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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    LoL Guide Give me a reason to not duo q with a friend and not go pantheon galio bot in silver elo.

    LoL Guide Give me a reason to not duo q with a friend and not go pantheon galio bot in silver elo.

    Give me a reason to not duo q with a friend and not go pantheon galio bot in silver elo.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Title basically says it. I played pantheon galio bot lane with a friend a few times in normal games, we stomped lane every game and just walked all over everyone. Panth unmissable w into galio e both full combo, they're pretty much dead from it. Then team fights holy shit, panth r into galio r you can literally kill almost anybody from half way across the map, and on top of that the galio w hits multiple people so it's still bringing something to a teamfight besides massive damage. We both ran electrocute. Panth built lethality I built ap. So let me hear why I shouldn't take this into ranked.

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    I made a video about why side selection (Blue vs Red) is so important in competitive league of legends.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    A lot of casual viewers might not understand as to why side selection is important in the competitive scene, yet it plays a huge role in shaping a team's composition. I go over the most obvious and crucial points for each side (blue and red) and give recent examples of games from different regions to prove my point. I probably didnt address some key things but you are free to comment! I will answer every question!

    Link: https://youtu.be/mpbhhHrdL4c

    submitted by /u/Zernos_Park
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    How do you beat a Darius? Asking Darius mains.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    As the title mentions I want to learn how to beat a Darius. I recently started playing top lane after converting from ADC because the role isn't that great as of this moment. I tend to win most match ups top lane but there is one maybe two champs that I really cannot deal with but Darius takes the cake. He is normally my perma ban but I just cannot understand how you can beat him. Are there any champs I should learn to pick in case Darius is open?

    Edit: I am Plat 2 currently on EUW, I was Diamond last season but I am struggling with Darius.

    submitted by /u/JensenNumber1
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    Whyyyyyy are people like this??

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Okay so this probably more a rant than a question but I still need some advise I guess.

    So I am fairly new at the game, I think I have been playing for about 3 weeks and I've just hit level 30. I watch some YouTube videos, I try to learn what different champions moves are and what the items do. It's a lot to take in but I'm making small amounts of progress. Baby steps.

    I played a lot of Warwick jungle to begin with which is fun, then I decided I wanted some variety so I picked up Morgana support, Morgan mid, Darius top, Sona support and Leona support. I have good games, some games I get stomped. It is what it is.

    But never have I had a game like this before, I decided I wanted to try Jax because he looked fun and he looked reasonably simple. I played a couple of games and they went well, I was really liking him. Then I get a game and other than 1 other person I am by far the lowest level in the lobby. I'm talking one other level 30 like me on our team (ADC Miss fortune) then everybody else is over 100, with one person being level 350.

    I'm against a Vayne top Lane. This is weird for me? I thought she was ADC, but whatever. Before I've even reached level 2 she has killed me, i have no idea what happened. I TP straight back and farm off 2 minions before she rolls into me and starts chunking me down. I pop my potion, stun her, get some hits in, then I'm dead.

    Okay what the fuck this is not good. I ask the Akali midlane if we can swap? I know Akali is good top lane and will be good against somebody like Vayne. Especially when the Akali is level 150. She just spams NO NO NO NO, in chat. Fine. I go back top, I'm dead instantly. By this point I've done nothing but die and walk back. I'm level 2 and she is level 6. The Lux support is abusing me in chat "report Jax, report Jax for throwing." Like wtf? Offer some advice? Somebody come up top and gank this extremely aggressive champ pushed right up on my tower? No, just abuse. So I sit behind my tower (if I step even a millimetre in front of it I'm nearly dead. I sit there and get XP from the tower killing minions and i get no gold. Eventually the Ekko jungler comes up and easily ganks her while she is shooting the tower. I get some farm I'm only a couple levels behind, but at this point it's too late. The Akali is just calling me a noob and saying report me, as is the lux. Why am I in this lobby? Why are they like this? Wtf is wrong with the match making in this game? And most importantly how do I do anything as a Jax against a ranged character like Vayne?

