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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Hey my name's Daption. I'm challenger support player that plays a whole lot of Lulu and Senna. AMA

    LoL Guide Hey my name's Daption. I'm challenger support player that plays a whole lot of Lulu and Senna. AMA

    Hey my name's Daption. I'm challenger support player that plays a whole lot of Lulu and Senna. AMA

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    In season 8, I finally hit my peak as rank 4 in NA and, against all the odds, tilters and inters, I reached my goal of hitting top 10. If I can do it, honestly anyone can! Feel free to ask me anything! Always follow your gut feeling guys!

    I've set a goal for myself to eventually start streaming but I used to not have the means to do it and now that I do, I thought I might as well entertain some amazing people and try it out :D I'll try streaming after school on weekdays and whenever on weekends so come check it out whenever :D

    My social medias : twitch op.gg twitter

    submitted by /u/Daption_
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    When you know you're going to die...

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I wanted to add a few points here but was hoping more could add to this. When you're in a fight that is going south, there's no chance you can get out, what can you do? Sure you can sit there doing a BM-recall over and over while they pepper you with glitter-dust or whatever the hell zoe shoots out. Or you can:

    1. Force the enemy to position away from the fight to kill you, so your teammates can get away or swing the fight.

    2. Make them waste their time chasing you so they miss out on a chance to do an objective (just know that your death timer will be out of sync with your team's). Run through their jungle, recall on a control ward, etc. Get their attention on you so they can't kill the rest of your team. Soloqueue is chaotic and uncoordinated. People will chase you to the ends of the earth for the kill.

    3. If you're a lower priority champ, say you're support and you flash a wall forcing their ADC to flash the wall to kill you. Their flash is worth more than yours in most situations. It can be easier for your team to kill them next time. This is even more true if you have Ionians, 5% CDR rune, etc. where your flash will come up first.

    4. Use your ult to get that last bit of usefulness out. If your ult has a 60s cooldown, you use it then die immediately after. After the 30s death timer, 25s walk to the next objective/fight it's up again. This will obviously vary by champ.

    5. Alternatively, contrary to the above, don't waste summs/item actives/ultimates if they aren't going to do anything for you team. This is especially important with long CDs that would have better use later. It's really tempting to panic heal when the enemy is diving on you, but know when to save it.

    6. Block major skillshots to save your teammates. You as support Janna is running away with your ADC Varus. You're both low health, no summs, and a Caitlyn ult is heading right for Varus. Yes he might be a silver shitter, but it's more important that he live so he can poke/clear waves/get gold while your team is recovering. Tank that shit and die a hero.

    Edit, additional points made in comments

    1. Sometimes when ur about to die, try to cash in on some extra minions, turret plates,... instead of wasting ur time on fighting,... when it serves no use to get enemy low on health. Of course this is occasional. /u/UrboyNaCl

    2. Try to give the kill gold to less gold efficient champs (supp, tank,...) instead of the enemy team carries. /u/UrboyNaCl

    3. Try to deny assists as well. You are denying the enemy gold if it is a solo kill vs if 2 other people participate. I find this really relevant bot lane. Let's say I'm support and we are ganked if I know my ADC is getting away but I'll be caught I'll just run into the enemy duo and tower to deny the enemy jungler kill participation and gold. /u/mr_matt138

    4. Sometimes your best bet is to do damage to them!! Ex: chunking their mid laner to 20% just might make them think twice about forcing Baron off of the kill /u/texas_bad_place

    submitted by /u/MattRazz
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    Xayah Rakan Duo Advice

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    My duo partner and I have been picking up Xayah Rajan lately and have been really enjoying it. We are both comfortable on our champs (I adc, he support) but I'm pseudo-lost on the whole Xayah Rakan combo. I'd really like some tips and info!

    I need words of wisdom for things like: strong points, combos, dueling, why are they strong together, who engages and plays off who, good matchups/bad matchups. Just general information on how to be successful with this duo other than we are just good at the champs individually.

    Thanks in advance for any words and all advice is welcome!

    submitted by /u/Cannonball31
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    Ivern help?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hello out there! I am trying to play Ivern, I have always like his concept of not attacking jg creatures. But after getting him, he's a whole lot harder than I expected. I think it's because he feels more like a support character, in the Sense of his kit. I used to be a support main, so I think like that.

    So for all those ivern mains out there, could you help me out with: runes, builds, paths, and ganks. I also don't know what I should be maxing first or anything, so I'll need lots of help. Please help me out. All or any help would be very appreciated.

