LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.5 |
- Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.5
- Daily 8 Hour Educational Stream
- What i learned from dota2
- how to actually learn
- Couple of questions for those who watched Tyler1 climb as a jungler
- Silver and lower ELO players, if you are a support or interested in the role read this.
- Summon Aery
- Watch a stream tonight from the coaches perspective!
- What advice would you give for new players to league of legends that are not new moba players? I have played other mobas for 3 years but I think it’s time to move on. The thing is that I’m very competitive and I like to be really good at the games I play.
- When to back for jungle items
- Challenger vs Pro Players
- what is so strong about Garen?
- New Irelia mechanic allows you to ult during Q
- What are your thoughts on sett, this hero ultimate looks really good and reminds me of a hero from mobile legends called Chou because of his ability that throws the enemy towards his team. As a beginner to lol This champion looks valuable at feeding your team kills.
- What is the issue of most D1/M1 hardstuck junglers
- What do you build vs thresh support?
- Jungle pathing?
- Working with Difficult Players [Part 3] How to Identify and Understand Difficult Players: The Tree Levels of difficult players
- What is the correct call after a succesful gank?
- Warming up before playing
- Who the heck runs predator?
- What are the fundamentals of top lane?
- Experience with and against Soraka after big nerf?
- Playing from behind/ahead
- i want to improve
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Daily 8 Hour Educational Stream Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:40 AM PDT Hey! My name is Sad. I'm a D1 streamer, and coach that can play just about anything, and I want to prove that by getting at least rank 100 world with each champion in their respective role. I'm a pretty chill guy and I completely hate negativity because it removes the "fun" (I know, we're playing League, what fun, just roll with me) aspect of the game. So, I try my best to be positive, entertaining and educational. I'm more than happy to answer any question you have in stream and you'll find that I'm really interactive with chat. Currently, I'm doing Irelia and Fiora, trying to get Irelia to Top 25 World and getting Fiora to Top 5 World. since I'm originally a top laner, I figured starting with these champions would be the easiest. I'll branch out to mid, jungle and adc. I'll only play support if I find a fun duo to play with while streaming. I used to be an OTP, but now I want to make sure that I'm the furthest thing from an OTP as possible because I want to make sure that I can play everything to the highest level, and if I can't currently do that, I want to learn to be better. I'm also a part of TopLaneTV which is a channel started by RivenBadChamp with the idea of having a channel that's dedicated for top lane content and live 24/7. It's starting this weekend and I'm pretty excited about it! If you have any questions about any champion in any role, or just about the game in general, feel free to drop by the stream and ask! I'll be streaming for the next 8-10 hours after this post goes live. Or you can just ask in the comments down below and I'll answer as quickly as possible! I'm more than happy to help people learn and improve! Edit: Power cut. So, I'll drink away my sorrows with orange juice and answer questions here till it comes back Edit 2: We're back! Edit 3: .... More Orange juice and talking with twitch chat using my phone + mobile data Edit 4: We're back! Edit 5: More Orange Juice. Edit 6: We're still at Orange juice so send me some questions or general comments to get me through the dark dark afternoon. Edit 7: We're back! Edit 8: I'm gonna head to sleep now, but I'm more than happy to keep answering all your questions and comments when I wake up. I really do enjoy answering your questions and helping you improve, so feel free to flood me with questions! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:56 AM PDT The biggest and most pronounced piece of information that i learned from playing dota2 is the importance of understanding your win condition during champion select. The biggest mistake i see in low elo(plat and below) is picking win condition carry's in the first 2-3 picks and then having it getting hard countered by the enemy team(often just by chance in low elo). Dota2 has characters that have much clearer strengths than in league, so counter picking is much easier, BUT the item diversity in that game is much more complex. Because of this, you can itemize to help with enemy counters much more effectively in dota even if your heroes usual game plan wont work out that game because of the enemy team composition. on the contrary, in league, champion builds and game plans tend to be much more static: this is the ultimate fault of building a game around offensive items that give minimal amounts of defensive stats(I.E. why melee carries in LoL are essentially irrelevant). What I have realized is that because the flexibility of item builds in league is so static, games are, ON AVERAGE, much more decided in champion select. Not only this, but in low elo games especially, teams will not only not be able to recognize their own win condition, but have minimal to no understanding of how to play around said win condition, leading to many MANY avoidable losses. This leads me to my next point: One tricking does not work unless your champion is either fundamentally flexible enough to play the role of an enabler to a carry(riven) or strong enough as a champion that it can carry in most any situation(ie yi or kassadin). This is why, if you want to win more games, the trick is to one trick either a specific ROLE or having a tight and small champion pool that can answer one of the 3 major possible enemy win conditions(protect the carry, teamfight focus, or pick-off focus). By both developing a small champion pool to deal with these situations and properly being able to analyze and, more importantly, PLAY AROUND these win conditions, i guarantee your winrates will increase. