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    LoL Guide Understanding your jungle match-up

    LoL Guide Understanding your jungle match-up

    Understanding your jungle match-up

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Recently, i have realized that a lot of people don't actually understand how jungle match-ups work, which seemed weird to me, because lane match-ups are quite widely understood : People know how to trade, how to manipulate their waves, how to pressure their opponents, freeze, roam etc... But for jungler match-ups, all they know is how to do their first clear and who should win the isolated 1v1, but there is actually a lot more than that.

    Also, after looking for a bit, I didn't find any good explanation anywhere about how jungle match-up truly work... So i decided to do it myself ! Here it is.



    Just like for laning, this guide will only take into account the jungle match-ups during the early game. Once what is commonly called the "laning phase" is over, so is the "jungling phase". Match-ups become less relevant compared to team compositions, because teams will start to group up more often. Past this point, your jungle belong to your carrys now, as they are the ones that need the most ressources in order to deal their damages. Note that some junglers can be carrys too (Graves, Kindred, Karthus, etc...), and if you have one of those champions, you should play like any other carry would in the mid game and farm minions aswell as the jungle.

    With that out of the way, let's see what makes jungle match-up.

    CHAPTER 1 : The trinity

    Jungling in the early game is made of three main principles that need to be understood and played around. These principles are :

    • Farming
    • Dueling
    • Ganking

    Champions that are played in the jungle share some forms of these three traits to varying degrees, most of them are good at two of them and worse at the last one, which make sense balance-wise. Some champions can only do one of those well, but if they are good enough at it, they can still be considered good junglers. (ex : Karthus has bad ganks and dueling, but he makes up for it with his insane jungle farming which allow him to scale somewhat safely)

    Let's take a closer look at each of those terms and what they mean in relation to match-up. I also added their "laning terms" counterparts as a mean to make them more understandable :


    Farming is the ability to farm camps fast. In laning terms, this would be called « waveclear ».

    A champion with stronger farming will generally be able to get all his jungle camps on spawn and have a bit of extra time. Because of how fast these champions can farm their jungle, it can be a good strategy to focus on clearing camps until they get to their Powerspikes.

    Champions with weaker farming will often have a hard time clearing their camps effectively, they often lose a lot of HP in the process and/or they won't have time to do anything afterwards. This means that champions with weak farming have to sometime ignore a camp in order to gank or try to duel their opponents, otherwise they WILL get behind in tempo, gold and exp.


    Dueling is the ability to win an isolated 1v1 against your ennemy jungler. In laning terms, this would be called « kill pressure ». Note that this notion is heavily influenced by lane priority, just like you, as a jungler, can reduce or increase the kill pressure on one of your lane.

    Champions with stronger dueling generally want to meet their opponents and fight them, as they should win the encounter unless they are being outnumbered, they can achieve this by either counter-jungling, meeting at scuttle or counter-ganking.

    Champions with weaker dueling want to avoid their opponent at all cost and prefer to farm and gank on the opposite side of where their ennemy is. This means that these champions often want to keep their escape tools up in the event where they get to meet their opposition. For them, meeting a stronger dueling jungler at a camp generally mean they have to concede the camp if they want to stay alive, unless they have allies nearby ready to help them.


    Ganking is the ability to influence a lane, it can be done by killing the other teams laner, chunking their hp, or forcing them to use an important cooldown, generally Summoners spells or ultimates. In laning terms, this would be called « roaming ».

    Champions with good ganking generally have a good mix of damages, CC and/or a gap-closer. They can swing the dynamic of a lane in their favor with a good early gank. Typically, ganking junglers want to abuse this strength by doing efficient pathing towards the lanes they want to influence, this way they artificially create more ressources for themselves and for their team.

    Champions with bad ganking can still have influence on their lanes, but it is harder for them to change the dynamic of a lane, this means champions with bad ganking should prioritize their winning lanes early on if they want to gank. Alternatively, they can focus on farming their jungle or sometimes countergank if they have a better 2v2 or 3v3 thanks to superior dueling.

    CHAPTER 2 : The theory

    Now that we've seen the basics, let's see how these notions interact with each other :

    Farming vs Dueling

    First match-up we'll take a look at is how a farming champion fare against a dueling champion. Normally you would think that this goes in favor of the dueling champion. I mean come on, he wins the 1v1, right ? Well, yes, but actually no.

