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    Friday, April 10, 2020

    LoL Guide How much impact does slaying dragons actually have?

    LoL Guide How much impact does slaying dragons actually have?

    How much impact does slaying dragons actually have?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm 2 months new to the game and I've transitioned from top to jungle because its more fun, but I find it extremely frustrating when I call for assistance and bot lane doesn't show up:

    1. I'm not calling for assistance cuz I need help defeating the dragon

    2. I'm not calling for assistance when they are engaged in fighting

    Even yesterday after helping bot lane kill an enemy and the other enemy was damaged retreated behind the turret, my teammates still did not help me secure the dragon. I'm curious, in high elo do players always group up to take dragons? Is there a high correlation with slaying dragons and victory?

    I'm a pretty smart guy and gamer but it frustrates me when teammates think hitting minions or channeling back immediately is more important than spending the 10sec to help protect the perimeter and expedite the dragon kill; yes they both had more than 75% health too.

    Please share your experiences.

    submitted by /u/mistakesnmoney
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    What are some good champions to first pick safely in top lane at the moment?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    I play mainly Irelia, Riven and Fiora. I suppose I could pick up some tanks but idk. I find that I always struggle when I first pick since I just get counter picked and lose. eg. when I pick irelia and they pick fiora its just gg. I play mainly Irelia, Riven and Fiora. I suppose I could pick up some tanks but idk. I find that I always struggle when I first pick since I just get counter picked and lose. eg. when I pick irelia and they pick fiora its just gg.

    submitted by /u/kinkyedgyweeb
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    A look at denying red buffs to the enemy jungler

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    This is an overview of my thought process as we deny the enemy jungler from getting his red buff in a yi vs rammus matchup then work towards keeping him behind to ensure that we continue getting every red buff. Hopefully this gives people some new ideas they may not have explored before.


    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    Support ranked tip (low elo)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Hello summoners, i've been playing for a good few years and barely ever touched ranked, main reasons being i am mostly a support main. I'm currently in high bronze/low silver (rank reset) my highest from a few seasons ago being silver 1, before i ask questions i'd like to bring up a few points for context:

    -I win botlane 70% of the time

    -I always ward the hell out of the map on any location fitting at the time (preparing for drake, warding vs ganks, warding around upcoming fights, etc)

    -I am very versatile and can play pretty much every support at at the very least with a medium amount of understanding

    -I Almost always end the game with way, way more vision score than anyone else, sometimes even twice the enemy support

    Now, whenever i play ranked i get good streaks that boost me up a few with good teams that cooperate, are friendly and communicate with pings, then i get a bunch of bad ones that push me (mostly mentally, after like 5 losses) down again that have racist, toxic, tilty players or ones that make an enemy talon go 9/0 in the first 15 minutes.

    What do i do to maximize my chance of winning when an enemy is fed or an ally is tilted?

    What do i do to keep my team motivated besides bootlicking all game? (which doesn't always work)

    Should i even be playing support in low ELO?

    submitted by /u/Skullgetti
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    How to play jungle

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    So as we all know, autofill is a thing, and there is no telling when you will get autofilled support or jungle next game. So as you can tell my this post, I got autofilled jungle last game, asked if I could mid of top, no response.

    I know I have options here, just play it out to the best of my ability, or dodge.

    I was on a 5 game winstreak, and did not feel like dodging, and so I picked ekko and played it out.

    Thing was, the enemy kindred knew what she was doing, we both met at top scuttle, both level 3, I pinged my mid but he was stuck under tower, so I went on her myself. Needless to say, I got kited to hell, and got double scuttled, which I know is bad.

    How can a new jungler learn proper pathing, tracking the enemy jungler, and how to feel like you are not sitting there with nothing to do?

    submitted by /u/DesiredGamingFtw
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    Principles to follow during team stand-offs at drakes?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I am a Bronze/Silver jungler, and am struggling to know what to do when both teams are standing off around one of the later drakes, often for soul point. Typically, people just wander around the pit, until someone looks like they're out of position, and gets dove on. It then seems about 50/50 as all hell breaks loose, and whichever team's carry is left alive wins out.

    Are there a set of basic principles to follow in these situations? I play with chat off to avoid toxicity, but suppose I could try pinging the enemy carry is "Alive," in the hopes my team focuses them first. I have tried looking for flanks, but everything is uncoordinated enough that I often don't get quick follow-up from my team.

    For reference, I play Yi and Warwick. With Yi, I wait for someone else to engage, and then try to dive in at the right time for a string of kills. With Warwick, I typically build tank, and look to engage with a mass fear on a bunch of enemies, or an R on a squishy target.

    Any general tips or rules appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Transitioning from top to adc

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I am a diamond 3 league player. In the past seasons i've got here by playing top, mostly riven but lately i've started playing a lot of yasuo adc and i actually have more success with him than with riven (65 winrate vs 48). Now, my question is how should I go about learning the other adcs. I've played a bit of adc on smurfs/other account. I think I've got decent mechanics, my best adc atm is Lucian. I think my biggest issues right known are trading in lane and farming in the mid to late game. I usually wander off on bot to cs for too long and i realise I feel like I'm not doing enough, because I can't splitpush as efficiently. I don't like staying on mid because that usually means i have to share cs and i usually fall behind because of it.

    submitted by /u/Gunal2
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    which champion has the fastest base movement speed?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    With items, runes and summoner spells, I managed to get a regular champion like Kindred up to +314% movement speed - though max 10 seconds. Still, I covered 1/4th the map in like 8 seconds.).