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT I've been playing league for 5~6 years and feel like I haven't learned anything, everytime I play ranked I don't feel like I am winning because of me, I feel carried, I feel like a contribute to nothing to the game, im currently sitting at Gold 3, everytime I league up I feel like I am bruteforcing my way through the elo and not rising because of my skills. I want to know how to have a learning mindset, how to actually look at my mistakes and how to think critically, Im a jungle main, my pool consists of Lee Sin, Sylas and Pantheon [link] [comments] |
Couple of questions for those who watched Tyler1 climb as a jungler Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:02 AM PDT Tyler1 recently climbed pretty decently as a Jungler and reached Masters, while being an ADC main since the beginning. What do you think he did to improve as a jungler? And what are the general skills he had as as an adc main that carried over to Jungling? [link] [comments] |
Silver and lower ELO players, if you are a support or interested in the role read this. Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT Last season I played jungle most of the split, but I've been an ADC main for 4+ seasons. I got back in the role because of clash and I've been trying to practice but the coin toss of getting a half decent support is too damn random. I know that if you are in this ELO is because you lack game knowledge but let me try to help you with what I know:
Support is a very fun role, but people think it's a "I suck, carry me senpai" role. IT ISN'T. Early game is where you shine, you and the jungler are the training wheels for your carries to dominate team fights once they start breaking out in the map. Feel free to correct me and add more to this, it has been a nightmare to come back to the role especially since jungle is such an independent and dominant role. I just came to the point that I know within the first minute of the lane who the best support is, and if it is going to be a stay alive lane instead of an actual fight for dominance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PDT Why is Summon Aery not meta on all champions with DoT? Specificly, I play Cassiopeia, currently climbing out of Silver. It seems the Keystone should be viable on all Damage over Time champion, but the only Keystones currently being take on Cassiopeia are Conqueror for the metaslaves and phase rush for the One Tricks. Edit: I have played a lot of matches with all 3 Keystones, Conqueror, Phase Rush, and Summon Aery. I personally feel they each have individual strengths. Conqueror has damage ramping sustained damage/healing. Phase Rush has Move Speed for chasing enemies down(extra ability hits before going out of range)/kiting away. Summon Aery has high poke/damage over time. [link] [comments] |
Watch a stream tonight from the coaches perspective! Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:35 PM PDT Post approved by u/Caedei Edit: updated stream link and vs team name for tonight There are a lot of streams available of LoL players just playing the game, but have you ever been curious of what it's like to watch a stream from the coaches perspective? Are you yourself interested in becoming a coach, but don't know what it's like to BE a LoL coach? Hey guys, Hotrod08 here with a stream to present to you! The stream I host is an educational stream held on YouTube on Tuesdays and Thursdays where I am the coach to my 5-man team (5 Wards). The goal of this stream is to show viewers how coaches work with their coachees, teach viewers how to play LoL better themselves, and to allow suggestions as to how I can coach 5 Wards better myself. Within the stream, I hold:
Tonight's stream will start off with my weekly lesson plan. Today's lesson is "The Power of Pinging", why using pings are important, the different types of pings, their uses, and finally how to set them up. The lesson shouldn't take any more than 15-20 mins. Afterwards, we will have a scrim setup either Bo3 or 3-block (opponent vs Toxic Raccoons). Within these games, we will deliberately practice the lesson plan we just did. In game #1, everyone's comms will be muted and they will only be allowed to communicate with pings. In game #2, only the Jungler's comms will be open (shotcaller). Everyone else will have to communicate with pings. In game #3 (if time allows), voice comms will be open to everyone but it'll be encouraged for all to use as many pings as possible (overuse). When all 3 games are done, we will have a discussion over today's games, and then end with VOD reviews of the games just played. If this interests you, I'd love to see you in tonight's stream! It will be starting around 8:35pm EST tonight and it will last around 3 hours. Stream Link: Live notes: Our team's practices are Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30pm EST each week. Tuesday is usually a full scrim day, while Thursdays are lesson oriented. If you have any questions prior to the stream, feel free to comment on here and I'd be more than happy to answer! Within the stream, feel free to ask within the chat or join my Discord and I'll help you there with questions too! If you enjoy the stream, subscribe to the channel for updates to the next