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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    LoL Guide Why is Warwick still primarily a jungler, and not a top laner?

    LoL Guide Why is Warwick still primarily a jungler, and not a top laner?

    Why is Warwick still primarily a jungler, and not a top laner?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I always bounce between mid and top and I lately I've been playing top lane. Well I decided I didn't want to play the same old champions. I wanted to try something new, fresh, and exciting. I hovered Warwick because that sounded fun.

    The enemy jungler picks him instead, I'm really sad, I play riven instead, but after the game I got to thinking.

    He's got a ton of natural sustain, he's got an ability that buffs his defenses, he's got two pretty solid gap closers one of which is a suppress. This guys entire kit sounds like he wants to 1v1 people all day.

    Old Warwick didn't have the tools needed to win in lane, but ever since he was reworked this guys been a pretty scary dueler.

    So my question is why doesent he see top lane play? He has all the characteristics of a top lane champion. Do the numbers just not add up? Am I just stupid and his kit just sucks in a lane?

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    For all the people playing with Ornn on his team, read this please.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Im writing this because i've seen a few people mentioning it. Whenever you play with an Ornn in your team, remember to place the item you want to be upgraded the first one in your inventory please.

    For example a lot of times it is better to upgrade Rabadon instead of Echo luden, just put Rabadon the first one and it will be upgraded.

    submitted by /u/Wizioo
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    When to properly back as jungle?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Greetings fellow summoners,

    Hope you all are safe and healthy! I'm not typically a jungler, but my Clash team insists that I pick up the role. They say my ganks are respectable, my objective and vision control is great, but I never know when to back. It always feels like I have something to do locally. For example, I will do a top to bottom clear, gank bot, secure dragon, counter jungle bot side, then look for a gang mid, followed by my chickens, scuttle, etc. By the time I finally have nothing to do on my side of the map, im like 3k deep in gold. With how busy of a role it is, how do I know what to neglect in order to shop?

    submitted by /u/tordue
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    How do i improve at league, specifically top lane

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Before i start a big F U to the mods cuz every single post i make on this subject gets removed or branded as "generalist". It might be but i'm a different person with a much different mindset from other people making similar posts, and yes i looked up those tips in other threads respectively.

    -I have already looked into a lot of threads similar to mine, followed all of their -generalist- tips such as looking at the map every 5 seconds, warding, playing smarter, going for objectives, having a small champion pool (mine consists of Darius, Seth and Ornn), taking breaks if tilted or on a losing streak, muting ppl,dodging games and even reviewing my own vods.

    -Now, that might have helped me in its own certain ways but i still suck when it comes to macros:

    • laning against passive players

    • trading in lane

    • knowing when to roam

    • controling the wave

    • predicting junglers/ganks

    • better focus while team fighting (in which i just lose track of my champ and my surroundings untill it just becomes blurry up until i get to that grey screen)

    -If I could get some useful tips that could help me out on these subjects i would really appreciate it.

    -P.S. sorry for my bad english, hope you understand what im saying

    submitted by /u/JustArkin
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    I'm Gold 4 with a lot of quarantine time on my hands. What are 5 specific skills to focus on to get to climb?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I read this sub a lot and watch a lot of walkthroughs (including rank-specific ones), but I feel like a lot of the information makes A LOT of assumptions about playing around teammates or there is just so much information to process. For example a coach will say something like "you know you can move up and trade aggressively in the lane because their jungler started red and will be on so-and-so camp right now" which may be true at their level but lol at Silver/Gold.

    So I am looking for 5 specific skills tailored to my level that I can spend 10 games each focusing solely on that one before moving on to the next.

    EDIT: Mid primary, Top secondary.

    submitted by /u/Daze_Confuse
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    Anything a Xayah & Rakan duo should know?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Me and my friend have been getting into Xayah (me) and Rakan (him). I'm mainly making this thread to make sure there isn't some good advice or something we'd miss that could be crucial to our games.