    This got me wondering, if one wanted to spec it out, which one has fastest base movement speed?

    Just to be clear, though Taliyah and Aurelion Sol and Galio and Pantheon as well as maybe kha'zix do have some nice movement ult's its not something you can put boots on.

    I also don't want to count stuff that is dependent like talyah has the wall dependency, and Vayne has bonus movement speed towards enemies.

    edit: I found this post.


    cassiopeia, Btu she can't have boots so she's disqualified for specking up.

    submitted by /u/Billionairein2040
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    What do you do after you freeze the wave and the enemy recalls?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I just watched a video where Faker tried to freeze a wave at lv 3 when both he and Cassiopeia was low on hp/mana.

    Cass had 0 mana so she needed to back while faker had quite low hp. Now he tried to freeze and cassio tried to recall. But she then cancelled recall and stayed in lane instead and her jungler helped break the freeze.

    Now i wonder what if Cass actually recalled and went back to lane. She would have item advantage, and mana/hp advantage too. Faker was also at 50%hp at that time so if he tried to continue freeze the cass could just kill him.

    This happened to me once in clash, i froze the wave and then when enemy came back i died, i was about lv 5 then. I guess i could blame the jungler for not ganking me when i froze the wave? But i was really REALLY ahead then so i understand why i didnt get a gank.

    And im guessing faker would get a gank when cass returned back to lane? I don't know, what would you do if you tried to freeze the wavewith 50% hp and the enemy recall? Shove the wave? Maybe, but with champs with really bad early waveclear like Sylas, Camille or Akali then its really hard.

    submitted by /u/_ThankU-next
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    From the Rift Up: Jhin - Extensive Guide

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    From the Rift Up - episode 01

    Hi all, I'm a new content creator looking to help players learn my role (ADC). I'm a challenger player on OCE (yeah I know, bronze 4 NA) and can provide some insight that you may have never thought of. I'm looking to do more guides so check it out and if you like it please leave a comment letting me know who you'd like to see next!

    All the best Summoners

    submitted by /u/emotionalTee
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    Why do higher ranked players pick champions in other roles? Is this recommended for the general ranked population and normal game modes?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    While I was watching challenger replays on YouTube I noticed that many of the high ranked players play really unorthodox roles with champs. This goes against the general premise of having dedicated lanes for every single champion. For instance I saw a replay of a Taric jungle that had me confused because Taric isn't ideal for jungling and I'm sure there are better options.

    submitted by /u/Ultimate_DonkeY
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    Trying improve as ADC CSing + Trading isn't going well

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT


    So I'm an ADC main whos managed to reach Gold 3 and am kind of stuck there at the moment. One piece of my gameplay I've noticed is lacking is CS and early trading.

    I don't know how to improve my CS whilst also been able to trade effectively early on in the lane. I feel like I always get the worse end of a trade when I do try. I mostly play Miss Fortune and Ashe, so with MF I just try to poke with Q off a nearly dead minion to try get the bounce unless my support lanes some CC then I will auto Q combo + W if I can. On Ashe I've been using Sabers Trinity forcce ashe build with hail of blades, with her I try to hit a W into a hail of blades combo but I feel like this is weak and my opponents usually have more damage onto me. Whilst doing this though I seem to be losing CS for obvious reasons, I'm trading instead.

    Basically I want to get better at CSing whilst trading in lane, so I can get a lead. I'm usually around 6CS/min but all guides just talk about aiming for 10CS/aim and never about getting that CS whilst trading, they just talk about trading in lane but never both together.

    This is my op.gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Seat%20Sniffer

    Hopefully this helps with any advice you can give. I just want to get better at ADC since I enjoy that role most.

    submitted by /u/Dougie07
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    Opinion on Sylas jungle

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Can you actually first pick sylas jungle without knowing the enemy jungler? i kinda hate my situation that i love sylas as a champ and i only like jungle role... my plays with him are mediocre compared to when i play ekko or warwick or wukong.. is he really mediocre jungler or do i just need more time.. and will the patch 10.8 buffs on low health farming jungle and more xp after level 9 make a difference? it really sucks to love a mediocre champ in a specific role.. and no i dont want to play him mid lol i hate mid

    submitted by /u/Xeno19Banbino
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    abandoning bottom lane when your adc isn't that great?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    i'm in silver 1-2 (hard stuck for now) and when my adc is bad they're just really bad. i'm not saying i'm the best and never make mistakes, but for example today i had a jinx that just wouldn't trade. i would nami bubble the adc when she got hooked and then she would just run away instead of killing adc where we would have most likely killed her since i exhausted.

