• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    League of Legends Runeterra: Music video | “BREATHE”

    League of Legends Runeterra: Music video | “BREATHE”

    Runeterra: Music video | “BREATHE”

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Karthus has less movementspeed than yuumi, dodging skillshots in midlane is almost impossible

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Before it was really hard to dodge skillshots as midlane karthus, but this is on a next level right now. I am slower than yuumi, its feels like being slowed all game and everything can hit u pretty easy. Is this really good champion design?

    If we think a moment about why riot gave yuumi no movementspeed and than take a look at karthus and his movementspeed is even worse?

    Edit: There is a simple way to nerf karthus jungle, make his Q deal 20% less to monsters. Yeah it is still a small nerf for karthus midlane, cause mid karth is sometimes doing the jungle in between waves but better than what they currently did.

    submitted by /u/Nitaraku
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    Fnatic severed links with VeigarV2 regarding the accusations that recently came up related to creepy messages sent by him

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:41 AM PDT


    We have been made aware today of several extremely concerning messages sent by a contractor associated with our League of Legends team. These messages were sent in 2017 and 2018, prior to his association with Fnatic. We have immediately severed all ties with this individual.

    It seems like the accusations brought up by PornstarZilean on twitter had an effect. FNC were really quick on the trigger, which honestly is only a good look for them.

    Here's the reddit thread where the accusations are presented: LINK

    Edit 1: It seems like the other post got removed for some reason, so here is the link for the tweets.

    Pornstar Zilean's accusations regarding DDOS'ing

    A compilation of screenshots that some guy on twitter made, as the original tweet made by the victim was deleted. I edited the screenshot and censored the faces and the victim's twitter username for privacy's sake since the victim opted into deleting the original tweet and I don't want to facilitate further.

    Edit 2: To put people up to speed, PSZ brought up that veigar_v2 used to DDOS, and people started crowding his tweet, some of them surprised to know he was now working with FNC. Someone then commented on it, saying she had no idea he worked on FNC and shared old screenshots of him sexually harassing her and her little sister. There were also accusations of him running a discord channel with CP, with censored screenshots which I don't feel like looking for. Turns out he says he wasn't involved in the discord (see below)

    Edit 3: He has put up a response on his twitter

    In 2017 - 2018 i was 16-17 Years old and involved with a disgusting group of people, i said really really disgusting things that i still cannot believe what i said.

    At the end of 2018 i started to grow up and realised how fucked everything ive done in the past was and i wanted to leave it all behind me, i removed myself from the people that influenced me.

    I commited myself to trying to do something with my life and from there on i have never ever said anything even remotely close to what i said in those pictures.

    I want to clarify that Destroyer622 and IYB is NOT me and that i have never taken part in sharing or viewing those disgusting pictures and that this is just a rumor.

    I want to apologize to @Deestinyer for what i said about her sister.

    I now look back on these actions with shame and disbelief.

    He's also added that he respects FNC's decision and would do the same if he was on the same position

    submitted by /u/CaptainCaptainBain
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    You ever seen a 1-8 trundle kill a rammus in 3 auto attacks?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT


    Explanation: Trundles ult steals a flat 40% of a targets armor, and that armor is whatever the targets armor is at the time of casting. Rammus had used W to boost his armor up to over 1400, and once the W finished its duration and he went back to around 350 armor, trundle's ult kept stealing armor based on the 1400, resulting in rammus dying with negative 193 armor.


    submitted by /u/Ninjawhatshark
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    I made a animated Wallpaper with Elderwood Ahri

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    blitzcrank with clutch pull and knockup

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Ask Riot: Another Lux Skin?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    The Crack Down S01E15 - Overcoming tilt, how Jankos achieved greatness ft. Jankos

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    LPL fans has draw a pic to commemorate all champions

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    LPL fans has draw a pic to commemorate all champions

