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    Thursday, April 9, 2020

    LoL Guide How to avoid autofill: Complete analytical guide.

    LoL Guide How to avoid autofill: Complete analytical guide.

    How to avoid autofill: Complete analytical guide.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Hey everyone

    Some of you may remember me from my dodging guide I made a couple years back- It's actually my most popular post here on Reddit. I will probably make a 2nd version when the new dodge penalties are official and I can properly analyze them, but untill that happens, here's something that always works

    Autofill is really annoying, isn't it? You queue up to play your favorite champ or role and end up autofilled to something you don't want. For me personally, I can play anything except AD Carry. So you can imagine my surprise and frustration when I ignored my own advice and ended up autofilled to ADC.

    I know that my method works because I have never been autofilled in Ranked and no one that I have ever told this to has been autofilled either. It requires "some" work but it's nothing really. And yes, this works in Solo queue, Flex queue, draft, 1 guy in a party, 2 guys in a party, 3, 4, everything.

    So, you get into lobby and you pick your 2 preferred roles. You start the queue up. You notice that you are given an estimated queue time. Usually, it ranges from 1:30 minutes to 3 minutes. What wyou ant to do is restart your queue the second it goes over the esimated queue time. That's it. If you get a queue time over 2:15 however, restart the queue when it goes over 2 minutes. That's it.

    The personal highest rank I have ever reached was Diamond 5 and a friend of mine playing in Diamond 3 confirmed that it worked over there as well. So yeah, do this and 100% of the time, you will avoid autofill, if you simply restart the queue

    (NOTE: I do not know how this will work out in master tier and above games where the queue times are way higher.)

    EDIT: Something I forgot to mention. Your chances of getting autofilled DRAMATICALLY increase if someone dodges and you are immediately prompted to get into a new game. If that happens, decline, and restart the queue.

    submitted by /u/BluePhoenix21
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    So you've taken mid inhib and the enemy team is respawning. What now?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:27 AM PDT


    I feel like I see people pushing mid with the inhib down all the time. You have taken an objective that will push that lane FOR YOU. You are now free to focus on counterjungling, setting up vision, taking neutral objectives, or setting up pushes in the other two lanes. The last one is especially good because it will force the enemy team to split their resources defending 3 lanes at once while you get the free numbers advantage from being able to push mid with supers.

    Stop playing team deathmatch, start using kills to get objectives and using objectives to end the game. Once you take that inhib, there's nothing for you mid anymore but the possibility of a throw.

    submitted by /u/polluted_delta
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    what. are. runes.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I just hit 30 and I don't know what runes are and what they do. The whole thing seems so complicated. Apparently you have to buy pages ?? I've searched online for it's purpose and how to use it but it got me even more confused, as there are so many different things with names on them. And there were a couple times when I saw people complain that they have the wrong rune and the game might as well end. I don't know if these are runes, but I've been playing on a thing called "domination" and I don't see a difference ? Please help me out. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/joscelyncruz
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    How to get used to free camera mode?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    So, I've been using locked camera for such a long time now (like literally since I started playing League). And I really want to start using free camera mode, because a lot of people told me that it improves your map awareness etc. and I saw that almost all pro players use free camera mode too.
    But I just can't get used to it... Maybe someone has some tips how can I can get used to it?

    submitted by /u/Nek0NYT
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    Simple heuristic for winning lane

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    _________ The prep: Identify whether you are better with short trades or extended trades Identify the same for your opponent Compare who you think is better at each Update your guesses over time as you climb and learn from your mistakes ;) __________ The setup: If you are better than them at short trades: get a bigger minion wave (size) win a health advantage through short trades If you are better than them at extended trades: get the minion wave to your side of the map (location) win a health advantage through trimming the wave and then running them down ____________________ Make them uninstall: When you have a health advantage either: 1) deny them until they get outside help 2) look to kill them If 1) set up a freeze to deny them if they greed, punish them (health, summoners, or kill) repeat until you are ready to back or look for a kill If 2) use your control to create a big wave crash it and straight up kill them if they stay for it they either lose a lot of minions or they die and lose a lot of minions ______ Notes: 2) depends on factors like: do you have enough damage? does it require menchanics? do you have the mechanics? do you have to respect the enemy jungler in the next 45 seconds? when backing, make sure to keep your advantage up if you can, by doing things like: using teleport killing them and crashing it to reset it killing them and leaving it even / pushing to you forcing them out and crashing it to reset it forcing them out and leaving it even / pushing to you Edit: a heuristic is just a ________ Summary: if good at short trades --> build a large wave if good at extended trades --> build a wave near your side 

