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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    LoL Guide I am a silver player, close to get gold. Manage to get fed in lane, but feels useless in mid game.

    LoL Guide I am a silver player, close to get gold. Manage to get fed in lane, but feels useless in mid game.

    I am a silver player, close to get gold. Manage to get fed in lane, but feels useless in mid game.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Hello, i am asking for help to know how to erase thos problem. I main Tristana and i,95% of the time, snowball my self enough to get two items before the other adc.

    However i struggle mid game because:

    - Team that want to constantly fight while i try to splitpush.

    - ARAM mids where i FEEL like i am forced to stay with them and trying to push another lane would lose us all of our MID towers

    - Trying to not miss big waves to keep scaling even tho there is an objective at the opposite of the map (Mostly because i feek like we cannot contest it anyway.)

    I would like to have a main ADC help me cover those problems, and others. I can send replays.


    submitted by /u/Jetaofgak
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    What are some general tips to get better at killing minions?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    An issue I often have when playing one of the lanes is when I should be using my auto attack versus an ability to kill minions. I see all these really good players getting the last hit in but I'm not really sure how they do it? Is it just a timing thing or how do I know exactly when I should attack a minion?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Did I miss something?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    It seems like lately the tankier team just sort of wins. I've just been getting straight rolled by teams with a tanky toplaner, tanky jungler and tanky support. The damage charts aren't even close after the game, our team deals drastically more damage to them, and sometimes even gets more kills, but there comes a point where they can just deathball and it's too much - been seeing this a lot recently and I'm wonderif if anyone has a shared experience? What changed? Why is this suddenly so effective?

    submitted by /u/droptopus
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    Team Jungler wont leave my lane alone

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Every time I play top lane and I get a solo kill, my jungler likes to come top after they TP and ping me to go in 2v1. My jungler wants me to go in when I have 300 hp. I go in and die then he goes in and dies to the enemy top laner. Top laner lives with 100 hp and he backs with double buffs and my lane is fucked. He doesnt come back to my lane.

    Do I just let my jungler run in and die?

    I have lost 3 lanes in the past 2 days over this and its very annoying.

    submitted by /u/Epicstaar
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    Low Elo AD Main - Game Review

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I peaked at gold last season, but then I took a break. When I came back a few weeks ago I found that I couldn't even compete in mid-high silver anymore.

    I captured this Miss Fortune VOD, can anyone review this please?

    Any type of feedback would be appreciated, thanks :)


    submitted by /u/Novasail
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    Help Carrying an ADC Friend

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    So I play League mostly with a good friend of mine. He mains ADC, mostly Jhin, Jinx, and Ezreal. He is not great at the game. I like to play "playmaker" supports: Thresh, Bard, Senna, Leona, little bit of Swain.

    How can I best get him through the laning phase? I know people will prob say to play Soraka or Sona but I just don't enjoy that playstyle much. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Viktorkin
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    Beginner Mid Laner Problems

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I recently started to play League (Currently level 31 and i'm preparing for ranked.) and i'm enjoying it but i have questions to you and hope you can answer. I have knowledge about the game and i know what Push, Freeze, Slow Push etc. is but i can't apply my knowledge to game properly so i don't know how to control my lane. I mostly play with Annie since i am a beginner and not good with mechanics.

    1- Generally, early game scares me because my opponent somehow pokes me to death even though i try to play safe. When this happens, he controls the lane and low health makes me go back to base which is bad because i lose CS and i can't even farm properly during the laning phase. How can i avoid getting poked too much and when should i poke my opponent? ( By the way, i know that i should poke him when he comes for last hit to minion but i can't because i always lose trade.)

    2- I'm trying to look at the minimap as much as possible and i totem good spots (scottle bush, mid bushes, enemy jungler camps etc.) of the map but enemy jungler ganks me out of nowhere and this causes me to waste my flash or death so what other things should i do about the awareness of the minimap?

