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    Thursday, March 5, 2020

    LoL Guide Flash Something

    LoL Guide Flash Something

    Flash Something

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:45 PM PST

    Cannot believe this needs to be said but It is crazy the amount of people I see everyday using the most important ability in the game for no reason. Flash an ability, not after you get hit. It has twice the value as an evade tool as opposed to an escape tool. A hook flying toward you? Flash the hook, not after you get hooked. You see a Morg binding coming? She probably is going to full combo you on top of 6183k damage from cait... flash it. Don't flash after to then just die to ignite/cait ultimate. Be smart my friends, and use your flash right because I gurantee you will start feeling like a god when you make some of the plays you do.

    submitted by /u/reRiul
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    Beginner Guide to Playing Rek'Sai | Runes, How to Clear, and Early Game pathing

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:42 AM PST

    A link to the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vArFiUMgCsM&t=2s

    Hey everyone, I'm a GM/Challenger jungler on NA who plays mostly Rek'Sai.

    I've seen a lot of people trying to pick her up recently and asking a lot of basic questions, so i thought I would make a video covering most of them! If you are interested in learning how to play Rek'Sai and have any other questions, let me know and I'll answer them!

    Thanks for reading my post, have a great day.

    submitted by /u/xDoubtfull
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    For all of you struggling in top lane

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Just pick shen this patch, the previous buff to sunfire and the current buff to titanic hydra combined with the nerfs to ornn and sett have pushed shen to the edge. No longer will you have no impact on the map all game, simply solo kill your laner and look for potential ults around the map and carry your team to victory.

    Seriously though, his op.gg stats are insane at a whopping 57.3 % winrate and 3% pickrate show that he is being underutilized right now, if you want to play a top laner with impact play shen before he gets compensation nerfed for how powerfull titanic and sunfire are right now. Also a good thing about shen is that he teaches you to constantly pay attention to the map, which as a top laner, many people don't do nearly as much as they should.

    submitted by /u/GingerPopper
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    Low elo obsession with early fighting?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Poor promos left me in mid bronze, down from mid gold last season, and it seems like there is a mindset in this rank to fight every possible opportunity. I play more passive mid laners and it seems like top and bot are forcing fights every time a wave hits. Even if the fights go 50/50 suddenly a 5 kill adc comes into my lane way stronger than either mid laner. The game gets sped up and suddenly each team has 20 kills at 15 minutes. Should I try to do the traditional idea of roam occasionally and farm properly or play super agro? Teams will say I did nothing cause my dmg is down and they flame with a 5/7/6 score. Maybe just a vent, but also how should I approach the agro meta?

    submitted by /u/eanderson954
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    Want to reform

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Ok so I am toxic I will admit it I get pissed when my top laner feeds afks trolls or all 3 resulting in me either a running it down or b pressing alt f4 and playing on another account for 15+ mins

    What is the first step to not giving a fuck about your team mates throwing games out the window?

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    friend wants to learn league

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:44 PM PST

    hey all, im a plat 1 support main (peaked diamond 3) and i have a friend who wants to get into league, but is unmotivated due to league's difficult entry barrier and the general lack of new player guidance. how should i help him learn the game slowly without overloading him with information? i want him to end up loving the game and eventually make him a great player that i can duo with (no matter how long that process takes). i think im pretty decent at teaching people things and i was kind of thinking of just going into a custom game with him and teaching him the very basics and then maybe doing some bot games, but i would also love to hear your thoughts. thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/CiahKid
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    Mid Roaming Advice

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I am lvl 49 and pretty confident with my mid champions (Syndra, Swain, Ziggs, Zed), but the main thing I still need to work on is properly timing my roaming/ganking for other lanes. Even though I keep my eye on our other lanes, it's hard to identify the right time. The opportunity to roam I take is after a kill or MIA enemy laner, and if I see the enemy top or bot are middle of lane or pushing my teammates in. So I push my wave in and take the quick judgement. Half the time it works out, and half the time I am too late or it was pointless. I mainly play slow mages, so I feel like I have to think even more ahead to start leaving my lane. So I'd love some advice, and here are some questions.

