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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    LoL Guide As a low elo mid-laner, you actually need to be watching Coach Curtis

    LoL Guide As a low elo mid-laner, you actually need to be watching Coach Curtis

    As a low elo mid-laner, you actually need to be watching Coach Curtis

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    I'm a little afraid this post will come across as clickbait or some type of sponsored something but hear me out.

    I started spending some time on youtube to figure out why I was actually so bad and I found a channel called Coach Curtis . This guy is actually so helpful for mid laners (and even more helpful for mid lane mage mains). He explains how the game works and what you need to be doing in super simple terms. He helps you dissect your games to figure out why you are losing and what mistakes you are doing. Most importantly, he helps you learn to identify when your enemies are making mistakes and how to take advantage of them. It's actually insane. No clickbait no bullshit. Just actual relevant and helpful content.

    submitted by /u/tjorii
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    How to splitpush if my team is fighting in mid? Should I join in the teamfight?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    In alot of my games I try to splitpush, but my team and enemy team is just focusing mid, so they can catch onto me pretty quickly.

    I do splitpush whenever the enemy team is doing objectives we can't take. For example the enemy team is killing drake, I splitpush top. The enemy team is killing herald, I splitpush bot. Basic stuff.

    Should I just join in the teamfight if they're pushing mid?

    submitted by /u/ChemicalJaved
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    Is it wise to mute all in Ranked?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    I want to get into ranked and have been told that muting the chat is a way to deal with flaming. However, I don't want to miss any advice or strategies that my teammates may have. I have had good teammates in Normal games that helped by giving me advice and told the team to regroup and push and stuff like that. So should I actually mute all or just bear with potential flaming?

    submitted by /u/ItsOwOhours
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    What makes a good blind pick in mid?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I am in the process of building a solid champion pool for mid lane. When reading about blind picks the champions which are most recommended are Orianna, Syndra and Zoe, without clarifying the reason behind it.

    For Example:

    What makes Orianna or Syndra a better blind pick than Vel'Koz or Anivia? They all have huge waveclear to play it safe in tougher matchups (mostly assassins). They are not good at roaming (following assassins), but fit in most team comps.

    I would be glad if you could explain good blind picks to me and maybe give some more examples.

    Thanks for your time


    submitted by /u/avo_tm
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    xFSN Saber's Exhaust on ADC -- What is the point and why don't more people use it?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I've noticed that Saber goes Exhaust in almost every single one of his games, and after using it in my own bot lane games for the past week or so I feel like I have much more agency than before. Obviously two people is not enough for a good sample size, but it seems that Exhaust really does seem better. But I'm just curious why that is, and why it hasn't become more common. Is there any chance that Exhaust/Ignite bot lanes will become meta? Thank you.

    EDIT: I have been informed that it in fact originated in high elo EUW and/or KR. I apologize for not making that clear earlier.

    submitted by /u/Sensualgandhi
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    Who won this draft?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Just played a scrim and we disagree on who got the better draft.

    The draft:

    Blue side Red side

    Blue Bans 1:



    Lee sin

    Red Bans 1:




    B1: Varus R1: Xayah

    B2: Ryze R2: Rakan

    B3: Leona R3: Lux

    Blue Bans 2:



    Red bans 2:



    B4: Jarvan R4: Sett

    B5: Gangplank R5: Sejuani

    submitted by /u/Anakinschroeder
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    How Do You Survive The Clown Fiesta Of Low Elo As Adc?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I play adc in lower elo and my biggest problem is playing once the first tower falls. It feels like both teams just turn into ARAM but I want to keep farming. I can't really do it alone because everything can just eat me and if my support comes with me we leave the team 3v5, they team fight, and morale goes down because bot lane isn't participating with the team. If I try to stay near the team but farm everyone just unloads on minions and I feel like I'm fighting my team for farm. I know adc needs to keep farming because of scaling with items but it's rare for me to finish any games above 200 farm.

    What should I be doing? Is there a better way to farm? Do I just say screw it and fight with the team because that's what's needed to win? I don't know the answer and I'm sure it's situation dependent but I'm curious if there is a general answer rather than a strict rule.

    submitted by /u/1003mistakes
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    How to close games? Low elo

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Recently started playing league again because of quarantine, had a dumb question about closing games. Gold I ADC main for context.

    If all three lanes are winning at 15 min, what are you supposed to do to push your advantage? I understand get dragons and force baron fights, but how do you not ARAM and stare at each other for 5 minutes?

    I find that if we get bot tower early then we'll ask to switch with mid and just ARAM until drag comes up. Something tells me this isn't how league is supposed to go...

    srry if this is a dumb question lmao

    submitted by /u/vseprt
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    Keep losing. Can't figure out why.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Hello! Am in Plat 3 right now and can't seem to figure out why I'm losing. I keep trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, but even when I seem to check the boxes right, I just can't figure it out.

    I usually play squishy artillery type champions in mid (Vel'Koz, Anivia, Xerath) and hyperscaling adcs (Vayne, Jinx, Kai'Sa) and it feels like when I lose, it's because the enemy team is just... stronger? They deal so much damage that my team just can't compare, and I can't do anything about it.

