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    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Meta/Feedback Thread: (Almost) Spring 2020

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Meta/Feedback Thread: (Almost) Spring 2020

    /r/Summonerschool Meta/Feedback Thread: (Almost) Spring 2020

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hey all, about that time for one of these. Things that have happened since last time:

    • We hit 300k!

    • Our rules were updated a few months ago. We made a post announcing these, though it was almost entirely just wording changes.

    • Our toolbox removals were shortened, and we began adding wiki pages. Here's the one we use for critical thinking removals.

    • Our head moderator has been changed from Carlboison to KeonkwaiJinkwai. Carl was here for quite a long time, and had decided it was his time to go.

    • Ranked flairs went down. We contacted the creator of the system, and we're looking to get it up again. No ETA though.

    • U.GG has been added to our paid sites filter, as their premium to block ads has evolved into a premium to buy user statistics and educational videos. Their landing page is now a giant ad for paywalled League content, their stats pages advertise their services twice, and user pages still advertise this premium in the top left. As such they no longer meet our no paid services rule.

    • In regards to the wiki, my recent project has been updating & formatting the educational streamers page.

    Things we are looking for community input on:

    • (From last time, but never got a respose): Looking for some opinions on how we're enforcing a couple of the fringe rules right now, specifically for threads that are 1) constructive/beneficial questions with a decent amount of info but are most likely just rants/validations, which we typically allow unless it's over the top and 2) repeated threads (particularly "hit X, here's my Y tips." We usually allow them unless we see a couple in a short time period (a few days) then we'll remove subsequent ones for the next few days as they almost always say the same stuff. Link examples would be great if you guys think we should be moving the line in a certain direction on these.

    • What you guys want to see in general, whether it's megathreads or rule changes or whatever else you can think of that this sub might benefit from.

    As always any responses are appreciated. As a last note, we're going to be doing mod applications again in about a week and a half, so if you're interested, be on the lookout for that.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Ranked - I turned off the chat, and approach ranked as non-seriously as I do normals (but still try), and I'm having the most fun I've ever had in league

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Way I see it, ranked doesn't matter either. The chance that I am a good enough player to get to a spot where I can use my rank in League of Legends to actually gain anything at all, is very very low.

    I have been playing since 2014, and I've always been very nervous about playing ranked. I didn't want to under perform, I didn't want to let others down, I didn't want to get flamed, etc... but I've realized by facing my fears and playing a few ranked games that it still literally doesn't matter if I win or lose, and that the games are more competitive and enjoyable when your teammates and enemies care about what they're doing.

    I'm still all about playing this game just for fun and for me trying my best and being challenged has always been the most fun. I see ranked now as an environment that encourages this, and I can still continue to not care what other players think of me or how I'm playing.

    TL;DR: Turn off your chat and mentally try to see ranked equal to normals, you will have a lot more fun.

    EDIT / TL;DR 2: This post is about the fact that I'm having more fun when I'm trying harder and being more challenged without dealing with the idea that I have to make it too serious or over-competitive or deal with toxic players. It's all about trying your best and stop taking it so seriously that it's a detriment. A clear mind is an efficient mind.

    submitted by /u/turkeyburger2
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    Would it be viable to buy Spirit Visage, when I am playing champion without healing ability but my team has ocean soul?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Picture this. I am playing Master Yi, the enemy has Mordekaiser in the top lane and Kassadin in the midlane. About 30 minutes in my team gets ocean soul. The Kassadin and Mordekaiser are doing a lot of damage to me. Would it be a good idea to buy Spirit Visage instead of going for the usual Maw of Malmortius?

    submitted by /u/streethunte
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    For the first time in my almost 10 years of league I feel hardstuck and don't know what to do.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:42 AM PST


    I've been playing this game on and off for almost 10 years. I always knew what to do/how to improve and climb. I have had no problems at all climbing all the way up to diamond 4 where I usually ended due to lack of time/interest.

    This season I made it to plat 3 where it really feels like I hit a wall. I am an ADC main and I have absolutely no idea how to improve enough so I will be able to carry.

