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    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    LoL Guide How to deal with SMURF accounts? I am so frustrated now because in last 10 games I played against 4 guys that are lvl 40 with 80% or higher win rate, or higher.

    LoL Guide How to deal with SMURF accounts? I am so frustrated now because in last 10 games I played against 4 guys that are lvl 40 with 80% or higher win rate, or higher.

    How to deal with SMURF accounts? I am so frustrated now because in last 10 games I played against 4 guys that are lvl 40 with 80% or higher win rate, or higher.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I am sooo tilted with this game last few days but today it got so bad that I am thinking about deliting it and giving my account to someone else because I see no point in playing when I am getting demoted every day playing against players that even admit that are diamond, master and one guy was even grandmaster player on main accounts. They come in solverd/gold elo and have 25+kills per game and destroy my will for life.

    submitted by /u/matej_tg
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    Is Jax really a bad jungler?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Jax is sort of a comfort pick for me but I quit playing him in the jungle after the preseason changes. Everyone was talking about how you need fast clearing objective taking junglers, and Jax doesn't fit into the jungle meta anymore especially since Shojin got removed. But after playing him in the jungle for around 30 games again, I don't understand why he's so bad - he can disengage from unfavorable fights easily, he has extrmely good 2v2 skirmishes, his ganks with red buff lets him stick onto people and once he get a lead, well I think you've all experienced what a fed Jax feels like. He plays like a lot of "meta" ganking junglers like Elise or Lee sin, except he scales hard. Am I just doing well on him because I'm comfortable on the champion? I want to understand why tier lists were shitting on him when Jax jungle doesn't even feel that bad to play.

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    What happened to Karthus, why has he become a jungler?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    I recently got back to league after a year. so I'm sorry if this question seems stupid.

    Before I stopped playing league Karthus mid was considered a strong pick heck it was even being played in the professional Stage if remember it correctly.

    Because I was trying to climb Karthus became my go to mid lane pick. I learned the matchups and the items to build. I was able to win lane most of the time probably because low elo people don't know how Karthus works.

    Back then Karthus jungle was known as somewhat of a troll pick. He had good clear but his Mana drained so quickly and his ganks weren't that good due to his lack of cc.

    Fast forward to now, Karthus has become a staple pick in the jungle and he has disappeared from the mid lane. He doesn't even appear at most tier lists that I look up.

    So what happened to him? Why did he become a jungler from a mid laner.

    submitted by /u/2lesslonelypeople
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    Quick Noob Question: When is it better to just sit on Oblivion Orb than to build it into Morellonomicon?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I've seen some players say that it's not worth upgrading Oblivion Orb and it's better to finish other items like Rabadon's then come back and finish Morellonomicon.

    For example, I play glacial ahri and I usually build Morellonomicon third after GLP and Twin shadows but I've seen some players get Oblivion Orb and not upgrade it until like 2 items later. Why not just finish the item first?

    submitted by /u/SleepieSheepie8
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    High stats on Shen but not climbing/how to pressure better?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I started maining Shen recently because of his global map pressure with R+TP. I figured I can use him to get my team ahead early game (level 6) and snowball the game from there. A lot of the time it actually works. I have a 54% winrate on Shen with ~30 games played. The only thing is I have hovered around S4 30-50 LP this entire time. I am losing more LP than gaining! My average KD is 8/4/11 which I consider to be pretty good, just have to lower the deaths. Like expected I normally get 60-70%KP in every game due to the R+TP and think its quite effective. I feel like there is one extra piece that is missing, one thing I have to fix that will give me that extra "push". I believe that is keeping pressure in the top lane. Once I reach level 6 I HEAVILY prioritize getting myself and my team ahead. Often times top turret will go down (not usually first) and most games they will get a T2 as well. I don't know how to balance pressuring top lane and keeping up the heavy map/roam pressure. Again, I don't know if this is the one thing I'm missing, or major issue I have. This affects my CS aswell. For example, one game (I won) I went 11/1/18 but only had 105 CS. Is getting my team ahead worth the loss of top lane pressure and CS? I'm seriously at a loss of what I have to improve right now and I think this is the main issue. Any and all help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/KatagirisDog
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    One-trick-ponies of League, how do you feel about doing bad on your champion?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    So I've been playing League for 7-8 months now on a frequent basis. I realize that I'm very trash at the game. I haven't finished my ranked placements, but most of my normal games are around Bronze Elo. I tried one-tricking Yorick top, played over 200 Normal games with him and realized I was going backwards rather than forwards.

