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    Friday, May 15, 2020

    LoL Guide 1 min 50 sec No leash Fiddlesticks full clear SMITE UP for crab

    LoL Guide 1 min 50 sec No leash Fiddlesticks full clear SMITE UP for crab

    1 min 50 sec No leash Fiddlesticks full clear SMITE UP for crab

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT


    I haven't seen any videos detailing this clear so here it is:

    You need to use a pink on blue unless your top lane will stand close enough to get vision for the first auto. You need to use trinket on wolf camp (can do without but loses 1-3 seconds on clear). Auto small wolf, auto blue, move to tether range, auto big wolf 1 time (allows blue to get into w range) then full channel W and auto the big wolf THREE times before channeling W again. 2 full channels will kill the wolf. Walk over auto gromp from max range then q it and full channel W on both blue and gromp. Channel W 3 times with 3 autos between W (last one can be 2 saving 1/2 second) as third W finishes start pathing to red and SMITE gromp right before it's tether resets for nimbus cloak. Run to top of tree and E the red buff (can do 2 points in W and walk into vision and auto but the time dif is almost exactly the same from losing the Q bonus dmg) auto the small raptor and walk to tether spot. NOT IN VIDEO but you should auto the big raptor 2 times here which will save you about 1 second. As red walks around the wall into W range, Q it for bonus dmg since it was feared, then channel W. 4 channels kills red, if you auto the big raptor 2 times before you see red, you kill raptor on 3rd W and can start kiting down to krugs. For this to save 1-2 seconds you HAVE TO use W BEFORE you get to the krug wall so it is off cooldown. As you turn the bend in the Krug wall, use e to hit both krugs (can hit just 1 doesn't matter) and then MAKE SURE YOU AUTO the big krug 1 time to applie red burn (saves 2 seconds) then q cancel the auto animation and channel W. Two more autos during W cooldown will let second W kill the krug. Start kiting towards river but use E to hit both medium krugs on spawn. I mess up in the video and should have auto each medium krug once then started kiting further towards river before using my W to kill them on first channel but that only makes around a 1/2 second difference. Depending on their spawn, you should be able to keep kiting towards river and use your E (just off cooldown) to kill all 4 baby krugs. I am sure better clicking could bring this 1:50 clear down to 1:45 at best, but this is by far the fastest clear I have seen this season as it lets you have smite up for bottom crab (top crab is likely taken by enemy jung) BUT assuming you have prio (and maybe if you buy 2 pinks instead of greeding the free 75g extra start gold) you can get bottom crab then immediately go into enemy bottom jungle as their gromp should be spawning as you enter or still be up if enemy jung ignored it on first clear...same for wolf camp. Please let me know if I missed anything or if you have tips to optimize this past 1:50.

    submitted by /u/pro185
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    YSK: You can practice CSing under tower in Practice Tool.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    CSing under tower is an important skill, because it's something you'll need in bad match-ups and losing lanes. That's exactly where you need every CS you can get to still give you a chance of winning the game.

    Here's how you do it:

    1. Go into Practice Tool and start up a game

    2. Place 2-3 Enemy Target Dummies between T1 and T2 tower in the lane you want to practice in

    3. Practice CSing under tower as all your minions get stuck attacking the target dummies

    submitted by /u/Wayward_EU
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    League of Habits

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: This might be the biggest shitpost you will ever read in this sub, but I think it is a viable, but rare pattern of thinking about the game.

    Hello everyone,

    for a long time I wanted to write something meaningful that helps players enjoy this game and improve at it. However, I was never someone who could go in-depth about the best runes or itemization for your champion or anything like that. I was always amazed by streamers or pros who could explain every single step of what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they are doing it.

    So what is this post all about, you may ask. I am neither an expert on rune and itemization nor mechanically gifted.

    The answer is the importance of:

    Awareness and Habits

    Quick infos about me:

    For the majority of my ranked history I was a casual Diamond player, who sometimes made it into Master but I could never go above that. I didn't think too much of myself, as I had (and certainly, to a certain extent, still have) the impression that I know much less than the average player. Watching other high elo players impressed me, and never would I have thought that I actually could make it to Challenger.

