• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - April 21st!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - April 21st!

    Free Talk Tuesday - April 21st!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Hiya, /r/leagueoflegends! IcyColdStare here with this week's FTT thread! Hope you've all had a good (and safe) weekend!

    C9 and G2 have done it! Both teams claimed this split's title with swift, decisive 3-0's, with C9 in particular making the claim as most dominant NA team ever (S3 vibes, anyone?)

    In related news, we've got our next set of Worlds Team skins on the PBE - the FunPlus Phoenix squad have got their set locked and ready! The lucky champions are Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne and Thresh this go 'round, and they're lookin' like fiery Power Rangers (or Super Sentai if you're so inclined). My personal favorite is GP - I love how the FPX logo shines on his ult. What do you think of this lineup of team skins? Let's hear it!

    That's it from your boy for this week, though. Thread's all yours as usual, just remember to follow our FTT Rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Sources: Doublelift headed back to Team SoloMid

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Tales of Runeterra: Ionia | “The Lesson”

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Volibear animation from PBE files

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Zven talks about teams dodging in scrims

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Top Teams in NA asked to remake scrims for giving up first bloods -C9Nisqy-

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    MonteCristo and Thorin on the Doublelift Trade

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT


    This trade should be denied by the league for competitive integrity reasons.

    According to the article, DL has other offers and can pick a team without a massive conflict of interest.

    Remember that all trades must be approved by the LCS.

    This one should not be.

    Even if nothing happened behind the scenes, it sets a terrible precedent.


    As usual, TSM are allowed to do seemingly whatever the fuck they want, regardless of the LCS rules. Must be a day then ends in a y.

    TSM out here finding their next ADC on Tinder rather than Proving Grounds :>

    submitted by /u/DarkDiglett
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    Making use of my resources (I'm bronze/new to LoL, was proud of this)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Lucian and Senna Fan Splash by me (Bluemist_72)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Turns out when you outplay yourself, you can also outplay your opponent too

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Upcoming changes for 10.9 with preview

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.9.

    LoL 10.9 Patch Preview with tentative changes:

    We're going pretty soft on the Quinn buffs because she also benefits from the Sanguine Blade buffs.

    >>> Systems <<<

    Sanguine Blade Buff

    • Recipe cost: 1100 >>> 1000g

    • Attack damage: 50 >>>55

    >>> Nerfs <<<


    Base stats

    • Armor: 34 >>> 31


    • Damage: 30-130 >>> 20-120


    • Clone damage: 40-60 >>> 35-55%


    Base stats

    • Movement speed: 335 >>> 325



    • Cooldown: 100-60 >>> 120-80



    • Movement Speed: 50 >>> 30%

    • Cooldown: 12 >>> 14


    • Cooldown: 18-14 >>> 22-16


    Base stats

    • HP: 489.32 >>> 475

    • Mana: 277.24 >>> 265


    • Movement Speed: 60 >>> 45

    >>> Buffs <<<



    • Cooldown: 7-5 >>> 6-4

    • Q Bonus damage applies to minion


    • Slow: 70 >>> 90% decaying



    • Cooldown: 10-4 >>> 8-4

    Fiddle Support


    • Damage: 70-190 >>> 70-210



    • Near sight duration: 1.5 >>> 1.75


    Mega Q

    • Cooldown refund: 60 >>> 70%

    Mega E

    • Damage: 50-190 >>> 80-220



    • Damage: 22-70 >>> 22-84
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    A Master Swain player's perspective on why Swain does require attention

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Some of you might have seen my post that hit the front page a few months ago about Swain tips and support tips. The recent Legends of Runeterra Swain reveal and artwork reminded me of how I felt going through the Swain rework reveal, and the reasons why I fell in love with the champion. It also reminded me of how the champion that I have been playing doesn't resemble a grand GENERAL, and master tactician. So I did what any sane person would do and wrote a 10 page report (quarantine has not been treating me as well as others) on what I think the problems with Swain is and why I think he needs attention. I decided to summarize the main points and make this post as short as possible (still a wall of text), so I apologize in advance as it might look quite messy.

