• Breaking News

    Friday, May 15, 2020

    League of Legends Enemy riven dc'd in an urf game so I tried to tank fountain laser for as long as I could

    League of Legends Enemy riven dc'd in an urf game so I tried to tank fountain laser for as long as I could

    Enemy riven dc'd in an urf game so I tried to tank fountain laser for as long as I could

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Ignar and Santorin flame Sneaky in SoloQ

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Pro players, coaches and personalities defending Ignar on twitter after recent Sneaky video.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    submitted by /u/MrPraedor
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    Just remove Wukong's 2nd knock up already.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    TL;DR it's super toxic and leads to little counter play.

    I'm pretty sure most people agree it should go,I haven't seen anyone defend it but let me make it very clear why it should go.

    So the original ult was one knock up, lasted much longer and had AD scaling, now it has a much shorter duration, can be used twice in a short amount of time, and has no AD scaling but does max hp instead. now all of the changes were good and helped make him more of a bruiser BUT instead of it knocking you up once it he can do it twice.

    Now why is it a problem well knock ups are already very good and being able to do it twice is really powerful in general but just having it isn't a bad thing, the problem comes from the fact it's on Wukong. Wukong has pretty short cooldowns on his non ult abilities that are pretty much point and click, so that leads to Wukong going in and using multiple rotations of his abilities without much of a reaction from the champion he is fighting.

    So using the practice tool(I'm too lazy to do the math) Wukong uses e,q,w then ult(or something like that) gets his q back after the first ult so he can auto with it then after the 2nd knock up his e and q are about 1s off meaning with no cdr he can use q 3 times and e 2 times in a fight, keep in mind this is all in about 4s maybe less and the enemy is knocked up for 1.5s,so that is a lot of damage while the enemy can't do anything, o yeah also by the end of all that Wukong will be much harder to kill from his passive since it will be fully stacked

    So lets also look Wukong's items and runes, so he tends to get triforce and he takes conqueror which means he can also proc triforce multiple times in that short amount of time and a lot of the damage wukong takes will also be healed up from his passive and conqueror in that time not to mention he can also fit a deathdace in his build.

    This is just his 1v1 in team fights he can target one person in a group do that damage while also ccing everyone around them so multiple champions are knocked up for 1.5s very easily.

    If Riot removed it, his ult then becomes much more fun and adds skill and a choice. Since you need to think about if the damage is worth it since the enemy will not be cced and can cc you or damage you. Also Riot will have to compensate him with some kinda of buff.

    Wukong is my 2nd favorite champion and was my first main so I don't want him to be gutted again. I want Wukong to be in a good state that is also fair. But right now it just feels unfair which is sad since other then that the rework was amazing.

    submitted by /u/Boricfezu
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    Shernfire leaves TL and NA

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    The Creation of the LEC and Flashpoint ft. Quickshot & Thorin | Essential Esports

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Sandbox YamatoCannon discusses his move.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Kindred Fanart

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Kindred Fanart

    Hi, I made a Kindred fanart a while ago and some friends suggested me to post it on reddit so this is my first step on this network :>
    In case you'd like to see my work, you can find me pretty much everywhere else, I do original works and some LoL fanarts, mostly Bard :
    Twitter | Instragram | ArtStation


    submitted by /u/Bakeon_
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    Reaching over 2 BILLION Movement Speed

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    pantheon fanart

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    pantheon fanart


    pantheon fanart

    After a long time I wrote onr league of legends Reddit.

    Pantheon ultimate scene fan art painted

    Thanks for watching

    instagram https://www.instagram.com/taek_seo/?hl=ko

    submitted by /u/Tsscot
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    Quick Gameplay Thoughts: May 15

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Using Baron to turn the chase around

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Kindred Vibing Animation

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Kindred Vibing Animation

    I'm pretty new to animation and this took almost 2 days to finish. I'm really happy with what I did so far.


    submitted by /u/413K
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    Labrov (BIG), Milica (visa issues) and Nji (Vit.Bee) to join Vitality's LEC roster in summer split

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    two wet noodles and their pet cats fight (4x speed)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Head Coach Edgar Leaves Gen. G

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:10 AM PDT


    The most important part of this announcement IMO is part of Arnold Hur's statement, where he says "We know Edgar has been thinking of taking some time off and we respect his decision", so I'm sure that this (hopefully) isn't Griffin Mk. 2.

    I know that he has been receiving a lot of criticism regarding Gen G's performance at the finals and his pick/bans, so I'm assuming that had something to do with this quite sudden departure.

    submitted by /u/JKSciFi
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    Infographic - Fiddlesticks 10.8 vs 10.9

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    I think I speak for a lot of ADC players when I say the main fustration from the role comes from the loss of late game fantasy

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Let's be honest here. Getting one shot by assassins, or constantly roamed on or ganked by mid/jg/top has always been part of the ADC experience, but most ADC players can accept this as part of the role.