    It really sucked because I used to have so much fun the first 100 or so games I played with him. I'd easily smash my lane opponent, get fed, crumble towers and carry games. My MMR and Elo didn't change, but somehow around the 200 game mark that all seemed to stop and I began feeling useless every game I'd play as Yorick.

    I moved on to one-tricking my next champion, Zed. I loved the challenging mechanics, outplay potential, and high skill ceiling. Anyway, I've got 160K points and Mastery 7 on him. I know I'm nowhere near close to mastering him, but still feel like I should be able to 1v9 games in Bronze if I even half knew what I was doing. It's come to the point where I take games too seriously and even though it's just normal matches they leave me anxious. "If I lose against someone who's new to the champ they're playing as a 160K Zed, I must really suck". It's really sad and I'm taking a break for a while in hope that I won't have the same mindset when I get back.

    TL;DR: One-tricks of League, you'd have to be lying if you said you didn't feel a little bit sad losing lane/going on a losing streak on a champion you have 150K+ (OR MORE) points of mastery on. What's your take on it?

    submitted by /u/OneTrickPoony
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    I'm about to ask a really dumb question but pls just hear me out...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I'm very new lmao (been playing maybe a month) and I just wanna ask, to me it seems like almost all mid laners would be pretty viable in the top lane? I know it is most likely because of the low elo that I'm in so no one is really using top laners to their potential meaning a mid laner could easily hold their own in top lanebut, I still wanna hear an experienced players opinion.


    submitted by /u/clapped_d
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    I used to be diamond but now I'm stuck in low gold. Help me please.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I basically only play top lane, mostly teemo/renekton/jayce/ryze/rumble. I was diamond in s4 s5, and haven't been playing much the last few seasons, but I managed plat in s6, s7 and s8 (decayed to gold after not playing in s8). s9 i basically didn't play at all.

    Anyway, in this season I got placed in silver 4 after placements for some reason, and it was super easy to just stomp lane and win up until gold 4, where I am now. Right now I have no idea how to climb in this elo. It feels like unless I have a perfect game, every game is unwinnable. It's like a setting by default that every lane loses and by the time I can come help them, it's already over.

    So right now, I usually stomp my lane, but it's very hard to snowball in a lot of games when the opponent picks something like garen/malphite/shen etc. Obviously I will win the lane, but by the time I manage a solo kill or the tower, the whole map is usually burning, because everyone keeps dying. I remember when I got diamond in s4/s5, I actually felt the games got easier to win in diamond as I climbed just for this reason.

    As an example, according to riot's on "Stat" page in the client, on Renekton I average +1800 gold against my lane opponent at 15 mins, with +31,4 cs at 15 min, but my win rate is still only 53% with him. My kill participation is 46% on average (as opposed to avg Renekton in gold 38%) and my KDA 3.73 vs 2.42 as avg Renekton. Basically I would say I win lane on all my champs ≈95% of the games, but I can't seem to transition them to wins.

    Also, for the last games 6 games, I've lost 5, where I've won lane pretty hard in almost all of them, there is always at least one player on the team that is basically trolling (just check the match details on op.gg). If I remember correctly I have been up around ≈3k gold each game on my lane opponent, while the team is down 10k in each game. I'm probably up 100 cs in each of these games, with at least 2-3 solo kills in each. And yes, I know I died too much these last few games.