    • If bot is even and not trading but I have the opportunity, should I roam?
    • If my mid lane keeps freezing and laner is staying but I see a lane needs help, how do I know when or if to go?
    • How can I tell when or if to roam pre-6?
    • When ganking bot, what is the rule for either going river or tribrush? I feel like most of the time they will have it warded, and if I approach with a slow mage like Syndra or Swain, they will back off and we lose our chance.
    • After a successful gank, if I have above half health, should I go back to my lane to farm or back? (obviously I look for objectives to help with.)
    submitted by /u/TimeIllusory
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    When do I start building resist instead of core items if I am winning lane but enemies elsewhere are getting super fed?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PST

    I was in a game as Sett yesterday where bot lane enemy Vayne was going 11-3 and I was 2-0 with highest CS in the game top. I built TF and Titanic Hydra but at this point team was losing the map and I had to start grouping, although they were continuously inting. I bought Steraks next however I feel maybe I should have bought Randy's for the Vayne?

    I have similar experiences with Darius sometimes too.

    Is it best to build resist your instead of core items whenever an enemy is getting super fed?

    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    As a player who prioritizes the absolute destruction of my lane enemy - how much impact does "out farming and not dying" actually have in lower elo?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:17 PM PST

    I have never been an afk farmer type. If I can, I want to completely destroy the person/people I lane against at the sacrifice of my creep score. You can always be up 100 CS on someone but if they are 5/0 and you're 0/0, are you really equal and can you really impact the same way?

    My reason for asking is that it is very common advice to low elo players to "farm better and die less". I see players who are 17/5 with 4 CS per minute and they lose those games. Is this simple change going to make a difference?

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    When to start building defensive items on ADC?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:05 AM PST

    I've been holding off purchasing items like Guardian Angel, Zhonya's, QSS, (fully built item forms) and such until my last or sometimes second to last item. I'll occasionally rush things like stopwatch when I notice that dying will become a problem, but I'm wondering if I'm really supposed to be buying these things as soon as laning phase is over and the map starts seeing more objective play and mid lane teamfights (for instance: times when I'll encounter those things that I'm building these items for in the first place). I normally position well enough to not die in fights early on, and around 4/5 times I steamroll my lane. Am I supposed to be building those defensive items earlier when I begin thinking about doing so, or holding off until later after it's already been a problem for a bit? Seems silly but a lot of suggested build orders show them as late purchases after all core items have been bought.

    submitted by /u/overdosedghost
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    [Need advice] Not enough damage

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Hello there,

    I've been reading this sub a lot and I actually improved so much! I am climbing, my winrate is way better than before (still in Bronze I as I don't have much time to play) so thank you all for the constant discussion :)

    Short backstory: always played mid mages (Ahri, Syndra and Lissandra mainly), but mained support healers and/or tanks. Last month I tried Nunu jungle and ever since I've been improving every single role and I can play different junglers (mainly Nunu and Shyv). Never before I worried about truly learning to play, I just played for fun. Now I play for fun as well but also self-improvement.

    Issue: I DON'T DO DAMAGE. Whenever I play Nunu I am not concerned because I am great at engaging, objectives and surviving long teamfights. But overall, whatever champion I play, I do no damage. I can engage, steal objectives, guarantee vision... but no damage AT ALL. Sure, I know, that's not the only important part but I'd like to be more productive and/or get kills. My damage numbers are outrageously low more often than not. I am also used to play together with a great ADC friend who usually does damage equal to the sum of the damage all the team did. But whenever I play without him the situation is the same.

    Any ideas? Thoughts? Experiences?

    submitted by /u/Wickeon
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    How to transition to an ADC main as a mid/jg main

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:45 AM PST

    I'm a high gold/low plat jg/mid player that has to learn ADC for clash, and I plan to just main it for at least the time being to really learn the role.

    As mid or jungle when my other lanes are farming I can move around and affect the map. As ad am I just supposed to try and catch more waves to get myself farmed? I dont know when I'm supposed to be strong because even when fed or late game I feel weaker than both mid laners. Besides Ezreal, whom I've put hundreds of game in Midlane, I'm feel like the champions are just generally weak.

    Here's my op.gg

    submitted by /u/ArkiusAzure
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    Started to maining Ezreal having specific Questions about his build!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:25 AM PST

    So my post got deleted 4 times, maybe it works this time.

    I've been Support main forever and took a break last Season. Now I want to become an ADC main (Ezreal OTP) and want to clarify some questions I have about his itemization.

    1. Sheen or Manamune first? Almost everyone goes Sheen first item. While I understand that it gives a powerspike on lane I feel that rushing Manamune gives stronger and more reliable power from the second you got it. Is the value far off if I build tear->pickaxe->manamue-> sheen in comparison to sheen->tear->manamune?
    2. Always Lethal Tempo? Its currently meta but some players still take conqueror. Is it item or champion depending? If I go Iceborn/Ninja Tabis against AD heavy enemy team do I take conqueror or is Lethal Tempo always superior? Why do pros sometimes take CONQ over LT?
    3. AP Ezreal still viable? If my team picks full AD comb it would be useful to have some AP damage. AP Ezreal used to be a thing is it still? Looked online some builds but couldn't find it anywhere, is it dead?

