• Breaking News

    Monday, April 13, 2020

    LoL Guide I climbed from Silver 3 to Grandmaster after not playing for 2 years! AMA

    LoL Guide I climbed from Silver 3 to Grandmaster after not playing for 2 years! AMA

    I climbed from Silver 3 to Grandmaster after not playing for 2 years! AMA

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Hi, Im Last (currently) a Grandmaster jungle main in the LAS Server. As I said in the title, I was plat iv in Season 6 and 7, I left the game at the start of season 8 and I came back in december 2019. I started this season at silver 3, and slowly I climbed my way to grandmaster (which I hit 2-3 days ago).

    I mainly played jungle throughout all my climb but I switched and played other lanes as well. Right now I'm mostly a Graves OTP and I am currently one of the best graves on my server.

    My stream https://www.twitch.tv/lastrom33

    My opgg: https://las.op.gg/summoner/userName=L%C4%85st

    I can talk and speak english if you want to ask me something there as well. I will be streaming my climb to challenger.


    Edit: Forgot to add proof https://gyazo.com/258d638043686421521d42aea941bb4d

    submitted by /u/Lastrom_
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    Coaching two Plat ADC players - Key concepts to climb - Challenger Coach

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Hi guys, it's Simba ADC here! In this video I coach two Plat elo ADC players and go over important concepts to help them climb.

    I go over things such as: correct ability usage, camera control, recall timings, wave management and more. All of these things also apply to other roles! I hope you guys enjoy <3

    Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xtHsQG0p3o

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    I rebuilt LoL Recommender (champion recommendation website)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT


    Hey Summoner School! I just finished rolling out the new version of LoL Recommender. I have noticed some posts asking what champion plays like X champion, and I feel like LoL Recommender can really help out players, especially new players, that are unsure about what champion to pick up next.

    What's new?

    I rebuilt the website from the ground up to avoid using static data and make use of the Riot API.

    Here are some of the notable new features:

    • Recommendations based on weighted tags derived from the Riot API
    • Recommendations based on a Champion or a Summoner Name!
    • Highest win rate build associated with each recommendation for this patch in ranked (Plat+)
    • Images and backgrounds derived from the Riot API (no more manually updating icons and splash art when a champion gets reworked or a new champion comes out)
    • An actually maintainable back-end to work in any suggestions and easily add/update functionality
    • Dynamic styling/layout for desktop, tablet, and mobile
    • Browser Back Button Support - I know this seems like an obvious feature, but I am happy to have it even though it's incidental. The old implementation was a single page application, and I never got around to handling browser back button events so the old implementation would just navigate away if you used the back button.
    • Recommended champions are only champions that are currently being played in ranked (Plat+)

    Feedback is appreciated!

    I am still working on optimizing the weighting and tag generation so if you see anything that seems off, let me know! I was able to push a lot of updates from suggestions already so I'm excited to keep working on this and getting feedback.

    Also, if you have any suggestions for functionality that could benefit you or Summoner School students specifically, please let me know!

    Thanks! Good luck on the Rift!


    To Do List

    • /u/chaosumbreon87 | Prioritize suggestions by position
    • /u/bbjimin | Update Vayne, Kai'Sa, and Cassiopeia tags UPDATED
    • /u/Nblitz729 | Update Evelynn tags (no camo) UPDATED
    • Add class tags (battlemage,catcher,enchanter,diver,juggernaut,artillery) UPDATED
    • /u/tootallteeter | Fix Wukong sorting order UPDATED

    submitted by /u/Anthozoa
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    Cleanse destroys low elo mental

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    With cleanse, you negate ignite and any hard cc in the laning phase. You wanna destroy the mental of that M7 hardstuck gold Yasuo main? Have him get you low with ignite and stand under tower. As you are about to die, cleanse yourself and then type into allchat "you thought bro". Do that enough times and eventually he'll get so mad he will dive you under tower and int.

    I'm only half joking in this post because a lot of low elo players rely on getting early ignite solo kills to get the ball rolling for them, and so if you negate that then they don't really have much to go on in the laning phase.

    submitted by /u/DwyaneDerozan
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    Is killing Krugs worth it?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    I'm a hard stuck Iron 1 jungler who mains Rek'sai. I have no problem clearing Krugs, but I almost never go for them. I know they give the most XP, but are they worth going out of your way to kill? I feel like my time would be better spent invading the enemy jungler or ganking instead of going out of my way to get them. There's no nice path that allows me to quickly clear it and get to my next camp. It's not like wolves into blue and gromp. Instead, it's on the other side of raptors and behind a wall from red (which doesn't really affect Rek'sai because she can tunnel) Additionally, clearing Krugs does not open any immediate ganks like blue or gromp does. I'm basically walking with my top or bot lane instead of coming up behind them from river.