    Also, what's Rakan's core build? I'm finding my friend is struggling a bit when it comes to which items to buy.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kit_35
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    How do i know which jungle route to take?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    How do i know if i should do full clear, fight at the scuddle (top or bot?) look for an early gank, invade, etc... What I'm basically asking is what are the options in my jungle route and how do i know when to use each one, illustating it examples of different situations if possible, cause i suppose it depends on the jungle matchup and the composition of both teams.

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsSwagni
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    Farming late game adc

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hello, I've noticed a problem that I've been having as an adc in the late game.

    I'm consistent in farming around 150-200 cs around the 25 minute mark, however after that, I find it hard to keep that cs lead and stay ahead. It's hard to find openings when I can go to shove the side waves as everyone in my rank arams. Once I leave my team, they begin to fight and we lose the fights. Is there a rule of thumb for farming late game and keeping your cs lead?

    submitted by /u/BigBoi2540
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    Getting experience stolen every game in mid lane

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    So, I'd say in around 3/4 of my games, as soon as either bot lane kills the other one's tower some time between 11-15 minutes in the game, mid lane becomes a complete fiesta with bot lane just sitting in the lane and aramming it.

    What should I do about this? If I was playing an assassin or something it'd be easy to just sit sidelane and eat farm, but when I'm on a mage or Rumble who's really immobile what should I do? I basically get my entire mid game xp split between 3 people and it's left me at an incredibly weak position so many times before. Do I just have to ask them to leave the lane?

    submitted by /u/LettucePlate
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    Need Help with Maining Kai'Sa

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hey guys, want some advice for Kai'Sa.

    For maining Kai'Sa, what match-ups should I be looking to play safe against, what match-ups can she win/be even in?

    What is considered her best build? I've been going Muramana, Rageblade, AS Boots, Nashor's, Runaan's, etc. (Haven't really gotten to 6 items.)

    What should I be looking to do? Farm to late, or power-spike with the rageblade/muramana? I'm relatively new to ADC so I struggle with knowing when to group and how to position in fights. Should I be looking to be the traditional ADC dealing DPS the entire time, or is looking to assassinate carries when they're low in fights the play?

    I know her upgraded E can help you in those situations, but should I be that aggressive in fights? (Assuming I'm even or something.)

    Any other tips, tricks, videos, etc. are definitely welcome!

    submitted by /u/ArmMeForSleep709
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    Tips for improving, from a Toplaner who went from Silver II to D4 in a single season

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    I climbed from Silver II to Diamond IV in Season 9 and I thought it could be a good idea to share my experience so someone can learn from it too.

    I have been playing League for many years. I started in Season 3 and I played many games in the past. I gotta say I had always been more the "I just play with friends for fun" kind of player than a competitive ranked player, so I didn't go higher than Silver.

    I don't mean I was better than a Silver, but I have to recognize I thought I was by then. The typical "yeah I am a good player but I can't climb because of trolls and AFKs". And last season I learnt that was a very big lie I told myself all the time.

    After a few years without playing LoL, Season 9 started and I wanted to try to reach Gold as a personal challenge. I wanted to prove myself that I was better than the average player, but the truth was that I really wasn't by that time. And that was the first thing I had to learn:

    1. You are not as good as you think, but if you accept that, you will be able to start to play for improving than for straight up winning. And you have to learn a lot before winning. So start playing for improving. Winning will come eventually if you improve.

    If you are very low elo like Iron to Silver you will have to relearn the game more or less. I had no idea of even what macrogame and microgame was, what was the correct build on my champ (I climbed gold only playing Nasus) or how do you play the split push correctly. Depending on your role you will have to learn some stuff or other, but this is useful for any player I think:

    2. The map is your best and more trustworthy friend in the game. The map doesn't lie. The map will always be there for you.

