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    Friday, March 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Pro tip: If you have refillable or corrupting potion and you recall, spam the item so that you go full HP fast!

    LoL Guide Pro tip: If you have refillable or corrupting potion and you recall, spam the item so that you go full HP fast!

    Pro tip: If you have refillable or corrupting potion and you recall, spam the item so that you go full HP fast!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Not sure if this was posted before but i searched for it and couldnt find anything.

    It actually helps if you are very low in hp and quickly want to get back to lane. Just spam the button that you have the item at and you will regen hp and mana fast, without losing pots ofcourse.

    Especially good in early game (<20min) that regen is slow! You can save a few extra seconds

    Edit: A user suggested its even better to stand in the outer side of the fountain to get the extra healing then step back in the fountain to get the full stacks of the item and then go back to lane

    Warning. This is a pretty small and not significant tip that will surely not increase your chances of climbing out of silver XD

    submitted by /u/pandatits
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    Educational Content for Jungle Mains - How to Think Like a High Level Jungler

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I am a D1 jungle main and new content creator. I recently started uploading jungle gameplay videos to youtube. I wanted to avoid being a generic league youtuber and putting together a montage of mechanical outplays so instead the emphasis in my videos is capturing my thought process and decision making ability as a jungler. I fully believe jungle is 90% macro and 10% micro. T1 becoming so successful as a new jungler due to his strong game knowledge and decision making ability as a long standing challenger player is just a testament to that fact.

    When I am live, I go over everything a jungler has to think about in a game from which runes to get, which buff to start, what items to build, and what your jungle pathing should be. All of these decisions will vary from game to game and you have to understand not only the jungle matchup, but also the lane matchups. This commentary doesn't just stop in the early game after the first clear, I will constantly talk about what the next play is every time I recall and how you transition from each stage of the game whether you are in a deficit or with a lead.

    My main two junglers are Elise and Graves, but I play a lot of other carry (damage) junglers such as Lee Sin, Khazix, Jarvan, Kindred, Kayne and more (generally I don't play tanks). If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please check out some of the videos on my recently launched youtube channel. Here is a recent one where I play Elise vs Karthus and demonstrate that this matchup is entirely tempo based and you need to establish an early lead against slow/scaling junglers like Karthus:


    As a new content creator, I am always looking for feedback and constructive criticism for my gameplay or my videos so any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    How to deal with awkward backs on ADC?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I main Caitlyn and Stormrazor can be a super awkward item. Sometimes my first back ends up being Kirchels Shard in a rough lane but then I have to back again at like 700 gold, in which case I would buy boots and a dagger. If I get forced out again I end up building RFC or something and never get IE because I don't want to go back to lane with 700 gold again. Should I just powerfarm a jungle camp before backing or overstay? I don't want to give up plates but I feel like I've legit lost games to awkward buys.

    submitted by /u/whiteknight521
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    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Several champions, like Ezreal, Kai'sa, Senna and maybe Kayle build Manamune. I like this item a lot and I would like to know what makes a champion a good Manamune user and the reasons to take it or not. Also, are there other champions for which Manamune is not meta but it is still a really good item on them?

    submitted by /u/eurongreyjoy4
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    New player Senna advice

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    As title says I'm two weeks in on LoL, having fun btw lol. I have been learning top lane but am interested in picking up an offlane to prepare for ranked at lvl30. Senna has grabbed my attention and am looking to pick her up since she has the benefit of being able to ADC and Support. Any tips from you vets out there? Thank you so much in advance, this sub is awesome!

    submitted by /u/Evon_inked
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    How do you lane against Irelia?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Hello! I have incredible troubles surviving the lane against her. I always loose the lane, but today I just got the worst lane I've ever had vs her. I play mages, today in particular I was Annie. So, she comes to lane and I harass her with autos while slow pushing the wave, as I usually do against most melee matchups. She even took a bad trade and ate a level 2 combo + electrocute,dropping to around 1/2 hp total. After that I let the wave reset (meaning to freeze it near my tower at level 3, like I often do in melee matchups).. and as soon as she got level 3 she q'd a caster, flashed in my face and ran me down through my whole wave and my exhaust, even taking a tower shot in the process and killing me from my 90% to her 60% (she had popped the potion before so she had regained some hp). She then proceeded to run me down constantly from there, and in a few minutes she was up 2 levels and 30 Cs..

