• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Hey /r/SummonerSchool. My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    LoL Guide Hey /r/SummonerSchool. My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    Hey /r/SummonerSchool. My brother and I created a massive website where we post in-depth, comprehensive guides made by players who got challenger by playing that champ. Best part is that it is ENTIRELY FREE!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Hi guys. RTO here.

    I have had incredible support from this community over the last few years and I wanted to give back. What I realized is that there isn't a place that offers really in-depth guides made by the best players in League of Legends that you don't have to pay for. So I reached out to some of my Challenger buddies and we have worked together to create a place that does all of that.


    Every guide that you find is

    • Made by a player who has actually reached challenger on that champion
    • In-depth (Around 5,000 words)
    • Has gifs of combos and abilities
    • Entirely Free to Access All Information. Like seriously. You can't even purchase anything on the site.

    Current Contributors (All have reached Challenger on this champ):

    • Aizo - Maokai
    • Avril - Senna
    • DragoonSmash - Darius
    • Hanjaro - Pyke
    • Manco1 - Teemo
    • MetaSolary - Udyr
    • RTO - Renekton

    It is surprisingly easy to convince challengers to do this so we plan on releasing about 2 per week. I really hope you guys really appreciate the work that we are putting into this.

    Hype Announcement Video

    Rundown of the site and Frequently Asked Questions

    If you are a challenger player and want to be featured, use the contact information on the site.

    My brother is the developer named /u/HvZChris so he will be in the comments answering questions too.

    submitted by /u/RTO_LOL
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    How do I get rid of playing fear?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    I have a sort of on-and-off relationship with this game. Recently (over like 3-4 years or so) it's more of an off than an on. The problem is that I'm too scared to play SR PvP, SR PvE is too boring to play and ARAMs are just not really what I'm looking for because most of the time I'm forced to play a champion I don't want to. I haven't played in a while and I think it's because I don't find the game that fun. I guess I'm just playing it wrong, because I do want to play sometimes and I definitely want a big score with my main and discover new ways to play them.

    I tried to just start a game; Like when the water in the swimming pool is a bit cold for comfort, so I just jump in. There's no way for me to go back once I jump and then after a few seconds of being in the water I think to myself "hey, it's not that bad". Doesn't really work with League tho. I have multiple chances plus a timer to change my mind and leave the queue.

    What are some methods I could use to avoid playing fear?

    submitted by /u/Taka_no_Yaiba
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    New player, old gamer!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm Dan. Aka Synical. I've recently started playing League of Legends and so far I'm really enjoying the game. I've completed the tutorial and I've started to play Vs other players and so far I've struggled with various issues.

    The community seems to be rather toxic towards new players and I fear for younger players whom haven't got thick skin like myself.

    I have kids of my own and they have a keen obsession with Fortnite. The oldest isn't too bad, but the younger one is pretty decent in my eyes. For a 9 year old to regularly win solo in that game is surely an achievement. I'd regrettably tell them to stay clear of this game until they are better equipped to play with mouse and keyboard. Which I think is fair.

    I'm an older gamer, having enjoyed my prime gaming days on PS2 haha. I'm 34 from UK and I've played console games since Master System all the way through to my Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.

    I recently decided to play on the PC and my days of FPS has been over a long time ago. I have tried my hand at Strategy and also got involved on Twitch. Here is where I got hooked on League.

    I've always known about it but never had an interest as I've played in console. But now I've been watching some streams and I'm hooked.

    I'm hoping this community here will help me with some underlying issues.

    I'm older than most and my reactions aren't as quick as they used to be.

    Are there any champions that are not skill intensive?

    Are there any players out there a similar age to me who struggled and willing to show some insight?

    I'm EUW server based and would enjoy some people to play with who would tolerate my questions and lack of experience but be willing to help me understand the game but most importantly enjoy it.

    Do people think I'm past it? Am I too late to the party?

    I look forward to reading responses and I'll respond to as many as I can.


    submitted by /u/Synical7
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    Played against Yuumi/Wukong funnel. Any tips to beat this one?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    As usual, it looks like you can kinda win for the first ten minutes or so, and then they show up to a teamfight with the "carry" having way more base levels and items than anyone on your team.