    Try to take a look to the map every 10 seconds more or less. It gives you very important information. For example, if you see enemy jungler in botlane and enemy midlaner in mid and you are playing top, you know for sure that you can play aggro if you want, you don't really need to have wards if you see them on the map. A lot of strategies work around map awareness so it's very important that you pay attention to it.

    3. Even after what I said on the previous point, WARD.

    Map importance increases the more you ward. Warding is not just the Support's work, all members in team should ward a little at least. Learn the usual wards on your role in the laning phase and the most important wards in the mid to late game. If you return to base and after your main buy you have at least 75g and a slot in your inventory just buy a pink ward, this will save you in A LOT of ocassions if you know how to use them, trust me.

    4. If you tilt easily, type "/mute all" at the beginning of every match.

    Chat isn't useful in 95% of the games and tends to have a negative impact on the players. If you die as the first blood because of whatever and a guy in your team starts to flame you, that can affect your gameplay a lot depending of what type of person you are. Maybe you start typing (which will tilt both of you even more and consumes your time of playing the match) or you just play unfocussed. The best take on this is to try to use the chat to say things like "guys I split bot you go Baron" and use the awesome ping system for the majority of the cases when you need to communicate. Or maybe you can be the nice player that tries to stop fights in chat to make your team play better! But not everyone can be that kind of player.

    5. Have a very small champion pool at the beginning.

    I got to Gold playing only Nasus and Platinum just by playing Nasus and Renekton. Take your +30 matches (depending a lot about the champion) to really know the champ. You don't have to be Faker with your champion but at least know the combos, the itemization, how to play the early mid and late game specifically with that champion, the matchups, etc. But if you are the usual player that just picks Yasuo one match, the next picks Annie, then picks Qiyana, and then Kassadin and so on... That won't work. You have to focus on 2-3 champions you really like and learn them really well. You will be able to make that champion pool bigger when u start to improve as a player. Not to mention, that you have to main a single role and not to change role depending on your mood. But I think that's general knowledge.

    6. Learn when to dodge a game

    Now I want to make one thing clear. The match starts at champ select, and SoloQ/DuoQ is a game by itself. If you really want to climb, you have to avoid some matches by dodging. Some matches are lost even before you have picked your champion. Maybe because your team is already flaming in the chat, or because your ADC decided to pick Nunu with Ghost and Cleanse to run it down because whatever. Dodging a lost game will preserve your MMR and you will lose like 5 LP (I don't know the number really) if you keep it to one dodge per day. Otherwise, you will lose the game, and then lose MMR and about 18 LP depending on your MMR.

    7. Have a good mental

    Some games are just unwinnable. And maybe it isn't your fault at all. But that's how it is. I like to see it this way: 25% of games are autoloss, 25% of games are autowin and 50% depends on your impact on the game. If you have a 3-25 match where you are the only winning lane don't give much importance to it. You did your best, you just can't win them all. That being said, if you learn point 6. you will reduce your autoloss matches.

    8. Learn how to carry games

    The most consistent way to win games in SoloQ is to carry them. And by that I don't mean ending 12/0 and doing a penta. For example, if you play Ornn or Maokai probably you won't end up with such a score but that champions allow you to carry in the teamfights if you do well. You have to learn how to reach the higher impact in the game with your champions. When I learnt Nasus, I reached the conclusion that in more or less 80% of matches I should be split pushing and almost never grouping with my team because Nasus is a lot stronger in the split push than in the teamfight. But later, when I learnt Renekton, I had to adapt my playstyle because Renek actually has a very good teamfight if you have Flash + Fury/R and is not as good in the split push as Nasus. Learn the strong points in your champions and exploit them as much as you can.

    9. Play around your win condition

    Contradicting myself in the previous point, you won't carry every game. But you can increase the chance of winning some games if you accept that and adapt in that match. It happened a lot to me when I played Renekton. Some matches I could not win the lane and I wasn't able to oneshot their carries, which is Renekton's goal in a teamfight. Well, in that case take a look at your team.