    The thing here is that if a dueling champions wants to fight a farming champion, he will surely have to cross the river and go into ennemy territory, because it is unlikely that the farming champion will comit past the river. This means his team is likely to come first to help him, but even if they don't, farming junglers don't really mind giving up one camp to a dueling jungler, because in the long run, they will get more farm and xp, and if anything, knowing where the dueling jungler is will relieve some pressure on his laners while he will just back off and go farm somewhere else.

    How to play as Dueling : there is some ways for dueling junglers to win tho : they need to predict the pathing of the farming jungler and ambush them repeatedly where they least expect it ! While it will be hard to kill on the first try, they can guarantee a flash out, and if they keep finding picks onto the farming jungler, they can snowball really fast.

    How to play as Farming : You just want to keep farming up while making sure to avoid meeting the dueling jungler. This is pretty easy to do if you and your team use defensive warding in the river, but if you lack vision and don't trust your team to roam fast enough, you can try changing your pathing and try something less common, this will take your opponent by surprise and make him lose a lot of time if he try to ambush you on the side of the map you already cleared, and if you spot him crossing the river on a defensive ward while you're on the opposing side, don't hesitate to counter jungle and get an even bigger gold and xp lead.

    Dueling vs Ganking

    This one is pretty heavily in favor of the dueling jungler, and it's understandable : Ganking jungler want to constantly cross neutral ground (river) in order to gank, but that's all the more opportunities for him to go face to face with the dueling jungler. Not only that, but the dueling jungler also have the luxury to play reactively in this match-up, as he excel in counterganks if the lanes are equally matched.

    That said, if there is too big of a lane diff somewhere, the ganking jungler can play around it and take safer ganks on an already winning lane. What this mean is that this match-up will be decided by the first few ganks : If the ganking jungler can snowball a winning lane, it may take over the game. The problem here is that it depends more on how the lanes are doing than anything, and if the dueling jungler can recognize his bad lane and support it, he can completely nullify what the ganking jungler is trying to accomplish.

    How to play as Ganking : in this match-up, the ganking jungler want to have multiple winning lanes to play around, so this way he has a chance to snowball a lane when the dueling jungler isn't around it. He has to be extremely decisive in his ganks, because if he execute them slowly, it will give time for the dueling jungler to come for a counter, and as a ganking jungler, you want to avoid that at all costs.

    How to play as Dueling : You are not playing a League of Legends champion anymore, you are a heat-seeking missile aimed at the ennemy jungler ! Be ready to leave your camps or whatever you are doing whenever you see him on the map, you should have one thing on your mind : countergank, countergank, countergank, countergank. If you have a winning top or bot, consider yourself lucky, it means you can just play around the other side of the map and cover your two weakest lanes effectively. Be reactive and make sure to capitalize on every encounter with the ganking jungler you can get.

    Ganking vs Farming

    You probably guessed it, but this one is in favor of the ganking jungler. The reason for it is quite simple : Both of these junglers want to have the minimum interactions with each other as possible, so they are virtually free to do whatever they want. The catch here is that the ganking jungler will obviously apply a lot of pressure on the map, and while the farming jungler will keep getting gold and xp at a normal rate, the ganking jungler will for sure net more benefits for his laners than what the farming jungler will get for himself if he plays correctly.

    How to play as Farming : this match-up is heavily vision-based for the farming jungler : you imperatively need to track your opponent and warn your allys of ganks at all time, if your laners respect the ganks and play defensively, you can get to a point where your own benefits exceed that of their losses. Additionally, you may want to play heavily around neutral objectives with your team : having your laners group up with you earlyer will reduce the opportunities of the ennemy jungler to just gank them. Group at dragons and herald, tell your mid/top and support to roam with you. the more you move together, the less the ganking jungler is free of his movements.

