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    Saturday, May 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Really neat tip by TSM Doublelift for Aphelios: You should look to fight if you have a low amount of ammo early game so you can use four abilities

    LoL Guide Really neat tip by TSM Doublelift for Aphelios: You should look to fight if you have a low amount of ammo early game so you can use four abilities

    Really neat tip by TSM Doublelift for Aphelios: You should look to fight if you have a low amount of ammo early game so you can use four abilities

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:34 AM PDT


    This is a tip that even Biofrost has never used before.

    Basically, if you have use an ability, and then run out of ammo, it switches to your next gun, which resets your Q CD, so you can use another ability.

    So if you manage to reload both of your guns in one fight, you can potentially get 4 abilities off just in that fight.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Video analysis of the types of team compositions used for competitive play and the general draft theory behind them.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Through my research of multiple games in the LEC, LCS, LCK and LPL, I was able to categorize 6 types of team compositions that many would already know the names of:

    1. Charge - Lots of AOE abilities, tanky frontline, and love teamfights
    2. Capture - play for early game dominance, single target burst, CC, and high mobility.
    3. Split - one or two champions take TP and try to backdoor you until you respond to them.
    4. Poke - long range skills to poke and force recalls.
    5. Protect - don't let the enemy touch the ADC comp; enchanters + tanks + hyper scaling ADC.
    6. Dance - invulnerability, stealth, very high mobility and all around annoying to deal with.

    The video covers these team comp types more in-depth using examples from recent competitive games in the spring split. In the final section of the video I go over one particular draft and explain how both teams could have made improvements to them by picking champions that would make better team comps. Hopefully you learn something useful that you can apply when drafting your own clash teams!

    Video Link: https://youtu.be/yt-B9A1-FHg

    submitted by /u/Zernos_Park
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    Is it true that tenacity reduces airborne duration indirectly ?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    According to wikia, airborne is made of two things :

    -a forced displacement

    -an underlying stun

    Removing the stun allows the usage of movement abilities like Master's Yi Q or flash. Can someone expert confirm this ? It's not easy to test.

    submitted by /u/levymarkov
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    How should a top/mid duo play when behind early?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I (NA Silver) play mid almost exclusively with a duo toplane main, and recently we've been having struggles wherein one or both of us fall behind early, and from there we simply lose the game since we have two fed enemy solo lanes. How do we play around this?

    If one of us gets behind, should we try to help by sacrificing cs for a roam to each other's respective lane, or just admit that we lost lane and hug tower while collecting as much cs as we can? It feels as though whichever decision we make, it ends up backfiring.

    For context, I usually play hyperscaling picks like Corki/Ryze, while he usually plays for lane with Urgot/Aatrox, etc. Also, my op.gg.

    Sidenote, if you ever need proof that you should main a few champs for your roles look at the number of champs I've played in ranked once and look at the nice 13% winrate.

    submitted by /u/Pkch42
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    I can't get objectives when I play jungle no matter what I do as an adc player

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I've been playing adc since season 3 and I really never tried other lanes other than mid. Recently I have decided to switch to jungle but no matter what I do I just can't get the objectives I successfully gang here and there but that's it. I really don't know what to do when I play jungle.

    submitted by /u/Tiantuga
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    s4 diamond I - s2020 gold II

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    I am aware that, a lot of people posted similar threads, but I couldn't find anything that can help me particularly. I'll try to make this short. So season 3-4 I'm a high elo ADC in multiple regions, actually going to tournaments etc. School-girls-work made me stop playing it at all. Fast forward i started playing again since a year ago. Very much on and off playing different games, but here is the thing. I remember in s4 playing gold games almost with my eyes closed by just micro knowladge, and winning streaks after streaks if i really focus on the macros&metas of the game on diamond-master elo. I don't really follow any major game&event like I used to do but i genuinely have an idea of the latest patches, new runes etc. I was and still am a big believer on if you can be the difference maker on the game, you would win it most likely. I am not that difference maker in more then half of my games. I still can become a big factor if i play s4 champions like Lucian-jinx, hell even corki on some games. I still have the most win rates by these guys. Now i really think i can push to platinium elo but thats just not what i aim for. If i continue playing i need to know i can be back at the top spots, otherwise it just feels like a grind that isn't worth. Let me tell few points about me right now; there are some games where I shine and carry pretty much singlehandedly with my difference on others in terms of CS,Macro calls, very obvious micro skirmishes/kills, never raging, ignoring the trolls etc., but these only happen I'd say 1/4 of my games, on others i simply just can't carry, i play no better then average player and my decision makings are just horrifying, I'm always extremely calm interacting others and there is always an urge of just tagging along with others even though i know it is a bad idea but since I couldn't get ahead early on the game, I stop having that confidince of judgement. Another note is that i feel like i get much more easily excited/anxious for these games then before; to the point where my heart rate goes up for almost every team fight late in the game. That also lowers my confidence late in the game. Now my questions are; 1)Am i actually getting too old for the game? I'm 28 and i heard bunch of pros telling you get worse over age, teams don't hire old players etc. 2) Has the league&players progressed this much that my cap did go down to gold? 3) Is adc this bad in todays solo q meta?(seeing ppl play ap carrys on bot lane kind of makes this a solid point too) I really dont want to put my efforts if im just not good enough anymore or if I don't fit this new meta.