    My starting path with Rek'sai is usually Red > Blue > gromp, reversed sometimes, or Red > Invade blue, my blue, gromp or scuttle. Until I grab talisman, I don't typically clear other camps as it wouldn't be too efficient on speed and my health. Throughout the game, I rarely ever kill Krugs, as I feel my time would be better spent elsewhere. So my bottom line is, are killing Krugs worth the time it takes?

    Note, I also play Warwick, Kayn, Fiddlesticks, and I've been practicing Evelynn.

    submitted by /u/Get-Bamboozled
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    How You Can Beat Early Game Junglers Such as Elise or Lee Sin as Graves

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Hello r/summonerschool, this is a crosspost from a post I made on the graves mains subreddit r/GravesMains.

    I am a Jungle main content creator and I focus my videos on educational commentary that can help you make proper decisions as a jungler.

    This video is a full game vod review that will show you the jungle pathing I use 90% of the time against strong early game junglers to avoid their early power spike, while also matching if not exceeding their map pressure through efficient clear and pathing. The biggest mistake I see lower elo players make when playing against early game junglers while playing a scaling or farming jungler like Graves is they try to match the early game jungler's gank pressure which is the wrong approach. Instead, farm efficiently which is something you can control (as opposed to ganks) and let your team know ahead of time that the early ganks are coming (in case they didnt know Lee Sin/Elise will gank level 3).

    A common start you will see from junglers like Elise or Lee Sin is bot side start for double leash -> 3 or 4 camp clear -> top or mid gank. By following this jungle pathing with Graves or any other jungler that can farm efficiently or plays for level 6, you can end up significantly ahead of the other jungler even if they succeed with their first gank. Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be happy to answer them here or on youtube: https://youtu.be/RGcPJHSTnkY

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    How do I win lane against Garen, Sett, Darius as Ornn?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Pretty much title - I will get shit on by Garen, Darius, and Sett. Not sure how to play it out without being -40cs at 15 min and insta losing lane every time. With Garen, I can't trade into anything without coming out below him. If i try to just sit and poke or farm with q, I lose mana quick and get outscaled that way. Is it my wave management? Should I just expect to lose lane? Any advice greatly appreciated...

    submitted by /u/TanNF
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    Attack Move, Attack Move Click, Attack Command

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to learn this stuff since it comes in handy for farming the jungle, better movement/kiting in fights, especially when you play ADC.

    To my understanding, Attack Move makes you hit the closest target to your cursor, Attack Move Click is the same except you don't have to manually click, Attack Command is the same as right clicking except it's target enemy only, not for movement. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still trying to learn this stuff. When would you use each command, and how?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    What could help me improve Macro game and Micro game efficiently?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    A little backstory for this, I'm a mid laner, former Platinum, current Gold player. I stopped playing competitively for a while and also started playing with my low elo father and friends a bit, both things I put the blame on my skill drop on. I haven't ever really been hardstuck although I did feel pretty out of my league in platinum. I'm currently Gold just because of my skill with my main champ, and I know I can get further if I keep OTPing him, but when it comes to tournaments, he gets banned and I go from star player to trash player.

    This season, however, I'm noticing I keep walking around quite cheaply (dodging few or no attack at all), farming around 5 minions per minute, resulting in a sadly low gold income, rotating in a rather mediocre fashion, trading almost no damage at all, even when playing assassins that usually deal me lots of damage when the tables are turned, and having low effect in teamfights.

    I also constantly check on the map but gain no information from it, I am aware of objectives timers yet never manage to play efficiently towards them, I rarely get anything good from a succesful rotation and also don't usually get any gold from turret platings.

    There was this one match where I was Fizz against Orianna and I got out of laning phase 3/0/1, yet did nothing at all on the rest of the game. When it's the other way around, the assassin usually doesn't let me do anything in lane nor out of it and carries the whole team.

    So, what I'm asking for is a way to learn, to improve efficiently when it comes to both, macro and micro. I'm not expecting a magical potion/cheat to go from Iron to Diamond, and I know I need to keep on practicing, yet, like stated before, I can get the good habit of checking the map constantly yet that doesn't give me anything at all since I'm not doing it efficiently (same goes for many of the other macro-stuff).