    What's most frustrating is when you get to 6 items as an ADC there's no guarantee that it actually make a difference in the overall game state. Of course, your damage has increase but at the end of the game you are just an extremely squishy and mediorce sustained DPS threat. Late game for ADC has been lost, the game has accelerated so much with the addition of dragon souls and baron minion buffs that getting to late game is difficult and the payoff of getting to late game is small. Riot has given so many late game tools for other champions that ADC as the preminent late game CARRY doesn't exist anymore, and despite promises to increase early game power those option have never came.

    if you don't believe me that other roles have gotten massive late game buffs I'll dirrect you to assassin and mage itemization.

    Zed Build in S3 pre rework Bortk and youmoos

    55 AD, 20 Armor pen,10% CDR, 15% CR and between 40-80% attack speed

    Zed build now Youmoo's duckblade

    115 AD, 20% CDR and 38 fucking armor pen (lvl11)

    the other stats are less important when compared to lethality. Assassins should not be strong late game, there needs to be a solid trade off to their deadly laning, and roaming potential. I don't think it's controversial to say an assassin player should end the game as soon as possible or risk falling off.

    Nowadays assassin only kinda fall off. The addition of lethality means their armor pen doesn't fall off as hard as it used to, a maximum of of 20 armor pen means that come late game when a ADC's natural armor growth reach reaches around

    70-80(40% dmg reduction) it only gets reduced to around 50-60(~35% dmg reduction)

    compare this with a 50 lethality build at level 16 around 47 armor pen

    70-80(40% dmg reduction) -> 20-30 (23% dmg reduction) That's a 13% INCREASE IN DAMAGE OVERALL coupled with runes which give additonal damage.

    you might wonder, AD assassins probably have had their damage reduced to compensate right?

    but no using Season 3 as a comparison.

    Zed Q max rank

    235 + (90% bAD) -> 220 (100%bAD)

    Zed E max rank

    180 +(80%bAD) -> 170 (80%bAD)

    Zed R max rank

    CD 80 -> CD 60

    (100%AD) + 50% stored dmg -> (100% AD + 55% stored dmg)

    Some commentaters might be cheeky and say that Zed used to have a 20% bAD increase on his W, but that is heavily compensated by a much lower CD on Ult, an increase bAD ratio on his Q and increased stored dmg on R, and W was buffed to have increased range ADDITONALLY as Zed also had his attack speed growth increase by 1% per level.

    Now this comparison isn't made to riff on Zed but to make an example of the fact that assassins are overall stronger late game than previous season.

    Mages are just as bad

    In season 3 you had to choose between athenes rush, and item that gave 60 ap, 36 mr, 20% CDR and a mana restore passive similar to how it is now. ]

    Or you chose Deathfire grasp, an item that gave

    120AP, and 10% CDR, and a burst combo active

    it didn't have mana which meant that mana management was especially important. Usually you went Athenes as a control mage, and you went DFG on champs like ahri, leblanc or veigar who used to have a mana restore passive it was harder to manage mana back then and you actually had to be careful with it. Also these were the ONLY items that had CDR in the entire mage repetior, additionally Mage cooldown were much longer

    When DFG was removed Riot added ludens to replaces it and it still filled a similar roles as it did. Now with the mage item rework and luden change mages get both, mana, AP and CDR for only 600 more gold.

    This is why mage itemization is strong, because the offensive choices they had to make in past seasons is gone, there's no nuance to the build, at this point if you are an AP champ that uses mana, chances are ludens will not be a "bad" purchase, additionally 40% CDR is trivial to get with transcendence and zhonyas bother giving 20% CDR total.

    Contrast this with season 3 there was NO way to get 40% CDR without a major old rune investment(scaling CDR quints or glyphs can't remember off the top of my head) that put you behind your laner because they have a less greedy rune set this is infinitely better than the current runes which give those stats for FREE. Additionally you either had to buy ionia boots thus losing out on sorc boots, or you had to a buy a DFG and an athenes a major investment that only gave CDR once the item was fully complete plus anti synergy.

    This means that mage itemization is even more efficient that it used to be.

    To prove the point I went into the practice tool bot 2000hp 100 armor + MR, and play around with syndra I could approach a maximum of 550 dps with a full build(luden, rab, void, zhonya, sorc, liandry) Compared it to something like a Tristanna who can achieve a max of 800 dps(RFC, storm, IE, Zerks, BT, LW with abilities).