    Edit: A heuristic is just "any approach to problem solving.. that employs a practical method that is not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect or rational, but which is nevertheless sufficient for reaching an immediate, short-term goal." Basically, it's a good rule of thumb to use while learning the game and climbing that will get you 90% of the way there and give you a framework within which to learn the rest as you go.

    submitted by /u/yuumi_can_jungle
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    Are builds from websites like Mobafire actually better than just taking what's recommended?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    TLDR: Just wondering. What's recommended usually seems okay, but many of the top rated builds on sites like Mobafire are often completely different. How do you know if they are better than what's recommended?

    I mainly play jungle and top lane. A champion where you can really feel a difference is Garen. The game recommends that you go super tanky, where as most player made builds go trinity>phantom dancer>more damage. Almost no tank stuff.

    How do I navigate this as a low elo player? How do I know a good build?

    Edit: Ok I took the advice. I scrapped the Mobafire build I got for my Yorick, used what had a good winrate and was picked by pros and got an S- in a game. Nice!

    submitted by /u/Less_Tennis5174524
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    Is it weird to hate the lane that you main?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    For me its the top lane.

    Its the only lane that I can feel confident in but I absolutely despise it. I'm tired of dealing with the same lane bullies that just automatically win lane due to their oppressive kits only to turn into raidbosses with their "weak late game" (Darius, Garen, Sett, Morde, Illaoi, etc). If its not that then its the annoying ranged champs that bully you out from a safe distance and turning you irrelevant for the majority of the game (Vlad, Teemo, Quinn, Vayne, Gnar, etc.).

    Salt aside, I just feel like I'm not having fun with the lane anymore but its pretty much the only lane that I feel comfortable playing in from a mechanical standpoint. There have been multiple instances in which I "give up" top lane in favor of other roles such as Jungle, Mid, ADC, and Support only to embarrass myself because of my lack of knowledge in those roles so I often come crawling back to Top Lane to start the cycle again.

    Honestly, I don't know if I am having a "the grass always greener on the other side" moment and should just suck it up or if I should really invest in learning a new lane but either way I'm still losing lp.

    Has anyone ever felt this way?

    submitted by /u/GIJose65
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    How can you tell if a team comp is good or bad?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I've seen some streamers say, "oh, the enemy team comp is scary," or "our team comp is kinda troll," etc. I can notice a wombo combo team when I see one, but sometimes it just seems like a bunch of random champions slapped together, and people will say it's a good team comp. People don't really elaborate what makes it good or bad, so my questions is what are you looking for in a team composition? What makes it a good one? What makes it less than ideal?

    submitted by /u/TheYellowEmperor67
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    This game makes me question my intelligence...

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    So before I start I want to say that LoL is the first and only game of its genre I've played. I've always been an FPS genre person because of my natural ability to just pick it up and be above average at it.

    Here is the ironic part. I recently went through some mental issues and stopped playing games all around for a while, and when I came back I decided to play something different....League of Legends. Now this is my first time stepping out of the FPS genre and I was pretty excited to hop into something new. Well, I'll just say that its not as "pick up and play" as the FPS games I'm used to and thats completely alright! I've taken the time to learn what I can and while very slowly, I think i'm getting the hang of it. I recently hit 30 and decided to play a few placements and got completely destroyed in all of them so I decided to stay in normals. I play Quinn, Talon, Ashe, a little bit of Jax and just picked up Akali.

    I have games where I do Super well. or atleast in my eyes cause I'm new. some games I'll have about 140 cs and a lot of kills and others thats just not possible so I go and look to see what I did right or wrong and can't really pick anything out cause of how clueless I am. Items still don't make a Whole lot of sense to me and I typically just look up a build and figure it out backwards.