    Is there a fed Jinx? Okay, well then let's just play the peeling game around her! I won't kill the enemy team but she will, and because of that I will adapt my build and start buying more tank oriented items to be more useful for my team. In teamfights, I will just stay close to her and stun the first dude who tries to get closer to my carry.

    Maybe a level 13 Kassadin? Well, let's try to stall the match until he can reach level 16 and start to oneshot their team.

    And that are just two examples. You have to learn to analyze the match and adapt to what your team needs if you can't be the carry that match.

    10. You won't win all the lanes, and maybe you don't need it

    If you are playing a scaling late game champion such as Vladimir, Kassadin, Nasus, Veigar... You are not required to win laning phase. Same case for tanks. If you are playing one of those champions and are facing a lane bully then you will "win" the lane just by farming and not dying.

    I learnt that from playing Nasus vs Darius. Nasus in the early game can't trade with Darius. He will lose every single trade. But Darius has to end up the laning phase being ahead because the champion is designed around that, and Nasus just wants to farm. So just let Darius push, because most Darius will push you in very low elo (maybe around high Gold - low Plat they will start freezing and that's when things get much difficult). For example, in that matchup you have to bait Darius to constantly throw his Q, because he will hit your minions and push the wave which is what you want so you can farm under tower. And they won't even acknowledge what they are doing.

    In that scenario you don't even need your jungler's help. You are winning lane even if you end 20 cs behind Darius.

    If you are playing a tank it works the same way, because tanks will be more useful in teamfights than a champion that needs kills and doesn't have them.

    11. How do I learn a champion?

    I followed more or less the same steps to learn every champion that is in my champion pool.

    1 - Search for a good high elo OTP with your champion that actually makes some kind of content (streaming, youtube videos...) and try to learn from their content. They have a lot of knowledge to share such as combos, itemization, matchup tips that will be a huge help. Learn from the bests. When I was learning Renekton I discovered RTO which has taught me a lot of things not just about Renek but about the game overall, and the same when I learnt Tryndamere and I discovered FoggedFTW.

    2 - Go to practice tool and learn the mechanics of your champion. Learn the most important and useful combos, learn the range of your abilities, practice how to farm, if you are jungler practice how to make the most fast and efficient clear with your champion. If there's a wacky play that you don't do in match because you don't have confidence then use this to practice it in a more properly environment, such as plays that require Flash.

    3 - Then, play a good amount of games with the champion. Some champions have a lower skill floor than others and require less games to get a good grip on them, and other cases such as Irelia, Kalista, Zed or whatever require a lot more games to really know what you can do and do it properly.

    4 - The final step is learn how to carry with your champion. You know your mechanics, your items, your runes, your matchups. Time to put all of that in practice and carry you and your mates to the victory. I don't consider I have really learnt a champion if I can't carry consistently with it.

    12. Be the shotcaller. You gotta be it, usually no one does it in SoloQ

    Probably you have played matches where there is this one dude in your team that when you kill the enemy botlane spams pings to do the drake. Or spams to do Baron after killing enemy jungler. And thanks to this guy the match feels smooth, feels like A B C. Sadly, this doesn't happen that much in SoloQ but it can happen in all your matches if you become this kind of player.

    This is not that easy, you need knowledge about what objectives are more important, when you can try to attempt a Baron, etc. But if you never try you will never learn. You will lose some games because of a bad call. It has happened to all of us. But if you learn from it is worth IMO.

    Otherwise, in most of your games you will kill 3 out of 5 members of the enemy team and every one of you will do their thing: one will recall to buy, another one will go farm jungle, ADC will try to destroy mid tower and die for it... So you need to ping 5 times that you want to destroy that mid tower or you want to do the drake or whatever. Sometimes your team will listen, sometimes won't, but it is worth just for the times they will follow you. If you kill a few members from enemy team and you don't take advantadge from it, that's something that can make you lose that match.

