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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    LoL Guide Its ok to by other boots as ADC

    LoL Guide Its ok to by other boots as ADC

    Its ok to by other boots as ADC

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PST

    TL;DR ninja tabi and merc treads are also options for ADCs. Please analyze the enemy before you buy your boots

    I feel like a large majority of low elo ADCs dont know this. Just because you are a auto attack based damage dealer, doesnt mean you need to restrict yourself to only berserk greaves. Merc treads and ninja tabi are also options. You may lose some dps but that assasin might not kill you as fast as they would normally if you have some more armor besides the late GA. Or if the enemy Leona just wont let you move, get a merc treads and you'll be able to move 35% sooner. This info is super valuable. Please keep it in mind.

    Edit: I am not a adc main (probably invalidates my whole post I am sorry) so I dont fully know the viability of going mercs/tabi over greaves, but I guess this can be a learning experience for me. Im seeing alot of mixed ideas in the comments so Its obvious that the situation isnt as black and white as I made it seem. If youre curious, check the comments to learn more info than I can offer

    submitted by /u/LittleWeeTodd
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    Should I quit league when I have ADHD?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PST

    I don't know if I have ADHD. When I start playing 1 game on league, sometimes i don't pay attentions or thinking about where's the enemy jungler is(when jungler comes to gank) how to warding, laning phase, roaming or whatever. When I don't think about such as warding, laning phase, roaming or whatever, I start to feel anxiety and frustration.

    submitted by /u/K4tarinaKR
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    Contrary to what this sub believes defensive boots are very, very, very rarely optimal on ADC's

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Let me preface this by saying that defensive boots are, very rarely, not a bad buy. Onto the post now though.

    I see the post on the front page getting a LOT of traction. Let's get a few things out of the way

    1. Defensive boots won't save you from assassins. They just won't. 35 armor or whatever the fuck it is and 12% auto damage isn't going to save you from an assassin even if they aren't fed. What will save you is positioning properly and forcing them to use their cd's on another enemy so you can safely approach a teamfight and do a LOT more damage because you built the proper boots.
    2. Defensive boots bought early in lane harm your ability to lane. You're giving up aggressive combat stats for defensive combat stats. Aggressive combat stats help you manage the wave, punish enemy mistakes, and build towards your core items. You're setting yourself behind 800 gold minimum in order to negate like 20 damage per auto or be stunned by leona for 1.5 seconds instead of 2.5. I repeat, it is NEVER optimal to buy defensive boots solely for lane phase.
    3. Defensive boots are a bandaid fix that don't help stitch together your core issues with your gameplay. You'll win an extra game here and there while continuing to lose games due to your poor habits since you're strictly altering your builds and limiting your growth potential to play the game properly.

    Study the game people. There's a reason it's very, very rare to see challenger/professional level adc players building defensive boots. I understand a lot of people will look at this and say, "Well, Tranimal, I'm only gold! You can't expect me to play like a challenger player!"

    They're absolutely goddamn right. I can't expect it. Nobody can. But learn the game. Analyze it. Improve. If you see a Zed, Khazix, and Vayne on the enemy team look at them and instead of thinking "hey I need tabis" think "hey I need to let one of my teammates stall Zed and Khazix until their gap closers are down then I can abuse my range and position near my support/tanks so they can protect me from Vayne tumbling in to duel me on the side/backline of a fight"

    This is not a mechanically intensive skill. You can do this with just your right mouse button. This is a mental skill that takes preparation and consistency to get used to. Work towards becoming the best player you can be and climb will come naturally as you improve.

    Also, I'll reiterate, but there ARE times where defensive boots are viable. They're just very, very, very, very rare.

    submitted by /u/Transky13
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    What was your worst LOL ‘slump’?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PST

    I have won 3 of my past 27 ranked games over the past 2 weeks and I feel like I'm losing my mind.

    I'm sure everyone knows the feeling when you don't think you're doing anything all that different from before, but every game feels completely impossible to win for some reason.

