed the ward there, it's because they needed vision of that area exactly at that moment. They no longer have it.
    2. Their trinket is now on full cooldown, and the entire duration of the ward was negated leaving them visionless for an extended period of time
    3. 10 Gold! If you used a Control Ward to clear it, you just brought the cost of it down to 65 gold which means it's created even MORE value!
    4. You have established dominance

    Using your Control Ward also leaves vision behind for you and creates a known point of weakness for the enemy that they will feel compelled to contest; they take time to clear. Let's be honest, how many of us have given our lives for a pink? Warding is all knowledge and mind-games after all.

    One argument against sweeping I hear often is that "Nobody wards in low elo" which is blatantly false, every player has access to a free item that provides vision and they will use it throughout the game. As long as you have the knowledge of what the enemy would want to see at any given moment, your Control Ward drops will reveal an enemy ward.

    The most effective way to use the Control Ward is to move it frequently as the objectives of the game shift. There's always something being contested, if you have a Control Ward there you're immediately 2 steps ahead which facilitates winning skirmishes. It's not enough to have vision, you have to remove it to. Pay 75 gold and accomplish both at once.

    submitted by /u/taylortilts
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    Kai'sa fastest triple-evolve build order

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    The current triple-evolve kai'sa build is Manamune -> Rageblade -> Nashors, allowing you to get all 3 evolves by 3 core items while simultaneously creating a powerful on-hit build for a 3 item powerspike. However, as a recent post pointed out rageblade isn't the greatest 2nd item for a couple of reasons:

    • While it spins up to a whopping 73% attack speed while in combat, it only contributes 25% of that towards your base stats for evolves
    • The armour and magic pen it gives are less valuable in the early game (and also don't contribute to evolves).
    • You don't get the on-hit synergy with muramana until that item upgrades, so the build path isn't that great after pickaxe (which is highly valued since it counts towards your q evolve)

    So my proposal is to try swapping the build order: after your second pickaxe go straight into Nashors before going back and finishing Rageblade

    Nashors provides tons of frontoladed stats (one of the reasons it's so good on Kai'sa in the first place). The straight AP benefits you more than the penetration in the early game, and the CDR is nice to let you spam abilities more with all the mana you just built. While it gives less total attack speed than rageblade while in combat, it's 50% immediately rather than 73% scaling, which helps in the early-mid game where burst damage is more valuable. So overall to me at least, it feels like having Manamune + Nashors is much stronger at 2 items, especially before Muramana upgrades.

    Natural stat growth factors into stats for your evolves, and that means at level 11 you need exactly 85% bonus attack speed to evolve e, which is exactly as much as Nashors + Beserkers provides. That means we can evolve e early without having to buy any attack speed components of rageblade!

    Similarly we can get our w evolve after nashors and just the amp tome component of rageblade, rather than only after 3 items. With the upcoming buff to w evovle, this is going to be even more of a game changer.

    I also suggest building the 2nd pickaxe (towards rageblade) first, and only then starting nashors. This means we still get q evolve at the same time we would with the normal kai'sa build, which is great. And lots of people finish 2nd pickaxe before even starting tear anyway, which is still possible here. It does seem a bit weird that we just sit on a pickaxe rather than prioritising completed items, but in this case I feel like it's worth it.

    So this is the build order I'm proposing (important component order shown):

    Manamune -> (2nd) pickaxe -> Beserkers & Nashors -> Amp tome -> Rageblade | | | | ------ q^ ------ | | e^ w^ 

    According to my calculations, this gives all 3 evolves 1790 gold earlier, while usually being stronger at 2 items and preserving your 3 item power spike.

    I've marked on where you expect to get evolves for clarity. Obviously exactly when you get to evolve q depends on tear charge/presence of mind stacks (and remember you always want presence of mind on a manamune champion). The order of the other components doesn't matter for rushing your evolves. We can, however build the amp tome before finishing Beserkers Greaves for a faster w evolve (which might be better with the w evolve buff next patch).