    I feel like adc is a role that is way too dependant on teammates and many other factors. If I go 6/0 in lane but enemy team has a 6/0 midlaner, that midlaner will most likely oneshot me in teamfights and have no problem carrying their team. I feel like laning phase depends A LOT on your support. Some people refuse to pick synergies or something that is good for the lane/team, some are just autofilled and completely clueless. I have started to believe that even if you are really good individually, there isn't much you can do most of the time.

    I really like the ADC role, it is definitely my favourite role but I feel like I have little to no impact on the outcome of my games unless we go even until I can farm enough for 3+ items and become relevant. I also feel like if I don't pick a lane bully/early game champ I am gonna fall so far behind there won't be any chance to return. I have been thinking about laneswapping to mid for example but it's just not the same. I really wanna play this role and improve but I dont know how to improve and how to be able to successfuly carry games as an ADC.

    I understand you're supposed to lose some games and there are games where even if you try your hardest you just cant win. I am OK with that, but I am not OK with me feeling useless in a useless role almost every game.

    Is the ADC role truly so bad or is it just me thats terrible and then I convince myself it's the role and not just me? Please help me.

    submitted by /u/andro12345
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    Am I the only jungler struggling here?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:37 AM PST

    I kinda feel lost to be honest, as a euw diamond 4 player, my games aren't going well. I mainly play Ekko and Zac and sometimes Olaf it depends on the draft. I can't figure out what's not working, If I pick Zac I'm kinda sacrificing the fact that I could play a solo carry champ (Ekko in this case) if I pick Ekko I'm sacrificing the fact that we have no tanks or we're full ap, let's say it's situational.

    I'm dealing, every game without any exception, with players that sh*t talks everyone while losing their matchups : I'm that guy that's cold-blooded let's say, I just don't tilt at all but I want to know how to deal with those games. We all know that there's that game where your laner tilted and ragequitted, it's fine that happens, you can also have a player that dies a lot but who cares I personally just continue focusing on my own gameplay and my win condition.

    AFK farming doesn't help especially if the enemy is collecting kills from a lane to another so can't figure out what's really not working with me, even though I kinda feel like I have enough game knowledge and individual skills to reach master or even higher, I can keep track of the enemy pretty easily, not always at the right place at the right time but I counter gank well if I have the opportunity too.

    So is practising on Ekko even more, the solution? Maybe I need to gank more if I'm playing Zac jungle?

    submitted by /u/Baylo28
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    Am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Okay, I'm gold 2 and I've been noticing that every game I almost always die in lane first. no jungle gank. I just get solo killed. But after that first death I'll proceed to stomp or go even in lane (or just int and not be able to recover but that's rare) . I even get decent roams, survive jungle ganks and push towers. is it because i'm just bad? but dying gives me the ultimate ultra instinct power I need?!

    submitted by /u/FarisYeah
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    Am I wasting my time building tear on (mid lane) Jayce?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I usually have a strong presence early and I rush a lethality item. (usually youmou's) However then I find myself worried that I will be useless without manamune if we reach late game, so I build tear second. The problem is that we usually win so hard early that I rarely even have time to complete manamune. I also don't want to build it first item and sacrifice Jayce's laning phase. Should I just not build it at all even if this means that I will be pretty useless if the game goes late?

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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    How to push a lead?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I'm a low elo tf player, and since no one in my elo respects my 6, I always get ahead from my roams. The problem is I don't know how to push my leads and end the game before I start to fall off and rely on my adc for dps later. (And I don't want to rely on my adc for dps because they always seem to throw away any lead I give them).

    submitted by /u/Shadow_Shinobi89
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    Is Swain support abusive in low ello?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PST

    I've recently been playing Swain support in high bronce-low silver ello and my experience so far is that it is an incredibly overpowered pick for most supports in this ello. What I want to know is if most people here think that Swain support is op or not (in mine or any ello) and how high you guys think you can climb by using him (also i would appreciate some tips from mains/otps)

    I'll proceed to explain why I personally think it's a strong pick:

    -First of all his passive, it grants him great mana and hp sustain as long as your adc has cc or you can land your e or w. In my opinion this makes him hard to deal with as he can keep poking/rooting for longer time than other supports.