    Everything just seems hit or miss in my games.

    Anyway here is the questioning my intelligence part. I'll have a bad game and I'm literally being flamed by everyone and they're just saying to each other "he's brand new" while im sitting at level 32. This is really demotivating and I really want to know what I'm doing wrong. I watch league videos on my free time and I feel that I play with the similar goal in mind? I guess not.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/mascdunn
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    Worth main Jayce?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Hello, I have been looking for a main for soloq and clash for a long time, my level is low gold, high silver and this champion caught my attention a lot, the problem is that in this meta tanks I do not know if it is worth using, what do you think? (Sorry for my english)

    submitted by /u/MedicalMail3
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    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I really like the champ Tryndermere but it seems as if the algorithms are working against me.

    Last week I had all great games win or lose. Now it seems as if I'm struggling to get even one kill.

    I main Illaoi and I can almost dominate top with a 60-70% win rate.

    Is it worth learning this champ? So far I've been spamming him to trying and learn every match up.

    And yes I have and do watch fogged videos.

    submitted by /u/TheReal_NatKingCole
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    Can it ever be a good choice to give up a dragon even if you could easily take it?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Let's say you take ocean dragon as the first one, and the second one is a mountain one - and neither your nor enemy team would heavily benefit from those few% of armor and resistances (i.e. both teams are rather squishy). Now afterwards, there will only be fire or wind drakes spawning - from which your team will benefit far more - so would giving up the second dragon in order to potentially have 3 wind or fire dragons if the game drags on be worth it?

    submitted by /u/Von_Usedom
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    Lack of mid matchup knowledge

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Im a Gold 1 player, I used to play jungle but wasn't having the results I wanted, I migrated to playing mid but, I've played jungle for years so I know what I can and can't do against some champs, I decided to play Lucian because I mastered his kit rapidly and liked him, I know what to do as a midlaner, when to rotate, where to ward, how to control lane and waves but I just can't abuse some enemies or I get abused by others, it is a lot to ask but, if there's any Lucian mains or mid laners that play any other champion and could help me by telling me weaknesses it would help me a lot!

    submitted by /u/KanemeKarea
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    What to buy if you dont have enough for lost chapter?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Inevidibly I sometimes die or am forced to back before I have enough to buy lost chapter (several different champions that build ludens). What do I buy? what if I have 800 gold? 900? 1000? 1150?. Theres a lot of combinations of amp tome/boots/dark seal/mana crystal/additional dorans ring and was wondering what should be prioritized. I know this may vary by champion but I dont want to give a specific one so I can understand the reasoning rather than just mindlessly following a build. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Yelwah
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    Regarding Ranked (please explain it)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I joined my first ranked match today with high hopes and even higher expectations. The matches I have played so far have typically been laid back and the people kinder than you would expect from "the most toxic game". I was slotted into silver for my first match. I missed skill shots I would've typically made, the ones I did make were not capitalized on by my ADC, and my ADC did all-ins that failed. I died over 6 times. To add insult to injury, I was reported by my team, who all decided I was trolling (I was just bad). I was blamed for every single one of our lane's errors, regardless of whether they were mine or my teammates. I was flamed and came out of it seeing just how much I had to improve. Yet I have no idea how to do it. What I am asking for are tips and tricks on the mentality that it takes to play league?

    submitted by /u/an-insane-potato
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    Any tips on playing Rumble?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    I've gotten an interest in playing Rumble for the first time, I heard he's mechanically easy but takes some time to get used to due to having not only a bit of a unique playstyle but also that he's a squishy melee champ, his heat meter takes time getting used to, and that his ultimate does take practice despite the great waveclear.

    I'm really interested in getting his Badlands Baron skin (The animations don't bother me much so far, I'm not interested in his legendary skin) once In used to him.

    So any advice for top and mid?

    submitted by /u/BulletCola
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    Level 171. And now not improving at all.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Guys I have been playing league for a long time now but now I think I have reached a limit from where I cannot get any better. I get placed against iron and bronze players and make some really bad mistakes.