    If you managed to build everything up to e evolve before level 11, then you're probably already ahead so well done, but you'll need a dagger towards your recurve bow to get it before level 11.

    Also, you can wait on buying the 2nd pickaxe until you have 75 ad if you think something else would be more useful at the time.

    Bonus fact: You can actually skip the 2nd pickaxe entirely and not build it until after Nashors. Technically, at level 11 you need exactly 1500 bonus mana to evolve q with a Manamune and Doran's blade:

    14 base ad (stat growth) + 8 (DBlade) + 35 (Muramana base) + 678*0.02 (base mana) = 70 ad (not including muramana bonus mana) 

    A fully stacked muramana and presence of mind contribute 1500 mana total = 30 more AD: exactly enough to evolve q. So that's a possibility if you want to stylishly evolve all 3 abilities at once (and you can stack manamune fast enough). IMO it's not worth though, because of how big your q evolve powerspike is.

    submitted by /u/veranathemacity
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    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Early game options as a Full Clear Jungler

    To preface, I'm an ex Masters player currently a D2 Jungler/Support in S10. In the past, I used to main Lee sin but now I'm an old man and have switched to easier junglers. Here are SOME of the best full clear Junglers you can play

    Olaf, Karthus, Nocturne, Master Yi


    -Getting buff stolen while you are still clearing your own side

    -Invasion while transitioning to other side

    -Laners dying to level 3 ganks


    -Usually a 1 level advantage ahead of enemy jungler if they are doing a level 3 path into a gank

    -Fast level 6


    The Standard

    -Blue, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red, Krugs

    The Protection

    -Red, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue, Gromp

    The Absolute Protection

    -Blue, Red, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Gromp


    THE STANDARD has the fastest clear time which is one that is commonly used in low elo, however it has many weaknesses. Use this one if you are very certain you will not get invaded.

    THE PROTECTION has a slightly slower clear time (only slightly because red helps you clear faster as well). If you use this clear it will protect you from a level 3 jungler invade. A common invade against full clear junglers is starting parallel to you, getting level 3 and invading your 2nd buff. For example: I am playing Karthus blue side, I start blue with a bot leash, into gromp, wolves, raptors then RED. Enemy lee sin starts red with bot leash, into gromp and blue then invades my RED. If I do not die here then I will have to concede my red or have mid/top assist. Keep in mind this is solo Q, it will be a gamble to see whether or not your lanes will have priority. THE PROTECTION will counter this invade, by starting the opposite side of the enemy jungler so when the Lee Sin comes to invade, there will be no camps to take as I will be on the other side of the jungle already. How does the enemy Lee Sin counter this strategy? He can take his red then invade my blue, if I am doing the STANDARD, he can kill me at my gromp. If I am doing the PROTECTION he can take my entire blue side.

    THE ABSOLUTE PROTECTION has the longest clear time but it will protect you against almost all invades. It will protect you from a lvl 2 invade and a level 3 invade. For example, if enemy Lee Sin does red to your red, you will have already taken the red by the time he appears. If enemy Lee sin does a level 3 invade (Red, Blue, Gromp), you have the choice of fighting him after you do Blue, Red, Krugs or you can ignore him.


    Rewards of scuttle crab

    • It does not attack you, so you can leech a lot of health back for free
    • It grants vision and control of the river
    • Gives decent exp/gold
    • If done with proper prio, you can have an advantage during a jungler confrontation

    Risks of scuttle crab

    • Dying to enemy jungler, setting you far behind
    • Dying to enemy top/mid, setting your laners behind
    • Having your mid/top laner come fight for crab and all of you die
    • Doing crab midway, enemy jungler comes and you have to respect him because lanes have no prio
    • Doing crab midway and enemy jungler steals it and possibly kill you or waste your flash

    Alternatives to scuttle crab

    Option 1: You can instantly back after your last camp and your first camp will still spawn by the time you get back

    Option 2: Sweep top side/botside if warded do the following

    -Instantly recall and go back to first camp

    -If the enemy's lane is pushed he must continue to push to the tower or else he loses lane. You can wait 10-20s in the swept bush to apply pressure. How does he counter this? Enemy jungler MUST come or else his top will lose lane. There are many scenarios after this due to game dynamics.