    So.. I guess I am doing something deeply deeply wrong, but I can't pinpoint what it is. I harassed her as much as I could between cs at the start, I didn't push the wave after the first, I didn't miss abilities (well.. I was Annie xD). True, I got stunned but that's kinda hard to dodge from melee range. I flashed immediately after but she Q'd me to follow it.

    Help please? To add on that it's not a matchup you see a lot in mid, so I haven't much experience in it (was it a mistake to try to manage it like other melees? A talon or a Zed would have 100% died diving the wave and the tower that way at level 3)

    submitted by /u/LightIsMyPath
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    How to win midgame?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Hi summoners, i play usually ekko and zac in jungle, and i have one big problem, i can't carry after 20 minutes. I have this problem with Ekko more than with Zac. I just get me and usually atleast 2 of my lanes ahead, I get 2 early dragons, but after laning phase is over i just seem to lose my impact on the game. I start 6/0 at 15 minute, but i end up 8/6 at minute 25. I can't win almost any teamfight after 20 minutes. I find it weird because Ekko should scale well, so i am probably doing something really wrong, but i don't know what. I am trying to not just aram, i am going to sidelines a lot to get that sweet gold no one takes, but sometimes when i leave mid my team just starts a fight and dies, so i don't know if i should do this or rather just stay mid with my team. What would you advice me to stay relevant through the whole game? Please excuse my english if there were any mistakes. PS: im silver 4

    submitted by /u/lordvenous
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    How does Swain's ult work exactly?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    From the wiki:

    While Demonic Ascension is active, Swain drains all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage to them each second, and healing himself for each enemy hit, reduced by 90% against minions and monsters.

    Cool, but the damage ratio isn't the same as the heal per sec ratio. Is it genuinely draining health, or is it just dealing DPS and HPS seperately?

    And with the final explosion, is the damage of that based off how much damage he dealt with the ult, or how much damage he healed? Does building a spirit's visage increase the damage since you heal more?

    Active: Swain releases a nova of energy, dealing a base amount of magic damage to all nearby enemies plus 37.5% of the health drained during Demonic Ascension, with the total damage capped.

    Capped to what? Wiki is missing a lot of details here.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    What to do when really ahead in top lane

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I usually manage to take the first turret when playing top but I don't really know what to do after that. It feels like a waste to either keep pushing waves under tower or freeze and zone my laner. Unlike mid too, it's harder to roam since the only lane i can really roam to is mid which is pretty short so its not easy to get much done. Dragon is on the other side of the map too and I usually manage to get the turret because I already went and got rift herald. I try to run around the map and get jungle camps and maybe help out mid but it feels unreliable most of the time and just gives my laner a chance to catch up. So, what's the best way for me to continue snowballing my lead while denying my laner a chance to get back into the game?

    submitted by /u/WynnChairman
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    How much free gold does yasuo get?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    I don't know, but I have been playing vs. yasuo or zed every game recently (we ignore the zed part here). I noticed, that everyones favourite samurai has the double crit chance passive, as well as the q cooldown lowered based on his as (correct me if I'm wrong here), and I've been wondering, how much free gold does he get just off of his passive? Does anyone know the math?

    submitted by /u/PinkAnnie
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    How do i manage to get s- or above in jungle?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    I main jungle and top as secondary role. I just finished a game with Kayn in which i went 6/0/6 with a cs of 117 in minute 21 (thats when the other team ff) with a vision score of 19 with two towers destroyed and 3 drakes and a herald defeated. I obtained A+ but when i play toplane i can manage to finish a game 5/3/3 with a cs of around 160 and obtain s- (as it previosuly happened with Illaoi). How can i get better at this role i love or at least get better grading

    submitted by /u/xdator
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    how do you deal with late game Yasuo as adc?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    So i'm fairly new to trying adc. Usually in games i can see what went wrong when i misplay. But im clueless what to do against this champion. I hope this doesn't come off as ranting, i'm just sharing my thought processes, what i've tried, the outcome of those attempts and genuinely wanting to know what i'm doing wrong.