    I'm not really sure what the correct play in this game was, besides "cry and stay in base".


    submitted by /u/TheFiremind
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    I’m at the bottom of bronze, looking into league coaching?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I suck at league. I don't really wanna suck anymore, so I've been playing more and stuff and I was looking into getting coaching to get better! But it all looks like a huge scam. Is it a scam? Are there any free outlets for that type of stuff?

    I just want to get better y'all cause I am BOOTY.

    submitted by /u/boopidoppk
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    What are you meant to do against Garen right now?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Basically, the solo queue strat I keep running into is picking garen, and banning darius, basically the only champ who actually consistently beats Garen. The other person who beat him, soraka, got relegated out of top so I have no idea what to do anymore. I've been trying to play phase rush teemo into it and just running away, but it still doesn't win the lane because I can't output enough damage to force him off the creeps early.

    Also, the teemo phase rush counterpick isn't HORRIBLE against him even though he's usually stronger than me at all parts of the game, but sometimes you have to pick before the garen, and you just get shat on because he destroys everyone except specific counters.

    submitted by /u/Insertblamehere
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    Can you come back from an impossible start?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Has anyone else been having games where the enemy team is up 17-1 or 20-4 before 15 minutes? About half of the 8 games I played last night we surrendered at 15 because the enemy team just steamrolled us. I know there were a few games where I could have done better, but most the ones that we would ff, I had a kill and maybe 1-2 deaths while other lanes are 0/4. I just don't understand how this happened seemingly overnight. Out of those 8 games I only won 1. Last week I had a win rate of 50 some percent, now its 31%.

    Is it possible to come back from a start like that? I play top and don't want to ff at 15 so I can try to scale up a little and get items, but it seems to futile so I cave and ff.

    I have noticed that most of the people I play against have 100k+ mastery points, so I have a hunch it's people going try hard to grind out eternal stats, but I'm pretty sure I'm just making excuses for myself.

    submitted by /u/SouthLime4
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    Need help learning jungle.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    So I have a lot of knowledge of the game and have pretty much mained most roles in my 5 years of playing league.

    My champion knowledge is pretty good and I have a good grasp of the game but my struggle comes to tracking the enemy jungle and also knowing when to gank/countergank. I know you clear first then gank but sometimes my lanes are getting ganked or need help at weird times like when I am in the middle of doing wolves. What can I learn to help me with this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Fazomanzo
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    Tip about enemy junglers

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Hi, i wanted to tell you a tip about enemy (and your own junglers) that hopefully you can find useful. For clarity im a high plat -low diamond toplaner and i know its not considered very high but i believe this tip affects every elo: if one of your laners is winnig hard and fed during laning phase the enemy jungler isnt likely to gank them since they will just 2v3 incase of bot or 1v2 incase of top and mid, so if say, your botlane is 12/0 the enemy jungler is likely ganking either mid or top so you should be aware of that and expect a gank if that situation happen, play safer and ward and dont be aggressive unless you have an opportunity because the fed lane will carry you and if you feed the enemy it can hurt your team victory.

    TDLR: your bot is fed? Enemy jungler more likely ganks your lane so be extra careful.

    submitted by /u/itaicool
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    A simple tip I don't see people thinking about: CDR is the only stat that is exponentially better the more you have of it.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    CDR scales exponentially. No other stat does this. You can only get 40% (45% with runes, I guess), but 30%->40% is better than 20%->30%. Most other stats scale linearly or have diminishing returns.

    The easiest way to understand this is to look at the extremes:

    • Say we have a 2 minute ult that does 1200 damage, and 0% CDR. This means it takes 120 seconds to use their ult, which is 10 DPS if we're using it off cooldown.

      • Now say we have 25% CDR, it now takes 90 seconds to recharge our ult, and we deal 13.3 DPS. An increase of 33% DPS.
      • Now say we have 50% CDR, it now takes 60 seconds to recharge our ult, and we deal 20 DPS. An increase of (from base) 100%.
      • Now say we have 75% CDR, that's 30 seconds, and 40 DPS. An increase from base of 400%.
      • Now we have 100% CDR, that's 0 seconds, and literally infinite DPS as we can just hold down the button and things die immediately while the server crashes under the load, haha.

    Even if we look at current instead of base, 25%->50% is an increase of just over 50%, and 50%->75% is an increase of 100%. So even looking at this it's exponentially 'better' the more you get of it.


    Also, the bonus, non-capped 5% you get from runes is worth more late game than it is early game.