    Thank you for reading and helping, I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    submitted by /u/Angy-Boi
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    How you end the game

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    I'm ranking up a new account through plat and I just find it insane how many unnecessary throws happen because people don't know the basics of closing out games, especially when it's such simple stuff.

    Ok, here's what I'm talking about. The amount of times I've seen people just hard run it down mid over and over, fail to break into the base, or worse get flanked from the sides and aced is way too high.

    Here is what you do in this scenario. You just attack the furthest exposed towers. They are much easier to siege down, there's less risk of getting flanked because you have more control over that side of the jungle and you make your team stronger by picking up that gold.

    The image shows a scenario where the two outer towers on mid have fallen because that's the one I find players most commonly fall victim to but you can apply this to any map state whatsoever. Just attack the furthest exposed tower as 5 and you will never regret your decision.

    If you have to choose between two towers of the same tier always pick the one which has an objective that you need spawning. If you get a pick you will be able to quickly turn onto it and win the game.

    It can get more complicated when you account for splitpushers but you don't really need to worry about it. Just apply this basic rule, shove the waves on the other lanes before you group then siege down the furthest exposed tower the enemy has.

    That's all I wanted to say.

    submitted by /u/Nyctas
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    Riven in s10?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Hello. I was thinking about starting playing Riven again. But, as I recall, I've never seen someone playing Riven since I started playing ranked in season 10, nor in my games neither in streams,videos etc. So, what do you think, is the Riven pick good for SoloQ after the BoTRK buff and the change on Death's Dance?

    submitted by /u/Pathet1c_
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    Using attack move click with indicator on melee or non-ADC champions

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I'm aware that using attack move click with range indicator is useful on adcs to help with kiting and auto-spacing and not going in the wrong direction.

    Up until I realized that a lot of pro players/streamers use this command in other roles as well especially on melee champions. Whats the reason behind that because last season I spent a decent amount of time learning adc so I had to use this command then when I switched back to mid lane it became so hard to stop doing it due to the habit and muscle memory. Am I losing out on anything if I keep on doing that or should I keep trying to unlearn this habit.

    submitted by /u/iWillDominate98
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    Is it bad that I have my fingers on the “wrong keys” when I play league?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    When I started playing, I saw that there are four main abilities and I use my pinky a lot more than other people when playing other games. I thought it was a normal thing to put your pinky on Q so I can cover all four abilities at once. My friends have recently informed me that I was weird and that it's probably slowing me down. I've played for a few months with my pinky on Q and I'm wondering if i should change how I play. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/AgonizedArrow80
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    Pushing for base when one lane still has towers up

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I think this happens quite a lot, games where one lane loses and doesn't have early pressure and you end having 2 winning lanes that destroy inhibs while the other still has 2 or even 3 towers remaining. Should you just forget that other lane and push the other two with baron to force the win?

    For example, earlier today in one game they had a Yi with multiple kills and I knew we had to force the end ASAP.

    Their botlane still had 3 towers when midgame started but top and mid had won hard and had taken both inhibs down. I kept trying to get my team to do Baron and push top and mid with supers, but my entire team grouped botside trying to take the remaining towers for 15 minutes and lo and behold, Yi cleans up the teamfight, we lost.

    What would have been the correct play in this situation?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    How do I effectively play ADC mid and late game, if my team refuses to group for objectives?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently sitting at silver 4 with a 47% WR and 500+ games. However, in the past week, my MMR has dropped significantly that the average MMR in my matches is bronze 4 (oof...)

    The thing is, I am a mid main primarily, but I've been queuing ADC simply because I find it enjoyable, and also queue times are instantaneous since no one likes the role I'm guessing. My main champs bot are Ezreal, Karthus, Vayne, and Kaisa and I don't think I lose lane or feed. In the vast majority of games I go even or win in lane, and since my ADC champ pool all scale very heavily, going even should be considered winning laning phase. My CS isn't great, I think it averages 6 cs/min but that's largely because I can't farm as well after laning phase. When I play midlaners, I split a sidelane after laning phase and I easily achieve 7.5+ cs/min in most of my games, however as an ADC, splitting isn't an option as much. I tend to group mid and end up competing for farm with the midlaner, even if I ask them to split they usually ignore it.