    For skirmishes, Fighting him seems to be suicide as you die in 2 hits even with a full item lead so I gave up on even attempting that.

    So i pick Ashe or Kaisa and try kiting him but this seems to be nigh impossible due to infinity dashes. I know people will say don't engage him near minions but that feels unrealistic 90% of the time? An ADC can't not stand near minions surely?

    So i try hiding behind 2 other people, but even in 3v1 situations if i get close enough to auto him even once he just E's or flashes and im dead. If i ignore him and hope my team will kill him, then he'll usually win the 2v1. If he doesn't have flash he pushes W and then i cant help them.

    In team fights im just as lost, he pushes W and my entire damage output is reduced to 0. If i walk past the wall then i die instantly, if i remain behind it then my team dies horribly while i do nothing and suddenly im in a 4 or 3v1.

    Even games where he's shut down hard early, goes 0/6 in lane, he still one shots me once he gets 2nd item and ends any teamfight with a single well placed ult.

    It feels like the situation is out of my hands entirely and that i cant ever approach him no matter what, but surely there is something i can do?

    I'd prefer tips that aren't pick X against him, or have an extremely specific teamcomp. I cant choose my teams champions for them and I cant counter pick him if he picks after me. As for banning, well he's been about 90% of my bans since i started playing ranked but there are other annoying champions in the game right now and i'd rather learn how to play against him than just hope he's never picked.

    Thanks for any help <3

    submitted by /u/Lugash1
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    Is Shaco (jungle) right now a good choice in Low Elo?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    At the moment I'm Bronze I (Silver IV last season, 10-20 rankeds) and I want to climb so hard this season. I play Olaf, Ekko, Trundle and Zac but I want one more AD champ to main and I really want to know if Shaco is a good choice to carry in Low Elo right now (Everything is viable in Low Elo but there are picks better than others). Normally I'm better than the other jungler (if is not a smurf) and I can carry the game if the team doesn't int so hard. However I have doubts about this because a lot of people play tanks (Rammus, Zac, Amumu, Nunu, Sejuani...) and I don't know if Shaco, as an assassin, can play confortable against them.

    Low Elo Jungler :3

    submitted by /u/Paul_Freim
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    Can you guys help me find a main?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    It's been 10 months since I've started and over 1K hours on this game, yet I still can't find a main. Sometimes I end up playing champs that I don't like just to test em out, and guess what, end up feeding. (This is only on normals, not ranked) Can you guys help me find a main by looking at my op.gg? It'll be so appreciated of you. This is my op.gg: https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Valve+Succs

    submitted by /u/ValveSucks123
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    Clash today (OCE) and would like some help with shotcalling

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a gold (season 9, haven't played too much ranked lately) ADC for my clash team. I became the shotcaller as I had the most game knowledge in my team.

    However, I don't know much of shotcalling as a 5 man (as I mostly played queue) and would wound up saying things like "peel me", "fight fight fight" etc.

    How can I be more proactive with my shotcalling or how can I just make better calls? Does anyone have any tips? Any videos I can watch? What are some calls I can make as an ADC?

    submitted by /u/RealFireBlaze010
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    Question regarding twitch JG

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Is twitch jg still viable in S10 with all the bruisers running around having 200+ armour ?

    What are the desirable team comp to play twitch ?

    How often do you farm or do you even farm ?

    How to respond to twitch helping your lane by ganking, who should engage the fight twitch or the laner ?

    How does the recent jg changes effect twitch ?

    submitted by /u/K0chira
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    How to deal with Akali

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Even after the Akali nerfs, I struggle against her. I try to bait out her Q early and punish her energy nerfs, but after level 6 i feel like i can't do anything to stop her from constantly denying me cs and outtrading me.