    -His E: I find that Swain's E "Nevermove" makes him absolutely op in low ello as it can go through Minions. Many low ello adcs or supports tend to rely on minions to evict getting hit by hooks or cc, so they dont really know how to farm while beeing against a Swain if they dont have acceptable reflexes to dodge it(keep in mind many low ello adcs dont know how to kite)

    -His W: As I said some adcs dont know how to farm against a Swain, but this isnt only due to his e. When a Swain throws his e ability he may pair it with a zoning w if he isnt confident his e will land, this often causes him to stack for the passive unevitably. Another perk/problem to Swain's W is that it can be used to check if the enemy team is doing drakes. Not only that but in low ello one of the most played junglers is Warwick and most ww players tend to do lvl4 drakes, this can easily be stopped by a well-timed W.

    -His ultimate: While granting him huge lifesteal and intant heal on cast his ultimate is a huge problem for low-ello players. When I find myself in a 1v2 situation it's not hard at all for me to land a double e root, then a double w and to finish a ultimate that will give you a easy double kill. I suppose in higher ellos you can't land the abilities so easily.

    submitted by /u/NearOJ
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    Why do High elo players think its a good idea to slowpushing at lv 1 and then having to overextend?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:19 PM PST


    Here you can see the challenger Qiyana tries to crash the wave under turret and then hes literally overextended the entire laning phase. The enemy team got first blood on toplane, and im like "good job, the enemy jungler couldve ganked you instead and you would be the one who'd died".

    I just have no idea why this would remotley be a good idea since every high elo player recommends this tactic. I never overextend as Qiyana in the early game like that, the wave is in the middle and i still get ganked. Now why would overextending in lane like that be considered a good tactic? Especially when the Fizz had a reksai jungler?

    submitted by /u/_ThankU-next
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    Need help on dealing with Cassio.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:25 AM PST

    So yesterday was clash day. We won the first game really hard because we got a great draft (Ornn/J4/Veigar/MF/Taric) and went even early. We just fought the enemy around objectives mid/late game and demolished them. But the 2nd game was different. We had Shen instead of Ornn and Vlad instead of Veigar (they got banned). First fight and first kill was at 14 minutes bot lane. We had a 2k advantage but it felt like we could never fight them. Enemy team was Full Tank Malphite jg, Senna, Thresh and Cassio. We got absolutely demolished every fight. What champions can we pick against Cassio (mainly mid and jungle but every role helps), and when is the best time to punish her? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/RizsPite
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    I have about 5 hours in league and I really don’t understand what I’m doing.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PST

    The 2 people I have played are Ziggs and Thresh. Everytime I get close to killing someone a ninja just appears and kills me I try and use my abilities to get away and I just don't get how I'm supposed to fight back.

    I buy the recommended items and ward the bushes when I get scared and back up but then I just get jumped by a ninja lady with shurikens. Am I supposed to just run further?

    submitted by /u/BoringBongoBasher
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    RUNES: Why go double offensive runes?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I mained jgl for a long time and in jgl you usally take atackspeed and dmg + armor which makes sense but now I swapped to mid and after some thinking I am really curious what the reason is to take for example double ap and armor/mr depending on the enemy???

    I its only 6 armor/8 magic resistance, which doesn´t seem much but when your base armor/mr are low (which is true in the early game) then every single statpoint is worth more. Also its not falling off so badly with all these penetration items running around. I just don´t see why I shouldnt go double armor + 1 ap vs ad midlaner for example.

    I also played a lot of orianna and she gets even more resitances. Not sure if that is good or bad now tbh

    submitted by /u/crankfight
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    COMPLETE Aphelios Guide in less than 5 minutes

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:16 PM PST

    Hey everyone:)

    You really enjoyed my ADC Macro Guide I made some time ago (in case you've missed it, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/f08oaa/diamond_adc_macro_guide/ ), so I decided to make another 5 minutes guide. As before, there is a text version that can stand 100% by itself, and also a video version for those who prefer watching.