    The good, the bad, and the ugly

    Swain is in no means a weak champion. He has his strength and his weaknesses like any other champion, but the difference is his weaknesses results in frustrating gameplay. Swain is a midgame beast but has a pretty exploitable early game. Swain is a jack of all trades but a master of none. He has a lot of tools but excels at nothing. He has burst but is gated by high cooldowns (7/22/13/120 at level 6). He has 3 AoE abilities but terrible waveclear. He is incredibly ult reliant, which has a 120 cooldown at ALL ranks on a champion that barely exceeds 20%cdr. He has no solo kill potential without his ult. His pull passive requires CC but his only CC is an unreliable skillshot that gets harder to land the better the enemy, which leaves him dependent on his team to land CC "you'll often find better targets by following up on their lockdown, rather than trying to set up plays by yourself" quoted from the end of the Swain champion update page.

    His abilities do little to nothing on their own during the laning phase, his Q is pretty much an auto attack from max range, his W explodes in 1.5 seconds and is easy to dodge, and his passive depends on E to land which makes his only combo E>W>pull>Q. Not only does his Q, W and pull depend on landing E, but also his soul fragments (the healing, mana restore and health stacking) also depend on landing E throughout the laning phase. On that note, Swain's soul fragments, which I believe is the most problematic part of his kit alongside R2, not only depends on E but also is also dependent on teammates landing CC and getting kills around him.

    Other than the problems mentioned, Swain's strengths are better shown in the support role. The narrative seems to be that Swain is strong in duo lane due to his passive, but I believe that it's more to do with the dependent nature of his kit and when paired with a champion bot he becomes a lane bully. Suddenly his burst is followed up by a champion which gives kill potential. Landing E becomes a whole lot easier because:

    · there are 2 targets to hit

    · Swain can position more aggressively then in a solo lane

    · landing a few E's early creates pressure akin to thresh or blitz hooks

    · Swain can't be punished as hard for missing (in most matchups) or for having high cooldowns

    Swain is listed as a Battlemage on the wiki page. Two interesting points that I noticed is that all the listed mages have good waveclear except for Swain and Vladimir(the latter being one of the best scaling mages in the game) and all their ults cooldown scale with their level except for Swain. All of their ults have a cooldown lower than 120 after level 11 with the exception of Ryze & Taliyah (macro ults), Vladimir & Karthus (game changing ults) and Swain. In addition, pretty much all of these champs tend to cap CDR, again except Swain.

    The points that I'd like to highlight going into the next section are:

    · Swain does not need buffs, he needs adjustments. He needs his power to be shifted.

    · Swain is a mid-game beast but has an extremely exploitable and frustrating early game.

    · Swain support shows that the champions kit can be strong early in a duo lane.

    · Swain's whole laning phase is centered around his E.

    · Swain is dependent on landing his E, having teammates land CC and having teammates get kills around him.

    · Swain is incredibly ult reliant.

    · Swain's ult has a 120 cooldown at all ranks.

    · His soul fragment mechanic, not only the health stacking but the regen part, is a problem and one of the problems that makes Swain feel a lot stronger in lower elo.

    · " Demonic Ascension's lengthy duration and the short cooldown on Death's Hand lend themselves toward the longer battles Swain loves, but he has trouble sticking to enemies as fights drag on. Master Swain players should opt into runes or items that offset this weakness. " from the Swain champion update. (10/8.5/7/5.5/4) ain't that short.

    "I was born a patrician. I became a soldier."

    Ever since his rework in early 2018, there has been an ever-growing disagreement between Riot and Swain players (atleast the vocal section of /r/swainmains) regarding his state. Riot's recent statements has shown that they are satisfied with Swain in his current state, which in turn sparked more posts from Swain players showing their dissatisfaction. Personally, I feel like both have valid points but there are a few points that I would like to add, but first, I would like to address the Swain community.

    1) Swain is not viable above *gold/plat/d4*.

    This is one of the comments that I hate seeing the most about champions like Swain. Yes, the higher you go in the ladder and the better the players, the better they know how to play against Swain and how to punish him, but that does not mean he is not viable. This isn't the case where a few players hit challenger and that makes him viable, but there are many people that can and do reach mid to high diamond playing Swain. Is he frustrating and labored to play? I would say that yes he is the higher you go, but he is more than viable.

    2) Swain's kit is a failure and requires buffs or revert

    Are we not playing the same champion? Swain's kit has its strengths and it's weaknesses and buffing the champion in his current state would not only break him in low elo but might even be a problem in high elo. Swain in the support role shows that the kit can be strong even in the early game, but it also shows how dependent it is.