    That's all for now I think I had some more but can't remeber it right now (questions always pop up during play time).

    Lets hope this works and wont get instantly deleted :p

    submitted by /u/TheStormsFurySupport
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    (Gold IV) Need help on what I could have done better in my latest Renekton game.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Hey guys, first post here. I am a gold 4 player and hovering around gold 3 too. I played a renekton game and I don't know what else besides farming I could have done. Is my build good? Could I have roamed somewhere to influence the map more? Thanks guys. If you want to watch a bit of the gameplay that would be great, thanks. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thank thank


    Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thank thank

    Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thank thank

    Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thank thank

    submitted by /u/BeltBuying88
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    What am i doing wrong?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Im on a new account that is silver 4, my main was plat 1 before i took a break for year. I'm finding games harder to carry than i did in plat/gold. I main jungle but find it impossible to balance objective taking with ganking lanes, it seems that if i leave a lane alone to gather objectives or gank another lane they seem to lose hard, ive tried playing mid since jungle was tilting me but every jungle i've had (apart from my duo) seems to give up objectives to easily/have no pressure and just farms. My teams will also never listen to my calls when late game arises, they seem to get caught almost every game just before an objective will spawn or is up. Recently ive found my self getting out jungled most games and i have no idea why. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Hopis I main udyr and my yasuo isnt bad but i just can't carry. I know i can't blame my teammates for being worse than me but i'm just finding it harder to carry than it was in plat.

    submitted by /u/Apart_Chance
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    Bot lane with Yuumi

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Fairly new player here, been experimenting with all the roles and have recently been playing adc Twitch. I usually do pretty well regardless of who my support is, except with Yuumi. I know that Twitch has a pretty weak early game and so I try to farm a safe as possible and avoid whatever poke the opponent has, but inevitably they opponent realizes that I can't poke back well and push the wave and deny me cs. At this point, my support would usually help me by engaging back so I can get a few autoattacks to make them back off, then farm and reset the wave. But with Yuumi it just doesn't seem to ever happen, her abilities don't really seem to have much impact and I sure can't do it unless I'm already ahead. Is there something I can do, or is this just a bad pair?

    submitted by /u/Plappyplap
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    Help picking a lane

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Hey all!

    I have played mid lane for a while and top on and off.

    I played top lane yesterday and had a blast on the island playing bruisers like aatrox,jax and Fiora.

    I love playing with the minions and setting up slow pushes in the top lane.

    When I play mid I enjoy assassin but feel as though I get more tilted mid because of the all or nothing play styles of assassins.

    I need help picking between mid and top and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    My accounts are both in NA and they are issuisoft and tsm leggeolas(play on my last name legge).


    submitted by /u/Dlegge121
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    Last iten for support

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Hello, im a New support player, start using sona, alistar and Braum,and i've been enjoing It Very much, i dont have problems with builds, but i have some games that extend to a point that i should buy my last iten as Sup but then i wont have anymore slots for pink wards, so my doubt is: should i make my last iten ir use my last slot Just for pink wards?

    submitted by /u/FrankSicarpa
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    Watching Smurfs is more educational then high elo players

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PST

    People always tell that if you wanna improve you just need to watch high elo streamers and gameplay from them and figure out what they are doing and why. This can be really difficult in my opinion and I also think this is the wrong approach to become better. What brought me to my conclusion were mainly two reasons which I would like to explain to you all.

    1. In high elo vs high elo people make other mistakes and have more knowledge. There are different rules in challenger then in Bronze, way other focusing points and thoughts in the mind of the players then in the other elo. Mistakes a Bronze player is doing and wants to get rid of he will never find in a high elo gameplay, therefore he will not find an answer how to solve this problem very often because people will be focusing on complete other things he will not even understand.
    2. Smurfs are revealing the weaknesses of the particular elo theyre playing in. I think if you really want to improve you need to find a gameplay of a smurf who is playing your champ / your role in exactly your elo, because then you will exactly find out what he is doing better and what is enabling him to archieve victory over victory and also how to exploit the mistakes of your opponents if you study this long enough.