    13. VERY important: hours and hours of playing won't make you better

    This is probably the most important tip I can give. I didn't learn this in League, but in fighting games such as Tekken 7 or Street Fighter V. And then I applied it to League and it worked for me.

    Playing 20 matches per day won't make you improve if you are not learning from them. Maybe they make you play even worse because you end up playing in an autopilot mode and not thinking at all and that's very dangerous. And A LOT of players end up playing in this mental mood.

    You have to combine actually playing games with other stuff such as looking for content to improve. Search for warding guides, matchup guides with your champion, take a look at your matches to see what you did wrong, look how the best players with your champion play the game, then try to learn from all that and apply it to your next matches. If you can build a good routine in which you learn something every day is totally impossible that you don't end up climbing.

    Now I will be talking specifically about toplane.

    14. Learn how to face ranged matchups

    Ranged matchups are a pain in the ass, honestly. They can be very frustrating and sometimes they make you feel hopeless. But they have a little bit of room to counterplay, although it also depends on your champion.

    The general rule of thumb is to try to keep your health as high as you can and farm as much as you can, but don't be afraid to miss some cs if that means you will get heavily punished from it.

    Ranged champions will take aggro when they autoattack you, your minions will change aggro to your enemy and that will make the wave to push to your side, which is what you want. Your win condition in lane against this kind of champions is to keep your health high and create a good gank opportunity for your jungler, which should be easy because the lane will naturally push to your side.

    In the not so rare ocassion that your jungler doesn't want to gank you for whatever, you have to keep your health high and try to make an all-in abusing some kind of mistake the enemy did. Ranged champion are worse in an all-in than most of the toplaners and you will win if you can succesfully create this situation. Against champions like Teemo is easier because they don't have autopeel at all, but against Quinn or Vayne this can feel impossible because they can just throw you back and kite you. In this ocassions you just try to farm what you can and don't die, and ask your jungler for help because there's really nothing more you can do. If they have an ADC toplane they will have 2 ADCs in teamfight and probably a weaker frontline so try to abuse this later in the game.

    To keep your health high I recommend picking the rune "Second Wind" in the resolve Tree and to buy a Doran's Shield as the starting item. This combination will make you regen a lot of the HP you lose from an auto.

    Also, when you trade with a ranged champion the bushes help a lot. They can't attack you in the bush if they don't ward it, and they need the ward for the river. Bushes also make you lose aggro from enemy minion wave if you did a trade.

    15. Where did the enemy jungler start?

    You can answer this question by looking at the map at minute 1:40-1:50. Did your enemy toplaner arrive late to lane or he already was there at 1:30? And what about the enemy botlane?

    If top laner doesn't appear until later that means jungler started top side, and if that happens with the botlane then the jungler started at the botside. It is very logic but a lot of people in Silver doesn't realize this.

    Usually when enemy jungler starts topside they will path to botside but take care. There are some junglers you will have to worry about. The Twitch level 2 gank in top is a classic and you will fall from it if you don't respect it. Same goes for other champs like Jarvan or Xin Zhao. In this cases just play a bit more close to your tower than you usually do. It doesn't matter if you miss some cs as long as you are in range to gain the experience.

    If enemy jungler started botside, you should play confident until around minute 3:00. You should have the river warded by this minute and try to be aware of where the enemy jungler is.

    16. Learn the cheesy-usual matchups

    There are some champions that will totally wreck you if you don't learn how to fight them. The first example that comes to my mind is Darius. And it isn't a surprise to me that he has such a high ban rate in low elo because he free wins lane if his opponent doesn't have good knowledge of what to do in the matchup. Darius is a lane bully and he probably will have the advantadge, but is a champion that can be hardly counterplayed if he does a mistake and is very easy to gank because he doesn't have mobility. Abuse this, let him push and ask your jungler for a gank.