    I mean honestly, if you guys would get of your high horse and try Swain in the support role instead of harassing the players that haven't found success for him in solo lanes and tried to play him in the one role he is strong in, then you would see that the kit has potential. Its not like Riot is going to see this rise in popularity in the support role as an indication that players want to play him in the support role and balance him around this role. Swain is and will always be prioritized as a mid laner, Right Riot? …….Right? ….. Riot? Nononononnoo Riot No!

    "I cannot lead if I allow fools to stumble about before me."

    Swain is the Grand General of Noxus, where strength is respected most and there is no place for the weak. " Swain is the visionary ruler of the Noxian empire, commanding its warhosts from the front lines. " - first sentence from the Swain champion update page. No offense to the support role, but it is a role that is meant to give all its resource to an ADC and support the ADC to the point that they are strong (not going to call it "babysit" as the support role is more than that now), and support the team through vision and CC. It thematically makes no sense for him to be a support when he is meant to be a mage that scales off levels and gold to carry a team.

    "We really wanted him to feel like the leader of Noxus - a mage who positions himself in the fight and doesn't sit on his horse in the back of the army watching and planning." was said by Riot__Earp in the Swain rework AMA and playing Swain in the support role does not feel like the leader of Noxus. Its fine if it were his secondary role, but for this to be the narrative "I'm interested in finding ways to not necessarily straight-up buff Swain, but to make him more satisfying to play as a solo laner without really touching support Swain" as quoted by RiotKingCobra here, is a problem in my opinion. According to stat from leagueofgraphs and also u.gg, Swain sees a 72%~ of his presence in the support role while mid lanes is at 15%~ across all ranks. When he was reworked from a champion that was exclusively played in solo lanes, should this not raise a red flag?

    One of the reasons they do not want to touch support Swain is because of the following he has in the support role. The problem with that is that it does not take into consideration the number of players, like me, that are playing support Swain mainly because they were not satisfied with him in the mid lane and just want to play the champion, and would pick him up in mid lane if he was changed. These 2 graphs from leagueofgraphs show that after his mini rework there was a spike in mid lane pickrate. After which it dropped and that drop coincides with the spike in support pickrate(Also noticed the spike in support pickrate at the beginning of 2020 which coincides with the date I posted my post, Jan 9, or I might be looking too far into things :/ ). But let us put the pickrate and winrate aside for a minute, are you satisfied with the current state of Swain as a champion? I respect the work and effort you put into the champion as Rioters and that you are more knowledgeable about design and balance than us, but I also expect that you respect our feelings and opinions of the champion as players that have hundreds of games on the champion. This is not a case of 200+ years of collective experience vs the community because we have been playing the same champion since patch 9.14 and not a few games on PBE. Personally, there are 3 points that I would like to highlight about Swain:

    1) His waveclear

    "I think a primary takeaway from the Mage update I applied on Swain was to make sure he had good wave clear" and "I think our modern mid-lane champions require a certain threshold of wave control in order to be viable." was said by wav3break in the Swain rework AMA. That is not the case now as evident by RiotKingCobra himself saying "alleviate some of the pain points that are being identified for solo lane Swain… his shoddy waveclear" a few days ago.

    2) His dependency

    Swain's whole laning is dependent on his E, his passive is dependent on E or teammate CC, his kill pressure and teamfighting is dependent on his ult being up, his soul fragements are dependent on team getting kills around him (in the early game as a champion with low prio, low waveclear and bad skirmishing). He went from a champion that would always run into a fight ("his "strategy" generally involved walking towards enemies until they died (or he ran out of mana)." from the Swain champion insight page, to a champion that doesn't even have the option of going into a fight because he's ult has a down time of 120 seconds at all ranks.

    RiotKingCobra said in the AMA "I think Swain definitely has potential to be a meta pick. His W, E, and passive are all pretty powerful tools when you have comms. Before release, I put together a short report for that outlined his strengths, weaknesses, and other things to look out for and specifically called out that there are mechanics in his kit that lend themselves better to coordinated play than solo queue. :)" considering the fact that Swain is seeing way more success in low elo than in high elo which should be "more coordinated" and basically no presence in pro play, the highest level of coordinated play, might be time to reconsider those tools and make them more suitable to solo queue.