    I play a lot of different bruisers top, Camille/Fiora/Sett/Morde and struggle against her on every champion, any advice?

    submitted by /u/JorahCarstark
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    Off-meta picks

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Hey guys, do you know where I can find what weird picks high elo players (diamond+) are playing? I'm talking about picks like Zoe adc, Sett adc, Kalista top, Zac supp - picks that are very niche and situational, but are definitely working. I really want to widen my champion pool and have some fun, while not straight up trolling with something that just doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/xElectro17
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    Looking for a new character to play

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Im a pretty new player and I really enjoy playing pyke. I mainly play pyke support but I also play him mid. I really like having the high mobility. I was just wondering if there were any character similar to him who I could learn to play. I've tried a few other character like bard and brand but i don't find them as fun. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/IxPlazmaa
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    Why doesn't Graves go Sanguine Blade anymore?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    It seems like the perfect Graves item.

    • AD
    • Lethality
    • Attack Speed
    • Lifesteal

    Go Warrior -> Sanguine Blade, or even Machete -> Sanguine Blade because it helps speed up your clears. (If you're going the new Graves mid thing, you could also go just rush Sanguine Blade -> Phantom Dancer or something.

    So why does he not go Sanguine Blade?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do I win when ally jungler camps my lane?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm playing Top lane, Trynd, against an enemy urgot. He's ranged and has early poke so I let him shove, 1:30, cannon wave spawns, my wave starts pushing back because it crashed into my tower, ally Lee sin comes top, misses abilities, stays to smite steal my cannon and auto the wave a couple of times, not enough to crash this wave in, just enough for enemy urgot to freeze. While I was shoved in a minute ago, urgot placed a ward in the river brush which I pinged enemy has vision, but Lee sits in it and soaks Exp for a while. He fails another gank on the urgot, but this time doesn't help break the freeze either. Enemy Olaf comes top and I ping the lee off, because a lee who misses every ability doesn't win against a competent Olaf. So lee walks off to his krugs and raps, but then next cannon wave comes, he smite steals it again, then walks off. Meanwhile Olaf is taking drake and instead of invading Olaf's top side and taking his blue and camps which are up, he walks around aimlessly in the top side river, or sits close enough to tax my minion exp. urgot ran TP I ran ignite, when he backs, I shove the wave as hard as I can so I can break the freeze and back myself. Urgot uses TP and I walk back to lane, missing a few minions more than urgot. I buy Tiamat so lee can't fuck with my wave again and set up another freeze for enemy, but I'm also 2 levels down because I was basically duo laning. During this time, all my other laners were shoved in and easily gankable, but the lee stays top, not getting herald, certainly not getting drake, not farming his own camps. Wining ally lanes turn losing when Olaf tanks them, and I am 0/0/0 2 levels down and 30 cs down too because of the freeze and me tilting so hard I miss a lot more than I should be. Some random river fight breaks out so I shove with Tiamat and roam to help. Urgot also roams to help. I die in this fight, urgot gets a kill on me because of how far behind I am in levels and items.

    2 levels behind enemy laner, 1 kill down, jungler is questionable, enemy has 2 drakes. Mid and bot lanes slightly behind. My bronze level brain was like "ff" and at 20 minutes, the second rift herald drops taking an inhib and part of a nexus tower and we do ff. Is there anything I can do when I am camped by my own jungler? Thanks in advance.

    Also, I pinged dives, and attempted them, the lee just sat there and farmed my wave burning my flash to get out and losing more CS. Incase that is of importance.

    submitted by /u/Usernames_Taste_Good
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    So should is start maining Wukong?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    So I saw the changes for Wukong and I think his kit got a bit overtuned. With his R now being to knockup twice in one instance with also his clone being able to mimic his ult (also knocks up) you can literally win teamfights on your own. Will he be a valiable top pick, or even jungle, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/PandaFoo3
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    How big of a disadvantage is turning chat off?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I'm a really toxic player. And I'm not toxic over others flaming me, idc about that, but I get really mad when people feed, and keep dieing when they should just play safe, or about throwing games with very stupid descisions... Like I tried the /mute all, but that didn't stop me from typing and flaming.

    So I tried this turn ally and enemy chat off option, which will stop me from typing as well, but not sure how big of a disadvantage that is. I can see pings, but sometimes I do a mute all to turn that off too if I feel like they are spamming it too much.

    But from the few games I played I could focus much more on my own gameplay, tilt less, and I generally don't care what my team says since IMO 99% of league players are dumb, but its still a team game so idk

    submitted by /u/VSauceDealer
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