    My op.gg Profile.

    So when I started streaming, viewers would ask me about my rune choices and the reasoning behind it. I had so many discussions about rune choices, that made me think how I could have almost zero ideas about rune choices *and* still get to challenger. Additionally, I am not a mechanical legend, I am proud to maintain a >40% winrate on champs like Zed or Katarina in over 60 games each (Yikes).

    You might think, wow this post will teach me (like any other good guide) that it's not the teammates fault I am stuck in my elo. While I agree with that, I think all those posts seem to miss a big point.

    Make yourself aware on how much time you're wasting with destructive thoughts.

    Time is a limited and important resource in the game. I want you to be aware of how much time you spend on things like how you feel towards your teammates actions in every game. How often do you compare your team vs their team, or get mad about misplays by your team. If you are like I was, you have many of such thoughts. Even if you don't verbalize it in the chat, if you spend your time thinking about what happened in the past, you lose those seconds. It doesn't matter how you feel about certain actions when you lose a coinflip baron. What matters most is how you react to it. You have to think forwards, not backwards. Those precious seconds are lost forever when they are wasted on something that doesn't influence the outcome of the game in a positive way.

    Does it matter that I make my jungler know, that I didn't like how he plays? Does it matter when I tell my toplaner to stop dying to ganks? The obvious answer is no, it does not. But even if you don't put it into words and tell your teammates, that exact amount of time is lost even when you just think about it. The trick is to become aware of those feelings and regain your focus on constructive things. If you are into meditation, that is the feeling of your breath.

    But those negative, destructive thoughts are not the only thoughts that distract you from the game. When I look at guides on improving in league, they often state things like, map awareness, warding, state of the lane, priorities of the lane etc. etc. etc. I can tell you that no one is able to look at these things all at once. It is overwhelming to look at everything at once.

    When you are focusing on such things, chances are high that you are kind of tunneling into those. Don't get me wrong. Those things are *super* important, probably the most important aspects of the game. But if you try to keep thinking about everything all at once, it gets harder and harder to actually get stuff done.

    Build habits to make your games easier

    I recently read the book ,,Atomic Habits'' which shows how to build habits and stick to them. While it's kind of hilarious to compare building habits in real life to building habits in LoL, it is reasonable. If you think about your daily life, you will realize how many habits you have. You know how to brush your teeth, how to shower or how to eat. Habits are important, because you don't have to think about *how* to do certain actions. How hard would life be if you had to focus on those small habits? The more habits you build, the easier it gets to handle all the things you want to do.

    Now what does brushing teeth have to do with the video game I play?

    It starts with small things. As a support main, vision is a big aspect. Every time I base, I buy 2 pink wards and place them before I go to base next. If I see a ward, I use all my vision tools to clear those wards. Every time I enter our jungle, I instantly use my sweeper to check for any deep wards the enemies might have placed. I usually check (almost) every brush in the quarter of the map I am in. And while doing that, I am not actively thinking about any specific strategy.

    Whenever I built relic shield, I would forget to execute a cannon minion, which lead to a very delayed upgrade. I would have to check if a cannon wave would arrive next, wasting time on this. Now, I always hold one stack, unless it is a cannon wave. Because I built and automated this habit, I don't have to think about it any more. Instead, I can look for ganks or openings for a good trade.

    Those two simple examples are habits that are easy to remember and can be reproduced every game, regardless of the outcome. Because I don't have to worry about my vision any more, as it is my habit, I can use time more effectively. I know there are no wards in my jungle when I just cleared it. I know the enemy team is going for baron because I just warded there. I know the enemies don't have a clue about this baron call, as they don't have vision here.

    On a side note, this is why I one tricks have it *way* easier to climb, they know what their champion does and don't think about how to use their spells, as they know how to use their spells. (I am a Bard One Trick myself)

    As a support myself, I sometimes watch my toplaner getting ganked instead of focussing on what play is possible bot. Can I influence if my toplaner dies to a gank? No I can't. But if I waste my time and attention to that gank it influences me. It still happens to me that I look at toplane only to realize Thresh just hooked me and I died.