    How can I improve? I know the whole "play smartly" advice, but how? How can I learn from my mistakes if I don't know what's to learn?

    I want to get better at the game rather than at a champ, but my moves feel so slow, predictable, iron-worthy and my calls are not better than that.

    TL;DR: The title summs it up

    submitted by /u/Revangelion
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    Is my KDA affecting my ability to win games?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I am a dirty bronze 1 ADC window licker. My stats I would argue are better than most lane opponents that i face. Despite this I'm sitting on a 38% WR in the past 10. 53% overall. Stats Dont win games however, and its painfully obvious on me.

    Here is my OP.GG https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Ry%C3%A9n

    I feel like most games are beyond my control due to the usual factors, but the few games that i get to dictate by being fed whilst not facing an enemy team of assassins i am able to close out. I try to stick to the number one rule of never dying unless i feel that a teamfight can still be won by me over committing. (much to my teams dismay "" WHY DIDNT YOU DIE WITH US REEE"" )

    Recently however it appears that if i die past the lane phase the game will snowball out of control and the game becomes farming simulator as i try hold back the waves of minions at our inhibs only delaying the inevitable.

    Not dying in bronze is quite the task as not only am i not skilled but the enemy usually consists of a number of assassins who beeline straight for my tight adc behind and the only peel i can rely on is my duo Q support. Yup i also duo.. i still cant climb though KEKW. I couldn't imagine anything worse than relying on a random to carry my laning phase.

    Do i succumb to the bronze mentallity and int into every fight that happens for almost no reason with the rest of my team and rely on coinflips? If i die 10 times like my opponents will i suddenly unlock the win condition? Do i go back to playing mages in the bot lane (Bronze have no clue against syndra) What do lads? I miss machine gun Caitlyn :(

    submitted by /u/Pasta_King_M8
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    [Kalista] Hello, today i have a lesson for you guys, its "physical education", get ready and practice it [YT link]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I saw a lot of new people start to play kalista. I'm happy with that and I want to help all of you as a Kalista main with obsession. Most challanging thing in kalista is her passive of course and you shouldn't choose easier way to use it( by that i mean you should avoid key-binding to "jumps")
    thats very important because if u fight in a wave of minions sometimes u can lose your fokus on enemy and hit a minion and.. maybe even die..

    Second important thing people forgot about is her ability to jump over a lot of walls, it may be helpful when enemy flashes through the wall and if u know that tip you can easyly safe a flash and get a kill. Most of people won't even expect you to do that!

    I made a video on youtube with all the "wall jump spots". I divided them into 2 groups:
    *Must-Know - these are spots u should always use and practice them because they are very strong!
    *Rarely Used - its group of "useless" and untypical walls that will make your way a bit shorter and can help you fight melee champions
    *I also included advanced wall spots which most challenging but using them is also very useful!

    Here is a vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9a9QJ5wkQg
    I would be very happy if you let me know what do you think about it!

    Practice and StayHome!
    UselessKalista ;)

    submitted by /u/UselessKalista
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    Video about how to track the enemy jungle

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Good morning fellow summoners,

    I am a "hobby" coach for League of Legends for a few years now and finally decided to open my own YouTube channel where I will upload my coaching sessions after streaming them on Twitch.
    Right now I am working on a "General Macro Guide Series" in which I explain fundamental concepts of the game, that apply to any role/ champion ( the base ideas, the details obviously depend on the match).
    To start things off I made a video about how to track the enemy jungle and how we can use that information.

    This series will expand over the course of the next few days/ weeks, the next video is planned to come out on Wednesday.

    Feel free to leave feedback or ideas about how I can improve things ( since I just started there is still quite some stuff to improve).

    submitted by /u/PoIyamorous
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    Getting flamed for certain champ/role combos.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    I main top. I main Garen. I'm not that good of a player and still learning (lvl 24). The problem here is my secondary pick for draft pick mode. I go jungle for my secondary role. I do this because I can simply build Garen Jungle, still using my main champion. I've seen lots of videos and stuff on Garen jungle, so it's viable, right??? My opponents didn't think so. One Morgana player flamed me from drafting right to the end. I'm completely unfamiliar with muting since I have never had to mute. I was unable to use the command right for some reason, so I had to deal with it. I was so distracted and tilted that I couldn't even play properly at all. Whenever I get jungle now, I just pick yi even though I'm really terrible with him. I get flamed anyway for being completely useless. Any tips for overcoming this?