    submitted by /u/JaJ0
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    Kiting as adc

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    What is better A-click or only press a to kite if u Guys know what I mean? Or is 1 of those options both fine? I dont know Whats the difference between those options. So far i know pro use A click if Im right?

    Thanks a lot already for the answers.

    submitted by /u/CoachSpiervin
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    Q or E first as Thresh?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Hey, I decided to go back to playing support after playing top lane for a while. I started playing Thresh and saw a bunch of videos of people taking E over Q first. What are the pros and cons of getting either ability first? I think E allows for better trades/shoving waves for minions, but an early Q can earn potentially an early kill. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/whitecoloredpencils
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    Conqueror on Elise is Better Than You Think

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    What are the important timings I should know as a jungle?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Clear timing? Walking from fountain to dragon? to top, mid, bottom?

    I like to know what time it takes for a laner to crush a lane of minions. I like to know how long it would take the enemy to back off from the tower to catch them. Be able to catch enemy jungle off guard doing the path. Be able to predict the timing to counter-gank.

    I think it is kinda important information in order to have an advantage over the enemy team.

    submitted by /u/Kindly_Violinist
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    How do I deal with Tryndamere?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I constantly dodge games with him in becuase of how often i lose to him but today my ego got the best of me and thought it couldn't be that bad if I tried to play against him once in a while

    At anypoint between lvls 1-6 he will let wave push and freeze it next to his tower. If I try to farm He will press E and crit me to death with his full rage bar and use ignite. focing me to be behind in both levels and gold otherwise it's a free kill for himWhen I try to trade he'll simply remove most of my damage with W and he will just heal it back up with Q, winning every tradeWhen I farm under tower and he's got his ult up he will just towerdive me or just poke and E Q awayWhen he gets ganked he will E across the lane and use flash to get out. If this happens while he has ult he will just 1v2When I leave lane he will; get 3 plates/destory tower; match my roam/wait in a bush for me to return and kill me there; go up 40 cs; recall and buy all the items he wantsWhen the game goes into late he will splitpush forever or dominate in a teamfight by pressing E W onto my adc and then use R. If we manage to land any CC to stop him the enemy team will just follow in and mow us down while we focus on stopping trynd


    In the early game (pre 6) he's a nightmare thanks to the fact he will always out trade you becuase of his rage mechanic and post 6 he's still a nightmare becuase you literally cant kill him if he uses R and E in any situation that looks a little too dangerous for him And i dont know how to deal with him

    submitted by /u/NeoCast4
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    How do you play the new fiddlesticks?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    I've been a huge fan of the fiddlesticks rework and I love what they did with him. I'm a jungle main and so I was more than happy to try and play him. But I've finding him harder to play than I thought. His clear is super easy and I've studied his abilities extensively (I followed the rework and watched everything I could on him), but I can't find much success with him for some reason. A lot of the youtube channels I watch for guides or general league info say he's S+ tier and a good pick, but I have not found that much success. Either my team feeds and I can't protect my jungle and lose hard, or my match up does what he knows counter fiddle and plays super aggressively and takes over my jungle. Either way, I get screwed. I am in low elo, so part of it could be my decision making when it comes to picks and some macro play. Either way, I know I'm doing something wrong. Any tips on match ups or how hes played normally in the jungle? I can't find any real guides on youtube after his rework and it's just gameplay, which I can only learn so much from, assuming the video isn't just a weird build showcase. Please help!

    TL;DR: Everyone says the new fiddlesticks is a good pick but I can't figure him out. Tips and tricks? Please send help.

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    Zed Farming and TF/Roaming

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have a couple of things I need help with. For reference, I am currently in Gold 4, and I'm almost Gold 3 in case this information is necessary to give me advice. It's been a while since I've played ranked so I'm also getting back into the process of trying to be in my peak LoL shape.

    Idk why it says Twisted Fate btw.

    So lately I've been having trouble farming properly in lane, but somehow winning in games since I constantly keep getting carried (I don't want to get constantly carried and I actually want to improve).