    i was watching tfblade and his duo supp would just leave and roam even at level 4 and never go back bottom. i did the same and it really felt like we had 2 junglers and i didn't feel like i was helpless anymore just sitting there getting farmed over and over. is this generally a bad move or is it just something i need to start doing more because usually the adc starts crying if i do

    submitted by /u/Justachillday
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    Solo duo or flex5v5

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Which rank is more important? I'm trying to explain to my friends that solo duo rank is way important because you have to good urself to climb and if you are playing with 5 guys flex 5v5 u can be complete trash and get carried. Their argument is that team play is more important. So, which one is more important?

    submitted by /u/zdricko
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    as a support should i roam if possible

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Ive seen many gameplays where supports who aren't usually supposed to roam (janna,lulu) but only when they get their mobi boots, i was thinking maybe if the situation is right should i try to do this but only if i know the midlaner and not some random

    submitted by /u/nguij
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    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    On r/leagueoflegends I always see posts decrying how awful the damage in the game is and how bad tanks are.

    However, I see that Maokai, Ornn, Poppy, and Shen are all tanks that are doing very well in SoloQ, along with Maokai and Ornn being picked fairly frequently in pro play. Is the current meta actually bad for tanks or is it more of a circlejerk than anything else?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Multiple Dorans Blades Top?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    While watching various streams and youtube videos to try and learn how to play toplane, I've noticed some people buy anywhere between 2-4 dorans blades at a time. Im wondering why is this? What situations are this beneficial? When would I NOT do this? What champions does this benefit? Who shouldn't do this?

    Thanks for the help :)

    submitted by /u/KevMaaan
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    How do you not tilt because of people who give up too soon?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I've lost at least 60 or so LP in the past week due to people who say "gg, ff" at 5 minutes while being 0/5. Like, last game I played, I'm 3/0, crushing top lane, my JG is doing good, but because mid lane and bot died 5 times and gave up (and started trolling) there's just nothing I can do. Like, I do my part but it don't matter. I start to BEG them to reconsider but this one guy just says that "it's normal to give up" and proceeded to walk into enemy turret and die... I'm just tilted beyond... Do they get banned if I report them? And how the hell do you not tilt

    submitted by /u/Throuwmeawauy
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    Warding tips as a Bronze Jungler?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    So I'm newer to jungling mechanics, and I was wondering how to keep good vision as a jungler? I'd love any and all tips!

    One specific question I have: I often see people recommend ditching the warding trinket for the sweeping trinket rather early, but I'm confused as to how you can keep good vision then? Doesn't that leave your total vision contribution at any moment to one single control ward on the map?

    Keep in mind, many bronze level players don't take warding very seriously, so I'm worried that if I'm not providing more than one ward at a time, then my team will basically forever live in eternal darkness... Is it still worth taking sweep trinket, even at my elo?

    submitted by /u/ImAGhostOooooo
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    Should I skip an early Scanner in Bronze?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a Bronze 2 Jungle main (Nidalee, Evelynn, Vi, in that order, yes ik my choices of mains are poor but that's another matter) and I have a problem with my vision score on Nidalee and Vi. I average around 20-25 vs at the end of a game with these champs, and my highest ever with Nidalee was 36 (with Evelynn I average 30-40 and only take Scanner once I run out of space for control wards around 30m, and my highest was around 52).

    Here's my OP.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=OCDkirby

    I believe this to be because of the fact that I do the ward trick with both of these champs, getting a 0:50 ward in the enemy raptor pit and then recalling to take Scanner (with Eve, I just ward it at 1:10 and head to buff), leaving me with only control wards (of which I buy as many as possible every back) and scanner for vision.

    My question is, would it be okay to skip getting scanner until I run out of space to improve my vision score by using stealth wards (which I feel is my biggest problem atm)? I really only ever get use out of scanner for my first gank (sometimes there's a ward in the bush) or dragon pit, most of the time when I use it there's nothing there, like when I invade the enemy jg or any gank past 5 minutes that I don't have a control ward during.

    If anyone would be willing to look over my OP.gg for any other glaringly obvious problems, I'd appreciate it as well.


    submitted by /u/OCDkirby
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    Farm vs fight

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT


    Kennen main mid laner, thought I'd try ranked this season and see where I can get to. Most games are ok.

    I come across this scenario frequently and feel I make the wrong decision too often.

    Had a game where I left mid slightly ahead, top was behind, jg was way behind and bot was even. I came out 2/0/5 and about even on CS for perspective

    Enemy group up, mid Yasuo farming the side lane and the 4 threatening fights. I have to join this as my ult is the reason we win this fight. However the Yas I'd spent time beating is now farming up for free and becoming more of a threat.

    What's the right call here? My instinct is to help the teamfight but this means I'm not farming. And if the teamfight doesn't go well or leaves me low (I'm jumping in here so likely) I have to go back and reset, and still not farming.

    My CS is something I'm working on to improve (it's about 5-6pm currently) but this scenario is the biggest cause of my CS dropping after the 15 minute mark.


    submitted by /u/PhoenixEgg88
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    How to play Talon mid?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I like Talon but I don't know how to play him mid. I can't get near enemies when they play mages and they destroy me if I get near and if I don't. I also don't know how to use his ult properly, and every time I use it I make it wrong and is useless. How to improve with him? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kaaiser33
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