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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Is there a support I can't play ranked and win?

    LoL Guide Is there a support I can't play ranked and win?

    Is there a support I can't play ranked and win?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    I have always loved to play yuumi,she is the first I am able to get m7 and still I can't really get out of bronze,even when I ward,I ping everything I can and I do the best build I can think of its still not enough to play ranked games even though I usually win the normal ones if there is at least one fed member in the team

    submitted by /u/gafsr
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    Why is Aatrox so prominent in Pro?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    What makes Aatrox so strong in Pro play, compared to solo queue? Aatrox has a winrate around 49% in solo queue But is still a priority Pick i Pro play, with all The LEC playoff teams picking him

    Is it something about his kit? Or is he a safe blind Pick?

    I would like to Pick him up, and knowing What makes him strong in Pro, might make it easier for me to play him

    submitted by /u/Fritten123
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    Stream of Conciousness Fiora Gameplay (EUW Master Top)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Originally recorded this for a student of mine who is a Fiora main, but especially in the mid/late I gave some useful insight that should help everyone out.

    I'm a terrible Fiora and this Irelia was 70% winrate. By all accounts I should lose this, but by using sensible laning and better macro to pilot my winning matchup I was able to carry despite a pressure gap.


    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    Learning top lane

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I'm an adc player and I want to learn top lane but when I play it I get told to uninstall because I don't do too good. My last game I lost lane to a darius and was repeatedly told to uninstall even though I ended the game 6/7/10 which I thought was good I Jsut want to play a more fun role than adc but I do what to do cuz I'm pretty bad at top since I guess I'm used to having someone with me do I keep trying or go back to adc since it what I'm best at.

    submitted by /u/SirJack_Mehoff
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    Inconsistencies of Runaan's Hurricane and Synergies

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I dont know if this is a well known bug but I have been playing league since Season 2 and I just discovered this now lol. My question is, are these intended hidden game mechanics or just riot devs unable to bug fix their game?

    Inconsistency #1: Runaan's Hurricane w/ Blackcleaver:

    When equipped on champions each auto attack would proc 2 BC shreds instead of just 1. (Senna is one exception as her passive already does a 0-dmg on hit after her auto attack so she procs BC twice with and without hurricane) I thought hurricane only cause autos + on-hit to affect additional targets but not proc twice. Hurricane doesnt cause kaisa's passive to apply twice nor does it allow Nashor passive to apply twice like rageblade does. Yet it causes BC to proc twice, even against a single target. Is this intended?

    Inconsistency #2: Runaan's Hurricane and Conqueror Rune:

    Normally when you buy Hurricane you are able to attack 2 additional targets, and if those additional bolts hit a champion you get additional conqueror stacks. However the following champions do not obey this rule.

    Miss Fortune: Still only gets 1 conqueror stack per auto

    Senna: Sometimes gets one, sometimes gets two

    submitted by /u/Lonewolf52555
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    Don't Rely on Your Team.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Best advice I ever heard: "Treat your teammates like bots". Don't assume that they will help you or do the right thing. It is Team game but most of the player base doesn't act that way. Going to help a team mate who's getting pinched? They will leave u to die. I'm not saying don't help them;Help them safely. Have an escape plan.

    Don't follow that

    Most players only care about their KDA. Not winning the game.

    TLDR: keep your expectations low so when your team does good you're pleasantly surprised and when they do bad you're not tilted.


    submitted by /u/black_rift
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    What picks can beat vladimir in lane?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    I play against a lot of vladimirs (Gold IV LAN) and usually if they win lane they win the game, so far the only pick that I can make work against them is electrocute Ahri. But sometimes she's banned, or I have to firstpick, and if I first pick Ahri, then people in this elo just pick garen mid or some bs, and I can't do anything for the whole lane phase.

    So I'm looking for picks that do well into Vladimir, and are relatively safe first picks.

    submitted by /u/AztraChaitali
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    How do I improve at jungle tracking?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Gold 4 mid main here, as the title says, I need help with jungle tracking. Right now I can tell where the enemy jungle will be for the first few minutes (provided they don't vertical jungle which I can't tell), usually by using the raptor ward and looking at how many camps they've cleared to estimate their path. However, after both scuttles are taken I don't know where to go from there on. Where should I be warding afterwards and how do I know if I'm getting ganked/jungler is sneaking dragon or anything unpredictable?


    (I play a bit of jg too but I'm also clueless after my first clear so that's probably why I can't track tbh)

    submitted by /u/Ahristotelianist
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    Why is Ivern considered one of the worst Junglers?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so title.

    Yesterday I was forced to play Ivern in one for all, and although we lost against Lee Sin, I think he has lots of potential?

    One thing I tend to struggle with some junglers (Not nunu or ww) is staying healthy after clearing, because they are either too slow for kiting or don't have a healing ability in their kit. Ivern's passive does the clearing without any sweat. He has CC, a shield (which is kinda weird as I would expect that on a supp but still) he does his fair amount of magic damage and his R seems kinda useful? Also that passive that does more damage while on a bush has to be useful for something right when he can actually create bushes?