    They completely roll us as they have a fed Caitlin in bot lane too (I'm guessing our miss fortunes is as new to the game as I am because she had nearly as many deaths as I did. Not that the lux abused her at all)

    I've never felt so useless or despondent about the game, it completely put me off and made me so mad.

    Sorry for such a long rant... I just needed to get that off my chest. I don't really know anybody who plays this game. Just trying to keep myself entertained through lockdown.

    I'm from England and I play in EUW if that makes a difference.

    TLDR very new at the game, got put in a lobby with people clearly a lot better than me. Get absolutely rolled, nobody offers any advice or help, they just abuse me. Why did I get put in this lobby?

    submitted by /u/Looudspeaker
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    Which lane should you prioritize, as a jungler?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Hi guys! Picture this two lanes:

    1 - Bot lane is struggling, and probably will feed a lot unless helped by me, the jungler

    2 - Top lane is doing fine, and my ally is 3/0 and a lot of minions ahead.

    So, me, as a jungler, should prioritize ganks in a lane that is winning, to make sure the guy carries the game, or should I help the weak lane, but knowing that I might as well because the adcarry is already fed?

    submitted by /u/xandinhodamassa
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    Zed's exact ult combo?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Zed After ulting, what is the exact ideal kill combo including autos? I read that it's also crucial to land an auto after they have <50% hp. Any tips on how to smoothen the combo too? What i mean is that after ulting, i find it hard to follow myself and landing all the shurike

    submitted by /u/neseiksz
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    Is there specific wave management strategies post laning phase?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    99% of the the time I just shove the waves around the objective we are playing around, or if the minions get too close to whatever towers we have up. Are there times you should freeze or let the enemy minions push in? Denying them the CS seems like a good idea but its hard to find a time where it is better to do that than get priority. Also, if there are any good videos relating to the topic, I would love it if you could share them. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PebbleWrestler123
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    How do i become more impactful/less of a burden?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I'm a silver top, but recently I've been playing flex almost exclusively as we have a team of 5. Issue is, my teammates are ranked between gold 2 and plat 3. i have therefore put myself on tank duty playing Ornn and Zac, which I am fine with since i get matched with opponents ranging from silver 4 to diamond 3.

    Issue is, in the games we win, I play my tank role, survive and just take as much dmg as possible, but am not the reason we win/get ahead. In 90% of the games we lose, though, its the enemy top got fed/strong by playing nasus or something offmeta like leblanc into me. Either we win because I go even and rest of the team goes ahead/gets ahead, or we lose because i fell too far behind.

    I rarely get attention since I am playing a tank and getting other lanes ahead is more of a priority. When i stay under tower, i get dove permanently, and even when i manage to go 1 for 1, the top just gets so far ahead he can solo dive me.

    How do I manage to stay relevant while not giving the enemy top laner a completely free lane?

    submitted by /u/TheEliteofGames
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    Lethality vs Crit?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I'm a MF main but curious for all ADs: if the enemy team has no armor, is it better to build crit or lethality? I'm guessing if they have armor you should build crit (and if a lot of armor, last whisper or something), but how does lethality stack up if there isn't any?

    submitted by /u/ecoskies
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    "Just camp tower"

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I main top lane, and I've always been told to camp under tower when lane isn't going well. This makes sense as far as not feeding kills goes, but how does it help in the end? Sure, I don't die, but I don't get cs either. Meanwhile, my enemy laner is getting like 5 kills worth of cs from the wave frozen on his side. I either give him free money from waves or contest the wave and most likely die for my team to say I fed.

    submitted by /u/thehammer10025
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    Is it normal to feel no agency as ADC?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm a high plat player and I've found that I seem to be having less agency the higher in rank I get. In lower elos I used to be able to catch people out myself and make plays, but now come late game it seems all I can do is follow my team and pretty much be a support with damage instead of cc.

    I can't choose any engages, I can only watch my team enter a fight and decide what to do from there. Most of the time I can't even get close to the enemy carries because I'd get blown up myself, so I just stay back and keep autoing safely and pray that my 4 teammates don't die.