    I know my role as ADC is to stay grouped, take objectives, and do damage in team fights, so I nearly always try to group with the team after laning phase. I ping objectives (turrets, baron, dragons) and I am usually mid lane pushing waves past river, then backing off and just doing nothing until the wave comes back if I am by myself (unless there is a wave pushing in top or bot, in which case I try to catch it). Whether or not my team decides to 4+1 so we can start pushing mid, or simply group as 5 and NAram is fine with me, but I find a lot of times, it's just me walking around in midlane, afraid to push up too far, while my team is in the jungle not doing much, and not putting any pressure on the map. My point is, when I'm not grouping for baron/dragon, I'm always trying to put pressure in lanes, but I can't dictate whether my team will follow, and unlike top/mid, I can't just say "fuck my team" and go and split either.

    Here is my op.gg and I would appreciate any insights you have on that as well: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=kspstadair

    I, like everyone else in low elo, genuinely think I am better than the players in my rank. I started last season in August, and finished bronze 1. Then during the preseason I hit gold. However, I am currently playing with bronze 4 players and have a negative WR so clearly I'm doing something wrong. I would like advice on what that is.


    submitted by /u/controlwarriorlives
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    How do I play against Heimerdinger?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I really struggle against a team that has a Heimerdinger.

    I usually play support (Pyke or Nautilus), so this happens rarely, but even if the Heimer is going mid, mid to late game I can't seem to kill him. His turrets are really hard to get around for me.

    Any tips at all for playing against him are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EpicWizardGuy2771
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    Why doesn't tank Malphite build Zhonya's?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Malphite has 4 abilities that scale off AP, and armor scaling on 2 abilities + passive. Zhonya's gives AP, armor, CDR, and one of the best actives in the whole game. That seems like the most perfect synergy imaginable.

    Maybe it makes him too squishy, without any HP or MR? Fine, load up on HP and MR in your subsequent items. If you're eventually going to build armor and some offensive stats, isn't it natural to do so via an item known to have a godlike active? You see lots of champs dying to build Zhonya's if they have even the slightest synergy with it. It's that good.

    What makes Zhonya's bad on tank Malphite?

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    How to learn from pro player vods as an adc

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn the game by watching vods of challenger soloq games, but I'm finding it very hard to apply what they are doing to my own play. Their tanks are peeling for them, instead of trying to dive onto the 1/5 enemy adc. Their leona is in range threatening the all-in, not standing behind tower afraid of the poke. They don't have to play lane phase with a autofill janna who spam pushes the wave with q. Their solo laner with tp will actually go to the lane opposite the next objective to push. Their nami helps them poke in lane phase instead of standing behind them.

    The few times I've found vods of adc's smurfing in gold/plat elo, they mostly are duo with another high elo support, so it's not really helpful.

    Anyone know of any resources of adc vods playing solo in gold/plat elo that I can watch to help me with my own play? Any help/advice is also appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Comewell
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    How to teamfight properly as Yasuo?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    So let me start off by saying that I am a newbie, so in the grand scheme of things I am not that great of a player, but I do feel like I am better then your average low elo Yasuo player.

    I understand the champion fairly well, his mechanics, know and can pull off most of his combos - I also have an ok CS on him at 7cs per minute.

    Unless I am not against a counter pick (a lot of CC) I usually do very well in laning phase. I also transition very well from early to mid game and as for early-mid game fights, I am confident with him in 1v1s and do fairly well even in 1v2s.

    All of it is lost though, when we start transitioning to team fights (I understand their scope and how to approach them, although I clearly am not the best at it) but I just can't make anything happen it would seem like.

    Now like I said, I do understand teammifghts to some degree, ie. try to flank, focus the carries/squishies and dont blindly focus on the tanks etc. But I just can't make it happen.

    I understand that Yasuo himself would need some tanks on the team that would soak all the damage and would initiate fights, but well, decent teamcomps are few and far between at low elo so its not uncommon I find myself on an all squishy team or a ranged team so I am the only melee champion, thus there is nobody to initiate anything besides me. Which usually goes bad since if I try to go after the backline in any way shape or form I just get colappsed on by at least 3 poeple - if I try to focus on the frontline the backline then focuses on me, so it seems its always a lose-lose situation.

    In those type of situations, what am I supposed to do? Just running around in order to have the passive up and throwing a wind wall now and then does not feel that great and I feel like I am really not bringing anything to help the team.

    So, what exactly can I and am I supposed to do in those situations?

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Happy_360
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    How to improve more efficiently?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Hello r/summonerschool, i am a EUNE Bronze 1 mid-lane player interested into improving at the game. I've been playing consistently for over 4-4.5 months now sincer i started and i want to improve my skills and climb the ladder. Obviously, my next step will be getting out of bronze jumping into silver 4. Tehnically i am a Zed main but lost interest in the champion and even tho i don't have many MP(47K). Recently, to get from B2 to B1 I've been spamming LeBlanc into ranked solo queue and it worked for me but one of my friends tells me that i need to play champions that can 1v9 because in order to escape low elo you need to carry the games.