    3) His passive

    Swain's Flock passive is, in my opinion, one of the biggest problems that skews his winrate between ranks. In low elo, players trade more often and dodge skillshots less, players fight more often and there is a higher kills per minute, which all translate to Swain collecting more souls, which in turn not only gives him bonus health (that doubles on ult), but also gives him a lot more healing and mana regen. In higher elo, players know how to punish Swain better in lane and know to shove and roam more often and there is lower kills per minute so Swain gets less stacks.

    On a side note, with the recent release of more complex champions like Aphelios and Sylas, I feel like there is more room to give Swain a passive that is more reflective of the Vision aspect of Swain like the idea that was mentioned in the AMA.


    Thanks for all of you who made it this far,here's a gift.

    On a more serious note, I hope this post sparks a constructive discussion where we get to hear from the Swain community ,high elo Swain players and Rioters, and by the end, at the very least get to understand each other's perspective. I plan on making the Swain E guide that I had many people ask me to make on my other post (Sorry life got in the way ☹) and a Swain guide. In addition, I plan on getting back to streaming when I get my internet fixed up, hopefully this week.

    Remember to stay safe, stay home and most importantly stay sane!

    tl;dr: Swain mid lane champ. Swain good champ. Swain not fun sometimes. Swain no need buff, Swain need changes.

    submitted by /u/TIChaozRevo
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    Incredible TP flank for first blood

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Im new to League im bad but I thought this was awesome.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    If Omnistone was changed to Omnirune, would it it broken?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    If omnistone was changed to omnirune so that you can pick 2 secondary runes from any tree (one per tier), would it broken?

    For example, you can choose any secondary rune from any tree (one per tier) so you could run something like omnirune sett with magical boots, biscuit delivery, cosmic insight, bone plating and relentless hunter.

    Assume for intents and purposes that keystone runes from omnistone would be balanced to accommodate for the power of secondary runes.

    What champions would abuse this and become op?

    Bonus: if omnistone dropped the keystones, but allowed you to pick 5 secondary runes from all of the trees, would it be a busted rune?

    submitted by /u/outoftheshowerahri
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    The Spider-Man Hook

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    This is how a samurai should maneuver

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    LPL Spring Playoffs - TL;DR

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Quick turnaround time from end of split to playoffs but myself and Clemnt Chu (mainly Clement as he did most of the fact checking and structure <3) decided to do another LPL Playoff TL;DR to get everyone up to speed on the region as we hit the business end of the tournament!

    The LPL Playoffs kick off at 02:00 PST/10:00 CEST/18:00 KST on Twitch and YouTube!

    Invictus Gaming

    Invictus Gaming is still the most talented team in the league, and likely the world. After the departure of JackeyLove, the bot lane has been left to Puff and Southwind to look after and the duo have done exceptionally well at keeping the "Lane Kingdom" marquee intact for Invictus. Puff especially has really stepped up as being the main carry for the team, and is one of, if not the best Aphelios in the LPL. For Top side, TheShy's fallen in love with taking ADCs to the solo lane and crushing juggernauts, so look out for plenty of Kalista/Lucian bans. Overall, if they're on their game, expect iG to win lanes and skirmish their way to wins.

    The big question for iG is, can they actually suit up for Playoffs? Despite their record, IG has played an incredibly, shall we say, "happy" split this spring. They've never seen a fight they don't like (bloodiest team among all major regions), and it doesn't always end well for them. TheShy has the most deaths per game in the LPL, and the team overall has a very uninspiring kill death ratio overall. It's time to see if all that limit testing will yield results, or if a repeat of summer 2019 is on the cards.

    FunPlus Phoenix

    The Phoenix has done well for itself in the offseason, retaining all of their championship members and also adding Khan from T1 into it's arsenal definitely made them look like off-season winners to say the least. FPX have kept the same game plan of capitalizing off the emanating pressure from Doinb's mid lane bruisers to end games fast and early. Champions like Kled, Renekton, and Rumble can bully their lanes and join sidelane tower dives to devastating effect.