    I'm no expert on his kit tho, as I still don't know the intricacies of it, I just want to get some more insight before getting Ivern as I'm no pro and I only played him once.

    submitted by /u/SirAerion
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    Are Enchanters Good to Climb in Support Role?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Season 10 is mostly dominated from tank supports like Leona, Nautilus and Blitzcrank, but I struggle a lot playing this champions, I don't find them funny enough and sometimes I throw games with wrong engages that I could easily avoid. I highly prefer enchanters like Janna or Lulu, I'm quite good at positioning both in lane and teamfights and I feel more comfortable playing them; problem of these champions is the lack of snowball, they can't force engages so sometims I feel I lack agency on some games, relying too much on my team performace.

    Can they effectively "carry" the game in this meta? Are they good enough to climb? I'm currently Platinum 4 and I'd like to hit Diamond. I've tried Nami who is a "hybrid" but with poor results.

    submitted by /u/shDauntless
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    How big of an advantage is duo bot (even with duo parity)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    I am heavily considering 'fully' swapping from a mid to ADC. I don't think I've hit my peak as a midlaner but I'm having fun with bot recently and in the last 6 years I've never really put time into ADC other than playing duo bot with friends (still a considerable amount of games but we were usually just playing for fun and I pretty much just played comfort picks like Lucian, Yasuo and Taliyah).

    I've also somehow developed the problem that "Ah, Cassio is really good here" is my thought literally every game (I did the same with jungle when I mained Graves) and I kinda wanna get away from that -- I really don't want to be a one trick and ADC seems to be the role where its completely acceptable to play several champions (inb4 "Ah, Caitlyn is really good here"....)

    I want to put a lot more games into ADC before actually playing it in ranked but one thing that I'm curious/worried about is if I "need" a duo. I know that no one needs a duo but if it'll help tremendously then I guess I'll have to go about finding one. On that note, what are the best ways to find a bot duo? Should I actively seek one out on discord/reddit or should I just wait until I find one I vibe with in soloqueue and see if they want to try duo?

    Also as a side question, what are some good resources for learning ADC? A lot of ADC streamers are basically Varus one tricks right now, Sneaky isn't streaming League, Gumayusi, Ghost and Teddy haven't been streaming, I don't know if Lwx/JackeyLove/LoKen or Uzi stream etc. Why don't ADC players stream -_-

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    How to hit long ranged abilities?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    So recently I have gotten into playing a lot of lux and have been doing quite well until recently where i have been missing almost every ult i throw out, so was hoping to get some tips and i do play quite a lot of skill shot champs. Tips n tricks highly appreciated, thanks!

    If this helps: (I play support lux a lot and have no problem hitting q and e's and usually only hit ults when i have constant vision/hit my q on them)

    submitted by /u/Fortheostie
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    Educational full game gameplay in Grandmasters for those interested in learning Jungle Kha'zix

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I will be uploading a lot of different Kha'zix matchup videos onto my YouTube channel, while trying to maintain high game quality meaning most of the games will be played on my main account.

    If you are interested in learning how to play Kha'zix in the jungle or jungle as a role, feel free to check it out!


    submitted by /u/Crazyavenger20
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    I don't know what else to do to climb as Adc

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT


    I've been stuck in platinum for a year now. My peak was P1 90ish lp, now I'm in low P4.

    I'm gonna go straight to the point: idk what else to do to climb. I tried everything:

    • Getting better at lasthitting using the practice tool
    • Watching high elo vods/commentary
    • Getting coached
    • Narrowing my champion pool (2/3)
    • Warding more
    • Improving positioning in tf
    • Improving my map awarness
    • Dying less
    • Improving KP
    • Improving build
    • Improving mentality
    • Improving mechanics (reaction time and missclicking especially)

    I've done all of this, for months, and I have improved ( way higher vision score, 5 to 4 avarage deaths, way better mentality, much less missclicking and 260ish to 210ish reaction speed).

    I think I'm a better player now than when I reached P1 90ish lp last september. Yet I've been stuck in P4 for a month now.

    I honestly don't know what to do. I keep playing, focusing on myself, watching videos, reading this subreddit regiously, but I'm gaining no results.

    It's so sad. Not because I can't improve, but because Idk how to.

    Anyone was hardstuck like this and, with some miracle, managed to break out of it?

    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    How to play Kalista without hurting wrist

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Kalista is a super fun champion that is love to play more, and my teammates love her for clash, but every time I play her I feel like I'm going to get carpal tunnel. I dread having an extended teamfight where I'm bouncing around for half a minute or more and the pain that will come with it. How would I make it easier to use my passive?

    submitted by /u/BeepBoopAnv
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    I keep throwing all my games

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I'm really struggling with this as a jungle main. Most of my losses recently have been one mistake that have cost the entire game. In fact it's gotten so bad that I gain 14 and lose 22 lp. While there are some games where I just do poorly, most of the games I've had a pretty good lead.