    Other champion than can do almost the same is Tryndamere. Don't fight a Tryndamere which has the Fury bar filled. Just don't, he will get 2 crits and you will die level 1. Tryndamere and Darius are champs that excel in long trades and you will have to learn to force short trades with them if you want to win lane against them.

    I recommend to learn ALL the matchups you can, but there are some like this two that are very important. I can't get really specific to this tip because it depends a lot on the champ you are playing.

    17. How do I use TP correctly?

    Generally speaking in laning phase Teleport can be used for 2 things:

    1 - Going back to lane for avoiding to lose farm and fall behind the enemy.

    2 - Making a play in another part of the map (usually in botlane) to put your team ahead.

    I try to not do the 1. because then your enemy has the TP advantadge and he can either chunk you down, back and TP and then he has more items and health than you so you are in a big disadvantadge or he can make the play in botlane and you can't follow him because you have TP on cooldown. I just use it in this case if I will miss a very huge wave. For avoiding this, you will need to have good wave management, use this to push the wave to the enemy tower and then back so you minimize your cs loss for recalling and walking to lane.

    But don't be greedy. If you are low HP and the enemy can dive you just back to base. Otherwise you will die and still lose the wave. If is absolutely necessary, recall and TP back to lane, but you should try to optimize your gameplay for not having to do this. You will have to do it in all ELOs but try to not do it if the situation doesn't require it.

    The 2. is the option that will win you games if you do it correctly, because you can kill a few members of the enemy team and then do drake or take bot tower and that is a huge advantadge.

    And I think that's a lot of stuff. I could add more things but it would have no end so I think that should be enough to climb some ranks at least.

    I hope you learnt something and that I didn't bore you!

    submitted by /u/_Halno
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    I struggle playing mid lane, would love some feedback on my previous performances.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    Ive been playing with a premade group of 5 for a long time now, and i noticed in the past little while that the average MMR has shot up significantly . Granted we are only playing normal drafts, but the skill level of my opponents has really gone up and i struggle to keep up.

    I mostly play AD and support, but fell in love with playing more Mid, mainly Lux and Morgana. I am throughly enjoying Lux, but i struggle with a few things.

    1. Roaming- When my opponent leaves the lane, Im always uncertain if i should shove the lane and follow or try and get some turret plating?
    2. Matchups - Champs that are much more aggressive than me, mainly assassins and Syndra actually, i struggle against. I find myself playing almost too passive sometimes, and im not sure when to fully engage or punish my opposing laner.

    I also struggle with holding onto my skillshots, especially Lux. I find that i throw my Q in a vain attempt to hit the enemy rather than holding onto it and trying to land a solid hit, mostly because im never 100% sure when to engage/ push/ punish my opponent.

    My OP.gg is https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=oftheeclipse Im OfTheEclipse on NA!

    Thank you all for you help and any feedback is appreciated. Ive been solidly mid Silver for a long time, and low gold once, and i want to reach gold again this season!

    submitted by /u/FreshAsFebreze
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    Mid/Late game as a jungler

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Hi there. I am a platinum 1 Jungle main. I mainly play Rengar and Lee Sin and a little Elise on the side, but my main problem is ending games with the lead that I have. I have a lot of games where my laners will play poorly and therefore we can't contest objectives and we fall behind on towers, drakes , heralds, and I just need some help with the closing part (20-30 min mark). I want to know how to use my advantage to counterjungle and help my laners but also finish the game before the enemies can scale. Thank you :)

    Edit: potentially a diamond or above to coach maybe?

    submitted by /u/FrostEagle54
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    For those interested in ADC

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    I've started making guides!

    Due to my extra spare time with COVID-19

    Please see: From the Rift Up featuring JHIN

    I'd love to hear all comments and feedback, currently working on a different paced guide for Kai'Sa!

    submitted by /u/emotionalTee
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    Help versus Caitlyn as Ashe

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys I tried making a post on here before about having trouble with Caitlyn while playing Ashe.