    submitted by /u/_JammyTheGamer_
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    [MIDLANE] how to manage wave after first blood?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    hello. D1 Qiyana main. I naturally get a lot of first blood opportunities as an assassin early into lane, but I always panic whenever the wave seems to be in a bad spot. I struggle to decide whether I shove the wave or let it freeze near tower. I had one recent instance where I solo kill TF, the wave is 2 melee/4caster for him, 2/melee 3/caster for me, with next wave approaching. He TPs back, i'm all the way back in base while he denies me almost 2 waves of cs. I can provide a replay later but i'm ingame replay

    Are there any guidelines to this that I and other people will find useful to maximize wave control?


    submitted by /u/Ekiiku
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    I've never made it out of the valley of despair (Dunning-Kruger) in League.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Ok so, basically, people here are familiar with the concept of the Dunning-Kruger effect. I've started playing League years ago, days after Jinx launch tbh. The game was amazing and I loved it, and I started to learn about the game with my friends. I admit that they comitted much more to the game than I, but we all started at the same time (ish).

    Six years laters, I'm still a mediocre player. Had my moments of brilliance but I'm still mediocre no matter the lane or role. Other teams, or my friends, always deals more damage, have more vision, carry more games. I am not aiming to become a high-skilled competitive player, I just wanna have fun and be better than just laughing stock to my friends. When we do 3v3s I often get mocked for being in the same team or things like this. I wanna be decent and escape this valley of despair, stop being a hindrance to my team (and friends) and actually be welcome as a good teammate.

    There are some contributing factors. I don't get to play as often, I've spent 3 years out of League, I do have stress problems which I'm coping for years, but I still can't understand what are the others doing that can't do the same, no matter how hard I try.

    The other multiplayer game I most play is Overwatch, and I'm decent. I can carry games, I can contribute to the team, hold objectives, play nice, get POTGs and multiple kills. Not insane competitive material, neither a mediocre player, and I wish I could replicate this on League, but no matter how hard I play they always get the last hit before me (even when I'm ADC, which is my favorite role, but whatever), they get to carry and destroy games and I just sit there, in a mediocre 3/6/10 KDA watching the others carry me so they can make fun in the end. I really wish to know if someone's in a similar situation, or was and managed to improve, and could give an advice or two.

    submitted by /u/GeddyLee15
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    How did you improve?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:50 PM PDT


    so as the title says I want to know how you all improved at League. What did you focus on, how did you fix your mistakes, when did you start to get better, was there a "wall" where you first stopped climbing and that prevented you from climbing at that point and how did you fixed this, etc.

    I just want to know how you all improved to make me a small picture of "How to improve" for me idk.

    I hope you can understand me.

    submitted by /u/Yukiihiiraa
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    Plat 4 trouble in teamfights evelynn

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I just moved from mid to jg and Im trying to one trick eve. Been having trouble in teamfights knowing how and when to flank properly. I'm in plat 4 right now. I think my early game patterns are pretty ok for the most part. Mid-late game is just pretty hard for me to understand as a jumgler. Also looking for a secondary champ to Eve. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/FrostyWombos
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    I’ve completely tanked since last season.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I hit diamond 5 right at the tail end of last season, which is the highest I've been. I'm normally a fairly casual plat player. I main Malz and had a good WR last year.

    This season, I can't seem to buy a win in high gold. I lost something like ten straight recently and am playing like absolute garbage. And I'd love to blame my teammates, but my play is awful. I just feel like I've regressed immensely.

    Anybody else experience anything like this? Any tips? I'm thinking of just taking a break for a while.

    submitted by /u/fireorlime
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    The more I win the less lp I gain?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I know this is a rantish question but I also truly want to understand what's happening.

    I now have a 54% win rate in gold and I'm currently gaining like 16 lp while losing 20.

    Is it possible to fix this? How?

