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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    LoL Guide How I become more confident when playing solo?

    LoL Guide How I become more confident when playing solo?

    How I become more confident when playing solo?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys! This is my first post here, y'all seem really helpful to others who have posted so I'll shoot my shot. There is an event going on in League and it will finally be a good chance to get some good skins, the thing is... I have to play.. a lot. But the thing is, how can I be more confident to go into games on my own without my duo buddy?

    I always play with him and his younger brother as the support and I want to get more experience, I just always get nervous when thinking about playing on my own. In low elo people can be so toxic and just troll for no reason. As a support it's hard. (Anyways) Does anyone have any good tips to get rid of pre-game jitters? (Thanks for reading! ❤️)

    submitted by /u/ShayMoon06
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    How else can I explain that laners taking jungle camps (not red or blue) isn't all that bad?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I duo with a jungle main, and he constantly takes moans and gripes about people taking jungle camps. He complains all game, not just early game. I understand that jungle pathing and level counts from 1-6 is super important, but even after that, he thinks that the jungle camps is solely owned by the jungler.

    Arguments that I have brought up, is that if he comes into lanes and benefits from lane farm and plating, why can't laners do the same with jungle farm? Also, I have presented with the fact that if he is on the other side of the map, that jungle camp is wasted potential gold.

    This is in low silver/high bronze. I am trying to climb, but games with him are so toxic (not just this issue). The only thing is I have to approach this with some caution, as he is my coworker, and we see each other every weekday.


    submitted by /u/kuyamik3
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    Wave openings & Macro in League / How to play lane phase and mid game basics

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT


    Video #1

    Video #2

    • What to do after lane phase in ALL roles
    • How to view midgame at a higher level
    • How to set up objectives
    • Bursts of play in LoL & color advantages
    • How to play a refined and consistent mid game
    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    Diana Guide - Comment Response, Combo Advice, Landing Qs, Lunar Rush Plays

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great day today. I have made a Diana guide that shows some tips and tricks including advice for doing combos, how to land more Qs, and unexpected lunar rush plays:


    I will also be responding to some comments that you guys had regarding part 1 of this guide. If you haven't watched part 1 (which talks about builds, best Practices, combos for laning and teamfighting), here is the link:


    Thanks for reading and good luck on the rift~~

    submitted by /u/youtubemenaki
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    How can i improve and close games as a jungler?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:34 AM PDT


    I've been playing jungle for a while and aplying what i learned.

    I've been pathing right, getting fed early and playing for objectives, but i can't close games.

    If my team is doing good i win, but that doesn't count cause it's easy and obvious.

    If my team is behind i lose, i can't carry, but why? Where i'm going wrong? I know u can't win them all but im losing so much. If we 5v5 we lose, even if i kill 2 people. If i go bot and leave top, top loses and vice versa. It's so much pressure to do the right thing and we end up losing cause they are so much stronger. I'm getting really dismotivated, i feel like i suck so muhc.


    submitted by /u/ProteinWaffle
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    Why does Yi require you to focus everything onto him?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Yeah. Post of tears.

    Just lost a game where in early game we went 22-5 against Yi, when he and Vlad suddenly started 2v1-3v1ing our fed carries. Everywhere on how to counter Yi, people just say to focus everything on him and stunlock him until he dies. Now. Here's the thing. Yi is super easy and dull, does require not much mechanics to just Alpha some cc, and mercurial the next, and when he does die just GA and stand up again. Everything is on cooldown, and in the meantime the other 4 people in the enemy team have devastated ours.

    Seriously - how does one deal with this? What if Yi is last pick and picks into a less cc-heavy comp? Just autolose, bad luck?

    submitted by /u/verregnet
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    Is it possible to play with one hand only?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    Hi I play league of legends and was wondering if I could get any tips with playing the game with one hand. I recently broke my right dominant hand in an accident and have been desperately seeking advice on how I can play with my left hand only. Any advice would be appreciated thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sonofmiguel
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    How does Trading Stance apply to melee in Toplane?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Toplane is full of champions with funny mechanics, Irelia closes distance with Q, Aatrox has a melee poke, Darius has his Q, all these things makes me really confused when it comes to proper trading stance in toplane.

    People have abilities that just clear the wave and then they back off.