    Video version: https://youtu.be/zPFS1rPa4IE

    Text version:

    Aphelios is most dominant during the early game. In order to emphasize that strength, you should play him with Press the Attack, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline, Cut Down, Magical Footwear, and Biscuit Delivery. His base health is extremely low, which makes Cut Down superior to Coup de Grâce. For rune shards, you pick attack speed, adaptive force, and armour. Against a caster bot lane, drop the armour for magic resist. You start with Doran's Blade plus one health potion and push for level 2 in lane as fast as possible, as you don't have access to your Q before that. Reaching level 2, you can start trading with Q extremely efficiently, as all your weapons have an individual Q cooldown. Due to that, you can cast Q, swap weapons with W, and then cast Q with your new main hand weapon immediately after. Casting Q consumes 10 ammo and 60 mana. Therefore, if one of the weapons has less than 10 ammo, you get a new one and can cast Q for a 3rd time in a single trade. Your ultimate is also unlocked automatically at level 6, and as you level up, you upgrade your stats rather than your abilities. Always put your skill points into attack damage, then into attack speed, and lastly into armour penetration.

    The first item you buy should always be Infinity Edge with Berserker's Greaves. This allows you to follow up with two Zeal items, as movement speed is incredibly valuable on Aphelios. He is an immobile ADC with very little defensive capabilities, so every single bit of movement speed matters a lot. The first Zeal item you buy is Runaan's Hurricane in most cases, since your weapons also apply their special effects to Hurricane's bolts, making it extremely powerful in team fights. Afterwards, you buy Phantom Dancer for improved kiting and damage output. Aphelios is an easy target for enemy assassins, so if you play against them, buy Phantom Dancer before Hurricane. The shield from Phantom Dancer will keep you alive and allows you to actually deal damage before getting one-shot. After these three items, you can choose between Guardian Angel, Mercurial Scimitar, Mortal Reminder, Bloodthirster, or Essence Reaver, according to your individual game. Keep in mind that you buy Mortal Reminder mainly for the healing reduction, as Aphelios can deal with tanks rather easily and does not need a Last Whisper item in most cases. (Alternative core build: ER -> IE -> Hurricane with Conqueror keystone and Nimbus Cloak + Gathering Storm secondary. I personally don't like this, because you sacrifice early game power, build path flexibility, and movement speed by doing this. It is a popular build, though, and you might find more success with this set up depending on your play style.)

    Now the tricky part is to know when to use which of your weapons. You cannot always influence which weapons are available to you, but there are some general strategies to keep in mind. Aphelios' auto attacks have 550 range. The Sniper Rifle, however, has 650 range and should be used to auto attack the enemy bot laners level one, and to auto attack from a safer distance during team fights. Sniper Q is good lane harass and has catch potential if paired with Gravity Cannon. Sniper R can be used to pick off fleeing enemies and is also a fine damage source in team fights.

    The Scythe Pistol provides good sustain in the lane and in 1v1 situations. Scythe Q has crazy duelling power and can be used to kite away if an enemy manages to gap close onto you and you need to create space. Scythe R is only truly viable in 1v1 fights, or if you get caught and the health might save your life. Also keep in mind that Scythe Pistil auto attacks do not use a projectile. This makes it easier to get CS and also ignores the walls created by Braum and Yasuo.

    The Gravity Cannon is your strongest off hand weapon, as it adds insane utility to your spells. In fights, use Q with your main hand weapon, then switch to Gravity Cannon and cast Gravity Q. From there, keep auto attacking with Gravity Cannon and kite your targets around for free. Also, Gravity R is one of your best ultimates in team fights. Always keep Gravity Cannon as your off hand weapon, so you have the slow on your other abilities, and in order to save its ammo for fights and skirmishes.

    The Flamethrower is your best main hand weapon by far. It provides excellent wave clear, great poke damage in lane, and huge AoE damage in team fights. The AoE damage spread gets amplified by crits and on top of that triples with Runaan's Hurricane. Flamethrower Q plus Gravity Cannon is your best combination, as you apply a slow to multiple targets and can root them immediately after. Flamethrower R should be used when multiple enemy champions are stacked on top of each other, because the damage from the fire bolts will stack without any diminishing returns.

    The Chakram is very situational. It gives your auto attacks a fixed attack speed which increases with proximity. This makes it highly efficient at taking down towers and jungle monsters, but very clunky in combat with champions, as your range is your only defence. Chakram Q is a good zoning tool for team fights. Just place it down when a fight breaks out and then switch to your other weapon so you can attack freely. In the early game, when your attack speed is relatively low, Chakram auto attacks actually have insane 1v1 potential during all-in fights. Chakram R is rather weak compared to your other options. Only use this when absolutely necessary.