    This is my op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=DiegoVP1

    submitted by /u/diegovepa1
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    How do you win from toplane?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    (I already posted a similar post but with my kha'zix)

    I'm hardstuck silver 4, i have 44% total winrate and 7.3 / 3.8 / 6.3 kda on aatrox with average CS 141.7

    38% winrate on aatrox. I win my lane in 85% of the games, but i lose a LOT. I don't take heralds that often because i always let enemy laner push so i can land a combo and kill them without worrying about their turret. This strategy ALWAYS works, literally so thats why i dont take herald(i usually dont have prio, i already said why) when my botlane is losing i literally push without a pause, so enemy jungle camps me. So my jungler can pressure midlane and botlane. I don't know if this is a real strategy, my botlanes usually loses anyways 3v2 or sometimes 4v2. When i can i tp bot but it usually doesent work out and i just lose farm and xp on top. I farm reallly badly after lane, but im still WAYY ahead in gold compared to enemy laner. What am i doing wrong, is there something more i could do to win? Do i change my approach to the wave control or what? and is there a way to win botlane from top? Just tell me what to fix i will work on it.

    (i know you're thinking aatrox is a hard champ but trust me, i mastered him completly)

    submitted by /u/ScoreZero0
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    Switching back to old main role to climb?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Currently S4 0lp, recently climbed out of bronze hell with the help of a friend. Now as of beginning of S10 i decided to main top. Specifically Garen, Sett, Darius but my main since about Season 5 was Mid, i play a pretty good Mid champ pool and recently ive been mid since my duo is a top main. Now for solo should i just go back to Top or take up Mid full time. Ive been playing a lot of different picks when we play together. I just feel like i don't know that what i want as a League player

    submitted by /u/Blue-Eyes-WhiteGuy
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    Graves Top - Please help me get this to work.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hi, SummonerSchool. It's nice to meet you guys. :)

    Way back in the old days, when Marksman received their group update, I took Graves to the toplane. He was incredibly broken back then, being the best botlaner, jungler and toplaner. When I played him, something...clicked. I didn't enjoy the game, really, I only played it a little bit. Now, I've got over 600k mastery points with him in the toplane, even as he was balanced around the Jungle.

    The nerfs that made Lane Graves unworkable, for me at least, was the change to his E passive - it no longer stacks MR and you only get 1-2 stacks of it when you dash instead of 2-4, meaning that it's very, very hard to stack up the defensive stats you need to win trades in the toplane.

    Now, the obvious solution to my problem is simply to play Jungle. I just...can't stand jungle. I'm not good at it, I don't have fun playing it. I just plain don't like it. I know this is stupid and there might not be another solution to my problem but I'm hoping...there is. I don't feel like I do any damage when I'm playing Graves and the fact that he auto-pushes waves if you aren't perfect with your orb walking makes me insanely vulnerable to ganks is what I think are my biggest problems, plus the number of matchups I find unwinnable.

    There is no way I'll ever get to challenger or even diamond. I don't have the time or dedication for that and I just don't think Graves can do it. I just want to get to Gold with Graves in the toplane. That's it. I couldn't do it when Victorious Graves was announced and that will forever be a huge regret but I want to at least do it once. Just to prove I can.

    ...so please...if you guys can theory craft, explain what I'm doing wrong or simply give me the hard truth that my situation is hopeless, I'd appreciate it.

    Thank you in your time in advance.

    submitted by /u/VaultOperator
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    Discussion on wave management mid-game: why you should not shove past the river.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    When I first started playing, I remember learning that you should always shove waves past the river mid game and it will end up bouncing back to you. And then sometime in S9, I believe, there were changes to the minions and xFSN saber had a video about how when you shove past the river, the wave stays frozen on the other side. I think riot came out and said that the result observed didn't match what happens in a real game because it was in practice tool. It's been a long time and I can't really recall the specifics, so if someone can find and link it below, that would be great. Up to now I feel like I've just taken this info for granted and wanted to do some research for myself.

    Here is a clip from a random replay that I grabbed, and I just decided to observe what was happening to the wave in the mid game, in a lane where both team's t1 towers were down. I sped it up because you only need to pay attention to where the wave is.

    • At the start of the clip, the wave state is basically what happens when you shove it past the river. And at 15:45 in the game, we do see the wave end up crashing into the tower.
    • At 16:03 irelia comes and clears the wave. This is what we expect should happen when the wave crashes-all the red minions will die, and there will be some blue minions from the wave left over. All irelia did was basically act as though the tower cleared them faster, so this wave state is similar to if she had just let all the red minions die.
    • At around 18:15, we see that the minion wave did not actually end up coming back, and pushes back toward the blue side so that irelia can come back and get some more minions.
    • So skipping the part where the irelia dies, at 20:00 we see that the red team has crashed their minion wave into the blue side tower. She pushes two waves this time. What we would expect is for the wave to bounce back into the blue side. Killing the first wave is acting like the tower killed it, as I explained in the second bullet point. Then clearing the second wave should theoretically help the pushing power of the wave toward the blue side.
    • However, the actual result is contrary to what we expect. At 21:35, the wave ends up coming back to the blue side and graves ends up catching it. Again he only clears enough so that the meeting point of the minions is on the blue side.
    • At 23:30 we see the wave is still on the blue side, and irelia ends up catching it, and again the meeting point of the waves after catching it is on blue side, so based on previous results, we can expect it to push back toward blue. However, at this point, the red team gets baron, which affects the waves so I decided to stop recording.