    How to play as Ganking : This match-up is your opportunity, whatever happens, this is a match-up that will make a team write "jungle diff" in all chat, make sure it's the ennemy team. You want to be relentless, never stop never stopping and gank all lanes, all the time. What is the ennemy gonna do ? Farm ? Pffff, what a nerd ! Oh they start to roam ? let me see, which one of them isn't doing that... top ? Alright, let's go there then, dive his ass. Did the support roam too ? That's a free ADC snack for you ! You get the idea... Basically you want to get your lanes ahead and snowball them as much as you can before mid-game arrives, because the farming jungler will have more gold at that point if you don't, but unlike the dueling jungler, he probably won't be able to stop you.

    Last words

    Now you know the theory behind jungle match-ups, but is it this simple in practice ? Of course not ! As i wrote in the beggining of chapter 1, most junglers can do a mix of ganking, dueling and farming depending on the champion. Of course all jungler can farm their camps, gank overpushed lanes and get kills on low health targets, but this guide is aimed at helping understand what your champion should or shouldn't do in certain match-ups and play it accordingly. As an example, Lee sin is mainly a ganking/dueling jungler, but if you play it agains't a rek'sai, you want to completely forget the dueling side and focus on ganking and farming effectively.

    Now with this, i think i have said it all. Don't hesitate to comment and share your thoughts, and feel free to ask any questions that you might have.

    Thank you for your time and I hope this have been helpful.

    submitted by /u/MrPreviously
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    How do u deal with passive supports?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    As an adc how do you play with over passive supports? For example I was playing Lucian. I know that playing this champion u need to pop off and snowball on lane. My lane was luc + ali versus cait + xerath. My Ali just sat behind me whole laning phase, while I was being pushed under tower and poked.

    submitted by /u/FullAdGG
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    Why is Kalista (top) strong (again)?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I remember kalista being super bad last year, because Riot nerfed her hard so other ADC's were stronger than her. I quit playing league for 2 month and when I recently came back I saw that Kalista was being played again and I saw her being played toplane in the LCS. Can someone explain to me why kalista is strong again and why she is being played top?

    submitted by /u/Sacreb
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    Keep playing annie to learn mid?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I recently switched to mid from jungle.

    Currently at gold.

    I am playing talon, kat, ekko and I win most of my games due to just shoving the wave, roaming and my experience with these champions.

    I feel like this playstyle is pretty degenerate and doesnt really make me a better mid player.

    Recently I started playing annie (50+games at 40% winrate) because its recommended by many coaches to learn mid fundamentals.

    However I feel like I simply lose most of my games because annie is a bad champion with too many counterpicks.

    Should I keep winning with push and roam midlaners or keep losing with annie?

    submitted by /u/55squares
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    How do I better impact the game as a support player?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I always have a fairly high vision score in my games, but sometimes it feels like I still don't properly know the flow of the game. One thing I rarely ever actually do is roam. I never really know when the perfect roam should occur, and honestly I've had my ADC die on me when I roam also, so that really discourages me from wanting to roam. Not every roam results in a kill or anything, so if my adc dies during that time then that means I actually took an L for roaming. (And trust me, I always ping)

    Am I always supposed to stay with my ADC? I feel like once laning phase is over, I'm more roaming the map trying to find something to do, whether it's providing vision, grouping for a fight, or helping someone that's been caught out, or helping another laner take a tower. The worst thing is when both teams feel like a stalemate. Neither is really pushing past river, neither is really exerting any pressure on the map, etc. What should I be doing at this time? And of course, the team is never grouped during this time, either. Everyone is sort of doing the same thing, pushing a lane to river, or taking jungle camps, etc.

    submitted by /u/eustoma01
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    Jungle Routes and Tips for S10!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hey friends! I'm back once again with another piece for DIG!

    This time I break down three solid routes to run through the Jungle and talk about which style of Champions benefit most from each route. I also break down some solid quick-tips to keep in mind when Jungling!

    What other tips do you have for aspiring Jungle mains or veteran players that are feeling a bit sluggish? Has there been a pocket pick that's turned out well for you so far this Season? And of course, what do you guys think of the article?! Feedback is always appreciated!

    Have a great one folks and stay safe out there!


    submitted by /u/HandDrawnHarriette
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    What game should I use for a coaching session?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I have access to a high elo coaching session over one of my games. I'm trying to find a game where I feel like I did everything right that ends in a loss. But the games I lose I can always remember things I did wrong. In the games I did everything right, I end up winning (Wow, what a shocker!) but i'm not learning much I feel like. I feel like all of my issues when I'm watching replays are just little situational things "Oh, I shouldn't have fought him there." "That was a bad flash". I'm having a hard time finding the game where I felt liek I couldn't have done much better so that a coach can point out what i'm not seeing. What is the best game to have a coach look over? A win, a loss, a hard loss or a close game? Any game?