    You may ask, how do I build other habits? Use what is easiest for you. Usually, when I go base or roam, I always check the map on where I should roam next. Which objectives are up next that I should ward? Are the waves pushing in your favour? Since I always go back at least once a game, it is a habit I can execute every game.

    Now before you get overwhelmed with these actions, just choose one and try to do it once. You don't have to get perfect at this and do it *literally every time* you're in base. But even if you do it once a game, it makes you build a habit. If you get 1% better every game or day, you will improve more rapidly than trying to optimize everything you do all at once. Before you expect quick results to win every game from now on, be aware that even if it only gives you 1 win in 10 games through such actions, you will climb in the long term.

    Before I end this post and as a TL;DR, I want to list the most important informations from this post.

    1. As time is a very valuable resource in LoL, you should try to use it as efficiently as possible.
    2. You can achieve this by becoming aware of certain thoughts that are not helpful of winning the game. While those thoughts are completely natural and legitimate, when you become aware of them, you can move on and focus on what actually helps you in the game.
    3. Building habits makes it a lot easier to use your time efficiently, as when you're brushing your teeth in the morning you're thinking about what you're going to have for breakfast, but not what you're actually doing with your hands.
    4. Small steps towards automatization and building habits are more rewarding than improving everything at once. Almost everything can be automated. If you automate the basic parts of the game, you create so much room for other constructive things.
    submitted by /u/Trear
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    I increased the size of my chat bar and it has really helped with my map awareness

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    This sounds super counter intuitive but I was watching some Bjergsen vods and I noticed that his chat box is actually pretty big. I decided Bjerg probably knows best so I tried it.

    Turns out having chat slightly larger (definitely /mute all tho) almost forces you to keep track of pings and timers. Works pretty well for me. I used to have it super small so i didn't get distracted reading chat but now that we can mute all from settings I only see pings in the chat log.

    Give it a shot! Helped me a ton.

    submitted by /u/tjorii
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    Toplane Help

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I've started playing Toplane recently, and began playing league also very recently, started at the start of the year.

    I have this issue with TP (teleport) I usually try to use F keys when there's a skirmish on bot or dragon fight, but I almost never use it since I'm not sure if its worth to give up 1-3 tower plates and 1-3 waves while getting maybe 1-2 kills and a possible dragon. I'd like to learn how to recognize when is it worth to TP and assistn the team in fights.

    Currently in silver with gold mmr ( if that matters)

    I usually play Renekton, Ornn and Mordekaiser

    submitted by /u/LavMOD
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    Why is Sett support more played than Pantheon?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I'm not trying to break the meta not anything I'm just really puzzled as to why sett is hot as a support sometimes and I've really never heard about Pantheon being atleast playable. He has a seemingly solid kit, the biggest problem I saw was his Mana and damage since I tested him full tank with after shock.

    What is it that makes or breaks a support since stuff like full damage mages are so popular for the most part but the assassin style is way less common, even then the case of sett still comes to mind as not having As much general utility outside his ult, yet he's pretty popular, is it just the fact he doesn't need Mana or resources so he's just a sponge for damage?

    submitted by /u/alebarco
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    I'm a gold 3 Katarina. When I reach mid game I try to use my lead and pressure side lanes. Everyone always ARAMs mid. If I don't have time to shove the side wave into tower before they all clown fiesta, should I just go mid and help them considering I'm Katarina and need to team fight?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I am NOT trying to split push towers. I try to pressure side waves to not split farm and so that the enemy will come pick up the wave, and then I can collapse on team fights with a numbers advantage. I'm just trying to shove the wave. HOWEVER, almost every time my team just goes full send mode down mid lane and I can't get there in time. If I type in chat to tell them to wait they don't listen because they want to team deathmatch so badly. So my question is, should I just keep pushing while they clown fiesta and get flamed when they all die? Or do I need to be mid to coinflip a 5v5 team fight? Sometimes I feel the smarter decision is to keep pushing, but when they all die it just feels like I should have been there especially considering I'm Katarina. I can't figure out the right call. I try to time it correctly and push the waves before they ARAM, but half the time it doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    I feel useless in every game, and I feel like all I do is feed/create bad situations.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    For context I am a Gold 1 ADC main with a 59% winrate, in my opinion it is only this high because of my low games played (75~ games this season) and me just getting lucky carries.