    Food for thought.


    The balance in this is that you often have your skills off cooldown anyway, so CDR often goes "wasted", but just understand that if you're building into CDR, it's best to finish it to the cap as soon as you can, particularly if you are CDR reliant, like a mage or some assassins.

    submitted by /u/LedgeEndDairy
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    Anyone else is too "nervous" while playing?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I have been playing league for a while now. I realised that im terrible at hitting skillshots. Its kinda like I overthink too much and I end up missing every skillshot. Its not just skillshots. Sometimes I end up messing the whole combo and just die like a complete idiot. I have been playing pyke. But I just get really nervous when I see someone low enough to execute with my ulti and While overthinking I actually miss it. Same goes for hooks. Sometimes I even raged at the game for missing too much skillshots.

    Sorry If I made too much grammar mistakes by the way. Im not from an english speaking country

    submitted by /u/EvilDoritos
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    Is Triforce + Cleaver the go-to build now?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Been seeing this built first and second item on champs like Jax and Irelia, is it an optimal build for bruisers now? If it is, would it be good on champs like Garen and Aatrox :) I've seen explanations on how they give 40% CDR for just two items but I still can't get why it's built.

    submitted by /u/SerenaZN
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    How do you lane against Yasuo?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Am I supposed to just concede lane and CS against him? I was Jax top and started my 3 for the aoe/stun Incase he was aggressive, which he was, but it seemed like his autos just hit me so much harder than mine hit him. I'm pretty new, it was actually my first ranked game and the guy was very fluid with him so I'm guessing it was a smurf. I tried staying safe but then I just got zoned from the wave and couldn't get any CS, which then transitioned into tons of damage to my tower. Any time I tried to get CS under tower he was just able to poke me for free.

    I don't want to waste a ban on him every game when there's champs like senna sett Aphelios up, so I want to learn how to lane against him. I assume he just counters most melee champs that aren't tanks and is why I had a rough time?

    submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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    midlane taliyah tips

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I've started playing midlane with my friends after we made our clash team, and since then i've been playing a lot of veigar, annie, akali etc. I really like taliyah and got mastery 7 with her in the jungle a while ago, and i was wondering if she was still a viable mid laner. if anyone has some tips i'd appreciate it. i'm a gold 3 player.

    submitted by /u/CapMeleon
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    I have an entire day to teach my friend (who rarely plays any games, but really wants to get into them) how to play league. Here is a list of things I made up to help teach. I'd love to hear any other suggestions from you guys and girls.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Planned out a full day where my friend and I meet up at a gaming center, 8 or so hours. Knows nothing about league.

    Right now, here is my list (whatever is on top is what I consider most important, bottom is not), but I'd love for anyone to add in or suggest something different

    To get them out of bot games, here is what I'd probably teach first. This list is ordered, from most important to not really as important

    Brief understanding of how game works


    Map awareness


    objectives (what they do)

    Help decide role?

    understand 1-2 champions

    basic mechanical skill (I'd also love to hear suggestions on how to build this skill specifically, my friend RARELY plays games, so this might be a struggle)


    trying to keep this first list short, I want to stagger the information that comes in as to not overwhelm my friend. If there is s more important skill, or information to learn other than this I'd love to hear any suggestions.

    The next one is a list I have to get my friend ready to play ranked. This one is not ordered from most important to least


    Learn at least half the items in shop

    basic macro

    trading in lane

    Learn the runes

    Have a decent understanding of 1-3 champions

    Build much more knowledge on champions and what they do

    Improved mechanics

    submitted by /u/Huge-Ride
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    Climbing takes ridiculously too long

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I am far better than most people I play with. I'm not bragging it's just a fact. I'm not a Challenger player but I'm not a Gold player either. It takes an absurd amount of games to get back to where I finished last season even with a 70% winrate. After 60 games of that shit I get so bored I start tilting just to tilt and lose 10 games in a row because I'm playing a new champion I don't play each game and feeding an average of 10 deaths. I feel like I haven't made any progress so why should I care and keep playing champs I'm good at? Riot needs to fix it but they won't because the system is designed to be a time waster and make you waste as much time as possible like a Rat in a maze. Even if you improve vastly instantly you still have to slog through so much shit.