    Even when I manage to win my lane and have very few (if any) deaths with very high damage (1st or 2nd most on team) I can't do anything because my team just instantly explodes the moment a fight starts.

    I'll check the overview and see that the gold lead is just a constantly decreasing slope. So my team as a whole did bad? Maybe bad luck, I got the worse teammates? Then why does it seem to happen pretty much every game? I know bad games happen, but when you drop from Plat 1 series to Dia to Plat 3 0 lp, there's gotta be something you're doing wrong, right?

    I'd be glad to drop an op.gg if I wasn't on SEA. Where can I look ot see how I can get cintrol of this?

    submitted by /u/vicenicked
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    How to end games while you have a big lead?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    I played a Talon game (horrific late game) and was 24/5 at 26 mins. I then pushed side lanes constantly and blew up any squishies i could find after warding their jungle.

    However, my team lost a baron to a steal when I was getting inhib and it all went downhill from there.

    I did 0 damage onwards and went 26/11 at the end of the game. We lost every teamfight from then on and a 3-0 drake lead became 3-4 them.

    With such a huge gold lead I got against my laner (by roaming top and bottom constantly after shoving) how can I end the game faster? Or is this one on my team?


    submitted by /u/Jamesguy119
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    How i managed to prevent ( most ) of my tilt

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Hey There

    A Few Weeks ago i made a Post about having Problems with my Toxicity and that i always Flame people. At the Moment, i managed to stay a lot more Calm at League of Legends ( and some other Games ). I want to share my Methods with you so maybe i can help someone with preventing Tilt .

    1. Take Breaks

    It sounds pretty boring but for someone like me who gets stressed pretty easily, its very good to take a quick break after each match. Maybe even longer if i notice i get tilted if i que up again.

    1. Deactivate all Chat

    So this Point actually helps me the Most. It really Triggers me when someone just Bullsh*t in All Chat. Like „?" after every time he/she kills you. I play for over 3 Years now and i dont remember a Single Match where something Useful was typed in all Chat.

    1. Doing Sport

    So this Point is a bit like the first one, because you can do Stuff like Jogging , Push Ups etc when you are Taking a Break after a Match. However it helped me the most if i do it BEFORE i start playing League.

    1. Know your Limits

    This might be a Point, where many of you will disagree with, but for me it is a very important one. I watched a lot of Guides and Tips and Tricks for League of Legends. So dont get me Wrong, it is a good thing to improve your Knowledge about the game BUT it really stressed me out when i play a Match and i always wanted to do Everything Everywhere. Every Death , Every lost fight/objective felt even more bad for me because i always overthought everything.

    1. Listen to Music

    Well i guess 90% of the League Players are doing this while Playing League, but listening to Chill Musik ( Lo-Fi , Alternative etc ) really helped me to stay calm while Playing.

    1. Be Realistic

    So this might sound dumb but a few weeks ago i was sure about going Pro someday...Well i am and was a Low Elo Hardstuck Player and not a Mechanical Genius. It really took me a long time to say to myself that i am not a Pro and that i am not the League of Legends god i thought i am.

    (I might have some grammatical problems, since my English isnt the best.)

    I hope i could help someone ! Also i am Curious with what Point do you Agree/Disagree the most ^

    submitted by /u/Boy666lol
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    What are important things that a high elo player should know/learn?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I am currently in gold and want to climb even higher in rank. I'm not feeling hardstuck in this elo; it's actually pretty easy so far, but I want to know what higher elo players think about and learn before I start my grind. Do I have to constantly keep up with the meta? How much game knowledge should I have? I see challengers players on YouTube who know the exact number for champion auto attack range and ability ranges as well as their scalings and damage. Do I need to study up on that stuff as well?

    submitted by /u/riceque
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    Question about attack speed

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    This might be a silly question but I can't wrap my head around why people don't buy attack speed items last.

    I was thinking mathematically since attack speed increases % damage output instead of flat as long sword wouldn't it make more sense to buy them when they have the biggest effect? Same logic as not buying rabadon's first.

    Thanks for any comments.

    submitted by /u/_lil_kennedy
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    Jungle Ganks

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Hi all, so I'm currently playing in the bot lane and I just had a very frustrating game where I was constantly ganked by the enemy jax.

    As an ADC, I feel very squishy and immobile( playing Jhin btw) so he can just jump on me, stun me and kill me. Even If I have it warded, I feel so slow and weak that I can't get away in time, mixed in with the enemy laners pushing into me I feel like I just have to accept death .

    Not trying to rant, I'm just asking for any advice on how to prevent this from happening as often.

    I politely asked our jungler soon after if they could gank and they simply responded with "nah" so I guess counter ganking isn't an option.