    I feel like in laning phase I always lose, no matter who I play. I'll either get poked out to hell when trying to farm, or just lose all ins. Even when I try to poke the enemy AD as they last hit, it just never seems to be enough. It's not because of ganks from either side or any mid roams, it's just that in every 2v2 bot I tend to underperform and always lose. I also tend to be down 10-15 cs in laning phase even with continued practice on farming, I can farm under tower well but it just feels like the enemy is always better at pressuring me off of CS than I am. Just the other day I had a game where I was playing Vayne with a Nautilus support again a Draven with a Brand support, early on we started a fight and Singed TP'd down and we lost the 3v2, from here on Draven just bullied me out of CS and froze at tower, I ended up down 50+ CS and 3 levels, I couldn't do anything because whenever I walked up Brand and Draven would just aggro me off the wave or kill me. I don't understand how to come back in these situations as I feel just completely useless.

    In mid-game I feel like I have nothing to do, or I am always in the wrong place. When I go bot or top to shove a wave that just crashed into tower, a fight almost always breaks out on the other side of the map and my team is left without an ADC. If I go mid I will either just push the wave and be left with nothing to do, or get 3-4 manned and die for it. In team fights I tend to stay alive pretty long, and my kiting is decent, but I still feel like the enemy ADC always just does more than I can do in every fight.

    In late-game I tend to not get caught out but in team fights I can never do as much as I would want to. I can't tell if this is just me being too scared or too safe in the fight trying to make sure I don't die, or if I am just not focusing the right people. I think I do pretty fine in this aspect though.

    Is there any way for me as an ADC player to get better control over laning phase and mid game? Every game I tend to feel as if I'm just there to be carried by my team and never do much.

    submitted by /u/CeariusX
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    If you play ADC and struggle, read this.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I rcently picked up adc role and read some guides and watched videos and the only thing I can tell you is farm and position yourself.

    What do I mean? Fuck ur inting team let them die, sure there will be games you CANT win even if you try as much as you can but most of the games you can win just by powerfarming and joining last 3 TF which you will surely win.

    What do I mean by positioning is that you just stand far back and wait. Tab and look, what are the things that WILL kill me(almost anything) but you get the point. Just wait and shoot anything in your range.

    Just something i picked up during my adc month. Maybe it will help someone.

    submitted by /u/Perwool
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    How to Punish Akali Top

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Akali Top has a horrible win rate, and is supposed to be terrible, but I struggle against it every time I see it. I play mostly Sion and Ornn, and often don't know I am picking into Akali, or the Akali picks after me. I feel like I cannot respond to her harass, and when I try to trade she can always escape my primary damage abilities with stealth or the movement on her E.

    I am clearly missing something. Akali players, what do your opponent do to you to succeed? Non-Akali players, what are you doing that I am not that is making her lose the majority of her games? Thanks in Advance!

    submitted by /u/hooontaaah
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    Season 10 [patch 10.10] D1 JAXMIAN Full GUIDE

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Hi I am CXFY, I am Jax main that's currently D1. I've been playing Jax for a few years now and l've finally decided to make a guide to pass on my knowledge to those who are interested. I will be covering everything you need to know to make you a better jax player.

    In this post I will be covering each of the followings: Runes, Builds, Matchups / Laning phase, Mid/ Late game, and Teamfighting. I might not be able to explain everything, and I will post a more in-depth guide on youtube. feel free to ask any questions in the comment section.

    Runes: https://gyazo.com/976614d4c2b4542921f9fd53147770bc

    • AS, AD, Armor Jax is an auto attack based champ, take attack speed to auto faster and pick adaptive force second. Always take armor even against some AP champs because you will get hit by minions a lot when you trade in lane. (Minions do a lot of damage early game)
    • Conqueror Pretty self-explainatory.
    • Legend: Tenacity - Usually in a teamfight, Jax needs to jump in melee range, and it will be hard to dodge some of the enemies' CC abilities. So I recommend always taking when the enemy team has more than 3 CC abilities.
    • Last stand Last stand makes you do more dmg when you are low. Jax loves taking extended trades, so last stand is the perfect rune for the champ.
    • *****WHEN TO GO BORK FIRST ITEM AND WHEN NOT***I will speak more in-depth into this topic in a seperate YouTube video.**he long run (it also give you more ms which Jax loves). Time Warp tonic gives you speed on proc, it refills half of the health and mana instantly, which makes your laning phase a bit stronger.