    It can be difficult to obtain such a smurf gameplay but some day for sure you will come across such a player and then you need to stick to him and watch his replays, especialy those where he is carying games hard.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Kubaguette
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    As a person who takes the game too seriously, I want to say that that's Ok, and here's what I did to make it better for me and others.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PST

    I'm a hardcore player. I cant play norms without Losing it when my teammates Int or "for fun" it. I'm a person who cant play Urf because Its imbalanced and I have less control over the game than I'm used too. I rage, I tilt, and I get up in arms when akali/irelia are strong.

    But I'm here to tell people like me that that's ok!

    As a player who has been playing off and on since season 1, and who has only just recently learned enough to hit D2, I want to share some of the ways I have turned that "Competitive spirit" into something constructive that allowed me to further myself, to tilt less team-mates, And how to stop myself from keyboard warrioring my LP away.

    First of all. Don't be like me. You don't need to be chat restricted to change your in-game behaviour. One MASSIVE thing I learned to do was to type out what I was thinking. Read it in my head, and then Ctrl+a and delete it. I used the frustration of actually typing it out to my advantage. The other people in my game don't need to know how I feel about them. As much as you want to type to your support that hes X or Y form of rodent. Dont.

    Another thing. Many of my personal frustrations are rooted entirely in MY performance. Remember to take a step back and realise you aren't infallible. You aren't diamond/masters/gm/chall for a reason But dont let that dissuade you from trying. When things get this bad, SCREENSHOT the time you are at, or save a timestamp of where you are at in the game. Take some time to go back into your saved VOD and go to that moment you felt like that and look at the map. What do you see differently? Is the jungler you though of as being useless taking an objective you forgot about? Is a lane you were wanting to type too actually doing really well? What are YOU doing? The term "take a breather" is so cliche it may as well be illegal to utter the statement, But its like that for a reason.

    IS someone else in your game being toxic? Try being WEIRDLY positive. Maybe itll increase the morale of your team enough to keep going. Fighting fire with fire (CLICHES UGH) burns everyone (dear god this hurt to write) Is not the way to go. Sometimes I make myself laugh with the moment to moment things I say when people are being toxic. But remember, Don't directly target the person flaming, it will make it worse.

    League is a competitive game, but not everyone values it the same. Dont assume that your top laner places the same importance that you do on the game you are playing. If you do, that is the quickest way to have someone shut down and quit, afk, or troll you. As sky once said, SDT (Suck dick theory) is a tried and true method to go further in league. Even if they are constantly fighting and running it down, did you top laner make a sick play? Say gj dude, or, that was sick. Or "THE SUPER TOP!" (heh). Keep your teammates wanting to do more. Dont let yourself get sucked into their negative abyss if they start going south. As much as your mental is important. To win the game there needs to be more people who care.

    Anyways, Those are the main ways I separated the destructive nature of Rage and put it to good use in my games. And Ive not only felt better about myself and playing in general, Ive noticed that my opinion of other players as a whole has improved dramatically. As much as there are actual trolls or toxic people in this game, People actually do want to win. So If you are able to move past those red goggles, you may very well climb fast.

    submitted by /u/Lashdemonca
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    How much armor/MR Is considered overkill against heavy AD/AP teams during endgame?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I just started playing league in January and I'm trying to focus on how to properly build situational end game items. I'm having much more success the past few games building items based off the enemies team comp vs the standard popular builds every game. One thing I'm still unclear about is how much is too much when building defensive items playing top lane Kled? Against a heavy AP team with CC last game I saw my build and realized I had 3 MR items totaling like 100MR with lifesteal. I lost my lane against mordekIser which is why I went this route, and surprisingly I was pretty effective during the latter parts of the game. As a general rule of thumb though, is there a cap as to how many items or points you should allocate to armor/resists? Off the top of my head I think I ended with mercurial scimitar/mercury treads/gargoyle stone plate/rav hydra. Should I have swapped something out for HP and/or armor?

    submitted by /u/Kidsonny
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    Why isn't Riven Jungle a thing ?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I've been playing LoL for over 4 years and I dont remember a phase were Riven JG was played at all.

    It always surprised me that she wasn't a jungler since she has :

    1. Lots of gap closers ( good for ganking )

    2. CC ( good for ganking too )

    3. Farms well since her abilities aren't single target and she has her passive ( good for clearing )

    4. Her builds are also quite versatile ( can be an assassin or a bruiser )

    I used to be a Riven main, before I stopped playing League for over a year, and I sometimes played Riven Jungle for fun and it was actually good.

    What do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/No_Creativity_2893
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