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    Friday, November 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Bard's and Volibear's ultimates do not reset tower aggro

    LoL Guide Bard's and Volibear's ultimates do not reset tower aggro

    Bard's and Volibear's ultimates do not reset tower aggro

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:29 PM PST

    Thought this would be beneficial to share since in so many of my games people stay in the tower's attack range while it is disabled and they die after the turret can attack again.

    The turret's attacking is disabled, not the turret's AI. It can still have aggro despite being unable to attack.

    EDIT: Bard's ultimate does reset tower aggro, my apologies. It's only Volibear's ultimate that doesn't.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Proper lane managment vs Team shenanigans as ADC (help)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Main adc, plat elo.

    It ALWAYS happens at least 4 or 5 times a game that your team requires your assistance (for whatever reason) that goes against proper lane managment.

    How should I behave, or at least what are some general rules to follow, as adc when these scenarios come up? It's very often a question of: do I get a 1-2 waves advantage (wheter it's literal farming or denying) over the enemy or do I prevent my 1-2 team mates from dying?


    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    Is there any way to use kayle ult on yourself without using alt+r or moving mouse on yourself?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Basically, i want ult to act like W. If you wont target anything it will use it on you and ally. I was wondering if i can do the same with ult, straight up press R and if i wont target my teammates the ult would be placed on me. I use alt+r alot of times but in some scenarios i need quick reactions to survive abilities and my hand naturally isn't near the alt key.

    submitted by /u/Plazmashock
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    Top Picked and Banned Champions in Worlds 2020

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    With preseason now in full swing, I thought I would hit you guys with a blast from the recent past. A breakdown of the most played and banned champions of Worlds 2020, the thought processes behind the picks, and what you can look to achieve. Although this can be considered a little last season, you never know when some of these principles may apply in the future metas. At the very least, its a nice throwback to easier times.


    Final note: Pro play doesnt really translate over well to normals, so before you instalock, remember these picks are chosen by well oiled 5 man teams built to work together. Except lucian. Champion is super fun!

    submitted by /u/Phantomee
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    How to Prevent Targeting Ally Cursor Bug

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    How do I get better at macro?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    For context I'm a complete noob at this game, started playing about two weeks ago and my main role is mid lane.

    By far my biggest problem in game is that outside of the lane, I have no idea what my gameplan is supposed to be. Usually I spend the first 10-15 minutes CSing minions and trading with my laning opponent. However, after this, it seems like everyone ditches their lanes and the game turns into a chaotic mess of constant teamfighting. I have no idea whats going on or what to do, so I usually just spend the rest of the game following my teammates around the map.

    Looking up macro guides online, i see terms like splitpushing, freezing the wave, and fighting for vision, but I have no idea when I'm supposed to be doing these things or what they accomplish.

    Basically, how do I get better at knowing what I'm supposed to do outside of the laning phase?

    submitted by /u/Background_Till6226
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    About Vladimir..

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Man, I really wanna learn Vladimir but I'm having trouble trying to figure out this playstyle. It seems like I'm so squishy in team fights and trying to approach another zoner champ is difficult without putting myself in harm's way, since his Q and Ult range isn't very far. Maybe I'm building him wrong?

    I ran Void Staff, Riftmaker, Rabadon's Deathcap, Aether Wisp, Doran's Ring, and Hextech Alternator. Tried capitalizing on his damage, which was good but I usually never found the right time to approach and use it, especially when Crimson Pact goes away so fast.

    So.. What am I doing wrong? I need a bit of guidance.

    submitted by /u/N3KROW
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    Early game Midlane wave management

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Hey, i'm currently D1 recently peaked Master 150lp so i'm not bad at the game but i feel like my wave management in early game sucks. Of course it's kind of match up dependent but i'm not sure if i should push the wave early or not.

    Basically i have the choice to slowpush the first wave and make the wave crash under ennemy tower, it gives me some way to harass the ennemy laner but then the wave bounces back and i feel myself getting pushed for crab timing. The other choice is let the opponent push but then i feel like i end up taking too much damage...