    Always start with corrupting pot Jax has bad sustain in lane, you will need this in lane for any match-ups.

    ***WHEN TO GO BORK FIRST ITEM AND WHEN NOT***I will speak more in-depth into this topic in a separate YouTube video. Blade Of the Ruined King is arguably one of the best items on jax, but you shouldn't be buying it on every matchups. BORK gives you the best one item spike, but you will be weak before its completed. Against squishy champ i recommend buying Tri-Force First. Buying BORK makes your two item spike weaker because you will be too squishy.

    I recommend Three different build path prioritizing early(also better splitpush)/ mid / late .

    1. BORK ➜ Trinity / Black Cleaver ➜ Frozen mallet ➜ Wits End ➜ Optional
    2. Trinity ➜ Black Cleaver ➜ Steraks Titanic-Hydra WitsEnd GA (Orders differed in different games)
    3. Trinity ➜ Titanic- Hydra ➜ Death dance ➜ Steraks/ Rageblade/ SpiritVisage/ GA/ Wits End



    DIfficulties from easy to hard 1 to 5 stars * * * * \*

    • Garen *\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. Try to Counterstrike Garen's Q. Your Counterstrike also makes you take less dmg from AOE dmg (Garen's E). Fight Garen when his E is on CD.
    • Tryndamere *\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. Auto him first then E, when he spins away you Q follow. Walk away and do not auto when he Ults.
    • Darius **\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. Do not engage with your Q unless you are very ahead, try to start with auto + W + auto and only use Q if for Darius inner Q, or if it's a guaranteed kill, try to counterstrike Darius' W empowered autos.
    • Morde \* Rush BORK and win.
    • Sett ****\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. Do not engage with your q unless you are very ahead. Use q to disengage when he uses w or has a lot of shield bar and wait it out.
    • Irelia *\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. You win all-ins against Irelia,but use Q to follow when she's trying kite you, and you can always walk away when Irelia kites too far away,
    • Malphite ***\* Malphite with Q max and comet is annoying to play against. You can let Malphite Q you early so he runs out of mana before you run out of health. He runs out of mana really fast if he uses q at early level(1or2 points on q), try to not take extra dmg and push the waves early. First recall buy Negatron Cloak first buy and focus on farming. Sit on that mr and buy Trinity + Black Cleaver.
    • Teemo ****\* You can engage with QE, follow teemo with counter-strike when he blinds you (dont auto him, so after the blind duration you are close to him) and then keep all inning him. ALSO call JG for help if possible.
    • Illaoi ***\* Illaoi only wins fights if she lands e on you. You can counter-strike Illaoi's W and her passive or Ult tentacle will not hit you. You can buy executioners.
    • Renekton **\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS. You win long trades before Renekton get his second q back. Dont start with Q, start with auto, counterstrike and Q to follow his dash and stun(don't greed another auto) and walk away.(so he w you on counterstrike or you already walk out within stun duration).
    • Fiora *\* You can engage with QE,walk around fiora when she W. Kite the opposite direction of the Fiora Vitals. When Fiora ults you, you can hug a wall, so she can't proc all for healing.
    • Cho Gath **\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS, you can engage with QE. Whenever Cho Gath uses his E, you need to stop autoing immediately and walk out of it, either to the side or behind Cho. This match up focus on dodging Q and be aware of his kill threshold with ult.
    • Ornn **\* Use your E after Ornn W, and don't stand too close to a wall or Ornn Q for his knock-ups. If Ornn does not proc his W passive early game, he will not win trades. When Ornn ult you, try to not get hit by R1, or stun him when his R goes to him so that he can't R2. You should win before Ornn gets his two items upgraded.
    • Camille *\* Auto minions for third auto passive dmg and AS, Camille can't auto when she casts W, so you can Q into her inner W and uses E slightly after, but make sure he does not get her passive shield at the beginning of the trade. If you time your stun well when he E the wall you can stun her out of it.
    • Akali **\* Play around akali's CD, and try to block an Akali passive auto with your E, don't just use it for stun. When her E is down you can all in, use your R early.
    • Vlad ***\* Don't push waves so you have longer distance to chase. Q auto him W him attack move well follow him, don't use your e until he pools so you can stun.
    • Wukong (?????) I perma ban