    In high elo, everyone will try to expose a full clear jungler. Is it worth it to sacrifice clear speed for protection? That is for you to decide.

    submitted by /u/TerranceRoseia
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    Jungle guide for noobs!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    1. Main 2-4 Champions. Try to have 1 tank in your arsenal. Good tanks are Sejuani, Nunu, Zac. Jarvan. Playing 8 champs in jungle will make climbing twice as hard as playing only 4. All champs work differently. Master a few.
    2. Try to play some AP champs. In low elo most teams are all AD. Make your opponent build MR so they dont stack armor.
    3. Dont have 1 set clear. Sometimes its better to start top. Low elo players will always start bottom for better leash. If you are a karthus pathing top and against a Master yi. You cannot contest scuttle. Just path bottom to secure that scuttle instead. You can check which side he started by looking to see if their bot lane arrived late to lane.
    4. Dont gank unless you can burn a flash or kill the laner. If you waste your time ganking you lose out on gold and XP (This is why in LCS you dont see ganks every minute.) The enemy team knows that you were top lane so they can easily take your bottom side camps.
    5. If you see enemy JG try to gank top go take his bottom camps and get vision in his jungle it will help your whole team out.
    6. Always control ward drag before it spawns. Gank bot before so that your bot lane gets prio so they can help you with drag. Help them shove the wave and ping dragon.
    7. DONT GANK LOSING LANES. why would you gank a 4/0 Darius while your Nasus is 0/4. That darius will be 6/0 after that gank has failed. Just mute the top laner and focus on winning lanes to snowball them instead.
    8. Watch high elo players clear with certain junglers. Learn optimal clear paths and use them.
    9. Try to always get scuttle. It will deny a gank or two.
    10. If enemy team is getting a drag. Go for the Herald. Is it worth your whole team dying just to get plus +6% attack damage? Losing a drag is not the end of the world. There is always more that spawn. But always try to get herald.
    11. Use herald before 14 minutes. Dont put it mid because everyone will ARAM mid and it will get evaporated. You can get turret plate gold which will give your team a massive gold lead. Drags dont give any gold btw. GOLD=WINS
    12. Use sweeper lens to clear enemy vision. Check for wards in your jungle because the enemy team will know where you are if they see you.
    13. Dont flame in chat or else you will tilt and your whole team will eventually.
    14. DONT DIE. Not dying is huge. Not only do you give the enemy 300G but you lose out on time to farm and get gold. Like I said GOLD=WINS
    15. Dont play LEE SIN XD
    16. Do not main shit champs like volibear and shaco
    17. If there is nothing to do. FARM.
    18. Dont run across the map to get 1 camp. Back and spend the gold that you have then go to that camp. You should never have more than 1600 gold in your pouch. SPEND THAT GOLD!
    21. Pay attention to flash timers. Abuse lanes that have no flash, Especially champs like MF who have no dashes
    22. Wait to use your gap closers. Run up to them wait for them to flash/use their escape then jump on them. If you are playing someone like amumu dont Q right away. They will easily flash/dash it. Once they use their flash, Q them then R. they cannot escape and it is a surefire kill!
    23. If you don't need BLUE BUFF or RED BUFF give it to the most fed person on your team. They are both OP as hell. It will help them snowball way faster.
    24. Dont focus on winning, This mindset will not help you climb. Focus on playing better every game. Fix your mistakes. You can still win and play like shit but what did you learn from playing like shit???
    25. Dont get pissed at yourself for missing smite. Your team mates will make sure they flame you enough. Have confidence in the smite.
    26. Dont fight in the river if your laners dont have prio. The enemy laner will roam way faster then yours` and you will get 2v1'd and dont spam ping your mid laner because he didnt come. It is your fault! Look at where your team mates are.