    However, FPX has also experienced some failures to launch. Incorporating Khan has brought Camille and Fiora split pushing as potential options for the team, but the growing pains still linger for FPX. We've seen them revert back to Gimgoon as the main starter in the top lane as the losses were starting to become too frequent for the teams liking. Not only that but we've also experienced a large drop in Tian, particularly in his early game dominance. However, throughout the inconsistencies Super Carry Doinb is somehow shining even brighter than before, carrying an even greater load of the damage for his team at 29.8%.

    The main questions for FPX are still centered on Khan in the postseason. Gimgoon historically hasn't had the best of times vs. TheShy/Zoom, and the brackets may set them up to run through both. If they can incorporate a counter pick strategy for top lane with Khan, FPX will be much less vulnerable to simply having Doinb focused down early.

    JD Gaming

    JD Gaming are the team in best form heading towards the postseason. The squad hasn't dropped a single game when they were able to field Zoom(quarantined for most of the split), and Kanavi has shaped up to be a MVP caliber player.

    In terms of their playstyle, they are the embodiment of the Juggernaut. They love bruisers and their comps are stocked full of engagement to help them reach the mayhem. From Zoom's Sett, Kanavi's Sylas jungle, LoKen's Kalista to LvMao's disgustingly good Bard, this team is built to smash into you sooner rather than later. What sets them apart from being just blood thirsty, is the fact JDG has truly perfected the art of knowing when to hold them and more importantly when to fold them. They are master Baron dancers with a 73.8% Baron control rate, and will use that knowledge to mercilessly draw opponents to them.

    At this point, JDG can confidently outfight anyone in the bracket (evident in their manhandling of eStars and teamfighting win vs IG), but they have to be careful for teams that can draw strong set plays such as EDG & FPX. JDG gambles a lot on picks, which makes them easy prey to "angler fish" tactics where carries are dangled in front of them. If they can avoid rushes of blood to the head though, don't be surprised if a new champion is crowned in the LPL.


    eStars are the kings of the Drake fight in the LPL. Cobbled together at the last minute with RNG substitutes in [Xiaobai/Crying/Wink] a YM jungler in [Wei], and a remnant of the Flash Wolves[ShiauC], the newest organization to the LPL took the league by storm. Estars have the highest control rate for Drakes in the LPL at 59.7%. Early game, Wei looks to get the bot lane ahead so Wink, their primary damage dealer can reach comfortable item powerspikes, and ShiauC to roam and set up for objectives. They're always at the drake pit first, and have a particular love for wombo-combo comps to blow up any challengers.

    The biggest challenge for eStars is going to be the lack of a good jungle pick for Wei. In the past 13 games he's had Jarvan banned against him, and the team has sorely missed their teamfight setter who can also deliver early game presence. If they can find another ignition to this team fighting machine though, eStars' disciplined approach to objectives will make them the bane of many a team in the bracket.

    Top Esports

    Top Esports have the deadliest early game in the LPL. Their three carries of 369, Knight and now JackeyLove(joined three series before playoffs) are all within the top 3 for gold difference among their roles (limited scope for JKL but we'll take it!). Add an early game gank specialist like Karsa to the mix, it's no surprise that they lead the league in 15 minute gold leads. Unfortunately, that's where the music ends for the TES throughout most of the split. TES likely had the most visible shotcalling issues of any top team, and they often relied on Knight 1v9 hero plays to bail them out of shoddy teamfighting.

    Top Esports have a reputation for being playoff duds due to the lack of cohesion beyond laning phase, and that's where JackeyLove comes in. Leaving a World Championship team in IG to join the squad, he (in the fixes many of the teamfighting issues of previous ADCs, and is also expected to harness the other talents here through his shotcalling as he did on Invictus. So far, he's done a brilliant job propelling the team to a 6 game win streak, including a 2-0 win over FPX to close the season. With the Exodia of Knight, Karsa, and JackeyLove now assembled, Top Esports may be looking for the biggest 180° turn in a single split.

    EDward Gaming

    EDG are coming in as a bit of an enigma. They were one of the hardest hit rosters during the pandemic, with multiple players and coaches in quarantine, they've only managed to field their starters in 6 series out of a possible 16. The reason they're still in the playoffs: Hope. Hope as a late game minded marksman is noted for his patience and positioning. In stark contrast to his predecessor in iBoy, he has the lowest deaths per game of any ADC, while pumping out 29.3% of the team's damage. An educated guess would say that EDG will reshape their identity from pick oriented to peeling for Hope. A good example would be their recent series with OMG, where Jinoo is put on Maokai, and Scout on control mages like Azir, setting layers of barriers for Hope to dish out the pain.