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    As a Top Laner, what can I do to help my Bot Lane win without completely surrendering my own lane?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    I really don't want to turn this into a "my bot lane always feed" rant but it feels like the game is heavily decided on bot lane due to dragon and more often or not the my bot lane either wins really hard or loses really hard given how snowbally that lane can be, it really feels like a coin flip. For example, one game I might get a bot lane with a 12/0 Vayne going ham and in other game I might get a bot lane with a 0/10 Ezreal typing up a storm in all chat, there is never a average bot lane in my games.

    I just want to know what can I do as a Top Laner to ensure that my bot lane wins. I know there is the classic TP bot strat but in most cases I can't find a good ward to TP to or that if I do I find myself losing first tower to someone like Jax, Trynd, or Garen given how well they can take down towers.

    As for my champion pool I like to play Tanks such as Poppy and Maokai and while they do provide CC to help them out, they also end up losing lane to the popular lane bullies out there so TPing bot while dealing with someone like Darius constantly pushing down minion waves down my tower feels like suicide for my own lane.

    submitted by /u/GIJose65
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    Climbing out of Low Iron

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    I've lost iron II promos twice now as a gangplank top main. I never feel behind compared to enemy top lane, but in the end, at least one of my team's lanes will have a stroke and feed 5+ kills and the game is essentially gg as I get removed from existence by one fortune auto
    Do I have to change to something more restarted like jax or trynd to win?

    submitted by /u/Yaboidanielkim
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    What is Cassiopeia's weakness?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    She's one the biggest monsters late, while having better laning than Vlad and Kassadin. Her winrate is over 50% in every bracket, except it gets higher the higher elo you go (roughly 55% at the highest ELO). She's one of the best Conq abusers despite being ranged, and is good with Phase Rush if she needs mobility. Her tankiness is absurd, and it is very easy to get a 16-17 min Archangel's. Her outplay potential is immense, and despite her difficulty, lower tier players clearly are performing on her too. She has a lot of edge benefits too, like easy potential to solo baron and has 6 item slots.

    What would you do against her?

    submitted by /u/4333mhz
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    How can I benchmark my performance in games?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I play a lot of Starcraft II competitively. In Starcraft you can reasonably tell where you messed up: In your macro (resource management), in your multi tasking, in your micro, if you took a bad engagement, etc. It's quite easy to see if you are improving, not only because you climb up the ladder, but also you feel it.

    In League, however I don't feel the same way. I watch the replay and say yeah whatever my jungler sucked and bot inted. I'm clearly trash and if I were challenger I could have carried that jungler and the 0/5 kai'sa, so I know that is no excuse.

    As in Starcraft you see how you can improve, what about league? Which metrics can I use to see what can I improve on? Without paying for a coach, this is - I don't have spare money right now.
    Please don't say cs per minute, deaths etc.

    submitted by /u/trololocos
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    If you’re getting camped a lot by the enemy jungler, it’s probably because you’re too easy to kill.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    So I'm a support main most of the time, but I off role jungle because I like being able to influence the map really heavily. Now I'm in low elo, which kinda sucks because generally I'm playing with people who are not very smart or just don't care. In low elo, it seems like a lot of junglers will try to find the lane that is the easiest to gank and just harass that lane as much as possible. This gets really frustrating for a lot of players in low elo because it makes them feel like they can't play and they just have to farm under tower, and even then they may get tower dove. But here's the thing, you're probably getting camped because you're a consistent source of kills. If the enemy jungler can consistently get kills from your lane, then they're gonna keep going there so they can snowball. Now yeah sometimes you may get camped if you're in a matchup where you got the counter pick and the enemy jungler is trying to relieve pressure for their laner, or maybe you're smashing your lane and the enemy jungle is trying to help out their lane. But the majority of the time I see a jungler camping a lane, it's because they can just keep farming kills from someone. And then that person gets really tilted and they play worse and then they die again and again and then the games lost. So honestly the best way to not get camped, is to not present yourself as an easy source of kills. If you die 1 time, don't get tilted. Your lane isnt doomed, and the game isn't lost. If you find yourself in a matchup where you got the counter pick, you should expect some attention from the enemy jungle, so just keep your gank routes warded and don't go all in unless you're sure it's safe. If you don't have vision of the enemy jungle, you probably shouldn't go too hard on your enemy laner, always give yourself an escape in case of a gank. And above all, don't flame your jungler because you're being camped. It is not their responsibility to babysit your lane. If you're losing hard, the best thing for your jungler to do is to play around the strongest lane. If you were camped and you're far behind, your jungler shouldn't waste time trying to get you back into the game. If you blame your jungler for you getting camped, all you're gonna do is tilt your jungler. Yeah, getting ganked constantly feels bad, it's not fun. But you have to try and salvage the situation as much as you can, and just be aware of the state of the game and your champ. Maybe your lane was rough, but maybe you're a late game champ, so you'll scale well, or maybe you can sidelane well. Try and make yourself useful to your team, don't just give up.