    The amount of time I have put into this game I expect to keep getting better like all other. But I'm stuck here. Idk how to explain. Sorry for bad explanation.


    submitted by /u/Vortex1O1
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    I can't tell who champions are. Disable cosmetics / label champion names options?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I'm still trying to learn the characters and I can't tell them apart a lot of the time. Some skins make me think it's a character I've never seen before even if I do know them. Is there an in-game option to help me?

    Alternately, if there is some kind of secondary program that can be run along with the game to accomplish this I would also be interested in something like that. (nothing against game rules)

    submitted by /u/jehCe
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    How to Deal With Jungler Feeding Your Lane?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT


    How do you guys deal with the jgs who gank & feed your lane while you spam ping danger but they ignore the pings?

    like, a half hp kayn ganking half hp ignite sett while you are at base.

    I usually just abandon lane and take jg camps but I wanted to see how other people dealt with this.


    submitted by /u/rabbit230
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    Viability of partial crit builds?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a tryndamere main and his build path with his passive is very particular, you get to build those super expensive bruiser Items (IE trinity force) while at the same time being able to build full crit with just 2 items. The way I see most bruisers job in a teamfight (using the term bruiser loosely with trynd) is to go in, take some damage and blow up a carry and either go out with triumph heal or get some more damage off until you die. Olaf or trynd being excelent examples of this playstyle. My question is, why don't we see divers/bruisers like olaf that are hard to kite and have survivability in their kit build one or two crit items for extra burst? If I'm not mistaken a triforce crit is 4 times your AD (base damage*2xcrit modifier +2xAD from sheen) even if you hit that crit 25% of the time the potential for burst just seems like a lot more value out of 2600 gold in the lategame than more expensive bruiser items like a steraks can give you. Is some hp and a shield that much better than anti-kite and burst? And how about fiora? Why don't people build IE to take advantage of the guaranteed crit from her E for example? At face value it seems like she'd love a stat stick that gave her more 25% damage on her E

    Tl;DR: why don't bruisers build one or two crit items in the lategame?

    submitted by /u/sanmedina
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    How do you actally practice with a new champ?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I have been playing this game for a long time, first me and some friends only played BOT games, then ARAMS and other rotating game modes, its only recently i actually started playing ranked.

    Ranked for me isnt a climb, its just a way to play vs people my skill level.

    earlier today i got destroyed by a olaf jungle, as i main jgl i figured i wanted to try him out, so i watch a YT video on his first clear, tried it in practice mode and queued up for a normal draft game

    i am bronze 4 now, got some unranked players and played a 5 man premade with a gold 1 mid.

    how am i supposed to practice a champ with matchups like that ?

    playing vs bots is too easy, trying a new champ in rankedgets me flamed, i got flamed in this game aswell, sadly, im starting to learn that in bronze people are more concerned about ganks and KDA then map controll, objectives and they have no minimap so if you get caught and die, its... well my fault, as i jungler?

    anyways, how am i supposed to practice a new champ i want to try out in a "ranked like" scenario? i dont play s 5 man premades in ranked =/

    submitted by /u/jCoked
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    The harder I try the worse I do

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Right now the way I win is by doing nothing in lane and paying attention to the map. I Just kindof farm it out and exert pressure when my oponent doesn't respect me but I don't do anything fancy in lane and I pop off and win.

    By contrast when I try really hard I make all kinds of outplays, dodging cc, winning trades, killing enemies, but I just lose really hard.

    I jumped into some games with the mental of " I want to try to be good at the game " and I went into lane and really tried hard. Dodged all kinds of cc, won out on trades with my laner, etc. I ended up getting ganked, camped, or just making a wrong move (rotating to help a jg take drag got me killed and ruined my lane twice) and hard losing every game.

    I tried really hard against a MF + Xerath Lane and dodged literally every single Xerath Q. I didn't take any damage from him the entire first back but my support engaged on them with a minion wave disadvantage and got one shot. The xerath started getting gold and eventually just started popping me. He would miss 3 Qs and a W but he would hit his 4th Q and press R and I would have to base.

    Contrast that to a game or two later where I decided I would stop trying to be good and go back to the way I used to play. I faced a Caitlyn in lane and just ate Q after Q after Q to the face.