    Mid to late game and Teamfightings

    Jax is a very good split pusher, and when enemy is heavy cc comp with magic dmg, your teamfighting might not be as amazing. You will need to split push for pressure. Like all the split pushers, you need to find the best time to split, and try your hardest to not get caught for free. A good time to split would be you having tp on the other side of map when your team is grouped up around an objective. You split and get people trying to kill you, when your team gets objectives. (important try to not die) Or tp to the objective and get that objective as a team when enemy(s) tries to match you.

    In a teamfight, you don't always want to go in first if not necessary. You will want to look into autoing the enemy frontline saving your q and jump to the enemy backline with counterstrike, Don't be too far away from your team because you are not a tank.


    Final thoughts and Extra tips

    Jax is a very strong champ for carrying most Elos if you are good at it, so i definitely recomend to spam it when you have last picks.

    Jax benefits from having waves close to your turret, so you have longer distances to chase. On most match-ups, you want to push the first Wave (not too fast) and push it in with the second wave, So wave bounces back to infront of your turret at Level 4 and you can look for potential kills ask for jg gank to get yourself ahead.

    This is My OP.GG https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=twtv+cxfy

    submitted by /u/twitchtv_cx_fy
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    Play around the split pushing teammate

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    When pressuring a dragon or baron, it's common to see 10 people dancing around it for minutes with no actual progress. Then one person suddenly decided it was a good time to go all in while the outcome of that fight is anyone's guess.

    Unless the entire team is stomping, it's hard to predict how an even numbered fight will go either way. It's better to have one person (with decent clear. Please don't send your support), preferably the one with teleport to push the far side lane (ie dragon: top, baron: bot). This way, you are creating a second pressure point and you as a team has some income. More importantly, this forces the enemy team to send at least one person to deal with the spit pusher AND the wave. Once you confirm that some enemies have left, the split pusher should look to return to the team to collapse on the enemy. If the enemy send more than 1 person, your team already have a number advantage. Either way, force the fight when you get that number advantage.

    This means that the split pusher should look to push and rendezvous with the team ALIVE. While you should absolutely force the fight when you have the number advantage. Far too often the split pusher decide that it's good enough to die pushing because they got a tier 2 turret to half health. Or the team waited too long to force the fight that it becomes 5v5 again.

    Lastly, you can hardly change other people's behavior, especially not over the internet over the course of a match. Instead of trying to talk the split pusher into group with the team, adapt your own play around them.

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    How to counter hard early matchups like panth

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a midlaner main, play ekko, trynd and Quinn, yes strange champ pool

    Last game I got matched against a panth midlane that bulliyed me

    All lanes lost (also a quiyana top gold that was drunk) how am I supposed to not get bulliyed and win lane in order not to ff at 15 min?

    submitted by /u/TheharpoonGuy
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    Why am I always one of lowest damage in the game?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    No matter what champ or position I play, it seems when I look at the post game graphs I'm always on the lower side of damage. Am I being too afraid in team fight! Should I just dive in? In general what can I do to get more damage on other champs throughout the game? Is this more of a macro issue that I don't know where I should be correctly positioned?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How does honoring up actually work?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    First of all I read this thread being first result in google.

    Facts Ive figured so far.. in over 100 Accounts a single of them has ever reached honor 3. That account was level 8 and honored once in one game by all 4 players.

    Following previous thread, its apparently about not being reported.. now thats quite difficult having some losers going in the queue as a team and reporting you... so how hard is it in return to level up by getting a full team honor in multiple teams, and how does the "honor lock" work when you get reported too often but dont get a penalty -> level down but only a invisible progression block? How does it lift?