    That pretty much wraps up the basics. If you have any questions let me know!

    submitted by /u/NorrinRaddIsDad
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    Returning Player: When do you pick mages as ADC?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Haven't played since the Shen rework(he was my main, I was salty), around that time I recall Ziggs adc being a good flex for the early tower. Now I'm back playin with a friend who mains support so I've been running ADC, which is my worst roll, and I'm finding that I have been going up against the likes of Cass, and Heim and checkin the meta online itt seems even Ziggs, heim and Yas are popular ADC. What even is this role? Can I rock J4 adc like the good old days? Warmoggs BT Zed? I mostly jest but I am curious when these picks are best and why and also what other nontraditional picks are out there for ADC?

    submitted by /u/Arrgh_PM_me_booty
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    I’ve been playing for just over two years now, yet I still find I’m not a good player

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:14 PM PST

    The title says most of it. I play little to no ranked, which I know is a big part of me needing to get better, but even in draft pick I still find that I'm usually the teammate who feeds the most. To give a frame of reference, I am a level 76 who has only received enough S rankings that I could probably count on both of my hands.

    I primary top/mid lanes, with Nasus and Syndra respectively (others includes, those are just my two go-to champs for those positions). I am trying to play Bot lane - specifically Ezreal. I have had more than a few tough games recently playing him, to the point where I found the friends who I play with talking about how bad I was as a summoner, and I shouldn't try to play Ezreal yet. Maybe I want to learn simply to spite them, or prove to myself that I CAN do it. I haven't figured which it is yet, either way though, I need help. I'd love tips in the comments/dms if you would like, or if you want to play a game with me to understand their frustrations (which frankly, I do understand where they're coming from), feel free to message me.

    This is my first post on this subreddit, so forgive me if I am doing this wrong, I just found it about 15 minutes ago. All I know is I need to become a better player, because I want my friends to come to me to play League, not just because I am their friend, but because I am good. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/BeastUnleashed330
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    Beginners Training Regimen

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I'm not entirely sure if this is a decent way of practicing or learning but I wanted a broader opinion that might give me more help in making this an acceptable learning tool for true beginners.

    I have a friend who just started playing maybe a week or two ago and, to put it nicely, she's garbage. I know, shes learning and me smurfing isn't helping cuz I'm attracting more smurfs, I know. This is my point. I wanted to make some kind of step by step guide to help her realize the importance of different aspects of the game and to know that she's improving by completing each step, thus helping gain some confidence.

    So the regimen goes like this;

    All these games are made and done in custom games with no real other players

    First step- just ally beginner bots. the goal- win the game and have the most CS out of your team

    2nd- just ally intermediate bots. The goal- win the game and have the most CS out of your team

    3rd- just SPECIFIC intermediate ally bots (brand, ryze, sivir, easy wave clear bots). The goal- win the game and have the most CS out of your team

    4th- intermediate ally bots and beginner enemy bots. The goal- win and have the most CS.

    5th- intermediate ally bots and beginner enemy bots. The goal- win and have the most CS and the most kill participation

    6th- intermediate ally bots and intermediate enemy bots. The goal- win and most CS

    7th- intermediate ally bots and intermediate enemy bots. The goal- win and most CS and most KP

    8th- beginner ally bots and intermediate enemy bots. The goal- win

    9th/optional- beginner ally bots and SPECIFIC intermediate enemy bots (Malphite, Warwick, Brand, Caitlin, Leona) the goal- win, HINT: it's macro practice, you shouldn't win the teamfight but it teaches the importance of split pushing, jungle camps, dragons, and knowing there's more to the game than just killing.