    I got hard flamed by some of the uses here and told that I was just dogshit and should never lose such an easy matchup.

    I took the advice of those of you who tried to help and tried to match her push. I took dorans shield to help sustain through the lane and looked to go in at 6.

    I still got clapped though. She killed me once because I tried to heal reactively but my ms was too high so I just died.

    Other than that she just killed my support a bunch of times and then took my tower. I got dove and pushed out of the game. She snowballed super hard and I didn't stand a chance.

    This happens literally every time I face her. She just out sustains me in lane, pushes harder than me, kills my support under turret, and then takes my turret and uses her gold advantage to take over my game.

    I would really appreciate if someone would be able to help me with this matchup.

    I recorded the full vod and will post it to youtube.

    And please, I would really appreciate if people would stop coming to this subreddit just to call me dogshit.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Why is Hail of Blades better on Kalista than the Precision tree?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Hear me out here.

    The Standard Kalista runes are HoB, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, then Overheal and Legend Alacrity secondary.

    But I think that PTA and Lethal Tempo could be much more useful to her. When she's chasing or kiting opponents, the LT attack speed lasts longer than the HoB 3 basic attacks, which gives her more mobility. For PTA, she can stack spears into the enemy, and E will extra damage after PTA proc. And if you were to pick precision primary, you could pick up Coup de Grac, which also makes E deal more. damage.

    LT/PTA, Overheal, Legend Alacrity, Coup de Grac, then Sudden Impact and Ravenous Hunter.

    any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/jeffreygodai
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    Help with switch to Jungle (Master Yi)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I am gold elo and recently switched from adc to jungle Master Yi because I find it more zen and chill.

    I have a good vision of the laning phase and my plan is farm, take drakes and herald and only gank if the enemy is overpushed. This works for me, but I have a question concerning mid-late game:Once laning phase is over, I feel totally useless. I have no idea what I should do in teamfights - do I have to attack the frontline to stack Guinsoo and Q the backline if they come near? I just lost a game where I took 4 drakes because when the enemy groups up, all I can do is run into them and instaexplode. This leads to my damage being so low overall...

    There are certain comps that I really feel like I can't get anywhere near to be useful. Should I flank? Really no idea, I appreciate any tips that could help.


    submitted by /u/Cait_ulted_JFK_
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    simple but great tip

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    I apologize if this is too small or obvious of a tip. I was recently watching doublelift streaming and at one point in the game i think he criticized either his own play or a teammates play, and he said that "you should never be in a position where more than 1 enemy can auto you." And honestly him saying that has made a big difference in my play. It seems like such an incredibly obvious thing now having heard it but its honestly not something i ever thought about before. I think in the past i probably would have tried to get into auto range of as many enemies as possible so i could shoot them all. Anyway, I dont even main adc, im a support main, but ive been using this advice at all points during the game. During lane phase im finding myself taking less poke and having an easier time harassing enemies. And in teamfights im finding myself surviving more often. Again sorry if this is obvious or insignificant but its crazy how such a small thing could help me so much and maybe it can help someone else too.

    submitted by /u/TLfanboy69
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    Tips to play against tower campers / while having lane prio

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    So I understand when I have lane prio, I roam and exploit my prio against the opposing team. Only problem I have is taking objectives, for example, let's say i'm playing a mid laner like leblanc against a cc champ such as lux. I am not able to push turret since she clears my minion wave quickly and it makes turret diving difficult because of leblancs squishyness and lux's root. This happens so often and it just leads to late game and their mordekaiser outscales and is able to turret dive 100 shots.

    submitted by /u/Sateral
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    Can't increase minimap size anymore?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Hi everybody, as of today I can't increase my minimap size anymore like I used to. I can see the minimap much more clearly with it being bigger than the default. Did Riot change anything?