    Royal Never Give Up

    RNG have endured an Uzi-less spring and instead of developing traits beyond playing around their megastar, they now look utterly lost. Despite having the easiest remaining schedule facing 5 non-playoff teams, RNG managed to drop four of them and barely made the playoffs. Langx has again failed to develop sideline split pushing and RNG run headfirst into teamfights without much rhyme or reason. RNG's players aside from new jungler XLB are all accomplished veterans, so when given enough of a lead they can auto-pilot themselves to victory. Expect them to stick with early snowball comps, especially likes of Zoe/Rek'sai.

    The big question is of course will Uzi be able play in the postseason. While technically able to from a ruling standpoint, Uzi suffered a moving accident that has continued to sideline him. In his stead, Betty has had the best performance out of the team, but he'll still need more members to wake up for this squad to advance.

    Team WE

    Team WE is built on the philosophy of being the first one's to group in a teamfight. They generate the highest assist per kill in the LPL (2.53), and are constantly looking for potential picks to kick things off. The lynchpin of this style is mid laner Teacherma, who in some senses is an extreme version of Doinb. He loves leaving lane and will give up large amounts of farm to do so, frequently playing champions with globals like Aurelion Sol, Pantheon, and Nocturne. Morgan, who is likely the best player on the team, also adheres to this style, playing more Ornn than any other top in the league. Together the solo laners fold into their bot lane in Jiumeng and Missing, propping them up to take turret plates across the map. WE really shine with their coordination, and can often punish enemy teams by intercepting their rotations.

    There is a steep price to pay for leaving passive lane gold and hedging on team fights though. If the play fails WE often find themselves so far behind in tempo that it's impossible to recover. Indeed, Team WE hasn't won a single game when holding a deficit u/15 minutes. In a playoff setting where surprises are harder to pull-off, Team WE must walk the tight-rope of harnessing their edge in coordination, while avoiding their riskier teamfight setups.

    Hope this helps people get a bit more insight into the LPL and make watching it more fun!

    submitted by /u/BPcasts
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    When are they gonna let Neeko clone as Rhaast and Shadow Kayn?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Riot----"Ok so cool, Neeko can clone as any friendly champion and she gets there skin and back animations and everything!"

    Playerbase----"What if theres a Kayn on her team?"

    Riot----"Who the fuck is Kayn? Whatever... she just gets base Kayn no transform"

    submitted by /u/nogoodgreen
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    MAD Carzzy Jhin teamfighting

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Yet Another Korean TFT Commercial

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Broxah joking about joining TSM

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    What each role really is. (through the eyes of an adc, but i dont play adc)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Bruiser: a hard rubber ball that will smash you to bits.

    Tank: a rock that will smash you to bits.

    Mage: A bomb that will smash you to bits.

    Carry support: a small bomb that will smash you to bits.

    Utility support: you probably wont get smashed to bits by the utility support alone, but they will cause you to get smashed to bits.

    Assassin: Your game is probably going to be more grey than green and blue

    ADC: A water balloon. If you get big enough, you might hurt, but also runs the ever present risk of getting popped. Like a balloon.

    My sleep deprived brain thanks you for your attention.

    submitted by /u/dankand
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    Welcome AMD and Afflelou as official partners for EU Masters Spring 2020!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    What is it with the dire need to tell people they are bad in this game? why is never anyone considered good?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    This is something that bothered me forever in this community, but it's gotten so much worse lately.

    Someone wins lane?Everyone tells him "you're not good, your opponent was just bad"someone loses lane? he tells the enemy he isn't good, it was only because of whatever strange reason.Someone 1v9s? everyone could do it with that champ.

    Why do so many lol player have such fragile egos, that they feel the need to tell others how bad they are?

    It doesnt even effect me personally as i'm extremely (over)confident but it's so so strange to see my adc play his heart out, only to have the enemy adc play it down because his support apparently sucked. It just attacks the enemy support and denies my adc's achievements for no reason whatsoever, except to protect their little fragile egos probably?

    Sorray for the vent, this has really been grinding my gears lately.

    submitted by /u/BamboozlingMooseling
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