    Not looking for advice on how to avoid tilt. I'm just curious to hear what everyone's worst slump was, and when it ended, whether you think you were actually playing better or you just started getting more favorable matchmaking?

    submitted by /u/TheMolokaiCop
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    Gangplank mid?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PST

    How viable is he midlane? Asking because I would like to learn to play AD midlaner but they are somewhat limited since AD assasins dont exactly excite me that much and GP seems like a cool champion.

    But I am wondering is he worth playing mid or is he more useful being on the island that is toplane and making fights uneven with his ult from there rather than from midlane where he actually would most likely fighting himself aswell. Plus I feel like he needs Lvls and gold to be strong so am I handicapping myself aswell early on in the early game fights, drake etc. by picking someone who needs time against other more early focused midlaners?

    submitted by /u/HHHH4HHHH4HHHH4HHHH4
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    How should I analyze both high elo games and my own games to improve?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PST

    A common thing that I hear is that watching pros and analyzing your own vods is very helpful to climb, but what should I look out for and how often should I review both high elo games and my own games. For background I peaked diamond but am currently platinum and switched to top lane, and when I watch pro and high elo top laners play, I see a lot fo things being set up for them like tp gank opportunities and ganks whereas I don't think I am learning that much seeing that because in platinum that hardly happens, so how can I review pros to get the best knowledge of how to win, also with my own games should I review them as much as pros and how should I go at it?

    submitted by /u/TL5Surge
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    I have been trying to up my Mid-Game CS, but almost every time I try to go to a sidelane to push out a wave a fight breaks out in Mid Lane. Is there a way to prevent this?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:54 AM PST

    I have been trying to keep my cs up to 7.5 or 8 cs/m consistently and not just in the early game. I have learned that pushing out sidelanes and clearing jungle camps later into the game can keep a good gold income and keep your CS high. Despite this, almost every time I go to a sidelane, a fight breaks out in mid even if there are no objectives to fight over. I have been told to not fight unless it is completely necessary so I hate seeing fights like these break out. Every time something like this happens I end up getting pinged by my entire team because I was trying to push out a sidelane. This has made me reluctant to even go to a sidelane and I have just been sitting mid in the majority of my recent games hoping for us to win a team fight. is it better for me just to ARAM and lose some CS? Or should I still try to control the sidelanes to keep a steady gold income? Also, is there a certain elo that I should reach before relying on my team to not fight while I push out a sidelane?

    OPGG: (I have recently been playing a lot more ranked on the first account)


    submitted by /u/ItsDougOfficial
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    LoL Tier List: The Best Champions for Ranked in 2020

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:51 PM PST

    What's up, guys? Recently another article of mine was published to the Dignitas website. This time, I'm covering my personal tier list of some of the best picks to pick up this season to make the remainder of your climbs with, packed with some of the most powerful and consistent picks you could choose from so far this season.

    Unfortunately, due to the delay that comes with publishing and stuff, the article is a bit outdated in terms of patches. However, the reasons I recommend each champion are still very much relevant given the current state of the game.

    Check it out here!

    Hopefully, I get to help a few of you decide on what champs you want to play as you continue your climbing and reach your ranked goals for the season.

    As always, I encourage those who like my writing to not only comment below and give me their feedback, but also check out some of my previous work, such as:

    Lastly, I want to leave you all with a question: What types of League of Legends topics would you like to see more written content about?

    Thanks for all of your continued support. I'll see you guys on the rift.

    submitted by /u/-Presteej
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    Dodging penalties in Iron/Bronze

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Hello guys, I unfortunately happened to dodge SoloQ twice in a row, thus going for 30 min queue. 1st time I lost -3LP (normal), but second time I also lost -3LP. Normally it's -10 for the second one, no? Or are the rules different because I'm Iron? (currently positive win rate in placement) Or is it because I'm in placement? I had no idea but I guess it's cool to be able to dodge more with less penalty since many games are lost in champ select? Cheers !

    submitted by /u/DeimosIzi
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    Why is MF meta ?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:26 AM PST

    I dont understand why everyone treats her super broken tier, the games i played her it didnt feel like she did something that other adc's cant do and she has a very low base adc so am i missing the point or something because she doesn't feel op at all to me.

    submitted by /u/micimaco
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    Am I bad or is there something else hindering me?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PST

    I'm aware questions like "am I bad" Has been seen numerous times, probably, I haven't seen any personally. I feel like one of the only issues is my mechanics.