    I know this is a lot but I want to help the truly new players without feeling like they have to int for an entire year and just get frustrated.

    submitted by /u/xV2xx
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    Thoughts on grasp Caitlyn

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    I've been trying this build - Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Bloodline and Overheal. Itemization is IE, PD, Zerkers, Bloodthirster. I'm starting to wonder if I'm better off with fleet and storm razor in my ELO, and not sure what the best options are. Any Caitlyn mains have some insight?

    submitted by /u/whiteknight521
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    Falling behind as jg

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    What happened to the jungle role this season? I used to play jungle as a secondary but right now it feels like no matter what I do, whether I farm or gank lanes frequently, I am always falling behind the enemy jungler. It feels like even if I steal enemy buffs, I'm still always a level down by 10 minutes. What changes to the jungler role might be causing that?

    submitted by /u/SaltedAzn
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    New player coming from Smite

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Hi. I've recently picked up League after getting into Legends of Runeterra and I've a few questions which I'll get to in a minute.

    This isn't my first MOBA, I've got about 2.5k hours in Smite. Most of that was as an Arena casual, I was late to the main mode of Conquest and by the time I got into ranked I was burning out on the game. I still play Smite but only every few months. I started off as a support main before switching more to solo(top) and mid. Smite and League have very different mechanics and play very differently but my experience from Smite has helped a lot in my early games.

    I plan to main Top lane and then later branch out to Mid later as a secondary role as these were my fave roles in Smite. For Top I've played a bit of Garen and Pantheon, I've also bought Poppy and Malphite though haven't played them in a real game yet.

    1. Is there a resource that goes over all the buffs/camps/objectives on the map, what they do and what the timers are for them?
    2. Is it worth to jump straight into ranked at lvl 30? What rank of opponents would my unranked account be up against?
    3. I've 5k Blue Essence saved up, are there any champs for top lane that are straight forward for newer players that I should consider picking up?
    4. Is there a detailed guide on how to ping vital info? I've seen players in YT vids ping all sorts of stuff that I've no clue how to do. In Smite we have VGS(can't remember what it stands for) where in game you could type something like VR2 which would shout "Retreat Middle Lane"
    5. I do plan to main Top lane but any suggestions on content creators for the other roles? I'd like to pick up a better understanding of them and what the champions in those roles can do.
    6. Is there an in depth rune guide? I've looked up builds and they recommend runes as well but none go into any detail on why a rune is good on a specific champ or how you should change them for a different situation.

    Sorry that the questions are a bit all over the place and thank you in advance for any responses, it's very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/JiMMyCCuDDa
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    How do you climb out of Iron as a support main

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    So I'm on a new account, I was platinum from casual ranking on my first account back in S7 and hadn't ranked since, cause the game and players both got super toxic when S8 hit and ranked wasn't fun anymore. I did a placement game on my current account and lost, and instantly started at Iron 4, played another and lost and realized the situation I was in after looking at gold, damage, and vision charts of the majority of iron players. I main support, but can play any role effectively. Can real supports like Thresh, Leona, etc carry super low elo games, or should I just abuse things like Brand and Neeko, or go mid and jungle until I hit like mid silver where ADCs and jungles have some better understanding of game mechanics?

    submitted by /u/CaptainClumpy
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    Any ideas on how to make ranked less... exhausting?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    So I have a dilemma. I haven't played ranked seriously in about 3 seasons now (I play 20 games each season, easily get into gold and then just chill -- I don't know why) but this season I actually want to play more ranked. I want to be motivated... I want to find my ceiling and improve from there... but it feels exhausting.

    However the games always feel so unbalanced. I'm not here to complain about bad teammates but the game very often feels 1v5 (whether I'm the 1 or part of the 5) or a 1v1 (which carry will carry harder). Ranked never truly feels like a 5v5 and I imagine that's because I'm just not at my proper rank yet.