    submitted by /u/finbat15
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    Supports like Leona?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I'm starting support for my High School team, and i've run into a wall in terms of champs. My Leona is clean and i tend to do most of the engaging and just all around have a huge presence. I play Leo on my smurf so i don't get scouted out and banned, but as we go into skilled teams they start actually looking at our past games, and tend to ban out my Leo and usually my Braum as well. So are there any supports that are worth picking up that play similarly to Leona or serve a similar purpose?

    submitted by /u/LethalMemeInjection
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    Is trist worth it?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Hi I'm a trist main like basically a trist one trick i have played 128 games of trist this season alone I have never made it out of low elo tho I'm still broze 1 I've had some success but mostly in draft. in ranked I get stopped on alot and I've tried fixing runes watching pro play improving my cs everything but I can't really get trist to work. Is she even viable? I see her in pro play alot so she must be. Does anyone have any tips or tricks?

    submitted by /u/cucksandgaymen
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    Sej support

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys I'm a Supp and jungle player as cs is awful lol and I was reading sej kit and to me it seems perfect for support.

    How come we never see sej down in the bot lane? Like even when Leo and naut are banned out she seems like a great option for a tanky engage support.

    Am I missing something, that is a glaring reason for this because I've only ever seen her jungle?

    submitted by /u/wrecktangle613
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    Tips playing against Yuumi?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I write this post cause I've seen a lot of Yuumis in my games recently and I can't seem to find a proper way to deal with her.

    I've been banning Pyke because my champs are weak against him but if I ban him Yuumi will be played no matter what.The problem is that while during early game she is not much of a thread she is always in a really safe position.If played smart she will only be outside the ADC for a short time, to ward, active her passive and back in. Even if you punish her on that small window it feels like a total waste. If you decide to punish the ADC she will just go back inside and heal him/her.

    So unless you have huge early game advantage (and even then you may need jungler help) Yuumi can get out of the laning phase without much trouble and from there she can just stick to whoever is more fed on their team, wich basically creates a monster with more base power, homing missile with a slow, 2 big heals wich also gives both movement speed and attack speed (probably even greater heals and AS if she's carrying ardent), the AoE heal/damage from redemption if she has bought it, possibly exhaust and ignite (since she doesen't need flash at all) and finally if all that wasn't enough (considering she was untargetable all this time) she also have a great AoE wich can root up to all 5 enemy champions or usit to peel for his monster if they even get caught in a bad situation.

    I don't think she should be able to have so many strenghts while having only few weakness and this super small windows to punish her. My only idea is to totally change my itemization SO much that I am no longer usefullat all (cause after all there are 3 more champions to deal with).

    At this point I don't know what to do besides baning her wich will lead into Pyke open and that's a whole other story for another day...If you guys can enlighten me a little bit on this I would be really grateful! Thanks also for your time if you read all this =)

    submitted by /u/TheArkainer
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    How in the world am I supposed to deal with tough matchups as Riven?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I've had a pretty downhill day (going from earning 22 lp to demoting in 1 game after hitting 0 lp).

    I played a game against a Renekton and a Maokai, in the renekton game he dives me when he hits lvl 6, then when mid - late game comes his Q heals him for 400 in a minion wave and his ult gives him around the same amount or more... game is over. With Maokai I feel like outdamaged me at every single point in the game except lvl 1, he rushed Bramble vest, Ninja tabi and bami's cinder and all of the sudden I was getting permaflamed by both enemy and allies.

    My question is: how am I supposed to deal with difficult matchups such as these? Whenever I try to roam or go to neutral objectives they take either ½ a turret or a whole turret. I end up feeling so useless that I just wanna give up on Riven and go play something that isn't hard but is 100% easier, yet I don't wanna go down to their level and abuse something braindeadly easy like Darius/Garen and lose all pride I feel when winning with a champion that is actually difficult.. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    remove if doesnt belong

    submitted by /u/AndersGDev
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    Problems with jungling in s10

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys, little background before I jump into my issue. I used to play league a long time ago. When back and forth into the game many times, but never stick around enough time to get good. In season 8, I think, I managed to just get to plat by playing only tryndamere with advice of a dia I friend who one tricks tryndamere. I stopped playing and came back like a month ago. I'm trying to learn new things playing jungle now.

    I turned out to be a terrible jungler. I'm in bronze 2 right now. I play mostly ekko but sometime I also go olaf or master yi. I watched some videos on s10 pathing and priorities, but I found out some are pre patch 10.3 and so they might have some tips which don't take the buffed exp into account.