    I just want any advice on how to not die as often to Ganks as a slow, squishy adc. Do I need to work on my positioning? Any advice would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/RealSlumShady
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    Getting worse and worse at a champ after some time?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I noticed a trend around champions i mained; after i learn the champ and get really good at it, i start making mistakes, obvious mistakes and just wanted to know if someone else has experienced this since this happened to me with Lux, Zoe, Senna, Akali, Qiyana and the list goes on

    submitted by /u/Nzls0n
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    Between Irelia and Camille who's the better champ to one-trick?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I would say I enjoy playing both about equally, maybe Irelia a little more. I want to main/one-trick one playing Top/Mid and see how high I can climb and I'm curious which one will be more rewarding and has better carry potential when mastered?

    From the looks of it right now it seems like Camille is a lot stronger with higher winrates in ever elo but I don't really want that to deter me from picking Irelia.

    submitted by /u/snorkles01
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    talon or zed for climbing low elo?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    from what i know talon is easier to play, and that zed has a higher skill floor and ceiling

    and that they both are hard to carry games with (so i've heard), but that zeds late game is much better than talons cause talon doesn't scale as well

    i already play a few champions mid but they're all AP so i want an AD mid laner but i want to choose one of the 2 because i like them more than other AD mids

    which of these would be better for climbing?

    submitted by /u/trip-god
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    Feel like i have hit a wall for years?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Been playing since season 3, first season i ended gold and the next i was diamond 4, ever since then i have been climbing very slowly relatively to previous years (s5 d3, s6 masters 0 lp, s7 d1, s8 didnt play, s9 gm , now masters 0-100lp). As well as have very slow noticable improvement no matter how much i try to watch replays or see my mistakes, i know the next time similiar situation happens my brain is not proactive enough to follow everything through (adc main, specifically enemy spells) to play the teamfight most efficiently, do i have an incorrect perspective on what is 'improvement' or do i have to approach it with a different way? Could mental health (depression specifically) affect this?

    submitted by /u/angeltom
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    How can I learn how to play if I’m constantly being flamed?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    I've played countless bot games and watched several videos on how to play league. Obviously, I can't play bot games forever and my friends suggested that I start playing blind pick. When I'm playing with my friends, they provide lots of support and tell me when I'm doing something wrong. But when it comes to solo queuing, I'm constantly flamed and in some cases people ff early. Is there a way you guys dealth with toxicity early on? I've never been in a gaming community with this many toxic but I'm sure that most of you are used to this.

    submitted by /u/Captainbrawlco
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    Just come back after a year not playing, facing some camera issues

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    When I used to play I remember I would use Y to toggle my camera for being fixed/ being able to drift. However now whenever I click it it does nothing, I've also checked the settings and my hot key is assigned to Y for toggle camera lock. Feels clunky playing and not sure how I can unlock it so I can look around the map, any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Kylochickolo
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    What are some resources to learn finer details of jungle?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Hey there, I'm currently swapping from ADC to JG as a Rengar/Kayn 2 trick and haven't really been able to find a good source of learning more about the role that isnt very vague. More specifically I wanna get better at tracking the enemy jungler after the first clear, how to optimize my pathing past the first clear, and when invading is a good idea vs. when its inting. Pretty much any other info is welcome as well

    submitted by /u/Lewdifiction
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    How do I deal damage as ez?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Ez is a top tier adc right now but every time I play ez I don't deal nearly as much damage as I should be. In lane its ok because of sustained poke with my combos but after that I find it so hard to secure kills and deal enough damage in team fights like I would with other adcs. Is there something I'm missing?

    I use a standard ez build and runes and gold 2.

    submitted by /u/420_SwagKing_420
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    Is low elo soloq adc role still worth maining?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I find that it is simply relying too much on the team. Even if I win the lane, my jungler dives wrongfully and gives a kill, mid laner and jungler comes and kills me.

    Even if I don't die and go 4/0 with 8 cs per minute, when I see the fed top-laner or mid-laner, it just tilts me so much since I can't do any damage before 3 items.

    I've had games where it stretched to 30-40 minutes. I could carry hard by then and it felt really great. The problem is; in low elo, no-one cares about giving their adc free kills (A malphite mid needs that 500 gold shut-down more than I do.). Hell, even if I bring the guy down to %5, my jungler just jumps out of nowhere and ks's me. Most games, I end up with a lot of assists that keep me from spiking. I am also mechanically retarded and mess up my kiting very often but I'm working on that.

    My main adc is Aphelios and he is really strong after getting his core. He can 1v1 and outplay with the right guns and most importantly, I don't get bored of playing him. So please don't tell me to play mf or some other bullshit no-brain adc. I've never played that filthy champion and probably never will. Her ult is filthy strong even if she feeds during the whole game.

    Also, how do I deal with Leona or Swain? They can 1v1 me no matter what up until the 20 minute mark. Leona can also CC me for 4 minutes without trying.

    Sorry for the long post. I'm just mad because I switched from jungle to adc and I'm surprised by how weak adc's are during most of the game. You either have to snowball hard or just farm all game to be slightly relevant. Tanks like mundo are also a joke (even with cut-down+griveous wounds).

    submitted by /u/logosh12
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