    For more context, I'm a jungle main. A lot of the time I play an early game champ (like panth or xin) that can snowball a lane and hopefully get us a win. But unfortunately those champs fall off and thus it's harder to have any impact as the game goes on. If I try to fight at all, or I get caught out, I die and since I'm the jungler, that could mean Baron or soul.

    Or the infamous smite steal. For instance, I got ulted by ww and knocked up thus he was able to steal the Baron.

    Essentially I'm looking for advice how to avoid throwing the game. One difficulty I have, among a lot of other low elo players, is with closing out the game. It gets to a point where team fights are based on execution and items.

    I know essentially focusing on major objectives is key, but that can be difficult if either I die at the wrong time, or my laners die right before drag, etc. I also know that after getting kills or losing an objective, one should look for a way to trade objectives. But again, not all of the jungle champs are good split pushers, so while I can tell my team that we are wasting time araming, I either have to farm or stick with them.

    Please help. It's exhausting losing all these games that we should have won. And I'm not blaming my teammates. This is a mistake I too make.

    submitted by /u/drprofsgtmrj
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    Im new and i keep dying

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    So I'm sorta new to the game and i have no clue what to do in the late game, i play jungle and when late game comes and theres no dragon and i cant take the baron reliably, idk what to do. I normally just ward the enemny jg baronside but half the time when i ward i get chain cced. And they take baron. I also dont know what to do in teamfights when playing an assassin and they stick.

    submitted by /u/Xuanzyx
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    Question about items?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello community

    i have a question about how individual parts of items work and if there are any opportunity cost associated with it. Some item parts have a passive of their own but do they retain that passive status when the whole item is complete.

    I know its confusing so let me try and ask with an example:

    When i buy seeker's armguard it has an armor passive where:UNIQUE: Killing a unit grants 0.5 bonus ability power and armor, stacking up to 30 times for a maximum of 15 bonus ability powerand armor.

    However if i buy a whole zhonya hourglass it does not mention anything about that armor passive and only mentions: UNIQUE – STASIS: Put yourself in stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering yourself untargetable and invulnerable for the duration, but also becoming unable to move and pacified during this time (120 second cooldown).

    So do i trade off the passive that seeker is giving me if i buy a completed item?

    I found information on this link but it is not quite clear to me: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion\_ability#Champion\_Kits

    submitted by /u/Character_Picture
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    I need some advice on how to win as lux and pay more attention to map

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    My main is lux, I have 200k mastery points on her, perhaps not much but she's mu most played, so I'm not gonna say I'm like the best and that I'm not losing because of me because I am, but I also think lux is in a pretty bad state rn and needs a buff, I play her mid so I often push a lot and get ganked and killed, which leads me to the other point. I get enthralled in the gameplay and just lose focus and dont pay attention to the minimap. it happens everytime I play any role, jg, adc, mid, top, sup.

    submitted by /u/luxmainbtw
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    wave management top playing an early game bully

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Wondering the best way to do this while maintaining a high creep score.

    I like to tempo the wave so I hit lvl 2 first so I can try for a first blood. Often in doing so I end up pushing the wave because minion aggro and obviously I'm clearing faster.

    After this it seems like my wave always freezes right before it crashes turret or in turret where there are 3 caster minions i always seem to miss out on.

    Any input?

    submitted by /u/CRGRO
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    How to deal with Vlad

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello, today we played clash game, and the oppositing team just funneled everything into Vlad until point he could 1v5 us. Our team comp was Garen, Zac, Velkoz, Ashe, Braum. He was last pick so we couldnt't counterpick him. We had 3 healing reductions, and still after fight he would just ACE us with over 50% HP left. They had Poppy, Gragas, Vlad, MF, Thresh, but the others were pretty far behind. Thanks

    submitted by /u/DrHouse064
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    Gankplank in current meta

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    So I've been trying to learn gangplank recently, and wondering if he's even viable in the current meta. I see he has a sub 50% wr, but I also understand certain champs are supposed to be sub 50% because of skill caps. Wanting to know if he's worth the investment, or just bad right now.

    submitted by /u/AzazelAzure
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    Help out a Dota player transition to League!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Hello people of the internet, I have been playing Dota 2 for about 3 years now and I peaked 5400 MMR a month ago. I am currently level 25 in League and i mainly play jungle. What are some jungle and general tips to better myself and win more games? I am trying to learn as much as possible before i start playing ranked so i can calibrate at a high level?

    submitted by /u/trrbld_dota
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    Doing Worse in Ranked?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Last night, my boyfriend and I decided to do ranked games. I was adc and he was support. We were up against Jinx and Zyra. They pushed us so hard that we lost our tower within 8 minutes (it's bad I know). This resulted in my boyfriend getting upset and everyone else on our team flaming us.

    Going into the game, we were both unranked. The way the other team's bot lane was playing, they were obviously a lot better than us. Usually when I go adc, I get ahead in cs and get several kills but this time, I had 5 cs a whole 4 minutes in with 0 kills.

    Is there a reason why we did so bad or is it simply because we ourselves aren't good enough?

    submitted by /u/Arxnea
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