    I also imagine a lot of people get stuck/can't climb because they get tired of tryharding every game. It's honestly kinda draining (especially in the games where your teammates just want to lose SO bad for some reason..).

    So how do you play 10+ games a day while still putting in a lot of effort? I've grinded hundreds of hours in MMO's, spent hundreds of hours perfecting Magic decklists but for some reason I just can't bring myself to grind ranked in this game for long sessions? I was gonna play 15 games today and played 4...

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    How do I teach my friend to stop blaming teamates

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    My friend started playing league a couple of months ago after I introduced it to him. He is a bronze player who plays jg and adc. The problem is whenever we play games together if something bad happens he either blames his team or calls the the enemy champs broken. I try to tell to stop flaming and just focus on himself but he never does it and tells me he likes being a toxic player. Is there a way to tell him to focus on himself and to stop flaming team and the enemy?

    submitted by /u/AbleYak
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    How to lane against Miss Fortune + a support that has skillshots blocked by minions?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:42 AM PST

    An example of such a lane: MF + Blitz.

    This seems to be an impossible lane: MF demands that I stand away from my minions (otherwise I get VERY significant harass) while Blitz demands that I stand right behind my minions (how many hooks can I dodge? Each hook I cant dodge = my death. Sooner or later a hook will hit. In my case, sooner than later, sadly Im not too good at dodging skillshots).

    Blitz is just an example, the same core problem applies to every support that has powerful skillshots blocked by my minions (Morgana, Thresh, ..., ...)

    How do I lane against such combos?

    (I'm trying to not suck with Ashe)

    submitted by /u/gaazkam
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    Not sure if this is a hot take but BOTRK is a terrible anti tank item and you should never buy it to counter tanks

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Now blade of the ruined king is not a bad item, but let's take a look at what it gives. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King

    Answer is a bit of everything an adc needs, making it a great 1 item powerspike for early bully's like Lucian, or trist mid, as well as ads that need an early spike to do anything so they can scale like vayne/twitch, who also want to 1v1 people so the slow is great.

    People get obsessed with the % health part, which really is not that good.

    There are no tanks that buy only flat hp, maybe a cinderhulk warmogs sej or ap bruiser chogath but it's niche. If you REALLY need to kill multiple tanks, get a 3rd/4th item Lord domniks, not a botrk . Botrk damage is reduced by armor and that rammus will just laugh at you buying it, Lord doms gives you a realistic chance of dps on the tanks over time though.

    Or, just continue with a full crit build, finishing the full 100% crit, with all the items synergizing together is way higher dps on both squishies and tanks than a botrk.

    I personally don't even like it on ezreal but he is kind of different because he can keep applying the max current % damage on his Q's for poke, it's still terrible as an item for him to dps a tank down.

    Tl;dr don't buy botrk outside of your 1st item ever, it isn't a reactionary anti tank item

    submitted by /u/mazrim_lol
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    When does senna drop souls exactly?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:08 PM PST

    My first post here i started playing the game for a while now im almost lvl 30 and i like playing adc and support and a couple of mages . So i picked up senna i like how she's a mix of my fav roles and did some researchs but i wanna know when does minions or creeps drop souls i know she can suck souls from enemy after q ing them but again when does the souls drop.

    Thanx in advance

    submitted by /u/Nader-Nabil
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    What do you do against top Senna?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:42 AM PST

    I originally posted this on r/leagueoflegends cause I didn't know this existed

    I was playing Olaf top against Senna. She brought a support item and didn't farm. She spent her whole time hitting me for her passive.

    I went full damage and killed her every chance I could which was tough cause she had glacial and was fully focused on hitting me while I was trying to last hit. She got swifts and any attempt at approaching her ended in her running away in ghost form.

    The lane ended with me 6/0 with 100-150 last hits And her 0/6 with 14 last hits (big minions) But she had more damage than me and like 60% - 70% critical chance. She was then free to farm after she completed her support item and built full carry and annihilated our carry in 2 shots.