    3- Should i try another champion other than Annie that pushes the lane easily and makes the enemy frustrated? I played Syndra a little bit and liked her but i die to ganks mostly with her since she is not mobile.

    4- I'm looking forward to master on difficult champions like Irelia, Akali, Katarina, Viktor, Azir, Kasssadin etc. however i don't know when i should i start to play those characters? Should i restrict myself to play with Annie until i'm good with mechanics or should i just try to play them now in normal games?

    Also my profile https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=WicktirWick is here, if you want to check it out.

    So my problems are pretty much are about early game and laning process. If you guys can help me about the problems, it would be awesome! Thank you for considering.

    submitted by /u/fasqoyi
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    How do you play without a jungler?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Probably asked 100% times but this hasn't changed since the last time I asked, probably 3 years ago. I play mid, and more often than not, it's just a 1v2 lost lane. The last game my jungler straight up said "I'm not ganking, we'll win off the dragons I get", and then at 8 minutes the enemy 3-0-3 Jax 1v1d him in his jungle, took the second dragon, every dragon after that, got rift, and hard carried the game. I'm Lissandra mid, with the enemy taking turret shots to poke me, I'm asking for help, I have pinks set up so it's safe for the jungler to gank, and instead the Jax dives me from my raptors and forces me to flash + ult to survive, missing a huge wave of xp. I just don't know what to do when my jungler refuses to have any pressure, but it happens every game. I can't win mid in some matchups, but I can play safe and match farm. I can be ready for ganks and chill until then. But when 15 minutes goes by, I still haven't got a gank, my tower is slowly fading away and the enemy jungler decides "i'm just gonna walk mid, 2v1 and take the tower", I feel like the game is over. They just take whatever they want and no one stops them. What am I supposed to do if I know the matchup is basically 2v1 and I can't have any mid priority?

    submitted by /u/xTraxis
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    Video Explaining Why Objectives Are Overrated

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    THE Most DESTRUCTIVE Mentality in League of Legends! (Must Watch)

    It's a guide focused on jungle role but a thing everyone should know. Objectives are often overrated and people think it's a win con to get them ASAP. Drakes take to much time to be killed in early game for a bonus that would be useful only if the game lasts enough. This time can be used much wiser by continuing farming or timing the recalls. They also explain how rift herald can't be used properly in solo queue because its main use should be funneling golds through turret plates. If you're multiple players taking the plates, it's useless. So you either have to waste your time sharing the gold or you let it to a laner you can't trust. They also teach other things for junglers.

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    What makes champions what they are?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm a bronze player. I know it's terrible. What makes it even more terrible is I have 1000+ hours in the game and watch videos all the time and am still terrible. In a lot of the videos I watch especially ones that direct drafts, people always say "x champion is really good at y etc." I'll be honest some of those are obvious such as to being good at disengage. But for instance, I recently watched a video where Gragas and gangplank were described as being able to "stall out the game". That's just one example and I'm sure someone could explain it but that's not really the problem. The problem is I don't understand how people can discern so precisely what a team or a certain player is trying to do based on one pick. Even though I have many hours in the game my picks really just come down to, who do I feel like playing, we need more ap/ad, or we need more tankyness. I know there's no easy way to solve this and I feel like with 1000+ hours I should be able to tell nut I can't and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/PandaGaming007
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    I am platinum and I want to make the effort to get to Diamond but can't seem to get there.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    I'm currently platinum 3 and I've been going back and forth between Platinum 4 and back to Platinum 3. I feel like I do okay in the early game but I feel like my mid/late game flops when it comes to other's decision making.

    - I'm not sure when it's appropriate to follow my opponent when he/she roams.

    - I try to side lane when I take my mid turret early or if bot lane takes theirs early but it doesn't seem like my pressure does much.

    - And i'm not entirely sure what to do when I'm ahead. I usually find myself trying to take their tier 2 mid tower or try to gank bot/top but I just end up losing my outer tower.