    Is it really the same as Mid or Bot? Like I try to stand on my dying minion vs Urgot and 5 seconds later I'm on 20% HP.

    It's supposed to force the enemy to either miss the CS or take free harass, but what if they just beat the shit out of you instead?

    submitted by /u/Future_Truth
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    Currently Torn On How To Improve

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    I've very recently returned from quitting LoL two years ago just due to me not being very good and getting in matches with toxic people. I have social anxiety (even online, I can't do vocal chat at all, only text, this also means I do solo only). So me getting into an actual match against real people and not AI was huge for me. (Not Ranked though, I'm not a Ranked person at all.) But then finding out I was trash and getting verbally attacked for being terrible made me recoil back to vs AI. I was decent vs AI, real people not so much. Struggling with this, I decided to quit. Now I've returned, hopefully with a thicker skin.

    I remember someone during a PvP match telling me to not do PvP until I get good, and to stick to vs AI. But since I do okay with vs AI but suddenly do terrible against real people, how do I improve?? I'd hate to do PvP while garbage at the game and cause my team to lose, but at the same time I don't see how else I can be better at the game without PvP practice.

    Any ideas on this would be appreciated. I'm also a newfound Jungler, so any tips on how to be a good Jungler since I'm very ignorant on the role would be nice as well.

    submitted by /u/Zahrii
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    How do I improve my macro as an ADC?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm a high silver/low gold elo player, currently picking up ADC after maining Jungle and offroling Support. I tend to play Varus and Lucian with Kalista being my new favourite pick (even though I know she isn't anywhere near as strong as she was).

    My CSing isn't the worst, although I'm far from being an ADC main, but I can poke quite okay and position myself decently as well. However, none of that really matters now.

    Pretty much every game, I tend to sit botlane until I either take the turret, enemy toplaner starts 2v1ing my mid or there's heavy objective play / river skirmishing going on. Sometimes this happens for 25 minutes straight.

    My question is, how do I know when to roam mid or even top? What else should I do besides mindlessly trying to get the best CS in the match? Also, when should I concede kills for my allies instead of trying to get that sweet, sweet Quadra (I'm not talking about the obvious full build case)?

    I also have one other question. What should I do when I'm starting to get zoned by the enemy botlane? For exmaple, whenever I'm facing Draven, he's able to safely punish me with trading stance due to his Q having insane damage, winning him the trade efortlessly and thus not allowing me to farm. Is there a way to counter that without bringing the support into play?

    submitted by /u/PochodnaZmieniaZnak
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    How do i be consistent in lane as an adc?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    If there is one thing that has kept me from climbing consistently, it has to be this: I just can't get through lane consistently. Every single game, laning phase feels like an actual coinflip. As an adc it feels like i'm completely at the mercy of my support, jungler and even the roaming midlaners who decide whether we win or lose the lane given that i'm very weak without items. If my support and jungler are killing it, the game is completely free. I pick up kills, start snowballing and once i get an item lead i'm unstoppable and i close the game out 99 out of a 100 times. I'm very clean in snowballing leads to victory. But the other 50% of games, their jungler and support take over my lane. Maybe my support gets caught early and dies, maybe my jungler completely ignores my lane while their jungler is camping the crap out of us, maybe my jungler got counterganked at the worst possible moment and we lost 3v3. However it happened, we fall behind early and i stay behind for the rest of the game before we inevitably lose the game. It feels like nearly every single game is decided by which botlane manages to pull of the best early engage (which is usually the support his job) or gets the best early gank.

    Are their actually adc mains out there who can consistently make it out of laning phase even or ahead? How do you do it? What champions do you play?