    Here is my op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=2pac+is+alive

    And for my old account that got perma banned: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=agaton+3000

    Can someone please look at my op.gg or something and give me some pointers on how to get out of gold? I feel like I'm losing my mind.

    submitted by /u/agatonzzz
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    Ok. So I got a 25 game chat restrict. I want to reform. I cannot seem to get my anger in check.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    It's really tiring to have a low win rate. I'd like to climb out of my current rank. I cannot seem to play this game without losing my mind. I get annoyed at getting screwed for things I can't control. Promos make it 10 times as stressful. When bot lane goes 0/8 in the first 6 minutes, and it happens almost every game, you know how it will end. Of course I'd be upset at them for not figuring out after 8 deaths how to not give them another 300g.

    It's especially tiring especially when jungling that no one wants to play for objectives. It's especially frustrating that you have a huge lead and your team throws it and you lose the game because no one knows how to push their leads. Win a teamfight and instead of using their heads and taking advantage of it by taking dragon, baron or take inhibs, they either sit there, go back to farming or reset. These games quickly lead to losses. This is the number 1 reason why I flame my team when. Nobody has the common sense to push the advantages they have.

    Deep down, I'm really not an asshole. I don't tell my teammates to kill themselves, or say anything racist or sexist. I'm the most blunt and genuine person I can be. I just do not like failure and I'm genuinely frustrated.

    Idk what to do. How does anyone keep a level head when odds are so stacked against you?

    submitted by /u/Cyndikate
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    Jungle: What to do after first clear if lanes are ungankable

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to jungle. I notice that if I clear from bot to top side, get level 3, and look around, sometimes my mid and top are pushing in. So I take scuddle and their still by the enemy tower.

    I've been playing junglers that typically can't fight the enemy jungle 1 on 1 at this level, such as Fiddlesticks and Nunu. So I often have no clue what to do. I usually go home, get items, and try to contest not scuttle, make plays bot, or steal camps on the enemy bot side if I can see/predict the enemy jungle is top.

    Is this the best I can do? Sometimes I feel useless haha

    Edit: thank you everyone for your responses. This was super helpful. This really is a great subreddit

    submitted by /u/primathena
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    Having trouble with auto attacking and the mechanics

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    What are some good resources to identify what I'm doing wrong mechanically with auto attacking and champ range?

    I feel like I'm losing a lot of engages because I don't understand how to auto attack very well in combination with my abilities.

    Watching steamers who play my main (ziggs) they do incredible burst damage using their autos in-between their abilities. I seem to be doing a bad job of stringing autos, moving, and abilities.

    How do I get better at this? Any in depth videos anyone can recommend?

    submitted by /u/swakhammer86
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    How important is Attack Move really?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    I am starting to play a lot more adc and I am currently Silver 2 and climbing pretty quick (68% winrate atm on Varus and 59% Caitlyn). I really struggle getting used to attack move right now and I feel I do much better without it. Obviously this has its downsides such as following into a bush or misclicking and walking up to a target instead but honestly I don't seem to have any issues with that since its very rare I actually follow someone into a bush as an adc without a ward available and I really don't have any issues with misclicking.

    Most higher elo adcs swear by it though but I just don't get why its so important. Can anyone elaborate?

    submitted by /u/Rift-Duck
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    How to deal with Irelia bot lane?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Yesterday I had a clash match where the ennemy team hit us by surprise with a full bruiser comp with Irelia Karma bot lane and Sett jungle. From very early they were able to outdamage us as Varus Morgana, but also chase us without any way for us to retaliate or run away. And came level 6 they were able to coordinate easy dives under turret with Sett coming from the back. No matter what stage in the game, I was able to kite the others but not Irelia Karma, even came teamfights. How do you deal with that comp? Should I have drafted a different bot lane comp?

    submitted by /u/iiYop
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    How to play against Xerath with Syndra