    Any help would be immensely appreciated.

    EDIT: ( https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Edthusiasm)

    submitted by /u/Edthusiastic
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    Words of advice to low elo players from a low elo player! [ Additions / Thoughts to add are welcome in comments! ]

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    TLDR: Shift your emotional investment away from your team's gameplay and your display rank and focus your investing into hard work and dedication for improvement. There is no magic way to climb. You have to be an average player to be silver and above average to be gold+ and yes, this game takes hard work. If you only read one passage below, read the one with **

    p.s. I hope this isn't removed as I know it doesn't promote critical thinking but still think it's "educational"-ish? ><

    I've been a Silver/Gold player since I started playing in Season 7. I've played a grand total of ~1.5 years off and on and with breaks due to work or lack of internet. It's taken me a while to get to the mental place I am with this game, but I thought I'd still share my views / thoughts to hopefully help someone else out there who is struggling.

    Low elo is really hard in it's own unique way. Between new players and 10-season-"hardstuck"-Bronze players, it can be heavy on one's own mental to stay motivated and on the path of improvement. The community puts SO MUCH hype into display rank that everyone feels pressured to play a lot, have instant results, and get a rank that their peers will respect. Every Bronze player wants to be Silver as a right of just not being Bronze, the elo which is the ass-end of the ranked ladder. Plat is deemed this fantastic "I'm good at the game" rank and Diamonds and above are considered gods. The thing is, you will NEVER be good enough for someone out there. When you hit Silver 4 for the first time and you're super stoked, there will always be that Gold 4 player that shits on you and talks you down.

    Personally, I don't give two shits that my 0/15 Riven technically lost us a game because there is a lot that I learned and I can see my weak points in my own gameplay over the Riven's. What that person did isn't my responsibility, and quite frankly, it isn't any of my damn business. It isn't my place to teach someone how to play, to tell them how to play, to tell them what to build, to force information down their throats, or even become emotionally invested in that player. Like... WHY? Why would I get angry or upset that they played bad? Sure, it lost me a game, but I'm 100% certain if I had played my own lane much better and had the knowledge and experience needed, I could have influenced more and POSSIBLY caught myself a win.

    When you say, "My team is bad", you're ACTUALLY saying, "My team isn't good enough to carry me to a win that I didn't earn or work hard for myself". Yes, we all have those games where we did our absolute best and are positive, playing well, and trying to get the team together but people are inting, raging, giving up, going AFK, etc -- you just gotta let those ones go. It sucks a lot but why are you going to let those players effect your mental?

    That 0/15 Riven will effect ONE of your games today, and you will go on to win ten more games after that. That Riven effects ALL of their own games, and they will continue to play, int, rage, etc, and lose themselves ten more games. I had the same feeding rage quitter in three games in one week and I reported them each time. This was a couple months ago, and they aren't banned, but I've climbed three brackets since then and they've demoted back to low Bronze. Understand how your game play is all that matters ?

    ** When high elo players tell you to get good at the basics ( Farming, not dying, learning / mastering a select few champions, and how to play on the edge of safety ) they aren't blowing smoke out up your ass. There is no magic way to win games and there is no EASY way or SHORT CUT to Diamond. Hell, there isn't any short cut to silver. You just have to have a balanced emotional state, a strong mental, and to look at the game as a place of improvement. When high elo players tell you to FOCUS ON YOURSELF, it's literally the "magic" you're looking for! If you work on yourself and actually try instead of letting four randoms constantly control you, then you will climb! You have to win games and lose games. You cannot win them all, and sometimes you'll lose 10 in a row before you win 5 in a row. **

    Play to perfect your play, not to be some rank. The rank will come to you when you earn it through hard work. Winning is simply a byproduct of improvement.

    submitted by /u/FrustratingSoloQ
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    Blue buff XP

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    When I look at junglers on YouTube I see some of them attacking the blue buff right in the start with their team so it'll die faster and they go to lvl 2 right after killing it. When I am killing it alone I don't lvl up and get a bit less than half the XP needed to lvl 2. Does the time it takes affect the XP or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/viruskill_twitch
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    I don't like sticking to one champ, is this a bad thing?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I am a Silver jungler who is doing my best to improve at League and reach high elo, unfortunately a lot of the tips and guides I come across keep saying the same thing. Stick to 1 - 3 champs and only play them.