    The games I play as master yi are the ones I do best. Actually, I carry and win most of them. I just afk farm until level 6, when I start ganking and secure some drags. Get some clean up kills and I'm strong enough to 1v1 pratically anyone. Then I 1v1 some and then I can 1v1 anyone.

    My problem is with the other junglers. Ganking level 6 with ultimate with master yi and getting some clean up kills is easy, at least for me. Power farming and ignoring the rest of the game also. What I can't do properly is mixing ganking with farming, recognizing good gank opportunities, pathing well to not be seen and not take so long that the opportunity is missed.

    When I go with ekko, my games goes mostly like this: i go red>blue>gromp (or blue>gromp>red. In this elo, the top laner doesn't leash, so I can't count on that) and then I try to gank. If the gank gets a kill, I secure the nearest crab and then farm the jungle if I'm healthy enough. If i don't get a kill straight away, I go get crab and maybe go base or try gank in another lane. The thing is when I fail 2 gank attempts I'm normally so behind I can't come back. The enemy jungler is hitting level 6 and I'm still 4. I can't go top because if the laner chooses to focus me I'll just die and he will get away. I'm not good at seeing good gank attempts as even when the enemy is too forward i think they see me coming, as they fall back with my approach. So I have a bunch of questions.

    1) when i go 3 camps > gank, if there's no good gank opportunity, should i go base and restart from krugs to keep up the level?

    2) should a gank attempt fail, should I stay in the bush, help shove the wave to keep up the exp, or just leave to do something else? When I stay I mostly get flammed, but as my teammates are also bronzes, I'm pretty okay just ignoring them, as they don't know what is good for the game.

    3) Getting my camps if I'm healthy can be ruining my jungle timers? If that's the case, should I B anyway to restart properly to a full clear sequenced by a gank?

    4) Counter jungling can help me? I don't seem to find the time to do it and when I'm behind I can't even find the time to clear my camps, so I can't see why should I risk getting picked for this. The low respawn timers also makes it seem more forgiving for the jungler that loses a camp.

    5) Ganking lanes to make them win when they are getting shoved seems nice early, but after 2 or 3 kills of the enemy it just seems like I'm going to be one more dead body as I can't tank properly.

    6) If a laner doesn't engage when I'm about to gank, should I go away and go back to farm to not fall behind? Or should I go in, get some exp, make the enemy flee, give some room for my ally to breath?

    7) Until when should I try hard to keep control of my respawn timers? I can do first route okay, the second I struggle because it seems I need to help somewhere. Also, if I'm at krugs in red side, for example, and botlane is asking for help, should I drop it to go there, or should I hope for them to survive while I clear until the bot side so I can help? I'm sure that if I'm at gromp or wolves I should drop, but I'm not sure when I'm too far from them.

    8) Is there a camp I should be focusing on getting more? Does it depend on the jungler I'm using? I mean, I know krugs give more exp, followed by gromp, but if I have time for only one camp before a gank or objective is set up, does it matter which camp I go or should I just try to stay nearby?

    9) soaking up exp is needed for me not to fall behind when I'm trying to gank with ekko, for example?

    10) 3 camp into gank is said to be a good way of securing buffs and getting to level 3 before gank, but the ganks don't seem good at that time mostly, for me. Should i keep doing the jungle instead when there are no opportunities?

    11) I've seen the 5 camp > scuttler route. Why should one go for that instead of a full clear?

    12) I'm at bottom side and a gank opportunity presents itself at the top lane. Should I go there or ignore it, because maybe the opportunity will be lost or I'll be a level behind and maybe i die in the way?

    13) Should I try other pathing to get around wards? Should I go in the enemy side for that? Or should I go just as fast as I can when trying to gank?

    14) Ganking by the lane is viable? Do I need boots for that? I'm using the boots rune, but when i don't have the kills it just takes way too long for me to get them, so I'm not sure it's helping me at all.

    15) Should I time my backs according priorly to health, money or ganking/jungle timers?

    And please guys, I know I could be winning more by doing afk farming with the proper champs. I could be also climbing very fast just by going back to my top lane, but that's not my objective at all. Despite that, any other advice is very welcome, as I really want to learn how to jungle properly.

    submitted by /u/tolkhadoz
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