    If it turns out well, yeah, I shred the enemy frontline and we just go mow down the rest of the team. But that's thing, I don't seem to have much control. If my frontline explodes first, then the fight's lost. i don't have some fancy aoe cc/damage to salvage the fight or disengage if that happens :/

    submitted by /u/vicenicked
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    How should I impact the game as a jungler?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a pretty new player and haven't even jumped into ranked yet, but I've come across this problem that I can't really pin down. I mostly play jungle, Jarvan and Graves, and I often wonder how I'm supposed to make the biggest impact on a game. Most videos I watch suggest that I should be as aggressive as I can early to take advantage of my champions early power, but often when I do, I either makes mistakes that put me behind or I feel like I'm doing good but not as good as my information is suggesting I should be. I'm just wondering if there's more strategies I should be learning or if it's more of a mindset I should adopt. Thanks!

    TLDR: I feel like I'm not having enough impact on my games, do I lack skill or mindset?

    submitted by /u/micahryder
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    Good places to learn how to JG

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Due to the recent covid-19 laws I've been teaching some friends about lol. Because they are all so inexperienced I've been jg most of our games (we commonly have 4-5 stack) now I'm not good at the game myself I played a decent amount of casual in sessions 2-4 and did not pick lol back up untill late last session as u can guess I'm prime iron material and prior to playing with my friends could only play a really bad ammumm jg. Now I've gotten alot better and have branched my champ pool out, but now they all want to try jg. I've tried and tried but it's really hard to teach it when u hardly know how to play the role. So I was wondering for a good source to learn to so them and teach myself. Also if y'all have guilds for other lanes that would help as well as im probably giving alot of info. I've already had to correct my self a week latter on a few things.

    submitted by /u/blankertboy12
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    Farming as a midlaner when your team groups mid early

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    The last few games, I've been having pretty low farm playing as Zoe midlane. The first 10 minutes I do ok, but if my other lanes are winning and take turret, either by themselves or with a roam or two, people just group and the rest of the game revolves around midlane. On a champion like Ekko or Ahri it's not much of an issue, but as Zoe the only thing I can do is try to one shot the caster minions with a Q before someone else takes them. In one game for example, a Yasuo I beat started farming up a lot, doing camps and sidelanes, and almost came back into the game while I struggled to get any farm once people started grouping.

    I don't really care about how much cs I end up with if my fed Lucian ADC carries the game at the end of the day, but there must be something I can do to avoid dropping off so hard in those midlane group games. Should I try to do camps, solo farm sidelanes? Zoe doesn't seem very suited to either of those, but it seems like the only way.

    submitted by /u/HotStep
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    Does Braum shield block Shyvana’s dragon form E (flame breath?)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Tried to ask this on /r/braummains but didn't get an answer, wondering if someone here knows.

    Recently was discussing with my friend about whether or not Braum's E blocked out Shyvana E completely, or if it blocked the first explosion but the secondary damage still followed through (the flaming grounds). We were debating if it was better to use Braum E on Shyvana E on a group of people or Ahri's Q (since we weren't sure if Shyv E was blocked or not)

    submitted by /u/calm11parrot
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    How to make games as long as possible/short as possible

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    So, me and my friends want to prepare for Clash and there are 2 things that I would like to know which I am asking now.

    By the way, our elo/skill is Gold - Silver so pretty much balanced.

    So the questions are:

    -If we have a lategame comp and the enemies have an early game comp and they stomp us hard (obviously), what is the best way to get to 30-40 minutes so we outscale them without loosing too hard.

    -If we have the Early game comp and they have the lategame one, how do we win as fast as possible to not get outscaled at 30 mins.

    -How to win with a midgame comp against a lategame one, sometimes they have an equal strong early game (basically weak) and therefor the midgame has a strong midgame but gets outscaled, thats not a big timewindow to win, how do you win that?

    And I am sorry if my english wasnt the best, its not my main language.

    Hope you have a nice day!~

    submitted by /u/JanIzzDaa
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    How does Amumu carry?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Im a returning player to the game thanks to the virus, I peaked Silver 5 in the past playing the old Irelia. Nowadays, I play Mid and Jungle, Amumu and Malzahar exclusively. Ive just been promoted to Bronze from Iron 3 over the last 6 days, playing 2-3 games a day.