streams I host :) Discord will also give you updates to the next streams too: Thanks much, and I hope to see you tonight! Dylan | Hotrod08 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT Is it reasonable too be good at the game within a short period of time. I'm too competitive by nature and that is my downside, I expect too pick up things really quickly as most games I play I can easily adapt to them if I put the time and research into it, I always put alot of time and research into the games I have ever played, and try to learn as much information as I can, which will help me improve faster. I consider myself a above average, fast learner and a smart learner, due too how many games I've played and been good at, even games like gears of war I picked up really quickly within a month, players say that game takes a long time to master the mechanics. where does league stand in comparison too other games since the game has so many champions and abilities too learn the matchups? General how to farm and play as the other mobas I played there is no jungle role. What would my jungle routine look like? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:15 PM PDT I'm a lee main, and have been playing jungle exclusively for the last 8 years, on and off. I'm really trying to hit diamond this season and I think my shop timing might be holding me back. So my question is, when should you back for your jungle item upgrades? I know the main 2 power spikes are the red/blue smite and your final enchantment. Because I play a champ with a healthy clear, I sometimes find myself having 1700+ gold and I still have my machete. I'm sure this impacts my clear and messes up my ideal tempo. Should I back immediately for these 2 spikes? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:47 AM PDT What exactly makes the skill difference between High ranked soloq players and pro players? Is it communication skills and teamwork? Champion pool? Experience? You hear people ask challenger streamers like Yassuo or TF blade if they're going to go pro, but they always seem hesitant to answer, and it makes me wonder how good pro players are compared to the best soloq players. [link] [comments] |
what is so strong about Garen? Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PDT Hey all, Jacket here, and today, I want to ask about Garen, seeing a post about Garen being really strong, and looking up lol tier lists, I see that garen places in the meta. being a low elo player, and hardly knowing what I am doing, what makes Garen so strong, and why is he considered top tier right now? tier list source: [link] [comments] |
New Irelia mechanic allows you to ult during Q Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:01 AM PDT Similar to the Lee Sin ghost kick, this new Irelia trick allows you to cast abilities (R,Tiamat,W) during your Q. I believe the reason that it works is that if you cancel a targeted dash with another targeted dash, it animation breaks the second one allowing you to cast during it. Like I said, we see this on Lee Sin with the ghost kick. You Q2 to someone, cancel it with W, and it lets you kick them away during the W. Practically, this should help people to land Irelia ult without the enemy being able to flash on reaction nearly as easily because the cast time is partially masked during the dash. You can also use the E version of this to dash while using W, allowing you to move during the damage reduction. Could be very useful in specific situations (namely, where you don't need the W damage reduction/the E stun & mark). Credit to this post for the inspiration that led to me figuring out that you don't actually need smite to pull it off. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT For example in lower rank players are just in any lane they want. I think this champion would be really useful for me too use as a new playerToo climb in top lane, when I find myself in a 2vs2 situation. That ultimate will help me and my partner win our lanes against players who don't know any better or not faced him. He is scary to get near too cs due to it. Apparently he isn't so good against ranged heroes though, how do you play in that situation? [link] [comments] |
What is the issue of most D1/M1 hardstuck junglers Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PDT This is for my homies who are too good to watch generic tutorials, but not too good to make the push to challenger. After analyzing a lot of high, consistent challenger games from several servers I've noticed a clear megatrend which separates the challenger junglers from the almost challengers, and its farming. Ive watched a lot of reksai, qiyana and gragas gameplay since those are my main champions, but the obvious gap in cs and xp/per minute is clear on champions such as elise, lee and olaf as well. This first struck to me, as an autofilled 1000 lp challenger outjungled me hard playing sejuani into reksai. The trick is finding balance between 247 farming, and 247 map pressure. My personal favourite to analyze is t1 cuzz as he played a lot of reksai last season, and still does. The main difference between my reksai and his, is that he doesnt waste time looking for a 'maybe' gank. Unless hes waiting for a counter gank, hes back to farming after a second of analyzing the situation. However they still dont lose map pressure due to constant macro plays, and theyre hovering the lane/area which they are planning to go next. So in all simplicity, its comes down to efficiency in the jungle, and acting when you know its safe or when you know you will win it. When challengers see the other jungler somewhere they immediately take action, whether its counter jungling, counter ganking or forcing a risky gank