    The problem is, I don't like one tricking champs, i get very bored very quickly and move on to other champs. My most mastery is 80k with Tryndamere and even though I do very well with him I can't play him because I get too bored and not try as hard as I would with a new champions. Even with a small pool of champions I get bored of them very quickly and decided to move on with other champs, is this a bad thing and should I get out of the habit of changing champs and stick to one?


    submitted by /u/Kami0312
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    What are the pro's in taking Exhaust as an ADC?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm an ADC main in EUNE server. Was just looking around to see how high the ADC's are in my server, and found out the rank 1 player atm (EUNE) is an ADC.

    Anyhow I went into his profile, and saw he almost only plays ADC with Exhaust instead of Heal.

    So any pro's out there know why is it better? is it a new meta by any chance and I've missed it?

    His op.gg

    submitted by /u/TotalTakai
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    Help with Aphelios

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I am relatively new to this game, but I kind of love this champion and want to get good. I have some difficulties in the early game, but also gearing overall. I feel super squishy at times which makes sense, but am looking for any helpful tips on how to get this right. Feedback would be most welcome :D

    submitted by /u/Caelimwolf
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    How to study League of Legends?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I would really like to become a coach in the future and help teach players how to play better. I've been watching coaches like LS mostly and I'm wondering how does he gather all the knowledge he has? How is he able to think of better decisions than that of professional teams? Is there a certain way to study League of Legends outside of the game. I get that a lot of knowledge comes from just playing the game but just how does he gather all the knowledge he has. Is it just watching tons of videos or studying wikis on strategies and stuff?

    submitted by /u/SpiralOfGames
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    Please help!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    just played a 45 minute game. I was fed on Vlad and also had a Jhin and a Yasuo. Other team was carried by Graves and Sett who had 32/46 kills. Thought they were both supposed to be early game champions and I couldn't even touch them. I was full AP Vlad and did 70k damage to champs. Sett had triforce,steraks, thorn mail, spirit visage and deadman's and did 65k? and graves was unkillable with true grit. WTF am I supposed to do....ban them?


    submitted by /u/loldude513
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    Rod of Ages on supports?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Title. I think especially on enchanters it's quite powerful. It gives a decent amout of health, mana and AP for just 2600 gold. I know it's more expensive than your typical support items, but you could build it when you're ahead. The stats alone (when stacked) are worth 4070 gold. Aditionally, it's passives give a little bit of sustain and "Mana regeneration". Especially for squishy enchanters like Soraka and Nami it's quite good, because they have such low base health. What are your thoughts?

    *Sorry for my grammar

    submitted by /u/Someth1ngRandom
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    Diamond Jungle/Support main looking for advice in climbing

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT


    I would love to hear from some higher elo Jungle and Support mains on their tips for climbing through diamond. Think I have the basics and intermediate knowledge of each role down quite well as I've been diamond for 3 seasons now with them. However, I feel like I hit a wall once I get into diamond. I really want to make D2 this year but most of the content online is geared towards low elo so I am simply looking for advice here that would apply to diamond + elo.

    I don't claim to be an amazing player (in fact sometimes I feel like crap) but I know that I have some good fundamentals to work off of considering I've proven I can get to diamond consistently. I'm just genuinely lost on how to get through this next step to improve my game.

    I love playing Graves/Kha/Olaf/Ekko for jungle and Thresh/Bard for support.