    I aspire to main mid with mechanically difficult champions like Zoe or Syndra, and I find it fun to try to learn the mechanics, but sometimes I miscalculate her paddle star or I'll try to predict where someone will go and they don't go that way. Too often.

    I ward, I ping, i remind jungle of drag when the jungle is not so good, I try to be kind and keep the team's spirits up so they don't tilt too hard(it's a thing for me when someone doesn't give someone credit where it's due).

    I haven't gotten S-, S, or S+ not even once all this time I've been playing, so I figure I'm just bad at the game, even playing ad support.

    It sucks because I love this game. I watch videos, I practice with bots, though I don't like to practice with bots because it's not the same as the real deal;people. People are so scary though and I can get pretty tilted. I also don't play while I'm tilted though, I take a break!

    I don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong, and I'd like some pointers. I've even thought of streaming so people could give me tips while I play, but I don't know how to stream or if I even have the equipment for it.

    submitted by /u/DefPonini
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    Beat way to learn to jungle?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Title should read "best", oops!

    I used to play a lot of League in precious seasons, and a fair amount of jungle, however I've always just relied on practice and "picking it up as I go along", more than actually learning the jungle meta at any given time.

    I've just started playing again and I'm looking to actually improve my game. Where would you advise to start?

    submitted by /u/Dincht04
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    How extreme is the matchmaking adjustment when you’re in a party vs alone?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Question in title.

    Essentially, I prefer to play with friends, but I have noticed that I lose lane playing with friends a lot more than playing alone. I assumed this was because league adjusts matchmaking to make it harder for the team with the duo-queue, but I was curious if anyone knew how extreme the matchmaking difference is.

    submitted by /u/TheMolokaiCop
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    2 weeks in and I have some questions

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PST

    So many things to learn!

    Sorry if it's a mix but there are some things that are not very clear for me :

    1-ADC main sources of dmg are AA right? So why bother using Ezreal Q or Kaisa Q? (yes those are the 2 I'm learning to play with)

    2-With Kaisa as example when to know when to build AP or AD? AP is for killing mages and AD is against tankier champions? is there a reason why?

    3- When playing ADC when is it wise to stop farming and begin to join team fight?

    4- Is it wise to use your abilities for getting CS? With Kaisa I tend to spam her Q, or use Ezreal Q to get a Cs rather than on enemies.

    5-I'm learning junglers too and I have the same question : when to farm, play objectives or gank? Is there like a level at which I should say "ok let's go ganking". I guess it's all champion dependant.

    6-I may not have chosen the easiest jungler to start with , (fortunately I play also Warwick), but I'm learning Reksai, I feel like he's more gank oriented than some other junglers, but I may be wrong. Are there some more jungle clearing oriented champions.

    6-What is the best thing to do when you're having a bad game just to not make it worse? Hide and farm to try to catch up or joining team fights even though you're likely to die?

    submitted by /u/Hans_Spinnner
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    What to do as an ADC when all of your team goes mid?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Basically title.

    • My teams in ranked and sometimes normals (I have pretty low MMR score) after lane just go all mid. I know this isn't the right decision as we miss a lot of potential XP and farm but as an ADC I can't really do anything about that since if I go to a side lane I'll immediately just get one shot out of nowhere.
    • When I tell them to go to a side lane all my team answers is: "fu shut up"

    What can I do differently?