    And i have some questions. 1. What to expect from silver-tier players? Extremely good mechanics? Very good macro? 2. What i should prioritize in my learning? 3. What does it take to get out of bronze? 4. What would be an efficient way to improve(micro&macro)? 5. And if I manage to get to silver, how do i keep up?

    Thank you, r/summonerschool, I hope y'all staying safe in your homes.

    submitted by /u/iandreix1
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    1st ranked game

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Hi, level 30 here (yes Ik, bad choice). Just finished the first ranked game and wow, that was absolutely terrifying. It also didn't go very well, we lost and everyone was mad at me. I didn't really plan to actually do ranked, but I wanted to try 1 game to see if it really was as terrible as people say/see what they meant. I played lux support (😬) and was with a jinx bot and nami and Jhin on the other team. I ended up 1/2/1 and just I feel very stupid. I have m6 on her but I honestly didn't really do anything because I was literally terrified, and in the end we ff'd. What was your first ranked game like, and what did you do to get better after?

    submitted by /u/vaguebao
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    What is the state of Camille?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Her winrate seems very decent above plat, but her pickrate is subpar. Is it because of the skill ceiling of the champ, or is she rly not that good of a top laner in the meta?

    Seeing as i started playing recently again Ive not seen her at all, but after trying her out I dont see why she wouldnt be up there with champs like Fiora, or am i speaking out of my ass here?

    submitted by /u/Twa3nk
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    Done the tutorials. Now what?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I am a new player. I have just done the tutorials and I don't know what next step to take. I have started with custom games with bots, as I didn't want to anger other people with my bad play. Is this a good thing, or should I play co-op? I also don't know which champion to choose. There is lots of advice here on this, but I simply can not play the champions that are recommended for a new player. My options are Ezrael, Kayn, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Morgana, Riven, Sona, Tristana, Veigar, Warwich, and Zed. I can buy others from the store, but then I need riot points and I would like to play for free for now.

    submitted by /u/LazySwordTJ
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    How in the name of god are you meant to kill a vlad? At any stage of the game?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I just lost a game to him, and here are some stories.

    1. It's the laning phase, I'm Ekko, I know his damage sucks so I'm just farming away and taking trades when I can. Those trades (even if I get 3 hits off for my passive and electrocute damage) mean fuck all because with a couple of Qs on a minion he's back to full health and continuing to farm

    2. I'm on comms with my jungler (Ivern) and we go for a gank. He uses pool and fucks off, then heals up and continues to farm. Later on we try a repeat gank while his pool is down, but he still had his flash because he didn't need to use that for any of the other ganks, because of his pool.

    3. Late game he's a late game vlad, so his health bar looks like a swing meter in a golf game and we all know what that's like - but the worst part is - we have two ignites, I bought Morellonomicon just for him, my ADC and top both also bought grevious wounds... AND HE STILL HEALS ALL HIS HEALTH BACK.

    Literally. What. Do? WHAT DO? At one point he was stood in the middle of the teamfight being focused down by three people, having GW applied to him constantly, and he just didn't give a SHIT.

    He ended that game with only two deaths on the scoreboard, and neither of them were under "normal" conditions - one was early game when he followed his jungler to make a play which he shouldn't have done, the other one was WHEN HE FOUNTAIN DOVE AT THE END RIGHT AS HE WON THE GAME.

    Like you can't seriously be telling me that the only way to kill this hero is "hope he makes a horrible misplay"??

    I really want some advice against this guy, because I really don't want to resort to having to ban him and letting Kassadin be open instead.

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Jinx: General Questions

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Preface: Coming from a background of having a background of 8000+ hrs in DotA, and being in the top 1% of the player base. I was playing alongside some friends in a LoL amateur league and I was able to capitalize off of some experience in the first game and hold on, but every game I got punished and had to play from behind.

    I'm looking for general approach tips on playing Jinx consistently so that I can quickly refine my capacity on to a level that my teammates can rely on.

    Some key questions I have:

    How does Jinx typically get value in trades? Does she have to use rocket launcher or is it preferable to hang back and go for kills if opportunities arise rather than trading due to her lack of reliable trading tools?

    What is Jinx's more optimized positioning when it comes to the laning phase. When can you play forward and when do you usually hang back?

    What key item timing & level power spikes should I be capitalizing off of?