    I really need some tips on this. The coinflippy nature of pre 20 minutes adc is getting on my nerves so hard that i'm about to quit the role entirely.

    submitted by /u/OldskoolLoL
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    How to freeze and stop them from breaking it?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    So I know "how" to freeze the wave but I don't know how I'm supposed to get the wave to push to me so that I can actually freeze the wave if my laner won't attack it and how to stop them from breaking it. I usually play in the mid lane and Yasuo but I don't know if the role matters or champ matters much.

    submitted by /u/Sofruz
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    How do I keep up my cs mid-late game?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Adc main here, I've recently noticed a problem with my cs during the mid and late game where it starts to fall off. I usually hit around 75-80cs by 10 minutes, but that number drops to about 150 by 23-25 minutes, and I find it hard to increase my cs-min as it's hard to farm when there's always something happening on the map, e,g fights or baron. And when I do find a time to farm, all lanes are pushed in too deep to a position where it's too dangerous for me to cs and there's nothing to do. How do I change this?

    submitted by /u/SwiggitySwootyBoi
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    How often does a team end up fighting the Baron?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    I started playing LoL roughly a week or so ago (have played here and there throughout the years, but never seriously), and have been making my way through the "beginner" missions that they grant newcomers. So far, I've completed both the Level Up and Daily Login ones, and just have the Awakening Missions left.

    The Awakening Mission I'm on currently involves killing jungle objectives as a team; specifically the Dragons, the Rift Herald, and the Baron. I've managed to get most of the mission completed by just continuing to practice in Coop Vs. AI, but I think most Vs. AI games end before the Baron even shows up. I've thought about popping into an actual PVP game, but considering how late he spawns and how it sounds like it's usually a big team effort to both kill the Baron and fend off the enemy team, I'm worried it's something that might be difficult or even impossible to complete without a more organized team...or is fighting the Baron something that actually happens in most games, anyway?

    submitted by /u/RadasNoir
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    Being carried

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    After looking over past matches and statistics. I noticed that many of my wins are due to me being carried, and many of my losses are due to my lack of impact.

    I play mainly Anivia and Aurelion sol midlane. Anivia I play when I have a split pusher, I can hold waves while pressure is being made on the map and act as late game insurance. As Aurelion I try my best to roam as much as possible, keep rivers warded, and provide help with jungle skirmishes.

    However, after everygame I play I feel as though I have no impact at all. I get my cheeks clapped in lane and either get carried or lose. I guess my question is, how do I impact the game more and be more of a "carry" rather than the "carried"

    My region is NA and my ign is T0xsic Player (the 0 is a zero)

    Im not sure if op.gg or any other site would provide much information that could lead to feedback. But I would appreciate any universal tips

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Redditerino123
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    Is Evelynn (jungle) good as of now?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    Hello! I've played Evelynn a lot of time ago, but I didn't know the game enough to jungle properly. Yesterday I was in a draft and I tried her out, and it didn't go as badly as I thought it would go. So my question is: is she a good choice as a jungle assassin now? Are the other assassins better than her? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ilkiwer
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    Jax or Trynd?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    I've been maining trynd for a while and he helped me climb to plat, now I'm struggling and I find myself loosing most of the time when I first pick and get counter picked. So I want to know, what are the differences between these two champions and which is better sticking to as the main champion as well as which one is better as a first pick?

    submitted by /u/Mu6awa3
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    Rumble in one for all?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    When I play one for all, Rumble seems to come up in the vote pool extremely frequently, far more often than nearly any other character. However, I can't for the life of me figure out why. From what I can tell, Rumble doesn't seem to be especially powerful, nor does he have any abilities that snowball when used in multiple copies, nor does he have any abilities that are just really fun in multiples. Every other character that gets picked frequently has one of those traits. The only thing I can think of is that Rumble is a troll pick for when people want to make sure their team isn't having fun. But that feels overly pessimistic to me. Is there something about Rumble I'm missing that explains why he's so commonly voted for?

    submitted by /u/Nephisimian
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    Advice on Playing Supp in Silver?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a support main (will stay with that lane) and I was pretty inactive the last few seasons. My mains (after I limited my champ pool) are Morgana / Leona / Nami or Janna. Currently Silver 1. More info in the comment (because the post would be to long otherwise).

    My problems / questions:

    (1) wave management: how can I help with that? I know how to push / freeze ... don't push to hard if no vision but also don't let the enemies push my adc all the time under turret, trying to put pressure especially if you're in the favored matchup etc. But often I have an adc who non stop pinging me when I hit some minions for him (even if I help him under turrent) ... I don't deny them (maybe one or two sometimes but that happens) and when I play with a good adc they always appreciate it. But most of the time I get an adc who writes „I can't farm if you hit minions ... let them push" and then we are staying under turret getting harassed and my adc misses every single cs and often has half as much as the enemy .. what to do as Support with such a player? I know I can't change him I have to do something but what if only staying under turret because he stays there and jungler doesn't gank the pushed in lane?