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    I have a fairly good amount of points on Syndra and would say I'm pretty decent with her, but most of my games on Syndra are stomping normals, not in ranked where I usually play assassins. I played clash today and actually got stomped by a silver Xerath (I'm plat). He even all chatted "how much did u pay for that account?" I wouldn't say stomped, I was doing pretty fine but one Zac gank and I was pretty much done. I honestly think his W is harder to dodge because of how fast it casts. He would W first, and if it landed, his Q was pretty much guaranteed from the slow. Should I be playing aggressive in this matchup? I played pretty passively so I couldn't get a lead. Granted, I checked his profile after the game and dude has a 63% winrate on him with a 10 K/D average. I don't think he was smurfing though, I feel like I'm just not as comfortable with Syndra/against Xerath as I thought. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/icinnalatte
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    How much hp should Conqueror be healing in an average game?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I'm a jungle main who likes to play Kayn and I am relatively new to league (Level 40, Bronze 4). When the enemy is very squishy I do exceptionally well with blue Kayn, however when the enemy is 2 or more tanks I try to play Red Kayn but I feel like Conqueror does nothing for me. I felt like my play style was off so I went other conqueror jungle champs like Warwick for a while but my healing is always below 400. Am I doing something wrong or is it me just not getting the proc correctly? Also as another side note my best game using conqueror had me 6/11/28 with 347 Total Healing as red Kayn.

    submitted by /u/SomeBurntRice
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    Is it possible to completely remove chat?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I really cant hold of myself when im in game. /mute all doesnt help /fullmute all doesnt help, i always have the urge to write some shit down, i dont wanna get banned. Is it posible to completely remove it so i cant use it? Or is it possible to type but ur teammates cant see it (not like mute when they can still see what im typing)

    submitted by /u/leonero365
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    A bit problem for me.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    So, I'm basically a Yuumi main and, I play Yuumi alot but sometimes people just take supp away or have premade bot and stuff. But, I'm trying other champions but we're just losing because of it and, I don't know which lane or champion, I should play. So the question is: "Do, I have to just keep trying other champions until, I finally understand how it goes or do, I have to still play Yuumi and forget about the other champions, I'm trying to main or understand about it?

    submitted by /u/RandomDamnDude
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    How Do I Finish Games Faster As Olaf?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I just started playing Olaf - I'm a top laner for what it's worth. He was suggested to me and since I started playing him I've fallen in love with the playstyle. I have poke, early bully potential, chase potential, obj control I can solo, and a threat level to any opponent on their team.

    That said, I specifically get lost as to how to close out the game before the 30 minute mark when I play against opponents who will scale much better as time progresses.

    For example just a few games ago, I devastated a Nasus in lane. I was up 4-0 and maybe 60 cs. So after I took my turret, I shoved the wave, took herald, then helped mid secure a kill, then went back top, reshoved, backed, took the herald bot, and we got two turrets. It was at this point, I didn't realize what to do...I was just kind of roaming around not really securing any objectives because none were up, but also not really being able to shove top because I was generally overextended with limited vision. So I tried grouping a bit to get some kills, but we threw a couple good opportunities. Low and behold, moments later - Nasus got too big to handle and we lost.

    What's a good strategy for finishing games quick as Top Olaf?

    submitted by /u/CRGRO
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    So, dumb question but why play champs who aren't designed to win lane?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I'm not a complete noob but more of a casual player. I know I've mentioned I am a Yuumi main in previous questions and I also occasionally play Kayle when I get secondary lane but I started wondering, why do some, like me, play champs who often lose or go even in lane? Does this leave me reliant on another lane to push hard? Should I play a champ who can destroy lane? I am not sure why I play them. I bought all of my champs based off minimal research of just looking at their profile in shop.