    I can't imagine what would have happened if I was a tank with no gape closing. Does anyone have any advice other than "pick a different character" because it's almost impossible to know if she is top.

    submitted by /u/ProofreadFire
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    As which item should I get QSS vs a heavy CC comp?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Im a Twitch main and atm the earliest I go for QSS against heavy CC comps is after BotrK and Hurricane. Versus comps were its useful but not required I go for it after BotrK, Hurricane and IE. Last game (we had a Mordekaiser enemy) I got flamed again for getting it too late (right after Hurricane), I died in Morde ult once. Should I buy it earlier next time or is my feeling right that Twitch without Hurricane is kinda useless and you cant delay this item?

    submitted by /u/Hunefer1
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    Is there a way to pratice jungle clears?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Hi guys, i'm learning to play jungle and i can't full clear my own jungle with anything that isn't warwick i just lose too much HP and cant gank after, i've tried karthus and shaco but it takes too much time and hp. How can i pratice it since i won't have leash in the training mode?

    submitted by /u/dromq
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    Ditching Bot Lane as Support

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Say that you are playing your casual game of Rakan in ranked and at about 17 minutes you have a kda of let's say 0/2/7 (This is not referring to any specific game, just using it as an example). But lets say your adc has about 130 farm with a kda of 1/5/2 with 1st tower gone and 2nd tower falling. Would it be right for you to entirely ditch your adc when they are trying to defend bot in order to help someone who is hard pushing top or mid?

    submitted by /u/GizoIt
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    Top breaking a freeze when weak

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST

    How can I break a freeze when I'm behind as a melee top lane.

    I've just got back into top lane for abit just for funzies. I've been learning alot of melee tops, jax sett etc. My main issue with top lane rn is that breaking a freeze is almost impossible when you're weaker than your opponent. I also don't know how to do it either.

    Example: Sett (me) VS Darius (enemy) I take a bad trade(lvl2). The wave was even before but because I used an AOE ability the wave is beginning to shove to Darius. I am too low to walk up to the wave and darius is allowing the wave to shove into him. I back and to back to regen and a boots buy. But now I'm 1 level down and can still die to an all in so I can't move up.

    Darius easily zones me off the wave with level advantage, and freezes with 4 minions near his tower.

    Besides the bad trade (I'm learning sett so my trading will get better). Can I actually do anything? I have this issue in any match up (especially in bully melee VS melee match up's) where one mistake causes my opponent to freeze near tower and suffocate me of all resources. Resulting in either a really fed enemy (from me trying to break the freeze by fighting and dying) or a large gold and level deficit.

    So again to reiterate: how do you break a freeze as a melee top laner (no ranged abilities) when you will die if you get in range of the enemy (who is on top of the wave)? Thanks for all the help!!

    P. S. I'm looking for conceptual advice that can be applied to most matchups. And again I understand I messed up the initial trade, but that shouldn't cost me the lane and/or the game.

    submitted by /u/HonestyLL
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    How to avoid aram

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST

    So I understand araming is bad because you're sharing cs and xp while minions are dying in sidelanes, but if I try to sidelane my team just decides to fight 4v5 or whatever anyway and spam ping me for not grouping. I can't even try to trade towers or anything since nobody bothers to push waves unless they're already at our towers so by the time I actually manage to reach an enemy tower the rest of my team is dead and 3-4 people are hitting our mid tower while the rest come to kill me. what should I do?

    submitted by /u/WynnChairman
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    Can someone IN DETAIL explain the Reaper/Famine Senna strat?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:36 AM PST

    That C9 played vs IMT this weekend, where Senna only pokes for Souls and their support takes the CS. I need hard numbers, what to buy, when to sell, etc. I can't find anything on it.

    The Dive had a good section on it but they aren't talking hard numbers.

    submitted by /u/JustBronzeThingsLoL
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