on the other side of the map, but theyre never clueless. As a jungler you want to abuse the laners lack of game knowledge and jungle gameplay, as someone who has been hardstuck d1/m1 since the presesason (although Ive played only 100 games) I can with confidence tell you, that junglers are still being ignored, almost like you were playing twitch in silver. After applying this perma farming strat to my games my win rate spiked to 70%, and im obviously outperforming myself, and the other jungler. I am excited as fuck about this because its something so small, yet so gamechanging. Opening clear is also very crucial to this, as it dictates a lot of your next 5 to 10 minutes. This same trend can also be noticed in games where the challengers end up with a LOT of kills, like 12 to 18 in a 25 minute long game, yet they still have around 7-8 cs p/m on early game champs. Its all about macro planning, and knowing where you should be and when. Watch your own vods and see for yourself if youre wasting a lot of time either not doing anything or wasting time by checking enemy camps when you could be doing something better. Its completely possible to outlevel and even outfarm solo laners in d1/m1 elo, its hard and rare, but possible. Just dont get too obsessed with the cs, succesful skirmishes lead to objectives. Also of course, capitalize on succesful ganks by helping to shove the wave if thats the play. So a TLDR would probably be that you should not only perma gank and force random shit as early game junglers, but instead you should focus more on capitalizing on the enemy players mistakes, and its 100% ok to clear a lot of the jungle even if you are playing champions like lee sin or reksai, who one might assume would want to permagank. [link] [comments] |
What do you build vs thresh support? Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:41 AM PDT Thresh is a great frontline support The scenario is this: They have a vayne top, fizz mid, shaco jungle, thresh support and ezreal ADC Do you build Last Whisper/LDR/Mortal Reminder for this situation if I'm Caitlyn laning against the ez/Thresh because of Thresh's passive? I noticed that Thresh basically became unkillable at a certain point without building much armour items, solely because of his passive, so my question is do you rush LW for laning against Thresh or do you just try to ignore thresh? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT I've heard this but I'm not 100% sure; When the enemy jungler starts on the same side as you, you should do blue,red then gromp/krugs to get level 3 and to reach botlane/toplane faster than the enemy jungler. When the enemy jungler starts on the opposite side as you, you should do a full clear. If this is not right, then how should I path? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:38 PM PDT [Part 1] Introduction [Part 2] How to Identify and Understand Difficult Players: Is it You? How to Identify and Understand Difficult Players: The Tree Levels of difficult playersI'd like to suggest that there are levels of difficultness, and thy might need different approaches from you. Level 1 is the person who's just different to you. They aren't difficult at all, at least to many other people, but for you, their difference is a problem. *In the game, they might have different wining conditions than you. They might want to prolong the lanning face as much as they can instead of tanking towers. Or take more or fewer risks than you. And you might find this difficult. They might be more emotional of they might be very fussy about the cleanness of their plays. Or really untidy and dirty in your view. They might want to control their team more than you think is right or less than you think is right. And you might feel that they are judging you for this. In fact, they probably are. But maybe is a good idea just to live and let live. They're entitled to their opinion on how they play their game, aren't they? And it's not their fault that they're different to you. Once you realize that difference is the problem, they aren't too bad and you can work out what you need to do. Next is Level 2, the person who isn't a bad person, but they are just incompetent. I'll get to them in more detail later but suffice to say that this are the people who are not very disciplined or not very organized so they annoy you. Or they're just a bit low on skills, communication and empathy, so you find them difficult. They aren't the same as the type ones who are okay but different to you. These people are not OK. They do have problems in their performance, which they may or may not be aware of, and may or may not care about. It will be necessary to find strategies to handle them either to contain them or to change them. [redacted] Next, I must mention level three, the toxic people. They are worse than incompetent. They are actively bad. [redacted] they're depressingly common. In a way, it's not entirely their fault. They have perhaps been damaged by their upbringing *(or initiation to the game) or bad management or bad luck. But now, here they are, a bit of a nightmare. So it's a problem whether they're aware of it or not. And even if they know they have a problem, they might feel unable to change. Here are six signs that somebody might be genuinely toxic: First, if they have problems with everyone, and then they mostly criticize others, they rarely or never have a nice word to say about others and you know that they probably say the same kind of things about you [redacted]. Second, they might actively criticize you to your face, maybe in the form of advice. They may even try to control you. *You shouldn't push that much. You should stop invading, I don't like it. You shouldn't be so open