    FROM: https://weibo.com/717901023















    s3 spring: omg goging's renekton

    s3 summer: edg namei's twitch

    s4 spring: and summer: edg clearlove's kha'zix and evelynn

    s5 spring: edg meiko's thresh

    s5 summer: lgd godv's diana

    s6 spring: rng mlxg's jarvan

    s6 summer: edg deft's ashe

    s7 spring: we mystic's kog'maw

    s7 summer: edg scout's leblanc

    s8 spring: rng uzi's vayne

    s8 summer: rng letme's ornn

    s9 spring: ig the shy's vladimir

    s9 summer: fpx doinb's nautilus

    submitted by /u/a3796407
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    For Ranked and Draft, I would like the ability to trade pick-order.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    The idea being that, till the end of ban phase, I can trade places in pick-order with other players. You want the new/FotM champ? Request the first-pick spot. You're top-lane or mid and want to counter-pick your opponent? Request to trade with whoever has last or 2nd to last pick.

    This seems like a much more elegant solution than picking a champion for another player, then trading. Picking champions for other players in solo queue requires that 1) I have the champion they want, 2) they have the champion I want and 3) trusting each other to actually pick the champion we ask them to. I'm pretty sure any of us who've used the trade feature have run into one of these issues before.
    Instead I can just give someone first/last pick, or ask for it myself. No trust or champion ownership issues to be found. Of course we can still decline the trade if we like where we are in the pick order.

    Other than annoying trade-spamming replacing annoying chat spamming, I don't see any real negatives to this feature.

    (This could also be extrapolated to swapping roles too, but as a fill main I care less about that.)

    submitted by /u/kuhzoo
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    PSA: Blue Essence Emporium is online

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    PSA: Blue Essence Emporium is online

    Greetings Summoners!

    The Blue Essence Emporium is currently live on EUW server.

    What is Blue Essence Emporium?

    Blue Essence Emporium is a limited time event where you can buy chromas with Blue Essence for specific skins, this event happens twice a year.

    Note: You can filter by BE now!


    submitted by /u/-PeaceSeeker
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    Just launched Elo.rip, a chaotic champion randomizer

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I'm indecisive when it comes to which character to play so I decided to make a tool to decide for me. After 3 bounces a champ is eliminated until there is only one left. There are filters so you can randomize within a specific position, as well as an option to put in your Summoner name and randomize within your top 20 most played characters.

    Here it is in action: https://imgur.com/a/3PsDWYr

    Check it out: https://elo.rip/

    Would love to hear your feedback, and hopefully some of you find it fun and useful as well!

    submitted by /u/ClearAntsWrong
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    Katey on Twitter has confirmed that the FPX skins cannot be rerolled for.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Here is the post She recently confirmed that the new FPX skins cannot be rerolled for which I feel is really sad as I was excited to get the new GP skin. But hopefully we are able to get the new skins in the future via rerolls like we can usually do with team skins.

    submitted by /u/barneyhero
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    Is Corki the dullest champion in League of Legends?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I don't want to hate on the guy but...

    • His kit is bland at best. You actually have to go fetch his most impactful ability, which some folks even forgot to do. Then when you do, you don't even have a good opportunity to use it the majority of the time.

    • He's part of the most notorious boring mid lane match up in the game.

    • His skins are all pretty horrendous, his Ice Tobbogan skin is also part of the legacy 1820 club.

    • His voice lines, of which there are few, are quite unbearable. And who thought that accent was a good idea for a yordel?

    • No one seems to care about his lore. I've never seen anyone discuss it. I doubt even Corki mains know much if any of it.

    • He's never promoted by Riot in any of their visual media - has he ever been in a video/short?


    submitted by /u/Fractal_Audio
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    Exhaustive list of available chromas during the Blue Essence Emporium 2020

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Figured it might be worth making this post since some people are having trouble accessing the shop. Happy shopping!