    It's kinda hard to explain and it depends on the matchups but i would like to know what's the "general way" is, also if you have some wards spots/timing to share i wouldn't mind. My elo isn't bad but it's mostly my mechanics saving my bad wave management and i'd like it to change...

    submitted by /u/SaakaMi
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    (LOW ELO) Taking enemy junglers farm causes them to gank more?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I play pretty low elo games, mostly normals because I have friends who play casually and I want to play with them. So I have an account that is lower elo I play with them on.

    I jungle often and in these games, I can gain dominance over the enemy jungler quite easily by simply having better game knowledge and map awareness. This leads me into a pretty heavy counter-jungle where I can take most of their camps.

    The problem I've been running into is that when I do this, the enemy jungler has nothing to do so he ends up spam ganking, despite him being behind my laners still often die (pretty low elo), and some enemy lane can snowball out of control.

    I don't usually jungle, so I'm really not experienced at the role. How can I control these games more effectively?

    submitted by /u/droptopus
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    When to go liandrys

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Recently I've been messing around with the new ap items but I don't understand one think. That is what champions beat utilize liandrys and why? I know brand is synonymous with liandrys but why does he use it so well. Any help i would gladly appreciate

    submitted by /u/Lagz1lla
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    [Vladimir vs. Kassadin] Win a hard counter matchup in Diamond with micro and wave awareness

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Mostly a video going over some micro that you can use when laning against Kassadin. I think a lot of the concepts here can be applied when laning against any melee laner, though.

    I totally admit that I don't play around the enemy jungler nearly enough and on some occassions it totally comes and bites me in the behind. The only thing preventing it from becoming a crippling weakness is Vlad's naturally difficult-to-gank kit. That's something I'm working on myself.

    submitted by /u/IGunnaKeelYou
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    What is ban rate and why is it so important?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of people talk about champions ban rates but what is it? Is it the rate at which (ex. Jhin) get banned? If so why is it so important? Because it seems you can only get banned for toxicity so why does it matter if players with this champion are toxic? I couldn't find the answer on google so I'm asking here. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Eddy_Bunjee
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    Does picks really matter that much?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Hey! I just finished my placements and got bronze IV 45 Lp (not very good ik but I am proud of myself). I main top (Mordekaiser, Illaoi) and jungle (Master yi, Jax and Vi) and with the new update I have seen many tier lists of the best champions for every lane everywhere and I just wonder does it really matter which tier your champion is?? I know this is a strange question but I would be happy for anyone to give me a simple yet explanatory answer.

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/xX_YeetLord_Xx
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    Cassiopeia Top: Gank Your Own Lane (Video)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Greetings everyone,

    Today we got a video about a recent match of mine with an emphasis on ganking your own lane.

    Simple enough to identify those opportunities so why not go for it? You might apply a frame to your thinking that doesn't involve considering the option (yet). The video is intended to help you see more of what's possible and how to do it.

    To help you integrate the insights better there's the rest of the match in there as well, edited for your convenience, so that you can have a bit of a story to go with the concept. Good for actually remembering/applying what you learned. :)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and good luck out there!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Tips for starting ranked

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:23 PM PST

    I'm going to start playing ranked this season, started playing the game in March but properly started to learn the game a bit more in depth (champs and different roles) over the past few months. I'm an ezreal main but considering adc is gonna be a super rough role right now, or at least it feels like it, I've been branching out trying to play more roles other than adc and occasionally jungle.

    What are the most basic but best tips for starting to play ranked? Anything is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Lil_OG
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    Transitioning from Support to Mid, is it worth it to make a new account to learn and play mid on and use my main for support only?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    So I'm still new to league and low elo regardless. I played support for my placements and placed in high bronze and can still win games consistently if I play support. However if I try to practice midlane with Annie in ranked, I lose and perform poorly every game for my own lack of solo laning skills, and usually go on 9-10 game loss streaks until I get frustrated and play support and win.