    When are optimal and preferred usages of her ulti?

    Given her rocket launcher & Hurricane synergy does it ever seem reasonable to have TP as a summoner skill for split push?

    submitted by /u/VuTruu
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    Sterak's Gage and Maw of Malmortius

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    wanted to ask for your opinion about building Sterak's Gage alongside Maw of Malmortius. Could it still be worth?

    I tested it in the practice tool and 'Lifeline', the magic shield from Maw, would never proc, but 'Lifegrip' would.

    So when the enemy pops the shield of Sterak's Gage, you get increased size and +30% Tenacity for 8 seconds plus +20 AD, +10% Lifesteal and +10% Spellvamp until out of combat from Maw.

    To me this is a decent tradeoff to Mercurial Scimitar, when you don't need the QSS effect anyway and get 10% CDR and 15 magic resist more for 150g less over all.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/PapaTrynd
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    Ashe V Caitlyn

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Hey Guys I am an Ashe one trick and I perma ban senna and that isn't going to change. I face Caitlyn very frequently and I can't figure out how to beat her.

    I know I shouldn't get combod, and that she pushes all the time, so I can look for ganks to be successful and maybe catch her with my arrow. She outranges me so she can zone me off of farm without me being able to counter her very effectively. She takes fleet footwork so my W poke won't get her low.

    I should look for my support to land cc on her but with her net she seems pretty much impossible to lock down. The only hope would be to get her net on cooldown while we are getting a gank and that is just not something that is going to happen in Solo Queue at my level of play.

    So what are my options?

    To survive land I have tried specing into fleet footwork with teleport. This allows me to sustain through her poke and keep my turret alive while maintaining a high amount of CS.

    Without heal though I am at risk of dying if I step in a trap.

    I know that ideally I should never leash into a Caitlyn lane and get the push from level 1. Maintain it throughout the laning phase and prevent her from pushing me out. Problem is I can't just go to lane without getting flamed by my jungler. He will require me to leash so again that isn't a viable option.

    What happens then is that she gets the push, lays down traps under tower, and looks to combo me or my support. She takes all my plates and can prevent all ins with her net. Only weak to a flash engage by my support or a teleport flank from behind. Realistically she should be safe to ganks as long as she doesn't waste her cooldowns.

    It seems like my only option is to just let her take my turret and try to get as much gold as possible. Hope that my team is winning and that she isn't able to siege in midgame.

    Hoping you guys can help me with this matchup as I play only Ashe and I am trying to figure out the best way to win this lane.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How to Carry in clash?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Our clash team is made up of Iron-Gold. I'm a support main but I switch to mid for clash and do pretty well in lane, and I'm constantly invading with my jungler and double ganking bot once I push my lane.

    We still lose.. I don't want to put the blame on one person, but it is. Our adc is iron, and they just don't take any advice or even know how to cs properly. What mids/jgs can we play to carry?

    I played a full support bard (I know he does damage) with the adc as xayah, I had like 26k damage and they had 12k as adc. Even if I spoon feed as a support, it isn't working. So we're trying to carry through mid and jungle. Idk if that's the best. Sorry this post is everywhere.

    submitted by /u/grayfrostt
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    Best Way to Learn How to Build?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    So I'm a relatively new player (been playing since quarantine started) and I'm in the mid 20's as far as level. I play with 2 of my friends who are both past 100, but the matchmaking isn't too much of an issue since we coordinate well and I have prior MOBA experience (Smite)(Still have my bad games tho ofc). However, I've just been relying on the recommended items since I started and I want to know how to build more efficiently, not just for the characters I play but just in general (I play Supp and Top btw). Anyone have certain tips/recommend certain videos that really can help me get a better understanding of building in this game? I'd ask my friends but they usually get flustered in game and I'd prefer learning on my own so I can not bother them and we can each do our own thing in game!

    submitted by /u/RUFooked
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    I need help securing wins.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT


    I main Diana (Zed, Veig, Pyke, Akali, Taliyah, Ashe, Xayah). Currently in Bronze 1.

    Strengths: Win lane, Roaming, Boss control, Early kills, Solo kills.

    Weaknesses: Teamfights (5v5), Item building, Securing leads and victories.

    I find that in the vast majority of games, I can dominate my lane and pressure other lanes. Nearly all of my games I am a powerhouse until mid game (20-25). I notice that is when my farming slows down, and I don't really understand where I should be and when to engage for fights.

    I climbed to gold 4 last season, but since I started playing this season, I've been kinda trash.

    submitted by /u/DafaqYuDoin
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