    I used to have the minimap at about this size marked in red: https://i.imgur.com/ZsD679I.png

    I did that by editing the PersistedSettings.json in the C:\Program Files (x86)\League of Legends\Config folder and setting the MinimapScale variable to something like 2.5000 instead of the game menu limit of 1: https://i.imgur.com/h3g7O1U.png

    According to Riot, this was completely fine: https://i.imgur.com/1LoFHS9.png



    But now, every time I start the client, the setting defaults back to 1. I also got the message today that my settings were reset and I had to redo them in the client.

    Am I doing something wrong? Did Riot change it? Does anybody else have the same issue?

    submitted by /u/Ekofisk3
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    How to counter Rengar

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I just recently started playing ranked and I'm literally being bullied by Rengar or Warwick I've been watching guides and playing with Warwick so I can counter him more easily than Rengar but I don't have Rengar so I can't play with him

    I main Evelynn but I lose a lot of hp in my early clears and I'm sick of Rengar early pushes that put me far behind and make me rage

    I try my best to get away from possible bushes pre 6 so I don't encounter him direct but end up being a burned for my team anyways and I don't want that

    I am currently at iron 4 so I don't know much about the game

    If anyone know how can I overcome this please help me

    submitted by /u/baptosta
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    Sorcs over ap build path when ahead.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    So I noticed when high elo midlanders get ahead early, they will often priorotize sorc boots over an ap item. Even when the enemy hasn't built much or any magic resist. Also, I notice they will even buy it if it means possibly stalling an important power spike. I saw a ryze do well early, he had catalyst and instead of buying blasting wand bought sorcs. Risking a late rod. why is sorcs prioritized so heavily?

    submitted by /u/Unsung_Gyro1
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    Anyone play in a platinum level league?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hey all, joined a platinum level league at the beginning of this quarantine and would like to have a big tournament at the end of our split. Currently match 10/18, and thought itd be awesome if we had a tourney similar to worlds. If you could just reply which league you're in, or even an invitation to your leagues discord so I could discuss with them, that would be greatly appreciated :D (definitely not diamond though, low to mid plat)

    submitted by /u/Halo32132
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    Closing games quick as an assassin?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I've starting to realize that my biggest current problem and probably stopping me from ranking out of gold is that I am able to get a lead, except I can't close a game once I get that lead. Not every game can I get decently ahead early, and usually with the help of a jg, but when I do I feel like the game progresses from me being able to one shot any squishy or my enemy laner, to everyone grouping and being insanely tanky to the point where the adc is usually the only person I can kill, and even then its insanely hard when they're standing behind multiple tanks with loads of cc.

    As an assassin how can I help my team close out the game before people start building resistance and I no longer do damage.

    My friend witnesses the same problem almost every time we play and he told me that I should be split pushing. I don't think that split pushing is my job as an assassin, or is he right?

    This is how a normal game goes for me...

    -Normal early laning, might get a early kill might not, jg might gank or might not

    -Usually 1 kill is enough for me able to kill enemy laner again gain a decent lead with cs.

    -I look for a roam bot and might cleanup a couple kills or just a flash. Ill do this a few more times and my enemy laner will usually have been taking my tower, usually I grab a kill off them while taking my tower.

    -Bot loses tower and adc/support come mid, this might happen for either team and now the mid, adc, and sup, are all mid. A little bit after this top will lose tower and one of the top laners will still be pushing top, sometimes all the way to inhib tower.

    -From that point on everyone mostly hangs out mid until enough people die for 5 people on one team to siege mid tower and then take drag.

    -Then late game as drag/baron come up people group as a team and travel back and forth about objectives.

    -After that its just a matter of time before people slowly get caught out by the grouping team running throughout the map for them to baron. Or in a team fight we just get ran over by 3+ tanky champs and I do absolutely no damage.

    -One team aces with long enough respawn timers and just ends.

    submitted by /u/meruem1714
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