    10,000 Blue Essence (Emerald Skins)

    1. High Noon Darius
    2. Infernal Amumu
    3. Nightbringer Vladimir
    4. Program Leblanc
    5. Star Guardian Zoe
    6. True Damage Akali
    7. Winter Wonder Neeko

    2,000 Blue Essence

    1. Arcade Corki
    2. Arcade Miss Fortune
    3. Bard Bloom
    4. Battleboss Blitzcrank
    5. Battle Bunny Riven
    6. Battle Regalia Poppy
    7. Battlecast Urgot
    8. Cassiopeia Curse
    9. Cosmic Enchantress Lulu
    10. Cosmic Queen Ashe
    11. Cottontail Teemo
    12. Coven Camille
    13. Coven Lissandra
    14. Dawnbringer Nidalee
    15. Debonair Ezreal
    16. Demacia Vice Garen
    17. Demacia Vice Lucian
    18. Divine Sword Irelia
    19. Dragon Fist Lee Sin
    20. Dragon Trainer Lulu
    21. Dragon Trainer Tristana
    22. Dragonblade Talon
    23. Dragonslayer Braum
    24. Dragonslayer Vayne
    25. Dreadknight Nasus
    26. Dreadnova Gangplank
    27. Dunkmaster Darius
    28. Elderwood Ahri
    29. Elderwood Nocturne
    30. Elderwood Veigar
    31. Enduring Sword Talon
    32. Eternal Sword Yi
    33. Grim Reaper Kathus
    34. Headhunter Akali
    35. High Noon Ashe
    36. High Noon Darius
    37. High Noon Hecarim
    38. High Noon Thresh
    39. High Noon Urgot
    40. High Noon Yasuo
    41. Infernal Amumu
    42. Infernal Galio
    43. Infernal Shen
    44. Infernal Varus
    45. Koi Nami
    46. Lunar Goddess Diana
    47. Mafia Braum
    48. Majestic Empress Morgana
    49. Mecha Aatrox
    50. Mecha Aurelion Sol
    51. Mecha Kha'Zix
    52. Mecha Malphite
    53. Mecha Rengar
    54. Nightbringer Aphelios
    55. Nightbringer Vladimir
    56. Odyssey Jinx
    57. Odyssey Malphite
    58. Odyssey Sona
    59. Odyssey Yasuo
    60. Omega Squad Fizz
    61. Omega Squad Teemo
    62. Omega Squad Tristana
    63. Omega Squad Twitch
    64. Omega Squad Veigar
    65. Pool Party Caitlyn
    66. Pool Party Fiora
    67. Pool Party Gangplank
    68. Pool Party Graves
    69. Pool Party Lulu
    70. Pool Party Rek'Sai
    71. Pool Party Taric
    72. Pool Party Zoe
    73. Praetorian Fiddlesticks
    74. Praetorian Graves
    75. Primetime Draven
    76. Program LeBlanc
    77. Program Nami
    78. PROJECT: Akali
    79. PROJECT: Jinx
    80. PROJECT: Pyke
    81. PROJECT: Warwick
    82. Sacred Sword Janna
    83. Shockblade Zed
    84. Splendid Staff Nami
    85. Star Guardian Rakan
    86. Star Guardian Xayah
    87. Star Guardian Zoe
    88. Sugar Rush Braum
    89. Sugar Rush Evelynn
    90. Sugar Rush Ziggs
    91. Sugar Rush Zilean
    92. True Damage Akali
    93. True Damage Ekko
    94. True Damage Senna
    95. True Damage Yasuo
    96. Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
    submitted by /u/poopitydoopityboop
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    Sometimes sacrifices have to be made...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    How many time does riot need to nerf funneling

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    How many time does riot need to nerf funneling

    Funneling is still broken as ever. Amazingly, I played my first ever ranked game against funnelers, as a Plat 3 Ekko mid player. In the game, I went 6/0 in lane against these disgusting creatures, and Yi can still pentakill our team once he gets 2 items. Funneling is not only broken, and not fun at all to play against, throwing all macro play, laning and every other strategy out the window, playing on the team isn't even fun, as all you do is never get ganks and sit back watching your jungler delete the whole enemy team.

    On top of this, Yi was 2-0 in his Diamond promos, with a 99% winrate, playing in a low Platinum/high Gold game. Even though he was duo with a Gold 4 Taric, how is his MMR not so much higher?

    The Pre-Game OP.GG

    In game, by some miracle, warwick and I pulled off some really nice plays, and I got super fed, while yi was put so far behind. But, as soon as he got his rageblade, him and Taric pressed r and he ran into my whole team, demolishing us. On top of all this, Thresh went afk at (I assume about) 10 minutes. After he aced our team 2v5 for the 2nd time, we promptly ffd.