    submitted by /u/TheMuffingtonPost
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    How to counter Kled?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    He has infinite health in lane due to skaarl, meaning he can poke, dismount and remount all for his health back. He has two dashes in the same ability, a stun, a ranged attack that knocks him back and an ultimate that lets him disengage/ engage and roam with ease. With all this i find it hard how to engage on him and get out ahead.

    Does anyone have any tips? I really dont want to be destroyed by this champion again.

    submitted by /u/Jhumm03
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    Drills for practice mode (specifically for CS'ing, support and midlane)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Just a general question, what drills do you use in Practice mode?

    I'm trying to expand my "role pool" from support to also midlane and I've been practicing CS, but I've also been looking for more drills to use in practice mode, for both support and mid.

    Since I've basicly only played support for the last few years I can't CS properly, and playing midlane has been a bit harder.

    Do you guys have any exercices for support, mid and/or to get better CS?

    submitted by /u/InvaderZix
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    Am I playing too safe?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Hi SS, just looking for some insight on my experience maining Veigar in ~Silver3/4 elo.

    So I decided I'm going to OTP Veigar this season. I decided on Veigar because I know he can hard carry games and is also simple enough that I can pay attention to macro and other things besides mechanics.

    So it started off great, over ~60 games I had about a 58%wr and climbed quickly from Bronze 2 to Silver 3 99lp. Then, I lost 7 games in a row and dropped back down to Silver 4. I didn't feel like I was playing laning phase any differently but somehow I had far less impact than I normally do mid/late game.

    Normally I try to just farm the wave with Q and trade when I can, but the only time I ever get a kill in laning phase is if I get a gank or we go for an objective like scuttle/dragon.

    Just curious on if there's anything specifically I could be doing to scale harder/faster and have more agency during laning phase. I hardly ever roam, and maybe I should, but with veigar's low mobility it feels REALLY bad to walk top/bot and waste so much time to get nothing off of it. I do run TP, and while I have made a few plays with it during skirmishes before, I'm not a Diamond level player so I don't get anywhere near it's full potential.

    Should I just stick it out and keep doing what I'm doing an blame it on variance in games?(I understand it isn't the largest sample size)

    Should I have a different playstyle? Should I pick a mid champion that has a strong early game since everyone wants to fight in my elo? If so, what champion? Just looking for any input, thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/chain-male
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    What's wrong with Shyvana?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I just recently bought the champion Shyvana and decided to play a couple of games to try her out, and while her abilities are cool and she can be built either AD or AP, she feels super weak, and I didn't do that well in all of those games. Why is this? Why is Shyvana such a bad jungler compared to the better junglers out there? She seems like she should be strong with a powerful ultimate and 20% bonus damage to dragons, so why is she so weak? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/rotlishak
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    Understanding win conditions and struggling to win games where enemy team has a better teamfight composition. What should I do instead?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I mainly play support play a lot of engage champs like Leo and naut. I win a lot of my games where my team has a better teamfight comp because I understand the wc of grouping up to win. However, I notice I lose a lot of games where they have a better teamfight comp and my teams win condition is not to group up and force 5v5's. I realize, this is what's holding me back from climbing more

    submitted by /u/Kobi-WanKenobi
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    Neeko and Rumble counters