about your opinions on the chat. That kind of things. Third, a big sign of toxic people is that they're selfish. We're all a bit selfish but they're just not interested in you at all. This shows in ways like them being a bad listener, talking about themselves a lot rather than giving attention to you and their selfishness sometime shows financially. *For example, they don't leave the farm to the adc, they want all the ganks and they want all the camps lategame. Fourth sign of toxic people is that they lie. If you ever find someone lying, and I don't mean white lies to spare someone's feelings, I mean full on deception, if you catch them out on real lies then get rid of them. *Get them out of your clash team, block them. Report them. Number five, toxic people tend to be time consuming, High-maintenance. *They love the chat. They make small things into dramas. *"I still can't believe how he failed that flash.". And they might even have a habit of losing their temper. [redacted]. And Number six, finally, is that toxic people always seem to be the victim. Maybe they like the attention or they won't admit that they're wrong. So everything is someone else's fault or the world's fault. It's so unfair. *"No ganks". We all get good and bad luck. Beware of someone whose luck always seems to be bad. [redacted] [link] [comments] |
What is the correct call after a succesful gank? Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT Iron player here, playing since january. If I get a kill(or if my laner does) on a gank I feel that I should try to get at least a turret plate but most of the time my laners just recall. I sometimes try to shove and do some damage to the turret but this often pisses them a lot and spam-pinging the turret doesn't stop their recall. I think that if they really have to reset they could do it after taking some extra gold or trying to achieve a small "building" lead. Am I wrong? What should I do after a good gank? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:22 AM PDT How do you guys warm up before playing league? Do you immediately start playing ranked or play a normals game beforehand? I always feel like I underperform on the first game of the day but start popping off after I get warmed up. I was wondering if everyone else has a similar problem. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT Predator can be a very silly rune and I once got dunked by a predator Rammus (but that was because it was a 4-man vs all soloQers). However, I can never find it on any meta builds rn despite how good it looks for some junglers like Hecarim or Garen. My question is the title, which champions run predator? I would really like to try it out. Of course I can off-meta with it all I want but I want something that is actually good with it. [link] [comments] |
What are the fundamentals of top lane? Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:35 AM PDT What does it take to be a good top laner?. I feel like i never really win lane (whatever that means) and just generally suck. Playing top is really a joy (despite all the aids pick my opponents chose), but i feel like i lack so many things to actually be a decent top laner. Champs i usually play are Camille and Aatrox, but i'm also learning how to play Vladimir at the moment. [link] [comments] |
Experience with and against Soraka after big nerf? Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:58 AM PDT After Soraka went on toplane and bashed the crap out of it, she got so hard nerfed her winrate as support dropped from 53% to about 47 or 48% depending on which elo bracket were facing. Are here any Soraka otps/players or people who played against Sorakas and who can tell me their experiences with her? I was a Soraka OTP at the end of season 9 but im really anxious to try her out again in her current state and just want to hear different opinions about her state right now and maybe some helpfull tipps when I should generally not pick her anymore and when she could be viable to pick although the nerf. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT Hi everyone, A few months ago, I was watching Scarra's stream, and someone in chat asked a question about building damage while behind. Scarra stated that you should always build damage when behind in order to catch back up, which intrigued me because I've pretty much always been under the impression that you build defense when behind so you don't die as much. This also made me wonder if the inverse is true - if you would build defense when ahead so the enemy team has a harder time catching back up. I think this makes sense to me, but I was wondering if someone would be able to elaborate on this topic. Is there more to this beyond the simple statement? And is this an absolute rule of League, or is it situational to certain champs/team comps? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT Hi i play since the start of season 9 i started playing with a friend of mine and last season i ended up silver 2-3. I play only mid and almost always i play LB i love that champ and is the only one i like and want to play. Last season my friend ended up gold 2 and this season he is already gold 4 i am stuck at bronze 1. I have a bunch of higher elo friends but no one absolutly no one plays midlane and want to teach me some things. So since i am so bad i am not improving at all i was looking for someone to give me some advice i would rlly appreciate it i want to climb alone and with my champp of choice i want to improve and become better. I play on EUW my name is L3Blank if someone would like to gime some advice pls i would rlly appreciate it . have a good day all :) [link] [comments] |
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