    submitted by /u/PokelingLoL
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    When and where to use herald?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I was playing poppy jungle, I had a good bot and made some good ganks there, made some good ganks on top too but enemy Garen was still killing my Singed and just kept pushing that lane without moving an inch. My thought was "Ok, I'll try to put some pressure on him by pushing the midlane so maybe he'll move on mid instead of sitting top" and so I got two Heralds and put them both on mid since my Ahri never pushed or roamed. My Shen support then decides to say that I love wasting heralds and that by using them on mid I'm not playing the game properly. We still won, but I'm still confused if I made the right decisions. Top was barely pushed, even though Singed should've been able imo to at least put some pressure due to clearing waves before they got to the lane and bot got one enemy tower, while mid was barely touched. Any suggestions when to properly use heralds in which situations?

    submitted by /u/yuriannax
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    Help Update Our Educational Streamers/Youtubers Page

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Currently going through this list and purging creators who are no longer active and have outdated content, as well as formatting the page to look a bit nicer.

    Looking for suggestions on streamers and/or youtubers who should be on this list but are not. To be on this page they must be vocal about what/why they are doing what they do (streams) or they upload guides/analysis/etc (youtube), with more than a few instances of content.

    Please be sure to check that your suggestions are not already listed on the page. Depending how many people come around, I may do this for future wiki sections as well. Thx☺

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Is there a reason I'm seeing a lot of Pyke mid suddenly?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PST

    I know Pyke sololane used to be playable, but after the nerfs it was pretty much gone. However since about 2 weeks I've started seeing him mid again. For example in the past week I played 3 times with a Pyke mid in the game. Is there a specific reason for this or is it just chance?

    submitted by /u/HNK-von-herringen
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    Attack Move Bind

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:10 PM PST

    What key do you guys bind the attack move to? I have always had it at shift+right and also a side mouse button (I have a G502). I tried putting it to left mouse click but I was moving all over the place when looking around the map, buying items, and I can't even ping. I would rather have it on left click, but if that forces me to have to move everywhere with it, I would rather not use it. What key do you guys bind it to, and is there is an easier way for me to use the left key as attack move? Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/Freddolam
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    How to have good mental vs smurfs.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:58 PM PST

    This is my op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=fofi15cd Recently I played vs https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=eyes%20only%20mid who seems to have been smurfing . my team mentally checked out from loading screen after someone said that our opponents had high winrate. Is there a way to convince your team to still keep playing.

    submitted by /u/FireforDAYz
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    Stay in Normals forever?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:53 PM PST

    So recently I read Faker didn't play Normal games until the queue was so bad because of how high his MMR got. By the time he jumped into ranked he was easily able to get to Challenger.

    So my question is is this a useful thing to do for anyone who wants to improve? Is it better to play Normals indefinitely until you feel you've become so good at them you can cruise through ranked?

    Not that I wanna get as good as Faker, I don't have that kind of time. But I meant moreso sticking in normals until I reach a skill level where I feel I could rush to something like Diamond the first time I play ranked?

    I'm kind of wondering because I'm still newish haven't even done all my placements yet and some have said just jumped into ranked while others say wait, and it's become kind of a hard decision

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Wagabo
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    need help with ADC early game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I'm learning adc after being a mid main for a while and one of the things I've noticed playing it is apart from just consistently farming well or poking, there isn't as much that I can do to get prio or get a lead besides from having an all in type support. I'm fairly inconsistent with getting early leads unless the enemy duo randomly feeds, and I mostly get fed off of mid game which means I'm often relying on my teammates to good early so the game isn't lost.

    Are there certain champs or strats that have a consistently good way to win early game as adc, or am I playing the role wrong? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sheldonoscopy
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    Never feel bad about calling shots

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:06 AM PST

    For a long time I was embarrassed or scared to call shots in games. I though my team would be concerned with my KD or my match history or whatever other insecurity I had. I was scared to try to direct the team because I felt unqualified. BUT THATS NOT TRUE! The first game I said "fuck it maybe someone will listen" I tried to call shots and actually communicate with my team I found instant improvement. I realized that no one (important) actually cared about my credentials and were very willing to listen as long as I showed that I was true to what I said. I know it's not a new concept and given the toxicity of most games it feels useless often, but I promise there are more people out there that want to help you than want to flame you. I think of it like democracy; It only works if everyone believes in it

    submitted by /u/TheWednesdayWarrior
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