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    So i played clash today and won the whole tournament (yay) and i have a question about the 3 matchups i played. my first game they picked neeko and i really i had no idea who to pick because i usually ban her in solo que, i panic picked kat and went 9/3 but lane was absolute hell, i was down xp cs and she got first blood. Her root range is longer than my e range and she would just spam roots and if i got hit by one half my health was gone, i would usually just e to a minion but the times she threw it out in e range and i jumped on her she could just r and walk away with w. What would be a really good counter pick to her because i just have difficulty picking into her. In hindsight i would've wanted to play syndra but panic picked trying to look for counters. Second game i played ori vs rumble, lane was pretty hard because if i walk into auto range he can speed up and flamethrower me, his shield was also annoying and i could only poke with my qw so i was oom pretty quickly after he pushed. I really feel like i should've gone azir there, i think the matchup is way better but i often play ori+trundle with my jungler and he already picked trundle. third game i picked renek into yasuo and shit stomped him. Any help with neeko counters or rumble counters would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/doomjudgement68
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    App or setting to see hp value displayed above minions and dragons etc

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    I've noticed that in practice mode you can see the actual hp value of the dragon and the buffs displayed above the hp bar. How can I get this in normal games?

    I'm also looking for an app or a setting that will display the minion health value above the minion health bar for csing instead of having to click on the minion and looking at the top left while also trying to look middle to last hit it.

    Would also be nice for summoners because it appears the the bar does not move down in a linear fashion. Like when the bar is at 50% they are not actually at 50%.

    submitted by /u/Slitorous
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    I can't seem to win any matchup

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    So, I'm really bad. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong though.

    I typically play mid, and I feel pretty good with Mord, ziggs, xerath, and talon. I feel like I'm equally good with all of these champs, and had success with them early on before I hit srummoner level 30. After hitting 30, I started to get matched against people who totally outclass me no matter the matchup.

    Lately though it feels as if no matter how I position or engage, I'm just getting beat. Every engage where I see an opportunity I seem to lose, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    It's created a situation where I'm hesitant and lack confidence to engage even though I see an opportunity. This prevents me from getting ahead, but also prevents the enemy from snowballing using me as food.

    What am I doing wrong? How do I improve?

    submitted by /u/swakhammer86
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    Death's Dance on ADCs

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    So I've been learning ADC as an offrole and with the changes to Death's Dance recently I was wondering if it's a viable defensive item 4th/5th on ADCs over something like GA? I'd imagine the price is the big sticking point, and perhaps the buildpath (Stopwatch/BF seem better to sit on than warhammer, scepter or aegis) but the mixed defensive stats and bleed effects seem super nice, the fact it has no cooldown unlike GA and more lifesteal never hurts even if you have bloodline/BotRK. Am I missing something big or is it literally just price/buildpath?

    submitted by /u/teskreebrook
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    Poking and Trading and the differences?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hey I'm SirJonjo a Silver 1/Gold 4 top lane player. I've been struggling in lane a lot recently and I know some of it's down to my cs (which I'm working to improve). But I believe some of it's also due to the way I trade. I tend to trade randomly in lane, and for no reason other than to either kill my opponent or get them low so they back off from farm. But sometimes I'll just poke the enemy all lane and not trade at all, and I don't know if this is a good thing. Anyway I enjoy playing Rumble a lot and when I poke with Q when enemy goes for minions it tends to turn into an all in from the enemy and I die. This is the same sometimes when I go to trade they turn into all ins.

    submitted by /u/SirJonjo
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    Pushing advantages as an early game jungler

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    As the title say, how do I push my advantage from early game to mid and late? Im currently learning Lee Sin, and recently had this matches when I was like 5/1 in early, and then just go for 7/9 at the end of the game. How can I avoid that, and don't fall behind because of my enemies better scaling than me? Also how can I utilize my damage in teamfights especially on Lee? I often can't do much in tft because as I go for an engage with Q I just die immediately after.

    I'm actually Bronze II and there's many things I don't understand, so if you could help me, it would be really nice

    Also here's my op.gg if you ever wanted: https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Defenders94

    submitted by /u/Defender94PL
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