    So basically, the minion behavior we can conclude is that whichever side the minion wave meets on, is the side that the wave will end up pushing toward. Saber was right-the wave will not bounce back to you if you push past the river. So this means that if you are red side, and you shove past the river, the wave will alternate between crashing into blue turret and staying frozen on the blue side. So if every time the wave crashes into blue side tower, if someone of the blue team goes to just pick up the wave (but not push it past the river), they build a cs advantage. Both teams are constantly bleeding cs by not being in the side lane, but the red team is losing more because the wave is never going on to the red side.

    I hypothesize that there are two ways a wave would not freeze on blue size.

    1. The blue side player pushes it past the river, in which case the same thing would happen for the red team, which IMO is undesirable
    2. The blue side player slow pushes the wave, and ends up building a huge blue wave. Now even if the wave still meets on the blue side, I think the minion advantage would lead it to push over to the red side, which causes the same freezing issue on the red side now.

    So i think that in a solo queue environment, unless you are pushing for some objective on that side of the map (e.g. baron is up and you need the map control, or you are trying to push for top tower), you should not push past the river. Basically if you are not strong enough/dont want to invade the enemy jungle, get vision and cs the wave when it is on their side of the map, you should not shove past the river.

    So I know LS always recommends freezing/slow pushing side waves. I do think the freezing works, but when you identify that the freeze cannot be maintained anymore, he says to slow push. This will lead to my point #2, where it would cause the wave to freeze on the enemy side.

    In a professional environment/high elo, this is obviously different, because there will always be someone in the side lane to ping-pong the wave back, which is why slow pushing the wave is good, because if the enemy shoves when they meet the wave but you slow push/freeze when it is on your side, you end up building a cs lead.

    However, in a solo queue environment where you can't guarantee the enemy will end up sending someone side lane to push the wave back when it is on their side, you should shove the wave that is currently under tower and maybe one more, and the wave will end up pushing back to you. Yes, you are bleeding cs during this time, but the enemy is bleeding more. It is dangerous for the enemy to get the cs because the wave position is still on your side. So during this window, you can go mid or fight an objective, and then rotate back to do the same thing once the wave appears under tower again.

    Another thing is that slow pushing the wave takes too much time, and during this time, your team might act like monkeys and fight. In solo queue a lot of fights occur when there are no objectives being fought over. So by just clearing the first few waves, you still reduce the cs the enemy gets and you maximize the amount of time you are with your team, lowering the chances of those 4v5 fights.

    My last point is that shoving past the river when your t1 is down but when the enemy t1 is still up is still a good idea, because I think in this case, the wave will still act like how it does in laning phase where crashing the wave causes a slow push back.

    What do you guys think? I think everything I typed up makes sense from an empirical standpoint based on what I observed from a match, but there might be some flaws in my reasoning.

    submitted by /u/lpl-fooiey
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    How exactly do dragon buffs stack?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hey. I know this is rather trivial but I was wondering how exactly dragon buffs stack.

    Let's say you have two mountain dragons (one giving you +6% armor/mr).

    For clarity I'll explain what I mean in equations. Let's take x for armor before the buff and y for armor after the buff.

    Which one is correct (or neither of them?) :

    y = x + 0.06x + 0.06x = 1.12x (additive stacking: improving the armor before)

    y = 1.06x * 1.06 (improving the armor after the first buff)


    Or, more generally, I'd like to know how every buff in LoL works/stacks... :/

    submitted by /u/shader301202
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    How do I build consistency?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I notice that I go on autopilot a lot and throw for no reason a lot of times. I also let myself get distracted by my teammates a lot.

    I know I can reach a higher rank, since I was a full division above my current rank last season. For some reason I struggle here this season. I suffer great losing streaks and struggle to solo carry.

    Is there a way to build more consistency in my gameplay, since it seems I have forgotten how to.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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