    Generally speaking, you can always maximize your damage when you cast Q right before switching weapons, as you abuse the cooldown mechanic. Moreover, you should basic attack right before, and immediately after casting a spell, in order to get the most out of your attack speed stat. Also keep in mind that the hitbox of your ultimate is rather narrow, making it difficult to land sometimes. To ensure that you connect with it, simply wait for your team mates crowd control, or use it as a follow up after using your Gravity Cannon.

    Advanced weapon management:

    Deplete the weapons in the following order: Red-Green-Purple-Blue-Red-White-Green-Blue-Purple. This will setup the weapon order that works best.






    The greatest aspect of this weapon order is that for the strongest combinations in skirmishes (Blue-Purple and Red-White), Aphelios can balance ammunition to maximize their duration and quickly transition from Blue-Purple to Red-White. This transition can be done as a combo, which gives Aphelios 4 Q casts. Green-Blue is a reset to decide whether to deplete Green fast or conserve. The other weapon combinations are effective if you didn't balance ammunition.


    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    What is my win condition as Aurelion Sol in low elo?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PST

    I'm an Aurelion Sol one trick, I'm currently in silver.

    As Sol, depending on my matchup I usually dont get solokills. (Matchups like Zed and Yasuo where the enemy will get cocky/will want to kill me I can usually snowball mid.) However as a champion with such magnificent waveclear should, I have mid prio and always get the first shove. With my baby stars it's very easy to shove my opposing laner in and then I am free to help my jungler in skirmishes.

    I also try and look for as many roams as possible each game.

    however, in my low elo people just dont react when I am ganking them, or my jungler will run away from the enemy jg 1v1 when I am coming towards him with a big Q, which is a 2.5 seconds stun I believe.

    For instance I had a perfect gank setup botlane the other game, but my sett support didnt do anything at all. He had all sums and all abilities up, if he had E'd the opposng botlane we had a kill since i had everything too. But he didnt, my adc was far back too, and in the end my time was completely wasted as i got poked and had to recall having wasted my e to get there.

    What should I do in these situations? I always spam ping like 7-8 times on my way on their faces when I'm coming to gank. It's alot easier when I duo with my jungler. junglers in my elo don't understand my priority and presence in the early game, and dont understand that Elise-Asol are going to win 2v2 against the Sylas-Sejuani.

    I'm not the kind of guy to blame my teammates, or my choice of champion. I certainly have lots to improve on. But how can I play to my champion's strenghts, shoving the wave and roaming, when my laners barely even respond|?

    submitted by /u/Amphiptire
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    Diana being immune to CC after/during dash

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I was playing Tristana against a Diana and I repeatedly tried to use Tristana's ultimate to push Diana away but every time I use my ultimate on her she does not get knocked back. What in Diana's kit is making her immune to the knockback provided by Tristana's ultimate?

    submitted by /u/BiggestBylan
    [link] [comments]

    Champion Pool Megathread: March

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
    [link] [comments]

    Early Game Jungle

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PST

    I am having some trouble in the early game. Once I get to the mid and late game I play fine and but during the early game I seem to have tough time helping lanes. I do my best focus lanes that have a winning matchup and are volatile to snow ball, but I am having a tough time converting ganks into kills and loss of summoner spells. When I'm not ganking I ward and farm everything in site. I always have a CS advantage but I seem to get caught out in the river when trying to secure scuttlers or I die during ganks. When I path I try to start away from the lane I want to end up at so when I finish farming I can be on the side of the map with the lane I want to focus on. When I clear camps I am constantly looking at the mini map and when I'm moving in between camps I am looking in at different lanes to see how they are performing.

    This causes my team and me to lose early objectives and give the other team an advantage and I feel like I'm always playing catch-up as far as objectives and map pressure.

    Maybe I am not identifying matchups correctly or not communicating with my team effectively.

    Any tips on how I can improve my early and make my level 3 ganks more successful to get a lead early on other than in CS?

    submitted by /u/Theotecles
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    How to get Courage again?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PST

    I used to play at the start of season two up until maybe 4 or 5, progressively less and less.

    Ever since I got back, I've been really afraid of engage especially in top lane. This is just in normals mind you.