    Despite me being level 8 when everyone was hitting 6, getting a 7 minute protobelt, and our team collectively getting 3 towers, rift and drag before 15 minutes, we still lost by a landslide.

    Post Game

    Damage Graphs

    As much as Riot continues to nerf this strategy, it keeps coming back, as broken as ever. The top ladder is filled with these funnelers and Riot really needs to do something about it. It is still dominating soloq, and is unfun in general.

    Here was the 75W - 1L (at the current time) Master Yi's OP.GG


    submitted by /u/FlogThyNormies
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    BR has FPX Chromas available to be bought separately, but others regions dont?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    BR has FPX Chromas available to be bought separately, but others regions dont?

    So... Why? I dont want them to take them away from BR, but rather I want chromas to be sold SEPARATELY in other regions. This is ridiculous. I wanted to get that juicy GP Chroma, but my only way is to spend 65+USD? I'm disappointed.


    submitted by /u/orangesnack
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    Hey guys, here is sharing an interesting meme about JDG Zoom

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    The meme is "upper-class top laner"

    It is because he used inappropriate expressions to break up with his ex-girlfriend. He said, "I gave you a taste of high society, so I don't owe you anything" (It just a normal breakup like everybody does, but Zoom used a questionable expression. He has apologized for his inappropriate expressions).

    As a result, LPL fans call Zoom as an "upper-class top laner" and JDG is called " topper-class team". Zoom didn't feel offended and always poked fun at this. He played some classical music during his live streaming, such as Beethoven's Ninth Symphony or Minute Waltz. Moreover, he joked, "those who are not wearing tuxedos should get out of this channel". This is really interesting.

    And I just kinda curious what you guys think about the LPL spring final (TES vs JDG). Do you have any opinion about it? Thanks and stay safe.

    submitted by /u/Darien170
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    (Penta) Imagine if he had a real weapon

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    How to make a Zed rq

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Yasuo - hinokami kagura animation (Not mine, just wanted to share)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    ADC Lane Bully Champion Idea!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I had this crazy idea the other night. What if Riot came out with an ADC who gets better the closer they are to the enemy? So I put together some abilities for this champ. Let me know what you think.

    Passive: Gain armor and magic resist the more you auto attack up until a cap.

    This will reward ADCs who can survive throughout a long fight while helping them survive from all the damage in LOL.

    Q: Shoot a close range gun, say a shotgun, dealing high damage to enemies close to you. Each shotgun shell can proc on the same enemies if close enough.

    This will allow you to blow up those crazy divers!

    W: For the w ability, I was thinking this could be a peel tool. A fog cloud, if you will, that disorients people inside.

    An ADC with utility!

    E: This one is kinda crazy. Hear me out. E is a small dash that gives you attack speed. Each auto reduces the CD of this ability.

    Keep kiting summoner!

    R: Now this ability is a mini nuke or grenade or explosion. It damages the first enemy then the explosion damages enemies behind the initial explosion.

    Hurt everyone!

    Finally I think this ADC should be an outlaw of sorts. I would like for him to have a mustache and a cigar. Definitely needs the cigar. He could be named Gabe or Gavin or even Blaves. Nah I like the G start better. Maybe GR-something hmm. He should definitely ONLY be a BOT lane ADC. Not a midlaner or a JG there are tons of those.

    This ADC would be a lane bully and have a lot in his kit. We can keep his range low. No reload mechanic. That's silly. He's not Jhin. He's Garves. Hmm we'll keep working on that name...

    submitted by /u/milkyhotsauce
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    Star Guardian Xayah and Star Guardian Rakan chromas aren't available in the BE Emporium despite being released last year at the same time as SG Zoe.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Rakan and Xayah both have two chromas that should be available for blue essence but they aren't. You could argue that its because they are legendary skins, but High Noon Ashe and Project Pyke chromas are available for BE.

    submitted by /u/Speculatory
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    What role gets the most blame when a team loses a game?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I'm a jungler, so in my opinion it's definitely the jungler. Even when they mess up their lanes themselves, you can just count down the time and get flack for it.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/seriouslyinsaneguy
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