    I ended up finished the game 9 2 and 13. It's crazy to me that it just doesn't seem important to be "good" in the traditional sense.

    Apparently all you have to do is watch the map and not die to jungle ganks and the game is free. It's really frustrating

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Where do you look?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Ok I know this may seem like a simple question to you guys but it's been giving me a lot of trouble, so warning long post ahead.

    TL:DR at the bottom!

    I'm an avid FPS player who recently had friends convince me to get into League. I've been loving it, and as novice as I am it has become one of my favorite games. However, I am brand new to MOBAs. QWER is alien to my fingers, and my normal seamless WASD muscle memory has been reduced to clunky fumbling across the keys. I'm only now beginning to be able to pull off combos of abilities, and occasionally try to weave in a flash. However what I didn't consider being just as alien as the use of my hands would be the use of my eyes.

    In FPS games, there are really two schools of thought when it comes to where to look. The common downfall of the first method is to look at your crosshair. Look at where you're aiming, and then click when a target is in that space. Adjust mouse to make that effect occur more often.

    The second school of thought, and what you see in almost every top player, is to instead look at the target. You know by pure muscle memory and instinct where the center of your screen is, so you put your eyes on your target and move your mouse to it, click when you see the two overlap.

    But in League, and I'd imagine other MOBAs as well, I can see it being a much more complicated discussion. Because you're clicking to create a specific action, it's not merely determining when you fire. It's controlling ability targeting, positioning, attack timings, spell placement, etc. But if you only focus on that specific cone of vision, you're leaving a lot of other critical information over to your peripheral vision.

    So basically, my question is in a MOBA, do you want your eyes on specifically what you're clicking on, or are you focusing on your character and the area around them? I can feel myself being more vulnerable to skillshots, having much clunkier movement, and even making positioning errors when I try to focus only on where my cursor exactly is, but I find I make better mechanical plays in regards to my actual ability and AA usage. Whereas when I focus less on where my cursor specifically is and just track it in my peripheral vision, I notice more opportunities and am a lot better as a team player. But I can lose track of my clicks, even only by a little bit. (i.e. Losing a 1v1 because you auto'd a minion, or igniting the wrong target in a teamfight, etc.)

    Any suggestions? I'd really love to hear people's thoughts because it's one of the bigger uncertainties I've had in trying to self-teach through guides and high level play. Nobody seems to talk about it, and I feel myself play so radically different when I try to use either method.

    P.S. While you're at it, I use attack move click so much that I worry it's become a crutch that's actually hurt my ability to develop mechanically, since I genuinely find using right click to AA clunky and awkward. Right click is to move, thumb button (amc) is when I want to attack. Is it possible to overuse it? I don't want to teach myself bad habits.

    TL:DR In an FPS you look at your target, not your crosshair. In league do you look where you click, or do you look at your champion/environment around you?

    submitted by /u/WiildThane
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    I feel bad playing support

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    weird asf question...but I feel bad just playing support , I tried mid lane for like 182 games , was kinda fun but ended with a 43% win rate , I love the role and I love it's champions mainly Zoe , Ahri and Lux and playing it feels fun but i'm just not good enough for it , a lot of the times i'm the sole reason for defeat , rare times i do so well but have a feeding teammate(s) and lose so that just makes me fume cuz i did so well, so i just went back to my 140 games 65% win rate support , on support , i don't really feel bad when i lose , I just have fun...but support just 1 feels kinda boring , and 2 I just keep having the ''support is the easiest role'' stigma in the back of my mind all the time while playing...and tbh i'm pretty sure it's true...support is the easiest role...so I just feel bad when i play support...sorry for talking too much , idk what i expect from this post , ty for reading

    TLDR: tried mid , failed , went back to supp where i'm much better , but i feel bad cuz support is really easy , or at least it's said that it's really easy/it feels easy to me

    Edit: i just realized...that one of the main reasons i don't have too much fun on support...is cuz i have the ''you're playing the easy role , you're on easy mode'' in the back of my mind...and tbh it's kinda half true...but like if it is easy asf then y don't all support players have 70% win rate...there has to be some differentiating factor between support players

    submitted by /u/Kirivitostano
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