    I'm so afraid of top and mid and I eventually die, then again. My kda is like 0-2 and 7 deaths

    I used to be a ballsy fizz, solid riven, a real force with Volibear. But I'm suuuuch a wuss now. How do I get my mojo back? I get so abused by Darius, Mundo, yasuo

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Oldmanwickles
    [link] [comments]

    So I have a couple of questions...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Intro: I am an unranked lvl 28 jungle Kayn main with mastery 4. I know a lot of things about league, mostly because I play with my plat friend on his smurf account.

    Link: KawaiiDude69 on EUW


    1. How can I improve my objective awareness? I feel like I look at the map a lot and have farely good map awareness + I never get flamed for not ganking or being an inefective jungler. But I feel like not taking towers, drakes and heralds from time to time loses me the game. I mean, of course, but I don't know WHEN is the right time to take 'em. Any tips for that would be very helpful.

    2. What is the difference between diffeeent status effects? Ex.: normal stun, root, airborne, blinded etc. Any help about this would be helpful too!

    Thanks for the feedback!

    submitted by /u/pol_lesa
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    washed up

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PST

    so last season I peaked d3 52lp and despite not changing my playstyle at all I'm unable to consistently win even silver games this season. I primarily play jax/morde/amumu in jungle or top. when I play top I almost always win lane but end up not being able to carry or get any kills outside of lane at all. has anyone else had massive slumps like these and what have you done to get out of them? sorry if it isn't the right sub to post this in btw

    submitted by /u/Best_Akali_EUW
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    Is LeBlanc worth learning?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PST

    I feel like I need to add an assassin to my champion pool (I mostly play burst mages like Neeko and Syndra), and considering I love AP champions I was looking at LeBlanc. I've heard a lot about her current state ranging from "she's not that great" to "she's a great pick". Considering most mid players seem to have a decent LB I'm considering picking her up

    While we're on the topic, what other assassins can one recommend for the current meta?

    submitted by /u/k3hvn
    [link] [comments]

    Picking Ryze or Cassiopeia top

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PST

    In what situations would Cassiopeia be better than picking ryze in toplane? I mean this predominantly in terms of the types of enemy team a ryze vs a cass would be good into.

    I've gotten decent at ryze and now wanna learn cass because she has a better laning phase imo and I've been losing games mostly because of my very passive lanes playing as ryze.

    submitted by /u/Playboi_Smarti
    [link] [comments]

    Is it worth it to pick Twisted Fate in lower elos (silver-plat)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PST

    So I've always thought Twisted Fate was a cool champion and I usually have respect for good TF players (obviously Dopa has an influence on this) and with the upcoming planned buffs I figured he could be a really good pick but I can't decide if its worth it to pick him rather than just sticking to what I know I can carry on (either champions like Syndra for one shotting carries or Cass/Vik for insane late game DPS).

    I feel like having any reliance on your teammates in soloq (especially lower elos like silver-plat as stated in the title) is just a mistake. You can't rely on your bot to not die twice 2v2 before level 6, you can't expect them to not be constantly hard shoved and realistically your teammates will just have no idea what to do while you're split pushing so I feel like he's really nerfed in lower elos (my feelings are backed up by [redacted stat site that violates r/summonerschool rules] as well. His winrate starts at 50.09% in diamond and goes down almost exactly .5% every time you go to a lower tier [plat 49.5%, gold 49.06%, silver 48.56%])

    So what are your thoughts? Also please don't reference Dopa carrying with him in silver. He's quite literally the best solo queue midlaner.

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    I can't figure out if RoA is worth it on Diana

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Everyone just seems to be building her differently to a large extent

    Nashor's > Rabadon (What I've been building)

    RoA > Nashor's

    Protobelt > Hourglass/Morello

    I've checked out about 10 different Diana OTPs in Diamond-Challenger and almost none of them have a build like the other person

    submitted by /u/_shinyzE
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    Miss Fortune vs Caitlyn 1v1. How to win?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PST

    So I recently started playing 1v1 for the first time against a friend who always picks Caitlyn and I always pick MF since I'm best with her.

    So for a 1v1 match summoners rift, playing as Miss Fortune vs Caitlyn, what build do you think I should go with MF? And what items would you recommend I buy?

    It seems no matter how hard I try their always able to kill me with the long-range attacks. Any tips or tricks you have for 1v1?

    I would really appreciate your advice.

    submitted by /u/JoeRoganRoids
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