    Any advice is great. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HockeyPls
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    Why is building Manamune on Corki meta now?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I've seen Corkis in my games go Manamune now as well as in pro play, where Faker built it recently against DRX. Were there any specific changes that made it popular, or was it just something people discovered was pretty strong? I thought that before, the typical build path was something like Triforce → mpen boots → RFC → IE → void staff → Bloodthirster or Merc Scimitar or something similar...

    submitted by /u/Cuhhhhh
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    How to freeze the wave as galio with AOE autos?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I started playing League with the quarantine so I'm pretty new. Account level 28 or something. Mostly playing galio.

    I'm working on wave management. Using my q to poke and deny cs and focus on my last hits. I have a few questions.

    I usually win my laning phase. Usually end up getting a solo kill and usually am up on cs. I find that when the enemy gets scared I have a hard time avoiding pushing. I want to just last hit and let the wave freeze or preferably push to me so my jungle can clean em up but when they are playing passive, combined with my last hits being AOE and beefy I can't seem to avoid pushing. Any advice there?

    How far away can someone leech exp from. I've found when I'm up and they fear me I can stand near the caster minions on their side and zone them away from last hits, use my q to still get SOME Cs. Does this actually deny exp if I keep them under tower and the wave is centered?

    If im being a bully, is it worth missing cs to deny them XP and set them behind? Or better to push under tower and roam. Where is the line?

    Thanks for the tips bros.

    submitted by /u/thejonchi
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    Is playing primarily topside as a jungler in season 10 bad?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    I'm a high gold/low plat jungler and I've noticed that I tend to have a huge mental block against ganking and helping my botlanes a lot. Now, this doesn't mean that I never go bot, of course I still take the free kills if I'm botside, but I generally don't go for 50/50, or even 70/30 ganks there.

    I feel like the reason for this is that in botlane there are two enemies there so it's too easy to get focused and killed instantly if it's not pulled off perfectly. In botlane there are also more champions that have an easy way out or great disengage, Thresh lantern and Janna Q (if I'm playing an immobile champion) to name a few. I think this mental block of mine roots from being a Shyvana main for the longest time and being used to offering very limited gank assist early on, even though I play champions such as Jarvan and Warwick nowadays.

    Because of this, I find myself playing primarily topside and camping top and mid a lot. This sometimes leads to me autopiloting to topside if my camps are up there even if drake is spawning soon and I end up losing it, as stupid as this sounds for a Shyvana main.

    So my question is, aside from obviously needing to focuse drakes more, is it a bad practice to primarily play topside in season 10 or should I be focusing on botside? This of course depends on all the matchups in each lane and how they are playing out, but in a situation where both sides are equally gankable, should I actually be focusing on getting my botlane as ahead as possible? I've noticed and heard other people talk about "better botlane winning" most games, but at the same time people complain about AD carries being useless because anything and everything kills them just by breathing in their direction. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Ronizu
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    Need Sum Help

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:01 PM PDT


    Here, take a look at my OP.GG and see how I can improve, what is my strengths and weaknesses? I'm in Bronze 3 right now, wanting to rank up (but I know there's no easy way). I probably would consider myself a jack of all trades (of most champs and arguably all lanes), but still have some champion mains. I'm learning Jungle, just watched some videos and honestly, I love Sejuani, Amumu and Kayn (they are underrated imo). I think my strongest role is support (Thresh, Janna and Sona is my picks). So yes I do have some preferences on all lanes, but I'm not sure what to improve on? By that, I mean something like clearing properly (jg), lane tempo (support, probs applies to all lanes), warding properly/reasonably (support, I don't want to ward for nothing or for no reason at all).

    Btw, when you check my profile you might notice that I have few AI matches and One-For-All games, and that is because of what my life currently is (I have curfew ;-; and also, I play for fun or breaks sometimes). I would strongly recommend just sorting by 'Ranked Solo' for actual Ranked matches.

    submitted by /u/TheChaosKnightmare
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