    For context: my play-style usually consists of playing like a pussy. I don't make unnecessary risks unless I'm with my entire team since I don't want one tiny mistake to snowball out of control in lane (which has happened so many times I lost count). However I feel like that's creating some sort of mental block for me to farm properly even against favorable matchups unless I know for a fact I can beat the champion.

    Tips? I know part of the problem is that I need to grow balls, but I just can't.

    Also another thing. When do I splitpush as Zed? I know there's quite a lot of posts out there but they don't outline specific scenarios and they just gave general tips. Specific scenarios would be helpful

    On the same note, when do I roam as Zed? From my knowledge, you should splitpush as Zed once you get your midlane pushed up, or splitpush until an objective is almost up. But do I also splitpush once cannon wave is frozen? What other scenario or what scenario specifically should I be splitting both in laning and out of laning phase?

    submitted by /u/Falcude
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    Why is Cho’Gath 5th tier?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    In op.gg, Cho'Gath is listed as a 5th tier top laner, which is not good at all. However, when I play him, he looks like a strong and powerful champion, and I perhaps play him better than any other. Why is he considered as such a low tier top tier, as opposed to a meta pick? What is holding him back from the top of tier lists? I genuinely can't spot anything at all while playing him.

    submitted by /u/Orcus_The_Fatty
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    Learn how to calculate your damage

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT


    I don't think this is a necessary skill for you to be good at the game at all. But, I do think it will allow you to identify punish windows more easily, especially if you don't have the games on a certain champion/matchup to know how effective your trades/all-ins will be.


    High level players tend to have a better "feel" for their damage from so many games, but they also do a lot of guesswork. How many times have you heard on stream/in a video "Oh wow, I thought that would kill him," or "I don't know if I can kill here." ? Also, one of my pet peeves is watching a Kalista get a ton of stacks into an objective and then waiting until under their damage to Rend for the kill (i.e. They would do 800 with Rend but wait until 500 or less to Rend). You should know your damage.

    I don't think it's realistic to calculate your damage in a teamfight for all the enemies, but for 1v1 or skirmishes up to 2 or maybe even 3 targets you should be able to know/feel your damage and set up a plan for the fight.

    The Steps

    1) Know your pre-mitigation damage.

    • At minimum you should check your damage when you buy an item that adds AP/AD. Look at your AD for autos, hover abilities for their damages.

    • For scaling runes, check at increments. E.g. If you have Electrocute, make sure you know its damage at your current level. If you have Dark Harvest, make sure you know its damage at current stacks. Etc.

    • If you have Ignite, know its damage at your level as well.

    2) Click on the champion you're thinking about hitting, and look at their **appropriate resist (i.e. if you're doing magic damage, use MR in the equation). Here's the equation for your damage multiplier:**

    100 / (100 + resist) if resist >= 0
    2 - 100/(100-resist) if resist < 0

    from https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Damage#Damage_Calculation

    • What is 'your damage multiplier'? It's a coefficient that adjusts your damage. So if your damage is 'x' and your multiplier is '.6', your damage = .6x. So, 60% of your damage makes it through their resists.

    3) Consider enemy defensive options.

    • Do they have Barrier? Do they have Lifeline item (Hexdrinker/Sterak/PD)? How much do they shield for? Etc.

    Math Tips

    I don't expect people to be doing precise math in-game. But you can get close. Since everyone has different levels of math ability and learned differently, here's a few generic tips for calculating damage.

    • You're almost never going to be penetrating below 0 resist, so calculating your multiplier will almost always be 1000/(100+resist) instead of 100/(100+resist). This is because when the dividend (number being divided, i.e. 100) is smaller than the divisor (number dividing, i.e. 130), you add a 0 to the dividend. If this is confusing, maybe the example later on will help.

    • If you struggle with mental math or just want to make it a little easier, you can round your damage down and their resist up. This will allow some wiggle room as you will almost always calculate your damage to be lower than it is, which means you're accounting for things like potions.
      You don't want to do too much rounding, though. What I'm talking about is instead of going with .77, go with .75. Then you can say "I'm doing 3/4 pre-mitigation damage" instead of worrying about that extra hundredth. Or, if they have 45 MR, round up to 50.

    • Change how you view the information. In our above example we're doing ~.76 our full damage. Or, we're missing ~25% of our full damage.

    • In the same vein as the previous tip, you can swap the percentage and number. E.g. What is 47% of 10? You may not know, but you probably know that 10% of 47 is 4.7.

    • Instead of dividing or multiplying by 100 to convert between percent and decimal, divide the number by 10 and multiply the percentage by 10. So 7% of 330 becomes 33% of 70.


    Let's do an example with Syndra. Let's say you calculate your pre-mitigation damage to be 700, and let's say that the enemy has 30 MR. When can you go for a kill?