    So I'm wondering if I should just make a new account to learn mid so I can keep climbing on support separately. For reference I think my skill level is probably silverish on support (I have good vision scores at 1.5x game length usually). I think my skill level for mid is probably Iron and I would have placed there if I had done my placements with mid. My goal is moreso to improve at the game and its funamentals rather than to climb as fast as possible. I'm finding normal games on my main account to be wholly inadequate for preparing me for ranked as a midlaner, I usually do well there and have decent CS and don't feed, but as soon as I hop into my Bronze II games I get destroyed in lane because I play poorly against the assassins that snowball easy, but I can often beat them in my normal games. I've tried other champs that aren't Annie that are support relevant in mid like Karma, Brand, and Zyra but I don't do well enough with them in ranked either so I think its my lack of fundamental skills more so than not being able to play Annie (for reference I can carry games with those 3 champs in support). I think I just currently cannot balance CS, trading/harass/poke, positioning and map awareness (I get ganked a lot more compared to support) all at once, whereas in support I don't have to worry about the CS or wave management so I can juggle those things without being too overwhelmed.

    Of course I'd have to level the new account to 30, but this could be a good opportunity to practice Annie and midlane fundamentals before doing placements again. The alternative would be to stay on my main account and just play Annie until I eventually derank to low bronze or Iron MMR where I can play against midlaners my own level in ranked.

    Anyway, I really want to be good at the game for more than just support even though that's the role I like the most. My plan is to play Annie almost exclusively until I can get gold or so, and then move on to more complex fundamental champions like Orianna, Vladimir, Veigar ect, and then eventually move back to playing support full time if I can prove to myself that I can reach high diamond over 1-2 years in midlane. Or who knows, I do enjoy midlane when I'm not getting hoplessly outclassed in lane, so I could see myself sticking with that and playing mid/support in the end as well.

    submitted by /u/XenoVX
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    Difference between skill gap in Bronze to Diamond 2 and Diamond 1 to Challenger

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I heard somewhere that the difference between Bronze and Diamond 2 can literally be accomplished via mechanical skill alone. Whereas once you enter Diamond 1 and above it is like a massive surge of punishment against the mistakes you do. With that said I was told that the difference between Bronze to Diamond 2 in terms of skill is way lower than what you will need to go from Diamond 1 to Challenger.

    Which in turn busts the myth of Elo hell existing, which is why all these top 500 challenger players such as Wild Turtle at least back in the day had like 5+ accounts in Top 500.

    Can someone confirm?

    submitted by /u/Dreadstunlock
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    Do stuns last longer this season?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Since the new season started I feel that all the cc last a little bit more than before. I remember how getting 4 or 5 seconds of cc rarely happened before even with team comps with a good chain cc, but now being stunned that time is usual. This season I've already been stunned 7 second before dying lol. I know that riot changed tenacity so maybe that's why it feels different from before, but I searched to see if someone feels this way too and didn't find anything, so am I crazy or do you also feel that cc last longer?

    submitted by /u/Nicolas115935
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    How to farm safely at mid lane ?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Hello I have another questions for you guys,

    I've been playing League of Legends for a month now and I've tried the lanes a bit and noticed that I'm interested in the middle. But I don't really understand how to farm without dying. I don't know what to do with an annoying Yasuo who's throwing me away with his tornado all the time. I'm in the tower, but the Yasuo and Jungler always try to kill me. They dive me and then I'm dead. I would play more aggressively but I don't want to int and fall back. I've been looking for videos, but I'm Iron and I don't understand it. I also asked friends but they don't know how to explain it to me. Do you have an explanation for me or a video? I ask because I know that farms on the lanes too important not to learn.

    submitted by /u/EloDesu
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    How to counter specialized matchup building?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:17 AM PST

    This happens a lot to me, but I'll take an example,Yesterday I was playing a game against a mord, I solo kill him twice in lane, ( playing fiora)at 8 min he had bramble vest, cloth armor + boots + double doran ring, at this point he has His R and i had no absolutely no chance 1v1 against him anymore, so this guy who was down in lane, all the sudden took lane prio out of my hands just like that,
    any tips against this?

    submitted by /u/Fabfixer
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    Master yi question.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Hi, i´m a new player, and between guide and guide, i´ve noticed they always said that master yi is a hiper carrie, and must be focused most in the farm that in ganks and kills, soo im asking. I can use master yi in top? Or why is not yet used in top? Basically top is that, farm and somethime roam or TP to another lane.

    submitted by /u/abejaZombie
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    Find pro players that are streaming by role or region

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST

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