    I think bronze 3 is probably where i am in terms of skill, so i wont be able to win by just farming with a loose semblance of competency and thinking a little before i start doing things. I wanna keep playing Amumu and Malz, but Carrying on Amumu doesnt come as naturally as it does on Malz mid.

    How does on Carry, really take control of the game, on the bandaged incel in the making: Amumu? is there a build that suits 1 v 9ing more than others, a game plan that usually works for you, a special interaction that you abuse, or just something that wont work vs good players but is a strong option if your enemy cant deal with it? anything at all?

    submitted by /u/IreliaCarrlesU
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    How to create more impact if you can't roam much as a mid laner?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Hi everyone I'm gold 4 from last season but now I'm stuck in silver 4. I main mid and adc. Lately I have a problem about not be able to roam or just lose my priority completely because I've always getting chain ganking by 2 or 4 people. Now I survived that better thanks to this subreddit but now the new problem arise.

    That problem is I can't follow my lane opponent much because from the situation mention above there's always a high chance of getting 2v1(Jg+mid) or 4v1/2 (jg+bots+mid) which lead to enemy mid laner getting too fed to deal with. I feel like try shoving and roaming opposite to my opponent or just push the tower isn't enough anymore. I mean I still have some relevant item but I feel no impact and can't do much in the team fight.

    Is there anything I can do better to create more impact? Or I have to count on my team sometimes?

    Current Mid pool: Lux Orianna Diana Leblanc

    Extra question: Should I focus more on early game snowbally champ? I always feels like it's a kill fiesta at this elo.

    submitted by /u/Rhls
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    What is Jayces weakness?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I've been playing league for a fair amount now, and so far the one champ that I legitimately havent been able to figure out any weaknesses for is Jayce. it feels like he's strong at all points in the game, doesnt really have mana problems like he used to, and his cooldowns are fairly forgiving. I've been subscribing to the "the counterplay to jayce is just to ban him" methodology for the better part of two seasons, but I'd really rather know how to deal with him rather than never learn how.

    submitted by /u/Smegkopf
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    How to improve as Graves?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I really like Graves as a champion, his design is really cool, him and Poppy really speak to me as potential mains. However, I feel like every game I play as Graves, I do OK, but can't snowball because my team endlessly shoves their waves, and Graves has no CC to hold them out of position long enough to kill them. Then, late in the game, the enemy Veigar or Malphite just oneshots me, and even if they don't, I do 0 damage and have to attack an enemy for a solid 15 seconds to kill them.

    What am I doing wrong? I don't feel like it's my build, I follow pro builds whenever I play, usually going Warrior/Umbral Glaive first and then build as needed. And I don't know how to get off ganks with him, even when I land my W perfectly I can't kill the squishiest of mages.

    submitted by /u/Chiramijumaru
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    Ahri advice

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    So I'm a bot lane main trying to learn mid now. I've taken quite a liking to Ahri but feel like I could be doing much better. I've had around 8 games with her and my performances are decent at best. Any tips for different matchups and tips for Ahri in general?

    submitted by /u/AR7Awesome
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    When playing as and against Fiora, you can reset her passive position by walking out of vision.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    When the enemy walks out of Fiora's vision it will remove her passive. When they walk back in Fiora's vision they will change the position. Both Fiora and her enemy can abuse passive resetting to make winning trades easier/harder. Honestly this is a life hack and I am begging all of you all to do this.

    See you in the rift!

    submitted by /u/EverydayEverynight01
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    Is Pantheon Mid (and less so jungle/top) Viable [for climbing]? His winrates are atrocious.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I decided to give Pantheon mid a go out of the blue because we were AP stacked, had a fun time and won too. Did it again a few times, doing well versus a smorgasbord of mids. I looked at some data and Pantheon's winrate in the jungle and top lane is garbage (sub 45%). It's about 50% mid, but the sample size is quite small (a few thousand).

    What's the deal here? I enjoy his kit and vibe, but he definitely feels next to useless in team fights past say 25 minutes. As far as stat websites go he builds about the same regardless of position.

    Why does he seem to be viable [for climbing] mid and terrible elsewhere? Is he just undertuned ATM or is he grossly off meta for some reason?

    submitted by /u/dubious_diversion
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