    Again, use some of the above math tips depending on how comfortable you are with mental math. Knowing the exact numbers is of course better, but here's how I would do this in-game:

    Getting the multiplier:

    • 100 / 130 becomes 1000 / 130 if we extend the dividend to account for the divisor being larger.
    • Now we solve.
    • 130 x 7 = 910, 130 x 8 = 1040, so we go with 7.
    • 1000 - 910 = 90
    • Extend the divisor again so 90 becomes 900.
    • 900 / 130 is just slightly less than 7 (because we know 130 x 7 = 910), so we now have 76
    • Since we added two 0's, we add two decimals.
    • So, we're looking at .76something as the multiplier, 76.something%. That's pretty close to .75 so I'm gonna roll with that.

    Getting real damage: Since 75% = 3/4, we're missing 1/4 of our damage. 700/4 = 175. So our actual damage is 700 - 175 = 525.

    So we can go for a kill when the enemy is around 530 HP.

    We got 525 with rounding. If you use a calculator, the result is 538.46 (truncated). 13.46 damage isn't necessarily negligible, but can be played around.

    This is also where "limit testing" comes into play and you start to develop the "feel for" your damage. "Last time I had these items against someone with around 30 MR, I did about 530 damage, so I should be able to kill here if I get 2 more autos."

    Eventually if you play the same champ enough you can just start looking at how much damage each ability is doing as you trade and "feel" when you can all-in. You'll be in similar situations quite frequently. E.g. You have 2 DRings, you're about to hit level 6 and the enemy has 33 MR. You all in at 6 and kill them. Next game, you're about to hit level 6, you have 2 DRings and the enemy has 31 MR. You should feel/know when you can kill them around a certain HP based on your previous experience.


    Here's the formula for calculating post-resist damage. It's simple, so start using it to identify your kill thresholds and punish your enemies harder.

    submitted by /u/Schwagbert
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    After the laning phase should my build be geared toward whoever is most powerful on the other team?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    One thing that I've been confused about is how I am supposed to create a build based on 5 other players. In general is it best practice to just build items that counter the most Fed enemy? Or should my build have little pieces to handle each of the enemy champion. Building is definitely one of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to lane against Nasus?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    General consensus seems to be that you punish his weak early game. Specifically I was wondering about his matchup with Jax. It's supposed to be in Jax's favor, so I tried it the other day, but the Nasus outsustained my trades and I couldn't commit too much to a trade due to pressure from his jungler. Eventually he hit level 6 and became really hard to deal with after that. We did win, only because my team's Syndra mid hard carried. Are there any other things I could have done in this scenario? My W didn't seem put a major dent in his health and it honestly seemed like we were around the same power level until he hit 6.

    submitted by /u/TheFergusLife
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    How do I take care of my laners as a Jungler?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Specifically when it comes to wave clear. Say I go to gank bottom lane, and whether all the laners die, or recall, let's just say I'm the only one left in the lane. Is it best to try to set up a freeze, clear the wave and let it crash into the enemies turret, or just leave it? The only lane I play occasionally is top lane, so I'm just not sure what would be the best action.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/CorrosiveElephant
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    Advice on how to always hit level2 first botlane?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Hello, I am a support main and not sure why but i always struggle to hit level2 first to apply more pressure. Is it because I dont use relic shield so i cant execute melee from second wave? Like is it a disadvantage if i play against someone that uses it? I feel that my lane doesnt hit level2 first 70% of the time. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/benylul
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    How can I maintain CS throughout the game?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    When I'm in lane I can always get 100-150 CS pretty frequently by 20 minutes. However, I never really get to 200 if the match goes on till around 35 minutes. This usually happens when I win mid lane and I'm busy roaming to help out the team since I have a lead.

    If I'm busy roaming and helping in team fights for the rest of the match I never think to get my CS up. What are some tips to make sure I keep my CS climbing while I'm roaming and team fighting?

    submitted by /u/darkness876
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    Reksai or Lee Sin

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    I'm s1 top/jg main. I play kayn in jg and I played him so much. Before the buffs noonepicked him or played. And I had fun playing with him. And now I want to learn someone else. I found Lee and reksai looking fun to play. But can't decide whitchone to play. Would love to hear pros and cons about both of them.

    submitted by /u/DNgamesDev
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    How to afk farm jungle

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a returning player to the game playing jungle. I play several champions but if I analyze my winrate with each of them my worst winrate is with afk farm jungler like Shyvana, Nocturne, etc. However, my KDA is better with them than with other junglers. So I supposed I miss something. I often duoQ with a midlaner that like early ganks but I feel way more confident with Shyvana that can farm, secure drake in early and then gank.

    I'm here to ask to more experienced players how to use these champs ? When to pick them ? What to do if all your lane are loosing before you can even gank ? And any other tips you may have !

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Azumi-San
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