    (2) laning phase: sometimes there are matchups you can't do a lot but I always give my best to punish enemy mistakes. If I play tank against poke I try to stay safe and not loosing a lot of hp so I can go in when hitting lvl 2 or 3. I always try to not go in into huge enemy minion waves and try to help hitting minions that we have lvl 2 advantage. If I play poke I give my best to poke the enemy down before they can go in. It's not always possible or sometimes I have a bad day but I give my best. But every once in a while I get a pretty bad adc (autofilled, mental or whatever). He pushes to hard or getting pushed in non stop. Just getting hit by everything because of bad positioning and dies to jungler even if I ping him away (then I often die too because I still wanna help that's a pretty bad hapit I think). If my adc is behind in later game but I see we have someone else doing good I try to help him snowballing. But I don't feel like roaming before lvl6 is a good thing because I often loose a lot of xp / supp item stacks. And then I feel useless until lvl 6 ... what to do in such situation early game (adc with bad positioning always getting catched / don't follow up if needed)?

    (3) objectives: I feel like 3 out of 4 people in silver / gold giving a fuck about drake. I always ping it 1 minute before and 30 sec before. Trying to build up vision etc. Most of the time my teammates are just ignoring my pings or start dying 10 sec before drake spawns. I had some games in a row now where the lanes did a okay to good job also the jungler played fine but we lost because they gave a fuck about objectives and always starting 3vs5 fights. Even if I write in chat (what I normally don't do) that they should group or pick instead of playing 3vs5.

    I always try to improve but in those situations I really feel helpless / useless or ignored. Also this should not sound like „I always get bad adc / my jungler is always shit etc.". It's just that playing with good teammates is easy but I struggle if I get really bad ones but still wanna give my best and wanna now what I can do in such situations.

    Sorry for the long text and thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ZarahXenon
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    ADC Blue side

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    Is this something I need to worry about.

    Sometimes I get 4 man dove from full HP under tower on blue side. It's so hard to notice it before I am getting dove until it's already too late and I'm stuck trying to improvise. This doesn't happen too much but it does happen pretty frequently around my elo range.

    The thing that surprises me is that both me and my support can be full hp and it doesnt matter unless we have some hard CC to scare them off with.

    I dont know, should I be looking less for advantages in my lane now because if this is something that is gonna become prevalent with elise/ekko type champs I need to change up the strategy. What kind of strategy should I implement and is this something that is my fault for dying under my tower from full or should I draft better, outplay it, position better?

    I frequently play ezreal and the attrition game just goes out of the window when this happens.

    Sorry for the wall I hope this makes sense.

    submitted by /u/grimmjoww
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    Which ADCs have the best two item power spike?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I have wanted to learn the role for a while and finally made an account dedicated to it. I'm looking to play Marksman that have a good early power spike so I don't have to farm for 30 minutes to be useful. I know of Lucian and Ezreal but don't really care for the former and the latter seems pretty hard.

    submitted by /u/COWAAAAAARDS
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    [JG[ What to with with bot lanes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    I notice that a large majority of games are decided by bot lane. I also have games where other lanes have a bad game, but it seems bot tends to have the most issues.

    What can I do when this is the case? I feel as if my bot lanes are disproportionately falling behind in my games and I can't help but wonder if I need to start ganking for them more. Could I get some advice on ganking bot lane, and generally good timings for when to do so?

    And, if my bot lane is behind, what can I do? I feel like it becomes super oppressive because it gets to a point where I can't even really take drakes or even contest. Should I be ganking here or is it just worth playing it safer and just trying to get/clear vision?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    How do i win a lane where my opponent just waits for ganks?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I keep getting lanes where my laner just sits backs never fights and wait for his jungler to gank him and i cannot do anything, i feel like if i dont destroy my lane the game is always a coinflip but these players just stall me or even win lane because of jg diff.

    The worse part is that is when my jungler doesnt ever gank and its somehow behind in farm and xp like what do i do in that situation?

    I play toplane in plat and i feel most of my lanes are decided by which jungler ganks the lane more and who has the best matchup and not who is the actual better player

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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