    Anyone experimented so far with honor levels?

    submitted by /u/Testnick
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    how to get better at not flaming players that purposely troll/ int

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Hi all, as the title suggests? how do i get better at not flaming said players? I play support a lot, and just got a 14 day ban for using homophobic terms that i used out of anger towards 2 players who had essentially sat afk/ trolled the game i was in, i know what i did was wrong, and would like to work on it, but it just irks me when i feel like i cant play my role when i feel so reliant on others, and with my poor level of skill, if the ADC does poorly, the game goes to shit

    submitted by /u/aluranillo
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    How do I counter urgot as a wukong.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I am a n00b (level 15) and I just played a game where my team got steamrolled by an urgot. He played top against me and got an early pick but I kept cs fairly even. He absolutely wrecked my team every single fight and it seemed like we couldn't kill him no matter what we did even though myself and him were the same level and it was a 5v4 in our favour.

    submitted by /u/joseph-kain
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    Always half hp after clearing 3/4 camps as reksai

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Any videos or help with clearing camps? I always struggle with raptors when I target the smaller ones.. I always end up 1/2 hp when contesting the scuttle crab or going for a gank at level 3/4

    Should I just buy the talisman instead of the blade?

    submitted by /u/Verdasco123
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    How do you start picking up new champions in gameplay?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    My question is kind of confusing lol. I didn't really know how to word it.

    I started LoL recently, and I have ONLY been playing Lux for the past two weeks or so. I was getting kind of bored, so I tried playing Jax after watching a guide on YouTube. I FAILED SO BADLY. This made me wonder how people start playing new champions. Do you guys just fail in game a bunch of times until you understand the mechanics of the champion? How do you get better at the champion?

    submitted by /u/mojjacheese
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    Jungle is the most important role of the game

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Title. I'm support main and I've learnt a lot by playing for 3 years with my challenger jungle main brother. During that time I greatly improved my map awareness and the symergy that a jungler- support can have. After these years and experience I went to D4 from S1 and planning to climb even more. I believe that a good jungler that knows where to go, when to go, how to go, which one to take care and which one to leave a bit behind is the first thing that a team needs in order to have a strong start beforw even the game starts. Maybe my experience is that so that influences my opinion.

    Try to change it!


    submitted by /u/ImperatorZeus07
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    Cs question

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    So hello everyone. I am a gold 1 player and I mostly play midlane azir. My team fighting and champion mechanics are decent for my level but I have an issue csing. I get something like 150 cs in 25 min games, I want to improve but one a tower falls aram begins and I fall behind after landing phase. How can I get better at keeping my cs better ? Should I roam to another lane when people gather mid ? If I do that then they'll lose the tf and start flaming.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/HellRaiserQQ0
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    Attack move tips

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm not new to League of Legends but I am new to the ADC role. I wanted to try something new and try to learn marksmen. One problem I have myself having is kiting and doing damage. First off, is there a technique for attack move? I've watched several videos on how to attack move but I still can't seem to do it right, and find myself auto-piloting to right clicking an enemy champion and then right clicking away. For attack move, am I suppose to to SHIFT + Right Click and then just Right Click, and repeat this in rapid succession. Every time I do it I seem to move nowhere. It is kind of hard to explain but any tips are appreciated. This question does not directly relate to attack move, but as marksman, I should ideally do damage to the closest target, and only go for the enemy carry if they are pushed up or something right? I feel like if I walk up an inch to far, I will likely die from enemy burst or CC. I generally understand positioning as mages but maybe marksman are different? When is the "right time" to auto the enemy champ? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Shirky98
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    jungler in need of help

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    i recently got into ranked and currently in silver 2 (from iron 1) with a ~62% win rate(60games) with high silver and mid gold mmr, ive been struggling lately to close out games and sometimes lose games due to my adc just getting outclassed and not doing dmg in teamfights. are there any general tips on how i can improve as a jungler and prevent this. any suggestion is welcome thanks! also how many games did it take for u guys to reach gold or plat when u guys tried climbing ranked.

    submitted by /u/JJJJJJJJJJKLMNOP
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