    Syndra also has a burst combo in addition to CC engage with you begin to wonder whether that extra 250 DPS matters. Expecially when a single item(tabi) reduce trist dmg down to 720 DPS instantly) bringing Trist's dps advantage to 170 DPS a second this can be further reduced by randuins(20% reduction) bringing Trists total damage down to around 580 a DPS advantage of only 80 dmg a second, a 30% loss in DPS with only TWO! items not even counting the armor both item gives or the 15% attack speed reduction it gives.

    Some commentaters might say that syndra's damage get equally reduced if the enemy buys MR, but there are false comparisons with that

    1. MR itemization is not great and stacking it is much harder than stacking armor.

    2. Trist's would lose out on MORE DPS than syndra loses out if the enemy stacks armor compared to MR stacking vs syndra.

    This means that the advantage ADC get's from getting to late game 6 items is so diminished there's little benefit is getting it insofar as there's no real ADC powerspike anymore of course the ADC does more damage but so does any other role that build 6 damage items.

    Concluding Thoughts

    Number buffing the ADC isn't helping it. Sure you're giving the role more power but it doesn't touch at the heart of the issue which is that ADC has lost it's spot as the strongest lategame role with no compensation buffs in early to midgame. The builds that have let ADC be strong in midgame and early are often nerfed or are difficult to leverage due to the nature of a enemy support in lane. I don't balance the game so to be quite honest I don't have many idea's on what to do.

    My main idea's is to expanding and augmenting ADC itemization to double down and help them acheive a late game fantasy(or nerfing other roles lategame power). OR allow the role actually be usefull in mid to early game by buffing their ability to make plays on the map. Option 2 is much harder which is why I suggest the first one since riot insists on other roles being strong late game.

    sorry for the long post I'm just tired of how ADC is being handled and how riot refused to even acknowlege the issues in how the role fits in the game in modern league besides just number buffing it.

    thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Newfypuppie
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    The Right Boots For You

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    The Right Boots For You

    Boots of Mobility - These Birkenstocks sacrifice chic for comfort. Great for lounging around the house or a trip to the beach. But terrible for when you need to chase down a Singed. No heel, toe socks, ew.


    Berserker's Greaves - These things are metal, and I don't mean figuratively, they are full plate metal. Excellent if your opponents can't aim, but otherwise too heavy to be trudging into battle with.


    Boots of Swiftness - Swiftness is actually the name of a Piltovan brand, a clever marketing scheme. In actuality they're anything but swift, and the feathered accoutrements add little to these off-brand Berserker's Greaves. Worst of all? The metal is outsourced from Ionia!


    Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Collector's Edition item! These things are both chic and comfortable, definitely the perfect touch to any popular look. Decently fast, but zero arch support, so not recommended for extended activity.


    Mercury's Treads - They're not fast, or elegant, but these steel-toed combat boots are perfect for traipsing the treacherous terrain of Runeterra! Waterproof, quick release lace hooks, I simply cannot recommend these enough!


    Ninja Tabi - Despite the horrendous marketing, being neither stealthy nor tabi, these boots are the premiere item for speed on the battlefield. Without enchantment, at any rate.


    Sorcerer's Shoes - Hey! Do you want to feel so energetic? These boots are magically enhanced to make you abnormally fast! Don't mind the price tag, soon you'll be running so fast even Jhin can't keep up! Sports!

    submitted by /u/KablamoBoom
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    Game-changing Caitlyn Trap Bug since 10.9

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    There's been a massive Caitlyn bug since 10.9. Basically the 2 second per target cooldown has been removed, meaning you can infinitely chain traps for a perma snare and with enough attack speed perma trap and headshot.

    Clip of me not being able to flash out after stepping on 1 trap with 0 tenacity: https://clips.twitch.tv/ShakingSecretiveStarlingGingerPower

    Clip of my friend not able to flash out of trap while I headshot him with enough attack speed


    Basically early game — when you don't have that much attack speed — you can chain a traps with your support (morg, thresh, etc) making an effective 3.7 second snare (1.1 for first and second trap, 1.5 for last) and later in the game when you get more attack speed you can basically perma combo anyone cc'd in trap range and instakill them.

    submitted by /u/AsianNoobX
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    Favourite URF lane try it while you still can

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    [5 min survey] The relation of toxicity in League of Legends, main role, personality and behavior

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!
    I'm doing a study on the relation of toxicity in League of Legends, main role, personality and behavior.

    It takes only 5 minutes to fill out and I will post the results when I have enough responses!


    Thanks a lot <3

    submitted by /u/Bambih
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    Thresh Fanart

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Thresh Fanart


    Hello! This is my take on Tresh

    Loved the cinematic they made about him

    What do you think?

    If you want to see more of my work here is my instagram:Jspeck_art

    submitted by /u/Nelyniel
    [link] [comments]

    Introducing the new head coach of SANDBOX Gaming, with an exclusive interview!

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:40 PM PDT

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