    Edit: I should add a couple things, does going even or losing lane make winning the game harder? Does not getting fed earlier in the game prevent powerspikes? Is there really any advantage to not winning the lane?

    submitted by /u/MrEggsBenedicr
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    I dont know which Lane i should pick please help me

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Hi guys im Diamond 3 in eu west but i still dont have a best Lane. I dont know what i love. I love all roles and play not bad. Im play in my level. Also i am 15 years old and im so undecided. I love play Azir, Leblanc, Zoe, Aatrox, Camille, Vladimir, Ekko, Kindred etc. I dont know tank so much because i love carry and love burst damage. Maybe i should pick mid but im really undecided. I'll write best things about roles

    Top=Like Camille irelia Aatrox etc. Very good damage and very good at late game

    Jungle=Im happy to go lanes and ganks. Also play Ekko gragas Kindred is so tasty. And you can go every Lane and you can help teammates

    Mid=I love Magic damage and burst damage. What a lovely. You can 1000 damage burst. Its so good. When the game end my damage is 50k 60k is sooooo good

    Adc=Only Kiting

    Sup=If i play 1 game in esport i can play support. I love protect

    I know mu english gonna kill u but pls respect

    submitted by /u/nabymate
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    Sorry, the Jungler Does Not Work For You

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I played a game yesterday that got me tilted. Our top lane made an ambiguous comment which seemed like he was dissatisfied with my jungling because I didn't help him gank, but even though I'm fairly new to LOL I understand that it's inefficient to make a trip up the river to help top plane if the enemy champion has full health. It seems like people think the jungler's job is to help you win lane? That you own my time and decision making?

    Well, we ended up losing the match and the top lane typed an /all message that said "jung diff" which I guess means I suck, but the other team responded saying "no, Amumu doing good" and guess what, I was the one that ended up with an S-.

    To become good at this game, I have played all 5 positions so I understand the mindset and crucial decision-making responsibilities each role has. I would recommend people do the same in order to be well informed about what their teammates are doing at all times. That being said, I would love to learn about parts of the game that you get dissatisfied with when your teammates don't meet your expectations?

    submitted by /u/mistakesnmoney
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    How do you positively influence your team when you are counterpicked?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I know the general idea is to transfer your lead in lane to other parts of the map and to help your team. But when you are in an unfavorable matchup or get counterpicked (such as in a ranged vs. melee matchup) it often seems like the only thing you can do is try to survive, not int, and cs under tower when your opponent has the clear advantage. But what this comes down to is trying not to feed and hoping that your team can carry you, which is basically a coin flip and praying that you have good team mates.

    How else can you help your team when you're in a losing matchup besides not feeding? Do you just try to get through lane phase in one piece and then hope you can salvage the mid and late game?

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    ADC: how do you do damage with Ashe?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    I love Ashe but compared to crit ADCs I feel very weak in the late game, to the point where I can auto someone like 50 times and they can still be alive. On Jinx I just omega crit and 2 shot people. Is there a secret to damage output on Ashe or is she just sort of doomed in that regard compared to crit ADCs?

    submitted by /u/whiteknight521
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    Help with impacting early/midgame fights as toplane

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Hello, I play mostly toplane and I play scaling champions/splitpushers like Jax. Problem is I get the feeling like I could influencing the game more, some people have even commented on it in games. Like 'their toplaner is all over the map and you sit in lane!'

    I will get plates when they are gone usually, but my team often doesn't respect when i ping he is missing and he ends up joining a skirmish and completely turning the fight, all while I got 2 plates which seems like a bad trade seeing as they are taking my team off the map and netting more gold for their team.

    Of course the tough part is when they shove in and roam, I don't want to miss that CS but it's barely like I could follow them anyways. Get turned caught by a riven, or some tank like ornn, at level 7 as jax without the safety of my turret is really dangerous if they decided to turn and just kill me or wait in a brush when they sees me follow.

    I'm not really sure how I can not leave my team out to dry in these types of situations and still be a valuable team member when my toplane opponent has a stronger early game than me and generally has priority over the wave. Is that really the doom I am sentencing my poor team to by playing something that is weak early? How can I help them?

    submitted by /u/droptopus
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